Guidelines for the responsible use of social media by nursing students
- Authors: Nyangeni, Thandolwakhe
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Nursing students , Social media
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCur
- Identifier: vital:10065 ,
- Description: Social media use is becoming a popular activity among students at Nursing Education Institutions in South Africa, with Facebook, WhatsApp, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Blackberry Messaging, Mxit and Google Plus being some of the social networking sites adopted for various reasons by nursing students. However, lack of accountability and unethical use of social media by nursing students in South Africa has been reported. Owing to the lack of accountability and unethical misconduct associated with the use of social media, guidelines for responsible usage are needed. A qualitative, descriptive, explorative and contextual research study was conducted to explore and describe the perceptions of nursing students regarding the responsible use of social media. Nursing students registered for the undergraduate nursing degree at a Nursing Education Institution in the Eastern Cape, South Africa were interviewed using a semi-structured individual interview method in order to elicit rich descriptions of their perceptions regarding the use of social media. The goal of the study was to develop guidelines for the responsible use of social media by nursing students. In phase one, the researcher explores and describes the perceptions of nursing students regarding the use of social media. In phase two, guidelines for the responsible use of social media by nursing students were developed, using the findings of the study. Tesch’s method of thematic synthesis was utilised to analyse the data. To ensure rigour and trustworthiness in the study, the researcher used Guba and Lincoln’s criteria, namely: credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability. To protect the rights and dignity of the participants and to safeguard the integrity of this study, the researcher complied with the following ethical principles: beneficence and non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, privacy, and confidentiality. Twelve in-depth, semi-structured interviews provided saturated data, which was then transcribed and coded to yield the major and sub-themes that were identified in this study. The information shared by the participants provided the basis for the development of guidelines for the responsible use of social media by nursing students, which are intended to provide guidance for legally and ethically acceptable social networking. Three themes that emerged from the data were: Nursing student’s lives are centred around social media, Nursing students experience blurred personal and professional boundaries and lack of accountability, and Students expressed a need for the guidelines for the responsible use of social media. Six principle guidelines focusing on accountable and ethically acceptable use of social media were developed. The study concludes with the recommendations regarding nursing practice, nursing education and nursing research. The limitations of the study were that data was collected from students in the undergraduate nursing degree programme and therefore the experiences of the nursing students in the postgraduate degree and diploma programmes regarding the use of social media are not known. The researcher depended solely on the story as told by the participants and did not get the opportunity to observe their social networking conduct, so the researcher made inferences based on the information that was supplied by students. The paucity of research in this topic made it a challenge for the researcher to find context-specific research articles for South Africa. Recommendations from this study could be used to influence further research aimed at establishing the effectiveness of the guidelines. The findings of this research study could also be used to influence policy making at national and provincial levels of government regarding the use of social media at healthcare facilities.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Optimising the teaching-learning environment of first-year nursing students at a public nursing college
- Authors: Matshotyana, Ntombiyakhe Victoria
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: College student development programs , Nursing students
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCur
- Identifier: vital:10052 ,
- Description: Transition from secondary to tertiary education presents unique challenges for first-year nursing students, similar to those experienced by other first-year students at any other tertiary education institution. Nursing students’ experiences are further complicated by the fact that nursing education incorporates almost equal amounts of time for class attendance and clinical practice placement. As a facilitator of learning for first-year nursing students, the researcher had observed how some new students were apprehensive and uncertain in their first year of study at the college. These and other observations, including those of the researcher’s colleagues, prompted the researcher to conduct a study to obtain information on how the first-year students at her college experience their first year of the nursing programme. This study, therefore, examined the experiences of first-year nursing students at a public college in the Eastern Cape Province enrolled in the four-year diploma programme that leads to registration as a nurse and midwife with the South African Nursing Council (SANC). Insights into these experiences were used to develop guidelines for nurse educators to optimise the teaching-learning environment of these students.Kotzé’s (1998) nursing accompaniment theory was used as a theoretical grounding for the study. The study followed a qualitative, explorative, descriptive and contextual design. Two of the college’s campuses were sampled for the study. One campus was in a more rural area and the other in a more urban area. Data was collected using purposive sampling of second-year students who were requested to think back to their first year of the nursing programme. Semi-structured, in-depth, face-to-face, individual interviews were conducted. Interview sessions were digitally recorded and then transcribed verbatim by the researcher. The researcher and an independent coder analysed the transcriptions using Tesch’s method of data analysis. The study’s trustworthiness was demonstrated through the criteria of credibility, transferability, dependability, confirmability and authenticity. The results indicated that students had positive and negative experiences in their first year of the nursing programme. Literature control placed the study’s findings within the existing body of knowledge with regard to students’ experiences of their first year. The students’ suggestions on how to enhance first-year nursing students’ experiences were incorporated into the guidelines that were developed for nurse educators to optimise the teaching-learning environment of first-year nursing students at this college.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Die ervaring van die geregistreerde verpleegkundedosent ten opsigte van die kliniese begeleiding van verpleegstudente
- Authors: De Wet, Annemie
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Nursing students , Mentoring in nursing -- South Africa
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCur
- Identifier: vital:10053 ,
- Description: Die doel van die studie was om vas te stel hoe die verpleegkundedosent die begeleiding van verpleegstudente in die praktyk ervaar. In die verlede was begeleiding van verpleegstudente met praktika in gesondheidsorginstansies deur ʼn professionele verpleegkundige gedoen wat deel was van die personeel se verantwoordelikhede. Die verpleegstudente doen hul teoretiese kennis op by ʼn tersiêre instansie en verkry hul praktiese kennis by ʼn geakkrediteerde gesondheidsorginstansie soos vereis deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad op Verpleging (SARV). Een van die take van ‘n verpleegkundedosent van die privaat opleidingskool is om die kliniese begeleiding van verpleegstudente in geakkrediteerde instellings te doen. Omdat verpleging ʼn beroep is waar vaardighede belangrik is, is praktiese inoefening van prosedures en evaluering van die verpleegstudente se vaardigheid daarin noodsaaklik. Die verpleegstudente is heeltyd besig met die pasiënte in die vorm van prosedures waarby die teorie wat in die opleidingskool verkry was, gekorreleer moet word met die prosedure om die hele prentjie te vorm. Dit is dus nodig dat begeleiding van die verpleegstudente gedoen moet word om vaardigheid en toepassing van kennis te verseker. Die navorser het ʼn kwalitatiewe, ondersoekende, beskrywende en kontekstuele studie gedoen waarvan die populasie die geregistreerde dosente van verskeie provinsiale en privaatverpleegskole in die Klein-Karoo en Suid-kaapdistrikte was. Die navorser het gebruik gemaak van ʼn nie-waarskynlike steekproef. Inligtingryke data was ingesamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude wat aangevul was met veldnotas soos verkry tydens onderhoude. Data-ontleding was reeds begin met data-insameling en Tesch se inhoudsontleding was gebruik om ʼn mening te vorm. ‘n Literatuurkontrole was gedoen om te bepaal wat vorige navorsing oor begeleiding bevind en aanbeveel het. Lincoln en Guba se model was gebruik vir betroubaarheidsversekering volgens die kriteria wat hulle aanbeveel het, naamlik geloofwaardigheid, oordraagbaarheid, betroubaarheid en bevestigbaarheid. Uit die data-ontleding het vier belangrike temas en subtemas te voorskyn gekom. Die temas was dat die verpleegkundedosente aspekte van die begeleiding van verpleegstudente in die gesondheidsorginstansie as positief en ook as negatief beleef. Die wyse waarop die gesondheidsorginstansies bestuur word, het die begeleiding beïnvloed en daar was riglyne voorgestel wat die kliniese personeel en dosente kan rig wanneer hulle betrokke raak by die begeleiding van verpleegstudente. Die begeleiding van verpleegstudente deur verpleegkundedosente, kliniese dosente en die gesondheidsorginstansie se opgeleide personeel, is ʼn belangrike deel van verpleegopleiding en bepaal uiteindelik die kwaliteit van die pasiëntsorg wat verskaf word deur die verpleegkundiges. Die navorser het riglyne daar gestel om die begeleiding van vepleegstudente te rig. Die riglyne moet nou geïmplementeer en getoets word binne die konteks van die bepaalde verpleegskole en dan weer geëvalueer word. Beperkings wat ondervind was in die studie was dat die steekproef ʼn klein groepie verpleegkundedosente op die platteland was, wat veralgemening bemoeilik, veral in die stedelike konteks. Die begeleiding van die verpleegstudente is gedoen met die ingeskrewe verpleegstudente (Die Suid-Afrikaanse Raad op Verpleging Regulasies, Regulasie 2176 en 2175 van 19 November 1993), naamlik die kategorie met die minste status en verantwoordelikheid onder verpleegstudente. Veralgemening na alle kategorieë, veral verpleegstudente besig met professionele verpleegprogramme, mag dus nie sinvol wees nie.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Standards to facilitate optimal experiences of short-term study abroad nursing students at a higher education institution
- Authors: Du Rand, Sussara Maria
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Nursing -- Study and teaching -- United States , Transcultural nursing , Nursing -- Cross-cultural studies , Foreign study , Nursing students
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:10066 ,
- Description: Advances in technology have made globalization and internationalization a reality in the world. National borders are becoming more permeable and migration of goods, services, and health care workers takes place more readily. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have become competitors and vendors in the global knowledge economy and are expected to develop job seekers that are responsible and engaged global citizens and employees. Offering study abroad programmes is one of the ways that HEIs achieve this goal. It is estimated that in 2010, 4.7 million people studied abroad (OECD, 2012:360), and it is anticipated that this number will grow to 15 million by the year 2025 (Altbach & Knight, 2006:9). South Africa is emerging as a regional hub for study and research in sub-Saharan Africa (UNESCO: 2012b). Many organizations that train nurses are internationalizing their curriculum which effectively means that Schools of Nursing are seeking placement for students to study, gain insight into other cultures and practices, and to gain clinical experience in other countries. Students, the customers of the Higher Education Institutions, often pay large sums of money to undertake these study abroad programmes and therefore expect good quality learning experiences in return. The aim of this qualitative, contextual, exploratory, and descriptive study was to explore and describe the expectations and experiences of international nursing students and faculty members at a Higher Educational Institution in South Africa in order to develop standards that will enable HEIs to optimize the experiences of short-term study abroad nursing students. An in-depth contextual investigation was conducted on globalization and internationalization, as well as the higher education and health systems of three countries to understand the context of the study abroad programmes. Qualitative data was gathered from students and faculty members using focus groups and individual interviews to establish their expectations and experiences of the programme. Thematic synthesis was carried out on the contextual data and the qualitative data. Thereafter, thematic synthesis analysis was conducted using both sets of results to develop standards that can be used to optimize the experience of short-term study abroad nursing students at a HEI. A total of 35 standards were developed around the following main themes: the objectives of study abroad programmes should be stated clearly before arrival and include the expectations of the global, national, and local communities, the higher education institution and the staff and students; study abroad programmes should be managed in an ethical manner and in an enabling environment, as part of their strategic goals and plans of a HEI; students should be exposed to a variety of experiences and differences between the sending and hosting countries during their study abroad programmes; Standards to Facilitate Optimal Experiences of Short-term Study Abroad Nursing Students at a HEI; study abroad programmes should be evaluated at different intervals and levels to ensure quality of the programmes and to ensure that the objectives/outcomes are met. A limitation of the study was the sampling of the clinical mentors which did not include representatives from the overseas universities. It is recommended that the standards that were developed in this study be introduced and tested in HEIs and that more research be conducted on different levels and groups with regard to study abroad programmes in future.
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- Date Issued: 2013