Applied Extension and Rural Development: AGX 332
Number of Objects: 1
Applied Remote Sensing: GIS 502
Number of Objects: 2
Applied Time Series Analysis: STS 502
Number of Objects: 2
Appraisal of community-based childcare practices in rural Malawi: the case of Malili traditional authority area, Lilongwe District
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of community-based childcare practices in rural Malawi: The case of Malili Traditional Authority Area, Lilongwe District.
Number of Objects: 1
Appraisal of experimental performance and modelling of an on-farm dairy milk bulk cooler: Fort Hare Dairy Trust, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of Human Resource Management Practices in the Ministry of Public Service, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of selected support services rendered by social workers to older persons in De Aar service area, Northern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
An Appraisal of South Africa’s Counter Terrorism Architecture Since 2001
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of strategies to mitigate related to non-communicable diseases of the eye: a case study of Michael Mapongwane Health Clinic in Khayelitsha, Western Cape Metro District
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of support services to students with disabilities: the case of Walter Sisulu University
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of the East London Industrial Development Zone’s role in local innovation, entrepreneurship, and industrial development
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of the Methodist church’s role in poverty alleviation in the Alice region
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of the role of cash and in-kind transfers in addressing urban household food insecurity in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of the role of the National Rural Youth Service Corps in youth development in peri-urban Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of the role of the universities in city development : a case study of the University of Fort Hare in East London, South Africa
Number of Objects: 2
An appraisal of the South African government macroeconomic policies and strategies (1994-2012)
Number of Objects: 1
An appraisal of the South African Government Macroeconomic Policies and Strategies (1994-2012)
Number of Objects: 1
Appraisal of wastewater final effluents and river water as reservoirs of cholera and non-cholera causing vibrio species : case study of the Amatole and OR Tambo District Municipalities
Number of Objects: 1
Approach to National Health Workforce Planning for health service delivery in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
The approaches of traditional healers in the treatment of HIV/ AIDS: the case of Chris Hani District Municipality, Cala, Tsengiwe, Eastern cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An archaelogy of South Africanness: the conditions and fantasies of a post-apartheid festival
Number of Objects: 1
Archie Mafeje and the question of philosophy as a liberatory discourse
Number of Objects: 1
Archives Administration: ARM 502
Number of Objects: 3
Archives and Development: ARM 509
Number of Objects: 1
Archives and Records Management Programmes in selected Universities in South Africa: A Study of University of Fort Hare and Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Artisanal mining and its contribution to sustainable rural livelihoods : a case of Esigodini area, Umzingwane rural district, Matabeleland South Province of Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Arts and Culture Method: EDC 321
Number of Objects: 1
Aspects of the ecology of the estuarine round-herring Gilchristella aestuaria (Pisces: Clupeidae) and its small-scale fishery potential
Number of Objects: 1
Aspects of the feeding biology of the copepod Pseudodiaptomus hessei (Copepoda: Calanoida) under culture conditions
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing challenges in public appointments and recruitment processes in Chris Hani District Municipality: a case study of human resource department in Lukhanji Local Municipality
Number of Objects: 2
Assessing challenges of corruption in the Eastern Cape Department of Education
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing Drought Conditions using NDVI, Land Surface Temperature and Precipitation in Amathole District Municipality, Eastern Cape, Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing education's relevance to industry needs and the impact on graduate employability: a case study of UFH communication graduates
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing factors influencing professional nurses' attrition in South Africa : a case study of private hospitals in Johannesburg
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing farmers’ aspirations and goals to expand irrigation crop production from homestead gardens to irrigation plots in Mhlontlo Local Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing financial viability of selected urban and rural municipalities in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing grade 9 learners' attitude towards their academic performance in mathematics in Pinetown education district, KwaZulu-Natal
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing public administration implications of the use and disposal of agro-chemicals in A2 farms in Zimbabwe : a case study of Chirumhanzu District
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing teaching capacity of novice teachers through mentoring in primary schools.
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing teaching strategies of grade four English second language teachers in Amathole District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the Contribution of SMMEs to Job creation in the Eastern Cape South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the difficulties in teaching and learning of geometry in grade 9 based on the van hiele theory in Komga, East London Education District in South Africa’s Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the effect of absenteeism in the Eastern Cape Department of Health
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the effect of Public Participation and development communications on service delivery: the case of the department of Social Development in the Eastern Cape (2004-2010)
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the effectiveness of public participation in Integrated Development Planning processes in the King Sabata Dalindyebo Local Municipality, Province of the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the effectiveness of section 21 schools in public financial management (a case of circuit 13 in King William’s Town district in the Eastern Cape)
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the effectivity of poverty eradication strategies on communities in the Eastern Cape province: the case of Ngqushwa local Municipality in Amathole District (2008- 2011)
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the effects of misplacement of qualified personnel on the implementation of policies: Eastern Cape Department of Basic Education – a case of Head Office, Zone 6- Zwelitsha
Number of Objects: 2
Assessing the effects of the South African schools rationalisation policy on educator morale-case study of Buffalo City District Education in King Williams Town – Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the efficacy of integrating human resource development with organization strategy as a precursor to strategic management in the Eastern Cape Legislature (2006-2012)
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the impact of access to climate services on smallholder farmers cropping decisions and household food security in Elundini Municipality, Eastern Cape province
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the impact of class antagonism on administration of land redistribution in the Eastern Cape Amatole district (2004-2009)
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the impact of loal content policy on youth culture in Mbare Harae: the case of Youth.com
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the impact of primary agricultural co-operative membership on smallholder farm performance (crops) in Mnquma Local Municipality of the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the impact of school governance in the Limpopo Department of Education with specific reference to Mankweng and Polokwane circuits
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the impact of shifting traditional leadership roles on local government in service delivery: a case study of the Bor County, Jonglei State, South Sudan
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the impacts of social grants on beneficiaries in Buffalo City Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the implementation of environmental education school policy in Buffalo City Metro Education District South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the implementation of gender equity policies in education in Bor County, South Sudan
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the implementation of long-acting reversible contraceptive implant, Implanon NXT, roll out in East London, Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the implementation of performance management policies in the public service: a case study of the Department of Human Settlements in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the implementation of primary agriculture in one Technical and Vocational Education and Training College in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the income derived from agricultural hawking in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the invasive status and reproductive ecology of two Crataegus species in South Africa; Crataegus monogyna Jacq and C. mexicana DC
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the invasive status of the Oenothera species (evening primroses) in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the local awareness and perception of invasive alien plants: A case study of Port St Johns Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the perceptions of academic staff towards an academic staff development programme in a selected university in the Eastern Cape province
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the preparation, induction and professional development experiences of teacher educators in Botswana and South Africa: recommendations for an andragogically based model
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the role of civil society in poverty alleviation : a case study of Amathole District, (Eastern Cape)
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the role of cooperatives in poverty alleviation in the Eastern Cape: a the case of Amathole district municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the role of social transfers in curbing household food insecurity in Harare rural district, Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 2
Assessing the role of the community radio stations in facilitating development : a case study of Forte FM in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing the role of Walter Sisulu University on economic development in King Sabata Dalindyebo (Eastern Cape)
Number of Objects: 1
Assessing unwanted early sexual experiences: a South African university study
Number of Objects: 1
Assessment in Education: EDT 321
Number of Objects: 3
Assessment of antibacterial potentials of Garcinia Kola seed extracts and their interactions with antibiotics
Number of Objects: 2
Assessment of antibiotic production by some marine actinomycetes belonging to the genera norcadia, saccharopolyspora and kibdellosporangium.
Number of Objects: 1
Assessment of antibiotic production by some marine Streptomyces isolated from the Nahoon Beach
Number of Objects: 1
Assessment of bioflocculant production by some marine bacteria isolated from the bottom sediment of Algoa Bay
Number of Objects: 1
Assessment of bioflocculant production by two marine bacteria isolated from the bottom sediment of marine Algoa Bay
Number of Objects: 1
Assessment of capacity development through public-private partnership: a case study of the Department of Economic Development and Environmental Affairs in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
An assessment of community participation in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) development projects in Zimbabwe: the case of Bulilima and Mangwe Districts, Matabeleland South
Number of Objects: 1
Assessment of compliance to the maintenance procedure of medical equipment in a selected hospital, Oliver Reginald Tambo District, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
An Assessment of Control Systems in Asset Management at the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services, Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
An assessment of e-procurement in the Eastern Cape provincial government
Number of Objects: 1
An assessment of electronic-governance as a support system for service delivery in the public sector
Number of Objects: 1
An assessment of energy use as a rural development strategy: the case of Chiwundura communal area, Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
An assessment of financial accountability on social grants at the South African Social Security Agency (SASSA), 2011-2012
Number of Objects: 1
Assessment of government spending austerity measures in on-site school support for curriculum delivery: a case of Idutywa Education District
Number of Objects: 1
An assessment of IDP implementation and sustainable development : the case of the housing sector in Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
An assessment of information systems supporting procurement reforms in the Eastern Cape provincial government
Number of Objects: 1
An assessment of local economic development as a mechanism for poverty alleviation: a case study of Blue Crane Route Municipality in Cacadu District Municipality in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1