The use of the performance management system as management tool to accelerate service delivery in municipalities, case study Amathole District Municipality Eastern Cape
- Authors: Nako, Mkhululi
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Performance -- Management Public administration Local government
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:39715
- Description: In the recent years have been several public protests in our communities which was a result of slow pace in the provision of services by the municipalities in the district which has led to the use of the performance management system in order to accelerate the service delivery. The study focused on the usage of the system like performance management to accelerate service delivery in Amatole District Municipality (ADM) in the Eastern Cape Province. There is limited research regarding the usage of the system like performance management to accelerate service delivery in Amatole District Municipality. Mixed research methodology was used. The sample (n=10) comprised of individual involved in performance management systems. Data was collected through the questionnaire method and both qualitative and quantitative methods were used for data analysis. The study results show that while the performance management systems are being practiced at the municipality it is not done effectively and efficiently. In addition, not all municipal employees had the necessary knowledge and expertise to implement PMS. It can also be noted that every respondent in the study agreed that performance management systems do accelerate service delivery if done efficiently. The study recommends that local government should not only focus on their plans on dealing with backlogs but also on the rapid development taking place and the performance management system framework should cater for individual performance.
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- Authors: Nako, Mkhululi
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Performance -- Management Public administration Local government
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:39715
- Description: In the recent years have been several public protests in our communities which was a result of slow pace in the provision of services by the municipalities in the district which has led to the use of the performance management system in order to accelerate the service delivery. The study focused on the usage of the system like performance management to accelerate service delivery in Amatole District Municipality (ADM) in the Eastern Cape Province. There is limited research regarding the usage of the system like performance management to accelerate service delivery in Amatole District Municipality. Mixed research methodology was used. The sample (n=10) comprised of individual involved in performance management systems. Data was collected through the questionnaire method and both qualitative and quantitative methods were used for data analysis. The study results show that while the performance management systems are being practiced at the municipality it is not done effectively and efficiently. In addition, not all municipal employees had the necessary knowledge and expertise to implement PMS. It can also be noted that every respondent in the study agreed that performance management systems do accelerate service delivery if done efficiently. The study recommends that local government should not only focus on their plans on dealing with backlogs but also on the rapid development taking place and the performance management system framework should cater for individual performance.
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An assessment of quality health care in the operating theatres of Frere Hospital in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Bennett, Fabion Charton
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Medical care Surgical instruments and apparatus -- Safety measures
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPH
- Identifier: , vital:39660
- Description: BACKGROUND: Operating theatres are one of most expensive resources in a hospital. The management of operating theatres is complex due to the conflicting priorities and preferences of all stakeholders. Operating theatres also pose one of the greatest medico legal risks to any hospital. This study was conducted at Frere Hospital in East London to assess the functioning of the operating theatre system. The focus of this study was on Pre-operative categorisation of emergency cases, the utilisation of the World Health Organisation Safety Checklist, compliance to the National Core Standards for Health, the effectiveness of governance and review processes, theatre staffing as well as theatre efficiency indicators (start time/tardiness, utilisation, turn-around time, re-admission to theatre rate, cancellation on day of procedure, slate under/over runs, Anaesthetic time as a percentage of theatre time). OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to promote the adherence to the various operating theatre universal approaches by operating theatre staff with the goal of reducing costs and errors caused by poor quality in operating theatres and improving the overall health system. METHOD: In this research a convergent parallel mixed method research design was applied. The research was non-experimental and descriptive in approach, using a mixed method questionnaire, a structured open ended interview, a structured infrastructure assessment, a structured observation checklist and an audit of patient files for a review of emergency surgical cases. Data was collected during October 2016 and January 2017.The study population consisted of 13 operating rooms across 6 operating theatre suites, surgical management staff as well as clinical and nursing staff in the operating theatres at Frere Hospital in East London. RESULTS: The study showed opportunities for improvement in the overall management of the operating theatres to ensure efficient quality care; the data from the observations, questionnaires, interviews as well as the analysis of the efficiency indicators consistently showed that an effective process of operating theatre governance and performance is non-existent, the Pre- operative categorisation of emergency cases is inconsistently applied, the compliance to the principles of the World Health Organisation Safety Checklist Is very low, theatre nursing staff levels per case is low, staff are also demotivated and theatre efficiency indicators require improvement. During this study, the Paediatric theatre suite appeared to be well run and compliant with opportunity to increase theatre utilisation, the casualty theatre is underutilised and has potential to be utilised as an enabler to improve the efficiency of other theatres. The main theatre and endoscopy suites have opportunities to improve its compliance to universal operating theatre quality and efficiency standards, the Orthopaedics and Obstetrics theatre suites, however, require urgent improvement focus. DISCUSSION: According to the findings, a structured operating theatre governance and performance review processes should be implemented with the intention of ensuring consistency across the management of the 6 operating theatre suites in the hospital. A review of staffing allocation and relative task allocation should be conducted. Interventions should be implemented to increase utilisation rates, improve the pre-operative categorisation of emergency cases, improve the compliance to the principles of the World Health Organisation Safety Checklist, reduce case start time variance/tardiness, reduce cancellation on day of procedure, increase anaesthetic time as a percentage of theatre time by introducing pre- anaesthetic induction prior to the patient being wheeled into the operating room.
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An assessment of quality health care in the operating theatres of Frere Hospital in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Bennett, Fabion Charton
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Medical care Surgical instruments and apparatus -- Safety measures
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPH
- Identifier: , vital:39660
- Description: BACKGROUND: Operating theatres are one of most expensive resources in a hospital. The management of operating theatres is complex due to the conflicting priorities and preferences of all stakeholders. Operating theatres also pose one of the greatest medico legal risks to any hospital. This study was conducted at Frere Hospital in East London to assess the functioning of the operating theatre system. The focus of this study was on Pre-operative categorisation of emergency cases, the utilisation of the World Health Organisation Safety Checklist, compliance to the National Core Standards for Health, the effectiveness of governance and review processes, theatre staffing as well as theatre efficiency indicators (start time/tardiness, utilisation, turn-around time, re-admission to theatre rate, cancellation on day of procedure, slate under/over runs, Anaesthetic time as a percentage of theatre time). OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to promote the adherence to the various operating theatre universal approaches by operating theatre staff with the goal of reducing costs and errors caused by poor quality in operating theatres and improving the overall health system. METHOD: In this research a convergent parallel mixed method research design was applied. The research was non-experimental and descriptive in approach, using a mixed method questionnaire, a structured open ended interview, a structured infrastructure assessment, a structured observation checklist and an audit of patient files for a review of emergency surgical cases. Data was collected during October 2016 and January 2017.The study population consisted of 13 operating rooms across 6 operating theatre suites, surgical management staff as well as clinical and nursing staff in the operating theatres at Frere Hospital in East London. RESULTS: The study showed opportunities for improvement in the overall management of the operating theatres to ensure efficient quality care; the data from the observations, questionnaires, interviews as well as the analysis of the efficiency indicators consistently showed that an effective process of operating theatre governance and performance is non-existent, the Pre- operative categorisation of emergency cases is inconsistently applied, the compliance to the principles of the World Health Organisation Safety Checklist Is very low, theatre nursing staff levels per case is low, staff are also demotivated and theatre efficiency indicators require improvement. During this study, the Paediatric theatre suite appeared to be well run and compliant with opportunity to increase theatre utilisation, the casualty theatre is underutilised and has potential to be utilised as an enabler to improve the efficiency of other theatres. The main theatre and endoscopy suites have opportunities to improve its compliance to universal operating theatre quality and efficiency standards, the Orthopaedics and Obstetrics theatre suites, however, require urgent improvement focus. DISCUSSION: According to the findings, a structured operating theatre governance and performance review processes should be implemented with the intention of ensuring consistency across the management of the 6 operating theatre suites in the hospital. A review of staffing allocation and relative task allocation should be conducted. Interventions should be implemented to increase utilisation rates, improve the pre-operative categorisation of emergency cases, improve the compliance to the principles of the World Health Organisation Safety Checklist, reduce case start time variance/tardiness, reduce cancellation on day of procedure, increase anaesthetic time as a percentage of theatre time by introducing pre- anaesthetic induction prior to the patient being wheeled into the operating room.
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The role of migrants in the Pan Africanist struggle for liberation from 1962 to 1963 : the case of Cofimvaba
- Authors: Mwanda, Sindiswa Christina
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: South Africa -- History -- 1962-1963 South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1962-1963
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , History
- Identifier: , vital:35107
- Description: The perspective of South African liberation history needs to be balanced by recalling events that might otherwise be overshadowed by the subsequent electoral dominance of the African National Congress since 1994. This study is concerned with one such: the Cofimvaba struggles of 1962-3 which was organised by Cofimvaba migrants under the ideology of the Pan Africanist Congress. Whereas previous historians have based their accounts mainly on trial records, this thesis strives to recover the migrants’ own perspective through intensive and detailed interviews with the surviving veterans. It aims to provide an accurate historical account of the role played by migrant labourers, thereby correcting the historical distortions arising from overreliance on official sources to record the memories and perceptions of the struggle veterans, as exemplified by transcripts of interviews with and thereby provide some balance to the overall perspective of South African liberation history. The thesis opens with a description of the situation on the ground in Cofimvaba and Western Thembuland which gave rise to resistance. It continues with a discussion of the Pan-African Congress, especially in the Western Cape, the labour centre where most Cofimvaba migrants were concentrated. It proceeds to a detailed narrative of the events in Cofimvaba, more especially the battle of Ntlonze. The final chapter concludes with a critical reassessment of previous historical work, showing that the role of the migrants and the non-elite require greater appreciation and respect.
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- Authors: Mwanda, Sindiswa Christina
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: South Africa -- History -- 1962-1963 South Africa -- Politics and government -- 1962-1963
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , History
- Identifier: , vital:35107
- Description: The perspective of South African liberation history needs to be balanced by recalling events that might otherwise be overshadowed by the subsequent electoral dominance of the African National Congress since 1994. This study is concerned with one such: the Cofimvaba struggles of 1962-3 which was organised by Cofimvaba migrants under the ideology of the Pan Africanist Congress. Whereas previous historians have based their accounts mainly on trial records, this thesis strives to recover the migrants’ own perspective through intensive and detailed interviews with the surviving veterans. It aims to provide an accurate historical account of the role played by migrant labourers, thereby correcting the historical distortions arising from overreliance on official sources to record the memories and perceptions of the struggle veterans, as exemplified by transcripts of interviews with and thereby provide some balance to the overall perspective of South African liberation history. The thesis opens with a description of the situation on the ground in Cofimvaba and Western Thembuland which gave rise to resistance. It continues with a discussion of the Pan-African Congress, especially in the Western Cape, the labour centre where most Cofimvaba migrants were concentrated. It proceeds to a detailed narrative of the events in Cofimvaba, more especially the battle of Ntlonze. The final chapter concludes with a critical reassessment of previous historical work, showing that the role of the migrants and the non-elite require greater appreciation and respect.
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Understanding the role of the media in Zimbabwe African Union-Patriotic Front (ZANU-PF) factional fights and the representations of the Lacoste faction in Zimbabwe public discourses
- Mauswa, Desmond Tagara Tavengwa
- Authors: Mauswa, Desmond Tagara Tavengwa
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: ZANU-PF (Organization : Zimbabwe) , Political parties , Mass media
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSoc
- Identifier: , vital:39290
- Description: This thesis sought to critically examine the origins, nature and impact of ZANU PF factionalist tendencies and how a particular faction headed by former Vice President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa was represented in Zimbabwean public discourses. Drawing from comparative politics, history, media studies and Zimbabwean current affairs, this interdisciplinary narrative detailed how the new media played a central role in precipitating factional implosion in the liberation war based political party (ZANU PF). Clearly, ZANU PF internecine conflicts in and outside the state controlled and new media had far-reaching socio-economic and political ramifications as rival ZANU PF factions resorted to dirty strategies and tactics to try and weaken and outwit each other. These political machinations took the form of slandering, use of hate speech, dissemination of fake news, assassinations and poisoning among others. As the battle for factional supremacy raged on, the Zimbabwean economy continued on a downward spiral due to inter alia policy contradictions and uncertainty but at the end, November 2017 saw Mugabe being unexpectedly deposed in a coup after 37 years in power. This study went on to identify a number of factors that were working against Mugabe’s patient and heir apparent – Mnangagwa, as he sought to take over the reins of power. These included inter alia the presence and close proximity of the G40 faction linked to the first family but opposing the former vice president, his tainted political record as a result of his involvement in the Matabeleland massacre of the Ndebele ethnic group in the 1980s, allegedly masterminding and engineering electoral fraud in 2008 and having been Mugabe's right hand man for almost four decades. On the other hand, findings from this study suggest that Mnangagwa’s liberation war credentials and his close association with the military and the war veterans played a pivotal role in assisting him to land the presidency following Mugabe’s forced resignation or what was defined by many as a coup. While the Lacoste faction eventually prevailed over their G40 rivals, the study concluded that ZANU PF factionalism negatively impacted on governmental decisions, policies and systems and the aftermath of the military coup continues to pose serious challenges to Zimbabwe’s political future however defined.
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- Authors: Mauswa, Desmond Tagara Tavengwa
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: ZANU-PF (Organization : Zimbabwe) , Political parties , Mass media
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSoc
- Identifier: , vital:39290
- Description: This thesis sought to critically examine the origins, nature and impact of ZANU PF factionalist tendencies and how a particular faction headed by former Vice President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa was represented in Zimbabwean public discourses. Drawing from comparative politics, history, media studies and Zimbabwean current affairs, this interdisciplinary narrative detailed how the new media played a central role in precipitating factional implosion in the liberation war based political party (ZANU PF). Clearly, ZANU PF internecine conflicts in and outside the state controlled and new media had far-reaching socio-economic and political ramifications as rival ZANU PF factions resorted to dirty strategies and tactics to try and weaken and outwit each other. These political machinations took the form of slandering, use of hate speech, dissemination of fake news, assassinations and poisoning among others. As the battle for factional supremacy raged on, the Zimbabwean economy continued on a downward spiral due to inter alia policy contradictions and uncertainty but at the end, November 2017 saw Mugabe being unexpectedly deposed in a coup after 37 years in power. This study went on to identify a number of factors that were working against Mugabe’s patient and heir apparent – Mnangagwa, as he sought to take over the reins of power. These included inter alia the presence and close proximity of the G40 faction linked to the first family but opposing the former vice president, his tainted political record as a result of his involvement in the Matabeleland massacre of the Ndebele ethnic group in the 1980s, allegedly masterminding and engineering electoral fraud in 2008 and having been Mugabe's right hand man for almost four decades. On the other hand, findings from this study suggest that Mnangagwa’s liberation war credentials and his close association with the military and the war veterans played a pivotal role in assisting him to land the presidency following Mugabe’s forced resignation or what was defined by many as a coup. While the Lacoste faction eventually prevailed over their G40 rivals, the study concluded that ZANU PF factionalism negatively impacted on governmental decisions, policies and systems and the aftermath of the military coup continues to pose serious challenges to Zimbabwe’s political future however defined.
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Synthesis and characterization of titanium dioxide nanotubes using electrochemical anodization technique for solar cell applications
- Authors: Lupiwana, Mpheleki
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Titanium dioxide Nanostructured materials Nanotubes
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Chemistry
- Identifier: , vital:39107
- Description: High demand on energy conversion in dye-sensitized solar solar cells (DSSCs), requires development of well-organized TiO2 nanotube (TNT) structures because of their large surface area-to-volume ratio, superior lifetime and provision of optimal pathways for electron percolation. In this work TiO2 nanotube membranes with an average length of 2.40 μm and average pore diameter of 41.08 nm have been fabricated using electrochemical anodisation employing an organic electrolyte consisting of 0.5wt.percent NH4F + 3 vol percent H2O + Glycerol at an applied voltage of 60 V for 12 hours. The fabricated TNTs were annealed at different annealing temperatures. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed that anodisation at these conditions yields nanotubes with periodic rings which present the roughness of the walls. Surface SEM images have revealed the presence of porous structures on the fabricated TNT membranes. Also evident from SEM cross-sectional images are multi-layered TiO2 nanotubes with top and bottom layers. The effect of annealing temperature on the structural, morphological and topographical has been investigated for TNTs. Surface SEM morphological analyses have revealed that the surface morphology of the annealed TNTs membranes changes with an increase in annealing temperature from 350°C to 650°C. The surface SEM analysis has revealed that as the annealing temperature increases the fabricated nanotubes deforms and collapses at annealing temperatures above 550°C. The TNTs annealed at 350°C have a modal pore size of 34.56 nm which is somewhat smaller compared to the TNTs annealed at 650°C with a modal pore size of 31.05 nm. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) topographical measurements have confirmed the presence of porous structure on the surface of the as-annealed TNTs with a modal pore diameter decreasing with increasing in annealing temperature. SEM-EDS analysis have revealed the presence of Ti, O and C and no other additional impurities. The presence of Ti and O confirms the successful electro-anodization of titanium metal sheets to TNTs. C must be due to glycerol electrolyte that got absorbed onto the TNTs structured during electro anodization. Structure investigation through X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis has revealed that as-anodised TNTs have peaks at 2Ɵ positions 35.62°, 39.02°, 40.76°, 53.55°, 63.49°, 71.14°, and 76.71° belonging to the amorphous phase of TiO2. Additionally XRD analysis has revealed that for the annealed samples in the temperature range from 350°C to 450°C have peaks at 24.66° (101), 27.11° (110) belonging Anatase and Rutile phase of TiO2 respectively. Confocal Raman Spectroscopy (CRM) image analysis through a large area scan, and Raman depth profiling have also been used to evaluate the phase changes in TNTs annealed at different temperatures. CRM large area scan and depth profiling has revealed the presence of Anatase phase of TiO2 with Raman vibration modes at 142.37 cm-1, 199.04 cm-1, 394.67 cm-1,516.16 cm-1 and 639.29 cm-1 and the presence of some Rutile phase of TiO2 peaks with Raman vibration modes at 445.26 cm-1 and 612.07 cm-1. These findings were correlated to the XRD analysis, SEM analysis as well as AFM. In XRD the transformation of Anatase to Rutile phase was observed as the annealing temperature increased, that was also supported by SEM analysis whereby nanotube structures collapsed and deformed as annealing temperature increased due to phase transformation. In AFM pore diameter decreased as annealing temperature increases, which was also due to the effect of phase transformation observed in XRD and CRM. These findings showed that TiO2 nanotube membranes were successfully fabricated, which may have wide applications in the development of electronic materials for the solar devices.
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- Authors: Lupiwana, Mpheleki
- Date: 2017
- Subjects: Titanium dioxide Nanostructured materials Nanotubes
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , Chemistry
- Identifier: , vital:39107
- Description: High demand on energy conversion in dye-sensitized solar solar cells (DSSCs), requires development of well-organized TiO2 nanotube (TNT) structures because of their large surface area-to-volume ratio, superior lifetime and provision of optimal pathways for electron percolation. In this work TiO2 nanotube membranes with an average length of 2.40 μm and average pore diameter of 41.08 nm have been fabricated using electrochemical anodisation employing an organic electrolyte consisting of 0.5wt.percent NH4F + 3 vol percent H2O + Glycerol at an applied voltage of 60 V for 12 hours. The fabricated TNTs were annealed at different annealing temperatures. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed that anodisation at these conditions yields nanotubes with periodic rings which present the roughness of the walls. Surface SEM images have revealed the presence of porous structures on the fabricated TNT membranes. Also evident from SEM cross-sectional images are multi-layered TiO2 nanotubes with top and bottom layers. The effect of annealing temperature on the structural, morphological and topographical has been investigated for TNTs. Surface SEM morphological analyses have revealed that the surface morphology of the annealed TNTs membranes changes with an increase in annealing temperature from 350°C to 650°C. The surface SEM analysis has revealed that as the annealing temperature increases the fabricated nanotubes deforms and collapses at annealing temperatures above 550°C. The TNTs annealed at 350°C have a modal pore size of 34.56 nm which is somewhat smaller compared to the TNTs annealed at 650°C with a modal pore size of 31.05 nm. Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) topographical measurements have confirmed the presence of porous structure on the surface of the as-annealed TNTs with a modal pore diameter decreasing with increasing in annealing temperature. SEM-EDS analysis have revealed the presence of Ti, O and C and no other additional impurities. The presence of Ti and O confirms the successful electro-anodization of titanium metal sheets to TNTs. C must be due to glycerol electrolyte that got absorbed onto the TNTs structured during electro anodization. Structure investigation through X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis has revealed that as-anodised TNTs have peaks at 2Ɵ positions 35.62°, 39.02°, 40.76°, 53.55°, 63.49°, 71.14°, and 76.71° belonging to the amorphous phase of TiO2. Additionally XRD analysis has revealed that for the annealed samples in the temperature range from 350°C to 450°C have peaks at 24.66° (101), 27.11° (110) belonging Anatase and Rutile phase of TiO2 respectively. Confocal Raman Spectroscopy (CRM) image analysis through a large area scan, and Raman depth profiling have also been used to evaluate the phase changes in TNTs annealed at different temperatures. CRM large area scan and depth profiling has revealed the presence of Anatase phase of TiO2 with Raman vibration modes at 142.37 cm-1, 199.04 cm-1, 394.67 cm-1,516.16 cm-1 and 639.29 cm-1 and the presence of some Rutile phase of TiO2 peaks with Raman vibration modes at 445.26 cm-1 and 612.07 cm-1. These findings were correlated to the XRD analysis, SEM analysis as well as AFM. In XRD the transformation of Anatase to Rutile phase was observed as the annealing temperature increased, that was also supported by SEM analysis whereby nanotube structures collapsed and deformed as annealing temperature increased due to phase transformation. In AFM pore diameter decreased as annealing temperature increases, which was also due to the effect of phase transformation observed in XRD and CRM. These findings showed that TiO2 nanotube membranes were successfully fabricated, which may have wide applications in the development of electronic materials for the solar devices.
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An analysis of the correlation beween packet loss and network delay on the perfomance of congested networks and their impact: case study University of Fort Hare
- Authors: Lutshete, Sizwe
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Computer network protocols -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Packet switching (Data transmission) , Cactus -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Network analysis (Planning) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Network performance (Telecommunication) , Network Time Protocol (Computer network protocol)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Computer Science)
- Identifier: vital:11393 , , Computer network protocols -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Packet switching (Data transmission) , Cactus -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Network analysis (Planning) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Network performance (Telecommunication) , Network Time Protocol (Computer network protocol)
- Description: In this paper we study packet delay and loss rate at the University of Fort Hare network. The focus of this paper is to evaluate the information derived from a multipoint measurement of, University of Fort Hare network which will be collected for a duration of three Months during June 2011 to August 2011 at the TSC uplink and Ethernet hubs outside and inside relative to the Internet firewall host. The specific value of this data set lies in the end to end instrumentation of all devices operating at the packet level, combined with the duration of observation. We will provide measures for the normal day−to−day operation of the University of fort hare network both at off-peak and during peak hours. We expect to show the impact of delay and loss rate at the University of Fort Hare network. The data set will include a number of areas, where service quality (delay and packet loss) is extreme, moderate, good and we will examine the causes and impacts on network users.
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- Authors: Lutshete, Sizwe
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Computer network protocols -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Packet switching (Data transmission) , Cactus -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Network analysis (Planning) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Network performance (Telecommunication) , Network Time Protocol (Computer network protocol)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Computer Science)
- Identifier: vital:11393 , , Computer network protocols -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Packet switching (Data transmission) , Cactus -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Network analysis (Planning) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Network performance (Telecommunication) , Network Time Protocol (Computer network protocol)
- Description: In this paper we study packet delay and loss rate at the University of Fort Hare network. The focus of this paper is to evaluate the information derived from a multipoint measurement of, University of Fort Hare network which will be collected for a duration of three Months during June 2011 to August 2011 at the TSC uplink and Ethernet hubs outside and inside relative to the Internet firewall host. The specific value of this data set lies in the end to end instrumentation of all devices operating at the packet level, combined with the duration of observation. We will provide measures for the normal day−to−day operation of the University of fort hare network both at off-peak and during peak hours. We expect to show the impact of delay and loss rate at the University of Fort Hare network. The data set will include a number of areas, where service quality (delay and packet loss) is extreme, moderate, good and we will examine the causes and impacts on network users.
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Explorative study on the efficacy of the Total Quality Management System as a performance enhancement instrument: the case of Walter Sisulu University (Eastern Cape Province, Republic of South Africa)
- Authors: Gwele, Xolani
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11681 ,
- Description: With the advent of a democratic South Africa in 1994, national public administration has effected reforms to improve government performance and service delivery. The importance of education for the development of excellence, expertise and knowledge leading to overall development in economy cannot be undermined. This has necessitated a sound strategy for the development of higher education in South Africa. Establishing leadership in this country is possible only when there is a developed system of higher education in which efficiency remains the sole criteria to evaluate performance. Higher education institutions are faced with an increasing number of complex challenges including implementing and maintaining a quality management system. This study seeks to explore the efficacy of total quality management as the performance enhancement instrument at Walter Sisulu University, in the Eastern Cape Province – South Africa. Relevant literature regarding quality, quality assurance, total quality management and performance management has been reviewed in order to establish and test if this study is researchable. Interviews with students have been conducted in order understand a sense of student perception towards quality assurance in the university. Observations and Staff questionnaires have been used to collect more data on total quality management and performance management system. The data collected is analysed and interpreted in chapter four and chapter five provides for findings and recommendations in concluding this study.
- Full Text:
- Authors: Gwele, Xolani
- Date: 2013
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: vital:11681 ,
- Description: With the advent of a democratic South Africa in 1994, national public administration has effected reforms to improve government performance and service delivery. The importance of education for the development of excellence, expertise and knowledge leading to overall development in economy cannot be undermined. This has necessitated a sound strategy for the development of higher education in South Africa. Establishing leadership in this country is possible only when there is a developed system of higher education in which efficiency remains the sole criteria to evaluate performance. Higher education institutions are faced with an increasing number of complex challenges including implementing and maintaining a quality management system. This study seeks to explore the efficacy of total quality management as the performance enhancement instrument at Walter Sisulu University, in the Eastern Cape Province – South Africa. Relevant literature regarding quality, quality assurance, total quality management and performance management has been reviewed in order to establish and test if this study is researchable. Interviews with students have been conducted in order understand a sense of student perception towards quality assurance in the university. Observations and Staff questionnaires have been used to collect more data on total quality management and performance management system. The data collected is analysed and interpreted in chapter four and chapter five provides for findings and recommendations in concluding this study.
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