Vice-Chancellor's graduation ceremonies and chancellor's installation address
- Authors: Badat, Saleem
- Date: 2013-04-06
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:7908 ,
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- Date Issued: 2013-04-06
Vice-Chancellor's graduation ceremonies and chancellor's installation address
- Authors: Badat, Saleem
- Date: 2013-04-05
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:7909 ,
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013-04-05
Vice-Chancellor's graduation ceremonies and chancellor's installation address
- Authors: Badat, Saleem
- Date: 2013-04-05
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:7912 ,
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- Date Issued: 2013-04-05
Vice-Chancellor's graduation ceremonies and chancellor's installation address
- Authors: Badat, Saleem
- Date: 2013-04-04
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:7911 ,
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- Date Issued: 2013-04-04
Being an academic at Rhodes University: scholarly engagement
- Authors: Badat, Saleem
- Date: 2013-01-28
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:7922 ,
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- Date Issued: 2013-01-28
'The Area of a Triangle is 1800C’: an analysis of Learners' Idiosyncratic Geometry Responses through the Lenses of Vygotsky's Theory of Concept Formation
- Authors: Mhlolo, Michael K , Schäfer, Marc
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:37946 , DOI: 10.1080/10288457.2013.826973
- Description: In this paper, we focus specifically on Vygotsky's theory of concept formation to gain initial insights into seemingly garbled and incoherent connections we observed in learners' responses to a geometry task. While acknowledging research that is supportive of the van Hiele model as being useful when analysing concept formation in geometry, in this paper we use empirical evidence to argue that today's geometry requires learners to reason with many tools which the van Hiele model does not seem to accommodate. Working with 470 written responses of 12–14-year-old learners to a geometry task, we then explored the potential of Vygotsky's theory of concept formation as an alternative framework. We conclude by discussing the paper's contribution both to theory and to classroom practice.
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- Date Issued: 2013
13C pulse-chase labeling comparative assessment of the active methanogenic archaeal community composition in the transgenic and nontransgenic parental rice rhizospheres
- Authors: Zhu, Weijing , Lu, Haohao , Hill, Jaclyn M , Wang, Hailong , Wu, Weixiang
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35389 ,
- Description: Rhabdosargus holubi (Steindachner, 1881) is a small (maximum size = 450 mm total length; Heemstra and Heemstra 2004) sparid that is distributed along the south-east coast of Africa from St Helena Bay, South Africa, to Maputo, Mozambique (Götz and Cowley 2013). Spawning occurs in the nearshore marine environment primarily during winter, specifically May–August in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) (Wallace 1975) and July–February in the South-Eastern Cape (Whitfield 1998). Individuals reach 50% sexual maturity at approximately 150 mm standard length (SL) in the Eastern Cape (Whitfield 1998). The early life stages are transported by the south-westward-flowing Agulhas Current, and recruit as post-flexion larvae and early juveniles into estuaries during late winter and early summer (Blaber 1974). The warm temperatures and high nutrient levels in estuaries favour fast growth (Blaber 1973a), and fish spend their first year of life in these environments, migrating back out to sea after reaching approximately 120 mm SL. Some individuals remain trapped in closed estuaries, where they may reach sizes greater than 200 mm SL (James et al. 2007a). Rhabdosargus holubi is the dominant estuarine-dependent marine teleost species recorded in permanently open and temporarily open/closed estuaries in the warm-temperate region, which spans the south, south-east and east coast of South Africa (Harrison 2005). The species is also an important component of the linefishery in many SouthAfrican estuaries (10–15.6% by number) (Pradervand and Baird 2002), particularly in Eastern Cape estuaries (Cowley et al. 2003). These figures underestimate the presence of R. holubi, as most individuals making use of estuaries are young, feeding predominately on filamentous macroalgae and diatom flora, and are generally too small to be caught with hook and line (De Wet and Marais 1990). James et al. (2007b) showed that R. holubi made up 34–92% of the annual seine-net catch in the East Kleinemonde Estuary. Rhabdosargus holubi is also important in the KZN shorebased linefishery, representing 4.6% of the total landed catch (Dunlop and Mann 2012)More and more investigations indicate that genetic modification has no significant or persistent effects on microbial community composition in the rice rhizosphere. Very few studies, however, have focused on its impact on functional microorganisms. This study completed a 13C-CO2 pulse-chase labeling experiment comparing the potential effects of cry1Ab gene transformation on 13C tissue distribution and rhizosphere methanogenic archaeal community composition with its parental rice variety (Ck) and a distant parental rice variety (Dp). Results showed that 13C partitioning in aboveground biomass (mainly in stems) and roots of Dp was significantly lower than that of Ck. However, there were no significant differences in 13C partitioning between the Bt transgenic rice line (Bt) and Ck. RNA-stable isotope probing combined with clone library analyses inferred that the group Methanosaetaceae was the predominant methanogenic Archaea in all three rice rhizospheres. The active methanogenic archaeal community in the Bt rhizosphere was dominated by Methanosarcinaceae, Methanosaetaceae, and Methanomicrobiaceae, while there were only two main methanogenic clusters (Methanosaetaceae and Methanomicrobiaceae) in the Ck and Dp rhizospheres. These results indicate that the insertion of cry1Ab gene into the rice genome has the potential to result in the modification of methanogenic community composition in its rhizosphere.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Alternative/Experimental art spaces in Johannesburg:
- Authors: Malatjie, Portia
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38661 ,
- Description: There are a number of recent exciting developments in the Johannesburg alternative art scene. Alternative or experimental art spaces often exist as an alternative to commercial galleries and government or privately funded galleries as well as museums. They are therefore governed through a different set of rules, rules that often aim to transgress the institutional. These spaces, including the Parking Gallery, the Keleketla! Library and arguably the Wits School of Art's Substation gallery, invite debates about alternative art programming, collaborative art making and the necessity of institutional funding in order to maintain such spaces. In addition to these questions, it is pertinent to first determine what it is that classifies a space as alternative.
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- Date Issued: 2013
An Unprecedented 'Precedent'?: Phodiclinics (Pty) Ltd v Pinehaven Private Hospital (Pty) Ltd (594/2010)[2011] ZASCA163 (28 September 2011); 2011 4 All SA 331 (SCA)
- Authors: Glover, Graham B
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29598 ,
- Description: There are some fundamental underlying requirements that need to be in place for a system of precedent to operate. Of these I wish to isolate two that are germane to this note. The first is that court decisions (especially those in which a written judgment is handed down) need to be clearly reasoned and logically articulated to be understandable, effective and to have value in a system of precedent that finds its ultimate lodestar in the rule of law. There is no constitutional or statutory requirement that a court in all cases must furnish reasons, or even written reasons, for its decision But the practice of doing so, the Constitutional Court has said, supports the rule of law, ensuring that judicial decision-making does not occur in a manner that is arbitrary, and ensures that judges may be held accountable for their decisions. The second requirement is a technical rule – the rule of majority: if the case is heard by a full bench, and where differing opinions are handed down by the judges hearing the case, the ratio decidendi can only be identified from those judges whose reasoning is in the majority.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Modeling Complex Networked Audio Devices
- Authors: Eales, Andrew , Foss, Richard
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72408 ,
- Description: The lack of a universally accepted standard control protocol, as well as a lack of interoperability among existing protocols, limits how audio software can support a wide range of networked devices. To address this issue, the authors propose an abstract standard audio device model that is independent of any particular technology. This standard device model supports service discovery and enumeration, while also specifying device parts, the representation of parameter addresses, and the visual appearance of controls. The discussion explores the model in the context of a self-configuring discovery and control environment. Within this environment, controllers do not “pull” descriptions from a device; but rather, devices “push” full-service implementations to controllers.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Movement patterns and habitat selection of invasive African sharptooth catfish
- Authors: Kadye, Wilbert T , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35767 , http://dx.doi.10.1111/j.1469-7998.2012.00960.x
- Description: Information on the movement behaviour and habitat use by non-native invasive African catfish Clarias gariepinus is crucial in understanding and possibly mitigating its potential impacts. The aim of this study was to examine catfish movement and habitat selection within an invaded impoundment in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. Acoustic telemetry data for 10 tagged catfish were analyzed to identify spatial patterns in home ranges and seasonal changes in habitat associations. Long-distance movements were observed for most catfish from common central release point, whereas short-distance movements defined their home ranges and utilization distributions that were categorized as localized within single or multiple habitats. Habitat selection was non-random with most catfish utilizing the shallow river mouth and upper section of the reservoir that were dominated by a rocky substratum interspersed with submerged trees. These localities were likely to be preferred for spawning and/or feeding. Utilization of these habitats by catfish is likely to be associated with probable impact due to predation and interference competition for feeding and breeding grounds with other species. Although most catfish maintained their home ranges throughout the study, seasonal shifts in habitat use, which was reflected by the utilization of deep and silt-dominated habitats, were also observed for some catfish. Non-random habitat use and homing behaviour within single and multiple habitats by non-native sharptooth catfish suggests that its impact within the invaded habitats may be associated with particular habitats both at broad spatial and temporal scales. Protection of habitats from catfish invasion should be considered as a management option to conserve native biota.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Preliminary assessment of the gender aspects of disaster vulnerability and loss of human life in South Africa
- Authors: Tandlich, Roman , Chirenda, Tatenda G , Srinivas, Sunitha C
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:30518 ,
- Description: South Africa has reached a medium level of human development and has a heterogeneous situation with respect to disaster risk management. In this article, a preliminary assessment of the gender aspects of disaster vulnerability and fatalities is presented. The United Nations, the Health Systems Trust and Statistics South Africa were used as data sources for the following gender-segregated values: the life expectancy at birth, unemployment rates, the human development index values, the maternal mortality rates and the number of deaths from unnatural and non-natural causes. The relevant inequality indices were then calculated and used to draw conclusions regarding the gender aspects of disaster risk management in South Africa. Results of the calculations indicate that between 1980 and 2011 men were 10% more vulnerable with respect to their health status. However, the gender differences have been decreasing in recent years. Access of women to healthcare is decreasing with time, potentially decreasing the recovery potential of whole families. Women are more economically vulnerable than men in South Africa, as they are 16.3% – 33% more likely to be unemployed than men. Educational status of both genders in South Africa is comparable based on literacy and enrolment rates at primary and secondary level. On the other hand, men are five times more likely to suffer fatal injuries during disasters.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Versions of hospitality in recent writing on the fiction of JM Coetzee:
- Authors: Marais, Mike
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38305 , DOI: 10.4314/eia.v40i1.8
- Description: In one of the interviews in Summertime, Martin, a former colleague, claims that he and the deceased John Coetzee felt their "presence" in South Africa "was legal but illegitimate," that it "was grounded in a crime, namely colonial conquest," which rendered them "sojourners, temporary residents, and to that extent without a home, without a homeland" (209-10). With this statement in mind, Maria J. Lopez argues that a sense of unbelonging underlies J. M. Coetzee's entire oeuvre, including the Australian fiction, and forms a kind of "imaginative and intellectual masterplot" (xii). ). It is this "narrative" that she traces in her monograph, starting with the early fiction and concluding with chapters on the fictionalised autobiographies and Australian fiction.
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- Date Issued: 2013
“Face the music!”: the Daily Sun's representation of adolescent sex in the Jules High sex scandal
- Authors: Boshoff, Priscilla A , Prinsloo, Jeanne
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38250 , DOI: 10.1080/10130950.2013.834660
- Description: Rather than being merely a physiological stage, adolescence is variously constructed through social institutions. The media plays a significant role in such constructions, including that of adolescent sexuality. In the recent past there have been several cases of sexual acts involving adolescents that have received prominent media coverage as they have been considered shocking. The Jules High School sex scandal related to sex acts between a single adolescent girl and two adolescent boys. It was recorded on mobile phones by their peers and circulated on their mobile networks, or ‘went viral’ as the media continuously noted. The press coverage surrounding this incident and the legal process that ensued is the focus of this Article which undertakes a critical textual analysis of the coverage in the popular tabloid, the Daily Sun, in order to make explicit the contesting sets of discourses around adolescence and sexuality that were articulated in this popular public sphere. The Article uses a Foucauldian framework in order to probe the discourses of sexuality that are articulated and contested in this space. As the most widely read newspaper in South Africa it serves as a powerful site of definition of teen sexuality. The analysis suggests that, rather than allowing for teen sexuality, it is disavowed by villainising teen sex and responsibility for such ‘deviance’ is directed to various adult and social adult actors.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Taxation 3: ATV 311E
- Authors: Stevens, N , Hirschbeck, L , Olivier, J
- Date: 2012-06
- Language: English
- Type: Examination paper
- Identifier: vital:17406 ,
- Description: Taxation 3: ATV 311E, final assessment 15 June 2012.
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- Date Issued: 2012-06
Challenges experienced in the first year of implementation of a teaching and learning virtual partnership at the University of Namibia
- Authors: Mufeti, K , Foster, Gregory G , Terzoli, Alfredo
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72756 ,
- Description: Advances in information and communication technologies are enabling higher educa-tion institutions to build virtual partnerships with other institutions. Virtual partner-ships are defined here as collaborations between geographically dispersed institutions, where interaction between these institutions is enabled mainly by electronic modes of communication. This article reports on the participants’ experiences of the implemen-tation of one such partnership from the perspective of a partner in a developing con-text. It uses the SANTED Virtual Classroom Project (VCP), a virtual partnership initia-tive between the Departments of Computer Science at the University of Namibia (UNAM) and Rhodes University (RU), as a case study. In the VCP, the department at RU was tasked with building teaching and human resource capacity in the department at UNAM. The article focuses on the challenges experienced at UNAM during the first year of implementation of the VCP and lessons learned.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Differential regulation of monocyte cytokine release by αV and β2 integrins that bind CD23:
- Authors: Edkins, Adrienne L , Borland, Gillian , Acharya, Mridu , Cogdell, Richard , Ozanne, Bradford W , Cushley, William
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:41213 , DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2567.2012.03576.x
- Description: The human soluble CD23 (sCD23) protein displays highly pleiotropic cytokine‐like activity. Monocytic cells express the sCD23‐binding integrins αVβ3, αVβ5, αMβ2 and αXβ2, but it is unclear which of these four integrins most acutely regulates sCD23‐driven cytokine release. The hypothesis that ligation of different sCD23‐binding integrins promoted release of distinct subsets of cytokines was tested. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and sCD23 promoted release of distinct groups of cytokines from the THP‐1 model cell line.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Effects of patch-size on populations of intertidal limpets, Siphonaria spp., in a linear landscape
- Authors: Cole, Victoria J , Johnson, Linda G , McQuaid, Christopher D
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6845 ,
- Description: Organisms with different life-histories and abilities to disperse often utilise habitat patches in different ways. We investigated the influence of the size of patches of rock (separated by stretches of sand) on the density of pulmonate limpets (Siphonaria spp.) along 1500 km of the linear landscape of the South African coastline. We compared the influence of patch-size on two congeneric species with different modes of development, S. serrata a direct developer, and S. concinna a planktonic developer. We tested the spatial and temporal consistency of the effects of patch-size by sampling 7 independent regions spanning the distributional range of both species of limpets, and by sampling one region at monthly intervals for 1 year. Within each region or month, 4 small patches (<20 m in length) interspersed with the 4 large patches (>60 m in length) were sampled. Across the entire geographic range and throughout the year, there were more of both species of limpets in large patches than in small patches. In most regions, there was greater variability in large patches than small patches. Variability within patches in a single region was similar throughout the year, with greater variability of both species in large than in small patches. We found little influence of the mode of development on the response of limpets to patch-size. Our findings highlight the importance of understanding patterns of distribution of species with respect to habitat heterogeneity in linear landscapes, and contradict the idea that organism mobility at an early ontogenetic stage directly affects habitat use.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Long-term catch and effort trends in Eastern Cape Angling Week competitions
- Authors: Dicken, Matthew L , Smale, Malcolm J , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:35711 ,
- Description: Recreational shore-based angling is one of the most popular sport and outdoor activity pastimes in South Africa with an estimated 412 000 fishers (McGrath et al. 1997). It is a form of linefishing where fish are caught using a hook and line and comprises a social as well as a more formal organized competitive sector (van der Elst 1989). Similar to other components of the linefishery, which include the subsistence as well as boat-based commercial sectors, excessive shore-fishing effort along the Eastern Cape has resulted not only in declining catches (Bennett 1991, Griffiths 1997, Brouwer and Buxton 2002, Pradervand and Govender 2003) but also changes in the species composition of catches (Bennett et al. 1994, Brouwer et al. 1997, Attwood and Farquhar 1999). Stock assessments indicate that many important linefish species are severely overexploited (Griffiths 1997, Hutchings 2000, Mann 2000) and that continued fishing pressure threatens endemic linefish populations. In 1996, shore-anglers alone were responsible for an annual catch of approximately 4.5 million fish, weighing around 3 000 tonnes (Brouwer et al. 1997).
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- Date Issued: 2012