Erythrina caffra - kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-06-07
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34798
- Description: Caption "re-use paper save trees. Conservation Society Ltd. C.J Skead. 2 Florence St. Grahamstown. 6140."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-06-07
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-06-07
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34798
- Description: Caption "re-use paper save trees. Conservation Society Ltd. C.J Skead. 2 Florence St. Grahamstown. 6140."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-06-07
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1975
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35210
- Description: Caption "The Tale of an old Kaffirboom. C.J. Skead's observant eyes are famous. There is probably nobody else who would have taken much notice of the old kaffirboom on the hill 19 km south-west of King Williams Town. His photographs tell the story of the tree. African Wild Life. Vol. 29. No 3, p. 44, 1975."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1975
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1975
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35210
- Description: Caption "The Tale of an old Kaffirboom. C.J. Skead's observant eyes are famous. There is probably nobody else who would have taken much notice of the old kaffirboom on the hill 19 km south-west of King Williams Town. His photographs tell the story of the tree. African Wild Life. Vol. 29. No 3, p. 44, 1975."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1975
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1961-07-29
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35205
- Description: Caption "The Day's News from Grahamstown. Herald Staff Reporter. Historic plaque to be unveiled. Just 141 years ago a young 1820 Settler, William Norman and his wife and young daughter, with their belongings sat under a kaffirboom tree at a place he subsequently named Seven Fountains. E. P. Herald. 29-07-1961."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1961-07-29
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1961-07-29
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35205
- Description: Caption "The Day's News from Grahamstown. Herald Staff Reporter. Historic plaque to be unveiled. Just 141 years ago a young 1820 Settler, William Norman and his wife and young daughter, with their belongings sat under a kaffirboom tree at a place he subsequently named Seven Fountains. E. P. Herald. 29-07-1961."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1961-07-29
Erythrina caffra - kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1975-08-25
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34796
- Description: Caption "Indigenous timber to be sold. Herald Correspondent. George. The annual sale of indigenous timber in the George and Knysna districts will start on October 13 at Woodville and be continued at Forleigh, Gondveld, Gouna, Diepwalle, Kafferkop, Kruisfontain and Bloukrans. The total estimated volumes in cubic metres of timber for sale are stinkwood 160, yellowwood 215, blackwood 760, white elder 47 and others 87. Prospective buyers can inspect the timber by making arrangements with the responsible officers of the Department of Forestry at the various staions. Payment must be in cash or by bank endorsed cheques either on the day of sale or within 30 days. All timber bought must be removed before December 31. Eastern Province Herald. 15 August 1975."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1975-08-25
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1975-08-25
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34796
- Description: Caption "Indigenous timber to be sold. Herald Correspondent. George. The annual sale of indigenous timber in the George and Knysna districts will start on October 13 at Woodville and be continued at Forleigh, Gondveld, Gouna, Diepwalle, Kafferkop, Kruisfontain and Bloukrans. The total estimated volumes in cubic metres of timber for sale are stinkwood 160, yellowwood 215, blackwood 760, white elder 47 and others 87. Prospective buyers can inspect the timber by making arrangements with the responsible officers of the Department of Forestry at the various staions. Payment must be in cash or by bank endorsed cheques either on the day of sale or within 30 days. All timber bought must be removed before December 31. Eastern Province Herald. 15 August 1975."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1975-08-25
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-05-38
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35213
- Description: Caption "Ma,e of tree in 1820. E. P. Herald. 28 May 1980."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-05-38
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-05-38
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35213
- Description: Caption "Ma,e of tree in 1820. E. P. Herald. 28 May 1980."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-05-38
Erythrina caffra - kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1966-06-15
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34793
- Description: Caption "With Room to Stretch. Give 30 people three guesses and not many of them will guess that this tree a mammoth of its species, is a Dogplum, or Eckebergia, which is particularly familier to Port Elizabethans as a street tree. In parts of Mill Park, Dogplums that have been able to grow freely have become fine big trees. But the tree in the picture has the bulk of at least six of the biggest Mill Park. The picture was taken on Nocton Farm, 39 miles from Port Elizabeth on the Cape Road. It's a fair guess that the tree stood there over 100 years ago when the area was being developed for farming by the Conton Smiths, Fairbridges and Skeads. That's Mrs Gwen Skinner, chairman of the Wild Flower Society supplying foreground and scale. E.P. Herald. 15-06-1966"
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1966-06-15
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1966-06-15
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34793
- Description: Caption "With Room to Stretch. Give 30 people three guesses and not many of them will guess that this tree a mammoth of its species, is a Dogplum, or Eckebergia, which is particularly familier to Port Elizabethans as a street tree. In parts of Mill Park, Dogplums that have been able to grow freely have become fine big trees. But the tree in the picture has the bulk of at least six of the biggest Mill Park. The picture was taken on Nocton Farm, 39 miles from Port Elizabeth on the Cape Road. It's a fair guess that the tree stood there over 100 years ago when the area was being developed for farming by the Conton Smiths, Fairbridges and Skeads. That's Mrs Gwen Skinner, chairman of the Wild Flower Society supplying foreground and scale. E.P. Herald. 15-06-1966"
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1966-06-15
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-04-30
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35212
- Description: Caption "Tree has new name at last. At last we have an acceptable name for the lovely Kaffirboom. Henceforth it is Coral Tree and that's as near official as can be. It appears in revised edition of 'The National Tree List', by Dr. B. de Winter and Dr. F. von Breitenbach. E. P. Herald. 30 April 1980."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-04-30
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-04-30
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35212
- Description: Caption "Tree has new name at last. At last we have an acceptable name for the lovely Kaffirboom. Henceforth it is Coral Tree and that's as near official as can be. It appears in revised edition of 'The National Tree List', by Dr. B. de Winter and Dr. F. von Breitenbach. E. P. Herald. 30 April 1980."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-04-30
Erythrina caffra - Kaffirboom
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1985-03-01
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35206
- Description: Caption "Lucky Bean seeds needed. Sir. I have received an appeal from Cape Town for these seeds. Large quantities are required to obtain a tissue plasminogen activator which will be used to manufacture a substance being used experimentally to dissolve blood clots. It the experiments come up to expectations a new drug will be produced for heart attack victims. I have seen many 'kaffirboom' trees in Grahamstown and I appeal to your readers to collect the seeds and leave them at the reception desk of Settlers Hospital. We will forward them to Cape Town. I look forward to the usual co-operation of the Grahamstown citizens. Yours etc. Dr. G. de L. White. Medical Superinendent, Grocott's Mail 1985-03-01."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1985-03-01
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1985-03-01
- Subjects: Erythrina caffra -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35206
- Description: Caption "Lucky Bean seeds needed. Sir. I have received an appeal from Cape Town for these seeds. Large quantities are required to obtain a tissue plasminogen activator which will be used to manufacture a substance being used experimentally to dissolve blood clots. It the experiments come up to expectations a new drug will be produced for heart attack victims. I have seen many 'kaffirboom' trees in Grahamstown and I appeal to your readers to collect the seeds and leave them at the reception desk of Settlers Hospital. We will forward them to Cape Town. I look forward to the usual co-operation of the Grahamstown citizens. Yours etc. Dr. G. de L. White. Medical Superinendent, Grocott's Mail 1985-03-01."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1985-03-01
Erythrina humeana
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1964-03-31
- Subjects: Erythrina humeana -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35204
- Description: Caption "Flowering shrub is reminder of 1922 battle. Commandandt Frans Nel, Officer Commandoing Prince Alfred's Guard, examines the flowering umzintzani shrub in the regimental garden at the Drill Hall. Regimental historians believe it was this flower which caused the Xhosa tribesmen to name the Umzintzani battle scene the Valley of the Burning Bush. E. P. Herald 31-03-1964."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1964-03-31
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1964-03-31
- Subjects: Erythrina humeana -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35204
- Description: Caption "Flowering shrub is reminder of 1922 battle. Commandandt Frans Nel, Officer Commandoing Prince Alfred's Guard, examines the flowering umzintzani shrub in the regimental garden at the Drill Hall. Regimental historians believe it was this flower which caused the Xhosa tribesmen to name the Umzintzani battle scene the Valley of the Burning Bush. E. P. Herald 31-03-1964."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1964-03-31
Ficus sansibarica - Wild Fig
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1959-01-21
- Subjects: Ficus sansibarica -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35096
- Description: Caption "The Day's News from Grahamstown. Plant may send spire toppling. E . P. Herald. 20-01-1959."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1959-01-21
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1959-01-21
- Subjects: Ficus sansibarica -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35096
- Description: Caption "The Day's News from Grahamstown. Plant may send spire toppling. E . P. Herald. 20-01-1959."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1959-01-21
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1963-07-10
- Subjects: Sideroxylon inerme - South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34580
- Description: Caption "This battered milkwood, once much bigger, is Woodstock's Treaty Tree, under which, legend says, the 1806 armistice was signed between the British and the Dutch garrison. It is now to be protected by Cape Town municipality. E. P. Herald. 10-07-1963”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1963-07-10
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1963-07-10
- Subjects: Sideroxylon inerme - South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34580
- Description: Caption "This battered milkwood, once much bigger, is Woodstock's Treaty Tree, under which, legend says, the 1806 armistice was signed between the British and the Dutch garrison. It is now to be protected by Cape Town municipality. E. P. Herald. 10-07-1963”
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1963-07-10
Ocotea bullata - Black Stinkwood
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-07-02
- Subjects: Ocotea bullata -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35199
- Description: Caption "Proud owners of a Stinkwood. Eastern Province Herald, Wednesday, July 2, 1980."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-07-02
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1980-07-02
- Subjects: Ocotea bullata -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35199
- Description: Caption "Proud owners of a Stinkwood. Eastern Province Herald, Wednesday, July 2, 1980."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1980-07-02
Ocotea bullata - Black Stinkwood
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1961-06-09
- Subjects: Ocotea bullata -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35201
- Description: Caption "Stinkwood trees from seed. Daily Dispatch, Friday, June 9, 1961."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1961-06-09
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1961-06-09
- Subjects: Ocotea bullata -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35201
- Description: Caption "Stinkwood trees from seed. Daily Dispatch, Friday, June 9, 1961."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1961-06-09
Ocotea bullata - Black Stinkwood
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1979-06-08
- Subjects: Ocotea bullata -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35200
- Description: Caption "Tree of the year. S. A. Digest. 1 June 1979."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1979-06-08
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1979-06-08
- Subjects: Ocotea bullata -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35200
- Description: Caption "Tree of the year. S. A. Digest. 1 June 1979."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1979-06-08
Olea europeae - olive wood
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1975-08-23
- Subjects: Olea europeae- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34800
- Description: Caption "Cradock carpenter Mr A. W. J Robbertze with the two coffee tables he made from rare wild olive wood. The tables were gifts to the Prime Minister of Water Affairs from the people of the Eastern Cape. Evening Post 23-08-1975"
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1975-08-23
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1975-08-23
- Subjects: Olea europeae- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34800
- Description: Caption "Cradock carpenter Mr A. W. J Robbertze with the two coffee tables he made from rare wild olive wood. The tables were gifts to the Prime Minister of Water Affairs from the people of the Eastern Cape. Evening Post 23-08-1975"
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1975-08-23
Phoenix reclinata - Palm
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1956-08-05
- Subjects: Phoenix reclinata -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35323
- Description: Caption "300-Year-Old Palm will be moved. Workmen prepare to move a relic of the East Dutch India Company, from the position in Government House where it has been growing for 300 years. It is to be moved to a new site 20 yards away. Argus 05-08-56."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1956-08-05
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1956-08-05
- Subjects: Phoenix reclinata -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:35323
- Description: Caption "300-Year-Old Palm will be moved. Workmen prepare to move a relic of the East Dutch India Company, from the position in Government House where it has been growing for 300 years. It is to be moved to a new site 20 yards away. Argus 05-08-56."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1956-08-05
Pinus halepensis - Aleppo pine
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1971-03
- Subjects: Pinus halepensis -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34978
- Description: Caption "Pinus halepensis spreading on mountainside near Simonstown. Photo: H. C. Taylor. African Wild Life, Vol. 25. No. 1 p. 11. March 1971."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1971-03
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1971-03
- Subjects: Pinus halepensis -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34978
- Description: Caption "Pinus halepensis spreading on mountainside near Simonstown. Photo: H. C. Taylor. African Wild Life, Vol. 25. No. 1 p. 11. March 1971."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1971-03
Pinus halepensis - Aleppo pine
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1971-03
- Subjects: Pinus halepensis -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34980
- Description: Caption "Above: Rooikrans, Acacia cyclops, which has widely infested the fynbos. It was first planted during the last century to arrest the sand on the Cape Flats. Photo: Mr. Crafford. Below: Hakea acicularis. The fruits open after fire and profuse regeneration takes place. This is one of the most serious pests which threaten the fynbos. Photo: H. C. Taylor. African Wild Life, Vol. 25. No. 1 p. 13. March 1971."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1971-03
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1971-03
- Subjects: Pinus halepensis -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34980
- Description: Caption "Above: Rooikrans, Acacia cyclops, which has widely infested the fynbos. It was first planted during the last century to arrest the sand on the Cape Flats. Photo: Mr. Crafford. Below: Hakea acicularis. The fruits open after fire and profuse regeneration takes place. This is one of the most serious pests which threaten the fynbos. Photo: H. C. Taylor. African Wild Life, Vol. 25. No. 1 p. 13. March 1971."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1971-03
Pinus halepensis - Aleppo pine
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1971-03
- Subjects: Pinus halepensis -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34979
- Description: Caption "Hakea laurina from Australia. This is an attractive small tree, non-spreading, which grows profusely on the French Riviera. The flowers are pink and scented. From a drawing by M. L. Wicht. African Wild Life, Vol. 25. No. 1 p. 12. March 1971."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1971-03
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1971-03
- Subjects: Pinus halepensis -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34979
- Description: Caption "Hakea laurina from Australia. This is an attractive small tree, non-spreading, which grows profusely on the French Riviera. The flowers are pink and scented. From a drawing by M. L. Wicht. African Wild Life, Vol. 25. No. 1 p. 12. March 1971."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1971-03
Podocarpus falcatus - Yellowwood
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1979-06
- Subjects: Podocarpus falcatus -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34857
- Description: Caption "Yellowwoods dying in Natal. Report by D. Dobson. Natal Forestry Research Centre. Left: Dying tree. Right: Healthy tree. Forestry News. p. 10. June 1979."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1979-06
- Authors: Skead, C J (Cuthbert John)
- Date: 1979-06
- Subjects: Podocarpus falcatus -- South Africa -- Photographs , Trees -- South Africa -- Photographs
- Language: English
- Type: mixed material , photographs , clippings
- Identifier: , vital:34857
- Description: Caption "Yellowwoods dying in Natal. Report by D. Dobson. Natal Forestry Research Centre. Left: Dying tree. Right: Healthy tree. Forestry News. p. 10. June 1979."
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1979-06