Exploring the interplay of sociolinguistic factors in the teaching of esl at secondary school level in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the involvement of the SARS-CoV-2 Replicase in the synthesis of polyamines and heat shock proteins
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the management of information technology funding as a critical aspect of managing teaching and learning : a case study of two schools in the King William's Town Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the perceptions and attitudes of University of Fort Hare students towards seeking psychological counselling services
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the performance of four and five-year-old rural children on two and three-dimensional cognitive test items within the Raymond Mhlaba Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the practices of school management teams (SMT's) in the promotion of quality teaching and learning: A case study of three rural primary schools in King Williams Town District
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the psychosocial effects of removing teenagers from their homes to places of safety
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the role of education, income and standard of living in determining food security amongst Mhlontlo Local Municipality citizens in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the role of job satisfaction and organizational justice in determining employee motivation among nurses at Frontier Hospital, Queenstown
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the role of rural entrepreneurship on welfare in South Africa: a case of Nkonkobe Municipal area in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the role of social work intervention in empowering victims of crime : a case study of Alice community in Alice
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the role of the Department of Social Development on the integrated school health programme in the Buffalo City Municipality .
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the sand dune mining in the Xolobeni community : perceptions and narratives of environmental sustainability
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the social construction of masculine identity as it relates to rape in the Buffalo City Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the socioeconomic hurdles faced by older persons: the Case of Marondera, Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the standardization of musical and dancing styles in relation to worship styles in the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Blantyre Synod, Malawi
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the underpinning factors that contribute to the involvement of children in criminal behaviour: A case of King William’s Town”
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the use and relevance of narrative approaches to psycho-social interventions in the south African context : a mixed methods content analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring the usefulness of learning management system (LMS) in higher education learning development at a historically disadvantaged Eastern Cape University
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring user experience (UX) factors For ICTD services
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring user-driven telephony services in an information and communication technology for development context
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring women's experience of fundal pressure during the second stage of labour
Number of Objects: 1
Exploring young children’s tablet-based cognitive assessment within the Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality: a case study approach.
Number of Objects: 1
An explosive study of factors leading to students drop out at Lilitha College of Education in Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
External financial flows, domestic savings and economic growth in the Southern African development community (SADC)(1980-2013)
Number of Objects: 1
Extraction and characterization of antimicrobial compounds from selected marine invertebrates collected from Phillip's Reef, Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Extraction, Isolation and Biological studies of Pentanisia prunelloides and Hippobromus pauciflorus
Number of Objects: 1
Extraction, isolation and characterization of oleanolic acid and its analogues from Syzygium aromaticum (cloves) and evaluation of their biological activities
Number of Objects: 1
Fabrication of a photocatalytic PAN supported C-TiO2-CFA nanocomposite for use in water treatment
Number of Objects: 1
Factor analysis for dtetermination of metabolic syndrome components of anthropometric data from Kinshasa hiterland of the Democractic Republic of Congo
Number of Objects: 1
Factors Affecting Archives and Records Management in The City of Johannesburg Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting experiential learning for midwifery students at the public college of nursing in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting female condom use in Buffalo City Metropolitan, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting grade 6 learners’ performance in mathematics in the East London Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting grade 6 learners’ performance in Mathematics in the East London Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting participation rates in farming in the rural areas of South Africa: case of Amathole District Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting patient perceptions of service delivery in Postmasburg Hospital in the Z.F. McGawu District, Northern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting smallholders access to agricultural credit in Nkonkobe local muncipality community in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting teachers' attitude towards the implementation of inclusive education
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting the implementation of HIV/AIDS awareness programmes in universities: a case study of selected university in Eastern Cape Province - South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors affecting the learners’ reading culture in English First Additional Language at Grade 5. A case of three primary schools in the Cookhouse and Somerset East area.
Number of Objects: 1
Factors associated with infant mortality in Sarah Baartman District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to low supervision rate in Ugu District primary healthcare clinics
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to non adherence among pregnant women on antiretroviral treatment at Amathole District, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to non-adherence in HIV positive patients on antiretroviral treatment in primary health care facilities, East London, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to relapse of adult drug users in Buffalo City Municipality Metropolitan, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to the speaking of English in Grade 4 literacy: Case studies of two schools in Chris Hani West District
Number of Objects: 1
Factors contributing to tuberculosis mortality among new tuberculosis patients in Zululand Health District
Number of Objects: 1
Factors enhancing readmission of mental health care users to a mental health unit in East London as described by their caregivers
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing adherence to folic acid and ferrous sulphate nutritional supplement intake among pregnant teenagers in Buffalo City Municipality, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing adherence to treatment among clients living with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Insika Yethu sub-district, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing attendance by diabetic patients for their yearly ophthalmic reviews at a private ophthalmic practice in East London, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing employee participation in employee health and wellness programmes : the case of Mdantsane Police Station
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing interracial mixing amongst university students
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing market orientation in SME computer retailers in Buffalo city metropolitan, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing market orientation in SME computer retailers in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing the adoption of mobile health monitoring and care systems by the elderly living at home in South Africa: a case of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality.
Number of Objects: 1
The Factors Influencing the Behavioural Intention of Overweight Adults to Use Wearable Devices for Sustained Health Monitoring
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing the hygienic quality of milk yield from smallholder dairy herds in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors influencing the performance of staff members in a tertiary hospital
Number of Objects: 1
Factors mediating personal and professional development within higher learning institutions: an activity theory perspective.
Number of Objects: 1
Factors responsible for sex practice, STIs and non-contraceptive use among female adolescents: a case study of an Eastern Cape institute, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The factors that affect the low uptake of medical male circumcision among adult males 20-39 years of age in Gauteng Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that conduce towards domestic violence against rural women a case study of Sisonke District Municipality KwaZulu Natal
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that influence knowledge management systems to improve knowledge transfer in local government: a case study of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that influence smallholder farmers maize varietal choice: the case of Mhlontlo Local Municipality Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Factors that influence the career success of women managers at a historically black institution in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Factors to improve data quality of electronic medical records
Number of Objects: 1
Fair trade in the Eastern Cape: an examination of its socio-economic impact and challenges among emerging Black farmers
Number of Objects: 1
Faith-based organisations and social reintegration of recovering drug-addicts in South-Western Nigeria : a sociological evaluation
Number of Objects: 1
Farm Accounting: AGE 222
Number of Objects: 2
Farm level cost-benefit analysis of conservation agriculture for maize smallholder farners in Okhahlamba Municipality in Kwa-Zulu Natal Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Farm Management: AGE 221
Number of Objects: 3
Farm to abattoir conditions and their subsequent effects on behavioural and physiological changes and the quality of beef from extensively-reared Nguni and non-descript steers
Number of Objects: 1
A farm to fork approach to meat science
Number of Objects: 1
Farmers' perceptions of insect pests in the Eastern Cape maize-based cropping systems and the effects of crop residue management on insect pest populations
Number of Objects: 1
Farmers' vulnerability to climate change and variability and adaptation strategies : a case study of commercial tobacco farmers in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Farmers` perceptions of livestock feeding and rangeland management: dynamics of soil, forage and cattle blood serum mineral levels in two communal areas of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Farmers’ awareness of climate change and variability and it’s effects on agricultural productivity: (the case of King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipalty in Eastern Cape)
Number of Objects: 1
Fatty acid composition, colour stability and lipid oxidation of mince produced from fresh and frozen/thawed fallow deer meat
Number of Objects: 1
A feasibility study of wireless network technologies for rural broadband connectivity
Number of Objects: 1
A feedback loop model to facilitate communication between citizens and local government in a smart city
Number of Objects: 1
Feeding behaviour of Xhosa lop-eared, Nguni and Nguni x Boer goat genotypes kept on rangelands of the false thornveld
Number of Objects: 1
Feeding Practices: AGA 607
Number of Objects: 2
Female initiate in seclusion hut : Mbekeni, 1970
Number of Objects: 1
Female initiate secluded : Mbekeni, 1970
Number of Objects: 1
A feminist analysis of Lyman Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables and Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden
Number of Objects: 1
A Feminist Analysis of Lyman Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables and Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden
Number of Objects: 1
Fetching water
Number of Objects: 1
Fetching water: 1954
Number of Objects: 1
Film as an agent of cultural transmission : a study of Nollywood films
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Financial & Human Resource Management: LIB 322
Number of Objects: 1
Financial Accounting 1 - Introduction to Accounting: AFA 111 & 111E
Number of Objects: 1
Financial Accounting 1: AFA 121E
Number of Objects: 1