Congruence between fine-scale genetic breaks and dispersal potential in an estuarine seaweed across multiple transition zones:
- Nicastro, Katy R, Assis, Jorge, Serrão, Ester A, Pearson, Gareth A, Neiva, Joao, Valero, Myriam, Jacinto, Rita, Zardi, Gerardo I
- Authors: Nicastro, Katy R , Assis, Jorge , Serrão, Ester A , Pearson, Gareth A , Neiva, Joao , Valero, Myriam , Jacinto, Rita , Zardi, Gerardo I
- Date: 2020
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38908 ,
- Description: Genetic structure in biogeographical transition zones can be shaped by several factors including limited dispersal across barriers, admixture following secondary contact, differential selection, and mating incompatibility. A striking example is found in Northwest France and Northwest Spain, where the estuarine seaweed Fucus ceranoides L. exhibits sharp, regional genetic clustering. This pattern has been related to historical population fragmentation and divergence into distinct glacial refugia, followed by post-glacial expansion and secondary contact. The contemporary persistence of sharp ancient genetic breaks between nearby estuaries has been attributed to prior colonization effects (density barriers) but the effect of oceanographic barriers has not been tested. Here, through a combination of mesoscale sampling (15 consecutive populations) and population genetic data (mtIGS) in NW France, we define regional genetic disjunctions similar to those described in NW Iberia. Most importantly, using high resolution dispersal simulations for Brittany and Iberian populations, we provide evidence for a central role of contemporary hydrodynamics in maintaining genetic breaks across these two major biogeographic transition zones. Our findings further show the importance of a comprehensive understanding of oceanographic regimes in hydrodynamically complex coastal regions to explain the maintenance of sharp genetic breaks along continuously populated coastlines.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Nicastro, Katy R , Assis, Jorge , Serrão, Ester A , Pearson, Gareth A , Neiva, Joao , Valero, Myriam , Jacinto, Rita , Zardi, Gerardo I
- Date: 2020
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38908 ,
- Description: Genetic structure in biogeographical transition zones can be shaped by several factors including limited dispersal across barriers, admixture following secondary contact, differential selection, and mating incompatibility. A striking example is found in Northwest France and Northwest Spain, where the estuarine seaweed Fucus ceranoides L. exhibits sharp, regional genetic clustering. This pattern has been related to historical population fragmentation and divergence into distinct glacial refugia, followed by post-glacial expansion and secondary contact. The contemporary persistence of sharp ancient genetic breaks between nearby estuaries has been attributed to prior colonization effects (density barriers) but the effect of oceanographic barriers has not been tested. Here, through a combination of mesoscale sampling (15 consecutive populations) and population genetic data (mtIGS) in NW France, we define regional genetic disjunctions similar to those described in NW Iberia. Most importantly, using high resolution dispersal simulations for Brittany and Iberian populations, we provide evidence for a central role of contemporary hydrodynamics in maintaining genetic breaks across these two major biogeographic transition zones. Our findings further show the importance of a comprehensive understanding of oceanographic regimes in hydrodynamically complex coastal regions to explain the maintenance of sharp genetic breaks along continuously populated coastlines.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Conservation biology of an apex predator in the Anthropocene : poaching, pastoralism and lions in multi-use landscapes, South-Eastern Africa
- Authors: Everatt, Kristoffer T
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Conservation biology -- Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:40839
- Description: Many of the world’s apex predators are experiencing catastrophic declines as a result of competition with humans. Understanding the mechanisms and ecosystem impacts of apex predator declines is a fundamental ecological question crucial to conserving the Earth’s biodiversity and functioning ecosystems. In this thesis I used the African lion Panthera leo, as a model species to investigate the impacts of anthropogenic pressures on the conservation and ecology of an apex predator. Specifically, I investigated the relative and cumulative influences of pastoralism and poaching on lion occurrence, population connectivity, ecological role, space use, prey selection and viability across a 73 000 km2 multi-use landscape in southern Africa. Using landscape occupancy spoor surveys, I tested the hypotheses that lions were most limited by either interference or by exploitative competition with humans and identified thresholds of lion tolerance to human activities. My results showed that lions occupied only a fraction of the landscape and were limited by a combination of interference and exploitative competition with humans. Interference competition with pastoralism however was the biggest driver limiting lion occupancy, creating a clear disturbance threshold for lions cumulating in their near complete loss from the landscape. I employed call-up surveys, pride monitoring and mortality analysis to investigate the numerical impacts of anthropogenic pressures on the viability of a lion sub-population. I found that persecution by pastoralists was the greatest source of lion mortalities across the landscape. However, the targeted poaching of lions for body parts had emerged as the greatest threat to lions in a nominally protected National Park where I documented a steep population decline and collapse of lion prides. I used GPS tracking and diet analysis of lions at the human-wildlands interface to test if lions foraged optimally or were constrained by competition with humans. I fount that individual lions appeared to select for prey and habitat optimally, while also showing some level of risk avoidance towards anthropogenic pressures. I then considered landscape resistances to test if sink habitats may provide connectivity between sources or act as ecological traps. I found that potential connectivity for lions between the region’s two source populations was limited by a loss of habitat and prey. Furthermore, the impacts of by-catch in snares risked transforming the few remaining potential conservation corridors into ecological traps. Finally, I examined interactions between lions and syntopic mesopredators across gradients of anthropogenic pressures to test if the functional role of lions was affected by human pressures. I found that lions showed limited suppression of mesopredators, however, anthropogenic pressures increased lion’s interactions with syntopic predators. As an apex predator, lions have evolved limited capacity to mitigate top-down competitive pressures, however, like many of the world’s apex predators, they are becoming increasingly limited by anthropogenic pressures. This study provides a predictive understanding of an apex predator’s ecological responses to top-down anthropogenic pressures which can be applied globally to the question of conservation in the Anthropocene.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Everatt, Kristoffer T
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Conservation biology -- Africa, Southern
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:40839
- Description: Many of the world’s apex predators are experiencing catastrophic declines as a result of competition with humans. Understanding the mechanisms and ecosystem impacts of apex predator declines is a fundamental ecological question crucial to conserving the Earth’s biodiversity and functioning ecosystems. In this thesis I used the African lion Panthera leo, as a model species to investigate the impacts of anthropogenic pressures on the conservation and ecology of an apex predator. Specifically, I investigated the relative and cumulative influences of pastoralism and poaching on lion occurrence, population connectivity, ecological role, space use, prey selection and viability across a 73 000 km2 multi-use landscape in southern Africa. Using landscape occupancy spoor surveys, I tested the hypotheses that lions were most limited by either interference or by exploitative competition with humans and identified thresholds of lion tolerance to human activities. My results showed that lions occupied only a fraction of the landscape and were limited by a combination of interference and exploitative competition with humans. Interference competition with pastoralism however was the biggest driver limiting lion occupancy, creating a clear disturbance threshold for lions cumulating in their near complete loss from the landscape. I employed call-up surveys, pride monitoring and mortality analysis to investigate the numerical impacts of anthropogenic pressures on the viability of a lion sub-population. I found that persecution by pastoralists was the greatest source of lion mortalities across the landscape. However, the targeted poaching of lions for body parts had emerged as the greatest threat to lions in a nominally protected National Park where I documented a steep population decline and collapse of lion prides. I used GPS tracking and diet analysis of lions at the human-wildlands interface to test if lions foraged optimally or were constrained by competition with humans. I fount that individual lions appeared to select for prey and habitat optimally, while also showing some level of risk avoidance towards anthropogenic pressures. I then considered landscape resistances to test if sink habitats may provide connectivity between sources or act as ecological traps. I found that potential connectivity for lions between the region’s two source populations was limited by a loss of habitat and prey. Furthermore, the impacts of by-catch in snares risked transforming the few remaining potential conservation corridors into ecological traps. Finally, I examined interactions between lions and syntopic mesopredators across gradients of anthropogenic pressures to test if the functional role of lions was affected by human pressures. I found that lions showed limited suppression of mesopredators, however, anthropogenic pressures increased lion’s interactions with syntopic predators. As an apex predator, lions have evolved limited capacity to mitigate top-down competitive pressures, however, like many of the world’s apex predators, they are becoming increasingly limited by anthropogenic pressures. This study provides a predictive understanding of an apex predator’s ecological responses to top-down anthropogenic pressures which can be applied globally to the question of conservation in the Anthropocene.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Conservation implications of fine scale population genetic structure of Ficus species in South African forests:
- Deng, Jun-Yin, van Noort, Simon, Compton, Stephen G, Chen, Yan, Greeff, Jaco M
- Authors: Deng, Jun-Yin , van Noort, Simon , Compton, Stephen G , Chen, Yan , Greeff, Jaco M
- Date: 2020
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:41074 , ttps://
- Description: Genetic considerations are rarely applied in forest conservation management strategies, but forest fragmentation can reduce pollen and seed dispersal both between and within isolated fragments. Gene flow and immigration rates determine the extent to which individual plants are related to each other at different distances from themselves. This gradation in relatedness is known as a population's fine scale spatial genetic structure (SGS). Specifically, reduced but clumped immigration from distant fragments reduces fine scale SGS, whereas reduced gene flow within fragments increases fine scale SGS. In addition, non-random mortality caused by post-dispersal ecological processes can also affect SGS. We studied the effects of fragmentation on the fine scale SGS of Ficus species with different habitat preferences and distributional ranges in an archipelago of South African forest patches.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Deng, Jun-Yin , van Noort, Simon , Compton, Stephen G , Chen, Yan , Greeff, Jaco M
- Date: 2020
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:41074 , ttps://
- Description: Genetic considerations are rarely applied in forest conservation management strategies, but forest fragmentation can reduce pollen and seed dispersal both between and within isolated fragments. Gene flow and immigration rates determine the extent to which individual plants are related to each other at different distances from themselves. This gradation in relatedness is known as a population's fine scale spatial genetic structure (SGS). Specifically, reduced but clumped immigration from distant fragments reduces fine scale SGS, whereas reduced gene flow within fragments increases fine scale SGS. In addition, non-random mortality caused by post-dispersal ecological processes can also affect SGS. We studied the effects of fragmentation on the fine scale SGS of Ficus species with different habitat preferences and distributional ranges in an archipelago of South African forest patches.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Conserved bacterial genomes from two geographically isolated peritidal stromatolite formations shed light on potential functional guilds
- Waterworth, Samantha C, Isemonger, Eric W, Rees, Evan R, Dorrington, Rosemary A
- Authors: Waterworth, Samantha C , Isemonger, Eric W , Rees, Evan R , Dorrington, Rosemary A
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72608 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Stromatolites are complex microbial mats that form lithified layers. Fossilized stromatolites are the oldest evidence of cellular life on Earth, dating back over3.4 billion years. Modern stromatolites are relatively rare but may provide clues about the function and evolution of their ancient counterparts. In this study, we focus on peritidal stromatolites occurring at Cape Recife and Schoenmakerskop on the southeastern South African coastline, the former being morphologically and structurally similar to fossilized phosphatic stromatolites formations. Using assembled shotgun metagenomic analysis, we obtained 183 genomic bins, of which the most dominant taxa were from the Cyanobacteria phylum. We identified functional gene sets in genomic bins conserved across two geographically isolated stromatolite formations, which included relatively high copy numbers of genes involved in the reduction of nitrates and phosphatic compounds. Additionally, we found little evidence of Archaeal species in these stromatolites, suggesting that they may not play an important role in peritidal stromatolite formations, as proposed for hypersaline formations.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Waterworth, Samantha C , Isemonger, Eric W , Rees, Evan R , Dorrington, Rosemary A
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72608 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Stromatolites are complex microbial mats that form lithified layers. Fossilized stromatolites are the oldest evidence of cellular life on Earth, dating back over3.4 billion years. Modern stromatolites are relatively rare but may provide clues about the function and evolution of their ancient counterparts. In this study, we focus on peritidal stromatolites occurring at Cape Recife and Schoenmakerskop on the southeastern South African coastline, the former being morphologically and structurally similar to fossilized phosphatic stromatolites formations. Using assembled shotgun metagenomic analysis, we obtained 183 genomic bins, of which the most dominant taxa were from the Cyanobacteria phylum. We identified functional gene sets in genomic bins conserved across two geographically isolated stromatolite formations, which included relatively high copy numbers of genes involved in the reduction of nitrates and phosphatic compounds. Additionally, we found little evidence of Archaeal species in these stromatolites, suggesting that they may not play an important role in peritidal stromatolite formations, as proposed for hypersaline formations.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Conserving land for people: transformative adaptive co-management of sustainable protected areas in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo
- Authors: Kalyongo, Kujirakwinja Deo
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Protected areas -- Congo (Democratic Republic) , Protected areas -- Government policy -- Congo (Democratic Republic) , Protected areas -- Management -- Congo (Democratic Republic) , Conservation of natural resources -- Congo (Democratic Republic)
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:41296
- Description: Conservation practices and approaches in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as in other parts of the world, have evolved from traditional to fortress and collaborative contemporary approaches such as adaptive co-management. These approaches aim to include multiple decision-makers using diversified resources and, existing formal and informal governance structures. Collaborative approaches also consider conflict resolution and external factors that can influence conservation outputs and outcomes. In the DRC context, conflicts over resources are related not only to resource access and power but also to the ineffectiveness of collaborative approaches that exclude stakeholders such as local communities. These conflicts have negatively affected protected areas and weakened the management and governance of protected areas. Therefore, evolving approaches such as adaptive co-management that consider power relations, the multi-scaled involvement of actors and learning loops to adjust strategies are seen as better options to improve the governance of protected areas and minimise the degradation of key ecosystems. My research explored the gazettement processes of three protected areas in the eastern DRC (Itombwe, Kabobo and Okapi Reserves). I focused on the influence of social-political, historical and psychological factors on the management and governance of protected areas in the DRC. In addition, the research reveals the inclusive gazettement processes of protected areas is the foundation of successful co-management approaches. I found that values and good governance practices play a key role in influencing local perceptions and support to conservation interventions. Whilst some conservation practitioners believe that economic benefits to communities are the most predominant motivating factor, I found that good conservation management practices can motivate communities to support protected area management. Bad management practices were related not only to inadequate conservation approaches and practices but also to factors such as corruption, inadequate law enforcement and the inappropriate equipment of rangers. Therefore, I suggest that long term protected area management in DRC should consider how the value of resources for communities and protected areas have been changing throughout the history of conservation, and how to best share power and responsibilities with local resource users and stakeholders. This is only possible if conservation practices and approaches, governance process and institutions are transformed at multiple levels.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Kalyongo, Kujirakwinja Deo
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Protected areas -- Congo (Democratic Republic) , Protected areas -- Government policy -- Congo (Democratic Republic) , Protected areas -- Management -- Congo (Democratic Republic) , Conservation of natural resources -- Congo (Democratic Republic)
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:41296
- Description: Conservation practices and approaches in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), as in other parts of the world, have evolved from traditional to fortress and collaborative contemporary approaches such as adaptive co-management. These approaches aim to include multiple decision-makers using diversified resources and, existing formal and informal governance structures. Collaborative approaches also consider conflict resolution and external factors that can influence conservation outputs and outcomes. In the DRC context, conflicts over resources are related not only to resource access and power but also to the ineffectiveness of collaborative approaches that exclude stakeholders such as local communities. These conflicts have negatively affected protected areas and weakened the management and governance of protected areas. Therefore, evolving approaches such as adaptive co-management that consider power relations, the multi-scaled involvement of actors and learning loops to adjust strategies are seen as better options to improve the governance of protected areas and minimise the degradation of key ecosystems. My research explored the gazettement processes of three protected areas in the eastern DRC (Itombwe, Kabobo and Okapi Reserves). I focused on the influence of social-political, historical and psychological factors on the management and governance of protected areas in the DRC. In addition, the research reveals the inclusive gazettement processes of protected areas is the foundation of successful co-management approaches. I found that values and good governance practices play a key role in influencing local perceptions and support to conservation interventions. Whilst some conservation practitioners believe that economic benefits to communities are the most predominant motivating factor, I found that good conservation management practices can motivate communities to support protected area management. Bad management practices were related not only to inadequate conservation approaches and practices but also to factors such as corruption, inadequate law enforcement and the inappropriate equipment of rangers. Therefore, I suggest that long term protected area management in DRC should consider how the value of resources for communities and protected areas have been changing throughout the history of conservation, and how to best share power and responsibilities with local resource users and stakeholders. This is only possible if conservation practices and approaches, governance process and institutions are transformed at multiple levels.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Constraints in attainment of sustainable human settlements at Kwamaphumulo Local Municipality
- Authors: Sikhosana, Phindokuhle
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Human settlements , Sustainable development
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:39829
- Description: This study sought to investigate the constraints in the attainment of sustainable human settlement in KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality at iLembe District in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The aim of this study was to investigate the constraints that limit the achievement of the ideal of sustainable human settlement development in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the impact of these constraints on sustainable development and to proffer measures that can be taken to combat stagnant or underdevelopment in the area. A mixed-method approach is followed in this study, which considers a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis and interpretation techniques. It is important to note that in the past years since South Africa became a democratic country, there have been countless efforts with regard to overcoming the problems created during the apartheid era. These problems stemmed from a distorted spatial, social, economic and political background that was advocated by both segregationist public policies and the planning systems of the Apartheid Regime. In recent years, South African cities have also been faced with environmental issues, which are imperative to the future development of the country. With all these issues in mind, we see that the many efforts that are put in place by government always fall short of solving the problems. This research report looked at the constraints that affect the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality in attaining sustainable human settlements and whether the efforts of redistribution and equality have been enough to overcome the problems. The key findings of the study were that constraints in attaining sustainable human settlements in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality negatively impacts on the development in the area. The level of services being provided is poor. There is an apparent disconnect between traditional leaders and the municipality councillor as development management and vision are concerned. Furthermore, the development programmes and projects do not seem to address the critical needs of the community. Housing development is narrow minded with a focus on the top structure and a failure to include basic services and infrastructure. Houses built that are financed by subsidies are of poor quality. The latter situation results in more able‐ bodied, skilled and capable people emigrating to developed areas.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Sikhosana, Phindokuhle
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Human settlements , Sustainable development
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:39829
- Description: This study sought to investigate the constraints in the attainment of sustainable human settlement in KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality at iLembe District in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The aim of this study was to investigate the constraints that limit the achievement of the ideal of sustainable human settlement development in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the impact of these constraints on sustainable development and to proffer measures that can be taken to combat stagnant or underdevelopment in the area. A mixed-method approach is followed in this study, which considers a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis and interpretation techniques. It is important to note that in the past years since South Africa became a democratic country, there have been countless efforts with regard to overcoming the problems created during the apartheid era. These problems stemmed from a distorted spatial, social, economic and political background that was advocated by both segregationist public policies and the planning systems of the Apartheid Regime. In recent years, South African cities have also been faced with environmental issues, which are imperative to the future development of the country. With all these issues in mind, we see that the many efforts that are put in place by government always fall short of solving the problems. This research report looked at the constraints that affect the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality in attaining sustainable human settlements and whether the efforts of redistribution and equality have been enough to overcome the problems. The key findings of the study were that constraints in attaining sustainable human settlements in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality negatively impacts on the development in the area. The level of services being provided is poor. There is an apparent disconnect between traditional leaders and the municipality councillor as development management and vision are concerned. Furthermore, the development programmes and projects do not seem to address the critical needs of the community. Housing development is narrow minded with a focus on the top structure and a failure to include basic services and infrastructure. Houses built that are financed by subsidies are of poor quality. The latter situation results in more able‐ bodied, skilled and capable people emigrating to developed areas.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Constraints in attainment of sustainable human settlements at Kwamaphumulo Local Municipality
- Authors: Sikhosana, Phindokuhle
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Human settlements -- South Africa -- Kwamaphumulo Local Municipality , Land settlement -- South Africa -- Kwamaphumulo Local Municipality
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:41141
- Description: This study sought to investigate the constraints in the attainment of sustainable human settlement in KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality at iLembe District in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The aim of this study was to investigate the constraints that limit the achievement of the ideal of sustainable human settlement development in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the impact of these constraints on sustainable development and to proffer measures that can be taken to combat stagnant or underdevelopment in the area. A mixed-method approach is followed in this study, which considers a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis and interpretation techniques. It is important to note that in the past years since South Africa became a democratic country, there have been countless efforts with regard to overcoming the problems created during the apartheid era. These problems stemmed from a distorted spatial, social, economic and political background that was advocated by both segregationist public policies and the planning systems of the Apartheid Regime. In recent years, South African cities have also been faced with environmental issues, which are imperative to the future development of the country. With all these issues in mind, we see that the many efforts that are put in place by government always fall short of solving the problems. This research report looked at the constraints that affect the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality in attaining sustainable human settlements and whether the efforts of redistribution and equality have been enough to overcome the problems. The key findings of the study were that constraints in attaining sustainable human settlements in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality negatively impacts on the development in the area. The level of services being provided is poor. There is an apparent disconnect between traditional leaders and the municipality councillor as development management and vision are concerned. Furthermore, the development programmes and projects do not seem to address the critical needs of the community. Housing development is narrow minded with a focus on the top structure and a failure to include basic services and infrastructure. Houses built that are 6 financed by subsidies are of poor quality. The latter situation results in more able‐ bodied, skilled and capable people emigrating to developed areas.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Sikhosana, Phindokuhle
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Human settlements -- South Africa -- Kwamaphumulo Local Municipality , Land settlement -- South Africa -- Kwamaphumulo Local Municipality
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:41141
- Description: This study sought to investigate the constraints in the attainment of sustainable human settlement in KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality at iLembe District in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The aim of this study was to investigate the constraints that limit the achievement of the ideal of sustainable human settlement development in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the impact of these constraints on sustainable development and to proffer measures that can be taken to combat stagnant or underdevelopment in the area. A mixed-method approach is followed in this study, which considers a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis and interpretation techniques. It is important to note that in the past years since South Africa became a democratic country, there have been countless efforts with regard to overcoming the problems created during the apartheid era. These problems stemmed from a distorted spatial, social, economic and political background that was advocated by both segregationist public policies and the planning systems of the Apartheid Regime. In recent years, South African cities have also been faced with environmental issues, which are imperative to the future development of the country. With all these issues in mind, we see that the many efforts that are put in place by government always fall short of solving the problems. This research report looked at the constraints that affect the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality in attaining sustainable human settlements and whether the efforts of redistribution and equality have been enough to overcome the problems. The key findings of the study were that constraints in attaining sustainable human settlements in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality negatively impacts on the development in the area. The level of services being provided is poor. There is an apparent disconnect between traditional leaders and the municipality councillor as development management and vision are concerned. Furthermore, the development programmes and projects do not seem to address the critical needs of the community. Housing development is narrow minded with a focus on the top structure and a failure to include basic services and infrastructure. Houses built that are 6 financed by subsidies are of poor quality. The latter situation results in more able‐ bodied, skilled and capable people emigrating to developed areas.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Constraints in attainment of sustainable human settlements at Kwamaphumulo Local Municipality
- Authors: Sikhosana, Phindokuhle
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Human settlements -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal , Low-income housing -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal City planning Land use, Urban
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:39826
- Description: This study sought to investigate the constraints in the attainment of sustainable human settlement in KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality at iLembe District in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The aim of this study was to investigate the constraints that limit the achievement of the ideal of sustainable human settlement development in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the impact of these constraints on sustainable development and to proffer measures that can be taken to combat stagnant or underdevelopment in the area. A mixed-method approach is followed in this study, which considers a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis and interpretation techniques. It is important to note that in the past years since South Africa became a democratic country, there have been countless efforts with regard to overcoming the problems created during the apartheid era. These problems stemmed from a distorted spatial, social, economic and political background that was advocated by both segregationist public policies and the planning systems of the Apartheid Regime. In recent years, South African cities have also been faced with environmental issues, which are imperative to the future development of the country. With all these issues in mind, we see that the many efforts that are put in place by government always fall short of solving the problems. This research report looked at the constraints that affect the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality in attaining sustainable human settlements and whether the efforts of redistribution and equality have been enough to overcome the problems. The key findings of the study were that constraints in attaining sustainable human settlements in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality negatively impacts on the development in the area. The level of services being provided is poor. There is an apparent disconnect between traditional leaders and the municipality councillor as development management and vision are concerned. Furthermore, the development programmes and projects do not seem to address the critical needs of the community. Housing development is narrow minded with a focus on the top structure and a failure to include basic services and infrastructure. Houses built that are 6 financed by subsidies are of poor quality. The latter situation results in more able‐ bodied, skilled and capable people emigrating to developed areas.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Sikhosana, Phindokuhle
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Human settlements -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal , Low-income housing -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal City planning Land use, Urban
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:39826
- Description: This study sought to investigate the constraints in the attainment of sustainable human settlement in KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality at iLembe District in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. The aim of this study was to investigate the constraints that limit the achievement of the ideal of sustainable human settlement development in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality. Furthermore, the study sought to determine the impact of these constraints on sustainable development and to proffer measures that can be taken to combat stagnant or underdevelopment in the area. A mixed-method approach is followed in this study, which considers a triangulation of quantitative and qualitative data collection, analysis and interpretation techniques. It is important to note that in the past years since South Africa became a democratic country, there have been countless efforts with regard to overcoming the problems created during the apartheid era. These problems stemmed from a distorted spatial, social, economic and political background that was advocated by both segregationist public policies and the planning systems of the Apartheid Regime. In recent years, South African cities have also been faced with environmental issues, which are imperative to the future development of the country. With all these issues in mind, we see that the many efforts that are put in place by government always fall short of solving the problems. This research report looked at the constraints that affect the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality in attaining sustainable human settlements and whether the efforts of redistribution and equality have been enough to overcome the problems. The key findings of the study were that constraints in attaining sustainable human settlements in the KwaMaphumulo Local Municipality negatively impacts on the development in the area. The level of services being provided is poor. There is an apparent disconnect between traditional leaders and the municipality councillor as development management and vision are concerned. Furthermore, the development programmes and projects do not seem to address the critical needs of the community. Housing development is narrow minded with a focus on the top structure and a failure to include basic services and infrastructure. Houses built that are 6 financed by subsidies are of poor quality. The latter situation results in more able‐ bodied, skilled and capable people emigrating to developed areas.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Constructions of United States government development funding in response to the global gag rule
- Molobela, Reabetswe Lee-Anne
- Authors: Molobela, Reabetswe Lee-Anne
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Pro-choice movement -- South Africa , Abortion -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Abortion -- Moral and ethical aspects -- South Africa , Abortion -- Psychological aspects , Reproductive rights -- South Africa , Economic assistance, American -- South Africa , Non-governmental organizations -- South Africa , Discourse analysis , Social constructionism , Global Gag Rule
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38727
- Description: Despite South Africa’s progressive abortion law, barriers to safe abortion are numerous and exist at both the macro and micro level. Barriers include abortion stigma, discrimination, strong moral judgements against abortion within society and conscientious objection among health care workers. Furthermore, women’s lack of knowledge regarding the legal status of abortion and the voluminous illegal advertisements of back street abortions undermines the legislation and promotes unsafe abortions. Sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have served as a link between service and people by providing information about safe abortion to women, especially in rural areas and have received funding from various platforms including United States government. However, the United States government has established the global gag rule which forbids foreign non-governmental organizations receiving United States government funding from using United States government and non-United States funds for abortion related activities. The global gag rule has been reinstated and extended by the current United States president. As such the global gag rule is expected to have an adverse effect on sexual and reproductive health rights in South Africa and on Sexual and reproductive health rights non-governmental organizations. The aim of the study is to highlight the constructions and responses to the global gag rule by sexual and reproductive health rights non-government organization workers in the South African context. This study used semi-structured individual interviews to collect data through purposive and snowball sampling of 10 South African Sexual and reproductive health rights non-governmental organizations workers. The study is situated within the social constructionist framework with emphasis on Fairclough’s three aspects of the constructive effects of discourse as an analytic tool in conjunction with Braun and Clarke’s social constructionist thematic analysis. The results of the study reflect on participants’ construction of United States government as imposing conservative agendas and taking regressive steps towards Sexual and reproductive health rights, which have in turn invoked indirect and direct resistance from non-governmental organizations. Additionally, NGO workers have constructed subject positions that highlight the vulnerability of non-governmental organizations dependency on United States government 1funding as it destabilizes and fragments civil society organization while it compromises the effectiveness of non-governmental organizations in serving the needs of intended communities. United States government is also constructed as strengthening abortion stigma and strengthening barriers to safe abortion that already exist in the country.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Molobela, Reabetswe Lee-Anne
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Pro-choice movement -- South Africa , Abortion -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Abortion -- Moral and ethical aspects -- South Africa , Abortion -- Psychological aspects , Reproductive rights -- South Africa , Economic assistance, American -- South Africa , Non-governmental organizations -- South Africa , Discourse analysis , Social constructionism , Global Gag Rule
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:38727
- Description: Despite South Africa’s progressive abortion law, barriers to safe abortion are numerous and exist at both the macro and micro level. Barriers include abortion stigma, discrimination, strong moral judgements against abortion within society and conscientious objection among health care workers. Furthermore, women’s lack of knowledge regarding the legal status of abortion and the voluminous illegal advertisements of back street abortions undermines the legislation and promotes unsafe abortions. Sexual and reproductive health rights (SRHR) non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have served as a link between service and people by providing information about safe abortion to women, especially in rural areas and have received funding from various platforms including United States government. However, the United States government has established the global gag rule which forbids foreign non-governmental organizations receiving United States government funding from using United States government and non-United States funds for abortion related activities. The global gag rule has been reinstated and extended by the current United States president. As such the global gag rule is expected to have an adverse effect on sexual and reproductive health rights in South Africa and on Sexual and reproductive health rights non-governmental organizations. The aim of the study is to highlight the constructions and responses to the global gag rule by sexual and reproductive health rights non-government organization workers in the South African context. This study used semi-structured individual interviews to collect data through purposive and snowball sampling of 10 South African Sexual and reproductive health rights non-governmental organizations workers. The study is situated within the social constructionist framework with emphasis on Fairclough’s three aspects of the constructive effects of discourse as an analytic tool in conjunction with Braun and Clarke’s social constructionist thematic analysis. The results of the study reflect on participants’ construction of United States government as imposing conservative agendas and taking regressive steps towards Sexual and reproductive health rights, which have in turn invoked indirect and direct resistance from non-governmental organizations. Additionally, NGO workers have constructed subject positions that highlight the vulnerability of non-governmental organizations dependency on United States government 1funding as it destabilizes and fragments civil society organization while it compromises the effectiveness of non-governmental organizations in serving the needs of intended communities. United States government is also constructed as strengthening abortion stigma and strengthening barriers to safe abortion that already exist in the country.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
Consumer behaviour regarding stock market participation in South Africa
- Authors: Mbewe, Wise
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Financial Literacy -- South Africa , Stock ownership -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:42107
- Description: South Africa (SA) has a highly sophisticated financial services sector that contributes significantly to the economy. A stock market forms a significant component of the financial sector of any economy. While the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) has managed to arouse interest of many South Africans, there appears to be apathy and inertia when it comes to actual participation in the stock market by South African consumers. Stock market non-participation is considered a “puzzle” in microeconomics and finance literature because it is not easy to explain the reason why many consumers, in spite of high stock returns, do not own listed shares. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to investigate consumer behaviour regarding stock market participation in SA by considering the antecedents and outcomes of stock market participation in SA.The study presented a theoretical literature review on the factors influencing stock market participation in SA. From the literature review, three sets of variables classified as independent variables, an intervening variable and dependent variables were identified. The independent variables (Demographic characteristics; Financial literacy; Investment risk tolerance; Communication; and Consumer trust) were identified as possibly influencing the intervening variable (Stock market participation) and ultimately the dependent variables (Client satisfaction and loyalty, Financial sustainability and Repurchase intentions). These variables were used to construct a hypothesised model and research hypotheses. The study further presented the research methodology (following a positivistic paradigm and quantitative research method), and the results of this study. In order to establish the influence of the independent variables on stock market participation, as well as ultimate influences on the dependent variables, an empirical investigation was conducted. Since it was not possible to reach all members of the target population, the population of this study was South African consumers located in four of the nine provinces, namely, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng. A sample of 510 respondents participated in the study.
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- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Mbewe, Wise
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Financial Literacy -- South Africa , Stock ownership -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:42107
- Description: South Africa (SA) has a highly sophisticated financial services sector that contributes significantly to the economy. A stock market forms a significant component of the financial sector of any economy. While the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) has managed to arouse interest of many South Africans, there appears to be apathy and inertia when it comes to actual participation in the stock market by South African consumers. Stock market non-participation is considered a “puzzle” in microeconomics and finance literature because it is not easy to explain the reason why many consumers, in spite of high stock returns, do not own listed shares. Thus, the primary objective of this study was to investigate consumer behaviour regarding stock market participation in SA by considering the antecedents and outcomes of stock market participation in SA.The study presented a theoretical literature review on the factors influencing stock market participation in SA. From the literature review, three sets of variables classified as independent variables, an intervening variable and dependent variables were identified. The independent variables (Demographic characteristics; Financial literacy; Investment risk tolerance; Communication; and Consumer trust) were identified as possibly influencing the intervening variable (Stock market participation) and ultimately the dependent variables (Client satisfaction and loyalty, Financial sustainability and Repurchase intentions). These variables were used to construct a hypothesised model and research hypotheses. The study further presented the research methodology (following a positivistic paradigm and quantitative research method), and the results of this study. In order to establish the influence of the independent variables on stock market participation, as well as ultimate influences on the dependent variables, an empirical investigation was conducted. Since it was not possible to reach all members of the target population, the population of this study was South African consumers located in four of the nine provinces, namely, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Kwa-Zulu Natal and Gauteng. A sample of 510 respondents participated in the study.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Consumer use of Mobile Payments as a mode of remittance for e-Commerce in a developing economy
- Authors: Liwani, Samkelo
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Mobile commerce -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:41066
- Description: E-commerce is penetrating emerging economies in sub-Saharan Africa as customers seek convenient shopping experiences that offer high quality products. This has led to the emergence of e-commerce, a borderless channel, which both regionally local and international retailers have exploited. The low income market segment of e-commerce customers has been found to be apprehensive of e-commerce due to trust concerns over card-mandating payment solutions, living a large unbanked market in developing economies excluded from the e-commerce experience due to a lack of inclusive electronic payment systems. Mobile payment systems offer a source of distinctive value for both merchants and consumers, thereby increasing the e-commerce market. Due to their high level of adoption, mobile payments are capable of providing a mode for reaching new market segments and opening opportunities to bring value propositions to segments that had been unreachable in the past. This study sought to uncover the perception of consumers in an emerging economy about the use of mobile payments as a mode of remittance in e-commerce transactions. This was done by describing the factors that influence the intention to use mobile payments on internet stores. The study also investigated the effect of demographic profile on intention and use in the South African context. An online questionnaire was developed and distributed to a convenience sample of retail consumers on social media platforms, and the collected data was analysed using the SPSS statistical package. The results confirmed that compatibility, personal innovativeness, perceived trust, perceived regulatory support, and promotional benefit have a direct influence to intention to use mobile payments as a mode of remittance for e-commerce transactions. Furthermore, social influence does not have a direct influence on intention to use mobile payments in the South African context. The results also revealed that, in South Africa, the largest population group, male and female gender groups do not differ in their opinion around mobile payments. The study findings illustrate the importance of context when considering technology innovation introduction to a new market. Despite social influence not being found to be a factor for intention to use mobile payments in the South African context, the same conclusion should not be generalised as it is contextual. Recommendations and conclusions were drawn from the discussion of the findings of this research.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Liwani, Samkelo
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Mobile commerce -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:41066
- Description: E-commerce is penetrating emerging economies in sub-Saharan Africa as customers seek convenient shopping experiences that offer high quality products. This has led to the emergence of e-commerce, a borderless channel, which both regionally local and international retailers have exploited. The low income market segment of e-commerce customers has been found to be apprehensive of e-commerce due to trust concerns over card-mandating payment solutions, living a large unbanked market in developing economies excluded from the e-commerce experience due to a lack of inclusive electronic payment systems. Mobile payment systems offer a source of distinctive value for both merchants and consumers, thereby increasing the e-commerce market. Due to their high level of adoption, mobile payments are capable of providing a mode for reaching new market segments and opening opportunities to bring value propositions to segments that had been unreachable in the past. This study sought to uncover the perception of consumers in an emerging economy about the use of mobile payments as a mode of remittance in e-commerce transactions. This was done by describing the factors that influence the intention to use mobile payments on internet stores. The study also investigated the effect of demographic profile on intention and use in the South African context. An online questionnaire was developed and distributed to a convenience sample of retail consumers on social media platforms, and the collected data was analysed using the SPSS statistical package. The results confirmed that compatibility, personal innovativeness, perceived trust, perceived regulatory support, and promotional benefit have a direct influence to intention to use mobile payments as a mode of remittance for e-commerce transactions. Furthermore, social influence does not have a direct influence on intention to use mobile payments in the South African context. The results also revealed that, in South Africa, the largest population group, male and female gender groups do not differ in their opinion around mobile payments. The study findings illustrate the importance of context when considering technology innovation introduction to a new market. Despite social influence not being found to be a factor for intention to use mobile payments in the South African context, the same conclusion should not be generalised as it is contextual. Recommendations and conclusions were drawn from the discussion of the findings of this research.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Contesting boundaries: a case of municipal demarcation disputes in Vuwani Vhembe District
- Authors: Khowa, Thandeka Promise
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Geographical boundaries
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:42670
- Description: The research study in Vuwani Vhembe district sought to investigate demarcation disputes, the relationship between service delivery and demarcation disputes. The study further investigates the role of municipal demarcation board and local government adherence to sound governance principles and the causes of the demarcation dispute in Vuwani. The study additionally examines the conceptions and misconceptions, their impact on the current demarcation disputes in Vuwani. It further intended to establish the role and involvement of Vuwani stakeholders such as traditional structures/ leaders, civil unions, community members etc. in the processes of demarcating Vuwani. “What is the cause of Vuwani community member’s rejection of the re-demarcation, which is said to correct the past spatial injustices and promote municipal sizing, thus enabling better performance in service provision by municipalities?” The study employed a mixed-method involving the use of both quantitative (mini-survey) and qualitative (use of in-depth, semi structures interviews and focus group discussions). Research findings suggest that re-demarcation is a sensitive aspect/process in South Africa, mainly due to the past Apartheid era. There was forceful removal of people from their land supported by Apartheid legislation such as the Native Land Act 1913, Group Act 1950, Native Resettlement Act 1954 etc. Thus, fears of the past Apartheid system cloud any attempt to correct spatial injustices of the country. The new democratic South African government, therefore, needs to be cautious in its acts to correct the spatial injustices, thus adhering to sound governance principles. Findings reveal that several misconceptions and lack of adherence of good governance principles by the Municipal Demarcation Board and Local government have, to some extent, fueled the demarcation disputes in Vuwani. Municipal performance in the rendering of service delivery has a major impact and contributes to the community’s acceptance or rejection of demarcation/ amalgamations. The study further reveals that in Vuwani municipal performance with the establishment of the new Collins Chabane municipality has been clouded by fear of the unknown as this form of “demarcation of establishing a new municipality” altogether is relatively new. Rural land authority, the role of traditional leaders, ethnicity ties have all been found to have contributed to the disputes in Vuwani. Limpopo Province is home to three ethnic groups, namely, vaVhenda, baPedi and xiTsonga. The study findings have presented traits of tribalism as contributing to on-going demarcation disputes in Vuwani.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Khowa, Thandeka Promise
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Geographical boundaries
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:42670
- Description: The research study in Vuwani Vhembe district sought to investigate demarcation disputes, the relationship between service delivery and demarcation disputes. The study further investigates the role of municipal demarcation board and local government adherence to sound governance principles and the causes of the demarcation dispute in Vuwani. The study additionally examines the conceptions and misconceptions, their impact on the current demarcation disputes in Vuwani. It further intended to establish the role and involvement of Vuwani stakeholders such as traditional structures/ leaders, civil unions, community members etc. in the processes of demarcating Vuwani. “What is the cause of Vuwani community member’s rejection of the re-demarcation, which is said to correct the past spatial injustices and promote municipal sizing, thus enabling better performance in service provision by municipalities?” The study employed a mixed-method involving the use of both quantitative (mini-survey) and qualitative (use of in-depth, semi structures interviews and focus group discussions). Research findings suggest that re-demarcation is a sensitive aspect/process in South Africa, mainly due to the past Apartheid era. There was forceful removal of people from their land supported by Apartheid legislation such as the Native Land Act 1913, Group Act 1950, Native Resettlement Act 1954 etc. Thus, fears of the past Apartheid system cloud any attempt to correct spatial injustices of the country. The new democratic South African government, therefore, needs to be cautious in its acts to correct the spatial injustices, thus adhering to sound governance principles. Findings reveal that several misconceptions and lack of adherence of good governance principles by the Municipal Demarcation Board and Local government have, to some extent, fueled the demarcation disputes in Vuwani. Municipal performance in the rendering of service delivery has a major impact and contributes to the community’s acceptance or rejection of demarcation/ amalgamations. The study further reveals that in Vuwani municipal performance with the establishment of the new Collins Chabane municipality has been clouded by fear of the unknown as this form of “demarcation of establishing a new municipality” altogether is relatively new. Rural land authority, the role of traditional leaders, ethnicity ties have all been found to have contributed to the disputes in Vuwani. Limpopo Province is home to three ethnic groups, namely, vaVhenda, baPedi and xiTsonga. The study findings have presented traits of tribalism as contributing to on-going demarcation disputes in Vuwani.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Continuous flow synthesis of 5-formyl-2,4- dimethyl-1h-pyrrole-3-carboxylic acid, a key intermediate towards the synthesis of sunitinib anti-cancer drug
- Authors: Gqokoma, Zizo
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Flow chemistry
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:40852
- Description: The present trend in the pharmaceutical industry is towards adapting continuous flow processing with the main driving force behind this being the need to reduce environmental and economic costs. Continuous flow systems have proven to produce better quality products at lower costs, time and energy. As a result, this technique has diversified and expanded to provide novel, and practical solutions to not only organic synthesis but also renewable fuels and material science. The focus of this research work was to exploit continuous flow systems, to develop a continuous flow process that is energy and time effective, using commercial micro reactors to synthesize 5-formyl-2,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxylic acid, a key intermediate towards the synthesis of sunitinib, an anti-cancer drug. In this thesis, a successful study on the individual translation of a 5 step batch synthesis of 5- formyl-2,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxylic acid into optimised continuous flow syntheses is demonstrated. A comprehensive literature review and background on cancer, and an introduction to pyrrole rings, their role in disease treatments in addition to a brief introduction to continuous flow technology with its advantages, and comparison to classical batch methods are provided in the first chapter. Chapter two is detailing the experimental procedures utilised for both batch and continuous flow syntheses. The continuous flow synthesis of the four intermediates towards the target compound in this work proved to be far superior compared to their batch syntheses; excellent improvements in reaction yields and selectivity in addition to tremendously shorter reaction times were observed. This is expounded in chapter three with detailed discussions of the results attained during the continuous flow optimisation of each step within the scope of this research, are provided. The concluding remarks, the impact of this study and future work are elucidated in chapter four.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Gqokoma, Zizo
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Flow chemistry
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:40852
- Description: The present trend in the pharmaceutical industry is towards adapting continuous flow processing with the main driving force behind this being the need to reduce environmental and economic costs. Continuous flow systems have proven to produce better quality products at lower costs, time and energy. As a result, this technique has diversified and expanded to provide novel, and practical solutions to not only organic synthesis but also renewable fuels and material science. The focus of this research work was to exploit continuous flow systems, to develop a continuous flow process that is energy and time effective, using commercial micro reactors to synthesize 5-formyl-2,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxylic acid, a key intermediate towards the synthesis of sunitinib, an anti-cancer drug. In this thesis, a successful study on the individual translation of a 5 step batch synthesis of 5- formyl-2,4-dimethyl-1H-pyrrole-3-carboxylic acid into optimised continuous flow syntheses is demonstrated. A comprehensive literature review and background on cancer, and an introduction to pyrrole rings, their role in disease treatments in addition to a brief introduction to continuous flow technology with its advantages, and comparison to classical batch methods are provided in the first chapter. Chapter two is detailing the experimental procedures utilised for both batch and continuous flow syntheses. The continuous flow synthesis of the four intermediates towards the target compound in this work proved to be far superior compared to their batch syntheses; excellent improvements in reaction yields and selectivity in addition to tremendously shorter reaction times were observed. This is expounded in chapter three with detailed discussions of the results attained during the continuous flow optimisation of each step within the scope of this research, are provided. The concluding remarks, the impact of this study and future work are elucidated in chapter four.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Continuous flow synthesis of imatinib intermediates
- Authors: Rupapa, Harold Takunda
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Flow chemistry
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:39993
- Description: In this thesis, an alternative approach using continuous flow chemistry towards imatinib intermediates is described; an important drug in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. Various protocols that describe the multistep batch organic synthesis of imatinib are outlined. Many of the batch synthetic protocols require long reaction times in the multistep synthesis towards the various imatinib intermediates. A broad description into the cancer epidemic such as myeloid leukemia, the cost of drug manufacture and the effect that the high cost of manufacture has on the accessibility to such treatment in Africa is outlined. Use of continuous flow reactors, the exploitation of various technologies and their advantages on organic synthesis compared to batch synthesis are also described. The batch reaction conditions needed for the multistep transformation towards imatinib were adapted to a continuous flow set up. The optimization investigation shows an improvement in the conversion in the various steps. The flow synthesis of the enaminone provided a conversion of 99% when in o-xylene and the ability to use backpressure regulators assisted the investigation at high temperatures. Solution-phase flow synthesis of the guanidinium nitrate, which gave low yields in batch, also showed an improvement in conversion, where in 30 minutes a conversion of 99% was confirmed by altering the co-solvent mixture. The cycloaddition reaction of the enaminone and the guanidinium nitrate salt, achieved 90% conversion to the 2-aminopyridine core at 180 oC. The nitro group reduction was achieved in the presence of a greener catalyst, namely iron pentanedionate, in the presence of hydrazine hydrate. The effect of temperature, molar equivalence and solvent on reaction conversions could be observed in these steps. The thesis is concluded in chapter 4, with the conclusion and recommendations for future work towards a scalable continuous flow synthesis of the imatinib intermediates.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Rupapa, Harold Takunda
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Flow chemistry
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:39993
- Description: In this thesis, an alternative approach using continuous flow chemistry towards imatinib intermediates is described; an important drug in the treatment of acute myeloid leukemia. Various protocols that describe the multistep batch organic synthesis of imatinib are outlined. Many of the batch synthetic protocols require long reaction times in the multistep synthesis towards the various imatinib intermediates. A broad description into the cancer epidemic such as myeloid leukemia, the cost of drug manufacture and the effect that the high cost of manufacture has on the accessibility to such treatment in Africa is outlined. Use of continuous flow reactors, the exploitation of various technologies and their advantages on organic synthesis compared to batch synthesis are also described. The batch reaction conditions needed for the multistep transformation towards imatinib were adapted to a continuous flow set up. The optimization investigation shows an improvement in the conversion in the various steps. The flow synthesis of the enaminone provided a conversion of 99% when in o-xylene and the ability to use backpressure regulators assisted the investigation at high temperatures. Solution-phase flow synthesis of the guanidinium nitrate, which gave low yields in batch, also showed an improvement in conversion, where in 30 minutes a conversion of 99% was confirmed by altering the co-solvent mixture. The cycloaddition reaction of the enaminone and the guanidinium nitrate salt, achieved 90% conversion to the 2-aminopyridine core at 180 oC. The nitro group reduction was achieved in the presence of a greener catalyst, namely iron pentanedionate, in the presence of hydrazine hydrate. The effect of temperature, molar equivalence and solvent on reaction conversions could be observed in these steps. The thesis is concluded in chapter 4, with the conclusion and recommendations for future work towards a scalable continuous flow synthesis of the imatinib intermediates.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Continuous professional development for medical sales representatives: a needs assessment
- Authors: Heleta, Jade Lana
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Career development -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCur
- Identifier: , vital:39576
- Description: Employees in any industry need to continuously update their skills in order to be knowledgeable and competitive. Conducting a needs assessment plays an instrumental role in ensuring that continuous professional development (CPD) training is relevant to the target audience. In many organisations, however, CPD training programmes are often planned and delivered without a comprehensive needs assessment first being undertaken. This was a quantitative study that used a descriptive survey design and an online survey tool for data collection and analysis. Using an all-inclusive sample, the purpose of this study was to explore and describe CPD needs of medical sales representatives at an international medical devices company that operates in South Africa. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Research findings are depicted in frequencies, percentages, tables and figures. The findings of the study reveal specific training needs of the respondents and the shortcomings of the existing CPD offerings. The findings show that the CPD training offered by the company under study is mostly product specific and about sales. The respondents have highlighted that they would like to see more practical training to be incorporated into the CPD training programmes. It was also noted that the respondents would like to provide more input into the training programmes that are being offered by the company under study. The study has also identified areas where the company can improve in order to make these CPD training opportunities a more satisfying, educational and developmental experience for the employees. While the study focuses on one company, findings are relevant for other similar companies, as well as companies in other industries, since CPD at the workplace is a necessity in any competitive business environment or industry in order to increase productivity, sales, staff retention and customer satisfaction.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Heleta, Jade Lana
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Career development -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCur
- Identifier: , vital:39576
- Description: Employees in any industry need to continuously update their skills in order to be knowledgeable and competitive. Conducting a needs assessment plays an instrumental role in ensuring that continuous professional development (CPD) training is relevant to the target audience. In many organisations, however, CPD training programmes are often planned and delivered without a comprehensive needs assessment first being undertaken. This was a quantitative study that used a descriptive survey design and an online survey tool for data collection and analysis. Using an all-inclusive sample, the purpose of this study was to explore and describe CPD needs of medical sales representatives at an international medical devices company that operates in South Africa. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Research findings are depicted in frequencies, percentages, tables and figures. The findings of the study reveal specific training needs of the respondents and the shortcomings of the existing CPD offerings. The findings show that the CPD training offered by the company under study is mostly product specific and about sales. The respondents have highlighted that they would like to see more practical training to be incorporated into the CPD training programmes. It was also noted that the respondents would like to provide more input into the training programmes that are being offered by the company under study. The study has also identified areas where the company can improve in order to make these CPD training opportunities a more satisfying, educational and developmental experience for the employees. While the study focuses on one company, findings are relevant for other similar companies, as well as companies in other industries, since CPD at the workplace is a necessity in any competitive business environment or industry in order to increase productivity, sales, staff retention and customer satisfaction.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Contraceptive use and Sex Education among Teenagers in Mdantsane Township, Eastern Cape
- Authors: Ibikunle, Kehinde Olaoye
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Sex instruction Primary Health Care
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPH
- Identifier: , vital:42263
- Description: Uptake of contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy among sexually active teenagers in South Africa remains low as evidenced by the high prevalence of unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortions among adolescents. This is happening despite the wide availability of contraceptives which are also offered free of charge and in a context where comprehensive sexuality education is provided from primary school level. There is limited evidence regarding contraceptive use among teenagers in South Africa, which limits the decision making on targeting for promoting use of contraceptives. To address this gap, a quantitative cross sectional study of women aged 13 and above was conducted in Mdatsane Township to investigate the factors associated with contraceptive use among teenagers and compare this with young women aged 20 and above, as well as to assess if there are any associations in the use of contraceptives between the demographic characteristics of the teenagers and their caregivers. The study findings showed that non-use of contraceptives was 53.3%. Teenagers were significantly less likely to use contraceptives, OR 0.31, 95% CI (0.18 – 0.530), more likely to use injectables OR 3.48 95% CI 1.99 – 6.08, more likely to identify partner issues being reason for not using condoms OR 10.60, 95 % CI (2.01 – 55.94). Teenager were more likely to have Termination of unwanted pregnancy on the past (TOP), OR 2.13 95% CI (1.03 – 4.38), and would likely choose Depo/Petogen even if it increases HIV transmission OR 3.65, 95% CI (1.98 – 6.73). Teenagers were more likely to have been exposed to sex education and less likely to have a close relationship with caregivers OR 0.49 95% CI (0.27 – 0.90). In view of these findings it is logical to argue that although teenagers have accessed CSE they have not been able to translate it into action. Hence the need to develop the strategies that can help facilitate behaviour change. Further in-depth studies must be conducted to establish which types of contraceptives are preferred and acceptable to teenagers. Promote self-efficacy of teenagers to be empowered to make own decisions and not put their partners’ preferences on use of contraceptives and continue promoting primary and secondary abstinence while also encouraging delayed sexual debut
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Ibikunle, Kehinde Olaoye
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Sex instruction Primary Health Care
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPH
- Identifier: , vital:42263
- Description: Uptake of contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancy among sexually active teenagers in South Africa remains low as evidenced by the high prevalence of unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortions among adolescents. This is happening despite the wide availability of contraceptives which are also offered free of charge and in a context where comprehensive sexuality education is provided from primary school level. There is limited evidence regarding contraceptive use among teenagers in South Africa, which limits the decision making on targeting for promoting use of contraceptives. To address this gap, a quantitative cross sectional study of women aged 13 and above was conducted in Mdatsane Township to investigate the factors associated with contraceptive use among teenagers and compare this with young women aged 20 and above, as well as to assess if there are any associations in the use of contraceptives between the demographic characteristics of the teenagers and their caregivers. The study findings showed that non-use of contraceptives was 53.3%. Teenagers were significantly less likely to use contraceptives, OR 0.31, 95% CI (0.18 – 0.530), more likely to use injectables OR 3.48 95% CI 1.99 – 6.08, more likely to identify partner issues being reason for not using condoms OR 10.60, 95 % CI (2.01 – 55.94). Teenager were more likely to have Termination of unwanted pregnancy on the past (TOP), OR 2.13 95% CI (1.03 – 4.38), and would likely choose Depo/Petogen even if it increases HIV transmission OR 3.65, 95% CI (1.98 – 6.73). Teenagers were more likely to have been exposed to sex education and less likely to have a close relationship with caregivers OR 0.49 95% CI (0.27 – 0.90). In view of these findings it is logical to argue that although teenagers have accessed CSE they have not been able to translate it into action. Hence the need to develop the strategies that can help facilitate behaviour change. Further in-depth studies must be conducted to establish which types of contraceptives are preferred and acceptable to teenagers. Promote self-efficacy of teenagers to be empowered to make own decisions and not put their partners’ preferences on use of contraceptives and continue promoting primary and secondary abstinence while also encouraging delayed sexual debut
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- Date Issued: 2020
Contradictions in womxn’s experiences of pre-abortion counselling in South Africa: Implications for client‐centred practice
- Mavuso, Jabulile M-J J, Macleod, Catriona I
- Authors: Mavuso, Jabulile M-J J , Macleod, Catriona I
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:74140 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Pre-abortion counselling may play a key role in abortion seekers’ understanding of their decision to terminate a pregnancy and the subsequent emotions that they feel. In this paper, we report on a study conducted in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa concerning womxn's experiences of the pre-abortion counselling offered as part of the implementation of the Choice of Termination Act that governs the provision of legal abortion in the country. Using a narrative-discursive lens, the analysis revealed four micro-narratives in which participants appreciated non-directive and empathic counselling, as well as being provided with information. They also indicated that the counselling was upsetting and hurtful, particularly when providers drew on the awfulisation of abortion discourse to suggest that abortion leads to terrible consequences, and foetal personhood discourse to intimate that terminating the pregnancy is wrong and other alternatives (adoption, parenting) are better. The connection between these broadly positive and negative responses may lie in the dominance of anti-abortion discourses coupled with the powerful positioning of healthcare providers as experts. The attendant disempowerment of clients within the health clinic setting may constrain pregnant people's ability to question such ‘expert’ information. The implications for feminist client-centred pre-abortion counselling are discussed.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Mavuso, Jabulile M-J J , Macleod, Catriona I
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:74140 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Pre-abortion counselling may play a key role in abortion seekers’ understanding of their decision to terminate a pregnancy and the subsequent emotions that they feel. In this paper, we report on a study conducted in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa concerning womxn's experiences of the pre-abortion counselling offered as part of the implementation of the Choice of Termination Act that governs the provision of legal abortion in the country. Using a narrative-discursive lens, the analysis revealed four micro-narratives in which participants appreciated non-directive and empathic counselling, as well as being provided with information. They also indicated that the counselling was upsetting and hurtful, particularly when providers drew on the awfulisation of abortion discourse to suggest that abortion leads to terrible consequences, and foetal personhood discourse to intimate that terminating the pregnancy is wrong and other alternatives (adoption, parenting) are better. The connection between these broadly positive and negative responses may lie in the dominance of anti-abortion discourses coupled with the powerful positioning of healthcare providers as experts. The attendant disempowerment of clients within the health clinic setting may constrain pregnant people's ability to question such ‘expert’ information. The implications for feminist client-centred pre-abortion counselling are discussed.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Contributions of the pars lateralis, pars basilaris and femur to age estimations of the immature skeleton within a South African forensic setting:
- Thornton, Roxanne, Edkins, Adrienne L, Hutchinson, E F
- Authors: Thornton, Roxanne , Edkins, Adrienne L , Hutchinson, E F
- Date: 2020
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:41245 ,
- Description: Dental development and eruption sequences have prevailed as the gold standard in age estimations of previously unidentified immature individuals within a legal context. However, in the absence of the dentition, skeletal assessments have served as a frequently applied alternative. While various cranial and postcranial skeletal elements have been used in estimating age of the immature skeleton, little is known about the anthropometric value of the pars basilaris, pars lateralis and femur as skeletal age estimation tools. Thus, this study aimed to assess if these bones of the immature human skeleton were useful elements in estimating the age of prenatal and postnatal individuals. These bones were excised from the remains of 74 unclaimed human immature individuals and evaluated using traditional anthropometric methods. The study sample was sourced from the Johannesburg Forensic Pathology Services (JFPS) and the Johannesburg Forensic Paediatric Collection (JFPC), University of the Witwatersrand and subdivided into an early prenatal (younger than 30 gestational weeks); late prenatal (30 to 40 gestational weeks) and postnatal (birth to 7.5 months) age ranges.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Thornton, Roxanne , Edkins, Adrienne L , Hutchinson, E F
- Date: 2020
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:41245 ,
- Description: Dental development and eruption sequences have prevailed as the gold standard in age estimations of previously unidentified immature individuals within a legal context. However, in the absence of the dentition, skeletal assessments have served as a frequently applied alternative. While various cranial and postcranial skeletal elements have been used in estimating age of the immature skeleton, little is known about the anthropometric value of the pars basilaris, pars lateralis and femur as skeletal age estimation tools. Thus, this study aimed to assess if these bones of the immature human skeleton were useful elements in estimating the age of prenatal and postnatal individuals. These bones were excised from the remains of 74 unclaimed human immature individuals and evaluated using traditional anthropometric methods. The study sample was sourced from the Johannesburg Forensic Pathology Services (JFPS) and the Johannesburg Forensic Paediatric Collection (JFPC), University of the Witwatersrand and subdivided into an early prenatal (younger than 30 gestational weeks); late prenatal (30 to 40 gestational weeks) and postnatal (birth to 7.5 months) age ranges.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Contributions to the systematics and ecology of Tulista Raf(Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae)
- Authors: Molteno, Steven Martin
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Plant ecology -- South Africa , Plant ecology -- Comparative method Biodiversity , Species diversity
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:41608
- Description: The subject of this study is the taxonomy, morphology, distribution and ecology of Tulista Raf. (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae), a genus of succulent plants that are endemic to South Africa. A lack of clarity on the taxonomy of this genus, coupled with an incomplete understanding of the distribution, ecology and habitat preferences of the constituent species, risks hampering the conservation of Tulista species, two of which are endangered species. The purpose of this study is therefore to address the need for a more detailed and consistent treatment of Tulista taxonomy and morphology, complemented by a study of the plants’ distribution and ecology. The work first provides a review of the relevant taxonomy and nomenclature, concluding with the presentation of the validly published names referring to Tulista. A detailed morphometric study resulted in strong support for one species, Tulista marginata (Lam.) G.D.Rowley, as well as for a grouping comprising Tulista pumila (L.) G.D.Rowley and Tulista minor (Aiton) Gideon F.Sm. & Molteno, with further moderate support for the distinction between the latter two species. The fourth out of the currently recognised species, Tulista kingiana (Poelln.) Gideon F.Sm. & Molteno, was only weakly characterised by the morphometric results, which suggested that its closest morphological affinity may be with hybrid plants that are sometimes found near T. marginata populations. The characterisation of some more controversial taxa was not supported in the results. Some changes to the circumscription of currently recognised Tulista species are also suggested by the results. In addition, field work conducted during the course of the study resulted in an expanded set of distribution data for the genus, together with certain habitat variables identified as potentially significant for the distribution and ecology of Tulista species.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Molteno, Steven Martin
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Plant ecology -- South Africa , Plant ecology -- Comparative method Biodiversity , Species diversity
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:41608
- Description: The subject of this study is the taxonomy, morphology, distribution and ecology of Tulista Raf. (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae), a genus of succulent plants that are endemic to South Africa. A lack of clarity on the taxonomy of this genus, coupled with an incomplete understanding of the distribution, ecology and habitat preferences of the constituent species, risks hampering the conservation of Tulista species, two of which are endangered species. The purpose of this study is therefore to address the need for a more detailed and consistent treatment of Tulista taxonomy and morphology, complemented by a study of the plants’ distribution and ecology. The work first provides a review of the relevant taxonomy and nomenclature, concluding with the presentation of the validly published names referring to Tulista. A detailed morphometric study resulted in strong support for one species, Tulista marginata (Lam.) G.D.Rowley, as well as for a grouping comprising Tulista pumila (L.) G.D.Rowley and Tulista minor (Aiton) Gideon F.Sm. & Molteno, with further moderate support for the distinction between the latter two species. The fourth out of the currently recognised species, Tulista kingiana (Poelln.) Gideon F.Sm. & Molteno, was only weakly characterised by the morphometric results, which suggested that its closest morphological affinity may be with hybrid plants that are sometimes found near T. marginata populations. The characterisation of some more controversial taxa was not supported in the results. Some changes to the circumscription of currently recognised Tulista species are also suggested by the results. In addition, field work conducted during the course of the study resulted in an expanded set of distribution data for the genus, together with certain habitat variables identified as potentially significant for the distribution and ecology of Tulista species.
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- Date Issued: 2020
Convergence effects of African GDP with the rest of the world: Analysis the African continental free trade agreement
- Matonana, Phumelela Ntombiyesibini
- Authors: Matonana, Phumelela Ntombiyesibini
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Gross domestic product -- Africa -- Statistics , Economic development -- Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:42102
- Description: This study is an investigation of the convergence hypothesis in African countries motivated by the increasing interest to measure disparities in the establishment of an economic union. The objective of this study is to provide an analysis of convergence in Africa by looking at the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) against 6 of its top trading partner groups. This study seeks to establish whether Africa and African countries who belong to the AfCFTA catchup to the growth rates of their more developed trading partners. The data sample spans from 1971- 2018. The method of analysis employed in this study is a unit root testing procedure using the linear ADF and nonlinear KSS unit root tests, the HEGY and Canova and Hansen seasonal unit root tests, the Lee and Strazicich structural break test, and the Flexible Fourier Function (FFF) and Fractional Frequency Flexible Fourier Function (FFFFF) unit root tests to account for smooth structural breaks. This study is, as we have reviewed, the first to investigate convergence in the newly established economic union and the first employ the above-mentioned series of unit root tests. The empirical outcomes in this study point towards weak evidence of convergence between Africa and international trade groups when considering the more robust Fourier-based unit root tests. Therefore, we conclude that Africa does not necessarily exhibit catch up effects with a majority of its trading partners.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2020
- Authors: Matonana, Phumelela Ntombiyesibini
- Date: 2020
- Subjects: Gross domestic product -- Africa -- Statistics , Economic development -- Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:42102
- Description: This study is an investigation of the convergence hypothesis in African countries motivated by the increasing interest to measure disparities in the establishment of an economic union. The objective of this study is to provide an analysis of convergence in Africa by looking at the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) against 6 of its top trading partner groups. This study seeks to establish whether Africa and African countries who belong to the AfCFTA catchup to the growth rates of their more developed trading partners. The data sample spans from 1971- 2018. The method of analysis employed in this study is a unit root testing procedure using the linear ADF and nonlinear KSS unit root tests, the HEGY and Canova and Hansen seasonal unit root tests, the Lee and Strazicich structural break test, and the Flexible Fourier Function (FFF) and Fractional Frequency Flexible Fourier Function (FFFFF) unit root tests to account for smooth structural breaks. This study is, as we have reviewed, the first to investigate convergence in the newly established economic union and the first employ the above-mentioned series of unit root tests. The empirical outcomes in this study point towards weak evidence of convergence between Africa and international trade groups when considering the more robust Fourier-based unit root tests. Therefore, we conclude that Africa does not necessarily exhibit catch up effects with a majority of its trading partners.
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- Date Issued: 2020