Analysis of technical efficiency of small-scale maize producers: a case study in Tsolo magisterial district in O.R Tambo district in the Eastern Cape of South Africa
- Authors: Avuletey, Richard
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Corn -- Fertilizers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Corn -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: vital:11210 , , Corn -- Fertilizers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Corn -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Maize is the most important cereal crop grown in South Africa. This crop is produced throughout the country under diverse conditions and in diverse environments. The study only focuses on technical efficiency because it is an important subject in developing agriculture where resources are limited, but high population growth is very common. In such a setting, increased output will depend more on efficiency improvements and assessing the scope for such efficiency improvements within the system is a crucial need. The objective of the study was to determine the level of technical efficiency and to identify the socio-economic and institutional characteristics as well as the entrepreneurial spirit that influence the technical efficiency of small-scale maize producers in the Tsolo magisterial district. Purposive and Snowball sampling techniques were used to collect primary data from 120 small-scale farmers. The stochastic frontier model was used to determine the level of technical efficiency. The Multivariate OLS was used to analyze the socio-economic factors and institutional characteristics that have influenced the technical efficiency of maize production. A similar linear regression model was used to estimate the influence of positive psychological capital and entrepreneurial spirit on the technical efficiency of maize production. The stochastic results revealed that small-scale farmers in Tsolo are technically efficient at 98 percent in maize production and experience increasing return to scale (1.37), which means that increase in the use of inputs, will as well increase their productivity and efficiency. The inefficiency model results indicated that age, years in farming, household size and extension contact significant and 3 variables, namely, as years in farming, extension contact and farm size are significant in the OLS model. Lastly the results of the linear regression indicated that, out of the 4 variables estimated in the entrepreneurial spirit, self-efficacy and resilience were significant with respect to its responsiveness to total maize output.
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- Authors: Avuletey, Richard
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Corn -- Fertilizers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Corn -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: vital:11210 , , Corn -- Fertilizers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Corn -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Maize is the most important cereal crop grown in South Africa. This crop is produced throughout the country under diverse conditions and in diverse environments. The study only focuses on technical efficiency because it is an important subject in developing agriculture where resources are limited, but high population growth is very common. In such a setting, increased output will depend more on efficiency improvements and assessing the scope for such efficiency improvements within the system is a crucial need. The objective of the study was to determine the level of technical efficiency and to identify the socio-economic and institutional characteristics as well as the entrepreneurial spirit that influence the technical efficiency of small-scale maize producers in the Tsolo magisterial district. Purposive and Snowball sampling techniques were used to collect primary data from 120 small-scale farmers. The stochastic frontier model was used to determine the level of technical efficiency. The Multivariate OLS was used to analyze the socio-economic factors and institutional characteristics that have influenced the technical efficiency of maize production. A similar linear regression model was used to estimate the influence of positive psychological capital and entrepreneurial spirit on the technical efficiency of maize production. The stochastic results revealed that small-scale farmers in Tsolo are technically efficient at 98 percent in maize production and experience increasing return to scale (1.37), which means that increase in the use of inputs, will as well increase their productivity and efficiency. The inefficiency model results indicated that age, years in farming, household size and extension contact significant and 3 variables, namely, as years in farming, extension contact and farm size are significant in the OLS model. Lastly the results of the linear regression indicated that, out of the 4 variables estimated in the entrepreneurial spirit, self-efficacy and resilience were significant with respect to its responsiveness to total maize output.
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The influence of gender on access to venture capital and firm performance in small, medium and micro enterprises in King Williams Town, South Africa
- Authors: Shava, Herring
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Venture capital -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sex discrimination -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Com (Business Management)
- Identifier: , vital:26495 , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Venture capital -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sex discrimination -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: This study examined the influence of gender on access to venture capital and firm performance on Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in King Williams Town, South Africa. This study sought to establish whether there was differential access to venture capital between genders; to establish whether men- and women-owned SMMEs differ in performance; to identify whether an association between gender and business related experience can be found; and to assess the extent to which the gender gap in SMME access to venture capital and performance could be allocated to gender differences in levels of business related experience. A total sample of 109 SMMEs was used which comprised 53 female- and 56 male-owned. The quota sampling technique was implemented and a self-administered questionnaire was used for the purpose of gathering primary data. Data for this study was gathered from SMME owners only as they were the targeted respondents. The t-test and Chi-square test were used for the statistical analysis in order to arrive at findings and conclusions. Based on a 64% survey response rate, the study reports the existence of statistically significant gender gap in SMME access to venture capital and SMME performance. In addition, this study also reports the existence of a gender gap in business related experience amongst SMME owners. However, after controlling for business related experience, the gender gap in SMMEs access to venture capital and performance disappears. This study therefore argues that the variation in business related experience between gender plays a major role in the noted gender gap. This study therefore concludes that addressing gender gap in business related experience is of vital importance as this would also assist in eliminating the apparent gender gap in access to venture capital and firm performance. To address the gender gap in business related experience, the study recommends that innovations in the design and delivery of training programmes should be implemented. Establishing and monitoring targets for current women managers who are also potential future business owners/SMME owners, should be a policy being practiced in both the private and public sector, among other recommendations outlined in the study.
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- Authors: Shava, Herring
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Venture capital -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sex discrimination -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Com (Business Management)
- Identifier: , vital:26495 , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Venture capital -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sex discrimination -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: This study examined the influence of gender on access to venture capital and firm performance on Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in King Williams Town, South Africa. This study sought to establish whether there was differential access to venture capital between genders; to establish whether men- and women-owned SMMEs differ in performance; to identify whether an association between gender and business related experience can be found; and to assess the extent to which the gender gap in SMME access to venture capital and performance could be allocated to gender differences in levels of business related experience. A total sample of 109 SMMEs was used which comprised 53 female- and 56 male-owned. The quota sampling technique was implemented and a self-administered questionnaire was used for the purpose of gathering primary data. Data for this study was gathered from SMME owners only as they were the targeted respondents. The t-test and Chi-square test were used for the statistical analysis in order to arrive at findings and conclusions. Based on a 64% survey response rate, the study reports the existence of statistically significant gender gap in SMME access to venture capital and SMME performance. In addition, this study also reports the existence of a gender gap in business related experience amongst SMME owners. However, after controlling for business related experience, the gender gap in SMMEs access to venture capital and performance disappears. This study therefore argues that the variation in business related experience between gender plays a major role in the noted gender gap. This study therefore concludes that addressing gender gap in business related experience is of vital importance as this would also assist in eliminating the apparent gender gap in access to venture capital and firm performance. To address the gender gap in business related experience, the study recommends that innovations in the design and delivery of training programmes should be implemented. Establishing and monitoring targets for current women managers who are also potential future business owners/SMME owners, should be a policy being practiced in both the private and public sector, among other recommendations outlined in the study.
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Impact of human dimensions on smallholder farming in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
- Authors: Kibirige, Douglas
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Farms, Small -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- South Africa , Rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Social conditions , South Africa -- Economic conditions , DEA approach , Stochastic production frontier , Production efficiency , Human dimensions , Irrigation
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: vital:11201 , , Farms, Small -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- South Africa , Rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Social conditions , South Africa -- Economic conditions , DEA approach , Stochastic production frontier , Production efficiency , Human dimensions , Irrigation
- Description: Considering the backward and forward linkages, the agro-industrial sector contributes about 12 percent of South Africa‘s GDP, and employs approximately 8.5 million people. In the Eastern Cape Province, the sector contributes about 1.9 percent of the Provincial GDP, and over 3 million people derive their livelihoods from subsistence smallholder farming. Despite its importance, agricultural productivity has stagnated for several years across the Eastern Cape rural communities. There have been several attempts by the government to improve the agricultural productivity on smallholder farms since the end of apartheid, especially through the establishment of small-scale irrigation schemes, subsidization of farm inputs, and provision of credit facilities and enacting a number of land reform policies. In spite of the government support, most rural communities like Qamata and Tyefu are still faced with high levels of poverty affecting 76 percent and 91 percent of the population, respectively. This research evaluated the current smallholders‘ production efficiency, and the link between smallholder farmers‘ human dimensions (entrepreneurial spirit and positive psychological capital, goals and social capital, and other efficiency related variables) with production efficiency and household commercialisation index/level. The study used participatory approaches for site selection, sample selection and data collection. The analysis was based on both information from informal interviews and formal primary data collection. The Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Production Frontier techniques were used to determine the relative efficiencies of individual farmers and to identify the major factors that influence the efficiency of production. Overall, 158 farmers were interviewed both at Qamata and Tyefu irrigation schemes. Descriptive statistics of this study indicated that most of the farmers were men with an average age of 61 years, and mean household size of 4 persons with the household head having at least obtained some primary school education. Farming is the major source of livelihood for smallholders with an average income of R4527.49 per crop season. Smallholders use improved seeds, fertilizers and tractor for ploughing with less use of pesticides and herbicides. Although smallholder irrigators generate more gross margins from maize and cabbage enterprises, generally both categories of farmers exhibited a low average household commercialization index for maize and cabbage at 0.41 and 0.22, respectively. Both Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Production Frontier results indicate that farmers are about 98 percent technically efficient in maize and cabbage enterprises, respectively. However, farmers were allocatively inefficient as they were under-utilizing seed and pesticides while over-utilizing inorganic fertilizers. Factors that are positively associated with technical efficiency in maize production included household size, farming experience, off-farm income, use of agro-chemical; gross margins and commercialisation level of maize output. Determinants of technical efficiency in cabbage enterprise included farming experience, amount of land owned, use of agro-chemicals, group membership and gross margins accrued to cabbage sales. Farmers‘ human dimensions that could be more positively and significantly associated with production, efficiency and household commercialisation level included risk taking (hope), innovativeness (confidence) and optimism for entrepreneurial/positive psychological capital. Farmers‘ goals included self-esteem and independence, and only external social capital which were identified to be more positively and significantly associated with farmers‘ production efficiency and commercialization level. The transition from homestead subsistence to commercial oriented small-scale irrigation farming is inevitable since smallholder irrigators earn more incomes from maize and cabbage and are relatively food secure. However, the key policy options that must be considered to address inefficiencies and improved commercialization level to aid the transition include: agricultural policies geared toward attracting youth in farming, improved quality of extension services, speeding up the land reform process, and formation of cooperatives and participatory policy formulation that takes full cognizance of the farmers‘ human dimensions. Since farmers‘ human dimensions as defined in the literature and this study are not things that are amenable to direct policy intervention, they can only be modified indirectly through policy actions that affect their determinants. This means that a number of the demographic and socio-economic characteristics such as age, sex and education level of household head, farming experience, size of land owned, crop incomes, source of water for irrigation and location of the irrigation scheme that govern the way people perceive reality and respond to them must be the focus of concerted policy actions over the medium to long term.
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- Authors: Kibirige, Douglas
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Farms, Small -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- South Africa , Rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Social conditions , South Africa -- Economic conditions , DEA approach , Stochastic production frontier , Production efficiency , Human dimensions , Irrigation
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: vital:11201 , , Farms, Small -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agriculture -- Economic aspects -- South Africa , Rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , South Africa -- Social conditions , South Africa -- Economic conditions , DEA approach , Stochastic production frontier , Production efficiency , Human dimensions , Irrigation
- Description: Considering the backward and forward linkages, the agro-industrial sector contributes about 12 percent of South Africa‘s GDP, and employs approximately 8.5 million people. In the Eastern Cape Province, the sector contributes about 1.9 percent of the Provincial GDP, and over 3 million people derive their livelihoods from subsistence smallholder farming. Despite its importance, agricultural productivity has stagnated for several years across the Eastern Cape rural communities. There have been several attempts by the government to improve the agricultural productivity on smallholder farms since the end of apartheid, especially through the establishment of small-scale irrigation schemes, subsidization of farm inputs, and provision of credit facilities and enacting a number of land reform policies. In spite of the government support, most rural communities like Qamata and Tyefu are still faced with high levels of poverty affecting 76 percent and 91 percent of the population, respectively. This research evaluated the current smallholders‘ production efficiency, and the link between smallholder farmers‘ human dimensions (entrepreneurial spirit and positive psychological capital, goals and social capital, and other efficiency related variables) with production efficiency and household commercialisation index/level. The study used participatory approaches for site selection, sample selection and data collection. The analysis was based on both information from informal interviews and formal primary data collection. The Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Production Frontier techniques were used to determine the relative efficiencies of individual farmers and to identify the major factors that influence the efficiency of production. Overall, 158 farmers were interviewed both at Qamata and Tyefu irrigation schemes. Descriptive statistics of this study indicated that most of the farmers were men with an average age of 61 years, and mean household size of 4 persons with the household head having at least obtained some primary school education. Farming is the major source of livelihood for smallholders with an average income of R4527.49 per crop season. Smallholders use improved seeds, fertilizers and tractor for ploughing with less use of pesticides and herbicides. Although smallholder irrigators generate more gross margins from maize and cabbage enterprises, generally both categories of farmers exhibited a low average household commercialization index for maize and cabbage at 0.41 and 0.22, respectively. Both Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Production Frontier results indicate that farmers are about 98 percent technically efficient in maize and cabbage enterprises, respectively. However, farmers were allocatively inefficient as they were under-utilizing seed and pesticides while over-utilizing inorganic fertilizers. Factors that are positively associated with technical efficiency in maize production included household size, farming experience, off-farm income, use of agro-chemical; gross margins and commercialisation level of maize output. Determinants of technical efficiency in cabbage enterprise included farming experience, amount of land owned, use of agro-chemicals, group membership and gross margins accrued to cabbage sales. Farmers‘ human dimensions that could be more positively and significantly associated with production, efficiency and household commercialisation level included risk taking (hope), innovativeness (confidence) and optimism for entrepreneurial/positive psychological capital. Farmers‘ goals included self-esteem and independence, and only external social capital which were identified to be more positively and significantly associated with farmers‘ production efficiency and commercialization level. The transition from homestead subsistence to commercial oriented small-scale irrigation farming is inevitable since smallholder irrigators earn more incomes from maize and cabbage and are relatively food secure. However, the key policy options that must be considered to address inefficiencies and improved commercialization level to aid the transition include: agricultural policies geared toward attracting youth in farming, improved quality of extension services, speeding up the land reform process, and formation of cooperatives and participatory policy formulation that takes full cognizance of the farmers‘ human dimensions. Since farmers‘ human dimensions as defined in the literature and this study are not things that are amenable to direct policy intervention, they can only be modified indirectly through policy actions that affect their determinants. This means that a number of the demographic and socio-economic characteristics such as age, sex and education level of household head, farming experience, size of land owned, crop incomes, source of water for irrigation and location of the irrigation scheme that govern the way people perceive reality and respond to them must be the focus of concerted policy actions over the medium to long term.
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Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) and rural poverty reduction in the Eastern Cape Province South Africa: a case of Amathole Rural District
- Authors: Mamutse, Zivai Tapfumanei
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Economic policy , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Social conditions , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11440 , , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Economic policy , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Social conditions , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Description: The government of South Africa has seen many financial reforms in the finance industry since the attainment of freedom in 1994. Many microfinance institutions (MFIs) have emerged in the name of poverty reduction, however the impact of MFIs on poverty reduction in rural areas has not been significantly high. Poverty has been reduced but still the inequality gap has even widened (HSRC, 2004). The study is concerned with analysing the impact of MFIs in poverty reduction among the rural poor. Empirical evidence from many developing nations around the world has shown that microfinance is a tool that is relevant in reducing poverty within rural areas. This study investigates the impact of microfinance institutions on household income levels, education and business skills. The study followed a qualitative approach in terms of the research methodology and a survey research design. Data was collected using questionnaires, scheduled interviews, focus group discussions and key informants. Two sample techniques were used for the selection of the MFIs and the household respondents, that is purposive sampling and cluster sampling. In total, 150 households, 15 MFIs and five key informants were interviewed. Descriptive analysis methods were employed and the study showed that only 10 percent of the total households have been able to access microfinance. The number of people who gained business skills was also low (10 percent). The MFIs who provide financial services excluding the other services like business training programmes were 80 percent of the total number of MFIs interviewed. This data showed that only a few (20 percent) MFIs are willing to go an extra mile rendering business skills to their clients. Overally the major finding of the study was that although, MFIs are reaching out to the rural communities, their levels of outreach is still very low within the rural areas. However this does not mean that the impact of MFIs funding is not felt among the rural poor. The levels of income and educational benefits have been increased and felt by the 10 percent of the rural poor clients. This study advocates for an entrepreneurship development pathway to poverty reduction. Microfinance should be used as a source of finance to initiate entrepreneurial activities among the poor in order to generate income. In this study, the use of microfinance finance for consumption by the poor is discouraged because it depletes the funds that can be channeled for selfhelp projects within the rural communities. The study findings motivated the recommendations that encourage an inclusive financial system that is capable of reaching out to the rural poor.
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- Authors: Mamutse, Zivai Tapfumanei
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Economic policy , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Social conditions , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11440 , , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Economic policy , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Social conditions , Eastern Cape -- South Africa -- Economic conditions
- Description: The government of South Africa has seen many financial reforms in the finance industry since the attainment of freedom in 1994. Many microfinance institutions (MFIs) have emerged in the name of poverty reduction, however the impact of MFIs on poverty reduction in rural areas has not been significantly high. Poverty has been reduced but still the inequality gap has even widened (HSRC, 2004). The study is concerned with analysing the impact of MFIs in poverty reduction among the rural poor. Empirical evidence from many developing nations around the world has shown that microfinance is a tool that is relevant in reducing poverty within rural areas. This study investigates the impact of microfinance institutions on household income levels, education and business skills. The study followed a qualitative approach in terms of the research methodology and a survey research design. Data was collected using questionnaires, scheduled interviews, focus group discussions and key informants. Two sample techniques were used for the selection of the MFIs and the household respondents, that is purposive sampling and cluster sampling. In total, 150 households, 15 MFIs and five key informants were interviewed. Descriptive analysis methods were employed and the study showed that only 10 percent of the total households have been able to access microfinance. The number of people who gained business skills was also low (10 percent). The MFIs who provide financial services excluding the other services like business training programmes were 80 percent of the total number of MFIs interviewed. This data showed that only a few (20 percent) MFIs are willing to go an extra mile rendering business skills to their clients. Overally the major finding of the study was that although, MFIs are reaching out to the rural communities, their levels of outreach is still very low within the rural areas. However this does not mean that the impact of MFIs funding is not felt among the rural poor. The levels of income and educational benefits have been increased and felt by the 10 percent of the rural poor clients. This study advocates for an entrepreneurship development pathway to poverty reduction. Microfinance should be used as a source of finance to initiate entrepreneurial activities among the poor in order to generate income. In this study, the use of microfinance finance for consumption by the poor is discouraged because it depletes the funds that can be channeled for selfhelp projects within the rural communities. The study findings motivated the recommendations that encourage an inclusive financial system that is capable of reaching out to the rural poor.
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The impact of entrepreneurship education on the performance of small, micro and medium enterprises in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
- Authors: Chimucheka, Tendai
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Performance -- Management , Organizational commitment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor turnover -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Employee empowerment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Com (Business Management)
- Identifier: vital:11321 , , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Performance -- Management , Organizational commitment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor turnover -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Employee empowerment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) play an important role in contributing to economic development of many countries around the world, including South Africa. Despite the importance of SMMEs an unacceptable and disappointingly high number of these ventures fail during the first few years of operation. It is in light of the importance and challenges faced by SMMEs that the performance of SMMEs is of interest to all countries. This study investigated the impact of entrepreneurship education on the performance of SMMEs in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. The objectives of the study were to investigate the role of entrepreneurship education in improving entrepreneurship skills and knowledge of owner/managers of SMMEs in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, to determine the role of entrepreneurship education on the establishment and survival of SMMEs and to identify strategies that can be implemented to improve the performance of SMMEs. Both primary and secondary data sources were used in this study. A quantitative research design was used in conducting this research. Simple random sampling, a probability sampling technique was used to select a sample of 201 from the sample frame of 420 registered SMMEs. The survey method, by way of a self-administered questionnaire was used to collect primary data. The statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) is the statistical software that was used to analyse data. The Chi-square test, the T-test, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and descriptive statistics were used to analyse data. Validity and reliability of the research instrument and the findings was assured. The results for this study are useful for the development of the SMME sector, which is very important to South Africa for they contribute to the solving of socio-economic challenges. The findings of this research showed that entrepreneurship education has a positive impact on the performance of SMMEs and it plays a critical role in improving entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of SMME owners and managers. It was also found that entrepreneurial education is very important for the establishment and survival of SMMEs. Strategies that can be implemented to improve the performance of SMMEs in South Africa were suggested to the government, government agencies, educational institutions, other organisations, and SMME owners and managers.
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- Authors: Chimucheka, Tendai
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Performance -- Management , Organizational commitment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor turnover -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Employee empowerment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Com (Business Management)
- Identifier: vital:11321 , , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Performance -- Management , Organizational commitment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Labor turnover -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Employee empowerment -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Small Micro and Medium Enterprises (SMMEs) play an important role in contributing to economic development of many countries around the world, including South Africa. Despite the importance of SMMEs an unacceptable and disappointingly high number of these ventures fail during the first few years of operation. It is in light of the importance and challenges faced by SMMEs that the performance of SMMEs is of interest to all countries. This study investigated the impact of entrepreneurship education on the performance of SMMEs in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality. The objectives of the study were to investigate the role of entrepreneurship education in improving entrepreneurship skills and knowledge of owner/managers of SMMEs in the Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, to determine the role of entrepreneurship education on the establishment and survival of SMMEs and to identify strategies that can be implemented to improve the performance of SMMEs. Both primary and secondary data sources were used in this study. A quantitative research design was used in conducting this research. Simple random sampling, a probability sampling technique was used to select a sample of 201 from the sample frame of 420 registered SMMEs. The survey method, by way of a self-administered questionnaire was used to collect primary data. The statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) is the statistical software that was used to analyse data. The Chi-square test, the T-test, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and descriptive statistics were used to analyse data. Validity and reliability of the research instrument and the findings was assured. The results for this study are useful for the development of the SMME sector, which is very important to South Africa for they contribute to the solving of socio-economic challenges. The findings of this research showed that entrepreneurship education has a positive impact on the performance of SMMEs and it plays a critical role in improving entrepreneurial skills and knowledge of SMME owners and managers. It was also found that entrepreneurial education is very important for the establishment and survival of SMMEs. Strategies that can be implemented to improve the performance of SMMEs in South Africa were suggested to the government, government agencies, educational institutions, other organisations, and SMME owners and managers.
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The impact of networking on access to finance and performance of SMES in Buffalo City Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Machirori, Tafadzwa Leroy
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Finance , Business networks -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Credit -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Management , Finance -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Com (Business Management)
- Identifier: vital:11313 , , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Finance , Business networks -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Credit -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Management , Finance -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: This study investigates the impact of networking on access to finance and performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Buffalo City Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The objectives of this study are to examine (1) whether entrepreneurial characteristics of the SME owner and the firm characteristics of the SME are related to networking by SMEs, (2) whether networking is related to access to bank loans and trade credit by SMEs, (3) whether networking is related to the performance of SMEs and (4) whether access to debt finance by SMEs mediates the relationship between networking and performance of SMEs. The results reveal that the gender and education of SME owners and the age, size and legal status of SMEs are the entrepreneurial and firm characteristics that are positively related to networking by SMEs. In addition, the results indicate that there is a positive relationship between networking and access to finance and performance of SMEs. The results of this study further reveal that access to debt finance partially mediates the relationship between networking and performance of SMEs. Lastly, the study recommended that SMEs should network more to gain access to information, resources and contact sharing. This will increase the likelihood of SMEs obtaining finance, and will also improve the performance of SMEs.
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- Authors: Machirori, Tafadzwa Leroy
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Finance , Business networks -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Credit -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Management , Finance -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Com (Business Management)
- Identifier: vital:11313 , , Small business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Finance , Business networks -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Credit -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Management , Finance -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: This study investigates the impact of networking on access to finance and performance of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the Buffalo City Municipality in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The objectives of this study are to examine (1) whether entrepreneurial characteristics of the SME owner and the firm characteristics of the SME are related to networking by SMEs, (2) whether networking is related to access to bank loans and trade credit by SMEs, (3) whether networking is related to the performance of SMEs and (4) whether access to debt finance by SMEs mediates the relationship between networking and performance of SMEs. The results reveal that the gender and education of SME owners and the age, size and legal status of SMEs are the entrepreneurial and firm characteristics that are positively related to networking by SMEs. In addition, the results indicate that there is a positive relationship between networking and access to finance and performance of SMEs. The results of this study further reveal that access to debt finance partially mediates the relationship between networking and performance of SMEs. Lastly, the study recommended that SMEs should network more to gain access to information, resources and contact sharing. This will increase the likelihood of SMEs obtaining finance, and will also improve the performance of SMEs.
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Triggers and barriers to youth entrepreneurship in the Eastern Cape South Africa
- Authors: Chindoga, Lynety
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Youth development -- South Africa , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Young adults -- Employment -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:64636
- Description: To realise the dream of the African Renaissance and a better life for all South Africans, the entrepreneurial energies of all people, including children, should be harnessed to contribute towards economic development, job creation and poverty alleviation. Entrepreneurship creates wealth and results in economic prosperity for a country. However, in South Africa, entrepreneurship still remains a dream yet to be realised. This is supported by the findings of Maas and Herrington (2006), who identified entrepreneurial activity in South Africa to be very weak as evidenced by a low Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) rate. Youths are not engaging in entrepreneurial activity and are making the bulk of the unemployed in South Africa. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the perceived triggers and barriers to youth entrepreneurship in South Africa. Two sets of questionnaires were self- administered to high school students and university students. The respondents which consisted of three hundred and twenty three university students and two hundred and fifty six high school students, were selected using simple random sampling method. Five point Likert scale was used to measure the responses. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The results indicated that youth entrepreneurial intention is low in South Africa. The results also indicated that students perceived mainly extrinsic rewards, market opportunities as well as intrinsic rewards as the three top triggers towards entrepreneurial intention. Independence/autonomy and capital were also regarded as triggers to entrepreneurial intentions. The barriers to youth entrepreneurship included lack of capital, skill and support as well as lack of market opportunities and risk. The study recommends that in order to encourage youth entrepreneurial intentions, government and all stakeholders should ensure that all the perceived triggers are made available. In addition, the barriers to youth entrepreneurship should be minimised. , Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2011
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- Authors: Chindoga, Lynety
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Youth development -- South Africa , Entrepreneurship -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Young adults -- Employment -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:64636
- Description: To realise the dream of the African Renaissance and a better life for all South Africans, the entrepreneurial energies of all people, including children, should be harnessed to contribute towards economic development, job creation and poverty alleviation. Entrepreneurship creates wealth and results in economic prosperity for a country. However, in South Africa, entrepreneurship still remains a dream yet to be realised. This is supported by the findings of Maas and Herrington (2006), who identified entrepreneurial activity in South Africa to be very weak as evidenced by a low Total Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) rate. Youths are not engaging in entrepreneurial activity and are making the bulk of the unemployed in South Africa. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the perceived triggers and barriers to youth entrepreneurship in South Africa. Two sets of questionnaires were self- administered to high school students and university students. The respondents which consisted of three hundred and twenty three university students and two hundred and fifty six high school students, were selected using simple random sampling method. Five point Likert scale was used to measure the responses. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. The results indicated that youth entrepreneurial intention is low in South Africa. The results also indicated that students perceived mainly extrinsic rewards, market opportunities as well as intrinsic rewards as the three top triggers towards entrepreneurial intention. Independence/autonomy and capital were also regarded as triggers to entrepreneurial intentions. The barriers to youth entrepreneurship included lack of capital, skill and support as well as lack of market opportunities and risk. The study recommends that in order to encourage youth entrepreneurial intentions, government and all stakeholders should ensure that all the perceived triggers are made available. In addition, the barriers to youth entrepreneurship should be minimised. , Thesis (MCom) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2011
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