Towards a new approach for coastal governance with an assessment of the Plettenberg Bay nearshore linefisheries
- Smith, Martin Kyle Stratford
- Authors: Smith, Martin Kyle Stratford
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Fishery management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Fisheries -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Reef fishes -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Coastal zone management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5327 , , Fishery management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Fisheries -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Reef fishes -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Coastal zone management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay
- Description: Under the guidance of the new coastal management policies within South Africa this thesis advocates a more integrated, co-operative approach to local coastal management. The project aimed to acquire baseline information on the local nearshore fishery and resource state and to propose a set of indicators that could be incorporated into the new management strategy. To gather the required information the project was split into two parts: 1) An assessment of the local linefisheries and 2) A comparative study of the reef fish community structure between exploited and unexploited reefs. The local linefisheries were assessed through the use of launch records, commercial catch records, access point and boat based surveys. A questionnaire was used to gather data on catch and effort, fisher demographics, fisher attitudes towards and knowledge of the current management regulations, assess the efficacy of the fisheries inspectorate and highlight spatial areas of fishing pressure. A total of 252 interviews and catch inspections were conducted. Total effort for the ski-boat fishery estimated from the access point survey was 890 boat days.year⁻¹ or 3560 fisher days. year⁻¹ compared to 736 boat days.year⁻¹ or 2944 fisher days. year⁻¹ recorded in the launch records. Effort was seasonal with greater pressure occurring over the summer holiday period. Analysis of the catch showed that Merluccius capensis, Argyrozona argyrozona, Argyrosomus inodorus, Chrysoblephus laticeps and Atractoscion aequidens were the most frequently caught species. The overall CPUE was 3.00±5.54kg.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ or 4.71±4.117 fish.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹. Estimated targeted CPUE was 0.91±0.67kg.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ or 0.97±0.77 fish.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ for C. laticeps, 8.47±8.57kg.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ or 1.24±1.16 fish.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ for A. aequidens and 2.05±3.78kg.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ or 1.10±1.80 fish.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ for A. inodorus. Issues identified included poor fisher knowledge regarding linefish regulations, the low occurrence of fishery inspections and a limited degree of noncompliance. Although most fishers supported the current linefish management regulations, when tested on the size limits, bag limits and closed seasons of their target species a high proportion of fishers did not know the regulations (recreational 64%, charter 53%, commercial 42%). Furthermore only 27% of fishers had had their catch inspected whilst fishing in Plettenberg Bay and the majority of these had only been inspected once. Just over half the interviewees (60%) indicated that fishing had deteriorated within Plettenberg Bay with fewer and smaller fish being caught. The most common causes cited for this decline were commercial and recreational overfishing respectively. Underwater point counts and experimental angling were used to rapidly assess the state of the reef fish resource in Plettenberg Bay through a comparative study of the community structure between two exploited sites in Plettenberg Bay and two protected sites within the Tsitsikamma National Park. Generalized linear modeling showed that relative density of certain species was significantly different between the protected reefs inside the TNP and those exploited reefs within Plettenberg Bay. Both P. rupestris and C. laticeps had greater densities within the protected area whilst Chisquared tests showed that the size frequency distributions were significantly different with larger size-classes and the maximum size of fish greater within the reserve. These trends were noted with both the underwater visual surveys and the experimental angling. Multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analysis showed that there was an overall difference in the community structure between the study sites. It is hypothesised that through removal of key reef species and larger individuals that fishing has directly and indirectly affected the overall community structure. Within a simple framework based on ecological, institutional and social sustainability domains along with the results of the study area, a set of indicators is proposed and the sustainability of the local fishery scored within a rapid assessment matrix. The socio-economic domain scored the highest (83%) whilst the institutional domain scored the lowest (8.3%) and the ecological domain scored 25%, giving a total sustainability score of 38.8%. The results of this matrix show that at present the local fishery is non-sustainable and in need of greater management. By synthesizing papers dealing with and based on the concepts involved in Integrated Coastal Management, a structured approach is proposed to developing and implementing more holistic local coastal governance. It is envisaged that the framework to implement such an approach should be through the development of a local Coastal Management Plan and a subsidiary Bay Management Plan. Although stakeholder participation and representation is an essential component in the development of these plans, it is recommended that the local municipality should be the lead agent and incorporate the plans into the local Integrated Development and Spatial Plans thereby gaining long term local government support.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Smith, Martin Kyle Stratford
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Fishery management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Fisheries -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Reef fishes -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Coastal zone management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5327 , , Fishery management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Fisheries -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Reef fishes -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Coastal zone management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay
- Description: Under the guidance of the new coastal management policies within South Africa this thesis advocates a more integrated, co-operative approach to local coastal management. The project aimed to acquire baseline information on the local nearshore fishery and resource state and to propose a set of indicators that could be incorporated into the new management strategy. To gather the required information the project was split into two parts: 1) An assessment of the local linefisheries and 2) A comparative study of the reef fish community structure between exploited and unexploited reefs. The local linefisheries were assessed through the use of launch records, commercial catch records, access point and boat based surveys. A questionnaire was used to gather data on catch and effort, fisher demographics, fisher attitudes towards and knowledge of the current management regulations, assess the efficacy of the fisheries inspectorate and highlight spatial areas of fishing pressure. A total of 252 interviews and catch inspections were conducted. Total effort for the ski-boat fishery estimated from the access point survey was 890 boat days.year⁻¹ or 3560 fisher days. year⁻¹ compared to 736 boat days.year⁻¹ or 2944 fisher days. year⁻¹ recorded in the launch records. Effort was seasonal with greater pressure occurring over the summer holiday period. Analysis of the catch showed that Merluccius capensis, Argyrozona argyrozona, Argyrosomus inodorus, Chrysoblephus laticeps and Atractoscion aequidens were the most frequently caught species. The overall CPUE was 3.00±5.54kg.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ or 4.71±4.117 fish.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹. Estimated targeted CPUE was 0.91±0.67kg.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ or 0.97±0.77 fish.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ for C. laticeps, 8.47±8.57kg.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ or 1.24±1.16 fish.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ for A. aequidens and 2.05±3.78kg.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ or 1.10±1.80 fish.fisher⁻¹.day⁻¹ for A. inodorus. Issues identified included poor fisher knowledge regarding linefish regulations, the low occurrence of fishery inspections and a limited degree of noncompliance. Although most fishers supported the current linefish management regulations, when tested on the size limits, bag limits and closed seasons of their target species a high proportion of fishers did not know the regulations (recreational 64%, charter 53%, commercial 42%). Furthermore only 27% of fishers had had their catch inspected whilst fishing in Plettenberg Bay and the majority of these had only been inspected once. Just over half the interviewees (60%) indicated that fishing had deteriorated within Plettenberg Bay with fewer and smaller fish being caught. The most common causes cited for this decline were commercial and recreational overfishing respectively. Underwater point counts and experimental angling were used to rapidly assess the state of the reef fish resource in Plettenberg Bay through a comparative study of the community structure between two exploited sites in Plettenberg Bay and two protected sites within the Tsitsikamma National Park. Generalized linear modeling showed that relative density of certain species was significantly different between the protected reefs inside the TNP and those exploited reefs within Plettenberg Bay. Both P. rupestris and C. laticeps had greater densities within the protected area whilst Chisquared tests showed that the size frequency distributions were significantly different with larger size-classes and the maximum size of fish greater within the reserve. These trends were noted with both the underwater visual surveys and the experimental angling. Multi-dimensional scaling and cluster analysis showed that there was an overall difference in the community structure between the study sites. It is hypothesised that through removal of key reef species and larger individuals that fishing has directly and indirectly affected the overall community structure. Within a simple framework based on ecological, institutional and social sustainability domains along with the results of the study area, a set of indicators is proposed and the sustainability of the local fishery scored within a rapid assessment matrix. The socio-economic domain scored the highest (83%) whilst the institutional domain scored the lowest (8.3%) and the ecological domain scored 25%, giving a total sustainability score of 38.8%. The results of this matrix show that at present the local fishery is non-sustainable and in need of greater management. By synthesizing papers dealing with and based on the concepts involved in Integrated Coastal Management, a structured approach is proposed to developing and implementing more holistic local coastal governance. It is envisaged that the framework to implement such an approach should be through the development of a local Coastal Management Plan and a subsidiary Bay Management Plan. Although stakeholder participation and representation is an essential component in the development of these plans, it is recommended that the local municipality should be the lead agent and incorporate the plans into the local Integrated Development and Spatial Plans thereby gaining long term local government support.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Towards a new approach for coastal governance with an assessment of the Plettenberg Bay shore-based linefishery
- Authors: King, Claire Margaret
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Fishery management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Fisheries -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Coastal zone management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5326 , , Fishery management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Fisheries -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Coastal zone management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay
- Description: The overall aim of this thesis, as required by the funders, was to provide research that would contribute towards the development of a bay management plan, specifically information on the local fisheries. The thesis therefore includes an assessment of the local shore-based linefishery in terms of catch and effort and socio-economics, and the development of indicators from this information with which to assess the sustainability of the fishery. Finally an implementation strategy for an integrated coastal management approach for local resource governance is proposed The shore-based linefishery of Plettenberg Bay was assessed through a combination of roving creel and access point surveys which included questions aimed at the quantification of total effort, total catch and cpue, as well as the spatial trends in catch and effort. Angler demographics as well as opinions and knowledge of current fisheries regulations were obtained and the efficiency of the fishery inspectorate was assessed. The survey period extended from August 2003 to September 2004 during which 1189 angler interviews were conducted. Catch data obtained during this study was compared to catch data gathered during a research tagging program conducted in an area closed to fishing (Tsitsikamma National Park) and a semi-open area (Rebelsrus – Cape St. Francis), thereby highlighting differences in species composition, abundance and size distribution of certain species between areas of differing fishing pressures. The fishery surveys revealed that the shore-based fishery is primarily recreational (99%) and dominated by white males. Most anglers agreed with the current fisheries regulations (60%) and admitted to abiding by them, however when tested on the regulations of their target species, their knowledge was poor. Effort in the fishery was highly seasonal with peaks coinciding with major school holidays. Total annual effort was estimated at 102 566 angler-hours, with distinct spatial patterns in effort. Total annual catch for the Plettenberg Bay shore-based linefishery was estimated at 31 217 fish.year⁻¹ with a total mass of 13.6 tons. Thirty-six fish species (26 teleost species and 10 elasmobranchs species) were identified during the survey period with Blacktail Diplodus capensis, Strepie Sarpa salpa, Red tjor-tjor Pagellus natalensis, Shad Pomatomus saltatrix and Sand steenbras Lithognathus mormyrus being the five most commonly caught species. Only 32% of interviewed anglers were successful in catching a fish with just 22% catching their primary target species. In addition, a large proportion of the anglers (69%) reported a decline in catch rate, with most blaming the commercial sector as a reason for the decline. The overall catch rate was (cpue) 0.374 fish.angler.hour⁻¹ or 170 grams.angler.hour⁻¹, considerably lower than that obtained from the fishery exempt area (TNP = 1. 02 fish.angler.hour⁻¹) and the partially exploited area (Rebelsrus = 0.91 fish.angler.hour⁻¹). In terms of species composition the most obvious difference between the three areas was the low proportion of non-migratory reef-associated species like red roman, poenskop, John brown, santer and bronze bream in Plettenberg Bay. Size comparisons revealed that the majority of species (particularly reef-associated species) were larger in the TNP than both the semi-exploited (Rebelsrus) and exploited area (Plettenberg Bay). Collectively theses findings suggest that certain species have been locally depleted, that recreational fishing has impacted heavily on the fish stocks and that even partial closure or limited access to an area can offer protection. From the results key issues were identified and sustainability indicators proposed according to the three sustainability domains (ecological, institutional and social) proposed by Pajak (2000). Within the ecological domain the most pertinent issue was the low catch rate, particularly for reef-associated species. Indicators to track these issues included: percentage of successful trips (where fish were caught), percentage of anglers that reached their daily bag limits and the proportion of the overall catch that comprised larger, more desirable species. Institutionally the most pertinent issue was the apparent inability of management institutions to manage effectively marine resources within Plettenberg Bay. Indicators within this domain included the proportion of anglers who were inspected, the existence of a localised management plan and an associated monitoring programme. Socially the fishery proved to be fairly sustainable. Indicators included in this domain were the proportion of subsistence anglers in the local fishing community, the percentage of correct answers pertaining to current fishery regulations, the level of noncompliance and the percentage of undersize fish retained. Aggregation of all the indicators within a sustainability matrix revealed that the Plettenberg Bay shore-based linefishery was unsustainable and thus requires increased local management effort. Since there is no local management strategy in place, an integrated coastal management approach for the governance of the coastal resources in Plettenberg Bay has been proposed. The development of a Coastal Management Plan and a subsidiary Bay Management Plan provide the frameworks within which management strategies can be put into operation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: King, Claire Margaret
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Fishery management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Fisheries -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Coastal zone management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5326 , , Fishery management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Fisheries -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay , Coastal zone management -- South Africa -- Plettenberg Bay
- Description: The overall aim of this thesis, as required by the funders, was to provide research that would contribute towards the development of a bay management plan, specifically information on the local fisheries. The thesis therefore includes an assessment of the local shore-based linefishery in terms of catch and effort and socio-economics, and the development of indicators from this information with which to assess the sustainability of the fishery. Finally an implementation strategy for an integrated coastal management approach for local resource governance is proposed The shore-based linefishery of Plettenberg Bay was assessed through a combination of roving creel and access point surveys which included questions aimed at the quantification of total effort, total catch and cpue, as well as the spatial trends in catch and effort. Angler demographics as well as opinions and knowledge of current fisheries regulations were obtained and the efficiency of the fishery inspectorate was assessed. The survey period extended from August 2003 to September 2004 during which 1189 angler interviews were conducted. Catch data obtained during this study was compared to catch data gathered during a research tagging program conducted in an area closed to fishing (Tsitsikamma National Park) and a semi-open area (Rebelsrus – Cape St. Francis), thereby highlighting differences in species composition, abundance and size distribution of certain species between areas of differing fishing pressures. The fishery surveys revealed that the shore-based fishery is primarily recreational (99%) and dominated by white males. Most anglers agreed with the current fisheries regulations (60%) and admitted to abiding by them, however when tested on the regulations of their target species, their knowledge was poor. Effort in the fishery was highly seasonal with peaks coinciding with major school holidays. Total annual effort was estimated at 102 566 angler-hours, with distinct spatial patterns in effort. Total annual catch for the Plettenberg Bay shore-based linefishery was estimated at 31 217 fish.year⁻¹ with a total mass of 13.6 tons. Thirty-six fish species (26 teleost species and 10 elasmobranchs species) were identified during the survey period with Blacktail Diplodus capensis, Strepie Sarpa salpa, Red tjor-tjor Pagellus natalensis, Shad Pomatomus saltatrix and Sand steenbras Lithognathus mormyrus being the five most commonly caught species. Only 32% of interviewed anglers were successful in catching a fish with just 22% catching their primary target species. In addition, a large proportion of the anglers (69%) reported a decline in catch rate, with most blaming the commercial sector as a reason for the decline. The overall catch rate was (cpue) 0.374 fish.angler.hour⁻¹ or 170 grams.angler.hour⁻¹, considerably lower than that obtained from the fishery exempt area (TNP = 1. 02 fish.angler.hour⁻¹) and the partially exploited area (Rebelsrus = 0.91 fish.angler.hour⁻¹). In terms of species composition the most obvious difference between the three areas was the low proportion of non-migratory reef-associated species like red roman, poenskop, John brown, santer and bronze bream in Plettenberg Bay. Size comparisons revealed that the majority of species (particularly reef-associated species) were larger in the TNP than both the semi-exploited (Rebelsrus) and exploited area (Plettenberg Bay). Collectively theses findings suggest that certain species have been locally depleted, that recreational fishing has impacted heavily on the fish stocks and that even partial closure or limited access to an area can offer protection. From the results key issues were identified and sustainability indicators proposed according to the three sustainability domains (ecological, institutional and social) proposed by Pajak (2000). Within the ecological domain the most pertinent issue was the low catch rate, particularly for reef-associated species. Indicators to track these issues included: percentage of successful trips (where fish were caught), percentage of anglers that reached their daily bag limits and the proportion of the overall catch that comprised larger, more desirable species. Institutionally the most pertinent issue was the apparent inability of management institutions to manage effectively marine resources within Plettenberg Bay. Indicators within this domain included the proportion of anglers who were inspected, the existence of a localised management plan and an associated monitoring programme. Socially the fishery proved to be fairly sustainable. Indicators included in this domain were the proportion of subsistence anglers in the local fishing community, the percentage of correct answers pertaining to current fishery regulations, the level of noncompliance and the percentage of undersize fish retained. Aggregation of all the indicators within a sustainability matrix revealed that the Plettenberg Bay shore-based linefishery was unsustainable and thus requires increased local management effort. Since there is no local management strategy in place, an integrated coastal management approach for the governance of the coastal resources in Plettenberg Bay has been proposed. The development of a Coastal Management Plan and a subsidiary Bay Management Plan provide the frameworks within which management strategies can be put into operation.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Towards a post-sacrificial theory of identity formation
- Authors: Menezes, Natalie
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Sacrifice -- Philosophy , Violence -- Philosophy , Forgiveness -- Philosophy , Philosophy -- Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2862 , , Sacrifice -- Philosophy , Violence -- Philosophy , Forgiveness -- Philosophy , Philosophy -- Africa
- Description: In this thesis I shall outline various modernist authors' arguments that collectivities (such as ethnic groups, nations, states and cultures) and subjectivities employ sacrificial violence to establish and assert their identity where identity is inescapably (?) understood in terms of the sovereignty of the collective or the post-Oedipal autonomy of the individual. To this end, violence has been posited as a historical and conceptual inevitability and is set as the default-state of human nature and politics. In recent times, protesting voices (from post-feminist, post-colonial, post-modern and the emerging human rights discourses) have begun to rigorously contest the notion of violence as the default-state. As a result, the legitimacy of sacrifice as the primary modus to an autonomous selfhood has been radically problematised. I believe that a comprehensive understanding of the nature of this crisis of identity formation , and the possibility of transcending it, is to be found in the paradigmatic shift away from Newtonian thought toward a post-Newtonian worldview. In seeking to challenge the assumption of violence-as-default, I shall translate the comprehensive sacrificial nature of collective identity and subjectivity into a complexity-based model that allowed me to make three crucial conceptual moves toward a comprehensive understanding of post-sacrificial identities that occupy an important place in a post-Newtonian world. First, it will allow me to challenge the assumptions that supported the Hobbesian myth of autonomy/sovereignty sacrificially achieved by charting the ontological shift that compels us to understand "entities" (be it a cell, an individual or a state) not in terms of autonomy but interdependence. Secondly, it provides the conceptual tools needed to understand the systemic nature of sacrificial violence by reading subjectivity violence and collectivity violence in terms of their organic self-similarity. This will equip me to comprehensively explore a postsacrificial epistemology valid for both collective identities and subjectivity. Thirdly, I propose a model of post-sacrificial identities that are created and sustained at the edge of chaos through the dynamic interplay of order and disorder that reconciles creative and destructive forces in a generative unity. I believe that this post-Newtonian reading will clear the conceptual space needed to suggest there might yet be hope for a future that does not embrace violence as default-state.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Menezes, Natalie
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Sacrifice -- Philosophy , Violence -- Philosophy , Forgiveness -- Philosophy , Philosophy -- Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2862 , , Sacrifice -- Philosophy , Violence -- Philosophy , Forgiveness -- Philosophy , Philosophy -- Africa
- Description: In this thesis I shall outline various modernist authors' arguments that collectivities (such as ethnic groups, nations, states and cultures) and subjectivities employ sacrificial violence to establish and assert their identity where identity is inescapably (?) understood in terms of the sovereignty of the collective or the post-Oedipal autonomy of the individual. To this end, violence has been posited as a historical and conceptual inevitability and is set as the default-state of human nature and politics. In recent times, protesting voices (from post-feminist, post-colonial, post-modern and the emerging human rights discourses) have begun to rigorously contest the notion of violence as the default-state. As a result, the legitimacy of sacrifice as the primary modus to an autonomous selfhood has been radically problematised. I believe that a comprehensive understanding of the nature of this crisis of identity formation , and the possibility of transcending it, is to be found in the paradigmatic shift away from Newtonian thought toward a post-Newtonian worldview. In seeking to challenge the assumption of violence-as-default, I shall translate the comprehensive sacrificial nature of collective identity and subjectivity into a complexity-based model that allowed me to make three crucial conceptual moves toward a comprehensive understanding of post-sacrificial identities that occupy an important place in a post-Newtonian world. First, it will allow me to challenge the assumptions that supported the Hobbesian myth of autonomy/sovereignty sacrificially achieved by charting the ontological shift that compels us to understand "entities" (be it a cell, an individual or a state) not in terms of autonomy but interdependence. Secondly, it provides the conceptual tools needed to understand the systemic nature of sacrificial violence by reading subjectivity violence and collectivity violence in terms of their organic self-similarity. This will equip me to comprehensively explore a postsacrificial epistemology valid for both collective identities and subjectivity. Thirdly, I propose a model of post-sacrificial identities that are created and sustained at the edge of chaos through the dynamic interplay of order and disorder that reconciles creative and destructive forces in a generative unity. I believe that this post-Newtonian reading will clear the conceptual space needed to suggest there might yet be hope for a future that does not embrace violence as default-state.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Towards a women's media movement: gender equality
- Authors: Duncan, Jane
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:75248 ,
- Description: In March 2003, Genderlinks and the Media Institute of Southern Africa (Misa) conducted a global Gender and Media Baseline Study. The study covered a total of 25 110 news items in September 2002, across all Southern African Development Community countries. It was found that women constituted only 17% of news sources, 1% less than the global average of 18%. In South Africa the figure was 19%. The race and gender breakdown is particularly disturbing, with only 7% of sources being black women, in spite of the fact that black women constitute 45% of the total population.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Duncan, Jane
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:75248 ,
- Description: In March 2003, Genderlinks and the Media Institute of Southern Africa (Misa) conducted a global Gender and Media Baseline Study. The study covered a total of 25 110 news items in September 2002, across all Southern African Development Community countries. It was found that women constituted only 17% of news sources, 1% less than the global average of 18%. In South Africa the figure was 19%. The race and gender breakdown is particularly disturbing, with only 7% of sources being black women, in spite of the fact that black women constitute 45% of the total population.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Towards Central Vulnerability Management By Mobile Phone Operators
- Moyo, Thamsanqa, Irwin, Barry V W, Wright, Madeleine
- Authors: Moyo, Thamsanqa , Irwin, Barry V W , Wright, Madeleine
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72536 ,
- Description: The application of XML-based approaches in passing vulnerability in-formation between vulnerability management devices or software resid-ing on wired networks has been demonstrated. We propose a proof of concept framework for mobile operators that extends this use of XML into the area of vulnerability management on public land mobile net-works. Our proposed framework allows for a pro-active central man-agement of vulnerabilities found on mobile stations such as mobile phones. Despite the relatively limited number of reported vulnerabilities on mobile stations, such a pre-emptive approach from mobile operators is necessary to acquire the confidence of early adopters in Mobile Commerce. Given the diverse collection of devices and software that exist on a public land mobile network, XML-based approaches are best able to providing the inter-operability required for vulnerability manage-ment on such a network. Our proposed framework leverages web ser-vices by using the Open Vulnerability Assessment Language (OVAL) to provide vulnerability descriptions, and by securing these descriptions in SOAP messages conforming to the OASIS Web Services Security (WSS) standard. We contribute in three areas: firstly, through this framework we show that mobile operators can carry out centralized vul-nerability management on their public land mobile networks comprising of a wide variety of devices and software. Secondly, the assurance of integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation inherently lacking in OVAL vulnerability descriptions is achieved through their encapsulation in SOAP messages conforming to the OASIS WSS standard. Thirdly, SOAP-based web service implementations allow for integration with vulnerability management tools and devices that do not conform to OVAL.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Moyo, Thamsanqa , Irwin, Barry V W , Wright, Madeleine
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72536 ,
- Description: The application of XML-based approaches in passing vulnerability in-formation between vulnerability management devices or software resid-ing on wired networks has been demonstrated. We propose a proof of concept framework for mobile operators that extends this use of XML into the area of vulnerability management on public land mobile net-works. Our proposed framework allows for a pro-active central man-agement of vulnerabilities found on mobile stations such as mobile phones. Despite the relatively limited number of reported vulnerabilities on mobile stations, such a pre-emptive approach from mobile operators is necessary to acquire the confidence of early adopters in Mobile Commerce. Given the diverse collection of devices and software that exist on a public land mobile network, XML-based approaches are best able to providing the inter-operability required for vulnerability manage-ment on such a network. Our proposed framework leverages web ser-vices by using the Open Vulnerability Assessment Language (OVAL) to provide vulnerability descriptions, and by securing these descriptions in SOAP messages conforming to the OASIS Web Services Security (WSS) standard. We contribute in three areas: firstly, through this framework we show that mobile operators can carry out centralized vul-nerability management on their public land mobile networks comprising of a wide variety of devices and software. Secondly, the assurance of integrity, confidentiality and non-repudiation inherently lacking in OVAL vulnerability descriptions is achieved through their encapsulation in SOAP messages conforming to the OASIS WSS standard. Thirdly, SOAP-based web service implementations allow for integration with vulnerability management tools and devices that do not conform to OVAL.
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- Date Issued: 2006
Towards the optimization of resolution and rendering issues in the context of contemporary environmental design computer modelling
- Authors: Liu, Peng
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Architecture -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa , Environmental engineering , City planning , Engineering design
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:8151 , , Architecture -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa , Environmental engineering , City planning , Engineering design
- Description: This dissertation sets out to find a pragmatic solution for optimizing both resolution and rendering issues in the context of contemporary environmental design computer modelling. In this regard the following issues are addressed: Firstly, determining (with reference to a limited selection of existing 3DS Max software and plugins (i.e. VRay and Mental-Ray), which specific piece of software produces the best compromise as far as visual accuracy is concerned whilst still offering the designer the best scope for further design manipulation. Secondly, establishing design techniques which can increase the speed of model making as well as reduce rendering time without having an adverse effect on issues such as resolution and image quality. Lastly, ascertaining the least number of surfaces for a typical geometrical shape (e.g. chair, table, ornament etc.) without losing visual veracity by manipulation of the design itself. The research strongly supports the notion that VRay is the best overall software to be employed as a base before applying any design solutions. In this latter regard a number of solutions became evident as a means to both save memory and cut down on rendering time, including such factors as using spotlight rather than an omni light when rendering, because omni light calculations include the generation of needless shadows. The beneficial effect of employing ‘target direct’ light and reducing the area of light in order to decrease the calculation of shadow. Eliminating objects which do not need shadows from the lighting calculation and shutting off the reverberation and refraction factors before rendering. It was also confirmed that a black and white mipmap is better than a colour mipmap as far as saving on the system’s memory.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Liu, Peng
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Architecture -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa , Environmental engineering , City planning , Engineering design
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech
- Identifier: vital:8151 , , Architecture -- Environmental aspects -- South Africa , Environmental engineering , City planning , Engineering design
- Description: This dissertation sets out to find a pragmatic solution for optimizing both resolution and rendering issues in the context of contemporary environmental design computer modelling. In this regard the following issues are addressed: Firstly, determining (with reference to a limited selection of existing 3DS Max software and plugins (i.e. VRay and Mental-Ray), which specific piece of software produces the best compromise as far as visual accuracy is concerned whilst still offering the designer the best scope for further design manipulation. Secondly, establishing design techniques which can increase the speed of model making as well as reduce rendering time without having an adverse effect on issues such as resolution and image quality. Lastly, ascertaining the least number of surfaces for a typical geometrical shape (e.g. chair, table, ornament etc.) without losing visual veracity by manipulation of the design itself. The research strongly supports the notion that VRay is the best overall software to be employed as a base before applying any design solutions. In this latter regard a number of solutions became evident as a means to both save memory and cut down on rendering time, including such factors as using spotlight rather than an omni light when rendering, because omni light calculations include the generation of needless shadows. The beneficial effect of employing ‘target direct’ light and reducing the area of light in order to decrease the calculation of shadow. Eliminating objects which do not need shadows from the lighting calculation and shutting off the reverberation and refraction factors before rendering. It was also confirmed that a black and white mipmap is better than a colour mipmap as far as saving on the system’s memory.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Towards theorizing human resource development in South Africa: a critical analysis and the development of a tool to facilitate improved understanding and practice
- Authors: Anderson, Amber Cristal
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Manpower planning -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DPhil
- Identifier: vital:16130 , , Manpower planning -- South Africa
- Description: The primary objective of this study is to generate pathways to understanding Human Resources Development (HRD) by developing a tool which enables and enhances a shared and common understanding of HRD in South Africa (SA). To achieve this objective, this research explores the nature and importance of HRD and articulates and aggregates these thoughts and practices into a tool which facilitates an understanding of HRD with the overarching aim of improving HRD thoughts and practices in South Africa. While there is substantial international and local literature on HRD, the existing body of research on the nature and importance of HRD in South Africa is skeletal. National HRD concepts and practices are fragmented, and are as diverse as the number of stakeholders and partners that it serves. In addition, theory-building in HRD is disconnected and removed from practice. In order to address this problem, a qualitative, interpretive, theory-building social constructionist research strategy was embarked upon. The research strategy was executed in an iterative, cyclical manner, using theoretical sampling and content analysis rigorously executed within a coding paradigm informed by open, axial and selective coding techniques with local and international literature and informal reviews as the units of analysis. Qualitative and quantitative findings of the South African Qualifications Authority ground-breaking, world-first longitudinal study was analyzed and used to find relevance and corroborate the international literature available on HRD. Informal reviews were conducted with 7 human resources (HR) practitioners and 54 internationally-based HR colleagues of the researcher in order to ensure as appropriate a degree of integration between theory and practice as was possible. This process culminated in the most significant contribution of this research, which is a tool consisting of six pathways, that facilitates an understanding of the nature and importance of HRD in South Africa. The development of the tool enabled the articulation and aggregation of a thorough and coherent description, explanation and representation of HRD. The research highlights the need for HRD scholars and practitioners to channel their energies and effort on all the catalytic aspects of organizational life, namely uniqueness, social complexity, knowledge, and path dependency, by acquiring critical insight into the profound value of HRD which will allow the realization and sustainability of competitive advantage in a rich and dynamic global economy.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Anderson, Amber Cristal
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Manpower planning -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DPhil
- Identifier: vital:16130 , , Manpower planning -- South Africa
- Description: The primary objective of this study is to generate pathways to understanding Human Resources Development (HRD) by developing a tool which enables and enhances a shared and common understanding of HRD in South Africa (SA). To achieve this objective, this research explores the nature and importance of HRD and articulates and aggregates these thoughts and practices into a tool which facilitates an understanding of HRD with the overarching aim of improving HRD thoughts and practices in South Africa. While there is substantial international and local literature on HRD, the existing body of research on the nature and importance of HRD in South Africa is skeletal. National HRD concepts and practices are fragmented, and are as diverse as the number of stakeholders and partners that it serves. In addition, theory-building in HRD is disconnected and removed from practice. In order to address this problem, a qualitative, interpretive, theory-building social constructionist research strategy was embarked upon. The research strategy was executed in an iterative, cyclical manner, using theoretical sampling and content analysis rigorously executed within a coding paradigm informed by open, axial and selective coding techniques with local and international literature and informal reviews as the units of analysis. Qualitative and quantitative findings of the South African Qualifications Authority ground-breaking, world-first longitudinal study was analyzed and used to find relevance and corroborate the international literature available on HRD. Informal reviews were conducted with 7 human resources (HR) practitioners and 54 internationally-based HR colleagues of the researcher in order to ensure as appropriate a degree of integration between theory and practice as was possible. This process culminated in the most significant contribution of this research, which is a tool consisting of six pathways, that facilitates an understanding of the nature and importance of HRD in South Africa. The development of the tool enabled the articulation and aggregation of a thorough and coherent description, explanation and representation of HRD. The research highlights the need for HRD scholars and practitioners to channel their energies and effort on all the catalytic aspects of organizational life, namely uniqueness, social complexity, knowledge, and path dependency, by acquiring critical insight into the profound value of HRD which will allow the realization and sustainability of competitive advantage in a rich and dynamic global economy.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Tracking spoor of the wild woman archetype during a university merger
- Authors: Bodisch, Anja Maria
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Wild women -- Folklore , Women -- Psychology , Archetype (Psychology) , Individuation (Philosophy)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9936 , , Wild women -- Folklore , Women -- Psychology , Archetype (Psychology) , Individuation (Philosophy)
- Description: Universities in South Africa are currently undergoing mergers. Intended for commercial gain, mergers rarely accommodate the psychological milieu of staff. Similarly, the majority of studies conducted with respect to university mergers adopt a quantitative approach. This study adopts a qualitative approach and locates the researcher within the epicentre of the research, using a case study, with the researcher as unit of analysis. The lack of merger studies that focus on the experiences of minority groups, including women, prompted me, as researcher, to adopt a feminist approach to conduct this study in the context of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University merger. A Jungian gendered view, which endorses the personal experiences of minority groups, explored the connection between organisational change and concomitant opportunities for psychic growth. The primary purpose of this study was to explore the presence of the Wild Woman archetype during a university merger. The data that made up this study were contained in my field notes, research journal and a wall montage. An analysis of the qualitative data and a comparison of Jung’s archetypal theory and Pinkola Estés’ theory of the Wild Woman archetype, enabled the researcher to find evidence of the presence of the Wild Woman archetype during the university merger. The secondary purpose of the study was to document the findings which could act as a spoor which other women could follow on their journey towards connecting with their own Wild Woman archetype. The limitations of this study, and recommendations for future research are also offered.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Bodisch, Anja Maria
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Wild women -- Folklore , Women -- Psychology , Archetype (Psychology) , Individuation (Philosophy)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:9936 , , Wild women -- Folklore , Women -- Psychology , Archetype (Psychology) , Individuation (Philosophy)
- Description: Universities in South Africa are currently undergoing mergers. Intended for commercial gain, mergers rarely accommodate the psychological milieu of staff. Similarly, the majority of studies conducted with respect to university mergers adopt a quantitative approach. This study adopts a qualitative approach and locates the researcher within the epicentre of the research, using a case study, with the researcher as unit of analysis. The lack of merger studies that focus on the experiences of minority groups, including women, prompted me, as researcher, to adopt a feminist approach to conduct this study in the context of the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University merger. A Jungian gendered view, which endorses the personal experiences of minority groups, explored the connection between organisational change and concomitant opportunities for psychic growth. The primary purpose of this study was to explore the presence of the Wild Woman archetype during a university merger. The data that made up this study were contained in my field notes, research journal and a wall montage. An analysis of the qualitative data and a comparison of Jung’s archetypal theory and Pinkola Estés’ theory of the Wild Woman archetype, enabled the researcher to find evidence of the presence of the Wild Woman archetype during the university merger. The secondary purpose of the study was to document the findings which could act as a spoor which other women could follow on their journey towards connecting with their own Wild Woman archetype. The limitations of this study, and recommendations for future research are also offered.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Trade and the environmental Kuznets curve: is Southern Africa a pollution haven?
- Nahman, Anton, Antrobus, Geoffrey G
- Authors: Nahman, Anton , Antrobus, Geoffrey G
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38210 , DOI: 10.1111/j.1813-6982.2005.00055.x
- Description: Evidence that the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) may be explained by trade patterns casts doubt on the oft‐stated conclusion that economic growth automatically leads to environmental improvement. Trends in net exports as a proportion of consumption for both USA and UK trade with SACU were examined for various dirty industries. Some evidence of pollution haven effects is found, although a similar trend for clean industries suggests that this effect is weak. However, even a general shift in manufacturing industries from North to South (as opposed to a shift in specifically dirty industries) may explain the EKC to some extent.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Nahman, Anton , Antrobus, Geoffrey G
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:38210 , DOI: 10.1111/j.1813-6982.2005.00055.x
- Description: Evidence that the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) may be explained by trade patterns casts doubt on the oft‐stated conclusion that economic growth automatically leads to environmental improvement. Trends in net exports as a proportion of consumption for both USA and UK trade with SACU were examined for various dirty industries. Some evidence of pollution haven effects is found, although a similar trend for clean industries suggests that this effect is weak. However, even a general shift in manufacturing industries from North to South (as opposed to a shift in specifically dirty industries) may explain the EKC to some extent.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Trade in reed-based craft products in rural villages in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Pereira, Taryn, Shackleton, Charlie M, Shackleton, Sheona E
- Authors: Pereira, Taryn , Shackleton, Charlie M , Shackleton, Sheona E
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43716 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Selling traditional craft products made from fibrous plants is an important source of income for economically vulnerable rural women. In the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, Cyperus textilis and Juncus kraussii have been used for centuries to make products of functional and cultural importance, such as sleeping mats and baskets. In the former Transkei village clusters of Mpozolo and Ntubeni, female crafters harvest the raw material and make and sell the products in their communities and in nearby towns. Interviews with 40 of them revealed what the trade contributes to their livelihoods and what enhances or limits their success. The findings show that crafting contributes vital income to vulnerable households, on average 26 ± 4 per cent of annual household cash income, over 40 per cent for the poorest households and 5–15 per cent for wealthier households. Lack of access to non-traditional markets was identified as the main constraint on the trade.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Pereira, Taryn , Shackleton, Charlie M , Shackleton, Sheona E
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:43716 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Selling traditional craft products made from fibrous plants is an important source of income for economically vulnerable rural women. In the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa, Cyperus textilis and Juncus kraussii have been used for centuries to make products of functional and cultural importance, such as sleeping mats and baskets. In the former Transkei village clusters of Mpozolo and Ntubeni, female crafters harvest the raw material and make and sell the products in their communities and in nearby towns. Interviews with 40 of them revealed what the trade contributes to their livelihoods and what enhances or limits their success. The findings show that crafting contributes vital income to vulnerable households, on average 26 ± 4 per cent of annual household cash income, over 40 per cent for the poorest households and 5–15 per cent for wealthier households. Lack of access to non-traditional markets was identified as the main constraint on the trade.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Trophic importance of kelp-derived suspended particulate matter in a through-flow sub-Antarctic system
- Kaehler, Sven, Pakhomov, Evgeny A, Kalin, R M, Davis, S
- Authors: Kaehler, Sven , Pakhomov, Evgeny A , Kalin, R M , Davis, S
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6876 ,
- Description: Spatial dynamics of surface chlorophyll concentrations, diatom abundance and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures of surface suspended particulate matter (SPM) were investigated during a bloom event observed in March 2003 in the vicinity of the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands. The surface water composition was studied to estimate the overall importance and spatial extent of kelp derived SPM in the water column of the islands. It was observed that high chlorophyll concentrations (up to 2 mg m–3) between and downstream of the islands could not be explained by the development of the diatom bloom. Instead, microscopic and stable isotope analyses suggested that the chlorophyll signal was largely derived from the residual chlorophyll in fresh and decaying particles of small fragments of the kelp Macrocystis laevis, an endemic kelp species abundant along the shoreline of the islands. The findings of this study suggest that the dietary subsidy of kelp-derived carbon and nitrogen to benthic communities and possibly the plankton is not limited to the vicinity of kelp beds, but rather is a widespread phenomenon between the islands. Due to the dominating unidirectional Antarctic Circumpolar Current, large quantities of kelp-derived SPM may be transported and utilised tens of kilometres downstream of the islands.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Kaehler, Sven , Pakhomov, Evgeny A , Kalin, R M , Davis, S
- Date: 2006
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6876 ,
- Description: Spatial dynamics of surface chlorophyll concentrations, diatom abundance and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope signatures of surface suspended particulate matter (SPM) were investigated during a bloom event observed in March 2003 in the vicinity of the sub-Antarctic Prince Edward Islands. The surface water composition was studied to estimate the overall importance and spatial extent of kelp derived SPM in the water column of the islands. It was observed that high chlorophyll concentrations (up to 2 mg m–3) between and downstream of the islands could not be explained by the development of the diatom bloom. Instead, microscopic and stable isotope analyses suggested that the chlorophyll signal was largely derived from the residual chlorophyll in fresh and decaying particles of small fragments of the kelp Macrocystis laevis, an endemic kelp species abundant along the shoreline of the islands. The findings of this study suggest that the dietary subsidy of kelp-derived carbon and nitrogen to benthic communities and possibly the plankton is not limited to the vicinity of kelp beds, but rather is a widespread phenomenon between the islands. Due to the dominating unidirectional Antarctic Circumpolar Current, large quantities of kelp-derived SPM may be transported and utilised tens of kilometres downstream of the islands.
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- Date Issued: 2006
U Dzhenelela Kha Vhulanguli Ha Zwiko Zwa Madi
- Burt, Jane C, du Toit, Derick, Neves, David, Pollard, Sharon, Berold, Robert, Stanford, Mindy
- Authors: Burt, Jane C , du Toit, Derick , Neves, David , Pollard, Sharon , Berold, Robert , Stanford, Mindy
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , report
- Identifier: , vital:73400 , ISBN 1-77005-504-5 ,
- Description: Mulayo wa Lushakawa Madi (1998) u vulela ndila vhathu zwavho uri vha kone u dzhenelela kha Ndangulo ya Zwiko zwa Madi (WRM). Bugu iyi i amba nga uri u shela mulennzhe kana u dzhenelela ndi mini kha nyito. Thodisiso ya bugu iyi yo yo itwa nga tshigwada tsha vho gudelaho Ndangulo ya Zwiko zwa Madi (WRM) vhukati ha 2003 na 2005. Vhatodisisi vho da na themendelo mbili dza ndeme: 1. Kupfesesele kwashu kwa ipfi “u dzhenelela” zwi tou vha na vhukwamani thwii na uri ri langa hani zwiko zwa madi. Zwenezwo ri tea u khwathisedza ndivho yashu na tshenzhemo kha u dzhenelela kha WRM.( Ndangulo ya Zwiko zwa Madi) 2. Ri toda tsivhudzo yo teaho musi ri tshi pulana u dzhenelela kha zwa zwa WRM, hone tsivhudzo iyi i tea u kona u shandukisea uri maitele a u dzhenelela avhe o teaho kha nyimele inwe nainwe kana dzothe. Bugu iyi yo khethekanywa nga kha zwipida zwivhili: Tshipida, thoho U dzhenelela kha Ndangulo ya Zwiko zwa Madi kha la Afrika Tshipembe , zwi sumbedza uri mihumbulo yo fhambanho ya vhathu na zwi anganyelwaho zwa tu-tuwedza uri vha nga langa hani zwiko zwa madi.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Burt, Jane C , du Toit, Derick , Neves, David , Pollard, Sharon , Berold, Robert , Stanford, Mindy
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , report
- Identifier: , vital:73400 , ISBN 1-77005-504-5 ,
- Description: Mulayo wa Lushakawa Madi (1998) u vulela ndila vhathu zwavho uri vha kone u dzhenelela kha Ndangulo ya Zwiko zwa Madi (WRM). Bugu iyi i amba nga uri u shela mulennzhe kana u dzhenelela ndi mini kha nyito. Thodisiso ya bugu iyi yo yo itwa nga tshigwada tsha vho gudelaho Ndangulo ya Zwiko zwa Madi (WRM) vhukati ha 2003 na 2005. Vhatodisisi vho da na themendelo mbili dza ndeme: 1. Kupfesesele kwashu kwa ipfi “u dzhenelela” zwi tou vha na vhukwamani thwii na uri ri langa hani zwiko zwa madi. Zwenezwo ri tea u khwathisedza ndivho yashu na tshenzhemo kha u dzhenelela kha WRM.( Ndangulo ya Zwiko zwa Madi) 2. Ri toda tsivhudzo yo teaho musi ri tshi pulana u dzhenelela kha zwa zwa WRM, hone tsivhudzo iyi i tea u kona u shandukisea uri maitele a u dzhenelela avhe o teaho kha nyimele inwe nainwe kana dzothe. Bugu iyi yo khethekanywa nga kha zwipida zwivhili: Tshipida, thoho U dzhenelela kha Ndangulo ya Zwiko zwa Madi kha la Afrika Tshipembe , zwi sumbedza uri mihumbulo yo fhambanho ya vhathu na zwi anganyelwaho zwa tu-tuwedza uri vha nga langa hani zwiko zwa madi.
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- Date Issued: 2006
U Ho Ba Le Seabo Taolong Ya Mehlodi Ya Metsi Afrika Borwa
- Burt, Jane C, du Toit, Derick, Neves, David, Pollard, Sharon, Berold, Robert, Stanford, Mindy
- Authors: Burt, Jane C , du Toit, Derick , Neves, David , Pollard, Sharon , Berold, Robert , Stanford, Mindy
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , report
- Identifier: , vital:73398 , ISBN 1-77005-503-7 ,
- Description: Molao wa Naha wa Metsi (1998) o neha batho monyetla wa ho ba le seabo Taolong ya Mehlodi ya Metsi. Buka ena e bua ka se bolelwang ke ho ba le seabo. Diphuputso tsa buka ena di entswe ke sehlopha sa basebetsi ba diprofeshenale tsa Taolo ya Mehlodi ya Metsi mahareng a 2003 le 2005. Bafuputsi ba ile ba fihlela diqeto tsa bohlokwa tse pedi: 1. Kutlwisiso ya rona ya mohopolo wa “ho ba le seabo” e ama ka ho toba tsela eo re laolang mehlodi ya rona ya metsi. Ka hoo re lokela ho tebisa tsebo ya rona le boiphihlelo ba ho ba le seabo Taolong ya Mehlodi ya Metsi. 2. Re hloka tataiso e sebetsang ha re rera ho ba le seabo Taolong ya Mehlodi ya Metsi, empa tataiso ena e tshwanela ho kgona ho fetoha le mabaka hore mofuta wa ho ba le seabo o tshwanelehe bakeng sa boemo kapa ketsahalo ka nngwe.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Burt, Jane C , du Toit, Derick , Neves, David , Pollard, Sharon , Berold, Robert , Stanford, Mindy
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , report
- Identifier: , vital:73398 , ISBN 1-77005-503-7 ,
- Description: Molao wa Naha wa Metsi (1998) o neha batho monyetla wa ho ba le seabo Taolong ya Mehlodi ya Metsi. Buka ena e bua ka se bolelwang ke ho ba le seabo. Diphuputso tsa buka ena di entswe ke sehlopha sa basebetsi ba diprofeshenale tsa Taolo ya Mehlodi ya Metsi mahareng a 2003 le 2005. Bafuputsi ba ile ba fihlela diqeto tsa bohlokwa tse pedi: 1. Kutlwisiso ya rona ya mohopolo wa “ho ba le seabo” e ama ka ho toba tsela eo re laolang mehlodi ya rona ya metsi. Ka hoo re lokela ho tebisa tsebo ya rona le boiphihlelo ba ho ba le seabo Taolong ya Mehlodi ya Metsi. 2. Re hloka tataiso e sebetsang ha re rera ho ba le seabo Taolong ya Mehlodi ya Metsi, empa tataiso ena e tshwanela ho kgona ho fetoha le mabaka hore mofuta wa ho ba le seabo o tshwanelehe bakeng sa boemo kapa ketsahalo ka nngwe.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Ukuphononongwa kwezaphuli-mthetho nokuzalana kwemixholo yenkangeleko kwincwadi ka L. K. Siwisa "Izimanga zalo mhlaba"
- Authors: Melane, Amanda Boniswa
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Siwisa, L. K. -- Criticism and interpretation , Siwisa, L. K. Izimanga zalo mhlaba , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8471 , , , Siwisa, L. K. -- Criticism and interpretation , Siwisa, L. K. Izimanga zalo mhlaba , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism
- Description: Ubundlobongela buxhaphake okweentwala kubaThembu. Zininzi iindidi zobundlobongela ezithi ziqhubekeke apha ekuhlaleni. Abantu abathi bazibandakanye nobundlobongela, baphembelelwa ziimeko ezithile. Iimeko ezifana nokunqaba kwemisebenzi, izinga elinyukileyo lokusetyenziswa kweziyobisi nendlela athi umntu othile akhule ngayo. Ukuba ubani othile ukhule ngobusela, naye ulandela emkhondweni kanye abe lisela elibalaseleyo. Kwincwadi kaL. K. Siwisa ethi, “Izimanga zalomhlaba” kubhaqeka oku kulandelayo: Umntwana okhule ekhayeni lakhe kuetyenziswa iziyobisi naye wenza njalo akuba mkhulu. Imali eza ngobuqhinga nokuphela kwayo kuba lula. Ungumntu ebomini kufuneka utye ukubila kwebunzi lakho, uyeke ukufuna ukuvuna kodwa ungakhange ulime. Umntu kaloku uvuna loo nto athe wayilima. Apha ebomini zimisele ukwenza ubutyebi nelifa ngeli xesha usadla amazimba ukuze uphumelele. Xa ungumntu zimisele ukwanela, kule ndawo uMdali akubeke kuyo. Akufuneki ube ngumntu onentliziyo ende, unikwe isandla, wena ufune isandla kunye nengalo. Yonke le mikhwa ikukhokelela ekubeni ekugqibeleni wenze ubundlobongela. Ubundlobongela ke abubhatali koko busingisela kwantshabalala. Kula mabalana iyangqineka ngokuthi abonise iziphumo zobundlobongela ezifana nokuphulukana nobomi, ukuphelelwa zizinto zakho obunazo ngenxa yamaqhinga nobusela nokuphelela entolongweni. Kobu bundlobongela kukholisa ukubakho amaxhoba. Ngelishwa uninzi lwawo iba ngamabhinqa nabantwana.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Melane, Amanda Boniswa
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Siwisa, L. K. -- Criticism and interpretation , Siwisa, L. K. Izimanga zalo mhlaba , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8471 , , , Siwisa, L. K. -- Criticism and interpretation , Siwisa, L. K. Izimanga zalo mhlaba , Xhosa fiction -- History and criticism
- Description: Ubundlobongela buxhaphake okweentwala kubaThembu. Zininzi iindidi zobundlobongela ezithi ziqhubekeke apha ekuhlaleni. Abantu abathi bazibandakanye nobundlobongela, baphembelelwa ziimeko ezithile. Iimeko ezifana nokunqaba kwemisebenzi, izinga elinyukileyo lokusetyenziswa kweziyobisi nendlela athi umntu othile akhule ngayo. Ukuba ubani othile ukhule ngobusela, naye ulandela emkhondweni kanye abe lisela elibalaseleyo. Kwincwadi kaL. K. Siwisa ethi, “Izimanga zalomhlaba” kubhaqeka oku kulandelayo: Umntwana okhule ekhayeni lakhe kuetyenziswa iziyobisi naye wenza njalo akuba mkhulu. Imali eza ngobuqhinga nokuphela kwayo kuba lula. Ungumntu ebomini kufuneka utye ukubila kwebunzi lakho, uyeke ukufuna ukuvuna kodwa ungakhange ulime. Umntu kaloku uvuna loo nto athe wayilima. Apha ebomini zimisele ukwenza ubutyebi nelifa ngeli xesha usadla amazimba ukuze uphumelele. Xa ungumntu zimisele ukwanela, kule ndawo uMdali akubeke kuyo. Akufuneki ube ngumntu onentliziyo ende, unikwe isandla, wena ufune isandla kunye nengalo. Yonke le mikhwa ikukhokelela ekubeni ekugqibeleni wenze ubundlobongela. Ubundlobongela ke abubhatali koko busingisela kwantshabalala. Kula mabalana iyangqineka ngokuthi abonise iziphumo zobundlobongela ezifana nokuphulukana nobomi, ukuphelelwa zizinto zakho obunazo ngenxa yamaqhinga nobusela nokuphelela entolongweni. Kobu bundlobongela kukholisa ukubakho amaxhoba. Ngelishwa uninzi lwawo iba ngamabhinqa nabantwana.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Ukuthabatha Inxaxheba Kulawulo Lwemithombo Yamanzi Emzantsi Afrika
- Burt, Jane C, du Toit, Derick, Neves, David, Pollard, Sharon, Berold, Robert, Stanford, Mindy
- Authors: Burt, Jane C , du Toit, Derick , Neves, David , Pollard, Sharon , Berold, Robert , Stanford, Mindy
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , report
- Identifier: , vital:73401 , ISBN 1-77005-505-3 ,
- Description: UmThetho weSizwe waManzi (National Water Act) (1998) uvula indlela yokuba abantu nje abaqhelekileyo bathabathe inxaxheba kuLawulo lwemiThombo yaManzi (Water Resource Management) (WRM). Le ncwadi ixoxa ngokuba ukuthabatha inxaxheba kuthetha ntoni na xa kusenziwa. Uphando lwale ncwadi lwenziwe nga-magcisa angabasebenzi eqela le-WRM phakathi kuka-2003 no-2005. Abaphathi baf-ikelela kwizigqibo zemiba emibini ebalulekileyo: 1. Ukuqonda kwethu “ukuthabatha inxaxheba” kuchaphazela ngqo ukuba siyiphatha njani imithombo yamanzi. Ngoko ke kufuneka sense nzulu ulwazi lwethu kunye namava okuthabatha inxaxheba kwi-WRM. 2. Sifuna ukhokelo olusebenzayo xa sicebela uthabatho nxaxheba lwe-WRM, kodwa olu khokelo kufuneka lube nokuguquka ukwenzela ukuba ubunjani bothabatho nxaxheba lufaneleke kwisimo okanye kumxholo ngamnye.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Burt, Jane C , du Toit, Derick , Neves, David , Pollard, Sharon , Berold, Robert , Stanford, Mindy
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , report
- Identifier: , vital:73401 , ISBN 1-77005-505-3 ,
- Description: UmThetho weSizwe waManzi (National Water Act) (1998) uvula indlela yokuba abantu nje abaqhelekileyo bathabathe inxaxheba kuLawulo lwemiThombo yaManzi (Water Resource Management) (WRM). Le ncwadi ixoxa ngokuba ukuthabatha inxaxheba kuthetha ntoni na xa kusenziwa. Uphando lwale ncwadi lwenziwe nga-magcisa angabasebenzi eqela le-WRM phakathi kuka-2003 no-2005. Abaphathi baf-ikelela kwizigqibo zemiba emibini ebalulekileyo: 1. Ukuqonda kwethu “ukuthabatha inxaxheba” kuchaphazela ngqo ukuba siyiphatha njani imithombo yamanzi. Ngoko ke kufuneka sense nzulu ulwazi lwethu kunye namava okuthabatha inxaxheba kwi-WRM. 2. Sifuna ukhokelo olusebenzayo xa sicebela uthabatho nxaxheba lwe-WRM, kodwa olu khokelo kufuneka lube nokuguquka ukwenzela ukuba ubunjani bothabatho nxaxheba lufaneleke kwisimo okanye kumxholo ngamnye.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Ukuzotywa kwabalinganiswa abafunzele ukuzibulala kwimidlalo ekhethiweyo yesiXhosa
- Authors: Kondowe, Zandile Ziyanda
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Acting -- Psychological aspects , Xhosa drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism , Suicide in literature , Actors -- Psychology , Xhosa drama
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8473 , , Acting -- Psychological aspects , Xhosa drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism , Suicide in literature , Actors -- Psychology , Xhosa drama
- Description: Olu phando lugqale kubalinganiswa abafunzele ukuzibulala kwimidlalo ekhethiweyo yesiXhosa. Kwisahluko sokuqala ngumkhombandlela wolu phando, intshayelelo, injongo yophando, ubume besifundo namagqabantshintshi ngentyila bomi zababhali endicaphule kwiincwadi zabo namagama angundoqo. Kwezinye izahluko ingcingane ezahlukeneyo nalapho endingabalula ekaFreud isayikho-analisisi ndinaba ngokubanzi kumabakala awabekileyo afana nokuzalwa, isini, odiphasi khompleksi nephupha nenxaxheba yakhe ekugubhululeni okuyimfihlakalo ngokuthi aphande ubomi bomntu obadlulayo ukuze kubenokunyangwa impixano ekuye ngaphakathi. Enye ingcingane esetyenzisiweyo yile ingokuzibulala nalapho kuphononongwa ukuba ngobani abazibulalayo, abaqinisekileyo ngokufa kwabo, ukuzibulala ngesivumelwano nembalelwano abazishiyayo xa umntu ezibulala. Kwezinye izahluko ndiyibeka icace intsusa neziphumo zokuzibulala kwamaxhoba, ndayiphicotha nendlela ekuxhatshazwe ngayo amalungelo abalinganiswa ngabazali babo kuba benyanzela le mitshato yebhaxa ngenjongo yokuzuza ikhazi ngentombi zabo, nayo imixholo enxulumene nolu phando ndiyicaphule imixholo efana neyothando noqhankqalazo nomxholo wokutshatiswa kwabantwana ngebhaxa. Isahluko sesihlanu ngumqukumbelo jikelele nophononongo ngolu phando.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Kondowe, Zandile Ziyanda
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Acting -- Psychological aspects , Xhosa drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism , Suicide in literature , Actors -- Psychology , Xhosa drama
- Language: Xhosa
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:8473 , , Acting -- Psychological aspects , Xhosa drama (Tragedy) -- History and criticism , Suicide in literature , Actors -- Psychology , Xhosa drama
- Description: Olu phando lugqale kubalinganiswa abafunzele ukuzibulala kwimidlalo ekhethiweyo yesiXhosa. Kwisahluko sokuqala ngumkhombandlela wolu phando, intshayelelo, injongo yophando, ubume besifundo namagqabantshintshi ngentyila bomi zababhali endicaphule kwiincwadi zabo namagama angundoqo. Kwezinye izahluko ingcingane ezahlukeneyo nalapho endingabalula ekaFreud isayikho-analisisi ndinaba ngokubanzi kumabakala awabekileyo afana nokuzalwa, isini, odiphasi khompleksi nephupha nenxaxheba yakhe ekugubhululeni okuyimfihlakalo ngokuthi aphande ubomi bomntu obadlulayo ukuze kubenokunyangwa impixano ekuye ngaphakathi. Enye ingcingane esetyenzisiweyo yile ingokuzibulala nalapho kuphononongwa ukuba ngobani abazibulalayo, abaqinisekileyo ngokufa kwabo, ukuzibulala ngesivumelwano nembalelwano abazishiyayo xa umntu ezibulala. Kwezinye izahluko ndiyibeka icace intsusa neziphumo zokuzibulala kwamaxhoba, ndayiphicotha nendlela ekuxhatshazwe ngayo amalungelo abalinganiswa ngabazali babo kuba benyanzela le mitshato yebhaxa ngenjongo yokuzuza ikhazi ngentombi zabo, nayo imixholo enxulumene nolu phando ndiyicaphule imixholo efana neyothando noqhankqalazo nomxholo wokutshatiswa kwabantwana ngebhaxa. Isahluko sesihlanu ngumqukumbelo jikelele nophononongo ngolu phando.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Understanding educator-mediated conflict resolution in a preschool environment: the experiences and feelings of preschool educators
- Authors: Cakwe, Mandisa
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Education, Preschool , Early childhood education , Preschool children , Conflict management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2943 , , Education, Preschool , Early childhood education , Preschool children , Conflict management
- Description: This thesis discusses the experiences and feelings of preschool educators when resolving situations of conflict between preschool children. Data was collected by means of semistructured individual interviews with preschool educators and a video recorder recording conflict situations among preschool children focusing on educator resolution strategies. Grounded theory was used as a data analysis technique to analyse the data collected. The analysis revealed that the preschool educators under study do not use mediation as a conflict resolution strategy but use various strategies that include, prevention, directive approach, arbitration, myths and threats and rules. Data analysis also revealed that these preschool educators encounter experiences and feelings before, while and after intervening in the conflict situations of children. These findings imply that preschool educators lack the professional skill of conflict resolution. This suggests an urgent need of restructuring of the preschool educator’s training to include conflict resolution training as one of their important component. Educators and parents also need to be consulted or involved in the process of restructuring the training.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Cakwe, Mandisa
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Education, Preschool , Early childhood education , Preschool children , Conflict management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2943 , , Education, Preschool , Early childhood education , Preschool children , Conflict management
- Description: This thesis discusses the experiences and feelings of preschool educators when resolving situations of conflict between preschool children. Data was collected by means of semistructured individual interviews with preschool educators and a video recorder recording conflict situations among preschool children focusing on educator resolution strategies. Grounded theory was used as a data analysis technique to analyse the data collected. The analysis revealed that the preschool educators under study do not use mediation as a conflict resolution strategy but use various strategies that include, prevention, directive approach, arbitration, myths and threats and rules. Data analysis also revealed that these preschool educators encounter experiences and feelings before, while and after intervening in the conflict situations of children. These findings imply that preschool educators lack the professional skill of conflict resolution. This suggests an urgent need of restructuring of the preschool educator’s training to include conflict resolution training as one of their important component. Educators and parents also need to be consulted or involved in the process of restructuring the training.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Understanding workplace-based learning contexts to inform curriculum development: the case of a Level 5 Environmental Education, Training and Development Practice Qualification
- Authors: Wigley, Jonathan James
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: South African Qualifications Authority National Qualifications Framework (South Africa) Environmental education -- Study and teaching -- South Africa Curriculum planning -- South Africa Competency-based education -- South Africa Vocational qualifications -- South Africa Education and state -- South Africa Education -- Standards -- South Africa Education, Higher -- South Africa -- Standards
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1808 ,
- Description: This is an interpretive case study that explores the workplace epistemologies and institutional structures of two nested cases within the broader context of the Environmental Education, Training and Development Practices - Level 5 qualification (EETDP qualification) that is registered on the South African National Qualifications Framework. The study provides insights to inform EETDP curriculum development that is enabling of reflexive environmental education and training processes. The study develops an understanding of workplace epistemologies related to environment and education, the structural factors that enable and constrain agency of environmental educators and the role of reflexivity in practice and in education in two nested cases: the agricultural and local government sectors. It draws on findings from workshops, semistructured interviews and document analysis of education materials in these two nested cases. The study notes that there are diverse and seemingly ambiguous understandings of both environment/sustainability and education processes in the two nested cases. This ambiguity seems to relate to environmental education practitioners drawing on different forms of knowledge, including differentiated or theoretical knowledge, and 'common-sense' ways of knowing, in their education practice. The understandings related to theoretical knowledge are, in both nested cases, dominated by scientific or technical understandings where environment is understood in the terms of the natural sciences and education is seen in instrumentalist terms as the transfer of mainly technical environmental knowledge to learners in order to effect behaviour change. The study opens up deeper understandings of the epistemological, socio-cultural and structural features of context, in the two nested cases, that have a bearing on environmental educators. It provides insights into workplace structures that can be both enabling and constraining of agency and notes that the causal power of structures to enable or constrain does not lie only in the structures but also in relation to the intentionality of the environmental education practitioners/agents. The study then examines reflexivity as one of the means through which environmental educators in the nested cases are able to consider appropriate actions or responses to structural constraints or enablements. Based on the insights offered by the research findings, the study makes recommendations for the EETDP curriculum development. It frames these recommendations within an understanding of curriculum as a contextualised social process that involves structural aspects of curriculum such as materials, as well as socio-cultural processes such as learning on the course and in the workplace.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Wigley, Jonathan James
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: South African Qualifications Authority National Qualifications Framework (South Africa) Environmental education -- Study and teaching -- South Africa Curriculum planning -- South Africa Competency-based education -- South Africa Vocational qualifications -- South Africa Education and state -- South Africa Education -- Standards -- South Africa Education, Higher -- South Africa -- Standards
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1808 ,
- Description: This is an interpretive case study that explores the workplace epistemologies and institutional structures of two nested cases within the broader context of the Environmental Education, Training and Development Practices - Level 5 qualification (EETDP qualification) that is registered on the South African National Qualifications Framework. The study provides insights to inform EETDP curriculum development that is enabling of reflexive environmental education and training processes. The study develops an understanding of workplace epistemologies related to environment and education, the structural factors that enable and constrain agency of environmental educators and the role of reflexivity in practice and in education in two nested cases: the agricultural and local government sectors. It draws on findings from workshops, semistructured interviews and document analysis of education materials in these two nested cases. The study notes that there are diverse and seemingly ambiguous understandings of both environment/sustainability and education processes in the two nested cases. This ambiguity seems to relate to environmental education practitioners drawing on different forms of knowledge, including differentiated or theoretical knowledge, and 'common-sense' ways of knowing, in their education practice. The understandings related to theoretical knowledge are, in both nested cases, dominated by scientific or technical understandings where environment is understood in the terms of the natural sciences and education is seen in instrumentalist terms as the transfer of mainly technical environmental knowledge to learners in order to effect behaviour change. The study opens up deeper understandings of the epistemological, socio-cultural and structural features of context, in the two nested cases, that have a bearing on environmental educators. It provides insights into workplace structures that can be both enabling and constraining of agency and notes that the causal power of structures to enable or constrain does not lie only in the structures but also in relation to the intentionality of the environmental education practitioners/agents. The study then examines reflexivity as one of the means through which environmental educators in the nested cases are able to consider appropriate actions or responses to structural constraints or enablements. Based on the insights offered by the research findings, the study makes recommendations for the EETDP curriculum development. It frames these recommendations within an understanding of curriculum as a contextualised social process that involves structural aspects of curriculum such as materials, as well as socio-cultural processes such as learning on the course and in the workplace.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Unique electrochemical behavior of tantalum (V) phthalocyanine
- Tau, Prudence, Nyokong, Tebello
- Authors: Tau, Prudence , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:56243 , xlink:href=""
- Description: The electrochemical and spectroscopic behavior of tantalum(V) phthalocyanine are presented. The NMR spectra is consistent with the lack of symmetry of the complex. Cyclic (CV) and square wave (SWV) voltammetries, and spectroelectrochemistry, were employed in the study of the complex. Two one-electron reductions and a simultaneous 4-electron reduction were observed. Reduction occurs first at the metal to form a Ta(IV) species, followed by ring based processes.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Tau, Prudence , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:56243 , xlink:href=""
- Description: The electrochemical and spectroscopic behavior of tantalum(V) phthalocyanine are presented. The NMR spectra is consistent with the lack of symmetry of the complex. Cyclic (CV) and square wave (SWV) voltammetries, and spectroelectrochemistry, were employed in the study of the complex. Two one-electron reductions and a simultaneous 4-electron reduction were observed. Reduction occurs first at the metal to form a Ta(IV) species, followed by ring based processes.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
Unstable ironies: narrative instability in Herman Charles Bosman's "Oom Schalk Lourens" series
- Authors: Davis, Rebecca
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Bosman, Herman Charles, 1905-1951 -- Criticism and interpretation , Irony in literature , Narration (Rhetoric)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2215 , , Bosman, Herman Charles, 1905-1951 -- Criticism and interpretation , Irony in literature , Narration (Rhetoric)
- Description: This thesis examines the narrative situation within Herman Charles Bosman’s “Oom Schalk Lourens” series of stories, focussing on the nature of the relationship between author and narrator. In particular, it seeks to trace the source of the multiple ironies at work in the texts. It has been customary for critics in the past to claim that the irony within the stories stems from Bosman, operating authorially ‘above’ Oom Schalk. In terms of this theory, Oom Schalk is read as being largely unaware of the inconsistencies and contradictions within his narrative. It is the claim of this thesis, however, that Oom Schalk is the self-aware creator of the texts’ ironies much of the time. Chapter 1 commences with an attempt at defining irony, and provides a brief overview of the history of its deployment within South African literature before discussing the literary genre which Bosman was to exploit as his ironic vehicle: the “oral-style” short story. Chapter 2 examines Wayne C. Booth’s notions of “stable” and “unstable” irony: the irony of the Oom Schalk stories has, in the past, been classified as belonging to the former category, but this thesis attempts to show that its inconsistent deployment within the stories consigns it more accurately to the latter. Chapter 3 offers an assessment of the extrinsic contexts relevant to the analysis: the context of the stories’ publication, and the likely composition of Bosman’s reading public. Chapter 4 begins to examine the distance between implied author and implied narrator in the stories. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 subject stories dealing with the themes of art, race and land to detailed analysis in order to examine the shifting – and progressively, though unevenly, diminishing – distance between Bosman and Oom Schalk. The thesis concludes that the degree to which the ironic distance between author and narrator fluctuates within, and between, the stories, results in a narrative situation which must be classified as fundamentally unstable.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006
- Authors: Davis, Rebecca
- Date: 2006
- Subjects: Bosman, Herman Charles, 1905-1951 -- Criticism and interpretation , Irony in literature , Narration (Rhetoric)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2215 , , Bosman, Herman Charles, 1905-1951 -- Criticism and interpretation , Irony in literature , Narration (Rhetoric)
- Description: This thesis examines the narrative situation within Herman Charles Bosman’s “Oom Schalk Lourens” series of stories, focussing on the nature of the relationship between author and narrator. In particular, it seeks to trace the source of the multiple ironies at work in the texts. It has been customary for critics in the past to claim that the irony within the stories stems from Bosman, operating authorially ‘above’ Oom Schalk. In terms of this theory, Oom Schalk is read as being largely unaware of the inconsistencies and contradictions within his narrative. It is the claim of this thesis, however, that Oom Schalk is the self-aware creator of the texts’ ironies much of the time. Chapter 1 commences with an attempt at defining irony, and provides a brief overview of the history of its deployment within South African literature before discussing the literary genre which Bosman was to exploit as his ironic vehicle: the “oral-style” short story. Chapter 2 examines Wayne C. Booth’s notions of “stable” and “unstable” irony: the irony of the Oom Schalk stories has, in the past, been classified as belonging to the former category, but this thesis attempts to show that its inconsistent deployment within the stories consigns it more accurately to the latter. Chapter 3 offers an assessment of the extrinsic contexts relevant to the analysis: the context of the stories’ publication, and the likely composition of Bosman’s reading public. Chapter 4 begins to examine the distance between implied author and implied narrator in the stories. Chapters 5, 6 and 7 subject stories dealing with the themes of art, race and land to detailed analysis in order to examine the shifting – and progressively, though unevenly, diminishing – distance between Bosman and Oom Schalk. The thesis concludes that the degree to which the ironic distance between author and narrator fluctuates within, and between, the stories, results in a narrative situation which must be classified as fundamentally unstable.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2006