Re ya go boka Morena
Number of Objects: 1
Re ya le dumela
Number of Objects: 1
Re(viewing) the constitutional court's decision in Sidumo v Rustenburg Platinum Ltd
Number of Objects: 1
(Re) activated heritage:
Number of Objects: 1
(Re-)inventing our selves/ourselves : identity and community in contemporary South African short fiction cycles.
Number of Objects: 1
Re-adjustment of masculinities and sexualities amongst first year male students at Rhodes University in the wake of the residence Consent Talk’s programme
Number of Objects: 1
Re-appraising entertainment-education praxis and reception in subaltern spaces: the case of Tsha Tsha in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
A re-assessment of the avifauna of the Mountain Zebra National Park
Number of Objects: 1
Re-creating home: British colonialism, culture and the Zuurveld environment in the nineteenth century
Number of Objects: 1
Re-defining the calling – narratives of women excluded from the ordained ministry in the Seventh-Day Adventist church in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Re-deploying Parker, post-colonially: review essay
Number of Objects: 1
Re-engaging cultural perspectives on disability discourse : An analysis of the Bakossi and Isixhosa Oral Traditions
Number of Objects: 1
Re-engineering imperatives to enhance the effectiveness of municipal public accounts committees in South African municipalities
Number of Objects: 1
Re-estimation of erosion levels in Group I and II kimberlites between Lesotho, Kimberley and Victoria West, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Re-evaluating the law of vicarious liability in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Re-evaluation of Ashton’s types of African cicadas (Homoptera Cicadidae).
Number of Objects: 1
A re-evaluation of morphological differences in the Karoo Thrush Turdus smithi–Olive Thrush Turdus olivaceus species complex
Number of Objects: 1
A re-evaluation of plastochron index determination in peas - a case for using leaflet length
Number of Objects: 1
A re-examination of the Carter solutions of Einstein's field equations
Number of Objects: 1
A re-examination of the type material of Entomoneis paludosa (W Smith) Reimer and its morphology and distribution in African waters
Number of Objects: 1
Re-examining local and market-orientated use of wild species for the conservation of biodiversity
Number of Objects: 1
Re-examining ‘professionalism’ in pharmacy: a South African perspective
Number of Objects: 1
Re-framing academic staff development
Number of Objects: 1
Re-imagining Afrikaner masculinity through conceptual fashion design
Number of Objects: 1
Re-imagining love and intimacy in the poetry of Gabeba Baderoon, Ingrid De Kok, and Makhosazana Xaba
Number of Objects: 1
Re-imagining Ourselves: Odyssey and Anthropology in the southwest Indian Ocean Islands
Number of Objects: 1
Re-imagining rural agrarian transformation in the Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Re-imagining the Animal in J.M. Coetzee’s The Lives of Animals
Number of Objects: 1
Re-imagining the nation
Number of Objects: 1
Re-imagining the use of the abacus as a visualization tool to develop number sense in Grade 3 learners
Number of Objects: 1
Re-industrialisation of the Nelson Mandela Metropole regional economy
Number of Objects: 1
Re-interpreting the history of 'the rural' visual in the Eastern Cape, 1948-1976
Number of Objects: 1
Re-Inventing African literature through Visual Arts:
Number of Objects: 1
Re-inventing educational leadership for school and community transformation: learning from the Educational Leadership Management and Development programme of the University of Fort Hare
Number of Objects: 1
The re-invention of the Integrated Quality Management System towards continuous quality improvement: a case study of four primary schools in the Buffalo City Metropolitan area
Number of Objects: 1
The re-settlement of a ruined earth: Investigating the notion of “dwelling” through The design of a settlement in a post apocalyptic landscape
Number of Objects: 1
Re-surveying the insectivorous bats of northern Kruger National Park, South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Re-thinking engagement: Dialogic strategies of alignment in letters to two South African newspapers
Number of Objects: 1
Re-thinking freedom: selected Life-Writings of South African Born-frees
Number of Objects: 1
Re-thinking our pedagogical approaches in teacher education to subvert the neoliberal stronghold on higher education
Number of Objects: 1
Re-thinking rural development through agriculture
Number of Objects: 1
"Re-thinking" the Great Trek: a study of the nature and development of the Boer community in the Ohrigstad/Lydenburg area, 1845-1877
Number of Objects: 1
Re-tracing representations and identities in twentieth century South African and African photography: Joseph Denfield, regimes of seeing and alternative visual histories
Number of Objects: 1
Re. Kopane ka mosebetsi
Number of Objects: 1
Reaching sideways, writing our ways: the orientation of the arts of Africa discourse
Number of Objects: 1
Reaching the isolated through the design of air clinic facility in Moshoeshoe II, Maseru Lesotho pre-hospital care and transport
Number of Objects: 1
Reaction of carbohydrates with the sulphuryl chloride-N, N-dimethyl formamide reagent
Number of Objects: 1
The reaction of cyanide with iron (II) hexadecachlorophthalocyanine
Number of Objects: 1
Reaction of Perrhenate with Phthalocyanine Derivatives in the Presence of Reducing Agents and Rhenium Oxide Nanoparticles in Biomedical Applications
Number of Objects: 1
Reaction phenomena between Karroo Dolerite and cave sandstone xenoliths in the Bird's River complex
Number of Objects: 1
Reactions in the solid state
Number of Objects: 1
Reactions of iron- and zinc-fuelled pyrotechnic systems
Number of Objects: 1
The reactions of osmium (VIII) in hydroxide medium
Number of Objects: 1
The reactions of ruthenium (ii) polypyridyl complexes
Number of Objects: 1
Reactions towards the synthesis of the uncommon P57 cymarose moiety
Number of Objects: 1
Reactivity of Rhenium (iii) and Rhenium (V) with multidentate NN-and no-donor ligands
Number of Objects: 1
Reactor development and process optimisation for the bioremediation of phenolic wastewaters by trametes species
Number of Objects: 1
Reader in comedy
Number of Objects: 1
Reader-response approaches to literature teaching in a South African OBE environment
Number of Objects: 1
The readiness for the 4th industrial revolution by SARS towards 2030
Number of Objects: 1
The readiness of embracing the fourth industrial revolution disruptive innovations: a case for an automotive assembler in the Nelson Mandela Metropole
Number of Objects: 1
The readiness of the South African private and public sector for the fourth industrial revolution
Number of Objects: 1
Reading 1
Number of Objects: 1
Reading and Response
Number of Objects: 2
A reading based theory of teaching appropriate for the South African context
Number of Objects: 1
Reading clubs as a literacy intervention tool to develop English vocabulary amongst Grade 3 English second language learners at a school in Grahamstown, Eastern Cape
Number of Objects: 1
Reading Conference recommendations in a wider context of social change
Number of Objects: 1
Reading identities: a case study of grade 8 learners' interactions in a reading club
Number of Objects: 1
Reading nonsense : a journey through the writing of Edward Lear
Number of Objects: 1
A reading of Emily Dickinson
Number of Objects: 1
The reading of extended text in Oshindonga in grade 2 in selected Namibian schools
Number of Objects: 1
The reading preferences of grade 11 ESL learners in Grahamstown
Number of Objects: 1
Reading strategies employed by grade 10 english first additional language teachers to elicit reading culture in the King williams town education district
Number of Objects: 1
Reading the signs : inaugural address delivered at Rhodes University
Number of Objects: 1
Reading the Sowetan's mediation of the public's response to the Jacob Zuma rape trial: a critical discourse analysis
Number of Objects: 1
Reading Thomas Merton
Number of Objects: 1
Reading to learn for secondary schooling: an interventionist action research study within a South African under-privileged setting
Number of Objects: 1
The reading to learn pedagogy in South African inclusive English First Additional Language classrooms: successes and challenges
Number of Objects: 1
Reading William Blake and T.S. Eliot: contrary poets, progressive vision
Number of Objects: 1
Readings from District Record Book
Number of Objects: 1
Readings Song 1
Number of Objects: 1
Readings Song 2
Number of Objects: 1
Real analysis (Mathematics 2): MAT 224
Number of Objects: 1
A real estate management framework for the public sector in South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Real friend
Number of Objects: 1
Real options valuation for South African nuclear waste management using a fuzzy mathematical approach
Number of Objects: 1
A real time Fast Fourier Transform analyser
Number of Objects: 1
A real time HF beacon monitoring station for South Africa
Number of Objects: 1
Real-time audio spectrum analyser research, design, development and implementation using the 32 bit ARMR Cortex-M4 microcontroller
Number of Objects: 1
Real-Time Detecting and Tracking of Squids Using YOLOv5
Number of Objects: 1
Real-time distributed malicious traffic monitoring for honeypots and network telescopes
Number of Objects: 1
Real-time feedback model for supporting individualised learning of programming students
Number of Objects: 1
Real-time monitoring of 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation using a commercially available electric cell-substrate impedance sensor system
Number of Objects: 1
Real-time monitoring of 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation using a commercially available electric cell-substrate impedance sensor system:
Number of Objects: 1
The "realisation company" concept in South African income tax law
Number of Objects: 1
Realist evaluation cases of the uptake and use of citizen science tools for water quality management: Vaal-Triangle public primary schools teachers and Mpophomeni enviro-champs
Number of Objects: 1
Realistic autonomous fish for virtual reality
Number of Objects: 1
Realistic idealism
Number of Objects: 1
Reality: a Journal of Liberal Opinion
Number of Objects: 1