Adaptations in allopatric populations of Triakis megalopterus isolated by the Benguela Current: steps towards understanding evolutionary processes affecting regional biodiversity
- Authors: Soekoe, Michelle
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5389 ,
- Description: This study was initiated to gain a better understanding of evolution and adaptation of elasmobranchs by investigating how a putative biogeographic barrier, the Benguela Current, had influenced populations of a demersal shark species, Triakis megalopterus. It was hypothesized that the Benguela Current formed a biogeographic barrier in the distribution of T. megalopterus and was responsible for the divergence between South African (SA) and Angolan (AN) populations. Since elasmobranchs are generally characterized by a slow rate of evolutionary change and conservative morphology and life history traits, it was hypothesized that there would be limited genetic, morphological and life history divergence between the populations. Both mtDNA Control Region (mtCR) and microsatellites (nDNA) were used to assess population connectivity and structure of T. megalopterus. The mtCR predominantly showed a northern (Angola, AN, and Namibia, NA) versus southern (Western Cape, WC, and Eastern Cape, EC) Benguela subsystem arrangement. This suggested that the formation of the Benguela Current had an influence on the genetic structure of T. megalopterus during the early Pleistocene. The nDNA, however, showed a distinct transoceanic, Atlantic (AN, NA, WC) versus Indian Ocean (EC) arrangement, and this was attributed to the more recent exposure of the Agulhas Bank and reduced rocky shore habitat during the glaciations of the late Pleistocene. Traditional morphological analyses on full body and tooth morphology were used to assess phenotypic plasticity and/or adaptability of T. megalopterus. A novel method of geometric morphology, with potential for non-lethal application, was developed and tested to examine interpopulation divergence in shape. Traditional morphometrics showed significant divergence between populations and this variation was congruous with the mtCR haplotypes. However, the divergence in the truss variables was not concomitant to the haplotypes and suggested that differences in shape may be attributed to phenotypic plasticity. There was limited divergence in the tooth morphology between populations. The divergence in several morphological characters associated with swimming speed and manoeuvrability may be attributed to both habitat structure and dominant prey in the different biogeographic zones. The diet of T. megalopterus consisted primarily of crustaceans, teleosts and molluscs. The significant variation in the diet between populations suggested a generalist tooth configuration and broad trophic adaptability. There was significant divergence in the interpopulation life history parameters. The AN population had the fastest growth, smallest size at maturity, and shortest longevity. Individuals in the EC population had the youngest age at maturity, while the WC population had the earliest parturition. This divergence may be attributed to the contrasting thermal regimes in the three biogeographic regions and the dissimilar exploitation rates of the three populations. The results of this thesis demonstrated that a combination of the formation of the Benguela Current and sea level change most likely contributed to vicariance of three populations of T. megalopterus. The significant interpopulation morphological and life history divergence appeared to be both phenotypic and genetic, and suggested that contrasting environmental drivers can result in relatively rapid change in elasmobranchs.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Soekoe, Michelle
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5389 ,
- Description: This study was initiated to gain a better understanding of evolution and adaptation of elasmobranchs by investigating how a putative biogeographic barrier, the Benguela Current, had influenced populations of a demersal shark species, Triakis megalopterus. It was hypothesized that the Benguela Current formed a biogeographic barrier in the distribution of T. megalopterus and was responsible for the divergence between South African (SA) and Angolan (AN) populations. Since elasmobranchs are generally characterized by a slow rate of evolutionary change and conservative morphology and life history traits, it was hypothesized that there would be limited genetic, morphological and life history divergence between the populations. Both mtDNA Control Region (mtCR) and microsatellites (nDNA) were used to assess population connectivity and structure of T. megalopterus. The mtCR predominantly showed a northern (Angola, AN, and Namibia, NA) versus southern (Western Cape, WC, and Eastern Cape, EC) Benguela subsystem arrangement. This suggested that the formation of the Benguela Current had an influence on the genetic structure of T. megalopterus during the early Pleistocene. The nDNA, however, showed a distinct transoceanic, Atlantic (AN, NA, WC) versus Indian Ocean (EC) arrangement, and this was attributed to the more recent exposure of the Agulhas Bank and reduced rocky shore habitat during the glaciations of the late Pleistocene. Traditional morphological analyses on full body and tooth morphology were used to assess phenotypic plasticity and/or adaptability of T. megalopterus. A novel method of geometric morphology, with potential for non-lethal application, was developed and tested to examine interpopulation divergence in shape. Traditional morphometrics showed significant divergence between populations and this variation was congruous with the mtCR haplotypes. However, the divergence in the truss variables was not concomitant to the haplotypes and suggested that differences in shape may be attributed to phenotypic plasticity. There was limited divergence in the tooth morphology between populations. The divergence in several morphological characters associated with swimming speed and manoeuvrability may be attributed to both habitat structure and dominant prey in the different biogeographic zones. The diet of T. megalopterus consisted primarily of crustaceans, teleosts and molluscs. The significant variation in the diet between populations suggested a generalist tooth configuration and broad trophic adaptability. There was significant divergence in the interpopulation life history parameters. The AN population had the fastest growth, smallest size at maturity, and shortest longevity. Individuals in the EC population had the youngest age at maturity, while the WC population had the earliest parturition. This divergence may be attributed to the contrasting thermal regimes in the three biogeographic regions and the dissimilar exploitation rates of the three populations. The results of this thesis demonstrated that a combination of the formation of the Benguela Current and sea level change most likely contributed to vicariance of three populations of T. megalopterus. The significant interpopulation morphological and life history divergence appeared to be both phenotypic and genetic, and suggested that contrasting environmental drivers can result in relatively rapid change in elasmobranchs.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Adaptive responses to heat stress, quality of hide and meat from indigenous Nguni and non-descript crossbred cattle
- Authors: Chikwanda, Denice
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Cattle -- Effect of temperature on Nguni cattle Beef cattle breeds
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Agriculture)
- Identifier: , vital:35635
- Description: The main objective of this study was to determine the adaptive responses of Nguni and non-descript crossbred cattle (NDCC) to heat stress, nutritionally-related blood metabolite profiles, fatty acid profiles, carcass and meat characteristics, physico-mechanical properties of automotive upholstery crust leather and the associated collagen fibre architecture of hides and crust leather. Forty steers (20 Nguni and 20 NDCC) which were approximately 14 months of age with live weights ranging between 153 kg and 203 kg at the beginning of the study were used. Environmental variables (ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind parameters, solar radiation) were collected from a weather station at the research farm. Temperature-humidity index (THI) values were computed. Rectal and skin temperature, skin traits and blood metabolites were determined at two-week intervals over 16 weeks. Hair coat scores ranged from extremely short (score 1) to very woolly (score 7). At slaughter, blood samples were collected after exsanguination. Meat samples were collected from the right muscularis longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) and Triceps brachii (TB) muscles after 24 hours of chilling of carcasses for physico-chemical quality tests. Fatty acid profiles and physico-chemical quality of meat were determined on the LTL and TB. An additional fifty-four hides (27 Nguni and 27 NDCC) were obtained from a commercial abattoir at slaughter. The hides were tanned into automotive crust leather and tested for physico-mechanical quality. Results showed that week and environmental variables affected skin temperature; also, the rectal and skin temperatures were negatively correlated to body condition, skin pigment, coat score and skin thickness. Non-descript crossbred cattle had higher coat scores (2.1 ± 0.36 to 4.1 ± 4.20) than Nguni cattle (1.6 ± 0.36 to 4.1 ± 0.36). Body condition scores, blood creatinine, urea, total protein, albumin and globulin were affected by genotype and week of sampling. At the end of the trial, NDCC had higher slaughter and hide weights (285.9 ± 6.52 kg and 18.4 ± 0.54 kg, respectively) than Nguni cattle (232.6 ± 6.5 kg and 14.7 ± 0.54 kg, respectively). The majority of NDCC carcasses (73.7 percent) had a fatness level of 1 compared to Nguni carcasses (50 percent). Intramuscular fat was higher in Nguni (1.8 ± 0.09 percent) compared to NDCC (1.5 ± 0.09 percent) steers. Nguni steers had darker muscle colour (L*=33.6 ± 0.01) than NDCC (L*= 35.7 ± 0.54). Nguni and NDCC had similar thawing loss, cooking loss, WBSF tenderness, fat-free dry matter, moisture content, fatty acid profiles and health-related lipid indices. Ultimate muscle pH, meat colour and chroma were similar in the LTL and TB. Concerning the skin, Nguni and NDCC had similar physico-mechanical properties. However, breaking load and tensile strength were higher (1257.1 ± 70.72 N and 28.3 ± 1.23 MPa) in samples taken parallel to the backbone compared to that taken perpendicular to the backbone (979.5 ±70.72 N and 23.6 ±1.23MPa) across the two genotypes. Non-descript crossbred crust leather varied in physico-mechanical tests by direction of sampling. Collagen fibre orientation in hides and crust samples also varied between longitudinal and cross-sections. Collagen fibre diameters in the Nguni were similar in longitudinal and cross-sections (3.4 ± 0.12 μm and 3.2 ± 0.11 μm, respectively). From this study, it is concluded that THI, hair coat, skin traits and body condition affect skin temperature, but not rectal temperature, cortisol and CK activity in Nguni and NDCC reared extensively. The two genotypes differ in nutritionally-related blood metabolites, growth performance, hide weights and carcass traits. Beef from Nguni and NDCC differs in the IMF and meat lightness but is similar in the meat fatty acid composition and some physico-chemical quality parameters. Automotive crust leathers from the two genotypes were similar in some physico-mechanical properties. Collagen architecture varied among different regions of hides and crust leathers
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Chikwanda, Denice
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Cattle -- Effect of temperature on Nguni cattle Beef cattle breeds
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Agriculture)
- Identifier: , vital:35635
- Description: The main objective of this study was to determine the adaptive responses of Nguni and non-descript crossbred cattle (NDCC) to heat stress, nutritionally-related blood metabolite profiles, fatty acid profiles, carcass and meat characteristics, physico-mechanical properties of automotive upholstery crust leather and the associated collagen fibre architecture of hides and crust leather. Forty steers (20 Nguni and 20 NDCC) which were approximately 14 months of age with live weights ranging between 153 kg and 203 kg at the beginning of the study were used. Environmental variables (ambient temperature, relative humidity, wind parameters, solar radiation) were collected from a weather station at the research farm. Temperature-humidity index (THI) values were computed. Rectal and skin temperature, skin traits and blood metabolites were determined at two-week intervals over 16 weeks. Hair coat scores ranged from extremely short (score 1) to very woolly (score 7). At slaughter, blood samples were collected after exsanguination. Meat samples were collected from the right muscularis longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) and Triceps brachii (TB) muscles after 24 hours of chilling of carcasses for physico-chemical quality tests. Fatty acid profiles and physico-chemical quality of meat were determined on the LTL and TB. An additional fifty-four hides (27 Nguni and 27 NDCC) were obtained from a commercial abattoir at slaughter. The hides were tanned into automotive crust leather and tested for physico-mechanical quality. Results showed that week and environmental variables affected skin temperature; also, the rectal and skin temperatures were negatively correlated to body condition, skin pigment, coat score and skin thickness. Non-descript crossbred cattle had higher coat scores (2.1 ± 0.36 to 4.1 ± 4.20) than Nguni cattle (1.6 ± 0.36 to 4.1 ± 0.36). Body condition scores, blood creatinine, urea, total protein, albumin and globulin were affected by genotype and week of sampling. At the end of the trial, NDCC had higher slaughter and hide weights (285.9 ± 6.52 kg and 18.4 ± 0.54 kg, respectively) than Nguni cattle (232.6 ± 6.5 kg and 14.7 ± 0.54 kg, respectively). The majority of NDCC carcasses (73.7 percent) had a fatness level of 1 compared to Nguni carcasses (50 percent). Intramuscular fat was higher in Nguni (1.8 ± 0.09 percent) compared to NDCC (1.5 ± 0.09 percent) steers. Nguni steers had darker muscle colour (L*=33.6 ± 0.01) than NDCC (L*= 35.7 ± 0.54). Nguni and NDCC had similar thawing loss, cooking loss, WBSF tenderness, fat-free dry matter, moisture content, fatty acid profiles and health-related lipid indices. Ultimate muscle pH, meat colour and chroma were similar in the LTL and TB. Concerning the skin, Nguni and NDCC had similar physico-mechanical properties. However, breaking load and tensile strength were higher (1257.1 ± 70.72 N and 28.3 ± 1.23 MPa) in samples taken parallel to the backbone compared to that taken perpendicular to the backbone (979.5 ±70.72 N and 23.6 ±1.23MPa) across the two genotypes. Non-descript crossbred crust leather varied in physico-mechanical tests by direction of sampling. Collagen fibre orientation in hides and crust samples also varied between longitudinal and cross-sections. Collagen fibre diameters in the Nguni were similar in longitudinal and cross-sections (3.4 ± 0.12 μm and 3.2 ± 0.11 μm, respectively). From this study, it is concluded that THI, hair coat, skin traits and body condition affect skin temperature, but not rectal temperature, cortisol and CK activity in Nguni and NDCC reared extensively. The two genotypes differ in nutritionally-related blood metabolites, growth performance, hide weights and carcass traits. Beef from Nguni and NDCC differs in the IMF and meat lightness but is similar in the meat fatty acid composition and some physico-chemical quality parameters. Automotive crust leathers from the two genotypes were similar in some physico-mechanical properties. Collagen architecture varied among different regions of hides and crust leathers
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Addressing gender-based violence in the age of Aids: rural youth engaging peers through social media
- Authors: Geldenhuys, Martha Maria
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: AIDS (Disease) in adolescence -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal -- Attitudes , Violence -- Sex differences , Digital storytelling , Social media -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:27069
- Description: This study responds to the following research question: How might rural school youth engage peers using social media in a participatory cultures framework to contribute to addressing gender-based violence in their community? This question is supported by the following secondary questions: How do rural school youth understand gender-based violence in their community. how might rural school youth use social media within a participatory cultures framework to engage peers in addressing GBV How can rural school youth engage with their peers via social media to facilitate youth agency in a participatory cultures framework This qualitative study is positioned in a critical paradigm and employs a visual participatory research methodology to contribute to addressing gender-based violence in the age of HIV and AIDS. The participants in this study are five learners (3 boys and 2 girls) with five of their peers (3 boys and 2 girls) from a secondary school in rural Vulindlela in KwaZulu-Natal, purposively selected from Grade 9 classes. Digital storytelling was employed as the main visual method of data generation to express the participants’ understanding of, and solutions to, genderbased violence. The stories were used by the participants to engage their peers around the topic via social media and to enable them to reflect on their own agency. The study draws on Jenkins’ theory of participatory cultures as a heoretical framework. Thematic analysis was applied to make meaning of the findings. The findings show that rural school youth understand gender-based violence (GBV) as a complex problem. Youthful learners are able to competently apply social media to address GBV and engage their peers through social media – hifting the power to participate as agents of change.The findings have implications for youth, the school, and the community. The youth are seen as knowledgeable actors who should inform intervention programmes aimed at social change. Social media can offer an engaging environment for peer learning and support. For digital participation, the youth need to acquire digital skills at school which could be integrated throughout the curriculum, drawing on participatory cultures. In the community, youth as knowledge producers are competent in leading, guiding, and instructing community members using social media spaces as more people have access to inexpensive digital technology that allows them to participate in community intervention programmes aimed at social change. I conclude by arguing that youth can express lived realties on GBV and solutions to GBV through visual methods such as digital storytelling. Their engagement on social media such as Facebook can be viewed as intervention by assuming agency through a guided process of solving community problems collaboratively with peers through the process of participatory cultures. This democratic process strengthens agency for community benefit and highlights a new youth and peer culture where youth circulate new and self-made content aimed at social action through their continuous reflection – a shift in power as the voices and actions of youth are acknowledged.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Addressing gender-based violence in the age of Aids: rural youth engaging peers through social media
- Authors: Geldenhuys, Martha Maria
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: AIDS (Disease) in adolescence -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal -- Attitudes , Violence -- Sex differences , Digital storytelling , Social media -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:27069
- Description: This study responds to the following research question: How might rural school youth engage peers using social media in a participatory cultures framework to contribute to addressing gender-based violence in their community? This question is supported by the following secondary questions: How do rural school youth understand gender-based violence in their community. how might rural school youth use social media within a participatory cultures framework to engage peers in addressing GBV How can rural school youth engage with their peers via social media to facilitate youth agency in a participatory cultures framework This qualitative study is positioned in a critical paradigm and employs a visual participatory research methodology to contribute to addressing gender-based violence in the age of HIV and AIDS. The participants in this study are five learners (3 boys and 2 girls) with five of their peers (3 boys and 2 girls) from a secondary school in rural Vulindlela in KwaZulu-Natal, purposively selected from Grade 9 classes. Digital storytelling was employed as the main visual method of data generation to express the participants’ understanding of, and solutions to, genderbased violence. The stories were used by the participants to engage their peers around the topic via social media and to enable them to reflect on their own agency. The study draws on Jenkins’ theory of participatory cultures as a heoretical framework. Thematic analysis was applied to make meaning of the findings. The findings show that rural school youth understand gender-based violence (GBV) as a complex problem. Youthful learners are able to competently apply social media to address GBV and engage their peers through social media – hifting the power to participate as agents of change.The findings have implications for youth, the school, and the community. The youth are seen as knowledgeable actors who should inform intervention programmes aimed at social change. Social media can offer an engaging environment for peer learning and support. For digital participation, the youth need to acquire digital skills at school which could be integrated throughout the curriculum, drawing on participatory cultures. In the community, youth as knowledge producers are competent in leading, guiding, and instructing community members using social media spaces as more people have access to inexpensive digital technology that allows them to participate in community intervention programmes aimed at social change. I conclude by arguing that youth can express lived realties on GBV and solutions to GBV through visual methods such as digital storytelling. Their engagement on social media such as Facebook can be viewed as intervention by assuming agency through a guided process of solving community problems collaboratively with peers through the process of participatory cultures. This democratic process strengthens agency for community benefit and highlights a new youth and peer culture where youth circulate new and self-made content aimed at social action through their continuous reflection – a shift in power as the voices and actions of youth are acknowledged.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Administrative penalties
- Arendse, Jacqueline A, Clegg, David, Williams, Robert C
- Authors: Arendse, Jacqueline A , Clegg, David , Williams, Robert C
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book chapter
- Identifier: , vital:36539 ,
- Description: Provisions dealing with the levying of interest and penalties are contained in the Tax Administration Act and specific provisions also exist in the various tax Acts. Most of the specific penalty provisions in the various tax Acts have been replaced by the general provisions contained in the Tax Administration Act.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Arendse, Jacqueline A , Clegg, David , Williams, Robert C
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book chapter
- Identifier: , vital:36539 ,
- Description: Provisions dealing with the levying of interest and penalties are contained in the Tax Administration Act and specific provisions also exist in the various tax Acts. Most of the specific penalty provisions in the various tax Acts have been replaced by the general provisions contained in the Tax Administration Act.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2016
Adoption of cloud computing by the South African public sector
- Authors: Govender, Judian
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Information technology -- Economic aspects -- South Africa , Cloud computing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:21142
- Description: Technology enables progress for individuals and organisations; however, adopting technology may not always be simple. Cloud computing technology has revolutionised how one consumes IT. Governments too can leverage the advantages of adopting cloud computing. A review of the literature reveals a gap in research on the adoption of cloud computing by the South African public sector. Limited research has been done on the topic of cloud computing and none of them are from a quantitative perspective. This study set out to answer the question, “What is the extent (current state, benefits, barriers and readiness levels) of the adoption of cloud computing by the South Africa public sector?” The study is of much value to the public sector of South Africa and other countries and organisations wanting to understand what to consider when adopting cloud computing. The study used a survey research strategy that was exploratory in nature. The sample comprised government CIO’s and government Senior IT management. Questionnaires were sent via a web link and 51 responses were completed. The results revealed that more than half of the South African public sector has adopted cloud computing; however there is a lack of visibility of government initiatives that promote cloud computing. The study shows that public organisations that have adopted cloud computing significantly perceive more benefits of cloud computing than organisations that are yet to adopt. The Technology Organisation Environment (TOE) framework tested the barriers to adoption, revealing areas of concern that are limiting successful cloud computing adoption and adoption rates. The study uncovers a timeline for further cloud computing adoption in the South African public sector.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Govender, Judian
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Information technology -- Economic aspects -- South Africa , Cloud computing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:21142
- Description: Technology enables progress for individuals and organisations; however, adopting technology may not always be simple. Cloud computing technology has revolutionised how one consumes IT. Governments too can leverage the advantages of adopting cloud computing. A review of the literature reveals a gap in research on the adoption of cloud computing by the South African public sector. Limited research has been done on the topic of cloud computing and none of them are from a quantitative perspective. This study set out to answer the question, “What is the extent (current state, benefits, barriers and readiness levels) of the adoption of cloud computing by the South Africa public sector?” The study is of much value to the public sector of South Africa and other countries and organisations wanting to understand what to consider when adopting cloud computing. The study used a survey research strategy that was exploratory in nature. The sample comprised government CIO’s and government Senior IT management. Questionnaires were sent via a web link and 51 responses were completed. The results revealed that more than half of the South African public sector has adopted cloud computing; however there is a lack of visibility of government initiatives that promote cloud computing. The study shows that public organisations that have adopted cloud computing significantly perceive more benefits of cloud computing than organisations that are yet to adopt. The Technology Organisation Environment (TOE) framework tested the barriers to adoption, revealing areas of concern that are limiting successful cloud computing adoption and adoption rates. The study uncovers a timeline for further cloud computing adoption in the South African public sector.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Advance rulings
- Arendse, Jacqueline A, Clegg, David, Williams, Robert C
- Authors: Arendse, Jacqueline A , Clegg, David , Williams, Robert C
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book chapter
- Identifier: , vital:36535 ,
- Description: Chapter 7 of the Tax Administration Act, namely ss 75–90, deals with the formal system and process of the advance tax ruling system. It therefore follows that SARS may now issue advance rulings in respect of all tax types and tax Acts administered by the Commissioner. Procedures and guidelines, in the form of ‘binding general rulings’, for implementation and operation of the ‘advance ruling’ system may be issued by the Commissioner to give effect to the advance tax ruling system.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Arendse, Jacqueline A , Clegg, David , Williams, Robert C
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book chapter
- Identifier: , vital:36535 ,
- Description: Chapter 7 of the Tax Administration Act, namely ss 75–90, deals with the formal system and process of the advance tax ruling system. It therefore follows that SARS may now issue advance rulings in respect of all tax types and tax Acts administered by the Commissioner. Procedures and guidelines, in the form of ‘binding general rulings’, for implementation and operation of the ‘advance ruling’ system may be issued by the Commissioner to give effect to the advance tax ruling system.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2016
African christian parents' framing of gender and sexual identity in Duduza, Nigel
- Authors: Mkhatshwa, Puleng Charity
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Gender identity -- South Africa -- Gauteng Sexual minorities -- South Africa -- Gauteng Religion and civil society -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Gauteng
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:27042
- Description: This research tested the perception of Christian parents framing of gender and sexual identities in Duduza, Nigel. The researcher conducted the quantitative research based on the theoretical framework and measured it by means of variables and questions through the development of a questionnaire. The triangulation questions from the literature review were included in the questionnaire. The quantitative data collected was in the form of numbers. The literature review was completed to find out what had previously been written about the dependant variable, and to clarify and define concepts contained in the dependant variable, as well as to examine the independent variables and their elements influencing the dependant variable. The study provides the recommendation for the Christians denominations towards influencing change in the Christian parents’ framing of gender and sexual identities in Duduza, Nigel.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Mkhatshwa, Puleng Charity
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Gender identity -- South Africa -- Gauteng Sexual minorities -- South Africa -- Gauteng Religion and civil society -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Gauteng
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:27042
- Description: This research tested the perception of Christian parents framing of gender and sexual identities in Duduza, Nigel. The researcher conducted the quantitative research based on the theoretical framework and measured it by means of variables and questions through the development of a questionnaire. The triangulation questions from the literature review were included in the questionnaire. The quantitative data collected was in the form of numbers. The literature review was completed to find out what had previously been written about the dependant variable, and to clarify and define concepts contained in the dependant variable, as well as to examine the independent variables and their elements influencing the dependant variable. The study provides the recommendation for the Christians denominations towards influencing change in the Christian parents’ framing of gender and sexual identities in Duduza, Nigel.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Against all odds: the effect of electoral violence on the political participation of citizens: a case study of voters in Nairobi
- Authors: Plata, Stephanie
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Elections -- Kenya -- Nairobi , Political participation -- Kenya -- Nairobi , Political violence -- Kenya -- Nairobi
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:20913
- Description: Competitive national elections can play a significant role in the consolidation process of developing and established democracies alike. Nevertheless, if not handled adequately, they have the potential to bring long-existing, existential conflict lines to the surface. This electoral conflict, becoming manifest in election violence, has the potential to shy people off from voting and negatively affect their attitude towards elections and democracy in general. The present study examined the ways in which violent electoral conflict affected the political participation and the personal attitudes towards democracy of ordinary Kenyan citizens. Kenya has experienced violent electoral conflict repeatedly since the re-introduction of competitive elections in 1992 and became one of its prime examples due to the devastating 2008 post-election clashes. In order to answer the research questions, 32 semi-structured interviews with 34 victims of electoral violence coming from four main ‘hotspot areas’ of the 2008 post-election violence as well as four expert interviews were conducted. The study finds that the experience of violent electoral conflict led to diametrically opposed reactions in the behaviour of political participation among respondents. About two-thirds of them indicated a change in their behaviour of political participation. With 33% of the respondents found to be “participating more”, this group even outnumbers its “participating less” counterpart (30%). This finding is rather surprising as the experience of electoral violence is usually associated with the tendency to shy off from political participation, not only in Kenya. Based on their attitudinal dispositions towards democracy in general and towards democracy in Kenya more specifically, as well as towards Kenyan elections, politics and politicians, a fourfold typology of Kenyan citizens was developed from the sample. It includes: the voting citizen, the resigned citizen, the passive citizen, and the active citizen. The voting citizen with no further interest in politics or political participation was found to be the most prevalent type of citizen in the sample. Attention needs to be taken towards the resigned citizen, which could, in case of further violent electoral conflict and the continuing marginalization of specific ethnic groups, cause a threat to the stabilization process of Kenya’s democracy. Contributions of this study were in designing a destination identity framework as well as in discovering the identity of the city of Nelson Mandela Bay. Directions for future studies include the possibility to conduct a qualitative study on place identity so as to obtain a more nuanced understanding of sub-identities in the city.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Plata, Stephanie
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Elections -- Kenya -- Nairobi , Political participation -- Kenya -- Nairobi , Political violence -- Kenya -- Nairobi
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:20913
- Description: Competitive national elections can play a significant role in the consolidation process of developing and established democracies alike. Nevertheless, if not handled adequately, they have the potential to bring long-existing, existential conflict lines to the surface. This electoral conflict, becoming manifest in election violence, has the potential to shy people off from voting and negatively affect their attitude towards elections and democracy in general. The present study examined the ways in which violent electoral conflict affected the political participation and the personal attitudes towards democracy of ordinary Kenyan citizens. Kenya has experienced violent electoral conflict repeatedly since the re-introduction of competitive elections in 1992 and became one of its prime examples due to the devastating 2008 post-election clashes. In order to answer the research questions, 32 semi-structured interviews with 34 victims of electoral violence coming from four main ‘hotspot areas’ of the 2008 post-election violence as well as four expert interviews were conducted. The study finds that the experience of violent electoral conflict led to diametrically opposed reactions in the behaviour of political participation among respondents. About two-thirds of them indicated a change in their behaviour of political participation. With 33% of the respondents found to be “participating more”, this group even outnumbers its “participating less” counterpart (30%). This finding is rather surprising as the experience of electoral violence is usually associated with the tendency to shy off from political participation, not only in Kenya. Based on their attitudinal dispositions towards democracy in general and towards democracy in Kenya more specifically, as well as towards Kenyan elections, politics and politicians, a fourfold typology of Kenyan citizens was developed from the sample. It includes: the voting citizen, the resigned citizen, the passive citizen, and the active citizen. The voting citizen with no further interest in politics or political participation was found to be the most prevalent type of citizen in the sample. Attention needs to be taken towards the resigned citizen, which could, in case of further violent electoral conflict and the continuing marginalization of specific ethnic groups, cause a threat to the stabilization process of Kenya’s democracy. Contributions of this study were in designing a destination identity framework as well as in discovering the identity of the city of Nelson Mandela Bay. Directions for future studies include the possibility to conduct a qualitative study on place identity so as to obtain a more nuanced understanding of sub-identities in the city.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
Age and growth of Cape stumpnose Rhabdosargus holubi (Pisces: Sparidae) in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Farthing, Matthew William, James, Nicola C, Potts, Warren M
- Authors: Farthing, Matthew William , James, Nicola C , Potts, Warren M
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35365 ,
- Description: Rhabdosargus holubi (Steindachner, 1881) is a small (maximum size = 450 mm total length; Heemstra and Heemstra 2004) sparid that is distributed along the south-east coast of Africa from St Helena Bay, South Africa, to Maputo, Mozambique (Götz and Cowley 2013). Spawning occurs in the nearshore marine environment primarily during winter, specifically May–August in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) (Wallace 1975) and July–February in the South-Eastern Cape (Whitfield 1998). Individuals reach 50% sexual maturity at approximately 150 mm standard length (SL) in the Eastern Cape (Whitfield 1998). The early life stages are transported by the south-westward-flowing Agulhas Current, and recruit as post-flexion larvae and early juveniles into estuaries during late winter and early summer (Blaber 1974). The warm temperatures and high nutrient levels in estuaries favour fast growth (Blaber 1973a), and fish spend their first year of life in these environments, migrating back out to sea after reaching approximately 120 mm SL. Some individuals remain trapped in closed estuaries, where they may reach sizes greater than 200 mm SL (James et al. 2007a). Rhabdosargus holubi is the dominant estuarine-dependent marine teleost species recorded in permanently open and temporarily open/closed estuaries in the warm-temperate region, which spans the south, south-east and east coast of South Africa (Harrison 2005). The species is also an important component of the linefishery in many SouthAfrican estuaries (10–15.6% by number) (Pradervand and Baird 2002), particularly in Eastern Cape estuaries (Cowley et al. 2003). These figures underestimate the presence of R. holubi, as most individuals making use of estuaries are young, feeding predominately on filamentous macroalgae and diatom flora, and are generally too small to be caught with hook and line (De Wet and Marais 1990). James et al. (2007b) showed that R. holubi made up 34–92% of the annual seine-net catch in the East Kleinemonde Estuary. Rhabdosargus holubi is also important in the KZN shorebased linefishery, representing 4.6% of the total landed catch (Dunlop and Mann 2012).
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Farthing, Matthew William , James, Nicola C , Potts, Warren M
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35365 ,
- Description: Rhabdosargus holubi (Steindachner, 1881) is a small (maximum size = 450 mm total length; Heemstra and Heemstra 2004) sparid that is distributed along the south-east coast of Africa from St Helena Bay, South Africa, to Maputo, Mozambique (Götz and Cowley 2013). Spawning occurs in the nearshore marine environment primarily during winter, specifically May–August in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) (Wallace 1975) and July–February in the South-Eastern Cape (Whitfield 1998). Individuals reach 50% sexual maturity at approximately 150 mm standard length (SL) in the Eastern Cape (Whitfield 1998). The early life stages are transported by the south-westward-flowing Agulhas Current, and recruit as post-flexion larvae and early juveniles into estuaries during late winter and early summer (Blaber 1974). The warm temperatures and high nutrient levels in estuaries favour fast growth (Blaber 1973a), and fish spend their first year of life in these environments, migrating back out to sea after reaching approximately 120 mm SL. Some individuals remain trapped in closed estuaries, where they may reach sizes greater than 200 mm SL (James et al. 2007a). Rhabdosargus holubi is the dominant estuarine-dependent marine teleost species recorded in permanently open and temporarily open/closed estuaries in the warm-temperate region, which spans the south, south-east and east coast of South Africa (Harrison 2005). The species is also an important component of the linefishery in many SouthAfrican estuaries (10–15.6% by number) (Pradervand and Baird 2002), particularly in Eastern Cape estuaries (Cowley et al. 2003). These figures underestimate the presence of R. holubi, as most individuals making use of estuaries are young, feeding predominately on filamentous macroalgae and diatom flora, and are generally too small to be caught with hook and line (De Wet and Marais 1990). James et al. (2007b) showed that R. holubi made up 34–92% of the annual seine-net catch in the East Kleinemonde Estuary. Rhabdosargus holubi is also important in the KZN shorebased linefishery, representing 4.6% of the total landed catch (Dunlop and Mann 2012).
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- Date Issued: 2016
Agentive learning for sustainability and equity: Communities, cooperatives and social movements as emerging foci of the learning sciences
- Engeström, Yrjö, Sannino, Annalisa, Bal, Aydin, Lotz-Sisitka, Heila, Pesanayi, Tichaona, Chikunda, Charles, Lesama, Manoel F, Picinatto, Antonio C, Querol, Marco P, Lee, Yew J
- Authors: Engeström, Yrjö , Sannino, Annalisa , Bal, Aydin , Lotz-Sisitka, Heila , Pesanayi, Tichaona , Chikunda, Charles , Lesama, Manoel F , Picinatto, Antonio C , Querol, Marco P , Lee, Yew J
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , symposium
- Identifier: , vital:73292 , ISBN 978-1-4312-0852-4 ,
- Description: This symposium expands the object and scope of the learning sciences by introducing communities, cooperatives and social movements as crucially important sites of learning. The sym-posium papers employ and critically interrogate cultural-historical activity theory, specifically the theory of expansive learning, and the emerging methodology of formative interven-tions as a potential framework for dealing with learning in communities, cooperatives and social movements. Expansive learning emerges as a process of revitalizing the commons, or commoning. The contributions of the symposium point toward the importance of analyzing and fostering transformative agency as a quality of learning.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Engeström, Yrjö , Sannino, Annalisa , Bal, Aydin , Lotz-Sisitka, Heila , Pesanayi, Tichaona , Chikunda, Charles , Lesama, Manoel F , Picinatto, Antonio C , Querol, Marco P , Lee, Yew J
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , symposium
- Identifier: , vital:73292 , ISBN 978-1-4312-0852-4 ,
- Description: This symposium expands the object and scope of the learning sciences by introducing communities, cooperatives and social movements as crucially important sites of learning. The sym-posium papers employ and critically interrogate cultural-historical activity theory, specifically the theory of expansive learning, and the emerging methodology of formative interven-tions as a potential framework for dealing with learning in communities, cooperatives and social movements. Expansive learning emerges as a process of revitalizing the commons, or commoning. The contributions of the symposium point toward the importance of analyzing and fostering transformative agency as a quality of learning.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Aggregation control of robust water-soluble zinc (II) phthalocyanine-based photosensitizers
- Ikeuchi, Takuro, Mack, John, Nyokong, Tebello, Kobayashi, Nagao, Kimura, Mutsumi
- Authors: Ikeuchi, Takuro , Mack, John , Nyokong, Tebello , Kobayashi, Nagao , Kimura, Mutsumi
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:50757 , xlink:href=""
- Description: A water-soluble zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) complex with four negatively charged electron-withdrawing sulfonic acid substituents at the nonperipheral positions (α-ZnTSPc) is found to have a high singlet oxygen (1O2) quantum yield and exhibits high photostability. The formation of aggregates is hindered and the highest occupied molecular orbital is significantly stabilized, making α-ZnTSPc potentially suitable for its use as a photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy and photoimmunotherapy. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) reveals that mixtures of the negatively charged α-ZnTSPc complex with a similar positively charged ZnPc were found to result in the self-assembly of one-dimensional accordion-like fibers. Supramolecular fibers can be formed in aqueous solutions through intermolecular electrostatic and donor–acceptor interactions between the two water-soluble ZnPcs.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Ikeuchi, Takuro , Mack, John , Nyokong, Tebello , Kobayashi, Nagao , Kimura, Mutsumi
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:50757 , xlink:href=""
- Description: A water-soluble zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc) complex with four negatively charged electron-withdrawing sulfonic acid substituents at the nonperipheral positions (α-ZnTSPc) is found to have a high singlet oxygen (1O2) quantum yield and exhibits high photostability. The formation of aggregates is hindered and the highest occupied molecular orbital is significantly stabilized, making α-ZnTSPc potentially suitable for its use as a photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy and photoimmunotherapy. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) reveals that mixtures of the negatively charged α-ZnTSPc complex with a similar positively charged ZnPc were found to result in the self-assembly of one-dimensional accordion-like fibers. Supramolecular fibers can be formed in aqueous solutions through intermolecular electrostatic and donor–acceptor interactions between the two water-soluble ZnPcs.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Agreement and coordination in XiTsonga, SeSotho and IsiXhosa: an optimality theoretic perspective
- Authors: Mitchley, Hazel
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:20491
- Description: This thesis provides a unified Optimality Theoretic analysis of subject-verb agreement with coordinated preverbal subjects in three Southern Bantu languages: Xitsonga (S53), Sesotho (S33), and isiXhosa (S41). This analysis is then used to formulate a typology of agreement resolution strategies and the contexts which trigger them. Although some accounts in the Bantu literature suggest that agreement with coordinate structures is avoided by speakers (e.g. Schadeberg 1992, Voeltz 1971) especially when conjuncts are from different noun classes, I show that there is ample evidence to the contrary, and that the subject marker used is dependent on several factors, including (i) the [-HUMAN] specification on the conjuncts, (ii) whether the conjuncts are singular or plural, (iii) whether or not the conjuncts both carry the same noun class feature, and (iv) the order of the conjuncts. This thesis shows that there are various agreement resolution strategies which can beused: 1) agreement with the [+HUMAN] feature on the conjuncts, 2) agreement with the[-HUMAN] feature on the conjuncts, 3) agreement with the noun class feature on both conjuncts, 4) agreement with the noun class feature on the conjunct closest to the verb, and 5) agreement with the noun class feature on the conjunct furthest from the verb. Not all of these strategies are used by all languages, nor are these strategies interchangeable in the languages which do use them – instead, multiple factors conspire to trigger the use of a specific agreement strategy within a specific agreement featural context. I show that these effects can be captured using Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 2004). The analysis makes use of seven constraints: RES#, MAX[+H], MAX[-H], DEP[-H], MAXNC, DEPNC, and AGREECLOSEST. The hierarchical ranking of these constraints not only accounts for the confinement of particular strategies to specific agreement featural contexts within a language, but also accounts for the cross-linguistic differences in the use of these strategies. I end off by examining the typological implications which follow from the OT analysis provided in this thesis.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Mitchley, Hazel
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:20491
- Description: This thesis provides a unified Optimality Theoretic analysis of subject-verb agreement with coordinated preverbal subjects in three Southern Bantu languages: Xitsonga (S53), Sesotho (S33), and isiXhosa (S41). This analysis is then used to formulate a typology of agreement resolution strategies and the contexts which trigger them. Although some accounts in the Bantu literature suggest that agreement with coordinate structures is avoided by speakers (e.g. Schadeberg 1992, Voeltz 1971) especially when conjuncts are from different noun classes, I show that there is ample evidence to the contrary, and that the subject marker used is dependent on several factors, including (i) the [-HUMAN] specification on the conjuncts, (ii) whether the conjuncts are singular or plural, (iii) whether or not the conjuncts both carry the same noun class feature, and (iv) the order of the conjuncts. This thesis shows that there are various agreement resolution strategies which can beused: 1) agreement with the [+HUMAN] feature on the conjuncts, 2) agreement with the[-HUMAN] feature on the conjuncts, 3) agreement with the noun class feature on both conjuncts, 4) agreement with the noun class feature on the conjunct closest to the verb, and 5) agreement with the noun class feature on the conjunct furthest from the verb. Not all of these strategies are used by all languages, nor are these strategies interchangeable in the languages which do use them – instead, multiple factors conspire to trigger the use of a specific agreement strategy within a specific agreement featural context. I show that these effects can be captured using Optimality Theory (Prince and Smolensky 2004). The analysis makes use of seven constraints: RES#, MAX[+H], MAX[-H], DEP[-H], MAXNC, DEPNC, and AGREECLOSEST. The hierarchical ranking of these constraints not only accounts for the confinement of particular strategies to specific agreement featural contexts within a language, but also accounts for the cross-linguistic differences in the use of these strategies. I end off by examining the typological implications which follow from the OT analysis provided in this thesis.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Alcoholism and being under the influence of alcohol
- Authors: Maliti, Zandisile
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Alcoholism and employment , Misconduct in office , Alcoholism -- Diagnosis
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: , vital:26354
- Description: Being under the influence of alcohol at work or during working hours is dealt with as misconduct. On the other hand, in a case where an employee suffers from alcoholism, such a case is treated as incapacity due to ill health. The possibility of overlap between the two has contributed to a misconception. Alcoholism cases, are at times, incorrectly treated as misconduct. The same applies to cases of being under the influence of alcohol where such cases would be treated as incapacity instead of being treated as misconduct. The distinction between alcoholism and being under the influence of alcohol was made clear in Transnet Freight Rail v Transnet Bargaining Council C644/2009 [2011] ZALCJHB (4 March 2011) where the Labour Court held that employers have an obligation of assisting employees who suffer from alcoholism with counselling and rehabilitation. Such an obligation does not arise when an employee, who is not an alcoholic, comes to work under the influence of alcohol. Whilst the nature of work is taken into consideration in determining whether an employee is under the influence of alcohol or not, the major cause of disharmony in the determination is a common defence of having consumed alcohol during a night before and whether the physical observations combined with positive breathalyser test results or on their own are indicative, on the balance of probabilities, that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or not. There is no need for an employee to injure himself or herself or other employees before a determination is made that he or she is under the influence of alcohol. Physical observations combined with breathalyzer test results, can be indicative of an employee that is being under the influence of alcohol. The nature of work should be an aggravating or mitigating factor rather than a determining factor of guilt.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Maliti, Zandisile
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Alcoholism and employment , Misconduct in office , Alcoholism -- Diagnosis
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: , vital:26354
- Description: Being under the influence of alcohol at work or during working hours is dealt with as misconduct. On the other hand, in a case where an employee suffers from alcoholism, such a case is treated as incapacity due to ill health. The possibility of overlap between the two has contributed to a misconception. Alcoholism cases, are at times, incorrectly treated as misconduct. The same applies to cases of being under the influence of alcohol where such cases would be treated as incapacity instead of being treated as misconduct. The distinction between alcoholism and being under the influence of alcohol was made clear in Transnet Freight Rail v Transnet Bargaining Council C644/2009 [2011] ZALCJHB (4 March 2011) where the Labour Court held that employers have an obligation of assisting employees who suffer from alcoholism with counselling and rehabilitation. Such an obligation does not arise when an employee, who is not an alcoholic, comes to work under the influence of alcohol. Whilst the nature of work is taken into consideration in determining whether an employee is under the influence of alcohol or not, the major cause of disharmony in the determination is a common defence of having consumed alcohol during a night before and whether the physical observations combined with positive breathalyser test results or on their own are indicative, on the balance of probabilities, that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or not. There is no need for an employee to injure himself or herself or other employees before a determination is made that he or she is under the influence of alcohol. Physical observations combined with breathalyzer test results, can be indicative of an employee that is being under the influence of alcohol. The nature of work should be an aggravating or mitigating factor rather than a determining factor of guilt.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Allelopathic effects of Lantana camara on indigenous forest species in South Africa
- Ruwanza, Sheunesu, Shackleton, Charlie M
- Authors: Ruwanza, Sheunesu , Shackleton, Charlie M
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43818 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Lantana camara, is an invasive plant in South Africa and greatly influences the forest spp. In greenhouse, we evaluated the allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of L. camara leaf, stem and root on 5-test species, (3-forest species viz., Acacia natalitia, Kiggalaria africana and Searsia crenata and 2-crops: Solanum lycopersicum and Lactuca sativa). Potential allelopathic compounds present in L. camara leaf, stem and root aqueous extracts were identified using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The leaf, stem and root aqueous extracts of L. camara reduced the seed germination and seedling growth of all test species showing that L. camara aqueous extracts were deleterious to all test species. We identified 92 major volatile organic components in L. camara aqueous extracts. These compounds had the potential to inhibit the germination and seedling growth of test crops. The leaf, stem and root aqueous extracts of L. camara contained the allelopathic compounds that inhibited the germination and seedling growth of indigenous forest species and crop species.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Ruwanza, Sheunesu , Shackleton, Charlie M
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43818 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Lantana camara, is an invasive plant in South Africa and greatly influences the forest spp. In greenhouse, we evaluated the allelopathic effects of aqueous extracts of L. camara leaf, stem and root on 5-test species, (3-forest species viz., Acacia natalitia, Kiggalaria africana and Searsia crenata and 2-crops: Solanum lycopersicum and Lactuca sativa). Potential allelopathic compounds present in L. camara leaf, stem and root aqueous extracts were identified using gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The leaf, stem and root aqueous extracts of L. camara reduced the seed germination and seedling growth of all test species showing that L. camara aqueous extracts were deleterious to all test species. We identified 92 major volatile organic components in L. camara aqueous extracts. These compounds had the potential to inhibit the germination and seedling growth of test crops. The leaf, stem and root aqueous extracts of L. camara contained the allelopathic compounds that inhibited the germination and seedling growth of indigenous forest species and crop species.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Allopatric speciation in the flightless Phoberus capensis (Coleoptera: Trogidae) group, with description of two new species
- Strümpher, Werner P, Sole, Catherine L, Villet, Martin H, Scholtz, Clarke H
- Authors: Strümpher, Werner P , Sole, Catherine L , Villet, Martin H , Scholtz, Clarke H
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book chapter
- Identifier: , vital:74028 , ISBN ,
- Description: The name Phoberus capensis (Scholtz) is applied to a small flightless, keratinophagous beetle endemic to the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa. Its gross distribution stretches from roughly 1000 km from the Cederberg (32°24’22” S, 19°04’50” E) to Grahamstown (33°20’07” S, 26°32’50” E). The populations are spatially discrete, restricted to relict forests of the southern Cape and disjunct high montane refugia of the Cape Fold Mountains. We test the hypothesis that there is more than one distinct species nested within the name P . capensis . Phylogenetic relationships among populations were inferred using molecular sequence data. The results support three distinct evolutionary lineages, which were also supported by morphological characters. Divergence time estimates suggest Pliocene-Pleistocene diversification. Based on these results, it is suggested that the P. capensis lineage experienced climatically-driven allopatric speciation with sheltered Afrotemperate forests and high mountain peaks serving as important refugia in response to climatic ameliorations. The P. capensis complex thus represents a speciation process in which flight-restricted populations evolved in close allopatry, possibly as recently as the Pleistocene. Two divergent and geographically distinct lineages are described as novel species: The new species, P . disjunctus sp. n. and P . herminae sp. n., are illustrated by photographs of habitus and male aedeagi.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Strümpher, Werner P , Sole, Catherine L , Villet, Martin H , Scholtz, Clarke H
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , book chapter
- Identifier: , vital:74028 , ISBN ,
- Description: The name Phoberus capensis (Scholtz) is applied to a small flightless, keratinophagous beetle endemic to the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa. Its gross distribution stretches from roughly 1000 km from the Cederberg (32°24’22” S, 19°04’50” E) to Grahamstown (33°20’07” S, 26°32’50” E). The populations are spatially discrete, restricted to relict forests of the southern Cape and disjunct high montane refugia of the Cape Fold Mountains. We test the hypothesis that there is more than one distinct species nested within the name P . capensis . Phylogenetic relationships among populations were inferred using molecular sequence data. The results support three distinct evolutionary lineages, which were also supported by morphological characters. Divergence time estimates suggest Pliocene-Pleistocene diversification. Based on these results, it is suggested that the P. capensis lineage experienced climatically-driven allopatric speciation with sheltered Afrotemperate forests and high mountain peaks serving as important refugia in response to climatic ameliorations. The P. capensis complex thus represents a speciation process in which flight-restricted populations evolved in close allopatry, possibly as recently as the Pleistocene. Two divergent and geographically distinct lineages are described as novel species: The new species, P . disjunctus sp. n. and P . herminae sp. n., are illustrated by photographs of habitus and male aedeagi.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Alzheimer’s disease: making sense of the stress
- Authors: Whiteley, Chris G
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:29029 ,
- Description: publisher version , To facilitate a deep understanding of the mechanisms involved in neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease fundamental knowledge is required about the action and function of enzymes in the brain that not only metabolise arginine (neuronal nitric oxide synthase) but are closely associated with oxidative (superoxide dismutase; catalase; glutathione peroxidase) and/or nitrosative stress. In particular the focus extends towards enzymes that contribute to amyloid peptide aggregation and senile plaquedeposits (fibrillogenesis). Of special importance are the glycine zipper regions within these amyloid peptides, especially Aβ25-29 and Aβ29-33 (that contains two isoleucine residues) and the pentapeptide Aβ17-21 (that contains two phenylalanines), each generated by enzymatic cleavage of the intramembrane amyloid precursor protein. Use of antisense-sense technology has identified regions in each enzyme that are capable of binding with the amyloid peptides. After an initial inhibition of each enzyme there is an oligomerisation into soluble fibrils which accumulate and eventually precipitate. The use of nanoparticles do not just prevent but reverse the formation of these fibrils either by disrupting the binary adduct – enzyme-Aβ-peptide- or by reaction with, and therefore deplete, Aβ-monomers in solution and so block potential aggregation sites on the enzyme itself. Future therapy towards Alzheimer’s disease should target the C-terminal region of the amyloid precursor protein and substitute hydrophobic residues for the glycine amino acids within the glycine zipper region.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Whiteley, Chris G
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: text , book
- Identifier: , vital:29029 ,
- Description: publisher version , To facilitate a deep understanding of the mechanisms involved in neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s disease fundamental knowledge is required about the action and function of enzymes in the brain that not only metabolise arginine (neuronal nitric oxide synthase) but are closely associated with oxidative (superoxide dismutase; catalase; glutathione peroxidase) and/or nitrosative stress. In particular the focus extends towards enzymes that contribute to amyloid peptide aggregation and senile plaquedeposits (fibrillogenesis). Of special importance are the glycine zipper regions within these amyloid peptides, especially Aβ25-29 and Aβ29-33 (that contains two isoleucine residues) and the pentapeptide Aβ17-21 (that contains two phenylalanines), each generated by enzymatic cleavage of the intramembrane amyloid precursor protein. Use of antisense-sense technology has identified regions in each enzyme that are capable of binding with the amyloid peptides. After an initial inhibition of each enzyme there is an oligomerisation into soluble fibrils which accumulate and eventually precipitate. The use of nanoparticles do not just prevent but reverse the formation of these fibrils either by disrupting the binary adduct – enzyme-Aβ-peptide- or by reaction with, and therefore deplete, Aβ-monomers in solution and so block potential aggregation sites on the enzyme itself. Future therapy towards Alzheimer’s disease should target the C-terminal region of the amyloid precursor protein and substitute hydrophobic residues for the glycine amino acids within the glycine zipper region.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An analysis of balanced scorecard for improved customer satisfaction in local government: a comparative study of the City of Cape Town and the City of Johannesburg
- Authors: Makina, Clive
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Organizational effectiveness Consumer satisfaction Performance -- Management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Degree
- Identifier: , vital:28463
- Description: This study sought to understand the application of the BSC as a tool that facilitates customer satisfaction in local government service delivery. The main thrust was on its application in South African metropolitan municipalities with a view of establishing means of improving its adoption for better customer-focused performance measurement. This area has not received much attention, yet local government performance is in an unacceptable state. The study employed a secondary data analysis approach and findings from the study reflect widespread usage of the BSC but without proper consideration of factors influencing its successful application. Findings of this study reinforce previous study results that there is poor communication with regards to how the BSC must be applied. Its application is also faced with the challenge of lack of training on the use and application of the BSC. However, the tool has significantly transformed and shaped the functioning of South Africa’s two best performing metropolitan municipalities and altered their performance in a favourable manner. Through the BSC approach, the City of Cape Town and the City of Johannesburg have moved towards improving their relations with the customers they serve. The BSC allows the municipalities to take into consideration the non-financial assets that were previously not considered valuable in organisations. Accommodating the views of customers has gained much traction in these municipalities and measures have been put in place to ensure real time data enables managers to make decisions that attempt to address people’s needs and expectations. Conclusively, the study recommends strong improvement in training and communication of the objectives and goals of a PMS within an organisation. Strong emphasis should also be placed on listening to what the customers say and expect from service delivery. This will strengthen the use and value of CSS and CBP and help improve performance and the achievement of the NDP goals of 2030 through local government. This study sought to understand the application of the BSC as a tool that facilitates customer satisfaction in local government service delivery. The main thrust was on its application in South African metropolitan municipalities with a view of establishing means of improving its adoption for better customer-focused performance measurement. This area has not received much attention, yet local government performance is in an unacceptable state. The study employed a secondary data analysis approach and findings from the study reflect widespread usage of the BSC but without proper consideration of factors influencing its successful application. Findings of this study reinforce previous study results that there is poor communication with regards to how the BSC must be applied. Its application is also faced with the challenge of lack of training on the use and application of the BSC. However, the tool has significantly transformed and shaped the functioning of South Africa’s two best performing metropolitan municipalities and altered their performance in a favourable manner. Through the BSC approach, the City of Cape Town and the City of Johannesburg have moved towards improving their relations with the customers they serve. The BSC allows the municipalities to take into consideration the non-financial assets that were previously not considered valuable in organisations. Accommodating the views of customers has gained much traction in these municipalities and measures have been put in place to ensure real time data enables managers to make decisions that attempt to address people’s needs and expectations. Conclusively, the study recommends strong improvement in training and communication of the objectives and goals of a PMS within an organisation. Strong emphasis should also be placed on listening to what the customers say and expect from service delivery. This will strengthen the use and value of CSS and CBP and help improve performance and the achievement of the NDP goals of 2030 through local government..
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Makina, Clive
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Organizational effectiveness Consumer satisfaction Performance -- Management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Degree
- Identifier: , vital:28463
- Description: This study sought to understand the application of the BSC as a tool that facilitates customer satisfaction in local government service delivery. The main thrust was on its application in South African metropolitan municipalities with a view of establishing means of improving its adoption for better customer-focused performance measurement. This area has not received much attention, yet local government performance is in an unacceptable state. The study employed a secondary data analysis approach and findings from the study reflect widespread usage of the BSC but without proper consideration of factors influencing its successful application. Findings of this study reinforce previous study results that there is poor communication with regards to how the BSC must be applied. Its application is also faced with the challenge of lack of training on the use and application of the BSC. However, the tool has significantly transformed and shaped the functioning of South Africa’s two best performing metropolitan municipalities and altered their performance in a favourable manner. Through the BSC approach, the City of Cape Town and the City of Johannesburg have moved towards improving their relations with the customers they serve. The BSC allows the municipalities to take into consideration the non-financial assets that were previously not considered valuable in organisations. Accommodating the views of customers has gained much traction in these municipalities and measures have been put in place to ensure real time data enables managers to make decisions that attempt to address people’s needs and expectations. Conclusively, the study recommends strong improvement in training and communication of the objectives and goals of a PMS within an organisation. Strong emphasis should also be placed on listening to what the customers say and expect from service delivery. This will strengthen the use and value of CSS and CBP and help improve performance and the achievement of the NDP goals of 2030 through local government. This study sought to understand the application of the BSC as a tool that facilitates customer satisfaction in local government service delivery. The main thrust was on its application in South African metropolitan municipalities with a view of establishing means of improving its adoption for better customer-focused performance measurement. This area has not received much attention, yet local government performance is in an unacceptable state. The study employed a secondary data analysis approach and findings from the study reflect widespread usage of the BSC but without proper consideration of factors influencing its successful application. Findings of this study reinforce previous study results that there is poor communication with regards to how the BSC must be applied. Its application is also faced with the challenge of lack of training on the use and application of the BSC. However, the tool has significantly transformed and shaped the functioning of South Africa’s two best performing metropolitan municipalities and altered their performance in a favourable manner. Through the BSC approach, the City of Cape Town and the City of Johannesburg have moved towards improving their relations with the customers they serve. The BSC allows the municipalities to take into consideration the non-financial assets that were previously not considered valuable in organisations. Accommodating the views of customers has gained much traction in these municipalities and measures have been put in place to ensure real time data enables managers to make decisions that attempt to address people’s needs and expectations. Conclusively, the study recommends strong improvement in training and communication of the objectives and goals of a PMS within an organisation. Strong emphasis should also be placed on listening to what the customers say and expect from service delivery. This will strengthen the use and value of CSS and CBP and help improve performance and the achievement of the NDP goals of 2030 through local government..
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
An analysis of grade 12 students' attitudes towards agriculture as a career choice in Nkonkobe municipality, Eastern Cape
- Authors: Ndema, Tenjiwe N
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Career development -- South Africa , Agriculture -- Study and teaching -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:65661
- Description: In South Africa there is a perception that the youth, particularly black youth, lack interest in agriculture as a career. The youth are perceived to be more drawn to white collar jobs, because they believe that these jobs are more pleasant and better paying. The literature moreover suggests that the youth perceive agriculture as dirty work which is more appropriate for uneducated or illiterate people. The main aim of the research was to analyse Grade12 students’ attitudes towards agriculture as a career choice in Nkonkobe Municipality. Students from four high schools were interviewed using a structured questionnaire, and the total sample size was 100. Based on the results, about one third of students have a favorable perception of agriculture as a career choice, which is more than what had been expected based on the literature reviewed. Both students from non-agricultural schools and agricultural schools possess a positive attitude towards agriculture. They indicated that agriculture offers a lot of financial gain, is not necessarily associated with poverty, nor is agriculture widely regarded as a last resort for those who have failed in other careers. Moreover, they believe that agriculture is as important as other sectors. However, of those learners who indicated an intention to pursue agriculture as a career, only 1 % specifically wished to become a farmer. The others rather wanted professional careers within the agricultural sector, such as veterinarians, agricultural economists, and so forth. Their interest in agriculture as a career related in large measure to a desire to live in a rural area and work with their hands; however this did not extend to actual farming. , Thesis (M Agric) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2016
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Ndema, Tenjiwe N
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Career development -- South Africa , Agriculture -- Study and teaching -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:65661
- Description: In South Africa there is a perception that the youth, particularly black youth, lack interest in agriculture as a career. The youth are perceived to be more drawn to white collar jobs, because they believe that these jobs are more pleasant and better paying. The literature moreover suggests that the youth perceive agriculture as dirty work which is more appropriate for uneducated or illiterate people. The main aim of the research was to analyse Grade12 students’ attitudes towards agriculture as a career choice in Nkonkobe Municipality. Students from four high schools were interviewed using a structured questionnaire, and the total sample size was 100. Based on the results, about one third of students have a favorable perception of agriculture as a career choice, which is more than what had been expected based on the literature reviewed. Both students from non-agricultural schools and agricultural schools possess a positive attitude towards agriculture. They indicated that agriculture offers a lot of financial gain, is not necessarily associated with poverty, nor is agriculture widely regarded as a last resort for those who have failed in other careers. Moreover, they believe that agriculture is as important as other sectors. However, of those learners who indicated an intention to pursue agriculture as a career, only 1 % specifically wished to become a farmer. The others rather wanted professional careers within the agricultural sector, such as veterinarians, agricultural economists, and so forth. Their interest in agriculture as a career related in large measure to a desire to live in a rural area and work with their hands; however this did not extend to actual farming. , Thesis (M Agric) -- Faculty of Science and Agriculture, 2016
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
An analysis of how students construct knowledge in a course with a hierarchical knowledge structure
- Authors: Myers, Peta L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29014 ,
- Description: publisher version , Passing the introductory accounting semester is often seen as a challenge for first year students. Being aware of both effective and ineffective ways of constructing knowledge in a discipline with a hierarchical knowledge structure will be of value to students and teachers alike in assisting in the development of effective styles of learning. This article, which is part of a larger body of research, analyses how students in an introductory financial accounting class at Rhodes University constructed knowledge. Previous research described the course as having a hierarchical knowledge structure. In this research, first year accounting students at Rhodes University were interviewed to gain an improved understanding of how they constructed knowledge in this course. This article describes how students who were successful in passing this semester course used similar, effective ways of constructing knowledge, while students who were not successful also employed similar but less effective ways of constructing knowledge. These different ways of constructing knowledge, both effective and ineffective, were analysed, using the Bernstein’s pedagogic device and Maton’s Legitimation Code Theory. This article provides those involved in teaching and learning in a discipline with a hierarchical knowledge structure, with a theoretical explanation of why some methods of constructing knowledge are more effective than others. Understanding and being explicit about more (and less) effective ways of constructing knowledge in a course with a hierarchical knowledge structure can guide those involved in teaching and learning to improve results.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Myers, Peta L
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29014 ,
- Description: publisher version , Passing the introductory accounting semester is often seen as a challenge for first year students. Being aware of both effective and ineffective ways of constructing knowledge in a discipline with a hierarchical knowledge structure will be of value to students and teachers alike in assisting in the development of effective styles of learning. This article, which is part of a larger body of research, analyses how students in an introductory financial accounting class at Rhodes University constructed knowledge. Previous research described the course as having a hierarchical knowledge structure. In this research, first year accounting students at Rhodes University were interviewed to gain an improved understanding of how they constructed knowledge in this course. This article describes how students who were successful in passing this semester course used similar, effective ways of constructing knowledge, while students who were not successful also employed similar but less effective ways of constructing knowledge. These different ways of constructing knowledge, both effective and ineffective, were analysed, using the Bernstein’s pedagogic device and Maton’s Legitimation Code Theory. This article provides those involved in teaching and learning in a discipline with a hierarchical knowledge structure, with a theoretical explanation of why some methods of constructing knowledge are more effective than others. Understanding and being explicit about more (and less) effective ways of constructing knowledge in a course with a hierarchical knowledge structure can guide those involved in teaching and learning to improve results.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2016
An analysis of revisions to the South African quarterly gross domestic product
- Authors: Fotoyi, Asanda
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Gross domestic product -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:20448
- Description: Gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the most important economic performance indicators for any country that is closely watched by governments, businesses and financial communities. GDP often influences economic decisions and policy-making. These decisions are however often based on preliminary initial announcements by statistical agencies. The preliminary estimates are then revised as more comprehensive information becomes available. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the initial GDP announcements are unbiased, efficient and can be relied on. This study focuses on seasonally adjusted and annualised (qq) growth rates at constant prices for the following national accounts aggregates: GDP, gross domestic expenditure (GDE), final consumption expenditure by households and general government, gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), Exports and imports of goods and services, gross national income (GNI) and disposable income of households. The research methodology used is based on descriptive statistics and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression estimations. The results of the study indicate that little confidence should be attributed to interpretations of the initially announced estimates for GDP, GDE, final consumption expenditure by households, GNI and disposable income by households. The study found evidence that suggests that the initial announcements are biased and inefficient. This implies that the initial announcements contain measurement errors that could be eliminated in order to become a better forecast of the final or true value. This further suggests a lack of expected reliability of existing and future initial announcements of the estimates. For short-term analysis the users of GDP data are encouraged to focus on different measures. It is also recommended that the statistical agents producing South Africa’s national accounts aggregates improve their statistical compilation processes. The agencies are also encouraged to conduct periodic revisions studies and make these available to the users.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016
- Authors: Fotoyi, Asanda
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Gross domestic product -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:20448
- Description: Gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the most important economic performance indicators for any country that is closely watched by governments, businesses and financial communities. GDP often influences economic decisions and policy-making. These decisions are however often based on preliminary initial announcements by statistical agencies. The preliminary estimates are then revised as more comprehensive information becomes available. Therefore, it is important to ensure that the initial GDP announcements are unbiased, efficient and can be relied on. This study focuses on seasonally adjusted and annualised (qq) growth rates at constant prices for the following national accounts aggregates: GDP, gross domestic expenditure (GDE), final consumption expenditure by households and general government, gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), Exports and imports of goods and services, gross national income (GNI) and disposable income of households. The research methodology used is based on descriptive statistics and Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression estimations. The results of the study indicate that little confidence should be attributed to interpretations of the initially announced estimates for GDP, GDE, final consumption expenditure by households, GNI and disposable income by households. The study found evidence that suggests that the initial announcements are biased and inefficient. This implies that the initial announcements contain measurement errors that could be eliminated in order to become a better forecast of the final or true value. This further suggests a lack of expected reliability of existing and future initial announcements of the estimates. For short-term analysis the users of GDP data are encouraged to focus on different measures. It is also recommended that the statistical agents producing South Africa’s national accounts aggregates improve their statistical compilation processes. The agencies are also encouraged to conduct periodic revisions studies and make these available to the users.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2016