Assessing the impacts of Lantana camara and opportunities for ecological restoration after its removal: does clearing facilitate both soil and native vegetation recovery?
- Authors: Bolosha, Uviwe
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Lantana camara , Restoration and conservation , Restoration ecology , Invasive plants , Physicochemical process , Soil seed banks , Invasion driver
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:76738 , DOI
- Description: Invasive alien plants (IAPs) are one of the major contributing factors to biodiversity loss, and Lantana camara is among the top ten alien invaders worldwide. Lantana camara threatens native biodiversity and human health, prevents natural succession, and has an economic and environmental impact globally. With current climate change and future predictions, these IAPs are anticipated to continue posing huge threats to ecosystem composition, structure, and function. Even though L. camara is a widespread IAP, there is still limited knowledge in South Africa on how it influences soil physicochemical properties at the species level, vegetation communities, and soil seed banks at the community level following its invasion. There is also minimal knowledge on the management and control (i.e., clearing for restoration purposes) of L. camara in South Africa, especially in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa. To address the knowledge gap, this thesis was structured into three main aspects: understanding L. camara invasion mechanisms, evaluating invasion impacts on both the aboveground and belowground communities, and invasion management. The main objectives of this thesis were (i) to examine how L. camara invasion (at a species level) affected soil physicochemical properties across different seasons, (ii) to assess how L. camara influences natural vegetation (at a community level), (iii) to examine the effects of L. camara invasion (at the community level) on belowground soil seed banks and also assess the availability of pioneer native species and IAPs in the soil seed banks, and (iv) to evaluate soil and vegetation responses following L. camara clearing in comparison to invaded and uninvaded conditions. To answer these objectives, different studies were carried out in the Eastern Cape province, South Africa, on various farms within the Albany Thicket Biome. The results (Chapter 3) show that L. camara alters and modifies some soil physical properties, such as soil infiltration rate, repellency, and soil penetration resistance, in the communities it invades. A significant decrease in soil penetration under the L. camara canopy was observed compared to soils from the edge and out position. Moreover, significantly faster infiltration rates were observed in the canopy and edge positions than in the out position. The study also observed that these modifications in soil physical properties vary depending on the season. A seasonal comparison in soil penetration showed that soil was more compact in the dry season than the wet season, and significantly faster infiltration rates were observed in summer than in the other seasons. The soil collected under the invaded sampling positions was mostly wettable (80–100%), and not strongly, severely, or extremely repellent across all the seasons. The changes in soil properties caused by L. camara could create favourable conditions for its growth and invasion. Seasonal changes in soil properties also highlight how environmental conditions, especially temperature and rainfall patterns, can affect soil physical properties. The findings in Chapter 4 observed both the negative and positive impacts of L. camara, where the species did not have negative effects on species richness, diversity, or cover of some native species growth forms (i.e., graminoids and forbs). For all species, both species richness and Shannon-Wiener (H’) were significantly higher in the L. camara invaded condition compared to the uninvaded condition. The Simpson’s (J’) and Pielou’s evenness (D’) indices, however, showed no differences between the invasion conditions. Furthermore, the effects of L. camara on vegetation cover were growth form-dependent, with differences being noted for trees and shrubs but not for graminoids and forbs. Changes in vegetation structure and composition were also noted where L. camara created favourable conditions for some species to co-occur with it, meaning that its known trait of changing soil physicochemical properties could benefit some species. Generally, the results of this study showed that the effects of L. camara on vegetation are varied and do not have a predictable pattern, so they should not be generalised. The findings (Chapter 5) also indicate that the L. camara invasion had a negative impact on seedling abundance and composition but not species diversity and richness. This is evident through the decrease in seedling abundance of forbs and graminoids in the L. camara invaded condition. Lantana camara also acted as a refuge for some plant species, mostly native forbs and grasses, including Aptenia cordifolia, Chamaesyce prostrata, Oxalis spp., and Setaria spp., as well as alien forbs such as Bidens pilosa, Plantago lanceolata, and Taraxacum officinale, suggesting L. camara does not entirely eliminate less competitive plant species but can co-exist with them. Lantana camara also displaced some native species, and this could be associated with their displacement in the standing vegetation. Moreover, the species also displaced the seed banks of some alien species, thus showing its competitive ability. Overall, L. camara invasion negatively influenced soil seed bank seedling abundance and composition of some species, but not diversity and richness. The results in Chapter 6 indicated that clearing L. camara is an effective method for reducing its population. However, our findings suggest that clearing alone may not be enough to re-establish these communities with native species. This is because the results of this study showed varied changes in soil properties and native vegetation (species richness, species diversity, percentage cover, and composition) after L. camara clearing. For example, soil moisture and soil penetration resistance showed no significant differences among the invasion conditions; only monthly variations were observed. This is an indication that seasonality influenced these properties. Significantly lower soil infiltration rates were observed in the cleared condition compared to the other conditions and were influenced by the months and the interaction of the clearing conditions and months. The water droplet penetration time showed no significant difference among the clearing conditions over the three months, and all the soil collected from the three clearing conditions was mostly wettable. Soil chemical properties showed that the L. camara invaded and cleared conditions had significantly lower soil pH compared to the uninvaded condition, and an increase in soil pH was observed after clearing L. camara. Vegetation characteristics showed that both the Shannon-Wiener index (H') and the Simpson’s index (D') were lower in the invaded and cleared conditions compared to the uninvaded condition, and significant differences were observed. A slight increase in the H' and D' indices was also observed after clearing L. camara. The mean percentage cover for trees and shrubs was significantly higher in the invaded condition than in the cleared and uninvaded conditions. However, the mean percentage cover of forbs and graminoids was similar among the invaded, cleared, and uninvaded conditions, and no significant differences were observed. When L. camara was cleared, native species recovery was observed and was more notable in the understory species. Overall, some signs of vegetation recovery were observed, although challenges such as secondary invaders and re-invasion by L. camara were noted in the cleared areas. This chapter then concluded that active restoration interventions should be incorporated during restoration to fast-track soil and vegetation recovery. The findings of this thesis will make several significant contributions to the field of biological invasions and provide baseline information that can be used in future studies. These are discussed in the various research chapters. Overall, the thesis concludes that L. camara invasion has varied impacts on native vegetation and soil, and its clearance, should be prioritised to reduce the negative impacts. However, L. camara cleared areas (by WfW in South Africa) require follow-up and monitoring at an early stage to assess vegetation and soil restoration success. In addition, active management measures after L. camara’s removal should be considered for clearing programmes to yield positive ecosystem recovery. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Environmental Science, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
Towards a bacterial biofertiliser for the rehabilitation of disturbed and degraded land
- Authors: Masudi, Wiya Leon
- Date: 2024-10-11
- Subjects: Biofertilizers , Land degradation , Ecological disturbances , Plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria , Restoration ecology
- Language: English
- Type: Academic theses , Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:76790 , DOI
- Description: Agriculture, mining, industry, and human activity disturb, degrade, and pollute pristine environments and particularly the soil environment. Excessive land exploitation slows or disrupts the soil potential, rendering it incapable of playing its role leading to land degradation. In the mining sector, specifically coal mining, rehabilitation of disturbed and degraded land involves strategies that include importing topsoil and using fossil fuel-derived fertilisers. Both practices are unsustainable. To address the unsustainability, a myco-phytoremediation technology known as Fungcoal was developed to facilitate successful revegetation of mining-disturbed and degraded land following the bioconversion of waste coal into a soil-like humic-rich substrate. To offset the dependence on chemical-based fertilisers, efforts were/are focussed on finding mutualistic and cost-effective microbial resources with plant growth-promoting (PGP) activity as a bacterial biofertiliser. This study made use of 22 isolated bacteria and the three Fungcoal coal-degrading fungi viz., Aspergillus sp. ECCN 84, Aspergillus sp. ECCN 225 and Penicillium sp. ECCN 243 as the microbial resource. Initially, characterisation of the substrate waste coal and molecular identification of the selected bacterial isolates were carried out. Physicochemical analysis of the low-rank coal (LRC) substrate revealed a pH of 3.60 with background S content equivalent to 7.13 g L-1, N at 20 mg L-1, P at 7.8 mg L-1 and K at 3.3 mg L-1. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) analysis revealed a C and O content of 23.09 and 69.03 wt%, respectively. Metagenomic analysis of the microbial population associated with the LRC substrate showed that among the 96.32% of bacteria, 59.46 to 62.18% belonged to Bacillota (also called Firmicutes), a phylum of largely Gram-positive bacteria, and 33.01 to 35.74% to Pseudomonadota (synonymous with Proteobacteria), a phylum of mostly Gram-negative bacteria. Following purification of the selected bacterial isolates and molecular characterisation by PCR, phylogenetic relatedness to known plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) contained in the GenBank database showed that these bacterial isolates clustered with high bootstrap values to the reference PGPB strains. Only Pseudomonas sp. ECCN 10b (MW672582) was outside of the tree and shared significant similarity (100%) with Pseudomonas fluorescens (CP015638). A biochemical study revealed that the two Proteus sp. strains, Exiguobacterium sp., Enterobacter sp., and Ancylobacter, tolerated high salt and a wide range of temperatures. Bacterial isolates showed a high pH tolerance between 3 and 11, with the best growth at pH around 7. Nine of the identified strains, four Bacillus sp., Exiguobacterium sp., Enterobacter sp., Pseudomonas sp., Arthrobacter sp., and Aeromonas sp., were able to grow and increase in a medium containing either glucose, mannitol, sodium L-glutamate, sucrose, or fructose. Growth was highest in media containing either sodium L-glutamate, sucrose, or fructose. All the coal degrading strains and 83% of those isolated from municipal wastewater used more complex carbon sources such as high and LRC. The potential for PGP activity was quantified spectrophotometrically by measuring the production of auxins, as indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) equivalents; gibberellins, as gibberellic acid (GA3) equivalents, along with 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase and siderophore activity. Additionally, nutrient mobilisation was evaluated by monitoring an ability to mineralise NH4+, PO43−, and K+. Competent PGP strains for the coal degrading isolates included Proteus strain ECCN 20b, Proteus strain ECCN 23b, and Serratia strain ECCN 24b. In response to L-trp supplementation, the concentration of indolic compounds (measured as indole-3-acetic acid) increased. Production of ammonium and solubilisation of insoluble P by these strains was also apparent. Only Serratia strain ECCN 24b could solubilise insoluble K. Production of indoles increased following exposure to increasing aliquots of LRC, suggesting no negative effect of this material on indole production and that these bacteria may possess PGP potential. Of the twelve bacterial strains isolated from wastewater MaB-flocs, three produced indoles, nine mineralised NH4+, seven solubilised P, and one K. Potential of isolated strains for PGP activity according to a one-way ANOVA on ranks was: ECCN 7b > ECCN 4b > ECCN 6b > ECCN 3b = ECCN 10b > ECCN 1b = ECCN 5b > ECCN 8b > ECCN 2b > ECCN 12b > ECCN 9b = ECCN 11b. Further study revealed that cell-free filtrate from indole-producing cultures of Aeromonas strain ECCN 4b, Enterobacter strain ECCN 7b, and Arthrobacter strain ECCN 6b promoted mung bean adventitious root formation. Based on a biochemical study and the outcome of the ranking of bacterial strains according to PGP-like activities, three bacteria, Enterobacter sp., strain ECCN 7b, Proteus sp., strain ECCN 20b and Serratia sp., strain ECCN 24b that showed great mutualistic relationship with the most effective Fungcoal biocatalyst, A. fischeri ECCN 84, were used to prepare a bacterial bio-fertiliser. This consortium grew well in NB supplemented with L-tryptophan and produced indole compounds that could activate the adventitious rooting of mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) hypocotyls. Finally, the consortium showed no antibiotic resistance activity; however, they produced better biofertiliser with good responses to root/plant biomass production of the same Fabaceae, mung bean (Vigna radiata L.). The further development of this consortium into a cost-effective, environmentally friendly biofertiliser may help reduce dependence on chemical-based fertilisers and improve the sustainability of Fungcoal and other land rehabilitation strategies. Further studies are therefore underway to investigate in greater detail the PGP activity of these isolates individually and in consortium under field conditions to support the Fungcoal myco-phytoremediation strategy. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Science, Institute for Environmental Biotechnology, 2024
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- Date Issued: 2024-10-11
The re-settlement of a ruined earth: Investigating the notion of “dwelling” through The design of a settlement in a post apocalyptic landscape
- Authors: Holdstock, Miranda
- Date: 2020-01
- Subjects: Landscape architecture , Restoration ecology
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:60259
- Description: It is 2100 and anthropogenic climate change is well underway. Human civilisation has collapsed and those who survived the apocalypse are condemned to a life of wandering along a ruined earth; placeless; hopeless; searching for sanctuary. Our most elemental instincts will find this place, and build on it, as we always have. There, we will construct an order in the chaos of the apocalypse, by building dwelling. In an apocalyptic landscape our dependence on dwelling is only amplified. This dwelling, an evolved shelter, the beginnings of settlement, is the manifestation of its dweller’s psyche: the totality of the human mind; the conscious and unconscious; the seen and unseen. It is a chronicle of their dreamworld, memories and experiences. And, when the dweller is also the builder, the dwelling is crafted as an intricate memory-scape - which, in the climate apocalypse, is easily desecrated by the horrors of the end of the known world. Because, at our most vulnerable, when our mortality is confronted, a crisis of being occurs. Those who cannot withstand the physical and psychological suffering that the apocalypse inspires, will become non-beings: those who unconsciously long for death. To portray this, a climate refugee becomes the project’s protagonist. Through her psychological evolution, a dwelling will be built at a site to which she wandered, that represents a ruined earth, where the remains of human civilisation are left behind. Her architecture will embody principles that might facilitate survival in a hyper-harsh environment and safeguard her fragile psychology through bio-inspired and phenomenological design. The final product of this thesis will be a symbolic representation of human wandering, settling and dwelling - the origin of civilisation within chaos. Which, despite the denial of climate change, might be sooner than we think. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Engineering, the Built Environment, and Technology, 2020
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- Date Issued: 2020-01
Factors affecting effective ecological restoration of Portulacaria afra (spekboom)-rich subtropical thicket and aboveground carbon endpoint projections
- Authors: Van der Vyver, Marius Lodewyk
- Date: 2018
- Subjects: Restoration ecology , Plant conservation -- South Africa Portulacaria afra -- South Africa Shrubs -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DPhil
- Identifier: , vital:30468
- Description: Among the requirements to achieve effective ecological restoration on a landscape scale are a scientific underpinning, strong adaptive management and the setting of realistic endpoints. Efficacy and success depend on a complex interplay of factors of both local and regional influence. Biome-wide restoration experiments are rare, but valuable for evaluating efficacy of different protocols according to local context. The Thicket-wide Plot (TWP) experiment was initiated by the Subtropical Thicket Restoration Programme to inform landscape-scale ecological restoration of degraded Portulacaria afra (spekboom)-rich Subtropical Thicket. Thirteen different planting treatments of Portulacaria afra (spekboom) truncheons were planted as replicated rows on 0.25 ha fenced plots across the distribution range of spekboom-rich thicket habitat to better establish effective restoration protocols. I used a rule-based learning ensemble algorithm to evaluate 60 different predictors that potentially impact effective restoration, covering a range of climatic, topographic, edaphic, ecological and management related factors observed at 227 of these TWP plots. Percentage survivorship and aboveground biomass carbon sequestration rate (ABCsr) were taken as proxies for efficacy derived from subsequent monitoring data gathered 2 - 5 years after establishment, and a new allometric model I developed for spekboom. I found herbivory and identification of target habitat the two most important predictors of restoration efficacy, both well within the control of the practitioner. Highest survivorship and ABCsr were associated with larger truncheons planted deeper. The only exception to this pattern was found amongst the two smallest size truncheon categories. The application of external rooting hormone or watering treatment to truncheons were found of no significance to effective restoration, while all the pruned treatments were, in association with lesser planting depth, found to be significantly less effective than untreated truncheons planted deeper. When the restoration protocol is optimal (largest truncheons planted deepest in target habitats and protected from herbivory), my results show higher annual carbon sequestration rates (1.46 - 3.7 t C ha−1 yr−1 in aboveground biomass) than most older restoration sites that have been identified as benchmarks of success. In order to project ABC endpoints, I generated 40 new species-specific allometric models and used them to estimate biomass and carbon of intact and degraded stands on five sites spread out across the region. The highest AGC for stands in both intact and degraded states were estimated at 42.96 t Cha−1 and 12.98 t C ha−1 respectively, and the lowest at 26.32 t C ha−1 and 2.52 t C ha−1. Large canopy dominant (LCD) species contributed the largest AGC portion at three intact stands. The second largest portion was recorded for spekboom. The difference between paired stands on each sample site ranged between 23.8 and 32.8 t C ha−1, which provide a realistic target for biome-wide restoration that, when adopted together with current protocols, may be reached within three decades of inception.
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- Date Issued: 2018
A hybrid approach to beach erosion mitigation and amenity enhancement, St Francis Bay, South Africa
- Authors: Anderson, Dylan Rory
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Beach erosion -- South Africa -- St Francis Bay , Shore protection -- South Africa -- St Francis Bay , Restoration ecology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:10611 , , Beach erosion -- South Africa -- St Francis Bay , Shore protection -- South Africa -- St Francis Bay , Restoration ecology
- Description: The St Francis Bay beach has experienced chronic erosion over the past three decades. This erosion can largely be attributed to the stabilisation of a large coastal dunefield which contributed +/- 80 percent of the sand supply to St Francis Bay. Stabilisation began in 1975 initially using plant cuttings and followed by the development of the Santareme holiday suburb resulting in complete stabilisation by 1985. Effects were felt from the late 1970‟s and since then the beach has retreated at between 0.5 - 3 m.yr-1. Erosion has encroached on beachfront properties since the early 1990‟s, leading to the placement of 3-4 m high unsightly rock revetments along much of the beach. Where properly maintained these structures have proved successful in protecting the properties behind, however exacerbated erosion of areas in front and adjacent to these structures is evident. Currently no dry beach is present at high tide for most of the year, leading to a significant reduction in beach amenity value. Several technical studies to investigate remediation of this beach erosion problem have been conducted since the early 1990‟s. This study includes investigations into the processes and dynamics of the existing environment and evaluation of the effectiveness and impacts of several elements of a hybrid approach to coastal protection and amenity enhancement for St Francis Bay beach. This proposal incorporated: Multi-Purpose Reefs (MPR‟s) offshore, for coastal protection and amenity enhancement in terms of surfing; beach nourishment with sand from the Kromme Estuary and dune rehabilitation with appropriate native sand binding species. Extensive fieldwork and data collection were conducted, this included: a series of bathymetric surveys; diving surveys and a helicopter flight; sediment sampling; beach profiling and deployment of a wave/current meter. Analysis of these data provided a greater understanding of the existing environment and dynamics of St Francis Bay and provided reliable inputs for numerical modelling. Numerical and physical modelling was conducted to assess the existing processes and conduct MPR design testing. In addition calibrated hydrodynamic modelling of the Kromme Estuary was conducted in order to assess the impacts of sand extraction from the large sand banks within the mouth of the Kromme Estuary for use as beach nourishment. Comparison of bathymetric survey data collected by the author in 2005/06 with survey data collected by the South African Navy Hydrographic Office (SANHO) in 1952 suggest a major loss of sand from the bay, with a volume difference of some 8.8 X 106 m3 calculated. Greater losses were measured between 10-15 m water depths, with shallow areas of +/- 5 m water depth, remaining more stable. This can be attributed to the presence of shallow reef and rocky substrate through much of the bay at this depth range. Monthly RTK GPS survey data from September 2006 to September 2007 indicates a total loss of 40 000 m3 over this period with the greatest losses measured along the northern part of the beach. The greatest losses were measured after large long period waves from a southerly to south-easterly direction occurred in conjunction with equinox tides in mid March 2007. Sediment sampling at over 100 locations within the bay indicated a high percentage of reef (26 percent) and fairly consistent grain size in the fine to medium size class throughout much of the beach, bay and large sand bank within the estuary. While the majority of the South African Coast is exposed to the predominant south westerly winds and waves, St Francis Bay‟s orientation means that waves from a south easterly to easterly direction dominate. The results of the detailed numerical modelling of the hydrodynamics agree with previous calculations and modelling results which concluded that strong unidirectional longshore currents occur along the headland due to the oblique angle of wave incidence and the close to parallel angle of wave incidence along the beach leads to weak longshore currents of variable direction. Erosion along St Francis Bay beach is a result of cross-shore erosion due to large waves from a southerly to easterly direction. Detached breakwaters are the most effective form of coastal protection in these environments and MPR‟s offer additional benefits over traditional breakwater structures. Results of empirical calculations and numerical modelling indicate that the MPR‟s will provide effective coastal protection through the processes of wave dissipation, wave rotation, salient formation and alteration of nearshore circulation. Physical modelling results allowed the MPR design to be assessed and refined in terms of surfing amenity enhancement and construction constraints. In addition numerical modelling results indicate that impacts due to the extraction of up to 600 000 m3 of sand from the lower Kromme Estuary result in highly localised velocity reduction, mainly limited to the extraction areas. The calculated rate of sediment influx into the lower Kromme Estuary indicates that limited extraction, in the order of 20 000 – 40 000 m3 per year, should be sustainable in the long term. Sedimentation of the lower estuary over recent years has had negative recreational and ecological impacts, through reduced navigability and water exchange respectively. Therefore both the estuary and beach systems prove to benefit from this approach. Although not investigated in detail as part of this study, evidence from numerous projects worldwide indicates that foredunes help to trap wind-blown sand on the beach and form a buffer to storm erosion, therefore dune rehabilitation with native sand-binding plant species was recommended as the third element of the proposed remediation of St Francis Bay beach.
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- Date Issued: 2008
Interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and soil microbial populations in the rhizosphere
- Authors: Ike-Izundu, Nnenna Esther
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Mycorrhizas , Mycorrhizal fungi , Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas , Soil microbiology , Rhizosphere , Revegetation , Restoration ecology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:3962 , , Mycorrhizas , Mycorrhizal fungi , Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizas , Soil microbiology , Rhizosphere , Revegetation , Restoration ecology
- Description: This study examined the rehabilitation potential of AM fungi with organic and inorganic fertilisers under pot and field trial conditions as well as their interaction with rhizospheric organisms and specific functional groups. In addition, the study highlighted the effects of land-use management on AM fungal populations in soil and the mycorrhizal status of some selected plants from one of the study sites. The study focussed on two sites that differ in operational activities and these included a mined area that was to be rehabilitated and a commercial farming site. A pot trial was conducted using an overburdened soil resulting from kaolin clay mining. Pots were seeded with Cynodon dactylon and treated with either Organic Tea or NPK (3:1:5) fertiliser, with or without AM fungal inoculum. The compatibility of these fertilisers with AM fungi was assessed by plant growth and percentage root colonisation. Maximum shoot height and plant biomass were observed at the 28th week with NPK (3:1:5) fertiliser supporting mycorrhizal colonisation by 80%. The result indicated the potential of AM fungi to be used in rehabilitation with minimal phosphate fertiliser. Similarly, a field trial was set-up using 17 x 17 m[superscript 2] plots in the mining site that were treated with the same organic and inorganic fertilisers as well as with AM fungal inoculum in different combinations. The interaction between AM fungi and soil microbial population was determined using culture dependent and culture independent techniques. The culture dependent technique involved the use of soil dilution and plating on general purpose and selective media. The result showed that there was no change in the total culturable bacterial number in the untreated and AM fungal treated plots, while a change in species composition was observed in the functional groups. Different functional groups identified included nitrogen fixing bacteria, pseudomonads, actinomycetes, phosphate solubilisers and the fungal counterparts. Gram-positive bacteria were observed as the predominant phenotypic type, while nitrogen fixers and actinomycetes were the predominant functional groups. Species identified from each functional group were Pseudomonas fulva, Bacillus megaterium, Streptomyces and actinomycetales bacteria. Meanwhile, fungi such as Ampelomyces, Fusarium, Penicillium, Aspergillus, Cephalosporium and Exserohilium were identified morphologically and molecularly. Furthermore, the mining site had a significantly higher bacterial number than the farming site thereby indicating the effects of land-use management on culturable bacterial numbers. The culture independent technique was carried out by cloning of the bacterial 16S rDNA and sequencing. Identified clones were Bradyrhizobium, Propionibacterium and Sporichthya. A cladogram constructed with the nucleotides sequences of identified functional species, clones and closely related nucleotide sequences from the Genbank indicated that nucleotide sequences differed in terms of the method used. The activity and establishment of the introduced AM fungal population was determined by spore enumeration, infectivity assay, percentage root colonisation and assessment of glomalin concentrations. The results indicated that the two land use types affected AM fungal populations. However, the establishment of AM fungi in the farming site was more successful than in the mining site as indicated by the higher infectivity pontential. Selected host plants, which were collected around the mine area, were observed to be mainly colonised by AM fungi and these were identified as Pentzia incana, Elytropappus rhinocerotis, Euphorbia meloformis, Selago corymbosa, Albuca canadensis and Helichrysum rosum. These plant species were able to thrive under harsh environmental conditions, thereby indicating their potential use as rehabilitation host plants. Generally, the findings of this study has provided an insight into the interaction between arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and other soil microorganisms in two fields with differing land use management practices.
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- Date Issued: 2008