Baligira Ukeitwoha
- Authors: Evanili Kanengere , Ganda men and women , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1950
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Uganda city not specified f-ug
- Language: Nyoro
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:57176 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP1898-XYZ5325a
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1950
Enkoito drum rhythms
- Authors: Five Haya men , haya men , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1950
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Tanzania city not specified f-tz
- Language: Haya
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:57121 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP1854-XYZ5248
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1950
Enkoito drum rhythms
- Authors: performer not specified , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1950
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Tanzania city not specified f-tz
- Language: Haya
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:57134 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP1867-XYZ5220
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1950
Enkoito drum rythms (Part 1
- Authors: Haya men , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1950
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Tanzania city not specified f-tz
- Language: Nyoro
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:58176 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP1811-XYZ5220a
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1950
Kawamyita wagenda
- Authors: Evanili Kanengere , Ganda men and women , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1950
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Uganda city not specified f-ug
- Language: Nyoro
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:57177 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP1898-XYZ5325b
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1950
Kawamyita wagenda baligira nkaituoha
- Authors: Evanise Kanengere , Toro men and women , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1950
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Uganda city not specified f-ug
- Language: Nyoro
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:66072 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0244-D5M9
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1950
Kawamyita wagenda baligira nkaituoha
- Authors: Evanise Kanengere and Toro men and girls , Hugh Tracey
- Date: 1950
- Subjects: Music--Uganda , Nyoro (African people) , Nyankole (African people) , Folk music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Uganda Bukuku f-ug
- Language: Nyoro , Nyankole
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:41886 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , TR0135-13
- Description: This wedding song is remarkably like a tune without words used by the Tonga of Nyasaland with their Malipenga horn bands. It was used by the Tonga for the Malipenga as it had no known words. What direct connection this may indicate is unknown. Enanga wedding song.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1950
Mitongo Batike
- Authors: Kabanyolekile, Kyomile , Haya men , Composer not Specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1950-00-00
- Subjects: Popular music--Africa , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Tanzania Bukoba f-tz
- Language: Haya
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:49102 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , CR1897 , XYZ5325b
- Description: Song about how 'we are going to show our chief how successful we are'
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1950-00-00
Levanta a cabeca Soldado Africano
- Authors: Askaris , performer not specified , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Mozambique city not specified f-mz
- Language: Portuguese
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:64996 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0050-CB4
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949
Title not specified
- Authors: Performer not specified , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1949
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Country not specified city not specified f-
- Language: Langauge not specified
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:64311 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP4330-2524i
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1949
Awusoze uzeke
- Authors: Mpondomise Men , performer not specified , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1948
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Durban f-sa
- Language: mpondo
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:66615 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0407-C3
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1948
- Authors: Ziragada Ziki Moyo , performer not specified , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1948
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Zimbabwe city not specified f-rh
- Language: Karanga
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:65738 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0134-AH12
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1948
Chishamiso chiri mugore rino
- Authors: P Marapa , K Nyanzenda Bonga and H Gudo Shumba , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1948
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Zimbabwe city not specified f-rh
- Language: Manyika
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:66640 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0414-AI8
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1948
- Authors: Midian Ncube , Peta Mandi , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1948
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Zimbabwe Bulawayo f-rh
- Language: Ndebele
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:65889 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0172-A2D1
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1948
Muchauya maidaro
- Authors: People of chief Mazungunye , performer not specified , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1948
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Zimbabwe city not specified f-rh
- Language: karanga
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:66668 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0424-AG10
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1948
Musoro wembongoro
- Authors: 4 Manyika men at Mutambara Melsetta , performer not specified , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1948
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Zimbabwe city not specified f-rh
- Language: Duma
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:66637 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0414-AI6
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1948
Sebeqamb amanga
- Authors: Mpondomise men , performer not specified , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1948
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa city not specified f-sa
- Language: Ronga
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:66676 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0425-Q4-5
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1948
- Authors: K Madimabe , performer not specified , composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1948
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa Zimbabwe city not specified f-rh
- Language: Ngwato
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:66677 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , AC0426-Q1
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1948
Title not specified
- Authors: Performer not specified , Composer not specified , Tracey, Hugh
- Date: 1947
- Subjects: Folk Music , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa country not specified city not specified f-
- Language: Language not specified
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:64032 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Hugh Tracey Commercial Records, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , TP4293-XYZTL4637b
- Description: Indigenous music
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1947
Igazi lemvana linamandla
- Authors: Staff in Lumko , Mpotulo, L , Huwiler, Kurt , Dargie, Dave
- Date: Date not specified
- Subjects: Folk music--Africa , Field recordings , Africa, Sub-Saharan , Africa South Africa Mount Ayliff f-sa
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: , vital:52304 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , Dave Dargie Field Tapes, Rhodes University, Makhanda, South Africa , DD001-14
- Description: Indigenous music, Choral music.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: Date not specified