Non-farm enterprises and rural development in South Africa : a case of the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Dapira, Clarah
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Rural development--South Africa--Eastern Cape--Case studies Rural development--South Africa South Africa--Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , Development Studies
- Identifier: , vital:40410
- Description: There is growing recognition that the limited success in rural development policies in many developing countries, including South Africa, is mainly a result of the failure to conceptualize such interventions beyond agriculture and incorporate non-farm enterprises into the mix. Non-farm enterprises are increasingly viewed as having the potential to become one of the drivers of rural development. However, it is an area that remains poorly documented and dimly understood as it has received limited scholarly attention in recent years. The study was carried out in the rural areas of Port St John’s Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The study was premised on the assumption that non-farm enterprises have the potential to become one of the drivers of rural development in terms of employment creation, income generation and diversification of the rural economy. The thesis demonstrates that the hope that non-farm enterprises can add value to the rural economy in terms of creating the much needed employment opportunities is still a goal to be realised. Nevertheless, the income generated by these enterprises is contributing immensely to household welfare, especially improving accessibility to food by poor households. The study recommends the implementation of tailor made capacity building and training programmes aimed at enhancing the skills of rural artisans. This is an area that requires state-mediated intervention to augment the rural economy in order to redress the uneven development of the past.
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- Date Issued: 2018
Teachers' perceptions on the effects of frequent change in curriculum on effective teaching in junior secondary schools at Libode Education District, Eastern Cape
- Authors: Ngibe, Nondwe Cynthia Phelokazi
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Curriculum change -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Educational change Education -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , Degree
- Identifier: , vital:29349
- Description: Worldwide educational change has been a topic of discussion. South Africa is among the countries having issues with the implementation of a new curriculum and its impact on effective teaching and learning in junior secondary schools. The country (South Africa) experienced frequent changes in education curriculum. The new curriculum was seen as the means to address poor state of education. It is common knowledge that teachers were and are presently still confused and stressed being unsure on how to apply some techniques to meet the requirements of the new curriculum. That led to underperformance of learners in their work at school. Hence, this study was conducted to explore the perceptions of teachers in South Africa regarding the effects that frequent changes in curriculum has on the effective teaching and learning in junior secondary schools. The change in curriculum is frequent in the sense that, from 1997 to 2016, the curriculum in South Africa was revised four times: Curriculum 2005 (C2005) in 1997, Revised National Curriculum Statement (RNCS) in 2002, National Curriculum Statement (NCS) in 2007 as well as Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in 2012. The study does not leave behind some literatures on concept of education, teaching and learning in junior secondary schools, curriculum in South Africa, an overview of curriculum policy in South Africa, curriculum changes to mention a few. Qualitative research methodology was used by the researcher so as interview participants (teachers) in their workplace. The case study was chosen as the design, whereby two junior secondary schools from the population of schools in Libode district were purposely sampled. Data was collected from teachers in these schools, that is, six teachers from each school. Four teachers from each phase were targeted, that is, (four from foundation phase, four from intermediate phase and four from senior phase). Semi-structured interviews were used as the instrument to collect information from the participants. From the study, the researcher found confusion and frustration due to the frequent changes in curriculum; negative influence on effective teaching and learning, by the fact that teachers ultimately do not know what to do to meet the requirements of the curriculum; and not much continuity or links between phases in as far as content and subjects are concerned. The study recommended the appointment of professional facilitators, revisiting of the language policy in GET band (with focus in LOLT in foundation phase), encouraging continuity across phases, actively involvement of teachers in formulating or drafting of any policy that will affect curriculum since they are the implementers of curriculum. The study established that frequent change in curriculum had negative effects on teaching and in junior secondary schools. This is the perception of the majority of participants. As far as literature regarding teachers is concerned, changing curriculum without changing teachers’ understanding and attitude has negative impact on learning especially in South Africa, with special focus on rural schools such as those of Libode district in the Eastern Cape Province.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation of parameter relationships in a high-speed digital multimedia environment
- Authors: Chigwamba, Nyasha
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Multimedia communications , Digital communications , Local area networks (Computer networks) , Computer network architectures , Computer network protocols , Computer sound processing , Sound -- Recording and reproducing -- Digital techniques
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4725 ,
- Description: With the rapid adoption of multimedia network technologies, a number of companies and standards bodies are introducing technologies that enhance user experience in networked multimedia environments. These technologies focus on device discovery, connection management, control, and monitoring. This study focused on control and monitoring. Multimedia networks make it possible for devices that are part of the same network to reside in different physical locations. These devices contain parameters that are used to control particular features, such as speaker volume, bass, amplifier gain, and video resolution. It is often necessary for changes in one parameter to affect other parameters, such as a synchronised change between volume and bass parameters, or collective control of multiple parameters. Thus, relationships are required between the parameters. In addition, some devices contain parameters, such as voltage, temperature, and audio level, that require constant monitoring to enable corrective action when thresholds are exceeded. Therefore, a mechanism for monitoring networked devices is required. This thesis proposes relationships that are essential for the proper functioning of a multimedia network and that should, therefore, be incorporated in standard form into a protocol, such that all devices can depend on them. Implementation mechanisms for these relationships were created. Parameter grouping and monitoring capabilities within mixing console implementations and existing control protocols were reviewed. A number of requirements for parameter grouping and monitoring were derived from this review. These requirements include a formal classification of relationship types, the ability to create relationships between parameters with different underlying value units, the ability to create relationships between parameters residing on different devices on a network, and the use of an event-driven mechanism for parameter monitoring. These requirements were the criteria used to govern the implementation mechanisms that were created as part of this study. Parameter grouping and monitoring mechanisms were implemented for the XFN protocol. The mechanisms implemented fulfil the requirements derived from the review of capabilities of mixing consoles and existing control protocols. The formal classification of relationship types was implemented within XFN parameters using lists that keep track of the relationships between each XFN parameter and other XFN parameters that reside on the same device or on other devices on the network. A common value unit, known as the global unit, was defined for use as the value format within value update messages between XFN parameters that have relationships. Mapping tables were used to translate the global unit values to application-specific (universal) units, such as decibels (dB). A mechanism for bulk parameter retrieval within the XFN protocol was augmented to produce an event-driven mechanism for parameter monitoring. These implementation mechanisms were applied to an XFN-protocol-compliant graphical control application to demonstrate their usage within an end user context. At the time of this study, the XFN protocol was undergoing standardisation within the Audio Engineering Society. The AES-64 standard has now been approved. Most of the implementation mechanisms resulting from this study have been incorporated into this standard.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A phenological and bioclimatic analysis of honey yield in South Africa
- Authors: Illgner, Peter Mark
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Bee culture -- South Africa -- Statistics Honeybee -- South Africa Bee culture -- South Africa -- Management Honey plants -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5813 ,
- Description: This study has investigated the interaction between honeybees and their forage plants and the impact of selected climatic variables on honey production in South Africa. Twenty-seven scale-hive records from 25 localities have been used as a measure of colony honey reserves. At least 944 plant species are visited by honeybees in South Africa for their nectar and/or pollen, with more than half providing both rewards. The entire honeybee flora encompasses 532 genera and 137 families. The flowering phenologies of the different reward categories of the indigenous forage plants are all significantly and positively correlated at the 0.05 level. Similarly, species offering both rewards are significantly and positively correlated with the flowering phenology of the null flora. The same results were obtained for correlations between the different reward categories of the exotic forage plants in South Africa. Of the 30 species pairs which fulfilled the criteria for selection, 23 occurred in sympatry, 5 in allopatry and 2 in possible parapatry. There is evidence for both competition and facilitation within different indigenous species pairs. The lack of geographical correlation in the intra-annual variation in honey stores and the near absence of any statistically significant (p < 0.05) honey related intra-annual intracolonial correlations may indicate that the former is more important than the latter for the determination of the level of honey reserves within a colony. Only one statistically significant correlation was found between either scale-hive record from the University of Pretoria Experimental Farm and any of the selected climatic variables. A one month lag period and/or possible seasonal effects were detected for each variable, with the exception of the duration of sunshine, in the autocorrelation analyses. A possible 12 month seasonal period was also identified in the single series fourier analyses for a number of variables. Similarly, 12 months was also the most frequently recurring period in the crossspectral results for the one scale-hive record (H42). Any activities which have an impact on the landscape have the potential to affect honeybees and/or their forage plants. Honeybee crop or plant pollination may also enhance yields for commercial farmers and facilitate rural food security.
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- Date Issued: 2004
Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link (marram grass) in South Africa and its potential invasiveness
- Authors: Hertling, Ursula Margret
- Date: 1998
- Subjects: Grasses -- South Africa Alien plants -- South Africa Sand dune plants -- South Africa Grasses -- Ecology -- South Africa Sand dune ecology -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:4198 ,
- Description: Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link is a European sand binding plant which was introduced to South Africa in the 1870's for the purpose of dune stabilisation. Because of its known invasiveness along the west coast of North America, and the problems South African ecosystems experience with alien invader plants, it was deemed necessary to study the biology and ecology of this species in South Africa. The aim of this thesis is to establish the potential invasiveness of A. arenaria on Cape coastal dunes and assess whether its use for dune stabilisation is still justifiable. A. arenaria occurs nowadays between the Langebaan area on the west coast and Gonubie in the Eastern Cape. Although widespread, the grass appears to occur only in areas where it has been planted. Its unaided spread may be prevented by adverse climatic conditions. Studies on the community biology of South African A. arenaria communities as compared to indigenous dune plant communities and natural A. arenaria communities in Europe cannot confirm the aggressive behaviour that A. arenaria shows in California and Oregon. In South Africa, A. arenaria does not exert strong floristic control over other species or outcompete and replace them, neither does it alter the topography of South African beaches and dunes. It forms weaker species associations and tends to develop communities of little species variability along the coast, thereby proving its alienness in South Africa, but this does not imply its invasiveness. Studies on succession of A. arenaria stabilisation areas show that monospecific A. arenaria plantings can be succeeded by a species-rich indigenous dune scrub or dune fynbos within a few decades. Plant-parasitic nematodes have been recorded, which may play an important role in the succession of A. arenaria stands in South Africa as was observed in Europe. Monitoring of A. arenaria communities and indigenous communities over nearly three years shows that A. arenaria is not spreading and replacing indigenous plants but in fact rather being replaced by the latter. A. arenaria profits from a superior sand burial tolerance but is affected by adverse climatic factors, mostly the lack of rainfall and strong radiation. In comparison to the indigenous dune grasses Thinopyrum distichum and Ehrharta villosa, it does not show any superior demographic traits such as an unusually high growth rate or large aboveground biomass production. Although A. arenaria produces viable seed in South Africa, the indigenous grasses show better germination and seedling establishment in the field. This study indicates that A. arenaria is not invasive in South Africa, nor likely to become an invader species in the near future. However, more research is required to confirm these results and more caution recommended regarding the further use of this alien grass for dune stabilisation.
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- Date Issued: 1998
A study of Oliver Messiaen's song-cycles Poèms pour mi, Chants de terre et de ciel, and Harawi
- Authors: Donkin, Deborah Jean
- Date: 1992
- Subjects: Messiaen, Olivier, 1908-1992 Song cycles--Interpretation (Phrasing, dynamics, etc.)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MMus
- Identifier: vital:2635 ,
- Description: This thesis ventures into the relatively neglected world of twentieth century vocal music, via the three song cycles of Oliver Messiaen. The song cycle is a comparatively young genre, generally dated from Beethoven's An die ferne Geliebte or by some, even later to Schubert's Die schone Miillerin. Nevertheless, considerable changes have taken place in the 160 years which separate Messiaen's cycles from those of the 'pioneers' mentioned above. A fuller appreciation of twentieth century cycles is facilitated by observing this evolutionary process and placing the works within an historical and cultural perspective. Such an introduction is provided in part one of this thesis, along with relevant details on the life and interests of Messiaen. The latter information gives insight into the compositions themselves and may satisfy the reader's curiosity on the origin of some of the more unexpected techniques or ideas Messiaen llses. Before embarking on a study of the cycles, it is necessary to look at the highly individual musical language of the composer. Section two undertakes this task in some depth, wherever possible relating the explanations directly to the songs which follow. In order to clarify the text and to simplify the exercise for the reader, numerous musical examples have been used. This contributes to the apparent bulk of this section. The main emphasis of the thesis is the detailed study of the 20 songs contained in Poemes pour Mi, Chants de Terre et de Cief and Harawi. The third section of the thesis deals with this material thoroughly and systematically, dividing it up into musical and extra-musical aspects. The texts are considered in terms of Surrealist, religious, Nature, numerological and, in the case of Harawi, mythological and Peruvian folk symbolism. The relationship of text to music is studied and evelopments highlighted. Musically, the study is further sub-divided into piano part and vocal part. In each case, an extensive exploration of the techniques required of the performer is presented. This makes possible the subsequent categorisation of the songs on the basis of similarities in the musical means. Conclusions reached show a progressive development through the three song cycles in the composer's handling of the text, his treatment of the voice, his use of the piano and his expansion of the voice-piano relationship. This body of solo vocal literature emerges as typical of Oliver Messiaen's compositional style in general and therefore properly representative of the meticulous craftsmanship with which his works are constructed. The detailed analysis of all aspects of the songs contributes original material to scholarship on Messiaen and on song cycles in the twentieth century.
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- Date Issued: 1992
Criminal and civil aspects of bribery
- Authors: Leslie, Andrew Brian
- Date: 1988
- Subjects: Bribery
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:3701 ,
- Description: The purpose of this work is to identify legal action which may be taken against parties to bribery in the fields of criminal and civil law. In particular, the element of mens rea is investigated with regard to criminal corruption. On the civil side, the principal, who has been the victim of bribery, has various remedies against the parties to the bribe. These remedies are analysed with special reference to the influence of English law on the South African law in this field. The options open to the principal, where his agent has made a secret profit which does not amount to bribery, are also considered.
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- Date Issued: 1988
Aspekte van die erotiek in enkele romans van André P Brink
- Authors: Milton, Laura
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Brink, André P (André Philippus), 1935-2015 -- Criticism and interpretation
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:3571 , , Brink, André P (André Philippus), 1935-2015 -- Criticism and interpretation
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na aspekte van die erotiek in enkele romans van André P. Brink. Die studie bestaan uit twee afsonderlike dele: genoem 'teorie' en 'praktyk'. In die teoretiese deel sal daar eerstens kortliks gekyk word na 'n definiering van enkele kernbegrippe - onder andere 'seksualiteit', 'erotiek' en 'pornografie'. Daar word nie gepoog om algemeen-geldende definisies te formuleer nie, maar eerder definisies wat nuttig is vir die doel van hierdie studie. Daarna sal ondersoek ingestel word na Brink self se teoretiese formulerings met betrekking tot die erotiek. In die tweede deel sal gekonsentreer word op die erotiek in die praktyk van Brink se romans. Eerstens sal die keuse van romans verduidelik word en dan sal daar oorgegaan word tot 'n bespreking van drie romans: Die ambassadeur (1963), Kennis van die Aand (1973) en 'n Oomblik in die wind (1975). Ten slotte sal die gevolgtrekkings van die studie kortliks saamgevat word (Introduction, p. 1)
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- Date Issued: 1987
Die dood, die minnaar en die oedipale struktuur in die Ingrid Jonker-teks
- Authors: Van Wyk, André Johan
- Date: 1987
- Subjects: Jonker, Ingrid, 1933-1965 -- Criticism and interpretation Afrikaans poetry -- History and criticism
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3608 ,
- Description: From Inleiding: In dié inleiding word die implikasies van die woord "teks", asook die resepsie van die Ingrid Jonker-teks in die lig van haar dood, en 'n eie benaderingswyse, in teenstelling met die tradisionele kritiese metodes, bespreek. 1.1 Die teks: Die Ingrid Jonker-teks behels (met die dood, die rninnaar en die OedipaIe struktuur as uitgangspunt) aIIes waarop die woorde "Ingrid Jonker", as teks - die parentese tussen die datums op haar grafsteen - dui. Dit beteken dat genre-onderskeidinge en die onderskeid biografie en literatuur opgehef word. Verdere implikasies van die woord "teks" gaan vervolgens ter inleiding ondersoek word. Daar sal ruim gebruik gemaak word van die literêr-teoretiese en filosofiese veronderstellinge van Julia Kristeva, Maurice Blanchot, Jacques Derrida, Jacques Lacan, Pierre Macherey en Roland Barthes.
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- Date Issued: 1987
The rituals of labour migration among the Gcaleka
- Authors: McAllister, Patrick Alister
- Date: 1979
- Subjects: Gcaleka (African people) -- Rites and ceremonies , Gcaleka (African people) -- Employment
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2081 , , Gcaleka (African people) -- Rites and ceremonies , Gcaleka (African people) -- Employment
- Description: The Xhosa people of the south-eastern part of South Africa have been involved in migratory labour for three generations and more. This study is concerned with the experience of migrant labour among the Gcaleka, who form part of the Xhosa cluster, and who reside in the Willowvale district of the Transkei. It is primarily an attempt to examine and understand the ways in which conservative ("red") Gcaleka society has adapted to the institution of large scale, oscillating labour migration, by looking at the "meaning" of migrant labour to the people involved, and in terms of the relationship between rural social structure and going out to work in town or mine. Much of this meaning and of the relationship between structure and migration is evident in certain ritual and symbolic actions which are associated with a labour migrant's departure from and return to the community. The bulk of the study, therefore, is taken up with a description and analysis of these "rituals of labour migration". An attempt has been made also to relate the rituals of labour migration to the structural principles of society and to underlying moral and religious beliefs and values, and also to the wider Southern African socio-political framework of which the Gcaleka are part. During fieldwork constant reference was made by informants to (ukwakh' umzi) the importance of "building the homestead" and the role of migrant labour in this. The procedure followed here, therefore, after having dealt with basic "background" material and having given an indication of the economic dependence of Gcaleka on migrant labour, is to take the individual homestead as a central reference point. Certain important aspects of social and religious life (kinship, ward section organization, economic relationships and the ancestor cult) are discussed from the point of view of the homestead and the relationships between homesteads in order to outline basic social organizational principles and to identify the socio-economic importance and cultural meaning of migratory labour to conservative Gcaleka. This leads into a discussion of Gcaleka morality in an attempt to demonstrate that the two basic organizational pr inc iples, patrilineali ty and neighbourhood, and their interrelationship, have a counterpart in moral thought. This discussion involves also some tentative ideas regarding the nature of the relationship between morality and religion in this society. All this, it is hoped, provides a basis for the description and analysis of the rituals of labour migration, which follow and which express, inter alia, the importance of the homestead, the organizational importance of kinship and neighbourhood, and certain basic moral precepts. Particular attention is paid to the most elaborate and spectacular of these rituals, the umsindleko beer drink. A separate section is devoted to an attempted analysis of the rituals in terms of Van Gennep's well known schema of rites de passage. Here the absent migrant is viewed as being one who has been separated from society and who has entered a liminal state, to be incorporated back into society once he returns from work. The extent to which liminality is accompanied by the experience of what Victor Turner calls "communitas" is also considered. The general conclusion is that the rituals of labour migration serve as a cultural device to rigidly separate the world of work from the morally superior home reality, to reinforce acceptance of the culturally determined role of migratory labour and migrant labourers and to relate the migratory experience to rural social structure in such a way that the threat of migrant labour is overcome and the rural structure strengthened. To answer the question of why this standpoint towards labour migration has been adopted, it is necessary to outline the position of the Gcaleka within the political economy of Southern Africa, and it is argued that the maintenance of conservatism and the interpretation of migrant labour in terms of the rural structure is largely a response to this position
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- Date Issued: 1979
5-hydroxytryptamine and sexual behaviour in rhesus monkeys
- Authors: Gradwell, Peter Bertram
- Date: 1976
- Subjects: Rhesus monkey -- Behavior Sexual behavior in animals
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:3210 ,
- Description: Selective inhibition of 5-hydroxytryptamine by parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA) is able to restore sexual receptivity in female rhesus monkeys made unreceptive by bilateral adrenalectomy. PCPA in the doses used reduces the levels of 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5HIAA) in the cerebrospinal fluid to 40 per cent of the normal oestradioltreated condition. Both the increased sexual receptivity and the lowered 5HIAA levels "in the CSF are in turn reversed by 5-hydroxytryptophal (5HTP), the irrmediate precursor of 5HT and the substance whose synthesis is inhibited by PCPA. 5HTP on its own reduces sexual receptivity and increases 5HIAA levels in the CSF of ovariectomised, oestradiol-treated (but otherwise intact) female rhesus monkeys. A substance other than an adrenal androgen has therefore been shown to restore sexual receptivity in adrenalectomised female monkeys . Testosterone propionate and oestradiol benzoate both lower the turnover rates of 5HT in the brains of ovariectomised female monkeys, as measured by the 2 hour probenecid test. Taken together, these findings suggest that adrenal androgens could act on specific sites in the female monkey brain via 5HT-containing neural systems, to control (or at least influence) sexual receptivity. All the results of administering oestradiol to ovariectomised monkeys in these experiments are consistent with the established roles of this hormone in female sexual attractiveness and in the gonadotrophin- controlling systems of the hypothalamo-hypophyseal axis. In contrast to these findings on 5HT and sexual receptivity in female monkeys, no clear role for 5HT- containing neural systems could be demonstrated in the grooming, aggressive or social behaviours of female monkeys. No clear role for 5HT could be demonstrated in the refractory period following ejaculation in male monkeys , or when testosterone replacement is given to castrated male monkeys.
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- Date Issued: 1976