Training of teachers in multigrade teaching: integration of vertical and horizontal knowledge in post -training
- Authors: Ganqa, Ncumisa Hazel
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Combination of grades -- Cross-cultural studies Teachers -- In-service training Teachers
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Education)
- Identifier: , vital:29496
- Description: The purpose of this study was to examine the training and development of teachers in multi-grade teaching in selected Eastern Cape primary schools with a particular focus on the integration of vertical and horizontal knowledge in post-training. Multigrade teaching is the combining of learners of different grade levels in one classroom taught by one teacher. To gain better understanding of the construct of vertical and horizontal integration of knowledge within post-training environment, this qualitative case study design sampled eight teachers, four school principals and three trainers, purposively. In order to evaluate the training and development provided for teachers in multi-grade classrooms the researcher examined the training programmes, the training curriculum and transfer of training inputs. The results of the study indicate that post-training is the determinant of the extent of the effectiveness of the transfer of training skills, knowledge and attitudes gained in multi-grade teaching training. The study found a massive gap that currently exists between training in multi-grade teaching and the actual transferability of such training in multi-grade contexts. Positive transfer of training in multi-grade teaching strategies was found to be skills related to teaching strategies, lesson management, curriculum integration and social components of multi-grade teaching. Negative transfer of training included classroom organisation, lesson planning, timetabling, curriculum adaptation and assessment. Although multi-grade teacher training programme is assumed to change behaviours, attitudes, impart knowledge and improve teaching skills, the results of the study indicate that training inputs might not necessarily transform into classroom practice. In order to facilitate and ensure vertical and horizontal integration of knowledge and skills and transfer of training to classroombased teaching, recurrent training in multi-grade teaching is therefore, suggested.
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- Date Issued: 2014
An evaluation of policies for attaining excellence in service delivery in the Port Elizabeth municipality
- Authors: Binza, Mzikayise Shakespeare
- Date: 2000
- Subjects: Customer services -- Quality control , Customer services -- Management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10777 , , Customer services -- Quality control , Customer services -- Management
- Description: This dissertation is based on the assumption that the Port Elizabeth Municipality should deliver essential services effectively, efficiently and economically so as to attain excellence in service delivery. The essential services dealt with in this study are electricity; refuse collection; sewerage; and water services. Attaining excellence in service delivery will lead the Port Elizabeth Municipality to improve and sustain the quality of life of the local inhabitants. The primary objectives of this dissertation include, inter alia: An historical analysis of delivery systems of the former government prior to 1994, which provides the primary reasons and purposes of delivery systems, and the effects on the Port Elizabeth Municipality. Reformation and transformation of South African local government since 1994, with particular reference to the Port Elizabeth Municipality. A normative model for service delivery, which is designed to accelerate service delivery in the local spheres of government, with special reference to the Port Elizabeth Municipality as the locus of this study. The nature, extent and evaluation of the existing service delivery by the Port Elizabeth Municipality from 1994 to 1999. An empirical survey is conducted in the form of questionnaires to the directors, heads of departments, senior managers, as well as councillors. Approaches and strategies for attaining excellence in service delivery, which include, inter alia: a government-business paradigm and an equilibrium approach. Lastly, a number of recommendations are made and conclusions are drawn based on the findings of the empirical survey in order to deliver essential services equitably, efficiently, effectively and economically to attain excellence in service delivery in the Port Elizabeth Municipality.
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- Date Issued: 2000
Georg Gruber : his contribution to music education in South Africa and an evaluation of selected vocal compositions and arrangements
- Authors: Matier, Rosemary
- Date: 1991
- Subjects: Gruber, Georg, 1904-1979 Musicians -- South Africa Music teachers -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MMus
- Identifier: vital:2647 ,
- Description: In this thesis I have given a factual account of Georg Gruber's contribution to music education in South Africa by giving a short biography and studying a) his philosophy of music education, b) the content of the music courses offered at Rhodes University during his occupancy of the Chair (1955-1972), c) the content of the music courses offered at the University of Fort Hare from 1974-1977, d) his contribution to choral education, e) his publications in the field of music education. I have given an evaluation of selected vocal compositions: a) Two masses, b) Terra Nova , c) Two African cantatas, i) Ukucula Ematola and ii) Izango ZakwaNtu , and seven arrangements of real folksongs from several different countries: a) Coventry Carol and Sweet Nightingale, b) Die Alibama, c) Merck tog hoe sterck, d) Entre Ie Boeuf et l'Ane gris, e) Aba Heidschi-bum-beidschi and f) Cheder Katan. Through the above study I have drawn conclusions regarding his compositional techniques prior to coming to South Africa as shown in the two mass compositions a nd the changes which occurred after being exposed to African music. The attention to detail in his arrangements and their sheer simplicity show his skill and craftsmanship also in this genre. Appendices of the works discussed have been submitted in a separate file and Appendix 8 lists all his available folksong arrangements.
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- Date Issued: 1991