Amen, we praise you
Number of Objects: 1
Amen, we thank you
Number of Objects: 1
Amen, we thank you, amen God hear us
Number of Objects: 1
Amendments to the labour relations act to curb violent and intractable strikes
Number of Objects: 1
Amene, amene
Number of Objects: 1
Amenya mwana (Mother of child)
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Ameta mpala wamaliro (Shaving the head after a funeral)
Number of Objects: 1
Ametela metela
Number of Objects: 2
Ametela metela a Gone yapa b
Number of Objects: 1
Amibede wathafunta kuwe
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 2
Amina - e
Number of Objects: 1
Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases as malarial drug targets: a comparative bioinformatics study
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 2
Ammendments to the labour law relations act 66 of 1995 to addressing violent and intractable strikes
Number of Objects: 1
Ammonia removal from water by ion exchange using South African and Zambian zeolite samples
Number of Objects: 1
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link (marram grass) in South Africa and its potential invasiveness
Number of Objects: 1
Amnesty international
Number of Objects: 1
Amogela dimpho tsa rona, Morena
Number of Objects: 1
Amogela Morena dimpho tsena
Number of Objects: 2
Amogela ntate amogela dimpho
Number of Objects: 1
Amohela hle Morena
Number of Objects: 2
Amohela limipho tsa rona
Number of Objects: 1
Amohela Morena dimpho tsa vona
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 2
Amohola hle
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Amoxicillin removal from aqueous media using multi-walled carbon nanotubes
Number of Objects: 1
The amphibolite at Chibuluma Mine Zambia
Number of Objects: 1
Amplified fragment length polymorphism confirms reciprocal monophyly in Chrysomya putoria and Chrysomya chloropyga: a correction of reported shared mtDNA haplotypes
Number of Objects: 1
Amtheka cingondo (They have put the clay hat on)
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
Amubede wahlafuta mamana
Number of Objects: 2
Amulungu Acifundi
Number of Objects: 1
Amulungu acifundo
Number of Objects: 1
Amulungu Acifundu
Number of Objects: 2
Amuna ali kwanga (The husband I have)
Number of Objects: 1
Amunditole mu Lusaka
Number of Objects: 2
Amuno nasayo musonro
Number of Objects: 1
Amy Jacot Guillarmod
Number of Objects: 2
Amyindre dobuzindrine
Number of Objects: 2
Ana - e
Number of Objects: 1
Ana akuno acipongwe anagwila bele langa
Number of Objects: 2
Ana amuna (Young men ought to put on grey trousers)
Number of Objects: 1
Ana maile iwe o iwe o
Number of Objects: 1
Ana mwan'ganga
Number of Objects: 1
Number of Objects: 1
a Anacikamba
Number of Objects: 1
Anacikamba - Kongoro wene kongoro
Number of Objects: 1
Anaerobic digestion of fungally pre-treated wine distillery wastewater
Number of Objects: 1
Anaerobic process formulation for methane production during dry fermentation of Acacia Mearnsii (black wattle) feedstock
Number of Objects: 1
Anaesthesia in abalone, Haliotis midae
Number of Objects: 1
Anagikafu ragitagi
Number of Objects: 1
Anagikafu ragitake
Number of Objects: 1
Anagikafu ragitaki
Number of Objects: 1
Anagondo tilowe (Anagondo let me in)
Number of Objects: 1
Anali kudambo Chingodola (Chingodola went to draw water at the marsh)
Number of Objects: 1
Analipembe Lyane
Number of Objects: 1
Analipembe lyane
Number of Objects: 2
Analipende Lyane
Number of Objects: 1
Analipo mkazi ndi mwamuna
Number of Objects: 1
Analyses of Retail and Transport Geography of Liquefied Petroleum Products in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
Analyses of the simple harmonic oscillator and its variations
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing an audit cycle: a critical realist account
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing emergent time within an isolated Universe through the application of interactions in the conditional probability approach
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing equity and ethical dimensions of water governance challenges in the lower section of the upper Vaal River catchment, Gauteng, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing from experience : Gustav Mahler’s Quartetsatz for piano and strings
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing learning at the interface of scientific and traditional ecological knowledge in a mangrove ecosystem restoration scenario in the eastern coast of Tanzania
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing Social Research Traditions: A Study of the Paper: Young Adolescents ' Perceptions of Environmental Issues
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing the effect of friction stir processing on mig-laser hybrid welded AA 6082-T6 joints
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing the effect of FSP on MIG-laser hybrid welded 6082-T6 AA joints
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing the equity dimensions and governance drivers of water security challenges in Hammanskraal, City of Tshwane, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing the impact of a selected economic activity on Oudsthoorn's economy
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing the Impact of Extended Curriculum Programmes: Implications for Theory, Design and Practice
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing the influence of banking loyalty programmes on South African consumer behaviour post-Covid
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing the role of enterprise and supplier development within Mercedes Benz South Africa in improving their B-BBEE scorecard
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing writing competence of learners in selected secondary schools in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
An Analysis and Implementation of Methods for High Speed Lexical Classification of Malicious URLs
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis and modelling of the temperature distribution during the friction taper stud welding of 10CrMo910
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of "self-determination" in international law : the case of South Sudan
Number of Objects: 1
The analysis of a computer music network and the implementation of essential subsystems
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of a foundational biomedical curriculum: exploring cumulative knowledge-building in the rehabilitative health professions
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of a human capital plan for the southern region of Eskom distribution
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of a South African cyber-security awareness campaign for schools using interdisciplinary communications frameworks
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of alternative objective measures of economic performance and social development.
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of automatically scaled F1 layer data over Grahamstown, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of bacterial Mur amide ligase enzymes for the identification of inhibitory compounds by in silico methods
Number of Objects: 2
An analysis of balanced scorecard for improved customer satisfaction in local government: a comparative study of the City of Cape Town and the City of Johannesburg
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of bank risk management and its relevance for the non-bank corporate sector
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of barriers to employee adoption of workplace health and safety standards at Eskom, Makhanda (Grahamstown)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of barriers which affect women in leadership positions in Eastern Cape Municipalities : case study of Amathole District Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of business skills and training needs in the plastic manufacturing industry in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of calendar effects and market anomalies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of carbon tax and other environmental levies: a South African and international perspective
Number of Objects: 1
An Analysis of Career Discourses in Life Orientation Textbooks of Eastern Cape Schools
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of challenges facing basic education in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of challenges facing decentralisation of sector education and training authorities in the province of the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1