Commercial Law: ACL 121E & LCM 121
Number of Objects: 1
Commercial Law: LCM 121
Number of Objects: 3
Communal production systems of goats raised by resource-poor farmers in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Communication (Journalism): 323 CMA
Number of Objects: 1
Communication and Life Skills: CLS 111F
Number of Objects: 1
Communication and Life Skills: CLS 121F
Number of Objects: 1
Communication barriers within virtual communities in an ethnoreligious diverse society: a case study of Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
Communication Research Methods: CMS 323
Number of Objects: 4
Communication Research Methods: CMS 323 Supplememt
Number of Objects: 1
The community as part of a multi-stakeholder approach towards development opportunities for youth in Indwe, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Community attitudes on differences between therapeutic interventions offered by traditional healers and biomedics in combatting HIV/AIDS. The case of Dimbaza township
Number of Objects: 1
Community capacity-building in question? : finding a "missing" variable in the integrated development planning process in Berlin, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Community development and rural poverty in Zimbabwe : a policy perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Community development education: the integration of individual and collective consciousness for community well-being within a social development paradigm in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Community development projects and food security: the case of Zanyokwe Irrigation Project Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Community engagement in practice? : an exploration of the relationship between the University of Fort Hare (Alice Campus) and the Ilima Agripark Project
Number of Objects: 1
Community engagement principles for implementation of information and communication technology for development projects by higher education institutions in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Community participation and food security in rural Zimbabwe: the case of Marange area in Mutare district
Number of Objects: 1
Community participation and project sustainability in rural Zimbabwe: the case of Sangwe communal lands
Number of Objects: 1
Community participation in solid waste management in high-density low-income areas: the case of C-Section in Duncan Village
Number of Objects: 1
Community policing and partnership policing : a case study of shared responsibilities between the police and Alice community
Number of Objects: 1
Community Psychology & Research Methods: PSY 322
Number of Objects: 2
Community Psychology & Research Methods: PSY322
Number of Objects: 1
Community Psychology and Research Methods: PSY 322
Number of Objects: 1
Community Psychology: PSY 524
Number of Objects: 6
Community radio as a tool for sport development: a case study of Mdantsane FM.
Number of Objects: 1
Community-based ecotourism for conservation and development in Lesotho: a case of Ha-Kome
Number of Objects: 1
Comparative analysis of characteristics of the various sugarcane bagasse types in terms of gasification
Number of Objects: 2
A comparative analysis of mobile application development frameworks: A case study of mobile application development for water usage management in Alice and Fort Beaufort communities
Number of Objects: 1
A comparative analysis of the phonological acquisition of consonants in the speech of pre-school age isiXhosa and English-speaking children in selected schools in the East London area
Number of Objects: 1
A comparative analysis of the rights of the child with particular reference to child soldiers
Number of Objects: 1
Comparative analysis of zero-tillage and conventional tillage practices in the Amahlathi local municipality of the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A comparative appraisal of access and quality of sexual and reproductive health services for gays and lesbians in Bulawayo (Zimbabwe) and Pretoria (South Africa)
Number of Objects: 1
A comparative economic analysis of small scale tobacco production under contract and non-contract farming : the case of Marondera rural district, Mashonaland East province, Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
A comparative evolutionary approach to gum-feeding in Galago Moholi and Microcebus Griseorufus
Number of Objects: 1
A comparative exploratory analysis of vigilante occurrences in two communities in Port Elizabeth (Kwazakhele and New Brighton)
Number of Objects: 2
Comparative performance of 3-kWp ranges Solar Photovoltaic Systems under varying meteorological conditions in Alice, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Comparative phytochemical analyses of Aloe Ferox Mill. found in Eastern and Western Cape provinces in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Comparative Politics: POL 513
Number of Objects: 1
Comparative studies of different ant-hypertensive treatments used for cardiovascular disease patients : a case study of public health facility in the Eastern Cape South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A comparative study of the in vitro antidiabetic properties, cytotoxicity and mechanism of action of Albuca bracteata and Albuca setosa bulb extracts
Number of Objects: 1
Comparison of behaviour between traditional male circumcision initiates of the yesteryears and those of the contemporary epoch in Cala and Mdantsane, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Comparison of contraceptive discontinuation in users of a copper intrauterine device against depot medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable
Number of Objects: 1
A comparison of ethical models for conflict resolution in the African context
Number of Objects: 1
A comparison of open source object-oriented database products
Number of Objects: 1
Comparison of the prevalence of HIV infection in circumcised and uncircumcised men from Salima District in Malawi
Number of Objects: 1
Compensation Management: HRM 221
Number of Objects: 1
Competencies of Qualified Primary Health Care professional nurses in Assessing, Diagnosing and Managing clients in health facilities in Buffalo City Metro”
Number of Objects: 1
The competitiveness of the South African citrus industry in the face of the changing global health and environmental standards
Number of Objects: 1
Complaints and service recovery responses on South African banks’ facebook fan pages: a netnographic study.
Number of Objects: 1
Complex Analysis: MAT 322
Number of Objects: 1
Computational Chemistry 2: PAC 328
Number of Objects: 2
Computational design of a smart and efficient control system for a residential air source heat pump water heater
Number of Objects: 1
Computational fluid dynamics design and performance testing of a cyclone heat exchanger used in a gasification plant
Number of Objects: 1
Computational studies, synthesis and characterization of ruthenium (ii) anticancer complexes
Number of Objects: 1
Computer Architecture: CSC 212,
Number of Objects: 1
Computer Graphics: CSC 521
Number of Objects: 3
Computer Networks: CSC 323
Number of Objects: 1
Computer Networks: CSC 512
Number of Objects: 1
Computerized Cataloguing: INF 323
Number of Objects: 4
Concerning care in the context of the nursing profession: a phenomenological investigation
Number of Objects: 1
Condom influence strategies among university students
Number of Objects: 1
Confirmation services at All Saints : All Saints, n.d
Number of Objects: 1
Conflict within the church: a theological approach to conflict resolution with special reference to the boundary disputes between the Livingstonia and Nkhoma synods in Malawi
Number of Objects: 1
Conflict-induced displacement: a study of risk and support for the older refugees in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Consensus and contentions around community engagement in a South African tertiary institution :University of Fort Hare
Number of Objects: 1
Consensus and contentions around community engagement in a South African tertiary institution: University of Fort Hare
Number of Objects: 2
Constitutional Law: COL 101E
Number of Objects: 1
Constitutional Law: LEC 212 & 212E
Number of Objects: 2
Constitutionalism and separation of powers in South Africa after the promulgation of the 1996 constitution : a comparative perspective
Number of Objects: 1
The construction and positioning of pregnant learners within contemporary South African legislation and policy
Number of Objects: 1
Constructions of masculinity in young men's narratives of violence in the homeplace
Number of Objects: 1
Constructions of masculinity in young men's talk on domesticity
Number of Objects: 1
Consumer Behaviour: IPS 321
Number of Objects: 1
Consumer Behaviour: IPS321
Number of Objects: 1
Consumer perceptions and microbial quality of meat sold in the informal markets of Nkonkobe and Buffalo City municipalities in the Eastern province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Consumer perceptions and values on beef quality: implications on beef markets
Number of Objects: 1
Consumerism, authenticity and African communalism
Number of Objects: 1
Consumers' attitudes towards ready-to-eat fast-food products and their relationship with obesity in Mdantsane township in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The contact between the early tribal African education and the westernized system of missionary education
Number of Objects: 1
Contemporary Philosophical Trends: PHL 312
Number of Objects: 1
Contemporary Sociological Theory: SOC 312
Number of Objects: 1
Contemporary Themes in the Global & African Past: HIS 124 & 124e
Number of Objects: 1
A content analysis of fan perceptions of the South African soap opera 7de Laan
Number of Objects: 1
A content analysis of public academic literature that explores the relationship between gang membership and identity in South African prisons, focusing on group processes
Number of Objects: 1
A content analysis of readers' comments on political and economic news articles: a study of Zimbabwe online media
Number of Objects: 1
Contested environmental knowledge: Struggles over meanings and uses of medicinal plants in Kabokweni, Mpumalanga Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Contextual factors influencing the use of learner-centred approaches in the teaching of home economics : a case of two universities in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Contextually based model of an early childhood home-visiting programme for vulnerable children in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A contingency management framework to mitigate cybersecurity threats to electronic health records in the public health sector in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Contraceptive use and Sex Education among Teenagers in Mdantsane Township, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Contributing factors to academic success of children in foster care in Mount Fletcher, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
The contribution of communal sheep production to household welfare in Nyadeni local municipality under alternative extension regimes
Number of Objects: 1