Dance of the Abakhwetha (1): Eluhewini, 1959
Number of Objects: 1
A data governance maturity evaluation model to enhance data management in Eastern Cape government departments
Number of Objects: 1
Data management and dispensary: missing link contributing to antiretroviral loss to follow-Up in Lejweleputswa District
Number of Objects: 1
Data Structures & Algorithms: CSC 223
Number of Objects: 1
Data Structures and Algorithms: CSC 223
Number of Objects: 2
Database Management & Design: CSC 224
Number of Objects: 1
De-industrialisation and the economic crisis in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Death, suffering and silencing as explored in the book Thief and the devil's arithmetic
Number of Objects: 1
Decentralised cooperative governance in the South African metropolitan municipalities
Number of Objects: 1
A decentralized multi-agent based network management system for ICT4D networks
Number of Objects: 1
Decolonising the regulation of the right to strike in South Africa : an analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Dedication of St Thomas's Church at Silos. January 1964
Number of Objects: 1
Delays in seeking treatment for sick children in rural Malawi: A study of the utilisation of village clinics
Number of Objects: 1
The delivery of the clothing and textiles curriculum in Zimbabwean universities: towards an integrated approach to vertical and horizontal discourses
Number of Objects: 1
Democratic citizenship in mathematics teachers’ preparation in South African Universities
Number of Objects: 1
A derivation of the the black-scholes equation using martingales
Number of Objects: 1
Derivative actions in contemporary company law: A comparative assessment from an enhanced accountability perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Deriving value from IT investments within botique hotels: a Buffalo City case study
Number of Objects: 1
Descriptive Chemistry: PAC 113F
Number of Objects: 1
Descriptive Chemistry: PAC 121
Number of Objects: 2
Descriptive Chemistry: PAC 121F
Number of Objects: 1
Descriptive Chemistry: PAC 123F
Number of Objects: 2
Desegregation and socio-spatial integration in residential suburbs in East London, South Africa (1993-2008)
Number of Objects: 1
Design and Characterization of a 5 kw Xe-Lamp Solar Simulator
Number of Objects: 1
Design and development of a context sensitive rural development software application for eService provisioning
Number of Objects: 1
Design and development of mobile-based e-Marketing application for communal farmers in Eastern Cape. South Africa.
Number of Objects: 1
Design and implementation of a multi-agent opportunistic grid computing platform
Number of Objects: 1
Design and implementation of a network revenue management architecture for marginalised communities
Number of Objects: 1
Design of a Traffic Surveillance Application using iFogSim
Number of Objects: 1
Design, construction and performance evaluation of an agitated portable biogas digester under greenhouse-regulated temperature
Number of Objects: 1
Design, implementation and evaluation of a directly water cooled photovoltaic- thermal system
Number of Objects: 1
Detection and antibiogram profile of members of the vibrio species in Umzimvubu, Swartkops and Buffalo rivers the Eastern Cape province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants and contribution of participation in farming to rural households’ welfare in Nyandeni Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of adaptation to climate variability:A case study of crop farming households in Tyhume Valley communities Eastern Cape,South Africa.
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of capital structure of small and medium enterprises in the Buffalo City Municipality Eastern Cape Province South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of cloud computing: adoption and application by high school learners
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of consumerisation of information technology and its effect on employee performance
Number of Objects: 1
The determinants of corporate entrepreneurship for firms in adventure tourism sector in the Eastern Cape Province: South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The determinants of demand for public transport in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of foreign direct investments in the motor industry in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of Foreign Direct Investments into the Southern African Development Community Region: The case of financial sector development, institutional quality and financial openness
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of foreign direct investments into the Southern African Development Community Region: the case of financial sector development, institutional quality and financial openness.
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of grade 9 learners' intention to select science/applied sciences as curriculum stream for grade 10: an exploratory study of selected secondary schools in Amathole district
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of household debt in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of household food security in the semi-arid areas of Zimbabwe: a case study of irrigation and non-irrigation farmers in Lupane and Hwange districts
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of household savings in South Africa: an econometric approach
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of inclusive growth in South Africa: a macroeconomic approach
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of managers' attitudes toward employing people with disabilities in small and medium enterprises in Nkonkobe Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of participation in beekeeping and its contribution to rural household income: the case of O. R. Tambo Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of psycho-social well-being of informal caregivers of physically challenged children in South-Western Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of rail passenger transport usage : a case of Buffalo City Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of rural households’ diversification of livelihood strategies: a case of Intsika Yethu farmers of the Eastern Cape province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of smallholder vegetable farmers' participation on post-harvest practices and market access : evidence from Mashonaland East Province of Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
The determinants of the currency deposit ratio of South Africa: an econometric analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Determinants of the yield curve in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determination and validation of ethno-veterinary practices used as alternatives in controlling cattle ticks by resource-limited farmers in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determination and validation of medicinal plants used by farmers to control internal and external parasites in goats in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determination and validation of plants used by resource-limited farmers in the ethno veterinary control of gastro-intestinal parasites of goats in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Determination of physiochemical properties and metal levels in soil, water, and plant from Alice landfill site
Number of Objects: 1
Determining and analysing the emergent behaviour from context-aware devices
Number of Objects: 1
Detriments associated with substance abuse among out - of - school youth in Ntselamanzi, village, Alice Town
Number of Objects: 1
Developing a framework for achieving a clean audit outcome in the Eastern legislature
Number of Objects: 1
Developing a help-desk system for a multi-purpose ICT platform in a marginalised setting
Number of Objects: 1
Developing a Machine Learning Algorithm for Outdoor Scene Image Segmentation
Number of Objects: 1
Developing a model for promoting physical fitness and healthy lifestyle of primary school learners in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Developing a regulatory framework for electronic commerce in the Southern African Development Community: the prospects and challenges
Number of Objects: 1
Developing an Empowerment Theology: TST 121
Number of Objects: 2
Developing logit calibration model for wildfire smoke characterization based on sentinel-2 multispectral data and machine learning techniques
Number of Objects: 1
Developing SOA wrappers for communication purposes in rural areas
Number of Objects: 1
Developing Teaching & Learning Programmes: EDT 312
Number of Objects: 2
Development & evaluation of modified lignocellulose-clinoptilolite composites for water treatment
Number of Objects: 1
Development and in vitro biological studies of polymer-based wound dressings with a high haemostatic ability for the management of wounds
Number of Objects: 1
Development and validation of DNA barcoding for biodiversity assessment and conservation of red algae in the Algoa Bay region
Number of Objects: 1
Development communication for water conservation in rural and peri-urban communities : a study of three district municipalities in Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Development Communication: CMS 224
Number of Objects: 1
Development Economics: EDE 211
Number of Objects: 1
Development Economics: EDE 221
Number of Objects: 4
Development Economics: EDE211
Number of Objects: 1
Development Management in the Developing World: DEV 513
Number of Objects: 1
Development of a bench scale single batch biomass to liquid fuel facility
Number of Objects: 1
Development of a Mobile-Based Livestock Breeding Management System for Communal Farmers in Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Development of a MPEG-7 based multimedia content description and retrieval tool for internet protocol television (IPTV)
Number of Objects: 1
Development of a stemmer for the isiXhosa language
Number of Objects: 1
Development of a strategy to promote prenatal physical activity participation among women in Buffalo City Municipality, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Development of a visible light active, photo-catalytic and antimicrobial nanocomposite of titanium dioxide and silicon dioxide for water treatment
Number of Objects: 1
Development of a web-based interface for a wireless sensor network monitoring system
Number of Objects: 1
Development of an automatic news summarizer for isiXhosa language
Number of Objects: 1
Development of an Extensible Framework for Easy Implementation of Image Processing Applications on Android Operating System
Number of Objects: 1
Development of an M-commerce security framework
Number of Objects: 1
Development of an M-Payment system prototype for a marginalized region (Dwesa case study)
Number of Objects: 1
Development of conservation methods for gunnera perpensa l.: an overexploited medicinal plant in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Development of conservation strategies for Alepidea Amatymbica ECKL. & ZEYH. : a rare medicinal plant in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Development of corona-based power supplies for remote repeater stations for overhead HVDC power transmission systems
Number of Objects: 1
Development of health promotion guidelines for weight management among primary health care nurses in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Development of high performance computing cluster for evaluation of sequence alignment algorithms
Number of Objects: 1
Development of isiXhosa text-to-speech modules to support e-Services in marginalized rural areas
Number of Objects: 1
Development of methodologies for deploying and implementing local & medium area broadband PLC networks in office and residential electric grids
Number of Objects: 1
Development of part-of-speech tagger for Xhosa
Number of Objects: 1
Development of Urban, Human, Environmental & Technological Systems: DEV 222
Number of Objects: 3