Mantel, Sukhmani K, Muller, Nikite W J, Hughes, Denis A. Ecological impacts of small dams on South African rivers Part 2: Biotic response – abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate communities. 2010.
Hits: 1247
Visitors: 1402
Downloads: 168
Mantel, Sukhmani K, Hughes, Denis A, Muller, Nikite W J. Water Research Commission; 2010. Ecological impacts of small dams on South African rivers Part 1: Drivers of change–water quantity and quality.
Hits: 246
Visitors: 258
Downloads: 14
Mantel, Sukhmani K, Muller, Nikite W J, Hughes, Denis A. Water Research Commission; 2010. Ecological impacts of small dams on South African rivers Part 2: Biotic response–abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate communities.
Hits: 170
Visitors: 187
Downloads: 18
Rivers-Moore, Nick A, Hughes, Denis A, Mantel, Sukhmani K. Water Research Commission; 2008. Links between water temperatures, ecological responses and flow rates: a framework for establishing water temperature guidelines for the ecological reserve.
Hits: 291
Visitors: 305
Downloads: 16
Rivers-Moore, Nick A, Hughes, Denis A, Mantel, Sukhmani K, Hill, Trevor R. First steps in the development of a water temperature model framework for refining the ecological Reserve in South African rivers. 2008.
Hits: 3743
Visitors: 3868
Downloads: 154
Tanner, Jane L, Griffin, Neil J, Slaughter, Andrew R, Mantel, Sukhmani K, Dabula, Pumza, Hughes, Denis A, Wolff, Margaret G. Water Research Commission; 2020. Impacts of Climate Change in Determining the Ecological Reserve.
Hits: 740
Visitors: 753
Downloads: 21
Slaughter, Andrew R, Gwapedza, David, Mantel, Sukhmani K, Hughes, Denis A, Griffin, Neil J. Water Research Commission; 2018. Extending functionality and knowledge transfer of the Water Quality Systems Assessment Model.
Hits: 432
Visitors: 446
Downloads: 15
Tanner, Jane L, Hughes, Denis A. Water Research Commission; 2015. Understanding and modelling surface water-groundwater interactions.
Hits: 244
Visitors: 250
Downloads: 8
Clark, D J, Hughes, Denis A, Smithers, J C, Thornton-Dibb, S L C, Forsyth, David A. Water Research Commission; 2012. Deployment, Maintenance And Further Development Of Spatsim-HDSF Volume.
Hits: 456
Visitors: 471
Downloads: 19
Smakhtin, V U, Hughes, Denis A. Automated estimation and analyses of meteorological drought characteristics from monthly rainfall data. 2007.
Hits: 1158
Visitors: 1299
Downloads: 168
Wilk, J, Kniveton, D, Andersson, L, Layberry, R, Todd, M C, Hughes, Denis A. Estimating rainfall and water balance over the Okavango River Basin for hydrological applications. 2006.
Hits: 929
Visitors: 1032
Downloads: 116
Andersson, L, Wilk, J, Todd, M C, Hughes, Denis A, Earle, A, Kniveton, D, Layberry, R, Savenije, H H G. Impact of climate change and development scenarios on flow patterns in the Okavango River. 2006.
Hits: 1523
Visitors: 1772
Downloads: 266
Hughes, Denis A. Issues in contemporary geographical hydrology. 2002.
Hits: 535
Visitors: 581
Downloads: 67
Hughes, Denis A. Three decades of hydrological modelling research in South Africa. 2004.
Hits: 606
Visitors: 776
Downloads: 189
Hughes, Denis A, Andersson, L, Wilk, J, Savenije, H H G. Regional calibration of the Pitman model for the Okavango River. 2006.
Hits: 848
Visitors: 1181
Downloads: 342
Hughes, Denis A, Ashton, P, Gorgons, A, Jewitt, G P W, Schulze, R, Smithers, J, Pegram, G, Dube, R. South African research in the hydrological sciences: 1999-2002. 2003.
Hits: 1791
Visitors: 1891
Downloads: 120
Kapangaziwiri, Evison, Hughes, Denis A. Towards revised physically based parameter estimation methods for the Pitman monthly rainfall-runoff model. 2008.
Hits: 787
Visitors: 893
Downloads: 112
Sawunyama, Tendai, Hughes, Denis A. Application of satellite-derived rainfall estimates to extend water resource simulation modelling in South Africa. 2008.
Hits: 1206
Visitors: 1352
Downloads: 156
Hughes, Denis A. South African research in the hydrological sciences : 2003 -2006 : IUGG report. 2007.
Hits: 447
Visitors: 550
Downloads: 123
Hughes, Denis A. Comparison of satellite rainfall data with observations from gauging station networks. 2006.
Hits: 782
Visitors: 941
Downloads: 189
Hughes, Denis A, Forsyth, D A. A generic database and spatial interface for the application of hydrological and water resource models. 2006.
Hits: 1241
Visitors: 1354
Downloads: 157
Hughes, Denis A, Mantel, Sukhmani K, Slaughter, Andrew R. Water Research Commission; 2014. Informing the Responses of Water Service Delivery Institutions to Climate and Development Changes: A Case Study in the Amatole Region, Eastern Cape.
Hits: 309
Visitors: 318
Downloads: 11
Hughes, Denis A, Kapangaziwiri, E, Mallory, S J, Wagener, T, Smithers, J. Water Research Commission; 2011. Incorporating uncertainty in water resources simulation and assessment tools in South Africa.
Hits: 581
Visitors: 591
Downloads: 17
Hughes, Denis A, Mohobane, T, Mallory, S. Water Research Commission; 2015. Implementing uncertainty analysis in water resources assessment and planning.
Hits: 359
Visitors: 375
Downloads: 20
Hughes, Denis A, Forsyth, David A, Stassen, J J M, van Niekerk, E. Water Research Commission; 2012. Deployment, Maintenance And Further Development Of Spatsim-HDSF: Volume 2.
Hits: 332
Visitors: 342
Downloads: 13
Mokoena, M P, Kapangaziwiri, E, Kahinda, J M, Hughes, Denis A. Water Research Commission; 2013. ECOMAG Model: an evaluation for use in South Africa.
Hits: 363
Visitors: 370
Downloads: 13
Kapangaziwiri, Evison, Kahinda, Jean-Marc M, Oosthuizen, Nadia, Mvandaba, Vuyelwa, Hobbs, Philip, Hughes, Denis A. Water Research Commission; 2021. Towards The Quantification Of The Historical And Future Water Resources Of The Limpopo River.