An unusual new fossil shark (Pisces: Chondrichthyes) from the Late Devonian of South Africa
- Authors: Anderson, M Eric , Long, John A , Gess, Robert W , Hiller, Norton
- Date: 1999
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:30240 , Anderson, Long, Gess, Hiller.pdf
- Description: A new stem-group chondrichthyan fish, PlesioselacJllIs macracanthlls gen. et sp. nov., is described from the Late Devonian Witpoort Formation, representing an estuarine lagoon site, near Grahamstown, South Africa. Based on a single, fairly complete specimen, it is distinctive in its a single dorsal fin braced by a large, stout spine with numerous ribs and posterior denticles, apparently no second dorsal or anal fin, an amphistylic jaw suspension, and a distinctive triangular palatoquadrate. It is suggested that the species may represent a high-latitude, Late Devonian relict taxon.
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- Date Issued: 1999
New placoderm fishes from the Late Devonian of South Africa
- Authors: Long, John A , Anderson, M Eric , Gess, Robert W , Hiller, Norton
- Date: 1997
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:30108 ,
- Description: New placoderm fishes are described from a black shale lens in the Famennian Witpoort Formation, near Grahamstown, South Africa. Arthrodires include a new species of Groenlandaspis, G. riniensis sp. nov., a new genus of groenlandaspidid, Africanaspis doryssa gen. et sp. nov., and a new species of the antiarch Bothriolepis, B. africana sp. nov. This is the first record of the ubiquitous genera Bothriolepis and Groenlandaspis from the African continent. The South African placoderm fauna has demonstrable links with the eastern Gondwana faunas in the close affinity of the Bothriolepis africana with B. barred of Antarctica, and the high diversity of groenlandaspid species, especially the presence of a very high crested form having affinities to Tiaraspis.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1997
Marine algal remains from the Upper Devonian of South Africa
- Authors: Hiller, Norton , Gess, Robert W
- Date: 1996
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:30107 ,
- Description: The remains of what are interpreted to be marine brown algae are described from Late Devonian clastic rocks in South Africa. Dichotomously-branched specimens with rounded terminations are placed in the new species Hungerfordia fionae and the closely related H. dichotoma Fry and Banks is placed in synonymy with Buthotrephis trichotoma Douglas and Jell. A large strap-like form is described as a new species, Yeaia africana.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1996
Archaeopteris (Progymnospermopsida) from the Devonian of southern Africa
- Authors: Anderson, Heidi M , Hiller, Norton , Gess, Robert W
- Date: 1995
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:30102 ,
- Description: Archaeopteris notosaria sp. nov. based on one fertile and numerous sterile leafy branches is described from the Grahamstown By-Pass locality, Witpoort Formation (Witteberg Group) Upper Devonian, and represents the first unequivocal record of the genus in southern Africa. This occurrence is used, in its palaeogeographical context, to support the suggestion that climatic gradients in Late Devonian times were less steep than they are at present.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1995
Late Devonian charophytes from the Witteberg Group, South Africa
- Authors: Gess, Robert W , Hiller, Norton
- Date: 1995
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:30106 ,
- Description: The first record of Palaeozoic charophytes from southern Africa allows the establishment of two new genera to which are assigned four new species, Octochara crassa, O. gracilis. Hexachara setacea, and H. riniensis. Each species is represented by both vegetative and reproductive structures and suggested reconstructions are presented. Associated plant and animal remains, and the sedimentology and geochemistry of the containing rocks indicate that the charophytes probably grew in the shallow parts of a brackish coastal lagoon.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1995
The first Bothriolepsis-associated Devonian fish fauna from Africa
- Authors: Anderson, M Eric , Hiller, Norton , Gess, Robert W
- Date: 1994
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:30235 ,
- Description: An advanced diplacanthid (Climatiiformes) is described from a Famennian estuarine environment of South Africa. It is characterized by having exceptionally long thin fin spines and a deep body form. Unusual details of the fins and fin spine insertions are preserved. This is the first record of a diplacanthid from the Southern Hemisphere.
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- Date Issued: 1994