A response to the South African Jewish report and Ms Klazinga on "Jews unwelcome at Rhodes"
- Authors: Badat, Saleem
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: text
- Identifier: vital:7883 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1016432
- Description: On 1 January 2014, the South African Jewish Report and Ms Larissa Klazinga made a number of unfounded claims and unsubstantiated allegations against Rhodes University. Stripped of the hysteria, lies and inaccuracies, the central claim made is that Rhodes University is hostile to Jews and seeks to be rid of Jews. We reject with contempt these baseless and self-serving claims and allegations of the South African Jewish Report and Klazinga. Rhodes is committed to an institutional culture that respects and promotes equity, human dignity and human rights, embraces difference and diversity and is comfortable for all people irrespective of ‘race’, gender, language, culture, nationality, sexual orientation and religion. Rhodes welcomes all and will continue to strive to be a Home for All.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A review of archean orogenic gold deposits in greenstone belts and the Slave Province : exploration in the Yellowknife domain, NWT, Canada
- Authors: Branson, Thomas Keegan
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Gold ores -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Gold ores -- Geology , Gold mines and mining -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Greenstone belts -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Orogenic belts -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Prospecting -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Mining geology , Slave Province (N.W.T. and Nunavut)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5055 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012142 , Gold ores -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Gold ores -- Geology , Gold mines and mining -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Greenstone belts -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Orogenic belts -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Prospecting -- Northwest Territories -- Yellowknife , Mining geology , Slave Province (N.W.T. and Nunavut)
- Description: A review of Archean granite-greenstone terranes, orogenic gold deposits, the Slave Province and modern exploration tools, techniques and methods was conducted to identify prospective areas in the Yellowknife domain for hosting orogenic gold deposits and illustrate the best exploration methods for delineating this deposit type. This study identifies Archean granite-greenstone terranes as economically important hosts to quartz-carbonate vein-hosted orogenic gold deposits. These deposits occur at convergent plate margins, but can also be related to local extensional tectonics within a convergent setting. Heat generated from tectonic processes can trigger hydrothermal fluid movement along first-order faults and shear zones. Precipitation of gold-bearing quartz-carbonate veins from the hydrothermal fluids occurs in second- and third-order faults and shear zones related to the first-order structures. This study also identifies the Archean Slave Province in northern Canada as a well-endowed craton with numerous orogenic gold deposits, diamondiferous kimberlites, VMS deposits and several other mineralization styles. In particular, three greenstone belts (Yellowknife, Cameron River and Beaulieu River) associated with likely first-order structures are comprised of prospective rocks for hosting orogenic gold and VMS mineralization. The Yellowknife greenstone belt hosts the past-producing and former world-class Con and Giant orogenic gold deposits, but has been little explored with modern exploration techniques. The Cameron River and Beaulieu River greenstone belts host numerous base and precious metal VMS and BIF-hosted orogenic gold prospects and deposits, indicating mineralization is present. There is considerable potential for significant discoveries to be made using modern exploration techniques in the greenstone belts; however, exploration in the region has been hindered over the past decade by ongoing political negotiations. Once the political negotiations are finalized, application of modern exploration methods and techniques in the prospective greenstone belts should be carried out. Regional scale methodologies should be applied to generate targets using predictive modelling, implicit 3D modelling, 3D geochemistry and exploration targeting so decisions defining a businesses strategy for ground acquisition of high priority targets are made using quantitative analysis. Once ground is acquired, field-based exploration for orogenic gold and VMS deposits should include geological mapping with a focus on structural geology, geochemical sampling and airborne magnetic, radiometric and EM geophysical surveys. Prior to reconnaissance drilling, integration of all data layers and interpretation within a common 3D earth model should be conducted. Following successful reconnaissance drilling, definition drilling along strike and down dip of intersected mineralization, combined with borehole geophysics, should be carried out to delineate the extent of mineralization.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A Review of policies for sustainable solid waste management service in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
- Authors: Qhayi-Shweni, Nokuzola
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Refuse and refuse disposal -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Sewage disposal -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Degree
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/3001 , vital:28231
- Description: Waste is not only harmful to the environment alone but it is also a threat to human health and as such its proper management becomes critical. This study which adopted a qualitative approach focused on the review of policies for sustainable solid waste management service in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality in an effort to seek what the municipality’s Solid Waste Department should consider in ensuring that all the communities live in a litter free, clean and healthy environment, and ensure that such a service is received by all communities within its jurisdiction. The most sustainable solid waste management strategy would be to adopt the solid waste hierarchy of promoting waste minimisation, re-use, recycling, waste treatment and disposal as the last resort.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A review of the collective bargaining system in the public service with specific reference to the general public service sector bargaining council (GPSSBC)
- Authors: Oodit, Sharlaine
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Collective bargaining -- South Africa , Public service employment , Labor unions -- South Africa , Labor movement -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:10296 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1021029
- Description: ollective bargaining continues to play a prominent role in shaping employment relations in South Africa, without which the individual worker is powerless and in a weaker bargaining position against his employer. Collective bargaining can be described as an interactive process that resolves disputes between the employer and employee. In South Africa the advent of democracy was accompanied by numerous interventions to level the historically uneven bargaining field. Therefore in examining the history of collective bargaining in South Africa it is necessary to reflect on the state of labour relations prior and post the 1994 democratic elections. The study provides an overview of the practices and processes of public service collective bargaining in the old and new public service. The public sector accounts for a very significant proportion of employment in all countries around the globe, South Africa is no exception. Although the state as employer is in a stronger position than its private sector counterpart, the public employee is potentially also in a stronger position than its private sector counterpart. A defining characteristic of most government activity and services is that they are the ones available to the public. This means that industrial action which disrupts such services has a very significant impact on the public, serving as a substantial leverage in collective bargaining. The bargaining councils in the public sector which ensure the effectiveness of collective bargaining are maintained, are examined to provide a comprehensive understanding of the workings of these institutions. Some of the gains and challenges are also explored to provide a holistic picture of state of collective bargaining in public service. A comparison of countries seeks to analyse and compare globally the developments of collective bargaining in public administrations. The different political systems around the world have developed various labour relations processes in the public service, an examination of the approaches and mechanisms provides alternative ways of doing things. Recommendations are made regarding the changes that need to be made, as well as matters, which need to be analysed and examined further.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A socio-economic impact assessment (SEIA) of the Idutywa agripark project on project beneficiaries in Mbashe local municipality of the Eastern Cape Province
- Authors: Magida, Phiwokuhle Thulani
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Rural poor -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural development projects -- South Africa , Sustainable development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: vital:11211 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1016195 , Rural poor -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agricultural development projects -- South Africa , Sustainable development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Poverty, inequality and unemployment have always been challenging first in South Africa with special reference to rural South Africa. These persistent challenges with severe impacts on black population are believed to be the results of the previous governance in South Africa. Policies have been formulated, reformulated and others implemented in a form of development projects which have achieved little success in pursuit of combating these challenges. However, in the process of achieving rural development through developmental projects, a fundamental stage in the life cycle of these projects is often omitted or given little attention. This stage is the monitoring and evaluation stage which is critical to ascertain potential impacts (both positive and negative) especially if the project is to be replicated and achieve its objectives as postulated in the millennium development goals. This thesis attempted to carry out a Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) of the Agripark project implemented at Dutywa on the livelihoods of communities directly affected by this project. The Agripark project is a project that comprises three linked components, a seedling nursery, an agro-processing facility and a sizeable feeder plot and has been implemented to benefit four villages. This project has been implemented as the second Agripark project by the University of Fort Hare in partnership with the province’s Department of Agriculture. To track change after the implementation of the project, data were collected from the same respondents that were interviewed for the baseline study, therefore, the same sample size that was used in the baseline study was also used for this study. As a tool for data collection, a questionnaire was developed to elicit the required information and was interviewer administered during data collection. The results of the study revealed that Agripark project has impact on both social and economic wellbeing of the households. The processing unit of the project was not yet functioning therefore the project was not fully effective thus the impact was not as intended by the project when the study was carried out. Skills transferred were only on production but only a small number of people could receive them. These households largely relied on external sources of income mainly on social grants and their contribution to total household income had increased to 88% in 2011 compared to 80% in 2008. As much as the increase in incomes cannot be entirely be because of the project but Agripark had a positive impact on household incomes through wages of those employed there and through increased profitability of hawking vegetables. The proportion of household earning incomes less than the Poverty line fell from 85% in 2008 to approximately 79% in 2011. The household complemented their staples with a variety of vegetables and the main source of these vegetables was Agripark even though own production was declining. Even though food was still the main item of these households expenditure, the proportion of income spent on food fell from 64% in 2008 to 48% in 2011. There were no environmental impacts found. From the descriptive analysis, the project had impact on the livelihoods of these households because it brought change on the household expenditure as a result of the income earned by those who are working in the Agripark. There was an improvement on risk of food insecurity through cheaper vegetable that both physically and financially attainable. However, as much as the project had positive impact, there were also concerns raised by the respondents that the employment was only biased to certain individuals which cased stress to some households. Furthermore, the empirical analysis of the selected variables showed that participation in Agripark had an impact on economic wellbeing of the beneficiaries. Thus, funding must be made available to the project so that it can upgrade their electricity and have the processing plant running as it may be the major source of employment, skills development and achievement of its objectives.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A sociological analysis of Southern African AIDS Trust's capacity-development model in responding to HIV and AIDS
- Authors: Mushonga, Allan
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Southern African AIDS Trust , AIDS (Disease) -- Social aspects -- South Africa , HIV (Viruses) -- Social aspects -- South Africa , HIV-positive persons -- South Africa , Community development -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3379 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1013261
- Description: The issues of capacity and capacity development in the response to HIV and AIDS is a topic of intense academic interest and is on the agenda of development practitioners, particularly as these issues are linked to community HIV and AIDS competence and sustainability of civil society organisations and community capacity. The capacity development model of the Southern African AIDS Trust is one of the more illuminating examples of capacity development of civil society organisations for the enhancement of community HIV and AIDS competence in southern Africa. The thesis examines the conceptualisation and implementation of the Southern African AIDS Trust's capacity development model in order to identify and understand the multi-dimensional factors that influence the success and sustainability of HIV and AIDS responses. It argues that, even though the conceptualisation, formulation and implementation of the model were appropriate and yielded acceptable benefits to communities in relation to HIV and AIDS, the sustainability of the model depended fundamentally on the availability of requisite resources. The dependence on external resources, the availability of which is in large part beyond the control of the Southern African AIDS Trust and its community-based beneficiaries, undercuts the sustainability of the model and the programmes delivered through it. Community capacities and community-based HIV and AIDS responses are sustainable only to the extent that communities have sufficient resources to build capacities and develop responses, or can leverage and negotiate external inputs. The degeneration of capacity in intermediary organisations (such as Southern African AIDS Trust) that support community competence undermines models that at first sight seem suitable for effective capacity enhancement with regard to HIV and AIDS programmes. In this regard, the thesis also focuses on the organisational crisis within Southern African AIDS Trust and the ramifications this had for community HIV and AIDS competence.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A sociological analysis of the provision of extended studies as a means of addressing transformation at a historically white university
- Authors: Tanyanyiwa, Precious
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Rhodes University , Articulation (Education) , Articulation (Education) -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Educational equalization -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Discrimination in education -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Education, Higher -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Bourdieu, Pierre, 1930-2002 , Sen, Amartya, 1933-
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3370 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012655
- Description: Foundation provisioning has a long history in South Africa, and is central to the transformation agenda, particularly the broadening of successful participation in higher education (HE). As access initiatives underpinned by various conceptualisations, foundation programmes evolved from peripheral, to semi-integrated and finally fully integrated curricular models in the form of current Extended Studies Programmes (ESPs). Underpinning the provision of Extended Studies is the acknowledgment that students who enter institutions are essentially ill equipped to cope with the demands of higher education studies, “leaving institutions themselves free of the responsibility of student failure” (Akoojee & Nkomo, 2007:391). This under-preparedness has been attributed to the ‘articulation gap’ between secondary and higher education, which in turn contributes to low retention and graduation rates (CHE, 2013:17). Situated within an overarching commitment to access and success, the Extended Studies Programme attempts to systematically address the ‘articulation gap’. This study evaluated the extent to which the Rhodes University Humanities Extended Studies Programme is achieving its objectives from a transformation perspective, specifically the broadening of successful participation in higher education. The majority of previous works on the evaluation of foundation programmes focused on measurable dimensions of student access and success – that is retention and graduation rates. This thesis considered both the measurable outcomes of the programme as well as the actual teaching and learning process. Given the shifts that have taken place in foundation provisioning, the evaluation of the current model of foundation provisioning necessitated their location in history. Therefore, the evaluation of the Rhodes University Humanities Extended Studies Programme was undertaken in view of the shifts, achievements, challenges and critics of its predecessor programmes. Specifically, the following dimensions were considered in the evaluation of the programme: i) assumptions underpinning the design and purpose of the programme, ii) teaching and learning practices in the programme, iii) student and staff perceptions of the programme, iv) students’ experiences of the programme, v) the validity of the programme in the broader institution, and vi) the measurable outcomes of the programme − that is retention and graduation rates of students enrolled in the programme. The triangulation of qualitative data collection techniques provided access into the different layers of institutional relations, processes and structures, which not only affect teaching and learning in the programme, but also determine students’ engagement with different academic and social aspects of the broader university. The theoretical insights of Pierre Bourdieu and Amartya Sen were integrated in order to provide analytical tools for both understanding the causes of inequalities in higher education, and evaluating institutional processes and structures that perpetuate or transform inequalities. Whilst Bourdieu’s social reproduction thesis exposed the ways in which social structures shape educational processes and outcomes, Sen’s capability approach provided tools for evaluating both institutional arrangements and individual capabilities – that is, the freedom to achieve desired educational outcomes (Sen, 1992:48).
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- Date Issued: 2014
A sociological study of employees' perceptions of electronic surveillance in public FET institutions in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
- Authors: Jonas, Randolph Patrick
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Electronic monitoring in the workplace -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Privacy, Right of -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Personnel management -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DPhil
- Identifier: vital:16154 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020623
- Description: The perceptions of employees regarding electronic surveillance in the workplace were studied using a mixed method approach. The change that permeates society and organisations have not escaped public FET institutions in South Africa. These changes such as computerisation of work and the employment of electronic surveillance, have implications for management, control, privacy, productivity and trust in the workplace. Yet, public FET institutions are not performing to the expected standards. Surveillance of work and employees at these institutions are interventions of management to ensure organisational goals are achieved. Despite the prevalence of electronic surveillance in the workplace, employee perceptions and their lived experiences thereof are seldom reported. Published research barely focuses on employees’ perceptions of electronic surveillance in the workplace, and instead offers a perfunctory look at the perceptual dimensions. Employees’ perceptions reflects their lived experiences in the workplace and yield a foundational understanding of workplace dynamics and organisational behaviour. The perceptions of employees regarding electronic surveillance were viewed through the lens of quantitative and qualitative analysis to give statistical and thick descriptions respectively to augment better understanding. The study therefore provides a descriptive account of employees’ perceptions of electronic surveillance and its effects. Specifically the study examined employee perceptions of electronic surveillance as a control measure of management, as an intrusion of employee privacy and impacting on the trust relationship and productivity. An extensive review of the literature provided the basis for the research questions and eight hypotheses were proposed. A survey, by means of an electronic questionnaire, was conducted to test the hypotheses using a random sample of employees at three public FET institutions in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The results are presented followed by a discussion, conclusions and limitations. Suggestions and recommendations for future research are also indicated. The central thesis of the study is presented, namely that electronic surveillance is experienced as a measure of management to control workers and that privacy as well trust, as an element of the employment relationship, are influenced by it. Further findings indicated that there are no statistically significant differences in the responses of the three job categories namely lecturers, managers and administration and support staff. Interviews were also conducted and the data from the interviews reported the depth and breadth of the perceptions of a small sample of employees who related their experiences and situations in terms of the key themes of electronic surveillance as control and an intrusion of their right to privacy, trust and productivity. The findings indicate that acceptance of electronic surveillance is contingent upon contextual factors and the meaning people assign to their situations. Privacy concerns were limited to personal information, fairness and dignity. The link between electronic surveillance and control and discipline is reported in the responses. The findings indicate that perceptions of electronic surveillance as managerial control is related to the lived experiences of employees. Employees voiced positive perceptions of electronic surveillance in cases where management clearly communicates the purpose to the employees. The study of the subjective experiences of employees in workplaces under electronic surveillance thus helped to illuminate the intricacies of employment relationships in the changing world of work. The study findings widen the knowledge base on organisational behaviour and is essential for human resources management and organisational development interventions. Human rights and ethics are part of the sense making process when employees construct social reality. Management and control is redefined in various terms and has implications for change management strategies and organisational development practises in globalising and network society. The study raises the critical question whether electronic surveillance as an adjunct for bureaucratic control is still relevant in a changing world of work where good faith, trust and confidence are still highly valued. The insights into the role of trust in the employment relationship is important for managing public institutions in complex settings. Management must be aware of the differences in the lived experiences of employees when dealing with workplace issues.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A step forward in defining Hsp90s as potential drug targets for human parasitic diseases
- Authors: Faya, Ngonidzashe
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Heat shock proteins -- Research , Malaria -- Chemotherapy -- Research , Antimalarials -- Development -- Research , Parasitic diseases -- Research , Plasmodium
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4110 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012993
- Description: Parasitic diseases remain a health burden affecting more than 500 million people worldwide with malaria having the highest mortality rate. The parasites can be transferred to the human bodies either through the mouth by ingestion of contaminated food and water or through the skin by bug bites or direct contact to environments harbouring them. Epidemiological control seems to be impossible since there is failure to control the insect vectors as well as practice of hygiene. Therefore, this has led to the development of a number of vaccines, chemotherapy and disease control programs. However, parasites have increasingly developed resistance to traditionally used anti-parasitic drugs and due to that fact there is need for alternative medication for parasitic diseases. Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) facilitates the folding of proteins in all living cells and their role is more important to parasites because of their environmental changes, from vector to host. Hsp90s play a major role; therefore this justifies the need for a deeper analysis of the parasitic Hsp90s. Recent studies have revealed that, the Plasmodium sp. Hsp90 has an extended linker region which increases the protein’s affinity for ATP and its inhibitors. Therefore we hypothesize that there are also significant features in other parasitic Hsp90s which would lead to Hsp90 being defined as potential drug targets. In the present study an attempt was made to gain more insight into the differences in primary structure of human and parasitic Hsp90s. The sequences were retrieved from the NCBI database and analysis was done in three groups basing on the localization of the Hsp90. The physicochemical properties were calculated and in every group, the protozoan Hsp90s showed significant differences when compared to the human orthologs. Multiple sequence alignments (MSA) showed that endoplasmic reticulum Hsp90s have an extended region in the middle domain indicating their ability to bind to a unique subset of client proteins. Sequence identities between the human and parasites showed that the protozoan Hsp90s are less related to the human Hsp90s as compared to the other parasites. Likewise, motif analysis showed the trypanosomatids and apicomplexan groups have their own unique set of motifs and they were grouped together in the phylogenetic analysis. Phylogenetic analysis also showed that, the protozoan Hsp90s forms their own clades in each group while the helminths did not form in endoplasmic reticulum group. In this study, we concluded that, Hsp90 can be a potential drug target for the protozoan species and more specifically those from the apicomplexan and trypanosomatids groups.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A study exploring the relationship between employee happiness and financial performance within a South African financial institution
- Authors: Waugh, Geoffrey William
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Financial institutions -- South Africa , Employee motivation , Financial institutions -- Ratings and rankings , Banks and banking -- South Africa , Bank employees -- South Africa , Job satisfaction
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:827 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012080
- Description: This research is an investigation of the relationship between employees 'happiness' and the financial performance of a financial services organisation in South Africa. As a component of the financial services industry the banking sector contributes greatly to the economic growth of the country. The South African Banking sector is concentrated and highly competitive. It is vital for banks to maintain competitiveness and ever increasing global competition adds further pressure on organisations to financially perform so as to meet the demands of their shareholders. The literature that has been reviewed and previous research suggest that employee 'happiness' is a vital variable influencing the performance and success of individuals. Organisational performance will be measured in terms of financial performance for the purposes of this research. The concept of financial performance and 'happiness' are discussed and a questionnaire based on the Satisfaction With Life Scale (Diener et al,1985) is used to determine the levels of 'happiness' at selected branches within the institution. The individual branches financial performance is determined via calculating selected ratios, namely cumulative leverage, cost to income ratio and net yield. An analysis of correlation was conducted to establish whether or not a relationship of statistical significance exists between employee 'happiness' and financial performance. It was concluded that there is no relationship of statistical significance between employee 'happiness' and the financial performance of branches within the organisation, it was suggested that other factors exert a much greater influence over financial performance. Some of these factors influencing financial performance are discussed and recommendations for further research are made.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A Study of grade 3 teachers' practices of developing learners' comprehension skills when teaching reading of isiXhosa in one selected junior primary school at Mdatsane in the Eastern cape: a case study
- Authors: Filita, Mandisa
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Reading comprehension , Xhosa language , Teachers -- Training of -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/26448 , vital:65318
- Description: The problem of reading in South African schools has attracted the growing attention of researchers in South Africa and the entire world. Learners’ inability to read isiXhosa with understanding has become of major concern to the teachers, parents and the DoE. The root of the problem has been identified as the ineffective teaching of reading of isiXhosa in the schools, which result in learners’ consequent inability to independently apply comprehension skills to learn from reading across the curriculum. Furthermore, systemic barriers that exist in the education system seem to be another reason for learners’ reading problems in isiXhosa. Also there is the problem of the inadequately trained teachers in the home language of learners (isiXhosa) as they seemingly lack capacity to develop learners’ literacy to effective levels. In addition, many learners come from deprived print environments where texts are seldom part of their daily experience. The main aim of this study was to interrogate the practices undertaken by teachers in trying to develop comprehension skills of learners when reading in isiXhosa and the value they attach to reading generally and to the reading of isiXhosa in particular. The support teachers get from relevant stakeholders was also considered. The overall approach used was a qualitative approach. The study was structured according to the case study mode of enquiry, using the interpretive paradigm. The sampling used was purposive as I purposefully selected grade 3 teachers, as grade 3 is an exit grade in foundation phase. Furthermore, convenience sampling was also used for easy access, as the research site was the school where I work. The instruments used for data collection were semi-structured interviews and observations that were conducted in one junior primary school in a township context with four grade 3 teachers. It was found that as much as teachers’ practices have a contributing effect on learners’ inability to read isiXhosa with understanding, there are also various other factors which multiply the problem. The study reveals the following main findings: Firstly, the teachers believe that reading is a very important skill that needs to be developed with learners as all other learning is based on it. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, 2014
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- Date Issued: 2014
A study of South African computer users' password usage habits and attitude towards password security
- Authors: Friendman, Brandon
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Computers -- Access control -- Passwords , Computer users -- Attitudes , Internet -- Access control , Internet -- Security measures , Internet -- Management , Data protection
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4700
- Description: The challenge of having to create and remember a secure password for each user account has become a problem for many computer users and can lead to bad password management practices. Simpler and less secure passwords are often selected and are regularly reused across multiple user accounts. Computer users within corporations and institutions are subject to password policies, policies which require users to create passwords of a specified length and composition and change passwords regularly. These policies often prevent users from reusing previous selected passwords. Security vendors and professionals have sought to improve or even replace password authentication. Technologies such as multi-factor authentication and single sign-on have been developed to complement or even replace password authentication. The objective of the study was to investigate the password habits of South African computer and internet users. The aim was to assess their attitudes toward password security, to determine whether password policies a↵ect the manner in which they manage their passwords and to investigate their exposure to alternate authentication technologies. The results from the online survey demonstrated that password practices of the participants across their professional and personal contexts were generally insecure. Participants often used shorter, simpler and ultimately less secure passwords. Participants would try to memorise all of their passwords or reuse the same password on most of their accounts. Many participants had not received any security awareness training, and additional security technologies (such as multi-factor authentication or password managers) were seldom used or provided to them. The password policies encountered by the participants in their organisations did little towards encouraging the users to apply more secure password practices. Users lack the knowledge and understanding about password security as they had received little or no training pertaining to it.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A study of spherical solutions in chameleon scalar-tensor theories
- Authors: Mohapi, Neo
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Scalar field theory , Equivalence principle (Physics) , General relativity (Physics) , Bosons , Dark energy (Astronomy) , Galactic dynamics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5428 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1013315
- Description: The equivalence principle has proven to be central to theories of gravity, with General Relativity being the simplest and most elegant theory to embody the principle. Most alternative theories of gravity struggle to satisfy the principle and still be distinct from GR. Extensions of cosmological and quantum theories question the irrefutably of the equivalence at every scale. The possibility of an equivalence principle violation at galactic scales would be an exciting prospect. In this thesis, we will carefully examine the equivalence principle through the study of chameleon scalar-tensor theories, this will include solutions for hypothetical stars known as boson stars. Such theories find varied application, especially in cosmology, where they model dark energy and inflation. The AWE hypothesis, is an instance of this. It is a nonuniversally coupled model in which violations of the equivalence principle on galactic scales may be apparent. We investigate spherically symmetric and static solutions within the framework of this theory. The constraints obtained from galactic rotation curves results in values of the couplings that show no significant violation of the equivalence principle or values consistent with a theory of dark energy
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- Date Issued: 2014
A study of the Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Model's appilcability across four countries
- Authors: Spurway, Kayleigh Fay Nanette
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Econometric models , Capital assets pricing model , Investments , Econometric models -- Germany , Econometric models -- South Africa , Econometric models -- Great Britain , Econometric models -- United States
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1095 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1013016
- Description: Historically, the Consumption Capital Asset Pricing Method (C-CAPM) has performed poorly in that estimated parameters are implausible, model restrictions are often rejected and inferences appear to be very sensitive to the choice of economic agents' preferences. In this study, we estimate and test the C-CAPM with Constant Relative Risk Aversion (CRRA) using time series data from Germany, South Africa, Britain and America during relatively short time periods with the latest available data sets. Hansen's GMM approach is applied to estimate the parameters arising from this model. In general, estimated parameters fall outside the bounds specified by Lund & Engsted (1996) and Cuthbertson & Nitzsche (2004), even though the models are not rejected by the J-test and are associated with relatively small minimum distances.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A study of the corporate social investment distribution and spending by selected corporates in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Tetyana, Sakhiwo
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Investments -- Moral and ethical aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sustainable development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9203 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020423
- Description: Corporate Social Investment (CSI) presents a platform for the business sector in South Africa to respond to challenges facing the Eastern Cape. Challenges facing this province are well documented, and it is important to measure and quantify how the business sector in South Africa currently contributes towards addressing those challenges. The Eastern Cape remains by and large undeveloped, with economic activity well below economic potential. Currently, economic activity is concentrated in Port Elizabeth, East London and Mthatha. Notwithstanding economic growth, high levels of unemployment and poverty persist, particularly in the rural areas where two-thirds of the population reside. The research study purposely sampled the top 30 companies from the top 100 listed in Trialogue. A total of 14 questionnaires were completed and returned by respondents. Five CSI managers were randomly selected from the 30 companies for in-depth interviews. The purpose of this exercise was to solicit further views to enable substantive triangulation of data from other sources. The research reveals that corporate groups in South Africa use different but complementary models and strategies in contributing towards poverty reduction. Education, particularly support for secondary school technology and science tuition, and also early childhood development (ECD), constitute key intervention areas by corporations in the Eastern Cape. This is closely followed by economic inclusion or enterprise development. There is no demonstrable evidence that corporate social investment in South Africa is informed by a coherent theoretical framework. The study revealed that education receives the largest share of CSI budgets in the Eastern Cape. Within education, mathematics and science is the most supported sub-programme focus area. This is followed by higher education which is also a preferred sub-programme focus area. A total of 40 percent of CSI spending has been channeled towards rural areas and towns in the former Transkei area. The ‘Mandela factor’ also plays an influential role in thedistribution of CSI spending, especially in the rural areas of the former Transkei. Donations ‘in kind’ are mostly distributed in urban areas.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A study of the impact of the St. Mary's Development and Care Centre on communities in Grahamstown
- Authors: Booth, Kaylene Lucinda
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Community-based social services -- South Africa -- Grahamstown , Community development -- South Africa -- Grahamstown
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9193 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020369
- Description: The study is made in an attempt to evaluate a Non-Profit Organisation established 30 years ago. The organisation is called The St. Mary’s Development and Care Centre. This centre, amongst others, was established in 1982 by a true humanitarian, Mrs Thelma Henderson, and has since had more than 2250 children and lots more families in its care. The research aims to explore and evaluate the impact that the centre has had on the families and communities in Grahamstown. The evaluation is done as part of the current manager’s strategy to assess the strengths of the organisation and to build on the efficacy of the organisation. The researcher understands impact as any change whether positive or negative. This, from a social science perspective, is experienced by the person on a personal level and the effects in different families cannot be measured with a universal measure. Theory proves that because people are at varying levels of development, they therefore experience change and thus impact, differently. With the use of the grounded theory method comprising of systematic, inductive and comparative approaches for conducting inquiry for the purpose of constructing theory (Bryant & Charmaz 2007: 1) the research found that people have experienced change at different levels. This information, triangulated against previous research, validated the claims that child sponsorship at an NGO level indeed has benefits for the children involved in their programs. Therefore this evaluation paper draws the conclusion through similarities found and qualitative personal views that the St. Mary’s Development and Care Centre has indeed had an impact on the Grahamstown community.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A study of the reintegration of female former child soldiers in Gulu District, northern Uganda
- Authors: Bertelsen, Anna
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Women soldiers -- Uganda -- Gulu District , Child soldiers -- Uganda -- Gulu District , Patriarchy -- Uganda -- Gulu District
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPhil
- Identifier: vital:8324 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1020192
- Description: This research explores the perceptions and experiences of female former child soldiers in regard to their reintegration within the community of Gulu District, northern Uganda. In many societies women are generally excluded due to prevailing patriarchal hegemonies, with northern Uganda being no exception. Moreover, former child soldiers are commonly marginalized and discriminated against because members of communities commonly believe that they should be punished for the perceived atrocities that they allegedly committed during times of conflict, rather than be reintegrated into society. In this regard female former child soldiers can be identified as a particularly vulnerable and marginalized group. Therefore, it can be suggested that although the distinction between traditional gender roles has been eroded during times of armed conflict, there is still widespread evidence that women are largely overlooked and disregarded in the process of peace building. In order to explore the perceptions and experiences of former female child soldiers, a qualitative case study method was utilized based on in-depth face to face interviews with women from Gulu District, northern Uganda. The findings of this study indicate that, even though these women went through considerable hardships, all of them displayed a strong sense of resilience. Many of them had taken on the role as active change agents in their own lives and provided an array of suggestions on how their situation could be improved. The major themes constructed from the study include: challenges facing returnees; facilitating factors for returnees and suggestions on improved reintegration. Based on these findings a number of recommendations emerged. The recommendations are presented in order to assist organizations and other stakeholders involved in reintegration of child soldiers in northern Uganda and elsewhere in the world. Apart from providing information to the existing body of research, future areas of proposed research are also outlined.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A study on the application technology of the sterile insect technique, with focus on false codling moth, Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), a pest of citrus in South Africa
- Authors: Nepgen, Eugene Stephan
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Cryptophlebia leucotreta , Citrus -- Diseases and pests -- Control -- South Africa , Insect pests -- Control -- South Africa , Insect sterilization
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5879 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1013199
- Description: False codling moth (FCM), Thaumatotibia leucotreta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) is considered the most important indigenous pest of citrus in southern Africa. Major concerns such as progressive insecticidal resistance, the negative impact of insecticides on the environment, as well as the influence of consumers opposed to chemical residues on fruit, created opportunities for biological control methods such as Sterile Insect Technology (SIT). This technology is now established in the Western and Eastern Cape provinces of South Africa as an effective, sustainable alternative to conventional FCM control methods. Due to the prevalence of the pest in all citrus producing areas of South Africa, potential for SIT to expand is enormous. Success of an SIT programme is highly dependent on efficient application of the technology to achieve its objectives in a timeous manner. The aim of this study was to advance the application of SIT for control of FCM on citrus in South Africa, by investigating the effect of certain critical stages in the process. The effect of long-distance transportation on fitness of irradiated FCM was determined, showing reduced performance with cold-immobilized transport. A significant decrease in flight ability and longevity of irradiated FCM was found, although critically, realized fecundity was not affected. The effect of two different insecticides in the pyrethroid and organophosphate chemical groups were investigated for their residual effect on mortality of released irradiated FCM, to determine if these pest control programmes could be integrated. Both chlorpyrifos and tau-fluvalinate were effective in killing irradiated FCM for a number of days after application, after which degradation of the active ingredient rendered it harmless. This effect was found to be similar for irradiated and non-irradiated males, consequently ratios of sterile : wild male FCM should be retained regardless of whether sprays are applied or not. The modes for release of sterile FCM in an SIT programme were investigated. Efficacy of ground and aerial release platforms were tested by evaluating the recovery of released irradiated male FCM in these orchards. More irradiated FCM were recovered in orchards released from the ground compared to air. However, an economic analysis of both methods shows application of irradiated insects over a large geographical area is more cost-effective by air. Depending on the terrain and size of the target area, a combination of both methods is ideal for application of SIT for control of FCM in citrus. Development of application technology for advance of the programme is discussed and recommendations for future research and development are offered.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A survey of youth development projects in the Department of Social Development in the province of the Eastern Cape: a management perspective
- Authors: Dliwayo, Mziwodumo Archibald
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Youth in development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economic development projects , Youth -- Services for
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/4429 , vital:20600
- Description: The objective of this research is to establish how non-adherence of Amathole District development projects to the Department of Social Development’s Community Development Systems and Operational Manual has contributed to failure of these projects. The background to this research lies in the deliberate policy efforts of the post 1994 democratic dispensation in South Africa to drive development through community-based development approaches. Explicitly pro-poor public policies, development plans and fiscal frameworks were anchored on the concept of community empowerment. The Reconstruction and Development Programme was the first such policy and strategy framework that sought to enshrine the principles of community empowerment and participation. As such, Provincial and Local government are often seen as key strategic drivers of community empowerment initiatives and interventions. South Africa’s governance model is still evolving, but it is clearly committed to local development and service delivery through a decentralised system of government that espouses community involvement. Government strategy has been heavily focused on speed and delivery in order to deal with the historical socio-economic backlogs it inherited. In the focus area of youth development projects, one recognises that poor management has dramatically reduced the effectiveness of many interventions. This research explores how non-adherence of these projects to policy guidelines set out in the Community Development Systems and Operations Manual has contributed to their failure. The research does this by looking at the various management procedures that are supposed to be undertaken during both the initial planning phases and during the subsequent implementation phases of youth development projects. Actual methodologies are compared against this standard. The research is undoubtedly a contribution to the field of strategic management of youth development initiatives which have as their primary intention the reduction of youth unemployment. Research surveys on this topic are limited, and the objective is to enrich the discourse on effective youth projects management practices.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A sustainability reporting framework for South African Higher Education Institutions
- Authors: Bosire, Samuel Mobisa
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Sustainable development reporting -- South Africa , Business intelligence -- South Africa , Universities and colleges -- South Africa , Corporate governance -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DBA
- Identifier: vital:8798 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1016126
- Description: Sustainability has gained prominence globally among nations, regions and organisations as a result of factors such as the effects of climate change on the environment, diminishing natural resources and rising population growth with their concomitant impact on economies and social systems. South Africa is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) that promotes international principles and best practices on sustainable development. Sustainability Reporting is one such best practice. Sustainability Reporting is imperative for good governance and organisations are now expected to support sustainability issues, risks and performance in a balanced and reasonable way. The United Nations and other global bodies have been in the vanguard in promoting guidelines for sustainability reporting with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) being the most Prominent Sustainability reporting guideline. The South African Higher Education Institutions generate a number of reports in the course of any given academic year. As has been the case in the global corporate world, failures in governance in some South African universities point to weaknesses in their governance, especially when it comes to oversight of the operations of institutions. Considering this, it is important to critically examine strategic planning processes to understand the aspects that are important for the survival of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and therefore they should be regularly and closely monitored. The study begins by exploring literature relating to strategic planning, governance, sustainability reporting practices and Business Intelligence (BI) technologies in Higher Education. The primary objective of the investigation is to propose a sustainability reporting framework for Higher Education Institutions in South Africa. It is argued that with the aid of appropriate BI tools, the proposed Sustainability Reporting framework would be useful in tracking progress in the implementation of strategic plans and at the same time strengthen governance in institutions. The study identified elements of Sustainability Reporting that are important for strategic planning. To develop the proposed framework, an empirical investigation was undertaken. Four online questionnaires were completed and returned by 108 participants comprising of Registrars and Information Managers at 23 South African Higher Education Institutions as well as to Information Managers in selected International Higher Education Institutions and Managers at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University (NMMU). The online questionnaires were developed to elicit information to include in the proposed framework. To analyse results, both descriptive and inferential statistics such as Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used. Results from the surveys revealed that Higher Education Institutions globally and in South Africa are grappling with the same issues. When it comes to Sustainability Reporting, factors such as information culture and Business Intelligence maturity levels were not found to be very different among the various institutions. In the case study at NMMU, correlational analysis confirmed that variables such as Management buying and the availability of BI reports were positively related to effective strategic planning and vice versa. Similarly, a strong correlation was observed between reporting guidelines and strategic planning. Moreover, the study highlighted the critical role of management and leadership in a university in creating an environment that supports Sustainability Reporting. In conclusion, it was recommended that efforts should be directed at creating awareness and at training staff on aspects that promote sustainability. It is incumbent upon the institution to take advantage of and promote technological tools and techniques to enable the easy flow of data and information in understandable and usable formats to all its stakeholders. Finally, a Framework for Sustainability Reporting for Higher Education Institutions (FSRHEI) and guidelines for implementing Sustainability Reports are proposed.
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- Date Issued: 2014