Financial Accounting 1: AFA 221
Number of Objects: 1
Financial Accounting 1: AFA 321
Number of Objects: 1
Financial Accounting II: AFA 221
Number of Objects: 1
Financial Accounting III: AFA 321
Number of Objects: 1
Financial Accounting: AFA 211
Number of Objects: 1
Financial Accounting: AFA 221
Number of Objects: 1
Financial and Human Resource Management: LIB 322
Number of Objects: 1
Financial and Human Resources Management: LIB 322
Number of Objects: 2
Financial decision-making of fathers with social grants in Nkonkobe municipality, Eastern Cape province
Number of Objects: 1
Financial development, income inequality and poverty: case of a selected SADC countries
Number of Objects: 1
Financial liberalisation and economic growth in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Financial liberalization and financial instability in the selected SADC member countries
Number of Objects: 1
Financial literacy training in the small, medium and microenterprises sector : effect on business growth in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Financial management practices employed by small and medium enterprises (SMES) in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Financial Management: AFA 311
Number of Objects: 1
Financial Management: BEC 311
Number of Objects: 1
Financial sector development, financial innovation and economic growth: case of a selected SADC countries
Number of Objects: 1
Financial services use in a rural context: a case of rural communities in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Financial structure and economic growth nexus: comparisons of banks, financial markets and economic growth in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A Financial Sustainability Model for the South African Local Government
Number of Objects: 1
Financing tools, firm life cycle and growth of small, medium and micro enterprises in selected sub-Sahara African economies
Number of Objects: 1
First Vice chancelor`s excellent awards` ceremony
Number of Objects: 1
Fiscal policy and unemployment in South Africa 1980 to 2010
Number of Objects: 1
Fodder Production and Conservation: AGP 321
Number of Objects: 3
Forage production, nutritive value and intake rates by goats of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) forages grown in the subtropical region of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Foreign direct investment in South Africa: the case of the East London industrial development zone
Number of Objects: 1
Foreign direct investment, institutions and economic growth in the selected Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries
Number of Objects: 1
Forest resources income, poverty and income inequality: evidence from rural households in South-western Nigeria.
Number of Objects: 1
Fossil Shell Flour supplementation in the diet of Dohne Merino rams: effects on feed acceptability and heat stress tolerance
Number of Objects: 1
Foundation Advanced Chemistry: PAC 113F
Number of Objects: 2
Foundation Phase male student-teachers’ experiences during Teaching Practice: Implications for Initial Teacher Training
Number of Objects: 1
Foundation phase male student-teacher’s experiences during teaching practice: implications for initial teacher training
Number of Objects: 1
Foundations of Agricultural Extension and Rural Development: AGX 501
Number of Objects: 3
Foundations of Human Movement Science: HUS 111
Number of Objects: 1
The four flows model and organising: a case study of the grounding programme at the University of Fort Hare
Number of Objects: 1
A Framework for Broadband Adoption in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality to Enable Citizen Access to e-Government
Number of Objects: 1
A framework for cloud computing adoption in small and medium-sized enterprises : a case of the Accra - Tema metropolis in Ghana
Number of Objects: 1
A framework for communicating climate information to rural small-scale farmers in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa using systems thinking approach
Number of Objects: 1
A framework for continuing professional development of teachers in regular primary schools: towards the effective teaching of learners with special education needs in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
A framework for enhancing the effectiveness of strategic leadership in the Eastern Cape Education Department
Number of Objects: 1
A framework for implementation of ICT4D initiatives in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A framework for the implementation of e-government as a service delivery mechanism in South Africa: The case of the Eastern Cape Thusong Service Centres
Number of Objects: 1
A framework for understanding the role of culture and the transmission of women entrepreneurship promotion in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A framework of the situational precursors for electronic medical records adoption in private medical practices in South Africa: the case of private medical practices in Qonce
Number of Objects: 1
A framework to guide development through ICT in rural areas in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A framework to improve social media as a communication tool in technical vocational education and training colleges in South Africa: a case of twitter.
Number of Objects: 1
A framework to influence the behavioural intention of adults to monitor their health using gamification: a case of discovery vitality in East London, South Africa.
Number of Objects: 1
A framework to prepare an information security awareness and training programme for a provincial government department in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Number of Objects: 1
Fraud tolerance level as a predictor of insurance claims behavior: A South African Study
Number of Objects: 1
From the lens of isiXhosa female writers: female protagonists and the use of non-conformity in challenging gender roles in the post liberation isixhosa literature
Number of Objects: 1
Frontiers of exclusion and enclusion: post-apartheid suburban social dynamics in East London, Beacon Bay
Number of Objects: 1
Functionality of Geographic Information Systems: GIS 221
Number of Objects: 5
Functionalized Ru(II) polypyridines and phthalocyanines: Potential dyes for dye-sensitized solar cells(DSSCs)
Number of Objects: 2
Fundamental Criminology & Introduction to Juvenile Justice: CRM 111
Number of Objects: 1
Fundamental Criminology: CRM 512
Number of Objects: 1
Fundamentals of Information Systems: IFS 121
Number of Objects: 1
Fundamentals of Information Systems: IFS 121 & 121E
Number of Objects: 3
Fundamentals: MAT 212
Number of Objects: 1
Gang and gang related incidents in selected correctional centres in the Eastern Cape : a behaviour analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Gasification characteristics of sugarcane bagasse
Number of Objects: 1
Gathering of older women : Nkondlo, 1956
Number of Objects: 1
Gender and age differences between managers and employees on organisational commitment in selected factories in the Buffalo City Metropolitan area
Number of Objects: 1
Gender and development: a study of the impact of selected cooperatives in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Gender and shifting urban property relations: the impacts of tenure upgrading on women’s access to land and housing in Mdantsane, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Gender differences and online shopping decisions of consumers in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Gender equality in the provision and utilisation of women administrative personnel : a comparative study of the Camdeboo Local Municipality and Inxuba Yethemba Local Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Gender equity in land tenure : an assessment of the challenges faced by women in the communal land tenure system in Keiskammahoek, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Gender perceptual differences and their effects on the implementation of policy in the prevention of HIV/AIDS in Makoni District, Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Gender possibilities in the African context as explored by Mariama Ba's So long a letter, Neshani Andrea's The purple violet of Oshaantu and Sindiwe Magona's Beauty gift
Number of Objects: 1
A gender responsive entrepreneurship development (GRED) model for Zimbabwe’s creative industry: : A focus on women sculptors
Number of Objects: 1
The gendered nature of intra-household decision making in the use of social grants and its impact on selected households in Zimbabwe and South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
General Accounting 1B: ACG 121 & ACG 121E
Number of Objects: 1
General Accounting 1B: AGC 121E & AAC 121
Number of Objects: 1
General Management: BEC 322 & 322
Number of Objects: 1
General Management: BEC 322 & 322E
Number of Objects: 1
General Paper (Botany Honours): BOT 506
Number of Objects: 1
The generalization ability of artificial neural networks in forecasting TCP/IP network traffic trends
Number of Objects: 1
Genetic and phenotypic characterisation of foodborne bacteria isolated from ready-to-eat foods in Alice, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Genetic detection of some tick-borne bacterial and protozoan pathogens in ticks collected in Raymond Mhlaba local municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Genetic diversity, resistance profile of HIV and risk assessment of mother-to-child transmission in pregnant women on anti-retroviral therapy in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Genetic diversity, resistance profile of hiv and risk assessment of mother-to-child transmission in pregnant women on antiretroviral therapy in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Genetically modified (GM) maize cultivation by smallholders in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa :|beffects on target and non-target organisms and adoption challenges
Number of Objects: 1
Genetically modified (GM) maize cultivation by smallholders in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa: Effects on target and non-target organisms and adoption challenges
Number of Objects: 1
Genetics, physiology, proteomics of quality protein maize inbred lines under drought and heat stress
Number of Objects: 1
Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of enterococci from cow dung and environmental water sources in three selected dairy farms in Amathole District
Number of Objects: 1
Geochemistry and Hydrogeology: GLG 312
Number of Objects: 1
Geographies of juvenile crime: a study of crime in selected high schools in East London, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Geological and geophysical assessment of groundwater vulnerability to contamination in selected general landfill sites in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Geological and geophysical investigation of the South Eastern Karoo Basin, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Geological and geophysical investigations of groundwater resource in the area of Ndlambe Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.
Number of Objects: 1
Geological and geophysical investigations of the reservoir rock properties of the Gamtoos Basin in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Geology (Economic Geology, Geophysics): GLG 511
Number of Objects: 1
Geology (Engineering Geology, Sedimentology, Mining Geology, Structural Geology): GLG 522
Number of Objects: 1
Geology (Fundamental Earth Science A/B): GLG 111
Number of Objects: 1
Geology (Geomorphology, South African Geology, Structural Geology, Sedimentology): GLG 121
Number of Objects: 3
Geology (Geomorphology, Structural Geology, South African Geology, Sedimentology): GLG 121
Number of Objects: 1
Geology (Geostatistics and Data Analysis, Economic Geology): GLG 323
Number of Objects: 1