Agriculture vocational education programme and the promotion of job creation skills in the Free State technical vocational education and training college
Number of Objects: 1
Agro-morphological characterisation, nitrogen use efficiency and combining ability of quality protein maize (zea mays l.) genotypes for low nitrogen tolerance
Number of Objects: 1
Agro-morphological characterization and investigations into the response of yellow Quality Protein Maize (QPM) genotypes to low soil pH
Number of Objects: 1
Agrometeorology: AGC 111 and AGC 111F
Number of Objects: 2
All Saints : n.d
Number of Objects: 1
All Saints Church and school bell, 1962
Number of Objects: 1
All Saints Church Choir : All Saints, 1970
Number of Objects: 1
All Saints Church: All Saints, n.d
Number of Objects: 1
All Saints Day, 1964
Number of Objects: 1
All Saints Hospital Golden Jubilee : All Saints, 1979
Number of Objects: 1
The allelopathic potential of Arctotis Arctotoides (L.f.) O. Hoffm on some vegetables
Number of Objects: 1
Alternative methods used by small-holder farmers to control ticks and bovine dermatophilosis and the impact of a changing interface of Amblyomma ticks on dermatophilosis in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Alternative practices used by resource-limited farmers to control fleas in free-range chickens in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Alternative remedies used by resource-limited farmers in the treatment and manipulation of the reproductive system of non-descript goats in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Amagqira at Nohemiple's place: All Saints
Number of Objects: 1
Amagqira at Qutubeni: Qutubeni, n.d
Number of Objects: 1
Amagqira at Zangafa
Number of Objects: 1
Amakrwala experiences as learners in a Buffalo City secondary school: implications for school leadership and management
Number of Objects: 1
Amakwenkwe (boys) on the march : n.d
Number of Objects: 1
amaMpondo women: c. 1948
Number of Objects: 1
Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus) growth and nutritional contents as affected by nitrogen and potassium fertiliser and plant density
Number of Objects: 1
Analyses of Retail and Transport Geography of Liquefied Petroleum Products in Ibadan metropolis, Nigeria
Number of Objects: 1
Analyses of the simple harmonic oscillator and its variations
Number of Objects: 1
Analysing writing competence of learners in selected secondary schools in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of "self-determination" in international law : the case of South Sudan
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of balanced scorecard for improved customer satisfaction in local government: a comparative study of the City of Cape Town and the City of Johannesburg
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of barriers which affect women in leadership positions in Eastern Cape Municipalities : case study of Amathole District Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of business skills and training needs in the plastic manufacturing industry in the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
An Analysis of Career Discourses in Life Orientation Textbooks of Eastern Cape Schools
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of challenges facing police retirees in the Eastern Cape of South Africa: development of adjustment programme for police retirees to the community
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of crime trends at University of Fort Hare, Alice campus: Ten years (2008-2018) projection case studies
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of decision making in smallholder irrigation practice: a case study of Shiloh and Zanyokwe irrigation schemes in Central Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of early-phase contact tracing during the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak in Mangaung Metro, Free State
Number of Objects: 2
Analysis of entrepreneurial behaviour of smallholder irrigation farmers: empirical evidence from Qamata Irrigation scheme
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of ethics and governance practices in the public sector: United Nations and African Union perspectives
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of factors affecting technical efficiency of a1 smallholder maize farmers under command agriculture scheme in Zimbabwe: the case of Chegutu and Zvimba districts.
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of food value chains in smallholder crop and livestock enterprises in Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of formative assessment challenges facing English language (L2) secondary school teachers in the Makoni District of Zimbabwe : a study of five schools
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of gender transformations in the sleeping beauty fairy tale
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of grade 10 mathematical literacy students’ errors in financial mathematics
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of grade 12 students' attitudes towards agriculture as a career choice in Nkonkobe municipality, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of groundwater in Mjinchi District of Central Malawi
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of intellectual property awareness among researchers at University of Fort Hare, Alice, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of leadership and management challenges facing school principals in Circuit no. 12 of the King William's Town District of the Eastern Cape Province
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of marketing channels used by smallholder crop farmers in Vryheid (Abaqulusi) Municipality, Kwazulu-Natal
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of maximum power point tracking data for obtaining photovoltaic parameters
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of orthographic errors in isiXhosa texts: a case of grade 11 isiXhosa home language (l1) in the Western Cape
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of performance management and organisational success in local government administration in South Africa: A case study of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality (BCMM)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of policy implementation on HIV and AIDS in pregnant women : a case study of Lukhanji sub-district Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of schooling outcomes in the Eastern Cape, using production function approach
Number of Objects: 1
The analysis of social networking sites usage by the public relations management students from Walter Sisulu University: Buffalo city campus (Chiselhurst site)
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of special needs in a.a. milne’s children’s series, winnie the pooh, and the updated pooh series authored by david benedictus
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of students’ constructions of the ‘fees must Fall’ movement at an historically black university
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of teachers' experiences in using English as medium of instruction among grade 4 learners in Maluti district
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of technical efficiency and service effectiveness for freight railways in African and European countries
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of technical efficiency of small-scale maize producers: a case study in Tsolo magisterial district in O.R Tambo district in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the academic support policies and strategies for underperforming students at Limpopo universities
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the business relationship between SMEs and insurance companies in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan area
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the contribution of socio-economic factors on poor academic performance of grade 12 learners: the case of Butterworth education district, Eastern Cape Province South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the correlation beween packet loss and network delay on the perfomance of congested networks and their impact: case study University of Fort Hare
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the design of evaluation standards in the South African National Evaluation System
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the efficacy of placing ailing municipalities under administration: a case of Mnquma Municipality in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the efficiency of ontology and symbolic learning algorithms in indigenous knowledge representation
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the framework for measuring parliamentary performance in South Africa (2004-2009)
Number of Objects: 1
The analysis of the impact of financial integration on financial development and economic growth in the Southern African development community
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the impact of Smallholder Irrigation Schemes on the choice of rural livelihood strategy and household food security in Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the implementation of the Indigenization Economic Empowerment Policy in Zimbabwe
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the influence of peer education programmes on learner behaviour, the case of Bulelani high school, Queenstown
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the internship programme in the Sarah Baartman Health District of the Eastern Cape: a model for effective implementation
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the link between monetary policy, exchange rate pass-through effect and domestic prices in South Africa.
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the politics-administrative interface and its impact on delivery of municipal services: a case of the Mnquma Local Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the relationship between bank efficiency and access to banking services in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the role of unions in health services delivery at Uitenhage district hospital
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of the security and reliability of packet transmission in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) : a case study of Malicious Packet drop attack
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis of the South African common law defence of moderate and reasonable child chastisement
Number of Objects: 2
An analysis of the use of the balanced score card as a performance management tool for mathematics educators: a case study of Amajingqi Secondary School
Number of Objects: 1
Analysis of work environment factors as correlate of school management teams' productivity in Mount Frere Education District
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis on the skills development needs in the Supply Chain Management unit: a case-study of Eastern Cape Department of Education
Number of Objects: 1
An analysis on the use of web-based ontology to support ubiquitous learning in South African secondary schools
Number of Objects: 1
Analytical Chemistry 1: PAC 222
Number of Objects: 1
Analytical Methods: MAP 221
Number of Objects: 1
Analytical Techniques in Agricultural Economics: AGE 411
Number of Objects: 1
Analyzing agricultural financing for resettled farmers in Zimbabwe: the case of targeted Command Agricultural program in Mutare District
Number of Objects: 2
Anatomy and Physiology: AGV 221
Number of Objects: 3
Ancient Greek Philosophy: PHL 123
Number of Objects: 1
Ancient Greek Philosophy: PHL 123/123E
Number of Objects: 1
Animal Breeding: AGA 322
Number of Objects: 2
Animal Diversity and Conservation I: ZOO 314
Number of Objects: 1
Animal Health, Infectious deseases: AGV 411
Number of Objects: 1
Animal Nutrition: AGA 321
Number of Objects: 4
Anthropogenic effects on sustainability of fish biodiversity in Tyume River, Eastern Cape, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
An anthropological investigation into the challenges that affect Xhosa traditional circumcision: a case of Mngqesha Village, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
Number of Objects: 1
Anthropological School of Thought and Introduction to Fieldwork: ANT 311
Number of Objects: 2
Anthropological Schools of Thoughts and an Introduction to Fieldwork: ANT 311
Number of Objects: 2
Anthropology, Introduction to the Cultures of Africa and the Pacific Region: ANT 222
Number of Objects: 1
Anthropology: PHL 212
Number of Objects: 1