Modifcations to gravitational waves due to matter shells
- Authors: Naidoo, Monogaran
- Date: 2021-10-29
- Subjects: Gravitational waves , General relativity (Physics) , Einstein field equations , Cosmology , Matter shells
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:45062 , 10.21504/10962/191119
- Description: As detections of gravitational waves (GWs) mount, the need to investigate various effects on the propagation of these waves from the time of emission until detection also grows. We investigate how a thin low density dust shell surrounding a gravitational wave source affects the propagation of GWs. The Bondi-Sachs (BS) formalism for the Einstein equations is used for the problem of a gravitational wave (GW) source surrounded by a spherical dust shell. Using linearised perturbation theory, we and the geometry of the regions exterior to, interior to and within the shell. We and that the dust shell causes the gravitational wave to be modified both in magnitude and phase, but without any energy being transferred to or from the dust. This finding is novel. In the context of cosmology, apart from the gravitational redshift, the effects are too small to be measurable; but the effect would be measurable if a GW event were to occur with a source surrounded by a massive shell and with the radius of the shell and the wavelength of the GWs of the same order. We extended our investigation to astrophysical scenarios such as binary black hole (BBH) mergers, binary neutron star (BNS) mergers, and core collapse supernovae (CCSNe). In these scenarios, instead of a monochromatic GW source, as we used in our initial investigation, we consider burst-like GW sources. The thin density shell approach is modified to include thick shells by considering concentric thin shells and integrating. Solutions are then found for these burst-like GW sources using Fourier transforms. We show that GW echoes that are claimed to be present in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) data of certain events, could not have been caused by a matter shell. We do and, however, that matter shells surrounding BBH mergers, BNS mergers, and CCSNe could make modifications of order a few percent to a GW signal. These modifications are expected to be measurable in GW data with current detectors if the event is close enough and at a detectable frequency; or in future detectors with increased frequency range and amplitude sensitivity. Substantial use is made of computer algebra in these investigations. In setting the scene for our investigations, we trace the evolution of general relativity (GR) from Einstein's postulation in 1915 to vindication of his theory with the confirmation of the existence of GWs a century later. We discuss the implications of our results to current and future considerations. Calculations of GWs, both analytical and numerical, have normally assumed their propagation from source to a detector on Earth in a vacuum spacetime, and so discounted the effect of intervening matter. As we enter an era of precision GW measurements, it becomes important to quantify any effects due to propagation of GWs through a non-vacuum spacetime Observational confirmation of the modification effect that we and in astrophysical scenarios involving black holes (BHs), neutron stars (NSs) and CCSNe, would also enhance our understanding of the details of the physics of these bodies. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Mathematics (Pure and Applied), 2021
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- Date Issued: 2021-10-29
A study of spherical solutions in chameleon scalar-tensor theories
- Authors: Mohapi, Neo
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Scalar field theory , Equivalence principle (Physics) , General relativity (Physics) , Bosons , Dark energy (Astronomy) , Galactic dynamics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5428 ,
- Description: The equivalence principle has proven to be central to theories of gravity, with General Relativity being the simplest and most elegant theory to embody the principle. Most alternative theories of gravity struggle to satisfy the principle and still be distinct from GR. Extensions of cosmological and quantum theories question the irrefutably of the equivalence at every scale. The possibility of an equivalence principle violation at galactic scales would be an exciting prospect. In this thesis, we will carefully examine the equivalence principle through the study of chameleon scalar-tensor theories, this will include solutions for hypothetical stars known as boson stars. Such theories find varied application, especially in cosmology, where they model dark energy and inflation. The AWE hypothesis, is an instance of this. It is a nonuniversally coupled model in which violations of the equivalence principle on galactic scales may be apparent. We investigate spherically symmetric and static solutions within the framework of this theory. The constraints obtained from galactic rotation curves results in values of the couplings that show no significant violation of the equivalence principle or values consistent with a theory of dark energy
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- Date Issued: 2014
The Hamilton-Jacobi theory in general relativity theory and certain Petrov type D metrics
- Authors: Matravers, David Richard
- Date: 1973
- Subjects: Hamilton-Jacobi equations , General relativity (Physics) , Generalized spaces
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5422 , , Hamilton-Jacobi equations , General relativity (Physics) , Generalized spaces
- Description: Introduction: The discovery of new solutions to Einstein's field equations has long been a problem in General Relativity. However due to new techniques of Newman and Penrose [1], Carter [2] and others there has been a considerable proliferation of new solutions in recent times. Consequently a new problem has arisen. How are we to interpret the new solutions physically? The tools available, despite a spate of papers in the past fifteen years, remain inadequate although often sophisticated. Any attempts at physical interpretations of metrics are beset with difficulties. There is always the possibility that two entirely different physical pictures will emerge. For example a direct approach would be to attempt an "infilling" of the metric, that is, an extension of the metric into the region occupied by the gravitating matter. However even for the Kerr [1] metric the infilling is by no means unique, in fact a most natural "infilling" turns out to be unphysical (Israel [1]). Yet few people would doubt the physical significance of the Kerr metric. Viewed in this light our attempt to discuss, among other things, the physical interpretation of type D metrics is slightly ambitious. However the problems with regard to this type of metric are not as formidable as for most of the other metrics, since we have been able to integrate the geodesic equations. Nevertheless it is still not possible to produce complete answers to all the questions posed. After a chapter on Mathematical preliminaries the study divides naturally into four sections. We start with an outline of the Hamilton-Jacobi theory of Rund [1] and then go on to show how this theory can be applied to the Carter [2] metrics. In the process we lay a foundation in the calculus of variations for Carter's work. This leads us to the construction of Killing tensors for all but one of the Kinnersley [1] type D vacuum metrics and the Cartei [2] metrics which are not necessarily vacuum metrics. The geodesic equations, for these metrics, are integrated using the Hamilton-Jacobi procedure. The remaining chapters are devoted to the Kinnersley [1] type D vacuum metrics. We omit his class I metrics since these are the Schwarzschild metrics, and have been studied in detail before. Chapter three is devoted to a general study of his class II a metric, a generalisation of the Kerr [1] and NUT (Newman, Tamburino and Unti [1]) metrics. We integrate the geodesic equations and discuss certain general properties: the question of geodesic completeness, the asymptotic properties, and the existence of Killing horizons. Chapter four is concerned with the interpretation of the new parameter 'l', that arises in the class II a and NUT metrics. This parameter was interpreted by Demianski and Newman [1] as a magnetic monopole of mass. Our work centers on the possibility of obtaining observable effects from the presence of 'l'. We have been able to show that its presence is observable, at least in principle, from a study of the motion of particles in the field. In the first place, if l is comparable to the mass of the gravitating system, a comparatively large perihelion shift is to be expected. The possibility of anomalous behaviour in the orbits of test particles, quite unlike anything that occurs in a Newtonian or Schwarzschild field, also arises. In the fifth chapter the Kinnersley class IV metrics are considered. These metrics, which in their simplest form have been known for some time, present serious problems and no interpretations have been suggested. Our discussion is essentially exploratory and the information that does emerge takes the form of suggestions rather than conclusions. Intrinsically the metrics give the impression that interesting results should be obtainable since they are asymptotically flat in certain directions. However the case that we have dealt with does not appear to represent a radiation metric.
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- Date Issued: 1973