Man, machines, and society: lectures in industrial sociology
Number of Objects: 1
Management & Information Systems: LIB 422
Number of Objects: 1
Management 1 lecture
Number of Objects: 1
Management 1 lecture (presentaiton)
Number of Objects: 1
Management and Commerce Foundation: APR 111 F
Number of Objects: 1
Management and performance indicators of micro-finance institutions in Uganda
Number of Objects: 1
Management and the dynamics of labour process: study of workplace relations in an oil refinery, Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
Management approach of patients with violent and aggressive behaviour in a district hospital setting in South Africa
Number of Objects: 2
The management approaches by principals for teacher absenteeism in the township high schools in the Port Elizabeth district of education
Number of Objects: 1
Management capacity within small and medium tourism enterprises (SMTEs)
Number of Objects: 1
Management Capacity within Small to Medium Tourism Enterprises (SMTEs) in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Management competencies of clinical and hospital managers in the eastern cape department of health: implications for further management training
Number of Objects: 1
Management education and training
Number of Objects: 1
Management factors influencing lamb survival from birth to weaning in two ecologically different resource-limited communal farming systems
Number of Objects: 1
Management issues affecting emerging contractors in the Northern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
A management model for human settlements: a case study of Nigeria and South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The management of antiretroviral drug distribution in the Qwaqwa District
Number of Objects: 1
Management of business vision and mission in the rapidly changing macro-economic environment
Number of Objects: 1
Management of capital expenditure for infrastructure programmes in the North-West Province
Number of Objects: 1
The management of chacma baboons and humans in a peri-urban environment: a case study from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University's George Campus
Number of Objects: 1
The management of conflict between employees: a case study of an information technology company in Johannesburg
Number of Objects: 1
The management of court records for justice delivery : a case study of Alice Magistrate court in the Eastern Cape,South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The management of court records in magistrate court: a case of Middledrift Magistrate Court, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Management of discipline policy for educators by school management teams in the Maluti district, Eastern Cape Province (RSA): a case study of two selected schools
Number of Objects: 1
Management of employee grievence: A case of selected University in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Management of endotracheal tube cuff pressure in mechanically ventilated adult patients in intensive care units in Malawi
Number of Objects: 1
The management of extralimital giraffe (Giraffa Camelopardalis) in the mosaic thicket of Southern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Management of finances by small to medium rural municipalities in South Africa: A case study of Enoch Mgijima local municipality
Number of Objects: 1
The Management of grey literature in academic libraries in the Eastern Cape: a case study of the theses and dissertations at Howard Pim library at the University of Fort Hare
Number of Objects: 1
Management of HIV/AIDS programmes at the workplace : A study of selected organisations in Chris Hani DISTRICT, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Management of HIV/AIDS programmes at the workplace: a study of selected organisations in Chris Hani District, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 2
Management of Information Systems: LIB 422
Number of Objects: 2
Management of information systems: LIB 422
Number of Objects: 1
Management of invasive aquatic weeds with emphasis on biological control in Senegal
Number of Objects: 1
The management of knowledge workers for the benefit of an organisation
Number of Objects: 1
The Management of learners who experience barriers to learning in mainstream Primary Schools in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
The management of lions (Panthera Leo) in small, fenced wildlife reserves
Number of Objects: 1
Management of material waste and cost overrun in the Nigerian construction industry
Number of Objects: 2
Management of medical records for healthcare service delivery at the Victoria Public Hospital in the Eastern Cape Province :South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Management of official accommodation in the Department of Roads and Public Works in Port Elizabeth
Number of Objects: 1
Management of peer education programmes for poverty alleviation in selected Graaff-Reinet schools
Number of Objects: 1
The management of physical resources by principals in the rural secondary schools of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Management of political behaviour in organisations
Number of Objects: 1
Management of quality assurance programmes: experiences of radiographers responsible for quality assurance programmes in digital diagnostic imaging departments of public hospitals
Number of Objects: 1
The management of records for accountability by municipalities in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa : a case study of Mbizana Local Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
The management of risk: adolescent sexual and reproductive health in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Management of street traders to boost the local economy in King William's Town (Buffalo City Municipality)
Number of Objects: 1
The management of the antecedents of absenteeism at a motor manufacturing company
Number of Objects: 1
Management of type 2 diabetes mellitus : a pharmacoepidemiological review
Number of Objects: 1
Management perceptions regarding privatisation of parastatals in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Management perceptions regarding skills shortages in gold mines
Number of Objects: 1
Management practices, milk quality, haemato-chemical biomarkers of free ranging pregnant goats from three genotypes and linear body measurements of their respective kids
Number of Objects: 1
Management strategies for reducing pathogens to improve project delivery in Thembisile Hani local municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Management Studies: ARM 504
Number of Objects: 2
Management Studies: LIB 503
Number of Objects: 1
Management, Processing and Analysis of Cryptographic Network Protocols
Number of Objects: 1
Manager's perceptions of performance appraisal implemented at Kansanshi Mine, Zambia
Number of Objects: 1
Managerial decision making processes and affective outcomes as a function of individual factors and self-efficacy beliefs
Number of Objects: 1
Managerial leadership in committees: a case study in a public rural combined school in the Ohangwena region, Namibia
Number of Objects: 1
The managerial leadership styles of school principals for school effectiveness: a study of six Secondary schools of the Dutywa Education District
Number of Objects: 1
Managerial perceptions of corporate social responsibility and social practices present at McDonalds South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Manager’s Adoption of New Smart Retail Technology at Clicks Group
Number of Objects: 1
Managing a sustainable private radiographic practice in Gauteng and Limpopo provinces
Number of Objects: 1
Managing an inclusive school: a case study of a pilot school in Swaziland
Number of Objects: 1
Managing an information security policy architecture : a technical documentation perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Managing change at a South African Senior Secondary School : a case study
Number of Objects: 1
Managing change in organisational environment
Number of Objects: 1
Managing conflict across cultures, values and identities: a case study in the South African automotive industry
Number of Objects: 1
Managing conflict in the library information services of selected universities
Number of Objects: 1
Managing diversity: a case study of the Nelson Mandela Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Managing Effective Learning Environments: EDF 221
Number of Objects: 2
Managing historical primary and secondary sources : a study of the efficacy of a teaching handbook prepared for first-year Vista University students
Number of Objects: 1
Managing Information Confidentiality Using the Chinese Wall Model to Reduce Fraud in Government Tenders
Number of Objects: 1
Managing leader member exchange frequency effectively in a South African retail company
Number of Objects: 1
Managing natural resources in a rural settlement in Peddie district
Number of Objects: 1
Managing of work stress among blue collarworkers in the mining industry in Lesotho
Number of Objects: 1
Managing personal archives in specialised repositories: a case study of Phillip Valentine Tobias collection(s) at the University of the Witwatersrand
Number of Objects: 2
Managing regrowth of an indigenous savanna tree species (Terminalia sericea) for fuelwood: The influence of stump dimensions and post-harvest coppice pruning
Number of Objects: 1
Managing releases of Anagyrus vladimiri (Triapitsyn) to augment biocontrol of the citrus mealybug Planococcus citri (Risso) in South African citrus orchards
Number of Objects: 1
Managing South Africa's trawl bycatch
Number of Objects: 1
Managing staff wellness of educators in Nelson Mandela Bay related to their knowledge, perceptions and practices of a healthy lifestyle
Number of Objects: 1
Managing stakeholders involvement in website communication: a comparative study of Lesotho and South African national websites
Number of Objects: 1
Managing the conflict between social and economic value : the case of the Amadlelo Project
Number of Objects: 1
Managing the corporate reputation of a transforming organisation: a study of multimedia University of Kenya
Number of Objects: 2
Managing the implementation of management structure changes at the Eastern Cape Department of Education
Number of Objects: 1
Managing the invasive aquatic plant Sagittaria platyphylla (Engelm.) J.G. Sm(Alismataceae): problems and prospects
Number of Objects: 1
Managing the perceptions about affirmitive action (AA)
Number of Objects: 1
Managing the processing of bills in the parliament of the Republic of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Managing the procurement of learner teacher support material (LTSM) in the Eastern Cape Department of Education
Number of Objects: 1
Manalapo sikulume nawe
Number of Objects: 1
Manalope sikulume nawe
Number of Objects: 1
Manane wa bebe
Number of Objects: 1
Manatobo kukwo
Number of Objects: 2
Manatobo kukwo – Day lullaby
Number of Objects: 1
Manatobo kukwo – Night lullaby
Number of Objects: 1
Mancawa we ndumo
Number of Objects: 3
Number of Objects: 1
Mancwawa we ndumo
Number of Objects: 1
Manda Mpa
Number of Objects: 1
Mandarin Ball 1969, possibly Gail Martin and friends
Number of Objects: 1