Estuarine species and habitat :distribution and connectivity
- Authors: Veldkornet, Dimitri Allastair
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Estuarine ecology -- Research -- South Africa Estuarine fishes -- Speciation -- South Africa , Aquatic plants -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PHD
- Identifier: , vital:38604
- Description: This study explored the distribution of estuarine macrophyte genetic lineages, species and habitats in relation to environmental gradients at various spatial scales. A database was assembled to determine the area and species composition of different estuarine habitats. This can now be used to retrieve information as a baseline for further monitoring and conservation planning. Research has shown that macrophytes occur over a wide range of physiochemical conditions, suggesting that these species have great genetic and phenotypic variation to occupy broad niche ranges. In eight estuaries along the South African coast, sediment and groundwater characteristics were measured in quadrants spanning the salt marsh, ecotone and terrestrial habitats. The results suggested that, in the absence of competition and disturbance at the salt marsh-terrestrial boundary, salt marshes would be unaffected by sea-level rise; and they would migrate landward. However, disturbance at the landward margin of salt marshes has already resulted in changes in species composition and altered environmental conditions. This promotes the encroachment of terrestrial alien invasive plants, leading to a loss of connectivity. A holistic assessment of land-cover changes showed that only 28% of South African estuaries still remain in a natural state. The delineation of all estuaries needs to be consistent and inclusive of all estuarine physical and biological processes, to curb future changes. The research results have been used in national assessments of estuarine health; and they have made a significant contribution to estuary-management plans. In addition, three scientific articles have been published from the thesis; and two more are currently under review.
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- Date Issued: 2016
Environmental flows, health and importance of macrophytes in the estuaries of water management area 11
- Authors: Cowie, Meredith
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Estuaries -- South Africa -- Management , Aquatic plants -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:24324
- Description: Estuaries require sufficient quantity, quality and appropriate timing of freshwater inflow, referred to as environmental flow requirements, to ensure adequate health and functioning. In South Africa the environmental flow requirements of estuaries is determined using Resource Directed Measures (RDM). The present health and importance of an estuary must be considered when determining the ecological flow required to maintain an estuary in its desired state. An Estuarine Health Index that quantifies changes in abiotic and biotic components from natural conditions to present day is used. Health of biotic components is assessed according to changes in species richness, abundance and community composition. There has, however, been debate regarding the calculation of these attributes. In particular, for macrophytes, the inclusion of all habitat within the Estuarine Functional Zone (i.e. 5 m topographical contour) would affect the health and changes over time determined in past assessments. This is due to different areas being included as different areas would be included The aim of this study was to test the validity and suggest improvements to South Africa’s RDM macrophyte health score determination. The health of macrophytes were assessed at varying levels of intensity from desktop studies to thorough field studies. Rapid field studies provided a visual estimate of macrophyte health; while the intermediate and comprehensive assessments quantified change by mapping the distribution of macrophyte habitats from aerial photographs. These approaches were applied to the 64 estuaries within the Mvoti-Mzimkulu Water Management Area (WMA 11), situated in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) on the subtropical east coast. Historically, these estuaries have supported restricted macrophyte habitats. Consequently, estuaries that presently or historically supported range limited habitats such as mangroves and swamp forest are considered important. Submerged macrophytes are scarce in KZN estuaries due to siltation and low turbidity and thus estuaries supporting this macrophyte habitat are also important. Based on available literature important estuaries were highlighted and selected for field studies. Transects spanning from the estuary water channel to the boundary of the EFZ provided a generalised distribution of KZN vegetation along an elevation gradient. The transition from estuarine to terrestrial vegetation can be used to improve the current EFZ boundaries, as estuarine area has been found to occur outside of the 5 m contour in some estuaries. Results from the desktop assessment indicated that most of the estuaries are moderately modified. There was a 50 % similarity in the macrophyte health scores determined by the desktop assessment to the 2011 National Biodiversity Assessment (NBA). Field studies mostly confirmed the desktop assessment aside from seven estuaries that had different scores. There has been a significant loss of macrophyte habitat with 100% loss of certain habitats from 9 of the 22 estuaries for which there were field assessments. Submerged macrophytes were not found at any of the estuaries that were assessed in the field. Black mangroves, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza (L.) Lam., were rediscovered at Ngane Estuary, however the few individuals could not be considered a ‘mappable’ community (i.e. <0.5 ha). Mtamvuna and Mkomazi estuaries both supported small stands of mangroves that, compared to data from 2006, appeared healthy. Macrophyte habitats and surrounding coastal forest matched the species composition described in the Vegetation Map of South Africa. The freshwater mangrove or Powder puff tree, Barringtonia racemosa (L.) Roxb, was not abundant in the estuaries. It was only found at four (Damba, Fafa, Little Amanzimtoti and Mvoti) of the estuaries that were assessed in the field. Important estuaries, from a botanical perspective, included some of the larger estuaries such as Mgeni, Durban Bay and Sipingo. Smaller, healthier estuaries that presently support mangrove and swamp forest habitat were also identified as important from a botanical perspective. Macrophyte habitats have mainly been lost due to non-flow related pressures. Sugarcane cultivation occurred within the floodplain of 25% of the estuaries. Nutrient enrichment was evident for 12.5% of the estuaries and reed encroachment was evident for 27% of estuaries for which there were field assessments. Development, aside from the N2 road bridges, was evident for 40% of the estuaries assessed in the field. Invasive plant species, including aquatic invasive plants, were present in all estuaries assessed in the field. The extent of invasive plant species was related to the degree of disturbance and surrounding land use pressures. The Mkomazi and Mvoti estuaries that were assessed at a comprehensive level, as they have earmarked for further water abstraction, had the poorest macrophyte health scores. The macrophyte health of these estuaries was much lower than previously determined by the NBA. The decline in health was attributed to the removal of macrophyte habitat for sugarcane cultivation and development as well as displacement by invasive plant species. The areas covered by the macrophyte habitats also differed from the NBA highlighting the importance of updated mapping and ground truthing. Largely differing macrophyte health scores were produced when attributes were calculated using different combinations of macrophyte habitats. Results indicate that only macrophyte habitats and no other floodplain vegetation should be included when calculating abundance. All macrophyte habitats, physical habitats and floodplain should be incorporated when calculating community composition. The minimum of these attributes is used as the overall macrophyte health score as a precautionary approach is followed. Scoring of health is subjective and the only benchmark for determining the most appropriate method is comparion with previous RDM studies. This study illustrates the need for a standardised RDM scoring method that is presented in a manner that ensures the same results irregardless of the speciliast conducting the study. The updated estuary health and importance scores for WMA 11 are necessary to inform management, particularly as few of the estuaries receive formal protection. In conclusion, this study contributed to the limited knowledge of the estuaries of WMA 11 and assisted in determining appropriate methods for assessing the health and importance of estuary macrophytes.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Present state of macrophytes and responses to management scenarios at the St. Lucia and Mfolozi estuaries
- Authors: Rautenbach, Kelly
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Aquatic plants -- South Africa , Estuaries -- South Africa , Marine plants -- Ecology -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20410
- Description: The St. Lucia Estuary, the largest estuary in South Africa, has been subject to many natural (a decade long drought) and anthropogenic impacts. A particular mouth manipulation activity, the artificial separation of the Mfolozi River and the St Lucia Estuary in 1952, was done to stop the perceived “silting up” of the estuary, but resulted in a decrease in freshwater supply. The changes in inflows (both fresh and marine) are controlled by management decisions and affect other system parameters such as salinity, water level and turbidity, which influence the distribution of biota. Therefore knowledge on the physico-chemical environment and eco-physiological tolerances of macrophytes will lead to informed future management decisions. The first of the three objectives carried out for this study determined the present state and distribution of the macrophytes of the St. Lucia and Mfolozi estuaries. The macrophyte habitats mapped in 2008 and 2013 were the submerged macrophytes, reeds and sedges, mangroves, grass and shrubs, salt marsh (succulent) and swamp forest. Results indicated that low salinity in the lakes and high water level in 2013 caused die-back or expansion of particular habitats. Submerged macrophytes, in particular Stuckenia pectinata, grows well in water with salinity <15 ppt, therefore this habitat increased by 412 ha (96%) in cover since 2008. Salt marsh decreased by 553 ha (57%) due to inundation. Since 2008 the reeds and sedges increased by 390 ha (in North Lake and the Narrows) due to the salinity decrease. In the Narrows the mangroves decreased by 28 ha (9%) in area cover. This was due to the drought that persisted for so many years, which caused low water levels and non-tidal conditions. The second objective was to determine the present state / health of the mangroves at four sites along the Narrows by assessing sediment condition and population structure of the trees. These results were compared to those obtained in 2010. The total density of Avicennia marina increased since 2010, however this was due to the large increase in seedlings at Site 1, the back channel site. The highest sediment salinity (26 ppt) and porewater salinity (29 ppt) was recorded for this site and these results show that this back channel site was strongly influenced by the open Mfolozi Estuary (increase in marine waters) and tidal conditions at the time of sampling in 2013. The total density of Bruguiera gymnorrhiza decreased, but an increase in adults was recorded at Site 2, the freshwater site. The soil collected from the Bruguiera quadrats was fresher and drier than that of the Avicennia quadrats of Site 2. Lack of seedlings (of both species) was due to the dense stands of Acrostichum aureum (mangrove fern) and Phragmites australis (common reed) and a thick, impenetrable mat of Avicennia pneumatophores. At Sites 3 and 4, the drier sites (where sediment moisture contents were the lowest for all sites at 43 and 42% respectively), seedling and sapling density was low, but adults increased in density since 2010. Recruitment and survival were impacted by the harsh environmental conditions that prevailed prior to 2013 (low water level and non-tidal influence), but adults survived. The results of the test that determined the percentage of aerenchyma of the pneumatophores indicated that waterlogging stress did not affect the aerenchyma of the pneumatophores. However the period of inundation was probably not significant enough to have affected the production of aerenchyma. The third objective formed part of an ongoing study by the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) on the feasibility of linking the Mfolozi River back to the St Lucia Estuary and the responses of these systems to different management scenarios: 1) the “do nothing” scenario; 2) maintain separate Mfolozi and St Lucia mouths representing an open mouth condition; and 3) actively facilitate a single mouth (therefore linking the Mfolozi and St Lucia mouths). Data gathered on the eco-physiological tolerances of the dominant macrophyte species was used to predict the response of the different habitats to these various management scenarios and the results indicated that the best management scenario would be to actively facilitate a single mouth (Scenario 3) as the estuary habitats would increase significantly because of preferred tidal and saline conditions, as this would represent more natural conditions. The results of the study will provide input to recommendations for future “adaptive management” strategies for the Global Environmental Facility (GEF) Project.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Microalgae and macrophytes as indicators of ecological health in the Great Brak Estuary
- Authors: Nunes, Monique
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Microalge -- South Africa -- Great Brak Estuary , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Aquatic plants -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10629 , , Microalge -- South Africa -- Great Brak Estuary , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Aquatic plants -- South Africa
- Description: The Great Brak temporarily open/closed estuary was subjected to a drought during the spring and summer of 2009/2010 resulting in the mouth remaining closed for a prolonged period. According to the Great Brak Estuary management programme, the mouth of the estuary had to be open for a total of 308 days during spring and summer of 2009/2010, respectively, but was closed for almost the entire two years (693 days). The aim of this study was to assess monthly changes in the abiotic characteristics (salinity, temperature, oxygen, pH and nutrients) and the biotic responses of phytoplankton and macroalgae; identify sources of nutrient input into the estuary and determine the response of the salt marsh to water level and salinity changes. The results indicated that physico-chemical parameters were similar to that previously recorded during the closed mouth condition. However mouth closure combined with elevated nutrient concentrations led to a shift from rooted submerged macrophytes to one where either microalgae or macroalgae were dominant. Soluble reactive phosphorus concentrations were significantly higher in bottom compared with surface waters. There was a significant negative correlation with SRP and dissolved oxygen for the sampling period indicating potential release of phosphorus from the sediment during closed mouth conditions. Microalgal biomass increased in response to remineralised nutrients and freshwater pulses. Flagellates were the dominant microalgal group (21718 ± 3336 cells m l-1, p < 0.05) because of their morphological ability to migrate vertically within the water column. The macroalgal cover was highest during the closed mouth state but only during winter (August 2010) when temperatures were below 20 oC. Five major point sources of nutrient input into the Great Brak Estuary were identified during rainfall periods. Point sources 4 and 5 in the upper reaches of the estuary had the highest DIN input whereas point source 3 in the middle reaches of the estuary had the highest DIP input. As a result of the drought and low water level, the salt marsh was never inundated for longer than 3 months. Die-back of Sarcocornia decumbens (r 2= -0.62, p < 0.05) was related to smothering by dead macroalgae whereas dieback of Sporobolus virginicus was related to decreasing nutrient (r2 = 0.59, p < 0.05) and salinity (r2 = 0.55, p < 0.05) levels. The physico-chemical characteristics alone did not convey the true health status of the Great Brak Estuary for the duration of the sampling (April 2010-April 2011). The study showed that microalgae and macroalgae are valuable indicators of the status of the estuary. Therefore it is suggested that bio-indicators are incorporated into the management/monitoring plan in order to assist in improving the health assessment of the Great Brak Estuary.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Morphological variation and species diversity of South African Estuarine macrophytes
- Authors: Veldkornet, Dimitri Allastair
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Aquatic plants -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10635 ,
- Description: Studies on morphological variation are important as it can depict the relationship with environmental factors clearly and convey an understanding of the manner, mechanism and factors influencing plant adaptation and evolution. Although many studies have been conducted on South African salt marsh plant physiology and phytosociology there are at present very few morphological studies on estuarine plants. The aim of this study was to compare the morphological variation of estuarine macrophytes in three different estuary types in the warm temperate biogeographic zone of South Africa and to compare characters used in the taxonomic descriptions of species with those measured in the field. Permanently open estuaries investigated were Ngqusi (WC), Kowie (KW) and Swartkops (SW) estuaries. The Knysna Estuary (KN) was the estuarine bay investigated and the temporarily open/ closed estuaries (TOCEs) were the East Kleinemonde (EK) and Great Brak (GB) estuaries. Macrophytes were morphologically different across different estuary types. This suggests that there were different factors operating between these estuary types that would directly influence the morphology of species. The variation of plant height with different estuary types can be attributed to the fact that smaller salt marshes also have smaller habitat ranges compared to larger ones. The variation in morphological characteristics such as plant height can also be attributed to biogeographical range. Most morphological characteristics measured in the field fall within previously published ranges, and so these characters are useful in delimiting species. There were significant relationships between phenotypic variables and multivariate environmental variables. The most important of these variables were soil electrical conductivity, soil organic content and soil water content. Specifically, plant height increased with water content and decreased with salinity, flower stalk length had strong significant positive correlations with moisture content, organic content and pH while there were strong significant correlations with redox potential and electrical conductivity. Salt marshes are considered ideal for studying variation of species due to the explicit environmental gradients and plants occurring in salt marshes are halophytes that exhibit a range of morphological traits that allows for growth and reproduction under the stressful and extreme conditions. Considering recent climate change predictions and the consequent effects on South African estuaries this study provides significant information with regard to the response of species to a changing environment. The study was also aimed at updating the existing botanical database for South African estuaries in terms of species occurrence in South African estuaries, taxonomic name changes of existing species, new species, common names and habitats. Species diversity indices were also calculated for different estuaries, estuary types and biogeographic zones and diagnostic descriptions of the dominant salt marsh species were developed. The objective of this was that these data should provide baseline information for determining habitat richness and plant species diversity of South African estuaries which in turn should be used in determining priority estuaries for conservation and management. The identification key, developed using the DELTA software, would also aid researchers, managers and laymen in identifying salt marsh species. Results showed that the total number of macrophyte species, including intraspecific taxa and macroalgae, was 242 in 53 estuaries that were updated . There was an increase in the number of taxa recorded in the database primarily due to 1) research focus and full taxonomic surveys on larger estuaries and the big research projects has led to the identification of more species, 2) the addition of species that are not characteristically known as estuarine species, 3) the addition of 50 macroalgal taxa and 4) minor changes due to taxonomic revisions of species and the addition of newly described species. The Shannon diversity index showed that greater species diversity was found in the Berg (Groot) Estuary (4.220) and the Uilkraals Estuary (4.025). The cool temperate bioregion was the most diverse in the number of taxa (58) with the highest Shannon index (4.736). Permanently open estuaries were the most diverse in the number of unique taxa (56) with the highest Shannon index (4.867). Estuarine managers need to be aware of the species diversity in different estuarine types as well as the associated impacts on them. Conservation planning must therefore include species. Diagnostic features of INTKEY indicated that all 57 taxa were distinguishable from each other. Contrary to expectations plant height and not floral morphology was the best diagnostic characteristic. Ecological information such as the estuarine habitat, where different life forms occur, was important in delimiting species.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Macrophytes as indicators of physico-chemical factors in South African Estuaries
- Authors: Bezuidenhout, Chantel
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Aquatic plants -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:10597 , , Estuarine ecology -- South Africa , Aquatic plants -- South Africa
- Description: This study investigated the response of macrophytes to physico-chemical factors in seven South African estuaries and showed that dominant salt marsh species that occur in different estuaries respond to the same environmental factors. The most important variables influencing distribution were elevation, water level, sediment- and groundwater electrical conductivity and depth to the water table. In permanently open estuaries (Kromme and Olifants) transect surveys identified three distinct vegetation zones i.e. submerged macrophytes, intertidal salt marsh and supratidal salt marsh. In the Kromme Estuary intertidal salt marsh (81.2 ha) covered extensive areas, whereas supratidal (143 ha) and floodplain (797.1 ha) salt marsh were dominant in the Olifants Estuary. Transect surveys identified four distinct vegetation zones (submerged macrophytes, intertidal salt marsh, supratidal salt marsh and reeds and sedges) in the temporarily open/closed estuaries (Mngazi, Great Brak, East Kleinemonde and Seekoei estuaries), although all zones did not occur in all of the estuaries sampled. In the Mngazi Estuary reeds and sedges (1.09 ha) covered extensive areas (no submerged or salt marsh vegetation was present), whereas salt marsh (Great Brak 24.45 ha, East Kleinemonde 17.44 ha and Seekoei 12.9 ha) vegetation was dominant in the other estuaries. Despite the geographic differences, environmental factors influencing macrophyte distribution were similar in all estuaries. Canonical Correspondence Analysis showed that vegetation distribution was significantly affected by elevation, groundwater and sediment electrical conductivity and depth to groundwater. Supratidal species were associated with a greater depth to groundwater (1.2 ± 0.04 m; n = 153) compared to intertidal species (0.5 ± 0.01 m; n = 361). Correlation analysis showed that water level and rainfall were correlated with groundwater electrical conductivity in the lower and upper intertidal zones for all the estuaries sampled. These data indicate the influence of the estuary channel on the physico-chemical conditions of the salt marsh. Low rainfall (16 ± 3.3 mm per annum) in the Olifants Estuary (30-100 mS cm-1) and lack of freshwater flooding in the Kromme Estuary (42-115 mS cm-1) have resulted in high sediment electrical conductivity by comparison with the other estuaries sampled. In the Orange River Estuary approximately 70 ha of salt marsh have been lost through the building of a causeway and flood control levees. Even though salt marsh vegetation can tolerate hypersaline sediments by using the less saline water table, the groundwater at the Orange River Estuary was too saline (avg. of 90.3 ± 6.55 mS cm-1, n = 38) to be of use to the dominant floodplain species, Sarcocornia pillansii. Freshwater inflow to estuaries is important in maintaining longitudinal salinity gradients and reducing hypersaline conditions. In the Olifants Estuary and the Orange River Estuary where supratidal salt marsh is dominant, freshwater inflow is important in raising the water level and maintaining the depth to groundwater and salinity. Lack of freshwater inflow to the Kromme Estuary has highlighted the importance of rainfall in maintaining sediment salinity within acceptable ranges for the salt marsh. Macrophytes are relatively good indicators of physico-chemical factors in estuaries. From an understanding of the response of specific species to environmental variables, ecological water requirements can be set and sensitive areas can be rehabilitated.
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- Date Issued: 2011