An assessment of the role of agricultural projetcs in poverty alleviation at Ngqushwa Local Municipality
- Authors: Guzana, Andile
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Poverty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economic development projects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural development projects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:8328 ,
- Description: This study assessed the role of agricultural projects in poverty alleviation at Ngqushwa local municipality. These projects are very important for poverty alleviation and to fight the growing levels of unemployment in the Eastern Cape. Despite the advantages of these projects, there are challenges that impact negatively on the implementation of these projects such as conflict, lack of resources, market failure and these projects are too disconnected. Consequently, the projects do not achieve their intended objectives and there are high levels of dissatisfaction among project members. The study was conducted in two wards of Ngqushwa local municipality, and two projects were selected from each ward and ten members were selected from each project and the total number of a sample for the study was forty project members. The research utilized both qualitative and quantitative approaches. Data was collected through questionnaires, document analysis and observations. The sampling method that was used to select respondents or participants was purposive. The findings of the study indicated that agricultural projects in this area did not bring about any significant reduction in poverty, and they did not bring about any significant economic development. The study also revealed that there was lack of community participation in matters pertaining to community development and lack of support by all relevant stakeholders which resulted in failure at the implementation phase. The researcher also discovered that the poverty alleviation approach was mainly focused on one type of project, other than looking at other avenues to ensure that those who do not have interest in food gardens are given alternative opportunities like cattle farming. In view of these findings, the study recognises a need for empowerment in terms of knowledge and skills, understanding and resource management of agricultural projects. The study thus recommended that community members should be actively involved in community development projects. Additionally, the study recommended for the establishment or formulation of new policies or amendments of the existing policies in order to boost agriculture in rural areas so as to be able to alleviate poverty effectively.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An assessment of the role of Councillors in their oversight mandate: a case of the Chris Hani district municipality: 2011-2013
- Authors: Shweni, Zenzile Raymond
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:26519
- Description: According to the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act 108 of 1996, Local Government is the closest sphere of government to the people and thus regarded as the service delivery mechanism of government. In the same context municipal councils are accorded a legal status and authority of a deliberative legislative body. This is considered critical for the municipal council to establish appropriate structures, processes and systems for effective oversight, particularly, oversight of budget execution and administrative processes. However, indications are that, the current legal and institutional measures need to be strengthened to enable municipal council to exercise oversight of the budget execution. In this study, the researcher conducted extensive literature on the roles and responsibilities of Councillors as prescribed in the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act and Municipal Structures Act respectively. An extensive review of the relevant local government legal provisions highlighted the authority of the municipal council, internal rules, reporting processes, council committees and the research capacity, as key aspects of the institutional measures required for oversight of budget execution. Equally, the review accentuated the ability and willingness of non-executive Councillors to exercise oversight in the affairs of the Municipality. A total of 20 research sample was selected for this research. Research participants were given research questionnaires for them to complete. This was completed and returned to the researcher for analysis. Key findings of the research was that, the municipal council must use its legal authority to reinforce mechanisms for effective oversight of budget execution. In addition, the municipal council needs to provide an enabling leadership and governance environment that encourages and support non-executive Councillors to actively engage in oversight processes and activities of the municipality. Further to the findings of this research, it was strongly recommended the further research in order to unearth the mechanisms that can further enable the Councillors to ensure optimum utilisation of resources.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An assessment of the role of officials in housings service delivery in the Nelson Mandela bay Municipality
- Authors: Tutu, Jimmy Vuyisile
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Housing -- Protests -- Officials -- Service Delivery , Beneficiary -- Beneficiary Management -- Corruption
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11722 , , Housing -- Protests -- Officials -- Service Delivery , Beneficiary -- Beneficiary Management -- Corruption
- Description: The purpose of this study was to assess the role of the officials on housing service delivery in the Nelson Mandela by Municipality (NMBM). The role of the officials currently occupies the centre stage in the Public Service and they should be proud to be the servants of the people. Furthermore, they relish the challenge of providing improved services to all by applying the principles of Batho Pele. In order to meet the goals of the study, it was necessary to study the literature on the housing sector, in particular the role of Officials in the Nelson Mandela Municipality and the reasons why people marched and accused Officials of perceived Corruption in Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality. In order to address the research problem and to fulfill the research objectives, an in depth literature study was done. Empirical studies were done by means of face-to-face interviews and Questionnaires with the Sample population from the Community and the Department of Housing officials in NMBM. The findings of the study suggested that there is ineffective client interface, housing waiting lists are not properly managed, there is a lack of transparency in housing allocations, as well as favoritism by Officials, Councilors and Community leaders on the allocation of houses and there is also a problem of the illegal occupation of houses .The study further suggests that the role of Officials and Councilors needs to be improved if it is to serve as a catalyst for effective housing service delivery to the citizens of NMBM. Recommendations were put forward to assist the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in improving effective and efficiency Housing Service Delivery.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An assessment of the role South African Social Security Agency on poverty alleviation and reduction: a case study of the Eastern Cape province
- Authors: Manzi, Siphokazi
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Public welfare -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Social security -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Social service -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Poor -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Admin
- Identifier: , vital:27480
- Description: Poverty, unemployment and inequality constitute the three main challenges to the attainment of universal socio-economic development within the Republic of South Africa. The government is the Republic of South Africa is grappling to alleviate and eradicate poverty since the dawn of freedom in April 1994. Further, poverty and inequality is historically racially biased due to the segregation which non-whites suffered during the pre-freedom era. The Eastern Cape Province has been regard as the poorest of all the nine provinces in South Africa. The war on poverty in the province has been intensified through the utilisation of social grants as social safety nets under an inclusive social security system. Despite of this poverty alleviation intervention, the prevalence rates of poverty the province remains alarmingly high.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An assessment of the roles of co-operatives as agents of development in rural areas: a case study of Inkwanca Local Municipality
- Authors: Mtshwelo, Linda Hombisa
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11680 ,
- Description: The study assesses the role of co-operative societies in economic development. The study was undertaken to investigate the extent to which co-operatives can act as agents towards sustainable community development. Expectations were that cooperative members can perform better than individuals in terms of working together as a group, sharing responsibilities, contributing larger capital, bringing their skills together, incur lower expenses, generate higher income and therefore earn higher profits to be shared amongst themselves. This would enable members to be able to pay for their families’ basic needs and therefore enhance the standard of living of all members. The overall purpose of the study therefore is to investigate whether cooperatives are the best tools for rural development and poverty alleviation in Inkwanca Local Municipality. The research involves the collection of data from co-operative members in Molteno and Sterkstrooom. The data was analysed in order to establish the performance of cooperatives in terms of their leadership and management structures. The research further looks into the challenges and gaps in the co-operative sector in terms of performance by the members and support by the government and government agencies. The research also investigated the best model that can be used to improve co-operatives so that they can enhance the lives of community members in rural areas. In order to gather information, three different approaches were used in the action research which involved different instruments, such as questionnaires, interviews and observations. In spite of all the challenges facing co-operatives, they have been playing an increasingly important role in facilitating job creation, economic growth and social development. The study concludes by emphasising that for co-operatives to be continuously effective and successful, they must improve their ability to service their members. The study commends government for financial and non-financial support programmes although there is still a room for improvement. In addition, further research is needed o the role played by co-operatives as agents of development in rural areas.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An assessment of the training of invigilators at Walter Sisulu University
- Authors: Cekiso, Nontuthuzelo
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Students -- Examinations , Educational tests and measurements -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Academic achievement -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Evaluation , Universities and colleges -- South Africa -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:39542
- Description: The study assessed the training of invigilators at Walter Sisulu University. It covered the period from 2010 to 2011. The purpose of the study was to assess the awareness of invigilators regarding rules and regulations pertaining to their duties; whether there are pertinent differences between invigilators who have been trained and those that have not been trained and investigate the challenges that invigilators face during examinations. Following the literature study on training, a qualitative research methodology was employed in undertaking the empirical study. Through purposive sampling, trained and untrained invigilators as well as some examination section managers were selected for participating in the study. Structured and semi-structured interviews were used for collecting data. The study found that a limited number of trained and untrained invigilators were not aware of the rules and regulations regarding invigilation and this had a negative impact on their work performance. Although the study also found that invigilators were experiencing some challenges during the examination periods, it could not find crucial differences between the trained and untrained invigilators in this regard. The study recommends that the quality of training of invigilators should be improved in order to address the challenges experienced by invigilators and it should include all invigilators.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An assessment of training needs for school governing bodies in selected Eastern Cape schools
- Authors: Kauleza, Bongeka Nosisi
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: School management and organization -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape School boards -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Educational leadership
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:40370
- Description: This research set out to assess the training needs for school governing bodies selected from Eastern Cape Schools. The study focuses in three schools in the Mthatha District. The research methodology, which was employed, can be described as qualitative, exploratory and descriptive in nature. Data was collected by means of interviews, which involved chairpersons, secretaries, learners, educators, non- teaching staff, treasurers and principals as ex-officio members. Analysis of data has revealed that the effort made by Department of Education to provide training of SGBs is inadequate to address the complex problems experienced by the SGBs. There are a number of factors such as illiteracy, low level of education, the language used during interviewing processes and term of office of governing body members that contribute to inadequacy of training of school governing bodies. It is therefore recommended that the intensified SGB development training for SGBs should be provided and further research be undertaken regarding the training needs of SGBs.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An Associative Shared Memory Approach to Audio Connection Management
- Authors: Eales, Andrew , Foss, Richard
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72395 ,
- Description: A distributed, associative memory that advertises audio streams and represents audio connections between networked audio devices is described. Characteristic features of a shared, associative memory are discussed, and three parameter-based models that represent audio signals and audio connections are introduced. Connection management is then discussed with reference to a distributed, associative memory environment. This environment allows changes made to audio connections to be automatically propagated to all networked devices, while also eliminating potential race conditions between connection requests. Additionally, connection management applications can be shared between different networked devices and controllers.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An electrospun nanofiber colorimetric probe for detection of Alkaline Phosphatase for diagnosis of liver toxicity
- Authors: Mohale, Mamello
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:26581
- Description: A novel electrospun nanofiber colorimetric probe for the detection of Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) for diagnosis of liver toxicity was developed through electrospinning of a para nitrophenyl phosphate (pNPP) functionalised nylon polymer. The chemical stability of the enzyme substrate (pNPP) and its two products (para nitrophenol (pNP) and para nitrophenolate (pNPL)) was evaluated in biological (pH 7.4), acidic (pH 2) and alkaline (pH 9) pH, respectively. Enzyme kinetics models of Michaelis Menten (MM) and Lineweaver Burk (LB) were used to characterise free ALP. Solution and nanofiber assaying of free ALP and 10x diluted serum (spiked with ALP) was also carried out. The results demonstrated that pNPP and pNP were colourless while pNPL was yellow which indicated that all reagents were chemically stable. In addition, the chromophore of pNPL exhibited a strong molar extinction coefficient (ε) of 18,458 M-1 cm-1. LB plot being the most accurate compared to MM showed Vmax, Km and excess substrate concentration of 5.5 × 10-3 μmol/min-1, 0.025 mM and 0.25 mM respectively. Solution and nanofiber assaying of free ALP and serum confirmed a direct proportional correlation between the pNPL yellow colour intensity and enzyme activity up to 858 IU/L and 820 IU/L respectively. The dipping of the nanofiber layer into solution showed that the leaching rate of pNPP was extremely high at 1.37 × 10-3 A/min-1 as was observed after only the first 0.25 min interval. However, this was not of great concern since it was also observed that administration of the sample (20 μL) by a dropwise method minimised leaching compared to dipping. The preliminary findings on the effect of temperature on the chemical stability of pNPP indicated that it was stable below temperatures of 40°C while it hydrolysed at 80°C. Therefore a sensitive, rapid and simple colorimetric probe for the detection of ALP was developed. The probe exhibited characteristics that make it suitable to be incorporated into point of care colorimetric liver toxicity diagnostic devices for applications in resource poor settings and telemedicine.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An Eriksonian psychobiography of Martin Luther King Junior
- Authors: Pietersen, Sheri-Ann
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: African Americans -- Biography , Civil rights workers -- United States -- Biography
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9972 ,
- Description: The aim of the current study was to conduct a psychobiography of the life of Martin Luther King Junior, who was born in 1929 and died in 1968. He was an American clergyman, husband, father, activist, and prominent leader in the African-American civil rights movement. King fought for civil rights for all people. His “I Have a Dream” speech raised public consciousness of the civil rights movement and established him as one of the greatest orators in the United States of America. His main legacy was to secure access to civil rights for all Americans, thereby empowering people of all racial and religious backgrounds, and promoting equality in the American nation. This is a psychobiographical research study which aimed to explore and describe the life of Martin Luther King junior’s psychological development according to Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Developmental Theory. King was selected through purposive sampling on the basis of interest, value, and uniqueness to the researcher. Alexander’s model of identifying salient themes was used to analyse the data which were then compared to Erikson’s theory through a process of analytical generalisation. Limitations of the current study were identified and certain recommendations for future research in this field are offered.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An ethnographic study of business documentation writing practices of selected human resource practitioners in the Nelson Mandela Metropole
- Authors: Blignaut, David Llewellyn
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Business writing English language -- Written English -- South Africa , Written communication -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:42031
- Description: The proposed study will focus on the dominant writing practices in the Human Resources (HR) workplace environment. Business writing is dominated by English and world Englishes as an international language, and users are increasingly second or foreign language speakers. As a result, business environments adopt English-only policies. As a result, the hegemony of English for business use has been entrenched. In addition, English has become a highly influential language in South Africa. As any document production is not simple and spontaneous where rules are visible and can be learned or known independently, this study specifically examines the business documentation writing practices of Human Resource (HR) practitioners in the workplace to evaluate the relevance of the BKH 1120 English in Communication A business writing curriculum. The integration of the workplace social context is essential as writing practices encompass not only the physical act of writing, but include abstract cognitive processes and the contexts of the reader, writer, text and social environment that pertain to text processing and production. Therefore, this study intends to inform current HE academic business writing requirements as well as documentation structures and layout practices for the curriculum development of the BKH1120 Communication in English A module. The study used a qualitative research tool based on an ethnographic design. Although an ethnographic study demands that the researcher spends extensive time in the field, an alternative strategy is to conduct the research based on interviews as a thick description of depth and detail that interviewers seek in interviews can be found in the interviewees’ first hand experiences”. Content analysis was also used to analyse the interview responses as well as the document samples collected from the participants. This research study concluded that HE often does not often adequately prepare students for the social, ideological and collaborative workplace writing expectations. Therefore, HE programmes should make careful decisions on which workplace discourse practices to include in their teaching practices and design meaningful and realistic ways to equip students in to prepare them well to deal with workplace writing challenges.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of leadership and governance of school the nutrition programme: a case study of Z. K. Matthews Senior Secondary School in King William’s Town district in the Eastern Cape Province
- Authors: Lindani, Nodumo
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11743 ,
- Description: The South African government introduced School Nutrition Programme in 1994 as one of government lead strategies to redress poor educational outcomes and children’s rights in all nine provinces in the Republic. The delivery of this programme require adherence to Constitutional Principles in Chapter 10, Batho Pele White Paper and relevant legislation. Unfortunately, the implementation of the programme experienced challenges which clearly exposed and compromised the basic values. Further the National government resorted in implementation of section 100(1b) in 2010 in the Eastern Cape and Limpopo Provinces. One of the reasons for the intervention was that the service delivery interventions including School Nutrition were flawed (DoE:2010). This study will evaluate leadership and governance of the programme, National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP). Special focus will be Z. K. Matthews Senior Secondary School in the King Williams Town District Eastern Cape. The researcher used a qualitative desktop review-method approach to explore leadership and governance of NSNP.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of macroinvertebrate-based biomonitoring and ecotoxicological assessments of deteriorating environmental water quality in the Swartkops River, South Africa
- Authors: Odume, Oghenekaro Nelson
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Water -- Pollution -- South Africa -- Swartkops River , Water quality biological assessment -- South Africa -- Swartkops River , Environmental toxicology -- South Africa -- Swartkops River , Environmental monitoring -- South Africa -- Swartkops River , Aquatic invertebrates -- Effect of water pollution on -- South Africa -- Swartkops River , Chironomidae -- Effect of water pollution on -- South Africa -- Swartkops River , Freshwater ecology -- South Africa -- Swartkops River
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:6046 ,
- Description: Freshwater resources are increasingly subject to pollution because of escalating human population growth, accompanied by urbanisation, industrialisation, and the increased demand for food. Consequently, freshwater quality, and aquatic ecosystem structure and function have been severely impaired. The Swartkops River, which drains an urbanised and industrialised catchment in the Eastern Cape of South Africa, is no exception. An integrated environmental water quality (EWQ) approach is needed to measure the impacts of deteriorating water quality on its aquatic ecosystem structure and function to sustain these vital ecosystem-attributes. In this study, an integrated EWQ approach, which included i) analysis of water physico-chemical variables; ii) macroinvertebrate-based family-level taxonomic- and traits-based community analysis; iii) Chironomidae species-level taxonomic- and traits-based community analysis; iv) Chironomidae deformity-based sub-lethal analysis; and v) experimental investigation of long-term wastewater effluent effects, using model stream ecosystems, were applied to investigate environmental water quality in the Swartkops River. One upstream reference site and three downstream sites in the Swartkops River were monitored over a period of three years (August 2009 – September 2012). The family-level taxonomic community responses based on the South African Scoring System version 5 (SASS5) and a newly developed Swartkops multimetric index indicated very poor river health conditions for the three downstream sites, compared with the good condition of the upstream site. The Chironomidae species-level responses in the three downstream sites provided evidence of differences in biotic impairments, which were not evident with the family-level taxonomic data at these sites, thus highlighting the importance of species identification in freshwater biomonitoring. The family-level traits-based approach (TBA) showed that macroinvertebrates with gills and lungs were more abundant at the upstream site, decreasing markedly at the downstream sites. The relative abundance of macroinvertebrates relying on aerial and tegument respiration increased at the downstream sites compared with the upstream sites. The results of the family-level TBA highlighted the inextricable link between the traits-based approach (TBA) and taxonomic identification, clearly showing that the TBA is additional to, and not an alternative to, taxonomic recognition because important traits, e.g. reproductive cannot be used at a coarse taxonomic identification. A novel chironomid species traits-based functional strategies approach developed in this study, based on species combining similar sets of traits, proved sensitive in diagnosing the main abiotic water physico-chemical stressors. The functional traits responded predictably to deteriorating water quality and provided an adaptive and mechanistic basis for interpreting chironomid species occurrences at the four sampling sites, providing insight into why certain chironomid species occurred at one site but not at the other. Chironomid deformities provided evidence of sub-lethal in-stream biological response to deteriorating water quality. A newly developed deformity-based extended toxic score index proved sensitive, enabling the discrimination of the sampling sites, indicating that a biomonitoring tool based on sub-lethal effects could be used to assess the effects of deteriorating water quality before it reached lethal levels. Empirical evidence based on the taxonomic, traits and sub-lethal responses suggested that the changes in macroinvertebrate community structure were caused chiefly by the discharge of wastewater effluents into the river. This was supported by the model-stream ecosystem results indicating significant effects of effluents on the macroinvertebrate community structure, similar to the observed in-stream responses. The model stream results indicated that improved physico-chemical effluent quality compliance after 50% effluent dilution did not significantly reduce the effects of the effluent on the macroinvertebrate communities, showing that ecologically-based methods rather than physico-chemical measures alone are necessary to assess effluent quality. Finally, the results of the multi-criteria approach were integrated to propose tools to manage environmental water quality in the Swartkops River, and the benefits of the study were highlighted in the context of biomonitoring in South Africa.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of management information systems in the Department of Social Development, province of the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Ngqungqu, Siphokazi
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Information resources management -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Information storage and retrieval systems -- Management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:8351 ,
- Description: The alignment of information systems with organisational objectives and strategies is crucial to the efficient performance of any organisation. There is a growing focus on the effectiveness of management and evidence-based decision making in public institutions in South Africa. The Eastern Cape Department of Social Development and Special Programmes (ECDSD) implemented a Social Development Information Management System (SDIMS), which is an information system that supports various functions performed by the Department. While SDMIS provides large amounts of valuable information, it still has much ground to cover in terms of fully meeting the Department’s information needs. There is an increasing demand for information to inform decision making with regards to priority setting, resource usage, monitoring the impact of the Department’s intervention programmes, and monitoring the progress of the Department’s strategic goals. The main purpose of this study was to analyse the extent to which MIS is utilised in the Eastern Cape Department of Social Development and Special Programmes and to make recommendations for the alignment of MIS with organisational objectives in order to achieve these objectives. Furthermore, the study intends to investigate the extent to which the information needs of managers are considered in designing and providing information. The objectives of the study are, firstly, to analyse the current state of MIS utilisation in the Department. Secondly, to evaluate the utilisation of information provided by the MIS unit for decision making, and, thirdly, to make recommendations on how to improve MIS utilisation. Qualitative approach techniques were utilised to collect data for the study. Research questionnaires were distributed to thirty respondents. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven interviewees out of a target number of ten. The response rate was 68 percent and this was considered as adequate for scientific analysis and reporting. The study produced the following research findings: Mainly, the MIS users believe that they understand MIS and its capabilities, and have received training on how to use the system. The quality of information provided by MIS is mostly complete and largely meets user requirements and expectations. MIS information is for the most part accurate and comprehensive enough to expedite decision-making. Although MIS largely meets user requirements and expectations in terms of completeness, accuracy and reliability, the study indicates that it still falls short in integrating information from other sources, which include government transversal systems such as the Basic Accounting System (BAS) and the Personnel Salary System (PERSAL). MIS information is mostly available and easy to access, but occasionally not timely. This is mostly caused by the unavailability of real-time information synchronisation between MIS and other government systems. In light of the above findings, the researcher recommends that: There is still more to be done in order to continuously inform and train users on the latest MIS capability developments in the form of awareness workshops, contact and remote support, and through internal news bulletins. The Department needs to work with other government entities that are custodians of transversal systems in finding a solution to the creation of real-time integration of MIS with other external sources of information. Even though the level of MIS utilisation is not too much of a concern, the Department needs to ensure that users of information are kept up to date with new MIS reporting capabilities so as not to underutilise the system. It is therefore recommended that the Department ensure that information is more often reviewed and reports are customised to meet the ever-changing needs of the Department.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of resistance to change of the East London industrial development zone (ELIDZ) structural realignment
- Authors: Moonieya, Vernon Craig
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Organizational change -- South Africa -- East London -- Case studies , Organizational behavior -- South Africa -- East London -- Case studies , Industrial development projects -- South Africa -- East London -- Case studies , Organizational change -- Management -- South Africa -- East London -- Case studies , Management -- Employee participation -- South Africa -- East London -- Case studies , Communication in management -- South Africa -- East London -- Case studies , Industrial management -- South Africa -- East London -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:834 ,
- Description: From Integrative Summary: This research paper comprises of three sections that include: an evaluation report, a literature review and the research methodology. The first section assesses the management of resistance to change as encountered during the ELIDZ structural re-alignment initiative. The assessment was done after the change initiative had been implemented to see what could be learnt from the exercise, in order to be better prepared for future change programmes. The implemented change was initiated by the CEO of the ELIDZ but its criticality in terms of purpose, or the need for the change was unclear to many employees at the time of initiation. An examination of the literature on change management highlighted the importance of managing resistance to change as part of a change initiative, so as to ensure a successful transition. The review of the literature on management of resistance to change in section 2 of this paper examines the definition of management of resistance to change and in particular, covers key factors like change readiness, participation in change and change communication. These key concepts underpin effective management of resistance during change. The literature on management of resistance to change with respect to the role of change readiness, participation in change and change communication was used to develop a questionnaire that was used to assess the ELIDZ change initiative. The questionnaire was developed in a Likert Scale format with questions across the spectrum of change readiness, change participation and change communication. Section 3 of this paper describes how the quantitative research was provided to the population sample of employees from the ELIDZ where the questions on change readiness, change participation and change communication was used to assess the effectiveness of management of resistance to change during the ELIDZ change initiative. In addition section 3 provides an explanation of how the results of the research were derived. The results on change readiness suggest that the ELIDZ change initiative did not address change readiness adequately. There is therefore a risk of resistance to change that could manifest. This also indicates that change readiness must be planned more thoroughly in future change endeavours. Most of the population sampled did not feel that they participated in the change initiative, suggesting that the ELIDZ did not address participation in the change initiative adequately. Not enabling employees to actively participate in the change is tantamount to decreasing the potential for acceptance of change and increasing the risk of resistance to change. In order to ensure that future change initiatives are not met with employee resistance to change, the ELIDZ should plan for employee participation throughout the change process. The extent to which change communication was addressed in the ELIDZ change initiative was demonstrated by very poor results. The results from the population sampled suggest that the change was not well communicated to employees. As change communication is known to reduce the potential for resistance to change, it is imperative for the ELIDZ to plan for comprehensive communication strategies to cover the change process for future change action.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of selected skills development programmes in the Amathole District Municipality
- Authors: Gadu, Thandiswa Constance
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Career development -- South Africa -- Amathole District Municipality , Employees -- Training of -- South Africa -- Amathole District Municipality , Employee motivation -- South Africa -- Amathole District Municipality
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:8336 ,
- Description: Employees joining any institution for the first time are not always performing duties/tasks to the level and standard set by the management of particular organisation. Some candidates perform to their fullest potential after they are inducted. The purpose of skills development act is to assists employers to participate in leadership and development programmes as to enhance the potential of individuals and organizations. Also to encourage employees to use the workplace as an active learning site and provide opportunities to acquire new skills. Human Resource Practitioners play a critical role in the ensuring that employees are capacitated. This study undertook to evaluate selected skills development programmes in the Amathole District Municipality. ADM is challenged in coordinating various skills development programmes due to various reasons such as budget. From the literature study and information gathered from the respondents in this research it became evident that training of employees is key to the improvement of performance. In this regard it is critical that ADM creates means that will mitigate the identified findings in order to improve the performance of personnel. Emailed questionnaires were used as a method of collecting data from the respondents. In this study a qualitative method was used to analyse the data collected from the respondents. Based on the information gathered from the respondents the researcher made findings and formulated recommendations.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of the City of Johannesburg’s Igoli 2002 programme from 2003 to 2010
- Authors: Matebese, Zolani Loyiso Chukwuemeka Bantu , Musengi-Ajulu, Sandra
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Municipal government -- South Africa -- Johannesburg , Local government -- South Africa -- Johannesburg , Expenditures, Public -- South Africa -- Johannesburg
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:828 ,
- Description: Integrative Summary: Municipalities are the third level of government and are responsible for delivery of basic services to citizens. They carry the developmental mandate of government and are often the first point of interaction between government and citizens. Being at the front line of service delivery, the issue of fiscal stability of municipalities and their ability to deliver sustainable services is of grave importance (Carter & Ajam 2003). Unfortunately in a South African context most municipalities are not fiscally sustainable (Roos & Stander 2005). In a study of 142 South African municipalities, it was found that poor collection of outstanding debt and irregular or wasteful expenditure were the biggest causes of fiscal stress (Roos & Stander 2005). In fact, in 2004 the difficulties appear to have reached crisis level (Lubbe & Roussouw 2005). The fiscal situation within municipalities was so bad that the South African Local Government Authority (SALGA) implemented a unit specifically to assist municipalities that were at “crisis point” (Roos & Stander, 2005 p. 165). This research report focuses on the evaluation of Igoli 2002 which was a response to fiscal crisis within the City of Johannesburg metropolitan municipality when in 1997 the City of Johannesburg was declared insolvent. The research evaluated the long term sustainability of the Igoli 2002 programme to determine its success in addressing the issues of fiscal stress and crisis facing the municipality. The research also attempted to assess the applicability of international indicators of fiscal stress and crisis to the City of Johannesburg. The research evaluated the Igoli 2002 programme via a financial condition analysis, against international indicators of fiscal stress and crisis and against a logic framework detailing the goals of the programme. The research found that ultimately, the Igoli 2002 intervention implemented by the City of Johannesburg was successful in improving the fiscal position and sustainability of the City. In addition, indicators from predictive models of fiscal stress and crisis were found to be relevant to the City of Johannesburg.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of the delivery of the Eskom Customer Safety Education Programme in the Queenstown Customer Services Area.
- Authors: Mtyalela, Kanyisa Highly
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Eskom (Firm) , Customer relations -- Management , Safety education -- South Africa -- Queenstown , Safety education -- Evaluation , Safety consultants -- Rating of -- South Africa -- Queenstown , Public safety -- South Africa -- Queenstown
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:839 ,
- Description: The aim of this research is to evaluate the Eskom customer safety education programme in the Queenstown Customer Services Area. The research focuses on the implementation of the programme with the aim of assessing whether there is need for optimisation in the way that the customer education and training is delivered. The paper consists of three sections. Section one is directed to Eskom and is made up of (i) a review of the literature that is relevant to the Eskom safety education programme, (ii) the findings made from the study and (iii) recommendations from the author. Section two is a review of the key concepts which were identified for this paper and these are: (i) education and training, (ii) consumer education, (iii) citizenship education, (iv) training programme development, and (v) training programme evaluation. Section three provides detail on and justifies the research methodology that was followed for this paper. The author adopted the deductive approach and collected data from literature sources and Eskom documents as well as face-to-face interviews with the Eskom trainers and customers. Qualitative data was collected from the interviews and is presented in section one of the report in the form of (i) narratives, (ii) graphs and (iii) tables. The research has identified some shortcomings in the delivery of the training and recommendations have been made on how these shortcomings can be addressed. Trainer skills, training evaluation and training tools are amongst the issues that require attention in the Queenstown Customer Services Area. The results revealed that 67 percent of the trainers have not received training related to conducting customer forums. Inconsistencies with regard to the evaluation of the training interventions were also identified and there were differences in terms of the training tools that are utilised at the forums. The recommendations made by the author are based on the literature that was reviewed as part of this study and are aimed at addressing the delivery of the training. The respondents all displayed an understanding of the objectives of the Eskom safety education programme and made recommendations in terms of how Eskom can reduce the tampering of Eskom equipment. The recommendations made included the involvement of the community as well as unannounced door-to-door audits aimed at identifying damaged and tampered Eskom equipment. These recommendations are in line with the guiding principles of safety education presented in McWhirter (2008: 32) which include the involvement of young people in real decisions to help them stay safe, as well as the use of active approaches in addressing safety issues. A review of the electrical contact incidents which were reported to Eskom in 2011/12 revealed that in 61,5 percent of the cases that occurred in the Eastern Cape, Eskom had conducted electricity safety education before the incidents occurred. The recommendations in terms of the training delivery should be implemented to improve the delivery of the training. The author however recommends further research on how Eskom can reduce the number of electrical contact incidents that occur, as it has been proven through previous studies that safety education “has an impact on knowledge, behaviour, risk and skills and no papers have provided evidence of the impact of safety education on injury rates” (Mulvaney, Watson and Errington, 2012: 27).
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of the effects of land tenure security in on-farm investment and on-farm productivity: a case of the smallholder farmers in the Amathole District of the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
- Authors: Zwelendaba, Vincent Vusumzi
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Land tenure -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural productivity -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Farms, Small -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: vital:11230 , , Land tenure -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural productivity -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Farms, Small -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Smallholder agriculture contributes to poverty alleviation through food price reduction and employment creation. Smallholder farmers have the potential of creating employment because they are labour-intensive. Most small holder farmers in the Amathole District practices dual farming system i.e. crops and livestock production. However these farmers are faced by a number of constraints amongst these are land tenure security, lack of capital, drought, diseases, lack of access to markets and production inputs. The objectives of this study were: to investigate land tenure security impact on-farm investment and on-farm productivity by the smallholder farmers; to assess constraints encountered by the smallholder farmers, to identify factors influencing on-farm investment by the smallholder farmers and to identify factors influencing on-farm productivity by the smallholder farmers. Eighty smallholder farmers were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics (frequency, percentages) and regression analyses. Data was for coded and processed for analysis using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results revealed that generally, the household demographic characteristics have an influence on the decision to investment in the farm thus on farm productivity. These included age, gender, marital status, educational level and household size of the smallholder farmers. However the findings revealed that smallholder farmers were not much concerned with the land tenure security of the land as they see themselves as owners of these lands. The reason being that they always had access to their land and there were no perceived tenure insecurity threats. The majority of the smallholder farmers were not worried that they might lose their land in the future as they felt that their land tenure was secured. Although, the majority of farmers had some sense of security they still preferred a freehold tenure system as form of land tenure security. This suggests that there was a sense of insecurity among some of the smallholder farmers caused by their current tenure forms. Majority (66%) of the farmers held their land under freehold whilst leasehold and communal hold farmers constituted 5 % and 29 % respectively. Even though majority had freehold tenure system, they could not use their land as collateral when required for funding from the lending institutions because the title deeds were not registered in their names but those of deceased family members. As a result the majority was constrained by lack of credit and had low income. Lack of cash suggests that the farmers have difficulties in purchasing farm of the survey suggest that the household demographics and socio-economic variables may have an influence on the on-farm investment and on-farm productivity by the smallholder farmers. Furthermore, besides the challenges with land tenure, there are other factors that are likely to influence on-farm investment and on-farm productivity. The results of the survey revealed that smallholder farmers were faced with lot of challenges. These included lack of access to markets, grazing land, credit, farm implements, productions inputs and irrigation water. In addition to this the smallholder farmers were faced with both crops and livestock production constraints. Crop production constraints included lack of access to labour, transport, capital, storage facilities, pests, diseases, lack of management skills and severe drought. Livestock production was constrained by diseases, theft, attack by wild animals, lack of fence in the camps, labour, vaccines, dipping facilities too far and severe drought. For both crop and livestock production diseases and drought were major concerns for smallholder farmers since they were dependent on rainfall for their farming activities. With regards to improvements and investment there was little or not much investment that has been made by the smallholder farmers. One of the reasons mentioned by the farmers as the main cause for little or no investments is the lack of capital to make such improvements or investments. The study also employed empirical analysis through employing on-farm investment and on-farm productivity models of the study on the factors influencing the on-farm investment and on-farm productivity by the smallholder farmers in the study area. In both models, the independent variables were tested for their significance and it was found that some variables were significant whilst others were not. With regards to the dependent variable on-farm investment, household socio-economic factors such as household size, educational levels and farm size, had a positive influence in on-farm investment and were also statistically significant. On the other side, factors such as land tenure security, age, gender, household income and access to markets did not have any influence and were not statistically significant. From the perspective of on-farm productivity variables such as farm size, access to credit and access to extension services had a positive influence. However, variables such as land tenure security, age, household income, educational levels, access to implements, were negatively influencing onfarm productivity by the smallholder farmers. Key words: Land tenure security, smallholder farmers, on-farm investment & on-farm productivity
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of the quality of customer service provided to large power users by Eskom in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Caza, Akhona Nobusi
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Eskom (Firm) -- Evaluation , Customer services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Evaluation , Customer services -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Quality control , SERVQUAL (Service quality framework) , Gap analysis (Planning)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:862 ,
- Description: The aim of this research is to evaluate the level of service quality provided by Eskom to its Large Power User (LPU) customer segment in the Eastern Cape. The research uses the SERVQUAL model in order to assess the customers’ expectations and perceptions of the service provided by Eskom. This evaluation report comprises three sections. Section one consists of (a) a review of service quality literature that exists and is applied to Eskom where relevant, (b) a summary of the method used to conduct the research, (c) the research findings, and (d) a discussion of the research findings and recommendations. Section two consists of a review of the key concepts identified for this study as follows: (a) defining customer service quality by looking at the concepts of the customer, service, quality and the dimensions of quality, (b) the importance of service quality, (c) the components of service quality in Eskom, (d) models of service quality, and (e) the SERVQUAL model used in this study. Section three consists of the detail of the research methodology used to conduct this study. The Gap Model of Service Quality (Parasuraman et al., 1985:44) is evaluated in order to understand the gaps between expected and perceived service. The provider gap (Zeithaml et al., 2006: 34) is also reviewed in order to identify the gaps that occur within the organisation. An extensive review of customer service quality models is undertaken before a discussion of the SERVQUAL model, which was used in this evaluation study, is provided. The researcher adopted the critical realism research paradigm and quantitative data was collected from a sample of 120 Eskom customers within the LPU customer segment in the Eastern Cape. These customers were randomly selected from the Eskom Customer Care and Billing database and comprised customers from Port Elizabeth, Aliwal North, Mthatha and East London Areas within the Eastern Cape. The data was collected online through a questionnaire which was based on SERVQUAL and modified for electricity services. The quantitative data obtained from the study is presented in the form of tables and graphs created from the data obtained from the 45 customers who responded to the questionnaire. The gaps between LPU customer perceptions and expectations were calculated for the five SERVQUAL dimensions. The research identifies the existing gaps in the service delivered by Eskom; this is based on the perceptions and expectations of the LPU customers in the Eastern Cape, who participated in the study. The results reveal that gaps exist between LPU customer perceptions and their expectations of the service provided by Eskom in the Eastern Cape. The key findings reveal that the largest gaps are within the reliability and empathy dimensions and the smallest gap is in the tangibles dimension. The recommendations were made on the basis of the gaps which were identified and these focus on the training of the front line staff responsible for servicing customers. It is recommended that this training should include an overview of the organisation’s policies and procedures to enable employees to respond adequately to customer queries. Recommendation is also made on training staff to interact with customers effectively in order to resolve customer queries satisfactorily. Finally, it is recommended that regular assessments of the existing customer service quality levels are conducted in order for the organisation to remain aware of the current customer perceptions and expectations
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- Date Issued: 2014