A framework for the integration of 4IR-related topics into IT undergraduate curricula in South Africa
- Authors: Mjoli, Siliziwe
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Educational technology -- Curricula , Computers -- Study and teaching , Industry 4.0 -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/64662 , vital:73836
- Description: The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has been increasing in relevance since the start of its evolution in 2016. Society has shifted in many ways across different industries and sectors as a result of the digitisation that came with 4IR. This has led to a shortage of skilled individuals since there is a gap in the available and needed 4IR skills demand, causing job displacement. Low-skilled individuals are either left unemployed or must upskill to keep up with the new technologies that come with 4IR. In an effort to mitigate this issue, students can be taught the relevant 4IR-related skills at tertiary level before they enter the industry. However, curricular documents, such as IT2017, and national strategies are often not comprehensive in addressing many 4IR-related topics, nor in recommending which topics are most relevant for integration into IT undergraduate curricula. Therefore, the problem identified in this study is that South African universities offering IT undergraduate qualifications are not prepared adequately to address 4IR-related knowledge and skills demands. To address the gap in the available and needed 4IR skills demand, this research proposes a framework to assist with the integration of 4IR-related topics into IT undergraduate curricula in South Africa. To develop the IT Undergraduate Curricula Framework for 4IR-related Topics, it was important to identify the gap between the 4IR-related skills that are currently integrated in higher education institutions (HEIs) and those that are most relevant in the IT industry. A literature review was conducted to provide an in-depth discussion on 4IR and its impact in different sectors; a content analysis was conducted to determine which 4IR-related topics are currently integrated in South African HEIs that offer an IT diploma qualification; semi-structured interviews were conducted to determine which 4IR-related skills are most relevant in the IT industry in South Africa and globally; modelling was used in the development of the proposed 4IR-related IT undergraduate curricula; and finally, argumentation was used in discussing the relevance of the proposed framework within the School of IT at Nelson Mandela University. The IT Undergraduate Curricula Framework for 4IR-related Topics will assist in the integration of 4IR-related topics in higher education computing departments. This could ensure that computing graduates are equipped with the necessary 4IR-related knowledge and skills, giving them a competitive advantage when they enter the industry. , Thesis (MIT) -- Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment and Technology, School of Information Technology, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
- Authors: Mjoli, Siliziwe
- Date: 2024-04
- Subjects: Educational technology -- Curricula , Computers -- Study and teaching , Industry 4.0 -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/64662 , vital:73836
- Description: The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has been increasing in relevance since the start of its evolution in 2016. Society has shifted in many ways across different industries and sectors as a result of the digitisation that came with 4IR. This has led to a shortage of skilled individuals since there is a gap in the available and needed 4IR skills demand, causing job displacement. Low-skilled individuals are either left unemployed or must upskill to keep up with the new technologies that come with 4IR. In an effort to mitigate this issue, students can be taught the relevant 4IR-related skills at tertiary level before they enter the industry. However, curricular documents, such as IT2017, and national strategies are often not comprehensive in addressing many 4IR-related topics, nor in recommending which topics are most relevant for integration into IT undergraduate curricula. Therefore, the problem identified in this study is that South African universities offering IT undergraduate qualifications are not prepared adequately to address 4IR-related knowledge and skills demands. To address the gap in the available and needed 4IR skills demand, this research proposes a framework to assist with the integration of 4IR-related topics into IT undergraduate curricula in South Africa. To develop the IT Undergraduate Curricula Framework for 4IR-related Topics, it was important to identify the gap between the 4IR-related skills that are currently integrated in higher education institutions (HEIs) and those that are most relevant in the IT industry. A literature review was conducted to provide an in-depth discussion on 4IR and its impact in different sectors; a content analysis was conducted to determine which 4IR-related topics are currently integrated in South African HEIs that offer an IT diploma qualification; semi-structured interviews were conducted to determine which 4IR-related skills are most relevant in the IT industry in South Africa and globally; modelling was used in the development of the proposed 4IR-related IT undergraduate curricula; and finally, argumentation was used in discussing the relevance of the proposed framework within the School of IT at Nelson Mandela University. The IT Undergraduate Curricula Framework for 4IR-related Topics will assist in the integration of 4IR-related topics in higher education computing departments. This could ensure that computing graduates are equipped with the necessary 4IR-related knowledge and skills, giving them a competitive advantage when they enter the industry. , Thesis (MIT) -- Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment and Technology, School of Information Technology, 2024
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2024-04
The introduction of cyberhunts as a teaching and learning strategy to guide teachers towards the integration of computer technology in schools
- Authors: Du Plessis, André
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Educational technology , Computers -- Study and teaching , Computer-assisted instruction , Competency-based education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:9555 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1210 , Educational technology , Computers -- Study and teaching , Computer-assisted instruction , Competency-based education
- Description: This study, which is based on a computer literacy teacher development programme that included introducing the teacher participants to the Internet, investigated whether the development of teacher ICT skills through the design of cyberhunts in a learning-as-design context, has the potential to promote the critical and developmental outcomes which form the basis of the South African National Curriculum Statement (NCS) and Draft White Paper on e-Education. The research was conducted within the post-positivist paradigm underpinned by a critical realist position and made use of qualitative and quantitative data1 gathering methods (mixed research) within an interpretative case study. Several different quantitative and qualitative data collection tools were used. Quantitative data gathering tools that had been used comprised of Likert scale questionnaires, a computer skills questionnaire, as well as certain sections within semi-closed-openended questionnaires. The qualitative data gathering tools that had been used were semi-closed-openended questionnaires, journal reflection sheets, observation and interviews. Ontologically the research was informed by a critical-realist perspective, epistemologically by a socio-cultural perspective; including situated learning within communities of practice; recognising the cognitive, social and situated learning dimension of teacher learning. Methodologically an interpretive case study approach was used, as the aim was to explore and investigate what the participants experienced, perceived and to understand the participants: what they felt, how they felt and why they felt and responded in certain ways. Initially the study focused on identifying how ready the participating schools and their participating teachers were in terms of the implementation and integration of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) with reference to first- and second order barriers. The findings suggest that addressing the first- and second order barriers is a vital aspect when assisting schools to move towards ICT integration. The next phase of the research focused on whether the cyberhunt design approach is capable of developing the critical outcomes of the NCS, whether it promotes motivation and interest, and whether it promotes collaboration. Both the quantitative and qualitative data portrayed positive results regarding the perceptions of the participating teachers in the cyberhunt design approach related to the critical and 1PLEASE NOTE: All the data referred to as in the appendix and all appendices are attached to this thesis on a CD containing the portable document format (PDF) files. This can be found at the back. iv developmental outcomes with reference to search and research, reading attitude, decision making, planning skills - which include time management and goal setting, knowledge and skills related to composing questions on different cognitive levels, computer skills, reflection and design skills. Positive results were also found related to audience, confidence, mental effort, motivation, interest and collaboration. The probabilities (p values) and practical statistical significance in the form of Cohen's d, were highly significant. The teachers’ final cyberhunt products suggest that the majority of the participants had obtained basic cyberhunt design skills. However, in spite of the positive results, it was found that not all teachers are yet ready to implement this approach exactly as it is intended. When interpreted within an activity theory perspective; the positive results might be attributed to the unmediated functioning of the rules, division of labour and community aspects of the theory, while the conditions required by complexity theory for the development of a complex learning community appear to have been met by the implementation of cyberhunts as a strategy. The conditions for enabling the development of a complex learning community; namely internal diversity, redundancy, decentralised control, organised randomness and neighbour interaction; also appear to have interacted with the unmediated aspects of activity theory in developing consensual rules and through the negotiation of the division of labour located within the community. In a like manner, positive results related to search and research, decision making, questioning, computer skills, reflection, design skills and audience reported can most likely be attributed to the functioning of the mediational tools as described by activity theory such as the computer technology, the Internet, the software that had been used and language. The data thus suggest that the interaction between both the unmediated elements and higher order mediated elements of activity theory, have most likely been the defining factors which created high levels of motivation, interest, collaboration and a positive classroom culture through which the critical and developmental outcomes of the South Africa curriculum can possibly be achieved within a complex learning community. The study also investigated how the teacher development process regarding ICT implementation should be managed. This study found that the acronym CRAR3FS2 holds the key to teacher development and classroom implementation. This acronym represents the verbs or actions that the participating teachers highly valued during implementation and what they have indicated as being important, namely: Care, Relate, Assess, Reflect, Read, Re-Plan, Feedback, Share and Support.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
- Authors: Du Plessis, André
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Educational technology , Computers -- Study and teaching , Computer-assisted instruction , Competency-based education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:9555 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/1210 , Educational technology , Computers -- Study and teaching , Computer-assisted instruction , Competency-based education
- Description: This study, which is based on a computer literacy teacher development programme that included introducing the teacher participants to the Internet, investigated whether the development of teacher ICT skills through the design of cyberhunts in a learning-as-design context, has the potential to promote the critical and developmental outcomes which form the basis of the South African National Curriculum Statement (NCS) and Draft White Paper on e-Education. The research was conducted within the post-positivist paradigm underpinned by a critical realist position and made use of qualitative and quantitative data1 gathering methods (mixed research) within an interpretative case study. Several different quantitative and qualitative data collection tools were used. Quantitative data gathering tools that had been used comprised of Likert scale questionnaires, a computer skills questionnaire, as well as certain sections within semi-closed-openended questionnaires. The qualitative data gathering tools that had been used were semi-closed-openended questionnaires, journal reflection sheets, observation and interviews. Ontologically the research was informed by a critical-realist perspective, epistemologically by a socio-cultural perspective; including situated learning within communities of practice; recognising the cognitive, social and situated learning dimension of teacher learning. Methodologically an interpretive case study approach was used, as the aim was to explore and investigate what the participants experienced, perceived and to understand the participants: what they felt, how they felt and why they felt and responded in certain ways. Initially the study focused on identifying how ready the participating schools and their participating teachers were in terms of the implementation and integration of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) with reference to first- and second order barriers. The findings suggest that addressing the first- and second order barriers is a vital aspect when assisting schools to move towards ICT integration. The next phase of the research focused on whether the cyberhunt design approach is capable of developing the critical outcomes of the NCS, whether it promotes motivation and interest, and whether it promotes collaboration. Both the quantitative and qualitative data portrayed positive results regarding the perceptions of the participating teachers in the cyberhunt design approach related to the critical and 1PLEASE NOTE: All the data referred to as in the appendix and all appendices are attached to this thesis on a CD containing the portable document format (PDF) files. This can be found at the back. iv developmental outcomes with reference to search and research, reading attitude, decision making, planning skills - which include time management and goal setting, knowledge and skills related to composing questions on different cognitive levels, computer skills, reflection and design skills. Positive results were also found related to audience, confidence, mental effort, motivation, interest and collaboration. The probabilities (p values) and practical statistical significance in the form of Cohen's d, were highly significant. The teachers’ final cyberhunt products suggest that the majority of the participants had obtained basic cyberhunt design skills. However, in spite of the positive results, it was found that not all teachers are yet ready to implement this approach exactly as it is intended. When interpreted within an activity theory perspective; the positive results might be attributed to the unmediated functioning of the rules, division of labour and community aspects of the theory, while the conditions required by complexity theory for the development of a complex learning community appear to have been met by the implementation of cyberhunts as a strategy. The conditions for enabling the development of a complex learning community; namely internal diversity, redundancy, decentralised control, organised randomness and neighbour interaction; also appear to have interacted with the unmediated aspects of activity theory in developing consensual rules and through the negotiation of the division of labour located within the community. In a like manner, positive results related to search and research, decision making, questioning, computer skills, reflection, design skills and audience reported can most likely be attributed to the functioning of the mediational tools as described by activity theory such as the computer technology, the Internet, the software that had been used and language. The data thus suggest that the interaction between both the unmediated elements and higher order mediated elements of activity theory, have most likely been the defining factors which created high levels of motivation, interest, collaboration and a positive classroom culture through which the critical and developmental outcomes of the South Africa curriculum can possibly be achieved within a complex learning community. The study also investigated how the teacher development process regarding ICT implementation should be managed. This study found that the acronym CRAR3FS2 holds the key to teacher development and classroom implementation. This acronym represents the verbs or actions that the participating teachers highly valued during implementation and what they have indicated as being important, namely: Care, Relate, Assess, Reflect, Read, Re-Plan, Feedback, Share and Support.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2010
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