The challenges faced by orphans and vulnerable children in cluster foster homes in South Africa: the case of Ekhaya losizo in Grahamstown
Number of Objects: 1
Challenges faced by traditional healers when treating people living with HIV and AIDS: the case of Intsika Municipality, Eastern Cape province
Number of Objects: 1
Challenges facing guardians of children with autism spectrum disorder: a case study of Buffalo City and Chris Hani, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Challenges facing health professionals in OR Tambo health district municipalities
Number of Objects: 1
Challenges for rural tourism development in Zimbabwe: a case of the Great Zimbabwe Masvingo area
Number of Objects: 1
Challenges hindering the implementation of quality supervision in primary health care facilities in Oliver Reginald Tambo District, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Challenges in the implementation of a community police forum constitution: a case study of the beacon bay community police forum in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Challenges in the implementation of affirmative action policy at a municipality
Number of Objects: 1
The challenges of re-skilling former prison inmates in the 21st century: a case study of Nkonkobe municipality, Eastern Cape - South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Challenges of the primigravida’s in accessing antenatal care early and regularly in Buffalo city Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Challenges on learning and teaching of fraction operations in Grade 6 - a case study in a South African primary school
Number of Objects: 1
Change management in local government : a case study of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (2009-2011)
Number of Objects: 1
The changing face of NEPAD and the challenges of facilitating sub-regional economic integration on the ECOWAS platform
Number of Objects: 1
Changing marriage practices: the case of urban working class in East London, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Characterisation and cryopreservation of semen from indigenous Namaqua Afrikaner sheep breed, in comparison with Dorper and Dohne Merino breeds
Number of Objects: 2
Characterisation of antibacterial compounds produced by Pseudomonas spp. isolated from Hogsback wetlands, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Characterisation of communal rangeland degradation and evaluation of vegetation restoration techniques in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Characterisation of selected municipal organic waste for energy conversion through gasification
Number of Objects: 1
Characterisation of the production and consumption of milk in the communal livestock production sector of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The characteristics and trends of rainfall on sub-Antarctic Marion Island and associated air circulation patterns
Number of Objects: 1
Characterization and computer simulation of corn stover/coal blends for co-gasification in a downdraft gasifier
Number of Objects: 1
The characterization and electrochemistry of dye-sensitized solar cells
Number of Objects: 1
Characterization of livestock manures biochar and their effect on soil chemical properties and crop growth under glasshouse conditions
Number of Objects: 1
Characterization of maize biochars, their effects on soils, early maize growth and effectiveness of fertilizers
Number of Objects: 1
Characterization of sandstone reservoirs and hydrocarbon generation potential of selected four wells in the Pletmos basin, offshore South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Characterization of some virulence and antibiotic resistance genes of Staphylococcus aureus isolated from cases of Bovine Mastitis in Nkonkobe Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, RSA
Number of Objects: 1
Characterization of the heat source of thermal aquifers within the Soutpansberg Basin in the Limpopo Province, South Africa: Evidence from geophysical and geological investigations
Number of Objects: 1
Characterization of various garden grass species for energy conversion in a down draft biomass gasifier
Number of Objects: 1
Characterization of village chicken health and management practices in the Amatola Basin of the Eastern Cape Province of South Afrrica
Number of Objects: 1
Chemical Analysis of Soils, Plant & Waters: AGS 423
Number of Objects: 1
Chemical composition and in vitro ruminal degradation of diets containing Vachellia karro leaf meal and their effect on physiological responses of indigenous Xhosa lop-eared goats
Number of Objects: 1
Chemical constituents and biological studies of Tagetes minuta L. and Rauvolfia caffra Sond
Number of Objects: 1
Chemical evaluation, in vitro ruminal dry matter (DM) degradability and ruminal biological activity of common browse tree fruits of Alice
Number of Objects: 1
Chemical Technology 1: PAC 225
Number of Objects: 1
Chemical transformation and phytochemical studies of bioactive constituents from extract of callistemon citrinus (curtis) skeels
Number of Objects: 1
Chemical transformations and phytochemical studies of bioactive components from extracts of Rosmarinus officinalis L
Number of Objects: 1
Chemichal Technology 1: PAC 225
Number of Objects: 1
Chicken feather delipidation by lipolytic bacteria isolated from an aquatic environment
Number of Objects: 1
Child marriage as a hindrance to the realisation of child rights in Zimbabwe: consolidated approaches towards eradication
Number of Objects: 1
Child participation in the evaluation of the school nutrition programme: a case study of eight grade 4 learners in Mqanduli village in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Children in conflict with the law: assessing the implementation of the Child Justice Act 75 of 2008 in the Eastern Cape province
Number of Objects: 1
Children's attitudes towards physical education in selected urban primary schools in Mutare - Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Children's grants and social security communities in the Eastern Cape: the case of Nqabarha administrative area
Number of Objects: 1
Children’s Grants and Social Security Communities in the Eastern Cape : The Case of Nqabarha Administrative Area
Number of Objects: 1
The choice of idols from a social psychological perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Choice of market channels by smallholder vegetable farmers in King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Choral Music: MUC 111
Number of Objects: 1
Choral Music: MUC 121
Number of Objects: 1
Choral Music: MUC 211
Number of Objects: 1
Choral Music: MUC 321
Number of Objects: 3
Choral Music: MUS 121
Number of Objects: 1
Christian teaching and learning methodologies on the social life of children: a case study of the children's ministry of the church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Blantyre Synod, Malawi
Number of Objects: 1
Church in an African Context: TPT 111
Number of Objects: 1
Church wedding
Number of Objects: 1
Citizen`s experience of the batho pele principles of consultation and redress in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Citizenship, social capital and HIV/AIDS: a sociological analysis derived from the experience of the Umkhanyakhude district community, Kwazulu-Nata
Number of Objects: 1
Citrus, labour and gender in the Eastern Cape: the case of the Kat River area
Number of Objects: 1
Civil Procedure: LEC 312
Number of Objects: 1
Civil protests and their impact on human rights in the Republic of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Classical Sociological Theory: SOC 212
Number of Objects: 4
Classification of Distinct Fuzzy Subgroups of the Dihedral Group Dp nq for p and q distinct primes and n ∈ N
Number of Objects: 1
The classification of fuzzy groups of finite cyclic groups Zpn Zqm Zr and Zp1 Zp2 Zpn for distinct prime numbers p; q; r; p1; p2; ; pn and n;m 2 Z+
Number of Objects: 1
The classification of fuzzy subgroups of some finite non-cyclic abelian p- groups of rank 3, with emphasis on the number of distinct fuzzy subgroups
Number of Objects: 1
The classification of some fuzzy subgroups of finite groups under a natural equivalence and its extension, with particular emphasis on the number of equivalence classes
Number of Objects: 1
The classification performance of Bayesian Networks Classifiers: a case study of detecting Denial of Service (DoS) attacks in cloud computing environments
Number of Objects: 1
The classification performance of ensemble decision tree classifiers: a case study of detecting fraud in credit card transactions
Number of Objects: 1
Classroom Management: EDC 321
Number of Objects: 1
The classsification of fuzzy subgroups of some finite Abelian p-groups of rank 3
Number of Objects: 1
Client satisfaction with midwifery services rendered at Empilweni Gompo and Nontyuatyambo community health centres in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Climate change adaptation and economic valuation of local pig genetic resources in communal production systems of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Climate change and food security in Zimbabwe: a case of small-scale farmers in Mtambi ward, Zvishavane district
Number of Objects: 1
Climate change mitigation and resilience by four major supermarkets in East London, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Climate smart soil management: a win-win response to climate change and food security challenges
Number of Objects: 1
Clinical experiences of third-year student nurses in a public college in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Clinical governance implementation challenges in the Department of Health, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Number of Objects: 2
Clinicians knowledge and perceptions of point of care testing (poct) in selected hospitals in the free state, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Clothing fashion design students' workplace learning experiences in a university of technology in Zimbabwe : towards an enhanced workplace learning role
Number of Objects: 1
Clydesdale Mission, Umzimkulu, 1950
Number of Objects: 1
Coaching Principles: HMS 221
Number of Objects: 1
Coastal urban climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction assessment: the case of East London city, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Code of conduct for learners: A strategy for enhancing positive discipline in selected township schools in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Number of Objects: 2
Colistin utilisation and clinical outcomes at a public hospital in Bloemfontein, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The collapse of the Zimbabwe currency and its soci-economic consequences on the middle class : the case of Msasa Park Suburb in Harare
Number of Objects: 1
Collecting imifino : c.1950
Number of Objects: 1
Collection Development: INF 111
Number of Objects: 1
Collection Development: LIB 211
Number of Objects: 1
Collective Behaviour and Social Change: SOC 123F
Number of Objects: 1
Commerce powered by 'National culture'? : an assessment of "Wear Local" campaigns as tools for reinvigorating the textile and clothing industries in Ghana and South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Commercial Law 1B: ACL 121
Number of Objects: 1
Commercial Law 2: LCM 211
Number of Objects: 2
Commercial Law 2: LCM 221
Number of Objects: 5
Commercial Law 2A: ACL 211E & LCM 211
Number of Objects: 1
Commercial Law: ACL 121
Number of Objects: 3
Commercial Law: ACL 121 E & LCM 121
Number of Objects: 1