A critical perspective of national norms and standards of school funding in Eastern Cape East London District
- Authors: Mamatu, Ntombizonke Lydia
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Education and state -- South Africa , Education -- South Africa -- Finance , School management and organization -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public schools -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Poverty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11413 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/303 , Education and state -- South Africa , Education -- South Africa -- Finance , School management and organization -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public schools -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Poverty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Education policies remain a contested terrain in both the social and political environments. They are not neutral instruments and are used both to maintain the existing social order and also to promote varying kinds of change or mobility. The South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act 84 of 1996) hereafter SASA, which is the source of all policies that regulate school issues in South Africa promotes democratic methods of school governing and education provisioning that favours the previously disadvantaged groups. The NNSSF is one of the policies of SASA that makes schooling accessible to the poor through school fee exemptions while attempting to close the gap between the rich and the poor through differentiated school funding created according to researched poverty levels and standardized target lists. This has been designed to fulfil one of the essential human rights of man- education that has been entrenched in the Bill of Rights of the Republic of South Africa Constitution, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) hereafter, Constitution. Thus, the study’s objective is to evaluate the implementation of the NNSSF policy in public schools focussing on school fee exemptions. The extent to which poor parents and learners are given school fee exemptions as they are supposed to according to the policy will be indicators of whether the NNSSF is justly or unjustly implemented in public schools. Learners are the recipients of the right to education. Parents are given the responsibility to fund the education of their children. However, for poor parents to fulfil that they need advice and assistance from the teachers and SGBs to be able to access the school fee exemptions while they have a right to just administrative action and to human dignity in dealing with them. SGBs and teachers have to create a favourable environment for the just implementation of the NNSSF by advising and xiii assisting deserving parents and learners to access school fee exemptions so that the right to education is fulfilled. The duty of in loco parentis and acting in the best interest of the child enforce teachers to do everything possible to ensure that learners access education. EDOs are supposed to guide, monitor and supervise the implementation of the policy while legal bodies should assist parents and learners to demand their right when it is violated through litigation. The study used the method of survey which is quantitative and interviews which are qualitative. Questionnaires and interview schedules were tools used to collect data that was analysed through statistical methods and represented in the form of tables and pie-charts. Various significant findings were made that had a bearing on the implementation of the NNSSF policy in public schools, most important to note is that some learners who have the right to education are aware of this right but do not know how to ensure that it is not violated. Parents are not given the opportunity to decide whether school fees should be charged in their schools. Above that they are not given the advice they need to be able to access school fee exemptions. Some teachers think that by advising and assisting learners and parents they will be buying cheap popularity- showing ignorance. EDOs do not know how schools implement the NNSSF, they are not involved in anyway. Thus the study views the implementation of NNSSF policy in public schools as unjust and recommends that SGBs and teachers need to be educated, guided and monitored by the EDOs on the policy and its implementation. They in turn will have to educate parents and learners so that they are able to access school fee exemptions thereby receiving education – their right.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2009
- Authors: Mamatu, Ntombizonke Lydia
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Education and state -- South Africa , Education -- South Africa -- Finance , School management and organization -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public schools -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Poverty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11413 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/303 , Education and state -- South Africa , Education -- South Africa -- Finance , School management and organization -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public schools -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Poverty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Education policies remain a contested terrain in both the social and political environments. They are not neutral instruments and are used both to maintain the existing social order and also to promote varying kinds of change or mobility. The South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act 84 of 1996) hereafter SASA, which is the source of all policies that regulate school issues in South Africa promotes democratic methods of school governing and education provisioning that favours the previously disadvantaged groups. The NNSSF is one of the policies of SASA that makes schooling accessible to the poor through school fee exemptions while attempting to close the gap between the rich and the poor through differentiated school funding created according to researched poverty levels and standardized target lists. This has been designed to fulfil one of the essential human rights of man- education that has been entrenched in the Bill of Rights of the Republic of South Africa Constitution, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) hereafter, Constitution. Thus, the study’s objective is to evaluate the implementation of the NNSSF policy in public schools focussing on school fee exemptions. The extent to which poor parents and learners are given school fee exemptions as they are supposed to according to the policy will be indicators of whether the NNSSF is justly or unjustly implemented in public schools. Learners are the recipients of the right to education. Parents are given the responsibility to fund the education of their children. However, for poor parents to fulfil that they need advice and assistance from the teachers and SGBs to be able to access the school fee exemptions while they have a right to just administrative action and to human dignity in dealing with them. SGBs and teachers have to create a favourable environment for the just implementation of the NNSSF by advising and xiii assisting deserving parents and learners to access school fee exemptions so that the right to education is fulfilled. The duty of in loco parentis and acting in the best interest of the child enforce teachers to do everything possible to ensure that learners access education. EDOs are supposed to guide, monitor and supervise the implementation of the policy while legal bodies should assist parents and learners to demand their right when it is violated through litigation. The study used the method of survey which is quantitative and interviews which are qualitative. Questionnaires and interview schedules were tools used to collect data that was analysed through statistical methods and represented in the form of tables and pie-charts. Various significant findings were made that had a bearing on the implementation of the NNSSF policy in public schools, most important to note is that some learners who have the right to education are aware of this right but do not know how to ensure that it is not violated. Parents are not given the opportunity to decide whether school fees should be charged in their schools. Above that they are not given the advice they need to be able to access school fee exemptions. Some teachers think that by advising and assisting learners and parents they will be buying cheap popularity- showing ignorance. EDOs do not know how schools implement the NNSSF, they are not involved in anyway. Thus the study views the implementation of NNSSF policy in public schools as unjust and recommends that SGBs and teachers need to be educated, guided and monitored by the EDOs on the policy and its implementation. They in turn will have to educate parents and learners so that they are able to access school fee exemptions thereby receiving education – their right.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2009
Community development education: the integration of individual and collective consciousness for community well-being within a social development paradigm in South Africa
- Authors: Maistry, Savathrie
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Community development -- South Africa , Social planning -- South Africa , Public welfare -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Development Studies)
- Identifier: vital:11754 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/182 , Community development -- South Africa , Social planning -- South Africa , Public welfare -- South Africa
- Description: This study focused on community development education and practice for the democratic and transformative South context. Social and community development are relatively new approaches to social welfare and community development is emerging as a discipline and profession to contribute to the goal of developmental social welfare. Community work, albeit to a minimal extent and not community development was viewed as a method of social work during apartheid. With community development being prioritized as an intervention strategy for poverty reduction by the national government, the gap in community development education needs to be addressed. The goal of the study was to develop an undergraduate curriculum framework for community development education that would produce a new generation of ethical community development professionals to contribute to the goal of developmental social welfare. The study focused on the integrated approach to community development education and practice; with education of the student as a whole human being as critical for community development in a transformative South Africa. To achieve its goal, the study identified three themes that were critical to the research: a conceptual framework, clarifying key terms; a curriculum framework for community development education; and qualities and ethics for a new generation of development practitioners. The qualitative study was based in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa and because of the lack of a referential framework for community development education, the researcher looked towards learning from India which has over fifty years of experience in social and community development education and practice. The state of Kerala established a social development approach in 1957 and was chosen as a learning experience. The state’s Kudumbashree Mission which aims at poverty alleviation through the empowerment of women was chosen as a case study. The integral and values based education system of Sri Sathya Sai University in the state of Andhra Pradesh and the community development education and practice of Loyola College in the state of Kerala were examined. The research design was exploratory, conceptual, descriptive and developmental in nature. The qualitative methodology best suited the nature of this study and a combination of methods to obtain data from a variety of sources across national boundaries was employed. The participants interviewed in both countries were purposively selected for their involvement in social and community development directly as target groups, practitioners, managers and policy makers. The research produced a philosophical and theoretical framework that is unitary and integral and aligned with the current social development policy to guide community development education and practice. The unitary and integral framework encompasses the individual within the family and community context and locates the various dimensions of development such as the social, physical, cultural, psychological, spiritual, political and economical dimensions within a unitary platform. The framework is dominated by the holistic and humanistic philosophies without negating the rational and pragmatic perspectives. In conclusion, the study conceptualizes community development as a natural process; the integration of individual and collective consciousness and an intervention. The outcome of the study is a recommended curriculum framework for community development education that would be of relevance to the Eastern Cape Province in particular and for the South African context generally.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008
- Authors: Maistry, Savathrie
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Community development -- South Africa , Social planning -- South Africa , Public welfare -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Development Studies)
- Identifier: vital:11754 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/182 , Community development -- South Africa , Social planning -- South Africa , Public welfare -- South Africa
- Description: This study focused on community development education and practice for the democratic and transformative South context. Social and community development are relatively new approaches to social welfare and community development is emerging as a discipline and profession to contribute to the goal of developmental social welfare. Community work, albeit to a minimal extent and not community development was viewed as a method of social work during apartheid. With community development being prioritized as an intervention strategy for poverty reduction by the national government, the gap in community development education needs to be addressed. The goal of the study was to develop an undergraduate curriculum framework for community development education that would produce a new generation of ethical community development professionals to contribute to the goal of developmental social welfare. The study focused on the integrated approach to community development education and practice; with education of the student as a whole human being as critical for community development in a transformative South Africa. To achieve its goal, the study identified three themes that were critical to the research: a conceptual framework, clarifying key terms; a curriculum framework for community development education; and qualities and ethics for a new generation of development practitioners. The qualitative study was based in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa and because of the lack of a referential framework for community development education, the researcher looked towards learning from India which has over fifty years of experience in social and community development education and practice. The state of Kerala established a social development approach in 1957 and was chosen as a learning experience. The state’s Kudumbashree Mission which aims at poverty alleviation through the empowerment of women was chosen as a case study. The integral and values based education system of Sri Sathya Sai University in the state of Andhra Pradesh and the community development education and practice of Loyola College in the state of Kerala were examined. The research design was exploratory, conceptual, descriptive and developmental in nature. The qualitative methodology best suited the nature of this study and a combination of methods to obtain data from a variety of sources across national boundaries was employed. The participants interviewed in both countries were purposively selected for their involvement in social and community development directly as target groups, practitioners, managers and policy makers. The research produced a philosophical and theoretical framework that is unitary and integral and aligned with the current social development policy to guide community development education and practice. The unitary and integral framework encompasses the individual within the family and community context and locates the various dimensions of development such as the social, physical, cultural, psychological, spiritual, political and economical dimensions within a unitary platform. The framework is dominated by the holistic and humanistic philosophies without negating the rational and pragmatic perspectives. In conclusion, the study conceptualizes community development as a natural process; the integration of individual and collective consciousness and an intervention. The outcome of the study is a recommended curriculum framework for community development education that would be of relevance to the Eastern Cape Province in particular and for the South African context generally.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008
Critiquing the viability of a trade biased approach to regional integration in Southern Africa
- Authors: Chipendo, Kudakwashe
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Regionalism -- Africa, Southern , International economic integration
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11409 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/163 , Regionalism -- Africa, Southern , International economic integration
- Description: Africa’s international marginalization is preponderantly conceptualized through world systems approaches, particularly structural dependency. Consequently, the region’s socioeconomic quagmire, characterized by economic stagnation, abysmal poverty, inequality and foreign dependency, is often attributed to its colonial heritage. Particular reference is made to the small size of the African state and its structural specialization in primary production. Collective self reliance based on mutual interdependence (regional integration) thus suggests itself as a logical way to overcome the structural constraints imposed by the small size of the state, while at the same time representing a viable alternative to asymmetric trade with developed countries. It is within the context of this theoretical framework that this study critiques the predisposition of the regional body in Southern Africa, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), towards a trade biased approach to regional integration (market integration). This critique is based on theoretical and empirical findings showing that trade led strategies are primarily suited for developed countries with robust manufacturing industries and complimentary production structures. Countries in Southern Africa are however characterized by a near absence of manufacturing industries, are at different levels of development and show low levels of trade complementarities. This study therefore concludes that market integration is an inappropriate strategy for regional integration in Southern Africa and in the process suggests development integration – a political economy approach, as an alternative.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008
- Authors: Chipendo, Kudakwashe
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Regionalism -- Africa, Southern , International economic integration
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11409 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/163 , Regionalism -- Africa, Southern , International economic integration
- Description: Africa’s international marginalization is preponderantly conceptualized through world systems approaches, particularly structural dependency. Consequently, the region’s socioeconomic quagmire, characterized by economic stagnation, abysmal poverty, inequality and foreign dependency, is often attributed to its colonial heritage. Particular reference is made to the small size of the African state and its structural specialization in primary production. Collective self reliance based on mutual interdependence (regional integration) thus suggests itself as a logical way to overcome the structural constraints imposed by the small size of the state, while at the same time representing a viable alternative to asymmetric trade with developed countries. It is within the context of this theoretical framework that this study critiques the predisposition of the regional body in Southern Africa, the Southern African Development Community (SADC), towards a trade biased approach to regional integration (market integration). This critique is based on theoretical and empirical findings showing that trade led strategies are primarily suited for developed countries with robust manufacturing industries and complimentary production structures. Countries in Southern Africa are however characterized by a near absence of manufacturing industries, are at different levels of development and show low levels of trade complementarities. This study therefore concludes that market integration is an inappropriate strategy for regional integration in Southern Africa and in the process suggests development integration – a political economy approach, as an alternative.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008
Human agency and development: re-politicizing human development
- Authors: Ncube, Moreblessings
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Political participation , Communities , Agent (Philosophy)
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/26291 , vital:65235
- Description: This thesis presents a value-laden understanding of development that acknowledges that development is human centered. The study re-emphasizes that human development which has become a powerful element of current development discourse is not just a social, economic and technological challenge; it is also an institutional and political challenge. The study therefore analyzes the notion of human development with the intention of improving it by placing more emphasis on the aspect of politics and human agency (the ability to act and be an agent of one‘s life). Politics here is understood beyond its usual institutional focus or identification with government, politicians and parliaments to include a much wider and much more important and dynamic range of activities found in all human groups such as institutions and societies. The study then demonstrates that since development is a process, individuals need to work collectively towards a common good so as to realize their development potential. This means creating a confederation of development where governments, citizens and non-governmental organizations work in partnership guided by a culture of collectiveness (civic culture) in order to produce more empowered citizens. The major argument in this study is the concern for citizens to effectively participate in areas that affect and impact on their lives and consequently be in a position to hold accountable institutions that affect their decision making capabilities. Hence human agency in this study signifies and can be justified as an important aspect of the process of participation leading to empowerment. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2008
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008
- Authors: Ncube, Moreblessings
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Political participation , Communities , Agent (Philosophy)
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/26291 , vital:65235
- Description: This thesis presents a value-laden understanding of development that acknowledges that development is human centered. The study re-emphasizes that human development which has become a powerful element of current development discourse is not just a social, economic and technological challenge; it is also an institutional and political challenge. The study therefore analyzes the notion of human development with the intention of improving it by placing more emphasis on the aspect of politics and human agency (the ability to act and be an agent of one‘s life). Politics here is understood beyond its usual institutional focus or identification with government, politicians and parliaments to include a much wider and much more important and dynamic range of activities found in all human groups such as institutions and societies. The study then demonstrates that since development is a process, individuals need to work collectively towards a common good so as to realize their development potential. This means creating a confederation of development where governments, citizens and non-governmental organizations work in partnership guided by a culture of collectiveness (civic culture) in order to produce more empowered citizens. The major argument in this study is the concern for citizens to effectively participate in areas that affect and impact on their lives and consequently be in a position to hold accountable institutions that affect their decision making capabilities. Hence human agency in this study signifies and can be justified as an important aspect of the process of participation leading to empowerment. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2008
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008
Human agency and development: re-politicizing human development
- Authors: Ncube, Moreblessings
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Political participation , Agent (Philosophy) , Citizenship
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/26625 , vital:65680
- Description: This thesis presents a value-laden understanding of development that acknowledges that development is human centered. The study re-emphasizes that human development which has become a powerful element of current development discourse is not just a social, economic and technological challenge; it is also an institutional and political challenge. The study therefore analyzes the notion of human development with the intention of improving it by placing more emphasis on the aspect of politics and human agency the ability to act and be an agent of ones life. Politics here is understood beyond its usual institutional focus or identification with government, politicians and parliaments to include a much wider and much more important and dynamic range of activities found in all human groups such as institutions and societies. The study then demonstrates that since development is a process, individuals need to work collectively towards a common good so as to realize their development potential. This means creating a confederation of development where governments, citizens and non-governmental organizations work in partnership guided by a culture of collectiveness civic culture in order to produce more empowered citizens. The major argument in this study is the concern for citizens to effectively participate in areas that affect and impact on their lives and consequently be in a position to hold accountable institutions that affect their decision making capabilities. Hence human agency in this study signifies and can be justified as an important aspect of the process of participation leading to empowerment. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2008
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008
- Authors: Ncube, Moreblessings
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Political participation , Agent (Philosophy) , Citizenship
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/26625 , vital:65680
- Description: This thesis presents a value-laden understanding of development that acknowledges that development is human centered. The study re-emphasizes that human development which has become a powerful element of current development discourse is not just a social, economic and technological challenge; it is also an institutional and political challenge. The study therefore analyzes the notion of human development with the intention of improving it by placing more emphasis on the aspect of politics and human agency the ability to act and be an agent of ones life. Politics here is understood beyond its usual institutional focus or identification with government, politicians and parliaments to include a much wider and much more important and dynamic range of activities found in all human groups such as institutions and societies. The study then demonstrates that since development is a process, individuals need to work collectively towards a common good so as to realize their development potential. This means creating a confederation of development where governments, citizens and non-governmental organizations work in partnership guided by a culture of collectiveness civic culture in order to produce more empowered citizens. The major argument in this study is the concern for citizens to effectively participate in areas that affect and impact on their lives and consequently be in a position to hold accountable institutions that affect their decision making capabilities. Hence human agency in this study signifies and can be justified as an important aspect of the process of participation leading to empowerment. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2008
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008
The efficacy of education decentralisation policy in Zimbabwe: a case of Kadoma district
- Authors: Mupindu, Wisemen
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Universities and colleges -- Decentralization -- Zimbabwe , Education and state -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11410 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/202 , Universities and colleges -- Decentralization -- Zimbabwe , Education and state -- Zimbabwe
- Description: The study focused on the efficacy of the democratic education decentralization policy. The study focused on the efficacy of the democratic education decentralization policy implementation of the four schools of Kadoma District in Zimbabwe. The thesis reviewed literature and discussed the concept of the democratic education decentralization policy implementation and how this has been practiced in Zimbabwe. The theoretical basis of democratic education decentralization policies were outlined and the argument for and against the policy discussed. Thus the dissertation explored the concept of education decentralization policy with specific reference to the notions of democratization and participation in Zimbabwe. Besides the qualitative and the quantitative research methods employed, the study was complemented by the observation on the ground and document analysis. The thesis unearthed that; the democratic education decentralization policy is characterized by some successes and problems during implementation of the policy as indicated by the paucity of the teaching and learning resources. The research findings revealed that, there is prevalence of poor learning outcomes at ‘O’ level in schools; the SDCs/SDAs are underutilized sources of school development because they are not fully empowered by the education system since they had a minimum role in participating towards the implementation of the policy in order to acquire the teaching and learning resources at the schools in Kadoma District. The above findings long-established the view held by critical theorists of the Participatory Governance Model that there is a complementary relationship between the participation of the SDC/SDA in acquiring the teaching as well as the learning resources and the academic performance of learners. Thus, the study concluded that decentralization policy implementation was the major driving force in strengthening efficiency and accountability of resources and results.mplementation of the four schools of Kadoma District in Zimbabwe. The thesis reviewed literature and discussed the concept of the democratic education decentralization policy implementation and how this has been practiced in Zimbabwe. The theoretical basis of democratic education decentralization policies were outlined and the argument for and against the policy discussed. Thus the dissertation explored the concept of education decentralization policy with specific reference to the notions of democratization and participation in Zimbabwe. Besides the qualitative and the quantitative research methods employed, the study was complemented by the observation on the ground and document analysis. The thesis unearthed that; the democratic education decentralization policy is characterized by some successes and problems during implementation of the policy as indicated by the paucity of the teaching and learning resources. The research findings revealed that, there is prevalence of poor learning outcomes at ‘O’ level in schools; the SDCs/SDAs are underutilized sources of school development because they are not fully empowered by the education system since they had a minimum role in participating towards the implementation of the policy in order to acquire the teaching and learning resources at the schools in Kadoma District. The above findings long-established the view held by critical theorists of the Participatory Governance Model that there is a complementary relationship between the participation of the SDC/SDA in acquiring the teaching as well as the learning resources and the academic performance of learners. Thus, the study concluded that decentralization policy implementation was the major driving force in strengthening efficiency and accountability of resources and results.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008
- Authors: Mupindu, Wisemen
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Universities and colleges -- Decentralization -- Zimbabwe , Education and state -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11410 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/202 , Universities and colleges -- Decentralization -- Zimbabwe , Education and state -- Zimbabwe
- Description: The study focused on the efficacy of the democratic education decentralization policy. The study focused on the efficacy of the democratic education decentralization policy implementation of the four schools of Kadoma District in Zimbabwe. The thesis reviewed literature and discussed the concept of the democratic education decentralization policy implementation and how this has been practiced in Zimbabwe. The theoretical basis of democratic education decentralization policies were outlined and the argument for and against the policy discussed. Thus the dissertation explored the concept of education decentralization policy with specific reference to the notions of democratization and participation in Zimbabwe. Besides the qualitative and the quantitative research methods employed, the study was complemented by the observation on the ground and document analysis. The thesis unearthed that; the democratic education decentralization policy is characterized by some successes and problems during implementation of the policy as indicated by the paucity of the teaching and learning resources. The research findings revealed that, there is prevalence of poor learning outcomes at ‘O’ level in schools; the SDCs/SDAs are underutilized sources of school development because they are not fully empowered by the education system since they had a minimum role in participating towards the implementation of the policy in order to acquire the teaching and learning resources at the schools in Kadoma District. The above findings long-established the view held by critical theorists of the Participatory Governance Model that there is a complementary relationship between the participation of the SDC/SDA in acquiring the teaching as well as the learning resources and the academic performance of learners. Thus, the study concluded that decentralization policy implementation was the major driving force in strengthening efficiency and accountability of resources and results.mplementation of the four schools of Kadoma District in Zimbabwe. The thesis reviewed literature and discussed the concept of the democratic education decentralization policy implementation and how this has been practiced in Zimbabwe. The theoretical basis of democratic education decentralization policies were outlined and the argument for and against the policy discussed. Thus the dissertation explored the concept of education decentralization policy with specific reference to the notions of democratization and participation in Zimbabwe. Besides the qualitative and the quantitative research methods employed, the study was complemented by the observation on the ground and document analysis. The thesis unearthed that; the democratic education decentralization policy is characterized by some successes and problems during implementation of the policy as indicated by the paucity of the teaching and learning resources. The research findings revealed that, there is prevalence of poor learning outcomes at ‘O’ level in schools; the SDCs/SDAs are underutilized sources of school development because they are not fully empowered by the education system since they had a minimum role in participating towards the implementation of the policy in order to acquire the teaching and learning resources at the schools in Kadoma District. The above findings long-established the view held by critical theorists of the Participatory Governance Model that there is a complementary relationship between the participation of the SDC/SDA in acquiring the teaching as well as the learning resources and the academic performance of learners. Thus, the study concluded that decentralization policy implementation was the major driving force in strengthening efficiency and accountability of resources and results.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2008