Factors that influence the sustainability of rural crop production community projects in the Umzimvubu District
- Authors: Majiki, Fezeka
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Sustainable agriculture -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economic development projects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/8089 , vital:24991
- Description: Maize production is the main cropping activity in the Umzimvubu district. This cereal crop is the staple food for the Eastern Cape’s rural communities and accounts for nearly 95 per cent of the crops cultivated in dry-land cropping programmes. Food security in rural areas has been a major concern for the South African government. In attempts to mitigate hunger and poverty, the government has initiated rural development maize production projects. The primary objectives of the projects were to achieve sustainable livelihoods and rural development for the poor. The projects were expected to improve the quality of rural life and provide basic nutritional requirements of the community. Historically the rural poor have had to fend for themselves through subsistence farming in adverse environments. Input costs for farming have become increasingly expensive; this resulted in major challenges for subsistence farming. The crop production projects initiated in the Umzimvubu district have not been sustainable and have fallen short of addressing the needs of the various communities. The study aims to identify the factors that influence the sustainability of the crop production projects in the Umzimvubu district. A triangulation research method was used to provide multiple viewpoints to examine the data; this allows for greater accuracy of the research. The mixed method approach in which the researcher collects and analyses data integrates the findings and draws inferences using both qualitative and quantitative methodology. The quantitative research methodology provided the demographics and biographical data on the participants. The qualitative research methodology concentrated on the focus group discussions that gave an insight into the participants' views, perceptions and concerns. Focus groups were used to examine the factors influencing the sustain-ability of the projects and to explore how these projects are perceived and under-stood by the community and people working on the projects. The research interest is not only in what the project beneficiaries think, but also in why they think as they do. The main data collection was obtained from the focus groups and individual face-to-face interviews with the beneficiaries of the crop projects in the Umzimvubu district. It was found that the farming areas required rehabilitation, were susceptible to erosion and degradation, and lacked adequate land use practices. The beneficiaries of the cropping programmes had small amounts of other crops growing in their individual household gardens for household use in conjunction with the maize received from the maize programmes. The income made from selling maize from the programmes was insignificant and did not contribute substantially to the household needs, as the communities in these projects were still failing to secure adequate food requirements. The maize yields do not substantiate the monetary investment from the beneficiaries. Furthermore, the findings indicated that the beneficiaries do not receive consistent income from the programmes. The participants consisted of large households comprising mainly elderly people who depended on social grants as a regular source of income. These elderly were burdened with taking care of their grandchildren, whose parents were employed in either urban areas or unemployed and formed part of the household. The unemployed young adults also depended on child support grants for income. The maize harvested had to be shared between a large number of community members and the livestock. The findings also suggested that there was dependency on outside contractors for cultivation and other practices. The study found that most of the beneficiaries felt disempowered, as they had not been involved in the decision-making process. Furthermore, policy-makers failed to acknowledge existing indigenous knowledge and practices of the rural communities (i.e. inter-cropping and green mealie harvesting). Indigenous practices should be included into the programmes instead of compelling beneficiaries to adhere to new forms of cultivation. The communities introduction to new large-scale and challenging, highly technological methods resulted in most of the communities being fully dependent on government support and guidance. Training and the empowerment of beneficiaries are imperative. Rural people should be included in development of strategies and the role of the women should be given more recognition. It should be acknowledged that rural households are diverse and that the model cannot apply to each village or community.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Fairness and efficacy of the penalty provisions in the Tax Administration Act 28 of 2011
- Authors: Fourie, Catherine
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Tax administration and procedure Income tax -- Law and legislation , Taxation -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/12426 , vital:27065
- Description: The purpose of this treatise was to examine the fairness and efficacy of the penalty provisions in the Tax Administration Act (the Act). An integrative literature review research method was used. The study commenced with a review of the local and international literature on tax compliance and the fairness and efficacy of penalties. This was followed by a study of the stated objectives of the Fiscus in respect of the strategy and approach to maintaining and improving taxpayer compliance and an analysis of the penalty regime of the Act. A comparative analysis was then performed of the relevant taxing legislation of five countries, which were chosen using a purposeful sample selected from the major trading partners of the Republic and countries with a similar tax framework. Following this, a review was performed of a cross section of the most recent tax related court cases in South Africa in order to assess the extent, consistency and fairness of the application of the penalty provisions. The study then concluded with an integrated assessment of the fairness and efficacy of the penalty provisions in light of the research conducted, and highlighted areas where the legislation appears to meet this objective, followed by recommendations for amendments in respect of policy and implementation. Finally recommendations were made for areas of further research which might improve the validity of the conclusions with respect to the stated objectives of the present research and to inform policy formulation.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Financial statement analysis as a tool in evaluating the performance on Namibian small and medium-sized enterprises
- Authors: Namwandi, Helmut
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Financial statements Performance -- Evaluation Small business -- Namibia -- Management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/12480 , vital:27070
- Description: Literature on financial statement analysis has been documented by various authors on how the performances of organisations can be measured using financial statement analysis as a tool. Most of the literature focused on what has been written in relating to organisations which are listed on the stock exchange. However, the same principles which are applied in evaluating the performance of large organisations can equally be applied to any organisation; this includes small and medium-sized enterprises operating in Namibia. Despite the fact that financial statement analysis is an important tool for evaluating the performance of organisations, no previous literature was found pertaining to the evaluation of the performance of Namibian small and medium-sized enterprises using this tool. This research will attempt to identify how management of Namibian small and medium-sized enterprises can effectively make use of financial statement analysis as a tool in evaluating the performance of the organisations in order to make correct strategic decisions that will benefit the SMEs.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Foraging ecology of the gentoo penguin, pygoscelis papua, at Marion Island
- Authors: Carpenter-Kling, Tegan
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Gentoo penguin -- Food
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/4912 , vital:20766
- Description: The distribution and subsequent availability of marine predators’ prey is highly variable and is linked to fluctuating oceanographic parameters. It is well documented that annual breeding success of seabirds is related to the temporal availability of prey. Knowledge of a seabird’s diet and at sea distribution is therefore critical in deducing the effect of a fluctuating environment on a seabirds’ population and, furthermore, to understand seabirds role in the environment. The gentoo penguin population at sub-Antarctic Marion Island experienced a decline of 52% between 1994 and 2012. It has been speculated that long term changes in the local marine environment, due to a southward shift of the sub-Antarctic Front (SAF), and subsequent changes in prey availability is the ultimate causal factor. Therefore, this thesis investigates the temporal variation in the diet these birds over three years, through the use of stomach content samples. It then investigates whether the composition of the diet has changed over the long term (approximately 18 years). Additionally, the at sea distribution of these birds was investigated using temperature-depth recorders (TDRs) and global positioning system (GPS) devices. This study represents the first to investigate variation in the diet over three years and over the long term. It is also the first study to track these birds fine scale movement. Over three years, the diet exhibited a high degree of variability. The birds primarily foraged on the fish, Lepidonotothen larseni and the crustaceans, Nauticaris marionis and Euphausia vallentiniy. Over three years, L. larseni became increasingly more important during the breeding season. This was attributed to an increase in availability of these fish during this time, as this time corresponded to the transition of these fish from the larval pelagic phase to the benthic adult phase. Furthermore, the proportions of N. marionis and E. vallentini in the diet varied significantly among years. This variation is possibly a result of the highly variable latitudinal position of the SAF. The diet changed over the long term. There was significantly less N. marionis and more E. vallentini in the diet during more recent years. The long term southward shift of the SAF is considered to be a leading cause of these significant changes in the diet. The shallow inter-island shelf between Marion and Prince Edward Island was an important foraging area possibly due to predictable prey resources. In addition, these birds exhibited an important and possibly unique foraging strategy. They performed short self-maintenance trips where after they return to land to roost for the night. The following day these trips were followed by a longer foraging trip that was followed by chick provisioning. This strategy is unique among seabirds longer trips are associated with self-maintenance and not chick provisioning. This study has provided important knowledge of the foraging ecology of the gentoo penguin at sub-Antarctic Marion Island. It highlights the necessity for continuation of diet and tracking studies of these birds if we are to fully understand the ultimate factors that are causing the decline in their breeding success and population numbers.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Formulation development and thermorheological properties of crumb rubber/eva modified bitumen
- Authors: Nare, Keith Dumisani
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Crumb rubber Bitumen , Vinyl acetate
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/11974 , vital:27015
- Description: The study deals with the formulation development and thermorheological properties of crumb rubber/ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) modified bitumen with the aim of optimizing the amount of crumb rubber and EVA loadings in bitumen based on thermorheological parameters complex shear modulus, phase angle and rutting parameter. In the modified binders EVA offers plastomer properties whereas the crumb rubber confers elasticity to the bitumen. 13.75% crumb rubber and 2.5% EVA loadings based on aging indices gave the best optimized mixture. The thermorheological behaviour of the best optimized mixture was compared to industrial grade EVA (AP-1) and crumb rubber (AR-1) modified bitumen. Improving aging behaviour of the bitumen was evaluated using four antioxidants: carbon black, hydrated lime, Irganox 1010 and Irgafos 168. The least aging indices at 58˚C and 64˚C were obtained from a 1:1:1 Irganox 1010/hydrated lime/carbon black mixture. SARA (saturates, aromatics, resins and asphaltene) analysis gave the chemical background for application of antioxidants to reduce the propensity of short term aging. To further improve the EVA/crumb rubber optimized mixture for workability FT wax (Sasobit®) was assayed at loadings from 0-2.5%. This was done to match the EVA content and maintain the original maximum loading of 2.5% in the optimized mixture. The phase change abilities of FT wax owing to the high latent heat enabled co-crystallization with the EVA with the elastomeric backbone of crumb rubber acting as support material. The energy-sustainability nexus was found to have worked at less than 1% loading of FT wax in the EVA/crumb rubber modified bitumen. Response surface methodology approach to all the sections of work was used to come up with the optimized mixtures based on rheological parameters complex shear modulus, phase angle and rutting parameter at test temperature 64˚C. The interaction chemistry of bitumen, crumb rubber, EVA and FT wax was found to be first and second order in all cases involving individual contributions and co-interaction amongst the factors. Project costing for each section of work (optimizing section, antioxidant section and FT wax section) was conducted involving the raw materials used, equipment used, labour involved and other costs incurred for all the project work.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Formulation of an optimal non-targeted liposome preparation for fusion with tumour cell line membranes
- Authors: Motala, Ismail Mohammed , Roux, Saartjie
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Liposomes Cancer -- Adjuvant treatment Nanotechnology -- Cancer
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/12220 , vital:27045
- Description: The most common treatment used for cancer is chemotherapy. Chemotherapeutic agents have a greater affinity for rapidly dividing cells which is a characteristic of tumour cells. Although anti-cancer agents have their advantages in providing anti-cancer effects, they can be seen as highly toxic molecules posing a threat to normal healthy tissue within the human body. However, these toxic therapies need to be delivered to tumour sites without damaging healthy tissue. Liposomes can serve as a delivery system for these toxic molecules and be delivered to the tumour site via the EPR effect. Hence, liposomes that fuse with tumour cell line membranes are advantageous in delivering payloads of drugs directly into the tumour cell without damaging normal healthy tissue. The aim of the study was to formulate an optimised liposome preparation in order to enhance cellular uptake by MCF-7, Caco-2 and C3A cancer cell lines via membrane fusion. The optimal liposome formulation was aimed to be prepared utilising a statistical design approach in order to determine the ranges of the parameters that were furthermost optimal in formulating an ideal liposome preparation. The primary screening design was conducted using a 24-1 fractional factorial design that took into account the four parameters that were used to determine the optimisation of the liposomal preparation. The four variables used in the liposome preparation were the phospholipid type (PS or DOPE), the concentration of cholesteryl hemisuccinate (CHEMS) (10 – 40 %), the concentration of PEG2000-PE (0.5 – 4 %) and liposome size (100 or 200 nm). Liposomes were prepared using thin film hydration method and characterisation for size and zeta potential was carried out using photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS). Visual characterisation of liposome size was carried out using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Liposomes were exposed the cancer cell lines with visualisation and uptake being measured using fluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry, respectively. An optimal liposome preparation was prepared following the statistical design method. The optimal liposome preparation consisted of phospholipid type PS, 22.91 % of CHEMS, 4 % of PEG2000-PE and a liposome size of 200 nm. AFM analysis has shown that optimal liposome sizes ranged between 130 and 170 nm. Flow cytometry analysis indicated high level of liposome uptake with actual values falling below the predicted values set out by the statistical design. Fluorescence microscopy captured images of the fluorescent liposomes concentrated on the membrane of cells. The objective of the study was to determine from literature which variables would be desirable in preparing an optimal non-targeted liposome preparation. This was achieved by identifying four such variables and utilising them in a statistical design approach which was screened in order to determine the ideal parameters in preparing the optimised liposome batch. Therefore, from the results obtained it can be concluded that the aim of the study were met by preparing an optimal liposome preparation that has the ability to fuse with the tumour cell line membranes.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Good governance as a mechanism to optimise development in Chris Hani District Municipality
- Authors: Mbunge, Sibongiseni Patronella
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Heritage tourism -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Tourism -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/11752 , vital:26965
- Description: Good governance is the most important factor in exterminating poverty and stimulating development. South African heritage has the potential to contribute significantly towards the country’s economic development. Cultural Villages were introduced in the South African tourism industry as a contribution to the objective of rural development in order to improve African curio shops and township experiences and to advance diversification. This study was undertaken to investigate Good Governance Principle that can be employed in the Chris Hani District Municipality (CHDM) to enhance optimise development brought about by the Cultural Villages (CV) in the area. The study is qualitative in nature. The literature reviewed in this study shows that there is a general poor implementation of good governance principles in the governance and management of the cultural villages. The researcher attempted to achieve high validity and reliability by ensuring that the views and arguments advanced by respondents are accurate in that the chosen respondents consisted of operational workers within the municipality and members of the community. The study establishes that there are several challenges that hinder the effective implementation of good governance principles in the local and district municipalities. Other findings of the study include that there is a challenge of poor management of the CVs, lack of public participation and inadequate funding for the CVs. The main finding of the study is that, although good governance plays a significant role in the improvement of development, it has not contributed to the improvement of the development of the CHDM communities. The main recommendation based on this finding is that there should be regular and thorough public participation within the local municipalities about all the developments relating to the cultural villages. Additional recommendations include, inter alia, strong partnerships between the municipality and the communities and accountability.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Government policies aimed at combating land degradation in Alfred Nzo District
- Authors: Nqaphi, David Zibekile
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Land degradation -- South Africa Land reform -- Law and legislation -- South Africa Land use -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/12404 , vital:27063
- Description: Land degradation is a serious problem in communal district of Alfred Nzo, Eastern Cape in South Africa. The root causes of land degradation and soil erosion differ. The causes of land degradation in Alfred Nzo district communal areas are due to soil erosion by wind, water and poor agricultural practices. Rainfall is one of the most important climatic factor that contributed a lot in land degradation in the Alfred Nzo District. Other main factors contributing to land degradation include: Socio-economic factors related to historical land policies and inappropriate land uses, Poor land use planning, Drought and rainfall variability .Land use and management and sand mining. This study tried to pay more focus on the assessment of government policies which aimed at combating land degradation in South Africa in their nature but the area of focus will be Ntabankulu Local Municipality area in the project called Ematolweni Agricultural Co-operative Project. The reason to focus in this project is because they are currently practising crop production under electrified irrigation system but the main obstacle in this project are the dongas which are seemed to be a serious threat to the project site. During rainy seasons the project site is not easily accessible, that hampers access to market. There is also direct and serious effect of land degradation which is food insecurity which is emanating from loss of biodiversity and ground cover, loss of soil productivity, loss of income, decreased yield, and decline in economic productivity and national development. Lastly it is wisely recommended that to reduce the effect of land degradation in Alfred Nzo enlarge, government should strengthen the intervention programmes and provide more support to the LandCare programme which was the concept introduced in Australian and adopted in South Africa in 2001. This programme is assisting at restoring sustainability and productivity to land and water management in both rural and urban areas. It is holistic in nature, encompassing integrated sustainable natural resource management.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Graduate job search activity in Zambia: a social capital analysis
- Authors: Nsenduluka, Mukupa
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Social capital (Sociology) -- Zambia Unemployment -- Zambia , College graduates -- Employment -- Zambia
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/12917 , vital:27134
- Description: There is much to be said about the use of social capital in the job search patterns of graduates, however, little is researched on the use of social capital as a job search strategy. Despite the years of research that acknowledges the critical role social capital plays in determining job search outcomes, little to no research has been done to specifically understand the different ways in which graduates utilize their social capital (family, friends and acquaintances) to look for work. Human capital theory posits that education is the greatest determinant of employment in a labour market system that that awards educational credentials with occupational attainment. However, the reality is that a large number of Zambian graduates are jobless despite being educated. This study, therefore seeks to analyse the high levels of graduate unemployment from lternative theories of social capital and the job search. Knowing the different ways social capital expresses itself in graduate job search patterns provides possible solutions and a different perspective to addressing the high levels of graduate unemployment in Zambia. This study adopted a qualitative case study research design and made use of the snow ball sampling approach. Fifteen semistructured interviews were conducted and findings and emerging themes analysed in response to the central question, “how does social capital express itself in graduate job search patterns in Lusaka, Zambia?”. Through extensive thematic analyses, the researcher finds that there are eight ways in which graduates utilize their social capital to look for work and overcome challenges of the job search. This demonstrates that social capital can be a useful and beneficial job search strategy to adopt in a labour market system where educational credentials alone do not guarantee graduates successful job search outcomes.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Hate speech as a limitation to freedom of expression
- Authors: Botha, Joanna Catherine
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Freedom of speech -- South Africa , Hate speech -- South Africa , Civil rights -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , LLD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/9054 , vital:26460
- Description: Hate speech in South Africa creates a tension between the right to freedom of expression and the rights to human dignity and equality. The challenge is to achieve a balance between these competing rights in the context of the divisive past and the transformative constitutional ideal, in which reconciliation and respect for group difference are promoted. Freedom of expression, an individual right, must be construed in light of its underlying values, but regard must also be given to communitarian interests. The constitutional standard draws the initial line. The advocacy of hatred on four grounds and which constitutes incitement to cause harm is not constitutionally protected speech. Such speech undermines nation building, causes acrimony, and is not tolerated in the egalitarian society envisaged by the Constitution. The thesis formulates a principled legislative hate speech framework for South Africa at both human rights and criminal levels within the parameters of the constitutional mandate, as guided by the standard for hate speech restrictions in international law, and the Canadian regulatory model. An essential premise is that regulation requires a multi-faceted balancing enquiry. A holistic approach is proposed where factors such as respect for the dignity of the victims, autonomy for speakers, listeners and the wider community; the causal link between hate speech and hatred in a community; and the desire to achieve a diverse and harmonious society; amongst others, are considered. Failure to regulate hate speech constructively endorses hatemongers and promotes damaging speech at the expense of vulnerable groups. Regulation ensures that law sets the normative benchmark, affirms the protection of vulnerable groups within the social fabric and upholds social cohesion, inclusiveness and the equal citizenship of all individuals in society. The thesis contains a proposal for the enactment of legislation creating a self-standing hate speech crime for the advocacy of extreme hatred, shaped in accordance with international requirements and comparative foreign law, and structured in light of the distinction between hate crime and hate speech. The existing legal framework is unable to provide consistent and fitting redress for the severe harm caused by such speech, namely the fostering of an environment in which the stigmatisation of groups is promoted, their exclusion from society justified and intervention is needed to remedy the escalated levels of hatred and violence between different groups in society. PEPUDA, a remedial statute aimed at promoting transformation and substantive equality, is valuable, but its speech prohibitions are broad and imprecise. Consequently, their effectiveness is compromised and their constitutionality questioned. The thesis proposes recommendations for amendments to sections 7(a), 10(1) and 12 of PEPUDA. The aim is to ensure compliance with the international standard and to foster the optimal regulation of hate speech and other forms of damaging speech, including derogatory racial epithets, which undermine human dignity and equality and threaten national unity. It is intended for the two systems to complement one another and to create a legal framework aimed at addressing hate speech constructively and in context, promoting tolerance, respect for difference, reconciliation and transformation.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Hearing the voice of rural women regarding personal development issues
- Authors: Ntloko, Balisa Mirriam
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Women in rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Women's rights -- South Africa , Rural poor -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/12736 , vital:27116
- Description: Some rural communities in South Africa suffer from the results of inequity and disempowerment. It is especially black females who are affected in this regard. A number of factors contribute to the oppression of female voices in their rural communities. In this study the voice is considered the right and freedom of speech for women to express their opinions in order to influence others. Both the national government and civil society fervently push for the placement of women and children empowerment onto the development agenda. Yet, one still notes with concern that in reality, it seems to be mostly men who fully enjoy freedom of speech, senior employment and decision making powers in South Africa. Thus, it remains evident that not enough has been done to redress gender inequities,especially in South African rural communities. Focussing on one rural community situated in the outskirts of the Eastern Cape (former Transkei), this research undertook to determine the various ways in which rural women may have their voice heard in their immediate communities, particularly pertaining to personal development issues. Community members, who were identified through a purposive sampling method, shared their perceptions on the research topic.Through the research, it has become clear that in order to overcome female silence, the communal role of women needs to be broadened beyond the scope of traditionally gendered activities such as the carrying out of house work/chores such as cooking or childrearing. Furthermore, women must be knowledgeable about their basic human rights and responsibilities; their education in this regard should be made a national priority. It has also become evident that in order to overcome female voices remaining silent, women should begin to take greater personal responsibility over their reproductive health.Practical recommendations to ddress each framed theme have been presented.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Higher order modulation formats for high speed optical communication systems with digital signal processing aided receiver
- Authors: Chabata, Tichakunda Valentine
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Optical communications , Modulation (Electronics) , Signal processing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/4775 , vital:20677
- Description: The drastic increase in the number of internet users and the general convergence of all other communication systems into an optical system have brought a sharp rise in demand for bandwidth and calls for high capacity transmission networks. Large unamplified transmission reach is another contributor in reducing deployment costs of an optical communication system. Spectrally efficient modulation formats are suggested as a solution to overcome the problems associated with limited channels and bandwidth of dense wavelength division multiplexing (DWDM) optical communication systems. Higher order modulation formats which are considered to be spectrally efficient and can increase the transmission capacity by transmitting more information in the amplitude, phase, polarization or a combination of all was studied. Different detection technologies are to be implemented to suit a particular higher order modulation format. In this research multilevel modulation formats, different detection technologies and a digital signal processing aided receiver were studied in a practical optical transmission system. The work in this thesis started with the implementation of the traditional amplitude shift keying (ASK) modulation and a differential phase shift keying (DPSK) modulation systems as they form the basic building block in the design of higher order modulation formats. Results obtained from using virtual photonics instruments (VPI)simulation software, receiver sensitivity for 10Gbpsnon-return-to-zero (NRZ), amplitude phase shift keying (ASK) and DPSK signals were measured to be -22.7 dBm and -22.0 dBm respectively. Performance comparison for the two modulation formats were done over different transmission distances. ASK also known as On-Off keying (OOK) performed better for shorter lengths whereas DPSK performed better for longer lengths of up to90km.Experimental results on a 10 Gbps NRZ- ASK signal gave a receiver sensitivity of -21.1 dBm from digital signal processing (DSP) aided receiver against -19.8 dBm from the commercial bit error ratio tester (BERT) yielding a small difference of 1.3 dB hence validating the reliability and accuracy of the digital signal processing (DSP) assisted receiver. Traditional direct detection scheme and coherent detection scheme performances were evaluated again on a 10 Gbps NRZ ASK signal. Coherent detection that can achieve a large unamplified transmission reach and has a higher passive optical splitting ratio was first evaluated using the VPI simulation software. Simulation results gave a receiver sensitivity of -30.4 dBm forcoherent detection and -18.3 dBm for direct detection, yielding a gain in receiver sensitivity of 12.1 dB. The complex coherently detected signal, from the experimental setup gave a receiver sensitivity of -20.6 dBm with a gain in receiver sensitivity of 3.5 dBm with respect to direct detection. A multilevel pulse amplitude modulation (4-PAM) that doubles the data rate per channel from10 Gbps to 20 Gbps by transmitting more information in the amplitude of the carrier signal was implemented. This was achieved by modulating the optical amplitude with an electrical four level amplitude shift keyed (ASK) signal. A receiver consisting of a single photodiode, three decision circuits and a decoding logic circuit was used to receive and extract the original transmitted data. A DSP aided receiver was used to evaluate the link performance. A receiver sensitivity of -12.8 dBm is attained with a dispersion penalty of about 7.2 dB after transmission through 25 km of G.652 fibre.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Image of Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB): an external stakeholder's perspective
- Authors: Bush, Charmel Lolita
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Tourism -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Description and travel
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/9097 , vital:26464
- Description: A distinctive destination image is required in order to compete with other destinations for tourists and investors alike. This main objective of this study is to develop a model for destination image formation for Nelson Mandela Bay as a secondary economy to boost its global competitiveness. Several researchers have studied destination image and based on the fact that tourists and investors usually have a limited knowledge of destinations they have not previously visited, destination image fulfils an important function insofar as destinations with strong, positive, discriminatory and recognisable images. A literature study was conducted to identify the key influencers on destination image as well as to identify which forces are likely to influence the destination image of Nelson Mandela Bay. The different factors of destination image were identified from the literature sources and these factors provided a basis for an empirical study that was conducted amongst external stakeholders. The primary research objective was to create a model of destination image for Nelson Mandela Bay and to explain the cause and effect relationship between the dependent and independent variables. Added to the primary research objective, eight secondary research objectives were identified. The primary research question for this study was to identify what influences the destination image of Nelson Mandela Bay. Added to the primary research question, the researcher also identified eight research questions as part of the study. The empirical analysis was used to test the hypotheses and ultimately develop a model for destination image formation for Nelson Mandela Bay. This study was exploratory in nature and thus used a limited sample to gain insights for further research. Data were obtained through questionnaires that were distributed electronically to 120 respondents. This study concluded with the development of a destination image model for Nelson Mandela Bay that can be expanded upon with further research. The results indicate that general infrastructure and social environment; leisure and recreation; and culture influence the Affective component of Nelson Mandela Bay. Information sources and Political stability and risk influence the Cognitive component of Nelson Mandela Bay. Together the Affective and Cognitive component makes up the overall image of Nelson Mandela Bay.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Impact of a holistic lifestyle management education programme on health and education outcomes of socioeconomically disadvantaged university students
- Authors: Morris-Paxton, Angela Ann
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: College students -- Mental health College students -- Health and hygiene Health promotion
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/11909 , vital:27003
- Description: Disorders of lifestyle are increasing globally; countries in transition are suffering the double burden of both contagious and chronic disorders. The utilization of health education to address these issues has had variable results, but the most successful have incorporated human contact. The aim of this study was to measure the quantitative and qualitative impact of a wellness promotion programme on university students. The objective was to provide a structured facilitated holistic wellness education programme to a sample of socioeconomically disadvantaged students in Higher Education in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. Using a pragmatic mixed methodological approach to this critical evaluation, the impact on both wellness and academic progress was measured. Initial demographic data was gathered via a biographical questionnaire, pre- and post-intervention measurement of wellness, using the Wellness Questionnaire for Higher Education, as well as a semi-structured qualitative questionnaire and transcripts of academic results. Quantitative data was analysed using SPSS analysis software and qualitative data using the NVivo analysis package. The findings were that all students improved throughout the year in their overall wellness scores, in particular in areas such as avoiding excessive sun exposure and increasing the amount of physical exercise. This corresponded with an increase in the value that the participants attached to information on these aspects of wellness, which was attributed to the programme. Results revealed that there was a weak correlation between student wellness measured at the year-end and academic success overall, but a strong correlation between student wellness and academic success for the students that gained the highest marks. Analysis of the dimensions of wellness that correlated best with student success revealed that there was a particularly strong correlation between year-end career wellness and year-end academic success. In conclusion it was found that a positive and holistic salutogenic wellness education programme increased levels of student wellness overall, which translated into student academic success. The link between wellness and success was particularly strong in students that gained higher marks. Recommendations include that first-year higher education students receive a positive wellness education programme built into the curriculum of their first year of study and that the overall impact be monitored across a broader spectrum of students over the duration of their diploma or degree programme.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Impact of a visual skills training program on visual performance of cricket fielders
- Authors: Bonnesse, Matthew Gregory
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Cricket -- Training , Cricket players Cricket. Vision
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/7733 , vital:23440
- Description: The primary aim of this study was to determine whether a cricket specific visual skills training program has an impact on the visual performance of cricket fielders. The specific visual skills included accommodation, visual memory, speed of recognition, peripheral awareness, hand-eye coordination and saccadic eye movement. The study was exploratory and true-experimental in nature and utilized a quantitative approach. The pretest-posttest randomized group design was used. A total number of 20 participants that met the inclusion criteria were included in the study by means of purposive sampling. The 20 participants were randomly assigned to control (n=10) and experimental (n=10) groups. The experimental group underwent six-weeks of visual skills training. The tests used consisted of the Accumulator, Evasion, Corner Stretch and Flash tests on the Batak Pro, Hand-eye-coordination test, Hart Near Far Rock Chart and a Saccadic eye movement chart. Differences between the pre- and post-test scores were all positive and statistically (p<0.05) and practically (d>0.2) significant for the experimental group for the following visual skills tests: Hart Chart (M=7.90±3.73), Saccadic Chart (M=17.50±9.58), Accumulator (M=19.60±5.13), Corner Stretch (M=10.50±9.56) and Flash (M=5.40±3.75). The Evasion test (M=17.50±25.67) also showed a positive but insignificant improvement from pre- to post-test for the experimental group. The control group did not show any statistically significant improvements from pre- to post-test except in the case of Hart Chart (M=3.00±2.16) and Accumulator (M=2.40±2.55). Overall the experimental group produced significantly larger (p<0.05, d>0.20) pre- to post-test mean differences than the control group for six of the seven tests implemented. The Ball Toss test which was one of three hand-eye coordination tests did not show any significant differences between experimental and control groups even though the experimental group produced larger improvements. The other two tests that assessed hand-eye coordination (Accumulator and Corner Stretch) did, however reflect significant improvements for the experimental group. The findings of this study therefore revealed that improvements in visual skill performance of cricket players can be achieved through specific training.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Impact of visual skills training on the visual ability of elite rugby players
- Authors: Millard, Lourens , Raffan, Ryan
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Sports sciences -- South Africa Visual learning -- Ability testing -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/12692 , vital:27107
- Description: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of visual skills training on the visual ability of elite rugby players. This study utilized a quantitative approach; and it employed a true experimental study design, in particular a pre-test-post-test randomized-group design. A total number of 26 participants (that met the specified criteria) were selected from the Eastern Province Rugby Academy squad. Those that met the criteria were then divided randomly into two groups (13 per group), which comprised the experimental and control groups, respectively. The control and experimental groups were tested on six visual skills, namely: accommodation, saccadic eye movements, speed of recognition, hand-eye co-ordination, visual memory and peripheral awareness. An optometric assessment was also conducted as a pre-test to ensure that the participant had “normal vision”, followed by a six week intervention (visual skills-training). The sessions were performed for thirty minutes three times per week for six weeks, followed by a post-test. Descriptive statistics were employed, both numerically, such as the mean standard deviation, and graphically by means of histograms. Inferential statistics were also used in the form of t-tests and Cohen’s d calculations to determine the statistical and practical significance of the mean score differences between the experimental and control groups. The pre- to post-test results indicated both statistical and practical significant differences in each of the visual skills tested among the experimental group; accommodation (hart near far rock test, p<.0005, d=2.34), saccadic eye movements (saccadic eye movement test, p<.0005, d=2.08), hand-eye coordination and peripheral awareness (accumulator test, p<.0005, d=2.20), speed of recognition (evasion test, p<.0005, d=1.14) and visual memory (flash program test, p<.0005, d=1.20). However, there were no statistically significant differences (p>.05) found when comparing the pre- and post-tests for the control group. It was concluded that the visual skills training program used had a significant positive impact on the visual performance of the Eastern Province rugby academy players.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Improving employee engagement within a contemporary call centre in the Western Cape
- Authors: Pillay, Lesharin
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Employee motivation -- Research Employees -- Rating of , Employees -- Attitudes
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/48025 , vital:40464
- Description: Call centres can be regarded as one of the most stressful working environments, where a number of challenges are experienced, such as a high staff turnover and a high level of absenteeism. Call centres have evolved over the past decade and will continue to evolve as technology progresses. The call centre industry, has experienced approximately an eight percent growth from 2013 to 2014 in terms of job creation within the Western Cape. The number of jobs increased from 38 000 to 41 000 year on year with a R9 billion contribution being made to the provincial gross domestic product. In investigating the call centre industry in the Western Cape, a core problem was identified which revealed a number of questions. Call centre agents experience low levels of satisfaction, mainly as a result of the repetitiveness and monotonous nature of their work. This leads to the main research problem, namely that of improving employee engagement within a contemporary call centre in the Western Cape. In order to resolve this problem, employee engagement need to be defined as well as various levels of engagement needed to be investigated. Furthermore, an understanding of the key drivers of engagement as well as an understanding on how employee engagement can be improved, is needed. This study aims at providing call centre managers with insight into various engagement factors which could impact on: absenteeism, attrition rates and performance of call centre agents as well as customer experience. In order to address the problem and answer the various questions described above, the researcher conducted a literature review in order to create an understanding of the employee engagement concept as well as identify the various levels of employee engagement and the key drivers of engagement. Based on the literature review conducted, a hypothesis was developed on key drivers that impact the engagement of call centre agents. The key drivers in accordance with the hypothesised model are communication, team support, autonomy, management support, rewards and recognition as well as career development. A further literature review was conducted on how to improve employee engagement based on the key drivers identified. Based on the literature review done a questionnaire has been constructed in order to test the hypothesis. Electronic surveys based on the questionnaire constructed were sent out to a sample of call centre agents. All results from the survey were captured onto excel spreadsheets and various statistical calculations were conducted. The results from empirical study were analysed in conjunction with the literature in order to address the objective of the research. The biographical statistics showed a greater composition of female respondents in comparison to male. The predominant age group was found to be 26-35 years and the predominant period of service towards the organisation was more than 3 years. Descriptive statistics per variable revealed a number of high positive indicators such as regular communication and relationships with managers as well as a sense of belonging in a team. The descriptive statistics also revealed various areas of concern of which the highest frequency of negative responses related to employees feeling like a professional associate and not just a simple worker as well as growth opportunities. All drivers in accordance with the hypothesised model, were positively correlated to employee engagement. The empirical research was conducted on a call centre within the Western Cape and thus it can be concluded that an improvement in the drivers of engagement should lead to improved employee engagement within a contemporary call centre in the Western Cape.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Improving organisational commitment in a selected telecommunications company
- Authors: Shandu, Sizwesihle Derrick
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Organizational commitment , Employee motivation , Telecommunication
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/4507 , vital:20610
- Description: As human resources become part of strategic management in many organisations, employees are said to play a crucial role in helping their organisations fulfil their goals. It is a fact that organisations are now relying heavily on the competence of their human resources to gain a competitive edge over their competitors. It is therefore important that organisations should have employees that are committed and motivated in order to be able to compete. This study seeks to improve organisational commitment of the employees in the maintenance section of the selected telecommunications company, by investigating whether variables such as appreciative leadership, organisational citizenship behaviour, psychological empowerment (as measured by perceived control, perceived competence and goal internalisation), job satisfaction and employee rewards are significantly or not significantly related to the organisational commitment of the employees in the selected company. A sample, consisting of 120 employees, including technicians, supervisors and managers, was selected. The study achieved a response rate of about 52% (51.7) after 120 questionnaires were distributed. The empirical results of the study showed that only psychological empowerment (as measured by goal internalisation) and job satisfaction were significantly related to organisational commitment of the employees of the selected company. The implementation of the recommendations of this study should contribute to increased organisational commitment in the selected company.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Improving the claims business process in a South African car rental company
- Authors: Nomadolo, Xolile Claude
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Automobile leasing and renting -- South Africa Claims Business cycles
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/12650 , vital:27103
- Description: The ultimate aim of this study is to identify and eliminate inefficiencies associated with the current claims management processes, thereby ensuring cost reduction, high damages recoveries while ensuring that the company is positioned to be able to apply its resources in the best way possible to respond to satisfying the needs of the customer.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Influence of increased processing speed on the microstructure evolution and mechanical property relationship in friction stir welding of AA5182-H111 (T500)
- Authors: Bernard, Dreyer
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Friction stir welding , Aluminum alloys -- Welding
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/7322 , vital:21319
- Description: Friction stir welding of 5xxx series aluminium is generally carried out at low travel speeds, which limits the commercial applications of this process. This manuscript discusses the dynamic eformation characteristics of AA5182-H111 (T500), which allowed a travel speed of 1500 mm/min to be realised. This was achieved by using a spindle speed of 500 rev/min; the same as that required to make a weld of 200 mm/min. The thermal cycles, microstructural evolution due to tool / work-piece interaction, and the local microstructural and mechanical properties of the completed weld are discussed for a travel speed for 200 mm/min and 1500 mm/min. At a rate of 200 mm/min, heat generated due to contact between the shoulder and work-piece surface was transferred ahead of the tool, driving dynamic recrystallization which lowered the flow stress. Hereafter the material entered the stir zone where it was extruded around the pin during a process of continuous dynamic crystallization. At a travel speed of 1500 mm/min, the rate of heat conduction ahead of the tool was not rapid enough, and the material was deformed at low temperatures. A low weld pitch rotations per unit length travelled) was required to ensure that the material was sufficiently strained, to allow the formation of geometric necessary boundaries, which resulted in grain subdivision. The number of high angle grain boundaries was increased through subdivision, thus, increasing the nucleation sites for dynamically recrystallized necklace grains to form. In the absence of heat conduction from the shoulder, the high plastic strain ahead of the tool provided the energy required to drive dynamic recrystallization. Heat was generated from the high plastic strain and during recrystallization, where the stored plastic energy was adiabatically released. Once the material entered the stir zone, the high strain rates associated with the tool rotation which drove dynamic recrystallization that allowed the material to reach high levels of strain, resulted significant grain refinement. The weld zone of the 200 mm/min displayed weld a slight increase in yield strength, with respect to the parent material, due to grain refinement to 10 μm, while the yield strength of the 1500 mm/min weld was significantly increased due to grain refinement to 5 μm. The high weld speed did, however, generate high tensile residual stresses. This work is not only significant for the field of friction stir welding, but also in terms of material processing. The dynamic deformation characteristics associated with Al-5Mg-Mn, alloys which was observed ahead of the tool, is of high value in processes where plastic deformation is applied to improve the mechanical properties of these alloys.
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- Date Issued: 2016