The effect of in vitro digestion on selected biological activities of Hypoxis sobolifera corms
- Authors: Van Rooyen, Anzel
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Potatoes -- Therapeutic use , Medicinal plants
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10344 ,
- Description: In South Africa part of the cultural and religious beliefs of the African people is the use of traditional remedies to treat diseases. These remedies are obtained from medicinal plants (Steenkamp, 2003). One of the most frequently traded plants in the Eastern Cape is Hypoxis, commonly known as Afrika patat, or African potato. South African traditional healers instruct patients to brew the fresh Hypoxis corm as a tea and then ingest it (Steenkamp, 2006a). This prompted an investigation into the digestive stability of a traditionally prepared Hypoxis extract. The H. sobolifera extracts were digested using a simulated gastric/small intestinal digestion and their biological activity determined. The hot water H. sobolifera extract before digestion only showed cytotoxic activity against cancer cell lines at very high concentrations which are not likely to be achieved under normal ingestion circumstances. In Chang liver cells on the other hand, chronic exposure to the hot water H. sobolifera extract increased glucose uptake in amounts similar to that of metformin. On the negative side, the glucose utilization stimulation was lost due to the simulated digestion process. The significant inhibition of AGEs by hot water H. sobolifera extract (IC50 of 6.3 Ig/ml) is a very encouraging result as treatment in the management of diabetes. This activity was only slightly reduced by the in vitro digestion process. Also observed was enzyme inhibition activity by traditionally prepared H. sobolifera, with ∝-amylase being inhibited (IC50 of approximately 250 Ig/ml) and therefore preventing or limiting starch breakdown. From the DPPH results it was clear that H. sobolifera, even when digested, is a potent anti-oxidant (IC50 of 134.4 Ig/ml when undigested compared to 162.9 when digested with β-glucosidase added to stomach digestive step). HPLC and TLC experiments revealed that rooperol which has previously been thought to be the compound responsible for the anti-oxidant activity in Hypoxis extracts, was absent from the traditional extract of H. sobolifera and therefore cannot be the sole compound exhibiting anti-oxidant activity; other compounds such as phenolics may be contributing. The phenolic and flavonoid content results revealed very highconcentrations of these compounds in the traditionally prepared H. sobolifera extract. These compounds may therefore play major roles in all of the biological activities observed from treatment with Hypoxis spp. The ROS results yielded interesting and promising results. Using standard or traditionally prepared H. sobolifera extracts, activation of differentiated U937 cells with PMA was greatly enhanced by cotreatment with the extracts, while extracts on their own did not cause significant activation. Future studies should investigate this property of the extracts as a promising immune boosterThe HPLC results showed that hypoxoside was undetectable in the hot water traditional extract and the TLC anti-oxidant experiment proved that rooperol is not present in the hot water traditional extract after treatment with β-glucosidase. This indicates that neither one of the Hypoxis compounds previously believed to be responsible for the biological activities observed are present in the extract when prepared the traditional way. Therefore, the biological activities observed in this study can be attributed to other phytochemical compounds.
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- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Van Rooyen, Anzel
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Potatoes -- Therapeutic use , Medicinal plants
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10344 ,
- Description: In South Africa part of the cultural and religious beliefs of the African people is the use of traditional remedies to treat diseases. These remedies are obtained from medicinal plants (Steenkamp, 2003). One of the most frequently traded plants in the Eastern Cape is Hypoxis, commonly known as Afrika patat, or African potato. South African traditional healers instruct patients to brew the fresh Hypoxis corm as a tea and then ingest it (Steenkamp, 2006a). This prompted an investigation into the digestive stability of a traditionally prepared Hypoxis extract. The H. sobolifera extracts were digested using a simulated gastric/small intestinal digestion and their biological activity determined. The hot water H. sobolifera extract before digestion only showed cytotoxic activity against cancer cell lines at very high concentrations which are not likely to be achieved under normal ingestion circumstances. In Chang liver cells on the other hand, chronic exposure to the hot water H. sobolifera extract increased glucose uptake in amounts similar to that of metformin. On the negative side, the glucose utilization stimulation was lost due to the simulated digestion process. The significant inhibition of AGEs by hot water H. sobolifera extract (IC50 of 6.3 Ig/ml) is a very encouraging result as treatment in the management of diabetes. This activity was only slightly reduced by the in vitro digestion process. Also observed was enzyme inhibition activity by traditionally prepared H. sobolifera, with ∝-amylase being inhibited (IC50 of approximately 250 Ig/ml) and therefore preventing or limiting starch breakdown. From the DPPH results it was clear that H. sobolifera, even when digested, is a potent anti-oxidant (IC50 of 134.4 Ig/ml when undigested compared to 162.9 when digested with β-glucosidase added to stomach digestive step). HPLC and TLC experiments revealed that rooperol which has previously been thought to be the compound responsible for the anti-oxidant activity in Hypoxis extracts, was absent from the traditional extract of H. sobolifera and therefore cannot be the sole compound exhibiting anti-oxidant activity; other compounds such as phenolics may be contributing. The phenolic and flavonoid content results revealed very highconcentrations of these compounds in the traditionally prepared H. sobolifera extract. These compounds may therefore play major roles in all of the biological activities observed from treatment with Hypoxis spp. The ROS results yielded interesting and promising results. Using standard or traditionally prepared H. sobolifera extracts, activation of differentiated U937 cells with PMA was greatly enhanced by cotreatment with the extracts, while extracts on their own did not cause significant activation. Future studies should investigate this property of the extracts as a promising immune boosterThe HPLC results showed that hypoxoside was undetectable in the hot water traditional extract and the TLC anti-oxidant experiment proved that rooperol is not present in the hot water traditional extract after treatment with β-glucosidase. This indicates that neither one of the Hypoxis compounds previously believed to be responsible for the biological activities observed are present in the extract when prepared the traditional way. Therefore, the biological activities observed in this study can be attributed to other phytochemical compounds.
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- Date Issued: 2013
The effect of modified fuel loads on fire behaviour in Pinus patula and Eucalyptus macarthurii stands in the Mpumalanga Highveld forestry region of South Africa
- Authors: Pool, Christiaan Frederik
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Wildfires , Forest fires , Fire management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10742 , , Wildfires , Forest fires , Fire management
- Description: The effectiveness of harvesting slash treatments are questionable when wild fires, fuelled by post harvesting slash, burn out of control. In order to quantify effectiveness of various slash treatments, fire behaviour in Pinus patula and Eucalyptus macarthurii compartments in the Highveld area (Piet Retief) of Mpumalanga, South Africa, were assessed after application of five different post-harvesting slash treatments. Treatments included mulching, chopper rolling, windrowing, removal of slash (inter-windrowing) and broadcasting. Independent fuel and environmental variables were measured prior and during application of fire to the study areas and effects on fire behaviour were compared afterwards. Dependant fire behaviour variables such as the rate of spread, fire temperature and flame height were measured in respective slash treatment plots and compared. Results of the study indicated that fire behaviour assessed in mulched areas in both the P. patula and E. macarthurii compartments were significantly less intense when compared to fire behaviour in chopper roll, broadcast and windrow treatments. Fire behaviour in mulched plots compared favourably with areas where harvesting slash was removed (inter-windrow treatment). Comparisons between fuel loads of different treatments also indicated accelerated mineralization of organic material in mulched areas. Mulching of harvesting slash seems to be an effective method to restrict fire behaviour in post-harvesting compartments and should be considered as part of a fire management strategy.
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- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Pool, Christiaan Frederik
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Wildfires , Forest fires , Fire management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10742 , , Wildfires , Forest fires , Fire management
- Description: The effectiveness of harvesting slash treatments are questionable when wild fires, fuelled by post harvesting slash, burn out of control. In order to quantify effectiveness of various slash treatments, fire behaviour in Pinus patula and Eucalyptus macarthurii compartments in the Highveld area (Piet Retief) of Mpumalanga, South Africa, were assessed after application of five different post-harvesting slash treatments. Treatments included mulching, chopper rolling, windrowing, removal of slash (inter-windrowing) and broadcasting. Independent fuel and environmental variables were measured prior and during application of fire to the study areas and effects on fire behaviour were compared afterwards. Dependant fire behaviour variables such as the rate of spread, fire temperature and flame height were measured in respective slash treatment plots and compared. Results of the study indicated that fire behaviour assessed in mulched areas in both the P. patula and E. macarthurii compartments were significantly less intense when compared to fire behaviour in chopper roll, broadcast and windrow treatments. Fire behaviour in mulched plots compared favourably with areas where harvesting slash was removed (inter-windrow treatment). Comparisons between fuel loads of different treatments also indicated accelerated mineralization of organic material in mulched areas. Mulching of harvesting slash seems to be an effective method to restrict fire behaviour in post-harvesting compartments and should be considered as part of a fire management strategy.
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- Date Issued: 2013
The feeding ecology of extralimital Nyala (Tragelaphus Angasii) in the Arid Mosaic thicket of the Southern Cape
- Authors: Pienaar, Ryno Cuyler
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Nyala -- Feeding and feeds , Nyala -- Nutrition -- South Africa -- Southern Cape , Nyala -- Ecology -- South Africa -- Southern Cape , Animal-plant relationships -- South Africa -- Southern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10757 ,
- Description: The nyala on Buffelsdrift Private Game Reserve were found to be mainly browsers and made little use of grass during the study period. Browse contributed 87.8 percent to the annual diet, while grass contributed 12.2 percent. Only six species formed > 5 percent of the annual diet. Of these six only three species formed > 10 percent. They are the shrubs Acacia karroo, Pappea capensis and Grewia robusta. These were followed by the shrub Portulacaria afra, the dwarf shrub Zygophyllum lichtensteinianum and the grass Cynodon dactylon all contributing between 5 - 10 percent. There were definite seasonal dietary shifts with preference to different plant species. The shift takes place between the wet seasons (winter and spring) and the dry season (summer). Herbaceous species such as Cynodon dactylon and Erharta calycina were favoured in the winter/wet season. Shrubs such as P. capensis, P. afra and dwarf shrubs such as Limeum aethiopicum and Z. lichtensteinianum were favoured during the spring/wet and summer/dry seasons. Nyala habitat use in BPGR differed significantly from expected use when taking the relative area of habitats into consideration. However nyala did not display signififcantly different habitat preferences between seasons. Male and female nyala displayed differences in foraging behaviour at the plant form, plant species and habitat scale. Males preferred a greater proportion of shrubs and females a greater proportion of dwarf shrubs. Males preferred the shrubs Pappea capensis and Portulacaria afra the most and females preferred the dwarf shrubs Limeum aethiopicum and Zygophyllum lichtensteinianum the most. Plant species site availability varied significantly between the sexes, indicating that males and females selected different feeding paths. The difference in their feeding strategy appears to be related to the selection of plants that best satisfy the nutrient requirements of each sex. These findings are in agreement with the results from earlier studies on nyala sexual dimorphism. At the habitat scale females selected more for open dwarf shrubland and males more for densely vegetated habitats. This appears to be as a result of males attempting to maximize their foraging opportunities by selecting areas that offer food in greater quantities. Nyala in BPGR appear to co-exist with kudu and eland through spatial resource partitioning. This is suggested to be due to the influence of body size-gut size relationships on forage selectivity.
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- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Pienaar, Ryno Cuyler
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Nyala -- Feeding and feeds , Nyala -- Nutrition -- South Africa -- Southern Cape , Nyala -- Ecology -- South Africa -- Southern Cape , Animal-plant relationships -- South Africa -- Southern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10757 ,
- Description: The nyala on Buffelsdrift Private Game Reserve were found to be mainly browsers and made little use of grass during the study period. Browse contributed 87.8 percent to the annual diet, while grass contributed 12.2 percent. Only six species formed > 5 percent of the annual diet. Of these six only three species formed > 10 percent. They are the shrubs Acacia karroo, Pappea capensis and Grewia robusta. These were followed by the shrub Portulacaria afra, the dwarf shrub Zygophyllum lichtensteinianum and the grass Cynodon dactylon all contributing between 5 - 10 percent. There were definite seasonal dietary shifts with preference to different plant species. The shift takes place between the wet seasons (winter and spring) and the dry season (summer). Herbaceous species such as Cynodon dactylon and Erharta calycina were favoured in the winter/wet season. Shrubs such as P. capensis, P. afra and dwarf shrubs such as Limeum aethiopicum and Z. lichtensteinianum were favoured during the spring/wet and summer/dry seasons. Nyala habitat use in BPGR differed significantly from expected use when taking the relative area of habitats into consideration. However nyala did not display signififcantly different habitat preferences between seasons. Male and female nyala displayed differences in foraging behaviour at the plant form, plant species and habitat scale. Males preferred a greater proportion of shrubs and females a greater proportion of dwarf shrubs. Males preferred the shrubs Pappea capensis and Portulacaria afra the most and females preferred the dwarf shrubs Limeum aethiopicum and Zygophyllum lichtensteinianum the most. Plant species site availability varied significantly between the sexes, indicating that males and females selected different feeding paths. The difference in their feeding strategy appears to be related to the selection of plants that best satisfy the nutrient requirements of each sex. These findings are in agreement with the results from earlier studies on nyala sexual dimorphism. At the habitat scale females selected more for open dwarf shrubland and males more for densely vegetated habitats. This appears to be as a result of males attempting to maximize their foraging opportunities by selecting areas that offer food in greater quantities. Nyala in BPGR appear to co-exist with kudu and eland through spatial resource partitioning. This is suggested to be due to the influence of body size-gut size relationships on forage selectivity.
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- Date Issued: 2013
The fitting of statistical distributions to wind data in coastal areas of South Africa
- Authors: Moodley, Kirshnee
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Winds -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Speed -- Measurement , Wind power -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Winds -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Measurement -- Mathematical models
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10584
- Description: Coastal South African cities like Port Elizabeth are said to have a strong potential for wind energy. This study aims to model wind data in order to be able assess the power potential belonging to a given site. The main challenge in modelling wind direction data is that it is categorized as circular data and therefore requires special techniques for handling that are different from usual statistical samples. Statistical tools such as descriptive measures and distribution fitting, were re-invented for directional data by researchers in this field. The von Mises distribution is a predominant distribution in circular statistics and is commonly used to describe wind directions. In this study, the circular principles described by previous researchers were developed by using the statistical software, Mathematica. Graphical methods to present the wind data were developed to give an overview of the behaviour of the winds in any given area. Data collected at Coega, an area near Port Elizabeth, South Africa, was used to illustrate the models which were established in this study. Circular distributions were fit to the directional data in order to make appropriate conclusions about the prevailing wind directions in this area.
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- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Moodley, Kirshnee
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Winds -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Speed -- Measurement , Wind power -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth , Winds -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth -- Measurement -- Mathematical models
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10584
- Description: Coastal South African cities like Port Elizabeth are said to have a strong potential for wind energy. This study aims to model wind data in order to be able assess the power potential belonging to a given site. The main challenge in modelling wind direction data is that it is categorized as circular data and therefore requires special techniques for handling that are different from usual statistical samples. Statistical tools such as descriptive measures and distribution fitting, were re-invented for directional data by researchers in this field. The von Mises distribution is a predominant distribution in circular statistics and is commonly used to describe wind directions. In this study, the circular principles described by previous researchers were developed by using the statistical software, Mathematica. Graphical methods to present the wind data were developed to give an overview of the behaviour of the winds in any given area. Data collected at Coega, an area near Port Elizabeth, South Africa, was used to illustrate the models which were established in this study. Circular distributions were fit to the directional data in order to make appropriate conclusions about the prevailing wind directions in this area.
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- Date Issued: 2013
The influence of soil properties on the growth and distribution of Portulacaria Afra in subtropical thicket, South Africa
- Authors: Becker, Carina Helene
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Portulacaria afra -- South Africa , Plant conservation -- South Africa , Shrubs -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10753 ,
- Description: Subtropical Thicket is the dominant vegetation biome in the Eastern Cape, and extends through to parts of the Western Cape. It is dominated by Portulacaria afra (spekboom), a woody succulent plant recognised for its importance as an ecosystem engineer and its carbon sequestration potential. Due to excessive grazing from domestic stock, spekboom has been completely removed from some areas. The Subtropical Thicket Restoration Programme (STRP) initiated a large scale restoration programme of planting spekboom cuttings in these degraded areas. Their efforts have been met with varying levels of success and improvement of the programme relies on continuous monitoring and scientific evaluation. I investigated the influence of selected soil properties on spekboom growth, mortality and landscape distribution, at both restoration sites and natural intact areas, and through experiments. Site or location was the most important factor influencing spekboom success at restoration plots, whereby sites in the eastern end of spekboom distribution perform better. Moving westwards slope orientation emerged as an important factor, whereby north facing slopes are preferred by spekboom. Although high levels of soil salinity (NaCl) restricted spekboom growth and affected its health, it could tolerate the levels it was exposed too. Soil pH, above 7, and phosphorous concentration, above 70, were the only limiting factors to spekboom survival found in the restoration sites. This preference for acidic soils was mirrored in intact Thicket. However in general, soil is not a major factor influencing spekboom growth and distribution, and spekboom is tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions. Spekbooms constraint is most likely a function of climate, which varies greatly across the biome. This study answered some vital questions regarding the possible influence of soil in spekboom growth and distribution. It disapproved the theory that a catena effect may be responsible for the lack of spekboom growing in bottomland areas. The study also indicates and supports the versatility of spekboom as a plant for restoring degraded lands across a range of different geologies and soil types. To maximise spekboom survival rates, restoration efforts should be focussed towards the eastern end of its distribution and to avoid planting in soils with pH levels higher than 7.
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- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Becker, Carina Helene
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Portulacaria afra -- South Africa , Plant conservation -- South Africa , Shrubs -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10753 ,
- Description: Subtropical Thicket is the dominant vegetation biome in the Eastern Cape, and extends through to parts of the Western Cape. It is dominated by Portulacaria afra (spekboom), a woody succulent plant recognised for its importance as an ecosystem engineer and its carbon sequestration potential. Due to excessive grazing from domestic stock, spekboom has been completely removed from some areas. The Subtropical Thicket Restoration Programme (STRP) initiated a large scale restoration programme of planting spekboom cuttings in these degraded areas. Their efforts have been met with varying levels of success and improvement of the programme relies on continuous monitoring and scientific evaluation. I investigated the influence of selected soil properties on spekboom growth, mortality and landscape distribution, at both restoration sites and natural intact areas, and through experiments. Site or location was the most important factor influencing spekboom success at restoration plots, whereby sites in the eastern end of spekboom distribution perform better. Moving westwards slope orientation emerged as an important factor, whereby north facing slopes are preferred by spekboom. Although high levels of soil salinity (NaCl) restricted spekboom growth and affected its health, it could tolerate the levels it was exposed too. Soil pH, above 7, and phosphorous concentration, above 70, were the only limiting factors to spekboom survival found in the restoration sites. This preference for acidic soils was mirrored in intact Thicket. However in general, soil is not a major factor influencing spekboom growth and distribution, and spekboom is tolerant of a wide range of soil conditions. Spekbooms constraint is most likely a function of climate, which varies greatly across the biome. This study answered some vital questions regarding the possible influence of soil in spekboom growth and distribution. It disapproved the theory that a catena effect may be responsible for the lack of spekboom growing in bottomland areas. The study also indicates and supports the versatility of spekboom as a plant for restoring degraded lands across a range of different geologies and soil types. To maximise spekboom survival rates, restoration efforts should be focussed towards the eastern end of its distribution and to avoid planting in soils with pH levels higher than 7.
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- Date Issued: 2013
The medicinal plant Sutherlandia Frutescens regulates gene expression to reverse insulin resistace in rats
- Authors: Fortuin, Melissa
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Insulin resistance , Medicinal plants , Genetic regulation , Insulin resistance -- Animal models
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10349 ,
- Description: Obesity can lead to Type 2 Diabetes, both conditions increase in association with physical inactivity and high-energy diets, resulting in elevated blood glucose, decreased insulin sensitivity and increased insulin resistance. Sutherlandia frutescens (S.frutescens), an anti-diabetic plant, reverses and prevents insulin resistance in a rat model and human cell culture model. Gene expression analysis in hepatocyte cultures, identified genes down regulated in insulin resistance and up regulated by S.frutescens. These included genes encoding vesicle transporter proteins, hypothesised to be linked to hepatic lipid accumulation and lipid droplet formation during insulin resistance. The aim of this study was to investigate critical genes involved in lipid droplet formation, vesicle assembly and transport in high fat diet (HFD)-induced insulin resistant rat liver tissue during the development of insulin resistance and the reversal of these changes by S.frutescens. Rats were fed a low fat diet (LFD) or HFD supplemented with S.frutescens for 2, 4 and 8 weeks. Rats fed a HFD for 12 weeks developed insulin resistance, confirmed by plasma glucose and insulin levels (compared to normal controls). Groups of these rats were gavaged with S. frutescens (50mg/kg BW), Metformin (13mg/kg BW) or water for a further 4 weeks and starved for 12 hours, anaesthetized and blood removed by heart puncture. Liver was stored in RNA-Later™ for qRT-PCR and snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen for western blotting and confocal microscopy analysis. Changes in expression of vesicle transporter genes VAMP3 and NSF were analysed by qRT-PCR and changes in the protein expression by western blotting analysis. Proteins were localised within the liver by confocal immunohistochemistry using ZEN lite™ software. Statistical analysis was performed using One-Way ANOVA and unpaired t-test. mRNA gene expression of vesicle transport components VAMP3, NSF and SNAP25 showed relatively moderate changes with considerable individual variation within control or experimental groups. Uncorrelated changes in mRNA and protein products were found and may be due to differential regulation by siRNA. Proteins also showed altered staining patterns in high fat diet rats that reverted towards normal on S. frutescens treatment, potentially reflecting functional changes associated with transport of lipid-filled vesicles.
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- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Fortuin, Melissa
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Insulin resistance , Medicinal plants , Genetic regulation , Insulin resistance -- Animal models
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10349 ,
- Description: Obesity can lead to Type 2 Diabetes, both conditions increase in association with physical inactivity and high-energy diets, resulting in elevated blood glucose, decreased insulin sensitivity and increased insulin resistance. Sutherlandia frutescens (S.frutescens), an anti-diabetic plant, reverses and prevents insulin resistance in a rat model and human cell culture model. Gene expression analysis in hepatocyte cultures, identified genes down regulated in insulin resistance and up regulated by S.frutescens. These included genes encoding vesicle transporter proteins, hypothesised to be linked to hepatic lipid accumulation and lipid droplet formation during insulin resistance. The aim of this study was to investigate critical genes involved in lipid droplet formation, vesicle assembly and transport in high fat diet (HFD)-induced insulin resistant rat liver tissue during the development of insulin resistance and the reversal of these changes by S.frutescens. Rats were fed a low fat diet (LFD) or HFD supplemented with S.frutescens for 2, 4 and 8 weeks. Rats fed a HFD for 12 weeks developed insulin resistance, confirmed by plasma glucose and insulin levels (compared to normal controls). Groups of these rats were gavaged with S. frutescens (50mg/kg BW), Metformin (13mg/kg BW) or water for a further 4 weeks and starved for 12 hours, anaesthetized and blood removed by heart puncture. Liver was stored in RNA-Later™ for qRT-PCR and snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen for western blotting and confocal microscopy analysis. Changes in expression of vesicle transporter genes VAMP3 and NSF were analysed by qRT-PCR and changes in the protein expression by western blotting analysis. Proteins were localised within the liver by confocal immunohistochemistry using ZEN lite™ software. Statistical analysis was performed using One-Way ANOVA and unpaired t-test. mRNA gene expression of vesicle transport components VAMP3, NSF and SNAP25 showed relatively moderate changes with considerable individual variation within control or experimental groups. Uncorrelated changes in mRNA and protein products were found and may be due to differential regulation by siRNA. Proteins also showed altered staining patterns in high fat diet rats that reverted towards normal on S. frutescens treatment, potentially reflecting functional changes associated with transport of lipid-filled vesicles.
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- Date Issued: 2013
The production of Omega 3 fatty acids by a mixed microalgae culture
- Authors: Kimono, Diana Agnes
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Omega-3 fatty acids , Algae culture , Microalgae
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:21097
- Description: Background and Aim: Microalgae are a potential economical source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids derived from microalgae are however still expensive due to high costs involved in production. These costs can partly be attributed to cultivation of microalgae in unialgal cultures, which are prone to contamination, difficult to scale up and require stringent control of growth conditions. This study therefore is aimed to investigate the feasibility of using a mixed microalgae culture for the production of omega-3 fatty acids. Methods and materials: The microalgae were grown under uncontrolled conditions in a hanging-bag photo-bioreactor, with only the phosphorus-nitrogen ratio (P:N-ratio) varied. Variations in the different population proportions in the culture were studied and related to the biomass, total fatty acid and omega-3 fatty acid productivity of the culture. Finally, a comparison was made between the results obtained in this study and similar studies found in literature. Results and discussion: The mixed culture used was composed of several green microalgae, whose proportions varied with P:N-ratio, season, and age of the culture. Different interactions between the populations were observable, and these were thought to influence the culture’s biomass, total fatty acids (TFAs) and omega-3 fatty acid productivity. The TFA content of the culture was ~10-20% by the end of the exponential phase, depending on the nutrients supplied. The fatty acids were composed of mostly unsaturated fatty acids, the majority of which were omega-3 fatty acids; C18:3ω3 (up to 50% of TFA), C16:4ω3 (up to 15%) and C18:4ω3 (up to 5%). Other fatty acids observed included C16:0 (up to 25%), C18:1ω9/C18:1ω8 (up to 20%), C18:2ω6 (up to 5%), traces of C18:0, C18:3ω6, C17:0, C16:3ω3 and C16:1ω7 were also detected. The presence of these fatty acids was found to vary depending on season, P:N-ratio, and age of the culture. When compared to studies in the literature, the mixed culture was found to perform better than, or as well as reported studies, where unialgal cultures were cultivated under controlled laboratory conditions. Conclusion: In view of the reported advantages of cultivating mixed cultures, the production of omega-3 fatty acids via such cultures appears attractive. More research however is needed to optimise the culture; study interactions between the organisms and their effect on biomass, total fatty acid and omega-3 fatty acid productivity. Finally, the economic implications of using mixed cultures need to be evaluated as well.
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- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Kimono, Diana Agnes
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Omega-3 fatty acids , Algae culture , Microalgae
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:21097
- Description: Background and Aim: Microalgae are a potential economical source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are known for their health benefits. Omega-3 fatty acids derived from microalgae are however still expensive due to high costs involved in production. These costs can partly be attributed to cultivation of microalgae in unialgal cultures, which are prone to contamination, difficult to scale up and require stringent control of growth conditions. This study therefore is aimed to investigate the feasibility of using a mixed microalgae culture for the production of omega-3 fatty acids. Methods and materials: The microalgae were grown under uncontrolled conditions in a hanging-bag photo-bioreactor, with only the phosphorus-nitrogen ratio (P:N-ratio) varied. Variations in the different population proportions in the culture were studied and related to the biomass, total fatty acid and omega-3 fatty acid productivity of the culture. Finally, a comparison was made between the results obtained in this study and similar studies found in literature. Results and discussion: The mixed culture used was composed of several green microalgae, whose proportions varied with P:N-ratio, season, and age of the culture. Different interactions between the populations were observable, and these were thought to influence the culture’s biomass, total fatty acids (TFAs) and omega-3 fatty acid productivity. The TFA content of the culture was ~10-20% by the end of the exponential phase, depending on the nutrients supplied. The fatty acids were composed of mostly unsaturated fatty acids, the majority of which were omega-3 fatty acids; C18:3ω3 (up to 50% of TFA), C16:4ω3 (up to 15%) and C18:4ω3 (up to 5%). Other fatty acids observed included C16:0 (up to 25%), C18:1ω9/C18:1ω8 (up to 20%), C18:2ω6 (up to 5%), traces of C18:0, C18:3ω6, C17:0, C16:3ω3 and C16:1ω7 were also detected. The presence of these fatty acids was found to vary depending on season, P:N-ratio, and age of the culture. When compared to studies in the literature, the mixed culture was found to perform better than, or as well as reported studies, where unialgal cultures were cultivated under controlled laboratory conditions. Conclusion: In view of the reported advantages of cultivating mixed cultures, the production of omega-3 fatty acids via such cultures appears attractive. More research however is needed to optimise the culture; study interactions between the organisms and their effect on biomass, total fatty acid and omega-3 fatty acid productivity. Finally, the economic implications of using mixed cultures need to be evaluated as well.
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- Date Issued: 2013
The response of maize to selected ratios of organic fertilizers mixed with inorganic fertilizers in Ndlambe Local Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Solontsi, Mhlangabezi
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Fertilizers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Corn -- Yields -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Leaf area index -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10594 ,
- Description: The majority of small-scale farmers in the Eastern Cape apply inadequate quantities of manure, inorganic (NPK) fertilizer and Gromor as lone fertilizers or tend to mix manure or Gromor with chemical fertilizers for crops, without any scientific basis (Mkile, 2001). Hence this study – aimed at achieving effective and efficient use of chemical fertilizers, manure and Gromor, either as lone fertilizers or mixed with one another, in maize production – was established. A three-year dry land field experiment, arranged in a RCBD with 3 replicates where cattle manure, chemical fertilizer and Gromor were mixed at different ratios – as treatments FM1 (10 percent fertilizer + 90 percent manure); FM2 (25 percent fertilizer + 75 percent manure); FM3 (50 percent fertilizer + 50 percent manure); MAP (100 percent fertilizer); M (100 percent cattle manure); FG1 (10 percent fertilizer + 90 percent Gromor); FG2 (25 percent fertilizer + 75 percent Gromor); FG3 (50 percent fertilizer + 50 percent Gromor); G (100 percent Gromor) and a control (with nothing applied) – was conducted at the Nolukhanyo agricultural project at Bathurst in the Ndlambe Local Municipality. Maize cultivars PAN 6480 and Sahara were used as test crops. Manure, Gromor and soil were analyzed for their nutrient composition. Data recorded involving number of kernels per cob-1, grain and dry matter (DM) yields for the 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 seasons, and leaf area index (LAI) – were subjected to Genstat Version 14.1 for statistical analysis. Grain yields of PAN 6480 and Sahara recorded in seasons 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 were significantly higher (p≤0.05) than those of the controls. In 2012-13, PAN 6480 on treatments FG3 and FG1 produced the highest grain yields (5 327 and 5 107kg ha-1) respectively, while in 2010-11 the highest yield was 3 780kg ha-1. In the 2012-13 season, Sahara on F treatment was the highest with 4 553kg ha-1 whilst there were no significant differences in F and M treatments. Dry matter yields of Sahara were higher than those of PAN 6480 in all seasons. The highest Sahara LAI obtained on FM2 was 5.85 in the 2012-13 season, whereas PAN 6480 had LAI of 4.77 on F treatment, followed by FG3 with 4.72 LAI. PAN 6480 number of leaves for 6 plants in m2 and LAI in week 8 of the 2012-13 season had a positive correlation, r2=0.84. PAN 6480 number of kernels and cob length in the same area correlated quite well (r2 =0.91). Chemical fertilizer corrects the imbalances of nutrients inherent in organic manures and increases both maize grain yields and dry matter yields, and also influences number of leaves and LAI. Treatments FG1, FG3 and FM1 of PAN 6480 resulted in high maize grain yields when planted 13 in late November of the 2012-13 growing season and when water in the soil profile was conserved as a result of good rains received prior to planting. Treatments FG1 (10 percent fertilizer + 90 percent Gromor), FG3 (50 percent fertilizer + 50 percent Gromor) of PAN 6480 produced the highest grain yields (5 107kg ha-1 and 5 327kg ha-1 respectively) in the 2012-13 season, whilst FM1 (10 percent fertilizer + 90 percent manure) gave the highest grain yield (of 4 277kg ha-1) for the same cultivar in the 2010-11 season.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Solontsi, Mhlangabezi
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Fertilizers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Corn -- Yields -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Leaf area index -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10594 ,
- Description: The majority of small-scale farmers in the Eastern Cape apply inadequate quantities of manure, inorganic (NPK) fertilizer and Gromor as lone fertilizers or tend to mix manure or Gromor with chemical fertilizers for crops, without any scientific basis (Mkile, 2001). Hence this study – aimed at achieving effective and efficient use of chemical fertilizers, manure and Gromor, either as lone fertilizers or mixed with one another, in maize production – was established. A three-year dry land field experiment, arranged in a RCBD with 3 replicates where cattle manure, chemical fertilizer and Gromor were mixed at different ratios – as treatments FM1 (10 percent fertilizer + 90 percent manure); FM2 (25 percent fertilizer + 75 percent manure); FM3 (50 percent fertilizer + 50 percent manure); MAP (100 percent fertilizer); M (100 percent cattle manure); FG1 (10 percent fertilizer + 90 percent Gromor); FG2 (25 percent fertilizer + 75 percent Gromor); FG3 (50 percent fertilizer + 50 percent Gromor); G (100 percent Gromor) and a control (with nothing applied) – was conducted at the Nolukhanyo agricultural project at Bathurst in the Ndlambe Local Municipality. Maize cultivars PAN 6480 and Sahara were used as test crops. Manure, Gromor and soil were analyzed for their nutrient composition. Data recorded involving number of kernels per cob-1, grain and dry matter (DM) yields for the 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 seasons, and leaf area index (LAI) – were subjected to Genstat Version 14.1 for statistical analysis. Grain yields of PAN 6480 and Sahara recorded in seasons 2010-11, 2011-12 and 2012-13 were significantly higher (p≤0.05) than those of the controls. In 2012-13, PAN 6480 on treatments FG3 and FG1 produced the highest grain yields (5 327 and 5 107kg ha-1) respectively, while in 2010-11 the highest yield was 3 780kg ha-1. In the 2012-13 season, Sahara on F treatment was the highest with 4 553kg ha-1 whilst there were no significant differences in F and M treatments. Dry matter yields of Sahara were higher than those of PAN 6480 in all seasons. The highest Sahara LAI obtained on FM2 was 5.85 in the 2012-13 season, whereas PAN 6480 had LAI of 4.77 on F treatment, followed by FG3 with 4.72 LAI. PAN 6480 number of leaves for 6 plants in m2 and LAI in week 8 of the 2012-13 season had a positive correlation, r2=0.84. PAN 6480 number of kernels and cob length in the same area correlated quite well (r2 =0.91). Chemical fertilizer corrects the imbalances of nutrients inherent in organic manures and increases both maize grain yields and dry matter yields, and also influences number of leaves and LAI. Treatments FG1, FG3 and FM1 of PAN 6480 resulted in high maize grain yields when planted 13 in late November of the 2012-13 growing season and when water in the soil profile was conserved as a result of good rains received prior to planting. Treatments FG1 (10 percent fertilizer + 90 percent Gromor), FG3 (50 percent fertilizer + 50 percent Gromor) of PAN 6480 produced the highest grain yields (5 107kg ha-1 and 5 327kg ha-1 respectively) in the 2012-13 season, whilst FM1 (10 percent fertilizer + 90 percent manure) gave the highest grain yield (of 4 277kg ha-1) for the same cultivar in the 2010-11 season.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Tolerance intervals for variance component models using a Bayesian simulation procedure
- Authors: Sarpong, Abeam Danso
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Bayesian statistical decision theory , Multilevel models (Statistics)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10583 ,
- Description: The estimation of variance components serves as an integral part of the evaluation of variation, and is of interest and required in a variety of applications (Hugo, 2012). Estimation of the among-group variance components is often desired for quantifying the variability and effectively understanding these measurements (Van Der Rijst, 2006). The methodology for determining Bayesian tolerance intervals for the one – way random effects model has originally been proposed by Wolfinger (1998) using both informative and non-informative prior distributions (Hugo, 2012). Wolfinger (1998) also provided relationships with frequentist methodologies. From a Bayesian point of view, it is important to investigate and compare the effect on coverage probabilities if negative variance components are either replaced by zero, or completely disregarded from the simulation process. This research presents a simulation-based approach for determining Bayesian tolerance intervals in variance component models when negative variance components are either replaced by zero, or completely disregarded from the simulation process. This approach handles different kinds of tolerance intervals in a straightforward fashion. It makes use of a computer-generated sample (Monte Carlo process) from the joint posterior distribution of the mean and variance parameters to construct a sample from other relevant posterior distributions. This research makes use of only non-informative Jeffreys‟ prior distributions and uses three Bayesian simulation methods. Comparative results of different tolerance intervals obtained using a method where negative variance components are either replaced by zero or completely disregarded from the simulation process, is investigated and discussed in this research.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Sarpong, Abeam Danso
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Bayesian statistical decision theory , Multilevel models (Statistics)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10583 ,
- Description: The estimation of variance components serves as an integral part of the evaluation of variation, and is of interest and required in a variety of applications (Hugo, 2012). Estimation of the among-group variance components is often desired for quantifying the variability and effectively understanding these measurements (Van Der Rijst, 2006). The methodology for determining Bayesian tolerance intervals for the one – way random effects model has originally been proposed by Wolfinger (1998) using both informative and non-informative prior distributions (Hugo, 2012). Wolfinger (1998) also provided relationships with frequentist methodologies. From a Bayesian point of view, it is important to investigate and compare the effect on coverage probabilities if negative variance components are either replaced by zero, or completely disregarded from the simulation process. This research presents a simulation-based approach for determining Bayesian tolerance intervals in variance component models when negative variance components are either replaced by zero, or completely disregarded from the simulation process. This approach handles different kinds of tolerance intervals in a straightforward fashion. It makes use of a computer-generated sample (Monte Carlo process) from the joint posterior distribution of the mean and variance parameters to construct a sample from other relevant posterior distributions. This research makes use of only non-informative Jeffreys‟ prior distributions and uses three Bayesian simulation methods. Comparative results of different tolerance intervals obtained using a method where negative variance components are either replaced by zero or completely disregarded from the simulation process, is investigated and discussed in this research.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Trends in large carnivore diets in the Addo Elephant National Park, South Africa
- Authors: Wentworth, Julia Claire
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Game reserves -- South Africa , Carnivorous animals
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10595 ,
- Description: Determining carnivore diets and how they may change over time is important if the management of large carnivores is successful in an enclosed reserve. Carnivore diets are known to shift over time in response to a variety of factors. These factors include prey availability and climatic conditions (rainfall patterns). The re-introduction of lions (Panthera leo) and spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) to Addo Elephant National Park (AENP), South Africa provided the opportunity to study diet trends of lions and spotted hyaena in an enclosed system. The study focused on the diets and overlap of lions and spotted hyaena and how their prey selection changed since their re-introduction in 2003 to 2010. The database included scats collected over a seven year period. A total of 195 spotted hyaena scats and 217 lion scats were analysed using scat analysis. Prey items estimated from scat samples were coupled with prey availabilities to determine preferred prey items. Additionally, from determined carnivore diets, lions and spotted hyaena diet overlap was estimated over time. Lions preferred prey items which included zebra (Equus quagga) and eland (Tragelaphus oryx) during the early portion of the study. Over time preference shifted to include buffalo (Syncerus caffer), bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) and grey duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia). Spotted hyaena preferred zebra and eland in the earlier part of the study, then over time, shifting their selection to grey duiker, buffalo, red hartebeest (Alcephalus busephalus) and bushbuck. Lions and spotted hyaena had a similar diet which increased in overlap during the study (67 percentage - 91 percentage). Our findings suggest that lions and spotted hyaena had a degree of diet specialization; both carnivores avoided and preferred certain prey items relative to their abundance. Their preference excluded the most abundant prey items, thus causing a decline in abundance of rarer species over time. Lions and spotted hyaena did not respond by shifting their diets to consume abundant prey items when their preferred prey items declined in availability. However, this study may be a snap-shot of carnivore’s diet trends. Thus further monitoring of the large carnivore diets should be researched in order to determine which factors drive their prey selection. Additionally, lions and spotted hyaena diet overlap increased overtime. The high diet overlap may be a result from spotted hyaena scavenging off lion kills, thus spotted hyaena diets may be facilitated by lion kills. Finally our data suggests that re-introduced large carnivores in AENP are likely to change the composition of the overall mammal community, potentially eliminating rare but preferred prey species in an enclosed reserve.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Wentworth, Julia Claire
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Game reserves -- South Africa , Carnivorous animals
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10595 ,
- Description: Determining carnivore diets and how they may change over time is important if the management of large carnivores is successful in an enclosed reserve. Carnivore diets are known to shift over time in response to a variety of factors. These factors include prey availability and climatic conditions (rainfall patterns). The re-introduction of lions (Panthera leo) and spotted hyaena (Crocuta crocuta) to Addo Elephant National Park (AENP), South Africa provided the opportunity to study diet trends of lions and spotted hyaena in an enclosed system. The study focused on the diets and overlap of lions and spotted hyaena and how their prey selection changed since their re-introduction in 2003 to 2010. The database included scats collected over a seven year period. A total of 195 spotted hyaena scats and 217 lion scats were analysed using scat analysis. Prey items estimated from scat samples were coupled with prey availabilities to determine preferred prey items. Additionally, from determined carnivore diets, lions and spotted hyaena diet overlap was estimated over time. Lions preferred prey items which included zebra (Equus quagga) and eland (Tragelaphus oryx) during the early portion of the study. Over time preference shifted to include buffalo (Syncerus caffer), bushbuck (Tragelaphus scriptus) and grey duiker (Sylvicapra grimmia). Spotted hyaena preferred zebra and eland in the earlier part of the study, then over time, shifting their selection to grey duiker, buffalo, red hartebeest (Alcephalus busephalus) and bushbuck. Lions and spotted hyaena had a similar diet which increased in overlap during the study (67 percentage - 91 percentage). Our findings suggest that lions and spotted hyaena had a degree of diet specialization; both carnivores avoided and preferred certain prey items relative to their abundance. Their preference excluded the most abundant prey items, thus causing a decline in abundance of rarer species over time. Lions and spotted hyaena did not respond by shifting their diets to consume abundant prey items when their preferred prey items declined in availability. However, this study may be a snap-shot of carnivore’s diet trends. Thus further monitoring of the large carnivore diets should be researched in order to determine which factors drive their prey selection. Additionally, lions and spotted hyaena diet overlap increased overtime. The high diet overlap may be a result from spotted hyaena scavenging off lion kills, thus spotted hyaena diets may be facilitated by lion kills. Finally our data suggests that re-introduced large carnivores in AENP are likely to change the composition of the overall mammal community, potentially eliminating rare but preferred prey species in an enclosed reserve.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Weather neutral models for short-term electricity demand forecasting
- Authors: Nyulu, Thandekile
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Electric power consumption -- Forecasting -- Mathematical models , Forecasting -- Mathematical models
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10578 ,
- Description: Energy demand forecasting, and specifically electricity demand forecasting, is a fun-damental feature in both industry and research. Forecasting techniques assist all electricity market participants in accurate planning, selling and purchasing decisions and strategies. Generation and distribution of electricity require appropriate, precise and accurate forecasting methods. Also accurate forecasting models assist producers, researchers and economists to make proper and beneficial future decisions. There are several research papers, which investigate this fundamental aspect and attempt var-ious statistical techniques. Although weather and economic effects have significant influences on electricity demand, in this study they are purposely eliminated from investigation. This research considers calendar-related effects such as months of the year, weekdays and holidays (that is, public holidays, the day before a public holiday, the day after a public holiday, school holidays, university holidays, Easter holidays and major religious holidays) and includes university exams, general election days, day after elections, and municipal elections in the analysis. Regression analysis, cate-gorical regression and auto-regression are used to illustrate the relationships between response variable and explanatory variables. The main objective of the investigation was to build forecasting models based on this calendar data only and to observe how accurate the models can be without taking into account weather effects and economic effects, hence weather neutral models. Weather and economic factors have to be forecasted, and these forecasts are not so accurate and calendar events are known for sure (error-free). Collecting data for weather and economic factors is costly and time consuming, while obtaining calendar data is relatively easy.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Nyulu, Thandekile
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Electric power consumption -- Forecasting -- Mathematical models , Forecasting -- Mathematical models
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10578 ,
- Description: Energy demand forecasting, and specifically electricity demand forecasting, is a fun-damental feature in both industry and research. Forecasting techniques assist all electricity market participants in accurate planning, selling and purchasing decisions and strategies. Generation and distribution of electricity require appropriate, precise and accurate forecasting methods. Also accurate forecasting models assist producers, researchers and economists to make proper and beneficial future decisions. There are several research papers, which investigate this fundamental aspect and attempt var-ious statistical techniques. Although weather and economic effects have significant influences on electricity demand, in this study they are purposely eliminated from investigation. This research considers calendar-related effects such as months of the year, weekdays and holidays (that is, public holidays, the day before a public holiday, the day after a public holiday, school holidays, university holidays, Easter holidays and major religious holidays) and includes university exams, general election days, day after elections, and municipal elections in the analysis. Regression analysis, cate-gorical regression and auto-regression are used to illustrate the relationships between response variable and explanatory variables. The main objective of the investigation was to build forecasting models based on this calendar data only and to observe how accurate the models can be without taking into account weather effects and economic effects, hence weather neutral models. Weather and economic factors have to be forecasted, and these forecasts are not so accurate and calendar events are known for sure (error-free). Collecting data for weather and economic factors is costly and time consuming, while obtaining calendar data is relatively easy.
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- Date Issued: 2013
A comparison of harvester productivity and stump volume waste in coppiced and planted eucalyptus grandis pulpwood compartments in the KwaZulu-Natal forestry region of South Africa
- Ramantswana, Mufhumudzi Muedanyi
- Authors: Ramantswana, Mufhumudzi Muedanyi
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Forest productivity , Forest management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10744 ,
- Description: Over the past decade the South African forestry industry has gradually experienced the ramifications of labour scarcity, increases in labour costs, the effect of HIV and AIDS and increasing timber demand. Consequently, this has led to an increase in the mechanisation rate, especially in timber harvesting operations. Due to the labour challenges in South Africa, mechanised forestry equipment has increasingly been required to operate in complex forest conditions, such as coppiced compartments, where they have not operated before. It therefore occurs that harvesters are either used in certain coppiced compartments with uncertain productivity expectations, or the harvesters are not used in these compartments due to a lack of productivity knowledge. The influence that certain factors have on harvester productivity and stump volume loss – factors such as coppice regeneration practices and stem form – is poorly understood and has not been quantified. No scientific research exists regarding the effects of coppice compartments on the productivity of a harvester and the amount of stump volume waste. This research aimed at determining the influence of tree volume, tree form, stem felled first and distance between stems on the productivity of an excavator based harvester in coppiced double, coppiced single and planted Eucalyptus grandis pulpwood compartments. Furthermore, the research determined whether there was any stump volume waste, and quantified how much of it was due to excessive stump heights by the harvester. Through regression analysis, productivity equations were derived to make productivity predictions in both coppiced and planted compartments. All stumps were evaluated for waste and the average stump volume waste in coppiced double, coppiced single and planted trees was determined. The research results showed that planted trees had the highest productivity across all tree sizes, followed by coppiced single trees and then coppiced double stems. When harvesting a 0.2 m3 tree, the mean harvester productivity was 8.7 m3 per PMH in coppiced double trees, 13.8 m3 per PMH in coppiced single trees and 16.1 m3 per PMH in planted trees. In coppiced double stems the productivity was not significantly influence by the distance between stems. However, the productivity was significantly influenced by the stem felled first. The regression results showed that if the smaller stem was felled first, the productivity would increase if the larger stem’s volume was less than 0.18 m3; however where the larger stem was greater than 0.18 m3, the relationship was reversed. In addition, the productivity for both coppiced single trees and coppiced double stems were significantly influenced by stem form. The poorly formed trees had low productivity compared to the trees with good form. The stump volume findings showed that coppiced double stems had the highest average stump volume waste per stump, with 0.00307 m3 waste, followed by coppiced single trees (0.001954 m3) and planted trees (0.001650 m3). The average stump volume waste per stump with waste for the planted trees was negligible. This research provides forestry companies and harvesting contractors with information on the effect of tree volume, tree form and stem felled first on harvester productivity in E. grandis coppiced double, coppiced single and planted compartments. This information will assist in making equipment and system selection decisions and improve operational management and control. In addition, they will also be aware of stump volume losses that will occur in the three scenarios.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Ramantswana, Mufhumudzi Muedanyi
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Forest productivity , Forest management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10744 ,
- Description: Over the past decade the South African forestry industry has gradually experienced the ramifications of labour scarcity, increases in labour costs, the effect of HIV and AIDS and increasing timber demand. Consequently, this has led to an increase in the mechanisation rate, especially in timber harvesting operations. Due to the labour challenges in South Africa, mechanised forestry equipment has increasingly been required to operate in complex forest conditions, such as coppiced compartments, where they have not operated before. It therefore occurs that harvesters are either used in certain coppiced compartments with uncertain productivity expectations, or the harvesters are not used in these compartments due to a lack of productivity knowledge. The influence that certain factors have on harvester productivity and stump volume loss – factors such as coppice regeneration practices and stem form – is poorly understood and has not been quantified. No scientific research exists regarding the effects of coppice compartments on the productivity of a harvester and the amount of stump volume waste. This research aimed at determining the influence of tree volume, tree form, stem felled first and distance between stems on the productivity of an excavator based harvester in coppiced double, coppiced single and planted Eucalyptus grandis pulpwood compartments. Furthermore, the research determined whether there was any stump volume waste, and quantified how much of it was due to excessive stump heights by the harvester. Through regression analysis, productivity equations were derived to make productivity predictions in both coppiced and planted compartments. All stumps were evaluated for waste and the average stump volume waste in coppiced double, coppiced single and planted trees was determined. The research results showed that planted trees had the highest productivity across all tree sizes, followed by coppiced single trees and then coppiced double stems. When harvesting a 0.2 m3 tree, the mean harvester productivity was 8.7 m3 per PMH in coppiced double trees, 13.8 m3 per PMH in coppiced single trees and 16.1 m3 per PMH in planted trees. In coppiced double stems the productivity was not significantly influence by the distance between stems. However, the productivity was significantly influenced by the stem felled first. The regression results showed that if the smaller stem was felled first, the productivity would increase if the larger stem’s volume was less than 0.18 m3; however where the larger stem was greater than 0.18 m3, the relationship was reversed. In addition, the productivity for both coppiced single trees and coppiced double stems were significantly influenced by stem form. The poorly formed trees had low productivity compared to the trees with good form. The stump volume findings showed that coppiced double stems had the highest average stump volume waste per stump, with 0.00307 m3 waste, followed by coppiced single trees (0.001954 m3) and planted trees (0.001650 m3). The average stump volume waste per stump with waste for the planted trees was negligible. This research provides forestry companies and harvesting contractors with information on the effect of tree volume, tree form and stem felled first on harvester productivity in E. grandis coppiced double, coppiced single and planted compartments. This information will assist in making equipment and system selection decisions and improve operational management and control. In addition, they will also be aware of stump volume losses that will occur in the three scenarios.
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- Date Issued: 2012
A data warehouse structure design methodology to support the efficient and effective analysis of online resource usage data
- Authors: Ferreira, Cornél
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Data warehousing , Electronic information resources
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:10486 ,
- Description: The use of electronic services results in the generation of vast amounts of Online Resource Usage (ORU) data. ORU data typically consists of user login, printing and executed process information. The structure of this type of data restricts the ability of decision makers to effectively and efficiently analyse ORU data. A data warehouse (DW) structure is required which satisfies an organisation’s information requirements. In order to design a DW structure a methodology is needed to provide a design template according to acknowledged practices. The aim of this research was to primarily propose a methodology specifically for the design of a DW structure to support the efficient and effective analysis of ORU data. A variety of relevant DW structure design methodologies were investigated and a number of limitations were identified. These methodologies do not provide methodological support for metadata documentation, physical design and implementation. The most comprehensive methodology identified in the investigation was modified and the Adapted Triple-Driven DW Structure Design Methodology (ATDM) was proposed. The ATDM was successfully applied to the information and communication technology services (ICTS) department of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University as the case study for this research. The proposed ATDM consists of different phases which include a requirements analysis phase that was adapted from the identified comprehensive methodology. A physical design and an implementation phase were included in the ATDM. The ATDM was successfully applied to the ICTS case study as a proof of concept. The application of the ATDM to ICTS resulted in the generation and documentation of semantic and technical metadata which describes the DW structure derived from the application of the ATDM at a logical and physical level respectively. The implementation phase was applied using the Microsoft SQL Server integrated tool to obtain an implemented DW structure for ICTS that is described by technical metadata at an implementation level. This research has shown that the ATDM can be successfully applied to obtain an effective and efficient DW structure for analysing ORU data. The ATDM provides guidelines to develop a DW structure for ORU data and future research includes the generalisation of the ATDM to accommodate various domains and different data types.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Ferreira, Cornél
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Data warehousing , Electronic information resources
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:10486 ,
- Description: The use of electronic services results in the generation of vast amounts of Online Resource Usage (ORU) data. ORU data typically consists of user login, printing and executed process information. The structure of this type of data restricts the ability of decision makers to effectively and efficiently analyse ORU data. A data warehouse (DW) structure is required which satisfies an organisation’s information requirements. In order to design a DW structure a methodology is needed to provide a design template according to acknowledged practices. The aim of this research was to primarily propose a methodology specifically for the design of a DW structure to support the efficient and effective analysis of ORU data. A variety of relevant DW structure design methodologies were investigated and a number of limitations were identified. These methodologies do not provide methodological support for metadata documentation, physical design and implementation. The most comprehensive methodology identified in the investigation was modified and the Adapted Triple-Driven DW Structure Design Methodology (ATDM) was proposed. The ATDM was successfully applied to the information and communication technology services (ICTS) department of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University as the case study for this research. The proposed ATDM consists of different phases which include a requirements analysis phase that was adapted from the identified comprehensive methodology. A physical design and an implementation phase were included in the ATDM. The ATDM was successfully applied to the ICTS case study as a proof of concept. The application of the ATDM to ICTS resulted in the generation and documentation of semantic and technical metadata which describes the DW structure derived from the application of the ATDM at a logical and physical level respectively. The implementation phase was applied using the Microsoft SQL Server integrated tool to obtain an implemented DW structure for ICTS that is described by technical metadata at an implementation level. This research has shown that the ATDM can be successfully applied to obtain an effective and efficient DW structure for analysing ORU data. The ATDM provides guidelines to develop a DW structure for ORU data and future research includes the generalisation of the ATDM to accommodate various domains and different data types.
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- Date Issued: 2012
A methodology to institutionalise user experience in a South African provincial government
- Authors: Pretorius, Marco Cobus
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Human-computer interaction , User interfaces (Computer systems) , Government Web sites -- South Africa , Web site development , Electronic government information
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:10489 ,
- Description: The number of citizens, who access e-Government websites, is growing significantly and their expectations for additional services are increasing. The Internet has become an essential instrument to distribute information to citizens. Poorly designed websites, however, can divide governments and its citizens. Consensus amongst researchers is that user experience (UX) is an important factor in designing websites specifically e-Government websites. Problems, experienced with website usability, prevent people from accessing and eventually adopting technology, such as e-Government. Countries, such as the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, have shown increased support for UX in e-Government websites. At present, a number of guidelines and design principles exists for e-Government website UX design; however, the effectiveness of the implementation of these guidelines and principles depends on the profiles of the individuals on a website development team and on an organisation’s understanding of UX. Despite the highlighted importance of UX, guidelines and principles are rarely adopted in South African e-Government websites. Usability and UX guidelines cannot be implemented; if there is no executive support; an inadequately trained staff; no routine UX practice; insufficient budget; inefficient use of usability methodologies and user-centred design (UCD) processes. The challenge at present in the UX design field is the institutionalisation of UX, specifically at government level. The goal of this research was to propose and evaluate a methodology to institutionalise UX in South African Provincial Governments (PGs), named the “Institutionalise UX in Government (IUXG) methodology”. The research used the Western Cape Government (WCG) in South Africa as a case study to evaluate the proposed methodology to institutionalise UX in a South African PG. The IUXG methodology (1.0) was proposed from five UX methodologies, as well as from best practices found in literature. The IUXG methodology (1.1) was updated, based on results of a survey to South African PGs, a survey to WCG employees, as well as literature from the WCG. The IUXG methodology (2.0) was updated a final time, based on the case study results and on a confirmation survey with WCG employees after the implementation of the case study. The research study made use of three surveys during this research. The first survey, incorporating UX maturity models, confirmed that understanding and buy-in of UX are limited and that UX maturity levels are low at South African PG level. The second and third surveys were administered to WCG e-Government website officials before and after the implementation of the IUXG methodology. The surveys measured the UX maturity level of the WCG in the component, e-Government for Citizens (e-G4C), responsible for the WCG e-Government website. The final survey results demonstrated that, after the implementation of the IUXG methodology, the WCG improved its level of UX maturity on the identified UX maturity models. Implementation of the IUXG methodology institutionalised UX in the WCG. UX activities became standard practice in the e-Government website environment after the systems development lifecycle (SDLC) incorporated UCD. UX policy, strategy and guidelines were documented for the WCG e-Government website. The WCG constructed the first usability testing facility for a South African PG and improvements to the WCG e-Government website were implemented. The proposed IUXG methodology institutionalised UX in the WCG e-Government website environment. This research is a major contribution, to addressing the current lack of UX practices in South African PGs. South African PGs can use the proposed IUXG methodology to institutionalise UX and it will assist PG officials to develop increased UX maturity levels. The advantage of the IUXG methodology is that it provides PG officials with a step-by-step method how to institutionalise UX in a PG by following the six phases of the IUXG methodology: startup, setup, organisation, method, standards and long-term. The IUXG methodology will assist South African PGs to establish UX practice as a norm. The IUXG methodology will assist PGs with the resources, methods and tools to enable them to implement UX guidelines, which will result in an improved, more usable and more user-centric PG e-Government website.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Pretorius, Marco Cobus
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Human-computer interaction , User interfaces (Computer systems) , Government Web sites -- South Africa , Web site development , Electronic government information
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:10489 ,
- Description: The number of citizens, who access e-Government websites, is growing significantly and their expectations for additional services are increasing. The Internet has become an essential instrument to distribute information to citizens. Poorly designed websites, however, can divide governments and its citizens. Consensus amongst researchers is that user experience (UX) is an important factor in designing websites specifically e-Government websites. Problems, experienced with website usability, prevent people from accessing and eventually adopting technology, such as e-Government. Countries, such as the United States, United Kingdom and Canada, have shown increased support for UX in e-Government websites. At present, a number of guidelines and design principles exists for e-Government website UX design; however, the effectiveness of the implementation of these guidelines and principles depends on the profiles of the individuals on a website development team and on an organisation’s understanding of UX. Despite the highlighted importance of UX, guidelines and principles are rarely adopted in South African e-Government websites. Usability and UX guidelines cannot be implemented; if there is no executive support; an inadequately trained staff; no routine UX practice; insufficient budget; inefficient use of usability methodologies and user-centred design (UCD) processes. The challenge at present in the UX design field is the institutionalisation of UX, specifically at government level. The goal of this research was to propose and evaluate a methodology to institutionalise UX in South African Provincial Governments (PGs), named the “Institutionalise UX in Government (IUXG) methodology”. The research used the Western Cape Government (WCG) in South Africa as a case study to evaluate the proposed methodology to institutionalise UX in a South African PG. The IUXG methodology (1.0) was proposed from five UX methodologies, as well as from best practices found in literature. The IUXG methodology (1.1) was updated, based on results of a survey to South African PGs, a survey to WCG employees, as well as literature from the WCG. The IUXG methodology (2.0) was updated a final time, based on the case study results and on a confirmation survey with WCG employees after the implementation of the case study. The research study made use of three surveys during this research. The first survey, incorporating UX maturity models, confirmed that understanding and buy-in of UX are limited and that UX maturity levels are low at South African PG level. The second and third surveys were administered to WCG e-Government website officials before and after the implementation of the IUXG methodology. The surveys measured the UX maturity level of the WCG in the component, e-Government for Citizens (e-G4C), responsible for the WCG e-Government website. The final survey results demonstrated that, after the implementation of the IUXG methodology, the WCG improved its level of UX maturity on the identified UX maturity models. Implementation of the IUXG methodology institutionalised UX in the WCG. UX activities became standard practice in the e-Government website environment after the systems development lifecycle (SDLC) incorporated UCD. UX policy, strategy and guidelines were documented for the WCG e-Government website. The WCG constructed the first usability testing facility for a South African PG and improvements to the WCG e-Government website were implemented. The proposed IUXG methodology institutionalised UX in the WCG e-Government website environment. This research is a major contribution, to addressing the current lack of UX practices in South African PGs. South African PGs can use the proposed IUXG methodology to institutionalise UX and it will assist PG officials to develop increased UX maturity levels. The advantage of the IUXG methodology is that it provides PG officials with a step-by-step method how to institutionalise UX in a PG by following the six phases of the IUXG methodology: startup, setup, organisation, method, standards and long-term. The IUXG methodology will assist South African PGs to establish UX practice as a norm. The IUXG methodology will assist PGs with the resources, methods and tools to enable them to implement UX guidelines, which will result in an improved, more usable and more user-centric PG e-Government website.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
A spatial and temporal analysis of elephant induced thicket degradation in Addo Elephant National Park
- Authors: Smith, Janis
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Soil degradation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10661 ,
- Description: Thicket degradation within the Addo Elephant National Park (AENP), Eastern Cape, South Africa is a key issue of concern. The increasing elephant densities have over time threatened thicket vegetation, which is endemic to this area. The “elephant problem” within the Park has raised many concerns as to the vulnerability of thicket to elephant impacts. Remote sensing provides an environment in which temporal changes in thicket vegetation condition can be assessed. The main aim of this study was to assess temporal and spatial trends in thicket degradation within the AENP, using multi-temporal satellite imagery. Elephant induced thicket degradation was assessed using multi-temporal satellite imagery from between 1973 and 2010. Changes in thicket condition in relation to the AENP expansion were analysed using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), post-classification and landscape metrics. The ‘per-pixel’ based classification approach was carried out and change detection of land cover classes was analysed by post-classification. Landscape spatial metrics were used in order to gain an understanding of vegetation fragmentation trends. Temporal changes in vegetation gradients in relation to water points and thicket condition within the botanical reserves were also assessed. Thicket condition was noted to deteriorate as the AENP expanded. An expansion of degraded vegetation away from the water points was identified during the study period. Thicket condition in botanical reserves 1 and 2 fluctuated over time, with a registered increase in intact thicket within botanical reserve 2, with botanical reserve 3 remaining constant. Landscape spatial metric analyses revealed evidence of increased vegetation fragmentation as new areas of the AENP were opened for elephant activity. A progressive decline in intact thicket and increase in degraded thicket were observed. Considering the current elephant densities, thicket degradation within AENP is set to continue, causing a continued threat to the thicket biome.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Smith, Janis
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Soil degradation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10661 ,
- Description: Thicket degradation within the Addo Elephant National Park (AENP), Eastern Cape, South Africa is a key issue of concern. The increasing elephant densities have over time threatened thicket vegetation, which is endemic to this area. The “elephant problem” within the Park has raised many concerns as to the vulnerability of thicket to elephant impacts. Remote sensing provides an environment in which temporal changes in thicket vegetation condition can be assessed. The main aim of this study was to assess temporal and spatial trends in thicket degradation within the AENP, using multi-temporal satellite imagery. Elephant induced thicket degradation was assessed using multi-temporal satellite imagery from between 1973 and 2010. Changes in thicket condition in relation to the AENP expansion were analysed using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), post-classification and landscape metrics. The ‘per-pixel’ based classification approach was carried out and change detection of land cover classes was analysed by post-classification. Landscape spatial metrics were used in order to gain an understanding of vegetation fragmentation trends. Temporal changes in vegetation gradients in relation to water points and thicket condition within the botanical reserves were also assessed. Thicket condition was noted to deteriorate as the AENP expanded. An expansion of degraded vegetation away from the water points was identified during the study period. Thicket condition in botanical reserves 1 and 2 fluctuated over time, with a registered increase in intact thicket within botanical reserve 2, with botanical reserve 3 remaining constant. Landscape spatial metric analyses revealed evidence of increased vegetation fragmentation as new areas of the AENP were opened for elephant activity. A progressive decline in intact thicket and increase in degraded thicket were observed. Considering the current elephant densities, thicket degradation within AENP is set to continue, causing a continued threat to the thicket biome.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
A study of the application of clinoptilolite as an ion exchange agent for selected metals in aqueous solution
- Authors: Dyeshana, Vuyokazi
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Ion exchange , Clinoptilolite
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10419 ,
- Description: The aim of this study was to establish whether samples of South African-mined clinoptilolite could be used to remove selected metal cations from aqueous solution. The clinoptilolite samples supplied, (by Pratley SA) were in four different particle sizes. Batch study results revealed a decrease in the initial metal concentration in samples that were in contact with clinoptilolite. The finer particle size clinoptilolite had a greater capacity to remove metal cations from aqueous solution. However, ion-exchange results from atomic absorption analysis showed that the larger particle sizes, removed more magnesium ions. Magnesium was the only ion investigated in this study that was present as an exchangeable ion in the Pratley clinoptilolite chemical formula, (MgCaNa2K2)2.5(AlO2)7(SiO2)30.21H2O. Results from the ion-exchange studies showed that the decreasing order of percentage metal removal at pH 3.00 was as follows: Pb > Ni > Cu > Fe > Mg. The mass of metal ions that accumulated on one gram of clinoptilolite as determined from the isotherms was calculated to be 6.16 mg/g for lead and 0.74 mg/g for copper. Data from the lead equilibrium studies were fitted into Langmuir and Freundlich equations and linear regression was used to calculate linearity coefficients for the isotherms. The results showed that the removal of lead ions by clinoptilolite is complex as both monolayer and multilayer adsorption occurs on a heterogeneous surface.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Dyeshana, Vuyokazi
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Ion exchange , Clinoptilolite
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:10419 ,
- Description: The aim of this study was to establish whether samples of South African-mined clinoptilolite could be used to remove selected metal cations from aqueous solution. The clinoptilolite samples supplied, (by Pratley SA) were in four different particle sizes. Batch study results revealed a decrease in the initial metal concentration in samples that were in contact with clinoptilolite. The finer particle size clinoptilolite had a greater capacity to remove metal cations from aqueous solution. However, ion-exchange results from atomic absorption analysis showed that the larger particle sizes, removed more magnesium ions. Magnesium was the only ion investigated in this study that was present as an exchangeable ion in the Pratley clinoptilolite chemical formula, (MgCaNa2K2)2.5(AlO2)7(SiO2)30.21H2O. Results from the ion-exchange studies showed that the decreasing order of percentage metal removal at pH 3.00 was as follows: Pb > Ni > Cu > Fe > Mg. The mass of metal ions that accumulated on one gram of clinoptilolite as determined from the isotherms was calculated to be 6.16 mg/g for lead and 0.74 mg/g for copper. Data from the lead equilibrium studies were fitted into Langmuir and Freundlich equations and linear regression was used to calculate linearity coefficients for the isotherms. The results showed that the removal of lead ions by clinoptilolite is complex as both monolayer and multilayer adsorption occurs on a heterogeneous surface.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
A study of the coordination behaviour of the lanthanide series with oxygen-donor ligands
- Authors: Kuhn, Kirsti
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Chemical elements , Chemical reactions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10394 , , Chemical elements , Chemical reactions
- Description: The reactions between the lanthanide nitrate salts and the ligand triphenylphosphine oxide (TPPO) gave rise to nine-coordinated complexes of the nature Ln(TPPO)3(NO3)3, for Ln = La – Dy, Er, Tm, in which the Ln(III) centre is coordinated to three phosphoryl oxygen atoms and three bidentate nitrate ligands. Generally, the geometry can be described as being mer-octahedral, where the nitrate ligands are considered as monoatomic species. The product of the reaction between Yb(NO3)3·5H2O and TPPO, however, was a highly symmetrical eight-coordinated complex, in which the Yb(III) centre was coordinated to two bidentate nitrate groups and four TPPO molecules. The geometry in this case is best described as being trans-octahedral, with the two nitrate ligands coordinated practically perpendicular to one another. The complexes isolated from the reactions of lanthanide nitrate salts with the ligand bis(pentamethylene)urea (PMU) had the general formula Ln(PMU)3(NO3)3, where Ln = La – Dy, Yb, Lu. The complexes were found to be nine-coordinated with distorted trigonal prismatic geometry, in which the one base of the prism is composed of the oxygen atoms of the three PMU ligands and the other base is made up by one oxygen atom from each of the bidentate nitrate groups. The second oxygen atoms of each of the nitrate groups protrude upward, occupying capping positions. The reactions of the La and Pr nitrate salts with the ligand 2,2’-dipyridyl-N,N’-dioxide (DPDO) produced two novel complexes of the nature [Ln(DPDO)(H2O)2(NO3)3]. These complexes are remarkable in that their crystal structures reveal the Ln(III) centres to be ten-coordinated. The geometry around the Ln(III) centres was complex, due to the presence of a seven-membered chelate ring, formed by the bidentate coordination of the oxygen atoms from the DPDO ligands to the metal centres. The chelate ring did not lie in a single plane, but was twisted at the pyridyl bridgeheads to lie above and below the coordination plane.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Kuhn, Kirsti
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Chemical elements , Chemical reactions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10394 , , Chemical elements , Chemical reactions
- Description: The reactions between the lanthanide nitrate salts and the ligand triphenylphosphine oxide (TPPO) gave rise to nine-coordinated complexes of the nature Ln(TPPO)3(NO3)3, for Ln = La – Dy, Er, Tm, in which the Ln(III) centre is coordinated to three phosphoryl oxygen atoms and three bidentate nitrate ligands. Generally, the geometry can be described as being mer-octahedral, where the nitrate ligands are considered as monoatomic species. The product of the reaction between Yb(NO3)3·5H2O and TPPO, however, was a highly symmetrical eight-coordinated complex, in which the Yb(III) centre was coordinated to two bidentate nitrate groups and four TPPO molecules. The geometry in this case is best described as being trans-octahedral, with the two nitrate ligands coordinated practically perpendicular to one another. The complexes isolated from the reactions of lanthanide nitrate salts with the ligand bis(pentamethylene)urea (PMU) had the general formula Ln(PMU)3(NO3)3, where Ln = La – Dy, Yb, Lu. The complexes were found to be nine-coordinated with distorted trigonal prismatic geometry, in which the one base of the prism is composed of the oxygen atoms of the three PMU ligands and the other base is made up by one oxygen atom from each of the bidentate nitrate groups. The second oxygen atoms of each of the nitrate groups protrude upward, occupying capping positions. The reactions of the La and Pr nitrate salts with the ligand 2,2’-dipyridyl-N,N’-dioxide (DPDO) produced two novel complexes of the nature [Ln(DPDO)(H2O)2(NO3)3]. These complexes are remarkable in that their crystal structures reveal the Ln(III) centres to be ten-coordinated. The geometry around the Ln(III) centres was complex, due to the presence of a seven-membered chelate ring, formed by the bidentate coordination of the oxygen atoms from the DPDO ligands to the metal centres. The chelate ring did not lie in a single plane, but was twisted at the pyridyl bridgeheads to lie above and below the coordination plane.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
AC3P: an architecture using cloud computing for the provision of mathematical powerpoint content to feature phones
- Authors: Joubert, Jean-Pierre
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Cloud computing , Mobile computing , Mathematics -- Study and teaching.
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10474 , , Cloud computing , Mobile computing , Mathematics -- Study and teaching.
- Description: The Govan Mbeki Mathematics Development Unit (GMMDU) provides additional mathematics content to learners via mathematics workshops and DVDs. Mathematics is presented in PPT format. The prominence of feature phone usage has been confirmed amongst learners in socio-economic disadvantaged schools, specifically those learners participating in the GMMDU mathematics workshops. Feature phones typically contain limited device resources such as memory, battery power, and network resources. Distributed computing provides the potential to facilitate a new class of mobile applications with the provision of off-device resources. The objective of this research was the design of an architecture using Cloud Computing for the provision of mathematics in the form of PPT slides to feature phones. The capabilities of typical feature phones were reviewed as well as various distributed computing architectures that demonstrate potential benefit to the mobile environment. An Architecture using Cloud Computing for Content Provision (AC3P) was subsequently designed and applied as a proof of concept to facilitate the provision of mathematics in the form of PPT slides to feature phones. The application of AC3P was evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness. It was demonstrated that the application of AC3P provided efficient and effective provision of PPT to feature phones. The successful application of AC3P provided evidence that Cloud Computing may be used to facilitate the provision of mathematics content to feature phones. It is evident that AC3P may be applied in domains other than the provision of mathematics.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Joubert, Jean-Pierre
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Cloud computing , Mobile computing , Mathematics -- Study and teaching.
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10474 , , Cloud computing , Mobile computing , Mathematics -- Study and teaching.
- Description: The Govan Mbeki Mathematics Development Unit (GMMDU) provides additional mathematics content to learners via mathematics workshops and DVDs. Mathematics is presented in PPT format. The prominence of feature phone usage has been confirmed amongst learners in socio-economic disadvantaged schools, specifically those learners participating in the GMMDU mathematics workshops. Feature phones typically contain limited device resources such as memory, battery power, and network resources. Distributed computing provides the potential to facilitate a new class of mobile applications with the provision of off-device resources. The objective of this research was the design of an architecture using Cloud Computing for the provision of mathematics in the form of PPT slides to feature phones. The capabilities of typical feature phones were reviewed as well as various distributed computing architectures that demonstrate potential benefit to the mobile environment. An Architecture using Cloud Computing for Content Provision (AC3P) was subsequently designed and applied as a proof of concept to facilitate the provision of mathematics in the form of PPT slides to feature phones. The application of AC3P was evaluated for efficiency and effectiveness. It was demonstrated that the application of AC3P provided efficient and effective provision of PPT to feature phones. The successful application of AC3P provided evidence that Cloud Computing may be used to facilitate the provision of mathematics content to feature phones. It is evident that AC3P may be applied in domains other than the provision of mathematics.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
An ecosystem-based spatial conservation plan for the South African sandy beaches
- Authors: Harris, Linda Rozanne
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Seashore -- South Africa , Bathing beaches -- South Africa , Shorelines -- South Africa , Conservation biology , PhD Thesis
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:10688 , , Seashore -- South Africa , Bathing beaches -- South Africa , Shorelines -- South Africa , Conservation biology
- Description: An ecosytem-based spatial conservation plan for the South African sandy beaches. Sandy beaches are valuable ecosystems. They support a collection of species that is unique, comprising many endemic species, and provide a number of key ecosystem goods and services, including scenic vistas for human recreation, nesting sites for turtles and birds, and important areas for biogeochemical recycling, water filtration and purification. However, sandy beaches have not been well understood or appreciated as ecosystems, and consequently have a legacy of poor coastal management. In many instances this has lead to a "tyranny of small decisions", where multiple, seemingly insignificant management decisions and actions have resulted in complete transformation and degradation of the shoreline in several places. In addition to inappropriate management strategies, beaches are also poorly represented in conservation areas. Further, where they are recognised as being "conserved" in marine protected areas, this often is a false sense of protection because the far more sensitive dune portion of the littoral active zone is invariably not included in the reserve. In short, there is a need for a new way to approach sandy beach conservation and management that includes the system (dunes, intertidal beaches and surf zones) as a whole. On one hand, the approach should make provision for use of the abundant natural resources and opportunities associated with sandy shores in ways that are sustainable and contribute to biodiversity stewardship - through ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning. But, on the other hand, it must simultaneously contribute to securing a sufficient amount of the key ecological attributes of beaches (habitats, biodiversity and processes) in a network of reserves, to ensure that the ecosystem, natural resources, and services all persist in perpetuity - through systematic conservation planning. The aim of this Thesis is to integrate these into a single approach, which I call ecosystem-based spatial conservation planning for sandy beaches, using the South African sandy shores as a case study. To achieve this broad aim, the Thesis is divided into three parts. Part 1 deals with establishing baseline information by quantifying spatial patterns in sandy beach habitats (Chapter 1), biodiversity, key assemblages and processes, and outstanding physical features (Chapter 2). First, mapping sandy beach habitats is a challenge given the vast, linear extent of shorelines and significant resources required to complete the project. Therefore, a novel approach was derived using statistical techniques (conditional inference trees) to identify physical features of beaches that can be observed on Google Earth (or similar) imagery, and that can provide good predictions of beach morphodynamic (habitat) types. Based on the results of this analysis, sandy beaches (and all other coastal habitat types) were mapped digitally in ArcGIS. Second, spatial patterns in sandy beach biodiversity (vertebrates, macrofauna, microflora and foredune plants) were mapped by compiling existing data on the distributions of key species that have been well studied or mapped previously (vertebrates and foredune plants), and by niche modelling (macrofauna and microflora). For the latter, data from all previous sandy-beach sampling events in South Africa were compiled from published and unpublished sources, and supplemented with additional sampling of 23 beaches along the national shoreline, targeting macrofauna and phytoplankton. Altogether, the macrofauna database comprised data from 135 sites and 186 sampling events, and the microflora (phytoplankton and microphytobenthos) database comprised data from 73 sites and 510 samples. The probabilistic distribution of each "resident" species (present at 10 or more sites) was modelled in MaxEnt version 3.3.3k, probability thresholds were determined statistically (to convert the data into predicted presence-absence), and displayed as a digital map. A composite biodiversity map was compiled, and key trends in species richness and endemism along the national shoreline were quantified. To supplement biodiversity proper, additional valued-features of sandy beaches were mapped, including: important assemblages; unique habitat features; and sites associated with key ecological processes. Part 2 considers threats to sandy beaches in the context of deriving an appropriate management strategy that seeks to provide for use of the coast, but in a way that has least overall impact to the ecosystem. A method for assessing cumulative threats to sandy beaches is adapted from an existing framework (Chapter 4). This entailed compiling a list of threats to beaches, and scoring these (out of 10) in terms of the severity of their respective impacts to beaches, and how long it would take the ecosystem to recover should the threat be removed. The scoring was based on the collective expert opinion of the scientific community working on sandy beaches, at a workshop during the VIth International Sandy Beach Symposium 2012. To standardize the scores and ensure broad applicability, a base case scenario of a pristine beach was established, and maximum theoretical scores were provided for this context. The method for integrating these scores into a spatial, cumulative threat assessment was then determined. In Chapter 5, the maximum theoretical scores (from Chapter 4) were down-scaled to suit the current threat regime to the South African sandy beaches, and the cumulative threat assessment methodology was applied. From this analysis, the most threatened beaches in South Africa, and the most important threats were highlighted. A decision-support tool for managers was derived from the site-specific cumulative threat-impact scores, based first on the degree of permanent habitat transformation, and second on the cumulative impact of other stressors where the impacts these stressors have could potentially be mitigated or ameliorated. Part 3 concerns conservation of beaches explicitly. It addresses how much of which valued features of beaches is required to ensure their long-term persistence, and the design of a network of beaches in South Africa that are of ecological importance and should be set aside as reserves. Conservation targets are set in Chapter 6, using species-area curves to determine a baseline percentage-area required to protect sandy beach habitats, which is modified using heuristic principles based on habitat rarity and threat status (from a recent national assessment). A fixed target was applied to all species, also modified by heuristic principles, and another fixed target was applied to key assemblages and processes.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Harris, Linda Rozanne
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Seashore -- South Africa , Bathing beaches -- South Africa , Shorelines -- South Africa , Conservation biology , PhD Thesis
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:10688 , , Seashore -- South Africa , Bathing beaches -- South Africa , Shorelines -- South Africa , Conservation biology
- Description: An ecosytem-based spatial conservation plan for the South African sandy beaches. Sandy beaches are valuable ecosystems. They support a collection of species that is unique, comprising many endemic species, and provide a number of key ecosystem goods and services, including scenic vistas for human recreation, nesting sites for turtles and birds, and important areas for biogeochemical recycling, water filtration and purification. However, sandy beaches have not been well understood or appreciated as ecosystems, and consequently have a legacy of poor coastal management. In many instances this has lead to a "tyranny of small decisions", where multiple, seemingly insignificant management decisions and actions have resulted in complete transformation and degradation of the shoreline in several places. In addition to inappropriate management strategies, beaches are also poorly represented in conservation areas. Further, where they are recognised as being "conserved" in marine protected areas, this often is a false sense of protection because the far more sensitive dune portion of the littoral active zone is invariably not included in the reserve. In short, there is a need for a new way to approach sandy beach conservation and management that includes the system (dunes, intertidal beaches and surf zones) as a whole. On one hand, the approach should make provision for use of the abundant natural resources and opportunities associated with sandy shores in ways that are sustainable and contribute to biodiversity stewardship - through ecosystem-based management and marine spatial planning. But, on the other hand, it must simultaneously contribute to securing a sufficient amount of the key ecological attributes of beaches (habitats, biodiversity and processes) in a network of reserves, to ensure that the ecosystem, natural resources, and services all persist in perpetuity - through systematic conservation planning. The aim of this Thesis is to integrate these into a single approach, which I call ecosystem-based spatial conservation planning for sandy beaches, using the South African sandy shores as a case study. To achieve this broad aim, the Thesis is divided into three parts. Part 1 deals with establishing baseline information by quantifying spatial patterns in sandy beach habitats (Chapter 1), biodiversity, key assemblages and processes, and outstanding physical features (Chapter 2). First, mapping sandy beach habitats is a challenge given the vast, linear extent of shorelines and significant resources required to complete the project. Therefore, a novel approach was derived using statistical techniques (conditional inference trees) to identify physical features of beaches that can be observed on Google Earth (or similar) imagery, and that can provide good predictions of beach morphodynamic (habitat) types. Based on the results of this analysis, sandy beaches (and all other coastal habitat types) were mapped digitally in ArcGIS. Second, spatial patterns in sandy beach biodiversity (vertebrates, macrofauna, microflora and foredune plants) were mapped by compiling existing data on the distributions of key species that have been well studied or mapped previously (vertebrates and foredune plants), and by niche modelling (macrofauna and microflora). For the latter, data from all previous sandy-beach sampling events in South Africa were compiled from published and unpublished sources, and supplemented with additional sampling of 23 beaches along the national shoreline, targeting macrofauna and phytoplankton. Altogether, the macrofauna database comprised data from 135 sites and 186 sampling events, and the microflora (phytoplankton and microphytobenthos) database comprised data from 73 sites and 510 samples. The probabilistic distribution of each "resident" species (present at 10 or more sites) was modelled in MaxEnt version 3.3.3k, probability thresholds were determined statistically (to convert the data into predicted presence-absence), and displayed as a digital map. A composite biodiversity map was compiled, and key trends in species richness and endemism along the national shoreline were quantified. To supplement biodiversity proper, additional valued-features of sandy beaches were mapped, including: important assemblages; unique habitat features; and sites associated with key ecological processes. Part 2 considers threats to sandy beaches in the context of deriving an appropriate management strategy that seeks to provide for use of the coast, but in a way that has least overall impact to the ecosystem. A method for assessing cumulative threats to sandy beaches is adapted from an existing framework (Chapter 4). This entailed compiling a list of threats to beaches, and scoring these (out of 10) in terms of the severity of their respective impacts to beaches, and how long it would take the ecosystem to recover should the threat be removed. The scoring was based on the collective expert opinion of the scientific community working on sandy beaches, at a workshop during the VIth International Sandy Beach Symposium 2012. To standardize the scores and ensure broad applicability, a base case scenario of a pristine beach was established, and maximum theoretical scores were provided for this context. The method for integrating these scores into a spatial, cumulative threat assessment was then determined. In Chapter 5, the maximum theoretical scores (from Chapter 4) were down-scaled to suit the current threat regime to the South African sandy beaches, and the cumulative threat assessment methodology was applied. From this analysis, the most threatened beaches in South Africa, and the most important threats were highlighted. A decision-support tool for managers was derived from the site-specific cumulative threat-impact scores, based first on the degree of permanent habitat transformation, and second on the cumulative impact of other stressors where the impacts these stressors have could potentially be mitigated or ameliorated. Part 3 concerns conservation of beaches explicitly. It addresses how much of which valued features of beaches is required to ensure their long-term persistence, and the design of a network of beaches in South Africa that are of ecological importance and should be set aside as reserves. Conservation targets are set in Chapter 6, using species-area curves to determine a baseline percentage-area required to protect sandy beach habitats, which is modified using heuristic principles based on habitat rarity and threat status (from a recent national assessment). A fixed target was applied to all species, also modified by heuristic principles, and another fixed target was applied to key assemblages and processes.
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- Date Issued: 2012
An evaluation of programming assistance tools to support the learning of IT programming: a case study in South African secondary schools
- Authors: Koorsse, Melisa
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Computer science , Computer literacy , Computer programming
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:10472 , , Computer science , Computer literacy , Computer programming
- Description: Worldwide, there is a decline in interest in the computer science profession and in the subject at secondary school level. Novice programmers struggle to understand introductory programming concepts and this difficulty of learning to program is contributing to the lack of interest in the field of computer science. Information Technology (IT) learners in South African secondary schools are novice programmers, introduced to introductory programming concepts in the subject which also includes topics on hardware and system software, e-communication, social and ethical issues, spreadsheets and databases. The difficulties faced by IT learners are worsened by the lack of suitably qualified teachers, a saturated learning programme that allocates very little time to the understanding of complex programming concepts and limited class time where practical examples can be implemented with the support of the IT teacher. This research proposes that IT learners could be supported by a programming assistance tool (PAT). A PAT is a software program that can be used by novice programmers to learn how to program and/or improve their understanding of programming concepts. PATs use different techniques to assist novice programmers. The main objective of this research was to determine whether the use of a PAT impacted IT learners’ understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming. The literature study and feedback from IT learners and teachers were used to identify novice programming difficulties and IT learner programming difficulties, respectively. Selection criteria were derived from the programming difficulties identified. The selection criteria were grouped into three categories, namely, programming concepts, programming knowledge and programming skills. Existing PATs were evaluated using the selection criteria and three PATs, namely, RoboMind, Scratch and B#, were selected as suitable for use by IT learners. RoboMind was adapted in this research study, allowing it to support the Delphi programming language. The three PATs were evaluated by participating IT learners at four schools. The findings of this research provided no conclusive evidence that IT learners who used a PAT had a significantly better understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming than learners who did not use a PAT. IT learner feedback was used to identify the strengths and shortcomings of the three PATs and to provide recommendations for the development of PATs specifically to support IT learners. This research study has provided several theoretical and practical contributions, including the research design, selection criteria, adaptations to RoboMind and the evaluation of the three PATs. In addition, IT teachers and learners have been made aware of PATs and the support that can be provided by these PATs. IT teachers have also been provided with a means of selecting PATs applicable to the IT curriculum. All the research contributions have formed the basis for future work, such as improving and extending RoboMind’s functionality and support of programming concepts, the refinement of the selection criteria and, ultimately, the development of a new PAT, specifically designed to support IT learner understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012
- Authors: Koorsse, Melisa
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Computer science , Computer literacy , Computer programming
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:10472 , , Computer science , Computer literacy , Computer programming
- Description: Worldwide, there is a decline in interest in the computer science profession and in the subject at secondary school level. Novice programmers struggle to understand introductory programming concepts and this difficulty of learning to program is contributing to the lack of interest in the field of computer science. Information Technology (IT) learners in South African secondary schools are novice programmers, introduced to introductory programming concepts in the subject which also includes topics on hardware and system software, e-communication, social and ethical issues, spreadsheets and databases. The difficulties faced by IT learners are worsened by the lack of suitably qualified teachers, a saturated learning programme that allocates very little time to the understanding of complex programming concepts and limited class time where practical examples can be implemented with the support of the IT teacher. This research proposes that IT learners could be supported by a programming assistance tool (PAT). A PAT is a software program that can be used by novice programmers to learn how to program and/or improve their understanding of programming concepts. PATs use different techniques to assist novice programmers. The main objective of this research was to determine whether the use of a PAT impacted IT learners’ understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming. The literature study and feedback from IT learners and teachers were used to identify novice programming difficulties and IT learner programming difficulties, respectively. Selection criteria were derived from the programming difficulties identified. The selection criteria were grouped into three categories, namely, programming concepts, programming knowledge and programming skills. Existing PATs were evaluated using the selection criteria and three PATs, namely, RoboMind, Scratch and B#, were selected as suitable for use by IT learners. RoboMind was adapted in this research study, allowing it to support the Delphi programming language. The three PATs were evaluated by participating IT learners at four schools. The findings of this research provided no conclusive evidence that IT learners who used a PAT had a significantly better understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming than learners who did not use a PAT. IT learner feedback was used to identify the strengths and shortcomings of the three PATs and to provide recommendations for the development of PATs specifically to support IT learners. This research study has provided several theoretical and practical contributions, including the research design, selection criteria, adaptations to RoboMind and the evaluation of the three PATs. In addition, IT teachers and learners have been made aware of PATs and the support that can be provided by these PATs. IT teachers have also been provided with a means of selecting PATs applicable to the IT curriculum. All the research contributions have formed the basis for future work, such as improving and extending RoboMind’s functionality and support of programming concepts, the refinement of the selection criteria and, ultimately, the development of a new PAT, specifically designed to support IT learner understanding of programming concepts and motivation towards programming.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2012