Assessing diatom community composition and structure in palaeosediments of a southern Cape coastal wetland
- Authors: Sepato, Tshiamo Tsholofelo
- Date: 2023-04
- Subjects: Diatoms --South Africa – Southern Cape , Paleoecology , Marine algae --South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:69847
- Description: Palaeoenvironmental studies are important as they aid in reconstructing histories of past landscapes and provide key long-term information for the conservation and management of ecosystems. The southern Cape coast is a focus area for palaeoenvironmental research due to its high botanical and climatic importance. A three-metre sediment core was retrieved from Whale Rock wetland (Plettenberg Bay, southern Cape Coast) and spanned ~8000 years – a large proportion of the Holocene epoch. Diatom data preserved in palaeosediments of the Whale Rock wetland are presented within this study. A total of 48 diatom species was identified. Based on the multivariate statistical analysis, the diatom assemblages were divided into three zones: Zone WR-1-A (~7200 – 6450 cal yr BP); Zone WR-1- B (~6450 – 6250 cal yr BP) and Zone WR-1-C (~250 cal yr BP – to present). Two diatom preservation hiatus periods were observed at ~8000 – 7200 cal yr BP and ~6400 – 230 cal yr BP. The results indicated that benthic diatom species were significantly dominant throughout the Whale Rock record. The diatom evidence revealed that the Whale Rock wetland system freshened over time as diatom species identified in Zone WR-1-A and Zone WR-1- B indicated marine influences whereas Zone WR-1-C displayed a dominance of species that thrive in freshwater conditions. A transitional phase occurred at ~6400 cal yr BP where abrupt changes began prior to the significant ~6400 – 230 cal yr BP diatom preservation hiatus period. Principal Component Analysis showed that salinity was the main environmental driver of change impacting the species abundance and diversity of diatom communities within the wetland system throughout the Holocene. When compared with regional palaeoenvironmental and palaeolimnological data, it is evident that several other wetland systems moved from a marine/brackish favoured system to a freshwater system with the transitional phase occurring at different periods within the Holocene. This study indicated that diatoms are powerful biological proxies of environmental change. It is recommended that the site be revisited to investigate further the hiatus phases to further explore the lack of diatom preservation for these periods and to also contribute more palaeoenvironmental proxy evidence as well as modern hydrological information. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, School of Environmental Sciences, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2023-04
Fractured flowers
- Authors: Cunningham, Cornelia
- Date: 2022-10-14
- Subjects: Creative writing (Higher education) South Africa , Diaries -- Authorship , South African essays (English) 21st century , Books Reviews , South African fiction (English) 21st century
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:70250
- Description: This portfolio contains extracts of my reflective journals that I wrote throughout the course of the year. My poetics essay, four book reviews, community engagement report and my reflection regarding the reader report is also attached. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, School of Languages and Literatures, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-10-14
Chinese character learning with the aid of an ICT website among Mandarin Second Additional Language learners in South Africa: a case study
- Authors: Fu, Shuying
- Date: 2022-04-08
- Subjects: Mandarin dialects Study and teaching (Secondary) South Africa , Mandarin dialects Computer-assisted instruction for English speakers , Second language acquisition , Chinese characters , Information technology South Africa , Educational technology South Africa , Arch Chinese
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:53641
- Description: The teaching of Mandarin as a Second Additional Language (SAL) in South African schools was only introduced in 2016. The year 2018 saw the first Mandarin as SAL National Senior Certificate examination. Little research has been done on the teaching and learning of Mandarin as a SAL subject at the high school level in South Africa. Character learning and teaching are some of the most challenging aspects of this language teaching and learning. This research sought to investigate how beginner Mandarin SAL learners can be supported by a particular Information Communication Technology (ICT) website, (Arch Chinese), in their character learning. Learners’ ability to memorise Chinese characters is of utmost importance for their success in this language learning, especially for matriculants. To support the main research goal, this study set out to investigate the requirements for Chinese character learning, the role the website Arch Chinese plays in learners’ character learning and Mandarin SAL learners’ experience of using Arch Chinese as a learning tool. This research was conducted in the form of a case study within the interpretative paradigm. It adopted a questionnaire and document analysis for data collection to gain insight into the research topic. To get answers to the research questions posed above, the study analysed the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) Mandarin SAL documents from Grade 4–12, the Independent Examination Board (IEB) Mandarin Subject Assessment Guidelines (SAGs), and a textbook for beginners, Learn Chinese with me: Student’s book 1 in relation to character learning. The features and functions of the website, Arch Chinese, were also evaluated and Mandarin SAL learners’ answers to a questionnaire on their use of the website Arch Chinese were analysed. The study found that character teaching and learning has not been given enough attention in the curriculum. It was only covered in the Intermediate Phase but was seldom mentioned in the Senior and Further Education and Training Phases in the curriculum. The CAPS Mandarin SAL documents do not consider the special characteristics of the Mandarin language, as this curriculum was based on the CAPS English Generic SAL document. As a result, the assessment requirements on writing (character count requirement in particular) were not realistic. The teaching approaches promoted in the curriculum and the teaching time do not correspond well with the teaching and learning of this language. Moreover, this study found that there was no vocabulary list prescribed in the curriculum and therefore a gap exists between the curriculum on paper and the curriculum in practice. The analysis of the IEB SAGs found that the assessments were suitable for the level of Mandarin SAL learners. This is because the IEB considered the characteristics of the Mandarin language, which is non-cognate, to the alphabet-based languages that respondents in this research spoke or were familiar with. At the same time, the analysis of the website and the learners’ questionnaire found that learners held a positive attitude towards their use of the website and that it proved to help facilitate Mandarin SAL learners in their character learning. This study ends with recommendations for teachers, policy makers, the IEB, and character-learning websites. , Thesis (MEd) -- Faculty of Education, Education, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-04-08
Adolescents and coaches/trainers perspectives of ergogenic sports supplement use within South African private high schools
- Authors: Butler, Nicholas John
- Date: 2022-04-06
- Subjects: Dietary supplements , Energy metabolism , Teenagers South Africa , Teenagers Physiology South Africa , Teenagers Substance use South Africa , Coaches (Athletics) South Africa , Athletic trainers South Africa , Private schools South Africa , Ergogenic aids
- Language: English
- Type: Master's thesis , text
- Identifier: , vital:49992
- Description: Sports supplements, also referred to as ergogenic aids, are used because of the assertion that they can enhance physical or athletic performance and/or physical appearance. Commonly used sports supplements include creatines, proteins, amino acids, stimulants, and in some cases pro-hormones. There is a relatively high and increasing prevalence of sports supplement use by the general population globally and in South Africa, particularly among adolescents and young adults due to various factors. While some research has explored supplement use among adolescents in a school setting, no study has explored this across the private school system in South Africa. Additionally, given the important role that coaches/trainers play in adolescent development, it is critical to also understand the role that they play regarding adolescent supplement use, given that there has been limited research around this topic in South Africa. Therefore, there were two aims of this study; Firstly, this study explored the prevalence and perceptions (knowledge; attitudes; beliefs) of sports supplements among South African private high school adolescents. Secondly, this study explored the perceptions (knowledge; attitudes; application of knowledge) towards sports supplements among adolescent coaches/trainers in South African private high schools. Considering the dual aim of this study, this thesis was structured as a two-part research study. Both parts took the form of a cross-sectional design, using an online questionnaire to collect qualitative and quantitative data. In total, a cohort of n=50 adolescents and n=49 coaches/trainers participated. Adolescent participants reported a high prevalence of sports supplement use (62%) with their main reasons for using them being recovery and performance. Adolescents were primarily influenced/advised by friends and coaches/trainers to start using sports supplements. Coaches/trainers primarily relied on other coaches/trainers and internet advertising/sites as a main source of information. Less than half of the participants from both groups reported having any formal education or training related to sports nutrition or sports supplements. Both groups thought that these products are being misused by adolescents, which may account for why a portion of the adolescent participants reported experiencing adverse side-effects from using sports supplements, and a few coach/trainer participants reported witnessing this in their practice. This may be a result of the professionalisation of school sport which places pressure on athletes and their coaches/trainers to perform and may in turn be the reason why some adolescents reported that they would use, and some coaches/trainers reported they would recommend the use of sports supplements even if they were aware of risk/dangers involved. Thus, there is a need for education/training among South African high school adolescents and their coaches/trainers with respect to the use of sports supplements, so that they can make informed decisions from reliable sources of information or advice in order to use these products safely and effectively. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Human Kinetics and Ergonomics, 2022
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- Date Issued: 2022-04-06
State antiquity and early agricultural transition as deep economic roots in Africa
- Authors: Fani, Sisipho
- Date: 2022-04
- Subjects: Port Elizabeth (South Africa) , Eastern Cape (South Africa) , South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:52374
- Description: Growth economists identified that current failures and successes of economies can be traced far in their histories. The Unified Growth Model has been developed to analyse the process of development. Economic researchers have developed and identified ‘deep roots’ variables that elaborate modern growth, institutions and development. These variables include State Antiquity and Early agricultural transition. The study is an examination of the effects of State Antiquity and Early agricultural transition in the 54 African economies. The study examines these effects employing the following years: 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020. The study employs econometric models namely, Ordinary Least Squares, Ridge and Lasso regularization models to examine the effects of these deep root variables. The study borrows baseline regressions from the works of Bockstette, Chanda and Putterman (2002), Putterman and Weil (2010) and Borcan, Olsson and Putterman (2018). This study, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to empirically examine the effects of State Antiquity and Early agricultural transition in Africa. The results of the study suggest that African economies that have low level of state antiquity experience a positive effect on modern economic growth and development whilst African economies with high levels of state antiquity experience negative effect on modern economic growth and development. The results also suggest that African economies that transition at a later stage toward agriculture experience a positive effect on modern economic growth and development. The implications of these findings indicate that state antiquity and early agricultural transition influence modern economic development only when states have reached a certain level. Countries that transitioned early towards agriculture experience a negative effect on modern economic growth and development depicting a reversal of fortune. The study recommends that the implementation of polices should corelate with the state experience of the specific economy. , Thesis (M.Com.) -- Faculty of Business and Economic Sciences, School of Economics, Development & Tourism, 2022
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Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli sensitized using indium (III) cationic porphyrins linked to core-shell magnetic nanoparticles
- Authors: Makola, Lekgowa Collen
- Date: 2021-04
- Subjects: Photochemotherapy , Photosensitizing compounds , Staphylococcus aureus , Escherichia coli , Indium , Porphyrins , Magnetic nanoparticles , Quaternize
- Language: English
- Type: thesis , text , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:42801
- Description: Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) is a well-known antimicrobial therapy technique used against multi-drug resistant pathogens. In this study, the syntheses, characterization, photophysicochemical properties, and the applications of symmetrically and asymmetrically substituted cationic indium (III) porphyrins linked to silver/copper ferrite core-shell (Ag/CuFe2O4) magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) as potential photosensitizers for PACT are reported. The synthesized complexes include axially modified porphyrins quaternized through an axial ligand. All the asymmetrically substituted porphyrins were linked to the NPs via an ester bond and the symmetrically substituted porphyrins were linked (peripherally and /or axially) via self-assembly (Ag-S and/or Ag-N). The impact of axial modification, peripheral substituents, conjugation to the NPs, the number of positive charges, and the chain length of the alkyl halides quaternizing agents on PACT efficacy and photophysicochemical properties of porphyrins were studied. High singlet oxygen quantum yields and antimicrobial log reductions were observed. Lipophilicity and hydrophilicity of the porphyrins were also studies, where the complexes quaternized with methyl iodide showed relatively high hydrophilicity character. Upon in vitro PACT studies, the quaternized complexes were observed to have 0% viable colony, signifying their effectiveness. Moreover, the highest log reductions of 9.27 were observed against S. aureus and 9.58 were observed against E. coli. The findings from this work delineate that singlet oxygen generation alone is not a distinct factor on the PACT efficacy of the porphyrin complexes, since some of the complexes have practically the same singlet oxygen quantum but different PACT activity. However, other contributing factors including water solubility play a significant role. , Thesis (MSc) -- Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-04
The Relationship Between Food Sharing and Social Cohesion among Local Farmers: a case study of Ntafufu Location, Port St Johns Municipality.
- Authors: Mphompo, Aphiwe ( 0000-0003-0370-8007)
- Date: 2021-02
- Subjects: Food supply , Social integration , Food relief
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:46876
- Description: The overall aim of this study was to examine how food sharing at Ntafufu location in Port St Johns (Republic of South Africa), augments social cohesion among local farmers. A mixed-method approach was used for this study. This study used a triangulation research method to measure the correlation between food sharing and social cohesion and to ensure that it is statistically sound, certainly gaining rich data from the study population. Focus groups and questionnaires were used to collect data. The researcher used thematic analysis for qualitative analysis and Statistical Packages for the Social Science (SPSS) for quantitative analysis. The researcher did not include the whole population. The researcher only interviewed selected participants, and these participants were taken from the study population. There were 13 participants for qualitative research and 43 participants for quantitative research totalling 56 participants. The findings revealed that there is a relationship between food sharing and social cohesion. An important finding to emerge in this study is that food sharing alleviates poverty. However, several limitations need to be considered. For instance, witchcraft was mentioned as a challenge for this practice. , Thesis (MSoc) (Anthropology) -- University of Fort Hare, 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-02