Educational Studies: EHV 422
Number of Objects: 1
Educator perceptions of the impact of the departmental matric intervention strategies on selected under-performing schools in the Queenstown district
Number of Objects: 1
Educators and learners perceptions on english first additional language speakers use of english as medium of instruction
Number of Objects: 1
Educators and school governing bodies’ perceptions on rationalisation and redeployment in the Alfred-Nzo West District: advancing an argument for policy change
Number of Objects: 1
Educators' experiences with the implementation of Grade 11 NCS English first additional language in selected schools in the Fort Beaufort Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Educators' perceptions of inclusive education for learners with physical disabilities
Number of Objects: 1
Educators'perceptions on the contribution of South African Democratic Teachers' Union to teacher professional development
Number of Objects: 1
Educators’ management of the learning environment for enhanced teaching and learning in selected primary schools in the East London Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Educators’ perceptions of foundation phase mathematics Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS)
Number of Objects: 1
Educators’ views on the effectiveness of alternatives to corporal punishment to maintain discipline: a case of four high schools in the O.R. Tambo District
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of a participatory voter education programme on secondary school students' political knowledge and attitude in Ekiti State, Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of agricultural extension services on beneficiaries of the Nguni cattle project: the case of Ncera and Kwezana villages, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of BT maize on earthworm activity, silage quality and residue decomposition in the central Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of dietary inclusion of Moringa oleifera Lam leaf meal on feed conversion efficiency, meat quality, fatty acid composition, shelf life and consumer health-related perceptions of pork
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of dietary Mucuna pruriens seed meal on the serum lipid profile and bone quality traits of broiler chickens
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of different fat levels and Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM) inclusion on proximate composition, fatty acid profile, lipid oxidation, and sensory attributes of chicken droëwors
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of entrepreneurial competencies on the performance of small micro and medium enterprises in or Tambo District, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of environmental responsible behaviour intervention programme on secondary school learners in environmental education knowledge, attitudes and practices in Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of feeding varying inclusion levels of velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) seed meal on growth performance and physicochemical attributes of broiler chicken
Number of Objects: 1
The Effect of financial sector development on International trade in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of fire frequency on the recovery of soil invertebrate communities in semi-arid savanna biome of the Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of fire management on chemical and physical properties of rangelands
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of fluoroquinolones antibiotics on vancomycin and oxacillin resistant staphylococcus species in Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of foreign direct investment on economic growth: evidence from South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of fresh seaweed and a formulated diet supplemented with seaweed on the growth and gonad quality of the collector sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla under farm conditions
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of full and semi-scavenging rearing systems on crop contents and the quality of meat from village chickens during spring season of Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of gold price volatility on stock market returns in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of grain and soya bean-based diets on chicken production, some egg quality traits, and the potential for allergen carryover to eggs and meat
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of grazing systems and age on enteric methane production and performance plus grazing system effect on ruminal fermentation parameters of Nguni and Bonsmara beef cows
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of grazing systems on growth performance, carcass characteristic, meat quality of beef cattle and economic performance of the enterprise
Number of Objects: 1
The Effect of Household Income on Public Transport Demand in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of human resources management practices on employee commitment: the case of Mnquma Local Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of increasing fossil shell flour levels on digestive and metabolic utilization, health, body weight change and wool production, and quality in Dohne-Merino wethers
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of indigenisation on the empowerment of rural youth in Zimbabwe: a case of Shurugwi district in the Midlands Province
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of irrigation farming potential on commercialization of smallholder farming in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of job insecurity and turnover intention on organisational citizenship behaviour of employees at a university in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of leadership styles on cultural diversity management of employees in the workplace
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of literacy on access to and utilization of agricultural information for household food security at Chirau communal lands in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of marketing capabilities on the competitive advantage of Small Medium and Micro Enterprises in OR Tambo District Municipality, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of moringa oleifera leaf meal on growth perfomance, gut integrity, bone strenght, quality and oxidative stability of meat from broiler chickens
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on growth performance, faecal ammonia emissions, carcass characteristics and the quality of meat from broiler chickens
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of Mucuna pruriens based-diets on fatty acids composition and sensory attributes of meat from broiler chickens
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of muscle type and freezing on the evolution of physico-chemical properties during processing of South African biltong and its final textural properties
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of Nitrogen application , leaf age, and drying method on growth, yield and quality of sweet potato
Number of Objects: 2
Effect of organisational policies on school management teams' job performance at Maluti District, Eastern Cape , South Africa
Number of Objects: 2
The effect of perceived organisational support and organisational commitment on turnover intention among academic staff at the University of Fort Hare
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of phosphorus application on dry matter yield and nutrient content of Mucuna Pruriens (L) in Alice
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of phosphorus fertilizer application on growth, biomass and nutritive value of Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) varieties in Alice, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of pomegranate (Punica granatum L) peel powder meal on growth performance, gut integrity, haemato-biochemical indices, meat, and bone quality of broiler chickens
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of post-slaughter handling on physico-chemical and microbiological quality of red meat along the distribution chain in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of pre-slaughter stress of pigs on the levels of cortisol, creatine kinase and their subsequent relationship with pork quality
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of processing on the efficacy and safety of Solanum Aculeastrum Dunal berries
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of quantitative feed restriction on growth performance, carcass characteristics and selected meat quality parameters in broiler chickens
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of real exchange rate volatility on export performance: evidence from South Africa (2000-2011)
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of service and collaborative learning strategies on students’ environmental knowledge in selected junior secondary schools in Oyo State, Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of social capital and information acquisition on the adoption and benefits of conservation agriculture among cassava and maize smallholder farmers in South-West Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of social capital on the performance of Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMES) in Makana Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of stage of lactation on milk yield, somatic cell counts, mineral and fatty acid profiles in pasture-based Friesian, Jersey and Friesian × Jersey cows
Number of Objects: 1
The effect of strategic leadership on competitive advantage & innovation performance : a case of small business in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Effect of Tenebrio molitor larvae as a protein source on growth performance, carcass yield and meat quality of broiler chickens
Number of Objects: 1
The Effect of training and development on employee performance in the Buffalo City Municipality in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Effectiveness and efficiency of monitoring and evaluation system in municipal infrastructure grant projects: a case study O.R Tambo District Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of Bhisho child and youth care Centre youth in conflict with the law rehabilitation programs
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of business incubators in enhancing growth, survival and performance of small, medium and micro enterprises in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of centralised human resource management on service delivery: a case of Bedford Hospital, Department of Health, Province of the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Effectiveness of Government-Wide Monitoring and Evaluation system: case of the Provincial Department of Economic Development, Environmental Affairs and Tourism, Eastern Cape.
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of HIV/AIDS programmes in tertiary institutions of higher learning: the case of the University of Forte Hare
Number of Objects: 1
Effectiveness of housing delivery in the Reconstruction and Development Programme in Duncan Village
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of internal financial controls with specific reference to the Eastern Cape Provincial Department of Basic Education
Number of Objects: 1
Effectiveness of irrigation water management institutions in Zimbabwe: a new institutional economics theory approach
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of juvenile delinquents rehabilitation programmes in Zimbabwe : a case study of Harare Central Prison
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of medium-fidelity simulation on the clinical readiness of student midwives
Number of Objects: 1
Effectiveness of monetary policy transmission mechanism: the case of selected SADC countries
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of public participation in the environmental politics of hydraulic fracturing : the case of the Great Karoo
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of school nutrition programme of the Eastern Cape Department of Education
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of social support mechanisms provided to HIV and AIDS opharns: the case of Tembisa child and family welfare society, Gauteng
Number of Objects: 1
Effectiveness of TB dot support programme as percieved by community health workers at Inxuba Yethemba and Tsolwana Sub-districts under Chris Hani District
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of tender practises in municipal supply chain management: an exploration of two municipalities in Amathole District Municpality in the Eastern Cape province (2009-2012)
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of the concrete / semi-concrete / abstract (CSA) appoach and drill- practice on grade 10 learners' ability to simplify addition and subtraction algebraic fractions
Number of Objects: 1
Effectiveness of the high value crop-based extension model in improving rural livelihoods
Number of Objects: 1
The effectiveness of traditional leaders in the development of the rural Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Effects of absorptive capacity and knowledge management on innovation capabilities in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs)
Number of Objects: 1
Effects of Acacia karroo supplementation on the quality of meat from Xhosa lopeared goats
Number of Objects: 1
Effects of BT Maize (MON810) crop and its residues on selected soil biological properties and N and P release in a sandy loam soil from Alice, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Effects of climatic variability on maize productivity in South Africa from 1937-2018
Number of Objects: 1
The effects of collective bargaining on wages at University of Fort Hare 2007-2016
Number of Objects: 1
Effects of community based organization programmes on poverty eradication : a case study of Dutywa in Mbhashe municipality, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Effects of dietary inclusion of Moringa oleifera leaf meal on growth performance, physico-chemical attributes, oxidative stability and sensory quality of pork
Number of Objects: 1
Effects of dietary supplementation on physico-chemical and consumer sensory characteristics of chevon from South African indigenous goat genotypes
Number of Objects: 1
Effects of different grazing system on forage production and seasonal parasite loads in beef cattle
Number of Objects: 1
The effects of emotional intelligence on entrepreneurial intention of university students in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
The effects of exchange rate volatility on manufacturing exports in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Effects of exchange rate volatility on the stock market: a case study of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1