Perceptions of being a learner: an investigation into how first year Journalism students at a South African university construct themselves as learners
- Authors: Lunga, Carolyne Mande
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Journalism -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa , Students -- Attitudes , Students -- Self-rating of -- South Africa , Discourse analysis, Narrative , Active learning -- South Africa , Learning -- Evaluation , Learning, Psychology of , College freshmen -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1332 ,
- Description: The aim of the research reported in this document was to explore the ways in which first year Journalism students at a South African University construct themselves as learners. The research adopted a case study approach of purposively selected first year journalism students. In exploring this area, focus group and individual in-depth interviewing were employed which illuminated important aspects of learner identity construction. In order to make sense of these self-constructions, the research was located in the larger debates on discourse as espoused by Michel Foucault who argues that discourse constructs subjectivities. The research demonstrated that there were various discourses at play which influenced how these learners spoke and behaved. The influence of these discourses on learners' experiences varied at different times of the year. For example, the awarding of the Duly Performed (DP) certificate for students who met the minimum attendance and work requirements of a particular course, the giving of tests, exercises and examinations were some of the technologies that 'forced' students into compliance. In terms of identity formation, the heterogeneous nature of 'being' a journalism 'student' revealed that the different discourses at play influenced learner behaviour and that their identities continued to change over the year. Doing additional subjects such as Sociology, Drama, Art History and others at the same time as Journalism and Media Studies also meant that the learners had to negotiate the differing role requirements.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Lunga, Carolyne Mande
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Journalism -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa , Students -- Attitudes , Students -- Self-rating of -- South Africa , Discourse analysis, Narrative , Active learning -- South Africa , Learning -- Evaluation , Learning, Psychology of , College freshmen -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1332 ,
- Description: The aim of the research reported in this document was to explore the ways in which first year Journalism students at a South African University construct themselves as learners. The research adopted a case study approach of purposively selected first year journalism students. In exploring this area, focus group and individual in-depth interviewing were employed which illuminated important aspects of learner identity construction. In order to make sense of these self-constructions, the research was located in the larger debates on discourse as espoused by Michel Foucault who argues that discourse constructs subjectivities. The research demonstrated that there were various discourses at play which influenced how these learners spoke and behaved. The influence of these discourses on learners' experiences varied at different times of the year. For example, the awarding of the Duly Performed (DP) certificate for students who met the minimum attendance and work requirements of a particular course, the giving of tests, exercises and examinations were some of the technologies that 'forced' students into compliance. In terms of identity formation, the heterogeneous nature of 'being' a journalism 'student' revealed that the different discourses at play influenced learner behaviour and that their identities continued to change over the year. Doing additional subjects such as Sociology, Drama, Art History and others at the same time as Journalism and Media Studies also meant that the learners had to negotiate the differing role requirements.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Perceptions of indigenous people regarding mental illness at Cacadu District in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa
- Authors: Tilolo, Lwazi Romeo
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Indigenous peoples -- Mental health -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Cultural psychiatry -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Healers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Ethnopsychology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:27983
- Description: Indigenous people tend to consult traditional healers when a family member manifests change in behaviour, whilst conventional treatment disregards spirituality when preserving mental health. The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of indigenous people and the role of traditional healers in the management of mentally ill persons within the Cacadu District in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The study has adopted a qualitative approach which was exploratory and descriptive in nature. The sample consisted of nine relatives of mental health care users (MHCUs) and six traditional healers. Ethical principles were also taken into consideration by the researcher during the process of conducting the study. Data were collected from two strata, namely, relatives of the MHCUs and the traditional healers and an interview guide was used to conduct in-depth face-to-face interviews. Data were analysed using Tesch’s method of data analysis. Four themes emerged from the data categories and sub categories were identified. According to the themes participants indicated the negative impact of mental illness; as a result they portrayed great desperation regarding the means of accessing a cure for mental illness. Some participants showed insufficient knowledge regarding mental illness and had different perceptions and beliefs regarding the origin of mental illness. Available literature was used to emphasise and support the views that were expressed by both traditional healers and relatives of MHCUs. It has been highlighted from this study that indigenous people of Cacadu District view mental illness as spiritual in origin but they include Western medication for the benefit of the mentally ill. In addition, the relatives of the MHCUs highlighted the economic burden as the major problem that results from mental illness.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Tilolo, Lwazi Romeo
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Indigenous peoples -- Mental health -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Cultural psychiatry -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Healers -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Ethnopsychology
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:27983
- Description: Indigenous people tend to consult traditional healers when a family member manifests change in behaviour, whilst conventional treatment disregards spirituality when preserving mental health. The aim of the study was to explore the perceptions of indigenous people and the role of traditional healers in the management of mentally ill persons within the Cacadu District in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. The study has adopted a qualitative approach which was exploratory and descriptive in nature. The sample consisted of nine relatives of mental health care users (MHCUs) and six traditional healers. Ethical principles were also taken into consideration by the researcher during the process of conducting the study. Data were collected from two strata, namely, relatives of the MHCUs and the traditional healers and an interview guide was used to conduct in-depth face-to-face interviews. Data were analysed using Tesch’s method of data analysis. Four themes emerged from the data categories and sub categories were identified. According to the themes participants indicated the negative impact of mental illness; as a result they portrayed great desperation regarding the means of accessing a cure for mental illness. Some participants showed insufficient knowledge regarding mental illness and had different perceptions and beliefs regarding the origin of mental illness. Available literature was used to emphasise and support the views that were expressed by both traditional healers and relatives of MHCUs. It has been highlighted from this study that indigenous people of Cacadu District view mental illness as spiritual in origin but they include Western medication for the benefit of the mentally ill. In addition, the relatives of the MHCUs highlighted the economic burden as the major problem that results from mental illness.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Perceptions of Junior Secondary School Educators on the Effects of Overcrowding in Classrooms on Learner Performance in Maluti District, Eastern Cape Province
- Authors: Mbangeni, Monwabisi Gidwell
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Classrooms overcrowding -- Schools Teachers -- Learners -- Education Learner performance -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Ed
- Identifier: , vital:30051
- Description: The study investigated overcrowding classrooms and its impact on learners and teachers’ performance, efficiency and effectiveness. This action was prompted by the researcher’s observation of learners’ poor performance and teachers’ loss of instructional time in overcrowded classrooms. Literature was reviewed to place the study in gap lapse prospective which this study was to fill. Quantitative research method was used to be able to collect the most applicable data that would be able to produce valid and reliable information for the compilation of the research report. Revelations from the collected data were that overcrowded classrooms have adverse effects on both the teacher and learner performance and activities in schools where overcrowding is evident. Based on the revelations the research made some recommendations to contribute towards finding solution to the problem investigated in this study. The conclusion that could be drawn was that there is need for the Department of Education (DoE) to conduct elaborate study in schools where overcrowding exists and make a concerted effort to provide adequate classrooms to be able to help learners and teachers benefit from the provision of education being delivered.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Mbangeni, Monwabisi Gidwell
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Classrooms overcrowding -- Schools Teachers -- Learners -- Education Learner performance -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Ed
- Identifier: , vital:30051
- Description: The study investigated overcrowding classrooms and its impact on learners and teachers’ performance, efficiency and effectiveness. This action was prompted by the researcher’s observation of learners’ poor performance and teachers’ loss of instructional time in overcrowded classrooms. Literature was reviewed to place the study in gap lapse prospective which this study was to fill. Quantitative research method was used to be able to collect the most applicable data that would be able to produce valid and reliable information for the compilation of the research report. Revelations from the collected data were that overcrowded classrooms have adverse effects on both the teacher and learner performance and activities in schools where overcrowding is evident. Based on the revelations the research made some recommendations to contribute towards finding solution to the problem investigated in this study. The conclusion that could be drawn was that there is need for the Department of Education (DoE) to conduct elaborate study in schools where overcrowding exists and make a concerted effort to provide adequate classrooms to be able to help learners and teachers benefit from the provision of education being delivered.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Perceptions of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan obstetric unit midwives regarding consulting advanced midwives
- Sonti, Balandeli Siphumelele Israel
- Authors: Sonti, Balandeli Siphumelele Israel
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Midwives -- South Africa -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality , Midwifery -- South Africa -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCur
- Identifier: vital:10074 ,
- Description: The perceptions of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality obstetric unit midwives regarding consulting advanced midwives were researched. Currently South Africa is burdened with an increasing maternal mortality rate despite the control measures that have been put in place. One of those control measures is the skilling of midwives and ensuring that skilled birth attendants assist every woman in confinement. A concern, though, was observed by the researcher that an increasing number of midwives in the country now have an additional qualification in advanced midwifery and yet the maternal and neonatal mortality rates are gradually increasing. The researcher, as a midwife and a midwifery lecturer in that capacity, observed that in the clinical areas midwives prefer to consult with the doctor rather than the advanced midwife. In most cases looking and waiting for the doctor delays the management of the labouring woman as the doctor may not be immediately available. The advanced midwives are supposed to have advanced skills which should be used to assist in the absence of the doctor, particularly in the midwife obstetrics units. The study objectives were firstly, to describe and explore the perceptions of NMM obstetric unit midwives regarding consulting with advanced midwives. Secondly, based on the results of the study, to make recommendations to the managers of the obstetric units within the NMM that will enhance consulting between advanced midwives and midwives in obstetric units. The study was quantitative in nature and utilised an explorative, descriptive and contextual design. Sampling was made possible through simple random probability sampling using the non-replacement approach. The method of data collection was by self-administered questionnaires that were developed by the researcher under the guidance of a qualified and experienced statistician and researcher and the supervision of the research supervisor. Data was collected during July and September of 2014. One hundred and thirty questionnaires were distributed and ninety four were returned. Responses were captured on a spread sheet for easy and accurate calculation and the numerical data was categorized, ordered and manipulated with the help of a statistician using the software package Statistica Version 21 to ensure efficacy of the results The findings were presented by describing the biographic profile of participants, their competence in the identification and management of high risk situations, their consultation with advanced midwives in high risk situations, their reasons for not consulting advanced midwives and a description of factors that might encourage midwives to consult the advanced midwives. Literature controls were utilized to compare findings with current views of other researchers. Trustworthiness was maintained by observing the principles of reliability and validity. The ethical considerations of confidentiality, anonymity and protection of the participants from harm were maintained by the researcher. The findings revealed that there were significant numbers of midwives with many years of clinical experience and years in the units. The age difference of the midwives in the obstetrics units was seen to be an added advantage to the care of women as the young and old could complement each other with the latest information and experience in dealing with midwifery related emergencies respectively. The difference in gender was as expected but did not have an influence on the non-consulting with advanced midwives by the midwives who are working in the obstetrics units. Also, the limited confidence of midwives regarding their performance of certain low risk skills and their confidence in the performance of the advanced midwives was a reason to consult with the advanced midwives in their areas of speciality. Based on these findings, the researcher attended to the second objective and made the necessary recommendations to the managers of the obstetric units within the NMM to enhance consulting with advanced midwives by midwives in obstetric units. Midwives globally would gain information that would assist them in motivating recommendations to the managers of the obstetric units with regard to consulting with advanced midwives by midwives in their obstetric units.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Sonti, Balandeli Siphumelele Israel
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Midwives -- South Africa -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality , Midwifery -- South Africa -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCur
- Identifier: vital:10074 ,
- Description: The perceptions of Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality obstetric unit midwives regarding consulting advanced midwives were researched. Currently South Africa is burdened with an increasing maternal mortality rate despite the control measures that have been put in place. One of those control measures is the skilling of midwives and ensuring that skilled birth attendants assist every woman in confinement. A concern, though, was observed by the researcher that an increasing number of midwives in the country now have an additional qualification in advanced midwifery and yet the maternal and neonatal mortality rates are gradually increasing. The researcher, as a midwife and a midwifery lecturer in that capacity, observed that in the clinical areas midwives prefer to consult with the doctor rather than the advanced midwife. In most cases looking and waiting for the doctor delays the management of the labouring woman as the doctor may not be immediately available. The advanced midwives are supposed to have advanced skills which should be used to assist in the absence of the doctor, particularly in the midwife obstetrics units. The study objectives were firstly, to describe and explore the perceptions of NMM obstetric unit midwives regarding consulting with advanced midwives. Secondly, based on the results of the study, to make recommendations to the managers of the obstetric units within the NMM that will enhance consulting between advanced midwives and midwives in obstetric units. The study was quantitative in nature and utilised an explorative, descriptive and contextual design. Sampling was made possible through simple random probability sampling using the non-replacement approach. The method of data collection was by self-administered questionnaires that were developed by the researcher under the guidance of a qualified and experienced statistician and researcher and the supervision of the research supervisor. Data was collected during July and September of 2014. One hundred and thirty questionnaires were distributed and ninety four were returned. Responses were captured on a spread sheet for easy and accurate calculation and the numerical data was categorized, ordered and manipulated with the help of a statistician using the software package Statistica Version 21 to ensure efficacy of the results The findings were presented by describing the biographic profile of participants, their competence in the identification and management of high risk situations, their consultation with advanced midwives in high risk situations, their reasons for not consulting advanced midwives and a description of factors that might encourage midwives to consult the advanced midwives. Literature controls were utilized to compare findings with current views of other researchers. Trustworthiness was maintained by observing the principles of reliability and validity. The ethical considerations of confidentiality, anonymity and protection of the participants from harm were maintained by the researcher. The findings revealed that there were significant numbers of midwives with many years of clinical experience and years in the units. The age difference of the midwives in the obstetrics units was seen to be an added advantage to the care of women as the young and old could complement each other with the latest information and experience in dealing with midwifery related emergencies respectively. The difference in gender was as expected but did not have an influence on the non-consulting with advanced midwives by the midwives who are working in the obstetrics units. Also, the limited confidence of midwives regarding their performance of certain low risk skills and their confidence in the performance of the advanced midwives was a reason to consult with the advanced midwives in their areas of speciality. Based on these findings, the researcher attended to the second objective and made the necessary recommendations to the managers of the obstetric units within the NMM to enhance consulting with advanced midwives by midwives in obstetric units. Midwives globally would gain information that would assist them in motivating recommendations to the managers of the obstetric units with regard to consulting with advanced midwives by midwives in their obstetric units.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Perceptions of the natural environment from a rural African perspective: a case of Cylondropuntia fulgida var. fulgida in Gwanda district, Zimbabwe
- Dube, Nqobizitha, Snowball, Jeanette D, Fraser, Gavin C G
- Authors: Dube, Nqobizitha , Snowball, Jeanette D , Fraser, Gavin C G
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29289 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Community environmental perceptions are instrumental in environmental management programmes given that perspectives govern human-environment relations. Despite numerous studies on environmental perceptions, little is known about how the rural poor particularly in Africa conceptualize, live with, and respond to pressing environmental issues facing them. As such, this paper uses the case of an invasive alien plant (IAP) (Cylindropuntia fulgida var. fulgida (Cff)) in a rural community (Gwanda district, Zimbabwe) to unveil the conceptualisation of the natural environment from a rural African perspective. This paper discloses the environmental worldview of the community and explains the formulation of the attitudes by the local households towards species in the environment. The study uses two horizontal dimensions of environmental attitudes formulation (New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) Scale and Kellet’s (1996) classification of environmental values). Data was collected using a questionnaire survey, group discussions and key informant interviews. A sample of 156 individuals comprised the study respondents. Results showed the residents of rural Gwanda district to hold both a conservation and utilisation conviction (syncretic view) towards the environment. However, utilisation outweighs conservation. Furthermore, older residents are more inclined to conservation in comparison to the youth. The study also divulged that the origin of a species in the natural environment was insignificant to the host community. However, the livelihood effects that species had (regardless of origins) were the major determinants of attitudes developed towards it.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Dube, Nqobizitha , Snowball, Jeanette D , Fraser, Gavin C G
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:29289 ,
- Description: Publisher version , Community environmental perceptions are instrumental in environmental management programmes given that perspectives govern human-environment relations. Despite numerous studies on environmental perceptions, little is known about how the rural poor particularly in Africa conceptualize, live with, and respond to pressing environmental issues facing them. As such, this paper uses the case of an invasive alien plant (IAP) (Cylindropuntia fulgida var. fulgida (Cff)) in a rural community (Gwanda district, Zimbabwe) to unveil the conceptualisation of the natural environment from a rural African perspective. This paper discloses the environmental worldview of the community and explains the formulation of the attitudes by the local households towards species in the environment. The study uses two horizontal dimensions of environmental attitudes formulation (New Environmental Paradigm (NEP) Scale and Kellet’s (1996) classification of environmental values). Data was collected using a questionnaire survey, group discussions and key informant interviews. A sample of 156 individuals comprised the study respondents. Results showed the residents of rural Gwanda district to hold both a conservation and utilisation conviction (syncretic view) towards the environment. However, utilisation outweighs conservation. Furthermore, older residents are more inclined to conservation in comparison to the youth. The study also divulged that the origin of a species in the natural environment was insignificant to the host community. However, the livelihood effects that species had (regardless of origins) were the major determinants of attitudes developed towards it.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Perceptions on the use of social media in the banking industry
- Authors: Cupp, Nicole Leshaan
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Banks and banking -- Customer services , Banks and banking -- Social aspects , Internet marketing -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:20870
- Description: As banks operate in a competitive environment, it is important for managers and marketers to identify how customer satisfaction and customer retention levels can be can be improved through social media aspects. Although models of customer satisfaction and customer retention have been well researched for client products/services, the literature available on social media as a marketing tool is limited in quantity compared to other more established areas of marketing. This research study reviews existing literature on the banking industry in terms of its characteristics and challenges. Literature on customer satisfaction and customer retention as relevant to the banking industry is reviewed, as well as how social media aspects can improve customer satisfaction and customer retention. Thus the primary objective of this study is to identify the social media aspects (benefits, clients’ trust and content) that influence the intervening variable (customer satisfaction) and dependent variable (customer retention) in the banking industry. An empirical investigation was undertaken to establish whether the independent variables; namely benefits, clients’ trust and content as related to social media can possibly influence customer satisfaction and ultimately customer retention in the banking industry. A positivistic research paradigm was followed for this study. Quantitative data was gathered by distributing questionnaires to a sample of bank clients and managers. The sample size consisted of 150 bank clients and 30 bank managers in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan area in South Africa. The questionnaires were statistically analysed using the computer programmes Microsoft Excel and Statistica Version 12.0. The validity of the study was measured by utilising Exploratory Factor analysis. Cronbach’s Alpha correlation coefficients were calculated to measure the reliability and internal consistency of the measurement instrument of this study. Data was analysed in four phases. Descriptive statistics concerning the respondents and variables were calculated for this study. The validity of the measuring instrument was tested by performing EFA to consider construct validity. Thereafter, the internal reliability of the data was assessed using Cronbach’s Alpha correlation coefficients. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients and multiple regression analyses were calculated. Through multiple regression calculations, the relationships predicted by the four hypotheses were analysed. Finally, t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were conducted. The empirical investigation revealed that significant positive relationships exist between the independent variables benefits, trustworthy content and the intervening variable customer satisfaction, as well as between these two independent variables and the dependent variable customer retention. From the empirical results it was concluded that if banks offer benefits and trustworthy content to their clients through social media channels, clients are likely to be satisfied with and retained by their bank. This study established and confirmed the significant positive relationship that exists between customer satisfaction and customer retention in the banking industry. All bank managers and marketers will benefit from the empirical results as well as the recommendations of this study on how to improve customer satisfaction and customer retention through social media channels which will ultimately improve the performance of banks.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Cupp, Nicole Leshaan
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Banks and banking -- Customer services , Banks and banking -- Social aspects , Internet marketing -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: , vital:20870
- Description: As banks operate in a competitive environment, it is important for managers and marketers to identify how customer satisfaction and customer retention levels can be can be improved through social media aspects. Although models of customer satisfaction and customer retention have been well researched for client products/services, the literature available on social media as a marketing tool is limited in quantity compared to other more established areas of marketing. This research study reviews existing literature on the banking industry in terms of its characteristics and challenges. Literature on customer satisfaction and customer retention as relevant to the banking industry is reviewed, as well as how social media aspects can improve customer satisfaction and customer retention. Thus the primary objective of this study is to identify the social media aspects (benefits, clients’ trust and content) that influence the intervening variable (customer satisfaction) and dependent variable (customer retention) in the banking industry. An empirical investigation was undertaken to establish whether the independent variables; namely benefits, clients’ trust and content as related to social media can possibly influence customer satisfaction and ultimately customer retention in the banking industry. A positivistic research paradigm was followed for this study. Quantitative data was gathered by distributing questionnaires to a sample of bank clients and managers. The sample size consisted of 150 bank clients and 30 bank managers in the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan area in South Africa. The questionnaires were statistically analysed using the computer programmes Microsoft Excel and Statistica Version 12.0. The validity of the study was measured by utilising Exploratory Factor analysis. Cronbach’s Alpha correlation coefficients were calculated to measure the reliability and internal consistency of the measurement instrument of this study. Data was analysed in four phases. Descriptive statistics concerning the respondents and variables were calculated for this study. The validity of the measuring instrument was tested by performing EFA to consider construct validity. Thereafter, the internal reliability of the data was assessed using Cronbach’s Alpha correlation coefficients. Pearson’s product-moment correlation coefficients and multiple regression analyses were calculated. Through multiple regression calculations, the relationships predicted by the four hypotheses were analysed. Finally, t-tests and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were conducted. The empirical investigation revealed that significant positive relationships exist between the independent variables benefits, trustworthy content and the intervening variable customer satisfaction, as well as between these two independent variables and the dependent variable customer retention. From the empirical results it was concluded that if banks offer benefits and trustworthy content to their clients through social media channels, clients are likely to be satisfied with and retained by their bank. This study established and confirmed the significant positive relationship that exists between customer satisfaction and customer retention in the banking industry. All bank managers and marketers will benefit from the empirical results as well as the recommendations of this study on how to improve customer satisfaction and customer retention through social media channels which will ultimately improve the performance of banks.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Performance management of health professionals : an evaluation research study of health services in the subdistrict of Buffalo City in the Provincial Department of Health in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Booi, Mlungisi Wellington
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: South Africa -- Department of Health , Batho Pele (Program) , Public health personnel -- South Africa -- Buffalo City , Employees -- Rating of -- South Africa -- Buffalo City , Public health -- South Africa -- Buffalo City -- Evaluation , Customer services -- South Africa -- Buffalo City -- Evaluation , Employees -- Training of -- South Africa -- Buffalo City , Employee-management relations in government -- South Africa -- Buffalo City
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:859 ,
- Description: Integrative Summary In 1997 the Minister of Public Service and Administration of South Africa, Zola Skweyiya, introduced the White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery(Department of Public Service and Administration(DPSA,1997: 1). It was premised on what was called Batho Pele (DPSA, 1997: 9), giving effect to Section 197 of the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996 as amended. A linkage to performance management can be found from the assertion made in the White Paper that in future the Batho Pele would form the basis of any assessment of the performance of individual staff and that would contribute to improving the delivery of service (DPSA, 1997:16). Another factor that contributed to the utilisation of a performance management system was the recommendation put forward by the Public Service Commission of South Africa( PSC,2004: 16),that called for public institutions to adopt a clear, comprehensive performance management and evaluation framework for the delivery of public service. That was expected to turn around the ailing public institutions whose record of serving the public with pride and dignity was on the decline. The research aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of the performance management system in creating and resolving role conflict with health professionals employed by the Buffalo City sub-district. The research goal was divided into three objectives, namely: evaluation of the effectiveness of the performance management system as a managerial tool for health managers to manage their subordinates including both professional and support staff, evaluation of the effectiveness of the performance system from the perspective of the health professional as a subordinate and to analyze the functioning and effectiveness of the system in creating and resolving role conflict between professional conduct and organisational requirements. The respondents noted that the implementation of the system was not matched with appointment at managerial level with officials having relevant managerial capacity. Further to that resources at the coal face of service delivery continued to deteriorate and became very scarce and there is no documented proof that has been found of an effort made to check the compatibility of the system to health professionals. The literature identified negative effects that have emanated from the implementation of the performance management system. The study was conducted by interviewing health professionals from the entry level to the management level within the Buffalo City sub-district from three mini hospitals or Health Care Centres. The respondents indicated that there are positives that have been achieved by the implementation of the system, such as the skills gap identification as well as specific targets contained in annual performance contracts. These targets help motivate health professional to focus on that particular direction of activities. Unfortunately it has been clearly documented that the performance management system has also contributed to the development of role conflict in a number of professionals. It has been documented that the system has not been crafted with a health professional in mind and, as such, appears to favour quantity rather than quality of health services as advocated by the codes of practice of different health professionals. There are a number of recommendations that were put forward by the respondents to try to salvage the system and in mitigation of the identified negative factors. For the improvement of the system, the Eastern Cape Provincial Department of Health has to firstly customise the annual contracts to contain only the fundamental information. Secondly need to improve the transparency pertaining to financial pressures facing the Health Department. Thirdly the provision of essential enablers, need to be prioritised. Fourthly there is a need to upgrade the system to incorporate 360 degree feedback. Further research recommendations include a bigger sample incorporating different research methods and to also incorporate searches for measures that can be implemented to improve the system to be more relevant to health professionals. This document is organised and presented in three sections. The first section is the evaluation report with a review of literature, research methodology, findings, discussion and conclusion. The second section is where an indepth literature review is located and the last section details the research methodology.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Booi, Mlungisi Wellington
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: South Africa -- Department of Health , Batho Pele (Program) , Public health personnel -- South Africa -- Buffalo City , Employees -- Rating of -- South Africa -- Buffalo City , Public health -- South Africa -- Buffalo City -- Evaluation , Customer services -- South Africa -- Buffalo City -- Evaluation , Employees -- Training of -- South Africa -- Buffalo City , Employee-management relations in government -- South Africa -- Buffalo City
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:859 ,
- Description: Integrative Summary In 1997 the Minister of Public Service and Administration of South Africa, Zola Skweyiya, introduced the White Paper on Transforming Public Service Delivery(Department of Public Service and Administration(DPSA,1997: 1). It was premised on what was called Batho Pele (DPSA, 1997: 9), giving effect to Section 197 of the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996 as amended. A linkage to performance management can be found from the assertion made in the White Paper that in future the Batho Pele would form the basis of any assessment of the performance of individual staff and that would contribute to improving the delivery of service (DPSA, 1997:16). Another factor that contributed to the utilisation of a performance management system was the recommendation put forward by the Public Service Commission of South Africa( PSC,2004: 16),that called for public institutions to adopt a clear, comprehensive performance management and evaluation framework for the delivery of public service. That was expected to turn around the ailing public institutions whose record of serving the public with pride and dignity was on the decline. The research aim was to evaluate the effectiveness of the performance management system in creating and resolving role conflict with health professionals employed by the Buffalo City sub-district. The research goal was divided into three objectives, namely: evaluation of the effectiveness of the performance management system as a managerial tool for health managers to manage their subordinates including both professional and support staff, evaluation of the effectiveness of the performance system from the perspective of the health professional as a subordinate and to analyze the functioning and effectiveness of the system in creating and resolving role conflict between professional conduct and organisational requirements. The respondents noted that the implementation of the system was not matched with appointment at managerial level with officials having relevant managerial capacity. Further to that resources at the coal face of service delivery continued to deteriorate and became very scarce and there is no documented proof that has been found of an effort made to check the compatibility of the system to health professionals. The literature identified negative effects that have emanated from the implementation of the performance management system. The study was conducted by interviewing health professionals from the entry level to the management level within the Buffalo City sub-district from three mini hospitals or Health Care Centres. The respondents indicated that there are positives that have been achieved by the implementation of the system, such as the skills gap identification as well as specific targets contained in annual performance contracts. These targets help motivate health professional to focus on that particular direction of activities. Unfortunately it has been clearly documented that the performance management system has also contributed to the development of role conflict in a number of professionals. It has been documented that the system has not been crafted with a health professional in mind and, as such, appears to favour quantity rather than quality of health services as advocated by the codes of practice of different health professionals. There are a number of recommendations that were put forward by the respondents to try to salvage the system and in mitigation of the identified negative factors. For the improvement of the system, the Eastern Cape Provincial Department of Health has to firstly customise the annual contracts to contain only the fundamental information. Secondly need to improve the transparency pertaining to financial pressures facing the Health Department. Thirdly the provision of essential enablers, need to be prioritised. Fourthly there is a need to upgrade the system to incorporate 360 degree feedback. Further research recommendations include a bigger sample incorporating different research methods and to also incorporate searches for measures that can be implemented to improve the system to be more relevant to health professionals. This document is organised and presented in three sections. The first section is the evaluation report with a review of literature, research methodology, findings, discussion and conclusion. The second section is where an indepth literature review is located and the last section details the research methodology.
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- Date Issued: 2015
Performing whiteness; representing otherness : Hugh Tracey and African music
- Authors: Coetzee, Paulette June
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Tracey, Hugh , Music -- Africa , International Library of African Music , Ethnomusicology -- Africa , Ethnomusicologists -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:2327 ,
- Description: This thesis provides a critical study of texts associated with Hugh Tracey (1903–1977). Tracey is well-known for his work in African music studies, particularly for his major contribution to the recorded archive of musical sound in sub-Saharan Africa and his founding of the International Library of African Music (ILAM) in 1954. My reading of him is informed by a postcolonial perspective, whiteness studies and African scholarship on ways in which constructions of African identity and tradition have been shaped by the colonial archive. In my view, Tracey was part of a mid-twentieth century movement which sought to marshal positive representations of traditional African culture in the interest of maintaining and strengthening colonial rule. While his recording project may have fostered inclusion through creating spaces for indigenous musicians to be heard, it also functioned to promote racist exclusion in the manner of its production, distribution and claims to expertise. Moreover, his initial strategy for ILAM’s sustainability targeted colonial government and industry as primary clients, with the promise that promoting traditional music as a means of entertainment and self-expression for black subjects and workers would ease administration and reduce conflict. I believe that it is important to acknowledge and interrogate the problematic racial attitudes and practices associated with the history of Tracey’s archive – not to undermine its significance in any way but to allow it to be better understood and used more productively in the future.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Coetzee, Paulette June
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Tracey, Hugh , Music -- Africa , International Library of African Music , Ethnomusicology -- Africa , Ethnomusicologists -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:2327 ,
- Description: This thesis provides a critical study of texts associated with Hugh Tracey (1903–1977). Tracey is well-known for his work in African music studies, particularly for his major contribution to the recorded archive of musical sound in sub-Saharan Africa and his founding of the International Library of African Music (ILAM) in 1954. My reading of him is informed by a postcolonial perspective, whiteness studies and African scholarship on ways in which constructions of African identity and tradition have been shaped by the colonial archive. In my view, Tracey was part of a mid-twentieth century movement which sought to marshal positive representations of traditional African culture in the interest of maintaining and strengthening colonial rule. While his recording project may have fostered inclusion through creating spaces for indigenous musicians to be heard, it also functioned to promote racist exclusion in the manner of its production, distribution and claims to expertise. Moreover, his initial strategy for ILAM’s sustainability targeted colonial government and industry as primary clients, with the promise that promoting traditional music as a means of entertainment and self-expression for black subjects and workers would ease administration and reduce conflict. I believe that it is important to acknowledge and interrogate the problematic racial attitudes and practices associated with the history of Tracey’s archive – not to undermine its significance in any way but to allow it to be better understood and used more productively in the future.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Perspectives of stakeholders on engagement around benefits and use of the Wilderness and Swartvlei lakes
- Authors: Roos, Aneri
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Lake ecology -- South Africa , Environmental management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:21121
- Description: The objective of this research was to determine how stakeholder engagement impacts on the use and sharing of ecosystem service benefits derived from large lake systems. The Wilderness and Swartvlei lake systems, which form an integral part of the Wilderness Section of the Garden Route National Park (GRNP), were chosen as the study area. The park is juxtaposed with urban and other land uses making it one of the most integrated urban conservation areas in South Africa. The park is an open-access park with only enclosed areas being the camping and chalet areas that borders onto the Touw River Estuary. A major contribution of this research was that it classified stakeholder groups into ten meta-identities (associations, businesses, charity organisations, conservancies, government departments, informal groupings, learning/educational institutions, multiple stakeholder projects, spiritual groupings and sports clubs) and that through an iterative research approach it stimulated dialogue between individuals across the various meta-identities. Engagement is a way of allowing stakeholders to develop a sense of ownership through the decision-making process. This could also lead to a higher level of trust and cooperation. The main insights drawn from this research were that, history is important; engagement is characterised by an on-going blame-game (at least in part as a result of this particular history); meta-identities share some values, but differ in how they see the world; there is a concern over social issues (widespread concern, but few mechanisms to address the issue); management agencies are stewards of the feedbacks between social and ecological systems (responsible for regulating flows of benefits), but in open-access systems cannot do so on their own; all meta-identities are keen to contribute and this can, with appropriate facilitation, be harnessed towards collective action. Stakeholders associated with all ten meta-identities identified provisioning and cultural services as a benefit derived from the lakes. No regulating or supporting services were identified as benefits. This could indicate a gap in awareness of the importance of these services. A category that emerged from this study is the importance of employment opportunities linked to the management of natural resources. The study showed that engagement does not occur around the benefits that can be derived from the lakes, but rather around the issues that have a direct or indirect influence on the ecosystem services and therefore the suite of benefits that would be available for sharing. The issues could be divided into two broad themes; social issues and developmental pressures. The social issues pose an indirect threat to the lakes while the developmental pressures pose a direct threat. As the mandates across agencies differ, with the municipalities concerned with the social issues and SANParks with the pressures, the importance of communication and cooperative governance was highlighted.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Roos, Aneri
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Lake ecology -- South Africa , Environmental management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:21121
- Description: The objective of this research was to determine how stakeholder engagement impacts on the use and sharing of ecosystem service benefits derived from large lake systems. The Wilderness and Swartvlei lake systems, which form an integral part of the Wilderness Section of the Garden Route National Park (GRNP), were chosen as the study area. The park is juxtaposed with urban and other land uses making it one of the most integrated urban conservation areas in South Africa. The park is an open-access park with only enclosed areas being the camping and chalet areas that borders onto the Touw River Estuary. A major contribution of this research was that it classified stakeholder groups into ten meta-identities (associations, businesses, charity organisations, conservancies, government departments, informal groupings, learning/educational institutions, multiple stakeholder projects, spiritual groupings and sports clubs) and that through an iterative research approach it stimulated dialogue between individuals across the various meta-identities. Engagement is a way of allowing stakeholders to develop a sense of ownership through the decision-making process. This could also lead to a higher level of trust and cooperation. The main insights drawn from this research were that, history is important; engagement is characterised by an on-going blame-game (at least in part as a result of this particular history); meta-identities share some values, but differ in how they see the world; there is a concern over social issues (widespread concern, but few mechanisms to address the issue); management agencies are stewards of the feedbacks between social and ecological systems (responsible for regulating flows of benefits), but in open-access systems cannot do so on their own; all meta-identities are keen to contribute and this can, with appropriate facilitation, be harnessed towards collective action. Stakeholders associated with all ten meta-identities identified provisioning and cultural services as a benefit derived from the lakes. No regulating or supporting services were identified as benefits. This could indicate a gap in awareness of the importance of these services. A category that emerged from this study is the importance of employment opportunities linked to the management of natural resources. The study showed that engagement does not occur around the benefits that can be derived from the lakes, but rather around the issues that have a direct or indirect influence on the ecosystem services and therefore the suite of benefits that would be available for sharing. The issues could be divided into two broad themes; social issues and developmental pressures. The social issues pose an indirect threat to the lakes while the developmental pressures pose a direct threat. As the mandates across agencies differ, with the municipalities concerned with the social issues and SANParks with the pressures, the importance of communication and cooperative governance was highlighted.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Perspectives on the effects of Teenage pregnancy on Learning and teaching in Junior Secondary Schools of the Butterworth Education District
- Authors: Lubambo, Mzikayise Wiseman
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Teenage pregnancy , Education (Primary schools)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Ed
- Identifier: , vital:29939
- Description: The study is about the effects of teenage pregnancy on learning and teaching in Junior and Senior Secondary Schools of Butterworth District. The researcher’s objective of the study was to determine how pregnancy affects the learner’s performance on learning and teaching in schools. Qualitative paradigm informed the study. The participants were drawn from teenagers; teachers and parents areall from rural schools, around Butterworth Education District through the use of non-probability, purposive and convenient samples. The sample included learners from ages 13-19 who were pregnant and those who were once pregnant while in schools, teachers who taught pregnant learners in their schools and parents who were having pregnant children at schools. A total of fifteen (15) participants were involved in the interview. The data collected was analyzed and interpreted during data collection and thereafter. The findings of the study showed that absenteeism, drop-out, poor academic performance, poverty and unemployment which are the results of pregnancy are some of the contributory factors that affect learning and teaching in schools. Recommendations were made based on the findings of the study. The study concludes by recommending awareness campaign on learner pregnancy.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Lubambo, Mzikayise Wiseman
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Teenage pregnancy , Education (Primary schools)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Ed
- Identifier: , vital:29939
- Description: The study is about the effects of teenage pregnancy on learning and teaching in Junior and Senior Secondary Schools of Butterworth District. The researcher’s objective of the study was to determine how pregnancy affects the learner’s performance on learning and teaching in schools. Qualitative paradigm informed the study. The participants were drawn from teenagers; teachers and parents areall from rural schools, around Butterworth Education District through the use of non-probability, purposive and convenient samples. The sample included learners from ages 13-19 who were pregnant and those who were once pregnant while in schools, teachers who taught pregnant learners in their schools and parents who were having pregnant children at schools. A total of fifteen (15) participants were involved in the interview. The data collected was analyzed and interpreted during data collection and thereafter. The findings of the study showed that absenteeism, drop-out, poor academic performance, poverty and unemployment which are the results of pregnancy are some of the contributory factors that affect learning and teaching in schools. Recommendations were made based on the findings of the study. The study concludes by recommending awareness campaign on learner pregnancy.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
PFB0595w is a Plasmodium falciparum J protein that co-localizes with PfHsp70-1 and can stimulate its in vitro ATP hydrolysis activity
- Njunge, James M, Mandal, Pradipta, Przyborski, Jude M, Boshoff, Aileen, Pesce, Eva-Rachele, Blatch, Gregory L
- Authors: Njunge, James M , Mandal, Pradipta , Przyborski, Jude M , Boshoff, Aileen , Pesce, Eva-Rachele , Blatch, Gregory L
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72800 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Heat shock proteins, many of which function as molecular chaperones, play important roles in the lifecycle and pathogenesis of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. The P. falciparum heat shock protein 70 (PfHsp70) family of chaperones is potentially regulated by a large complement of J proteins that localize to various intracellular compartments including the infected erythrocyte cytosol. While PfHsp70-1 has been shown to be an abundant cytosolic chaperone, its regulation by J proteins is poorly understood. In this study, we characterized the J protein PFB0595w, a homologue of the well-studied yeast cytosolic J protein, Sis1. PFB0595w, similarly to PfHsp70-1, was localized to the parasite cytosol and its expression was upregulated by heat shock. Additionally, recombinant PFB0595w was shown to be dimeric and to stimulate the in vitro ATPase activity of PfHsp70-1. Overall, the expression, localization and biochemical data for PFB0595w suggest that it may function as a cochaperone of PfHsp70-1, and advances current knowledge on the chaperone machinery of the parasite.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Njunge, James M , Mandal, Pradipta , Przyborski, Jude M , Boshoff, Aileen , Pesce, Eva-Rachele , Blatch, Gregory L
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:72800 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Heat shock proteins, many of which function as molecular chaperones, play important roles in the lifecycle and pathogenesis of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. The P. falciparum heat shock protein 70 (PfHsp70) family of chaperones is potentially regulated by a large complement of J proteins that localize to various intracellular compartments including the infected erythrocyte cytosol. While PfHsp70-1 has been shown to be an abundant cytosolic chaperone, its regulation by J proteins is poorly understood. In this study, we characterized the J protein PFB0595w, a homologue of the well-studied yeast cytosolic J protein, Sis1. PFB0595w, similarly to PfHsp70-1, was localized to the parasite cytosol and its expression was upregulated by heat shock. Additionally, recombinant PFB0595w was shown to be dimeric and to stimulate the in vitro ATPase activity of PfHsp70-1. Overall, the expression, localization and biochemical data for PFB0595w suggest that it may function as a cochaperone of PfHsp70-1, and advances current knowledge on the chaperone machinery of the parasite.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Photo-physicochemical studies and photodynamic therapy activity of indium and gallium phthalocyanines
- Tshangana, Charmaine Sesethu
- Authors: Tshangana, Charmaine Sesethu
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Quantum dots , Nanoparticles , Photochemotherapy , Phthalocyanines
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4548 ,
- Description: The potential toxicity of seven different types of quantum dots without shell (L-cysteine-CdTe, TGA-CdTe, MPA-CdTe, TGA-CdSe) and with the shell (GSH-CdSe@ZnS, GSH-CdTe@ZnS,) with different capping agents were evaluated. The growth inhibitory effects of the various quantum dots on human pancreatic BON cancerous cells were determined. The least cytotoxic of the various quantum dots synthesized and the one displaying the lowest growth inhibitory potential and no embryotoxicity was determined to be the GSH-CdSe@ZnS quantum dots. The GSH-CdSe@ZnS quantum dots were then conjugated to gallium, aluminium and indium octacarboxy phthalocyanine and the photophysical behaviour of the conjugates studied for potential use in photodynamic therapy and imaging applications. The sizes, morphology, thermal stability and confirmation of successful conjugation was determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), respectively. The study was extended by conjugating amino functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (Fe₃O₄) to indium octacarboxy phthalocyanine to study the photophysical behaviour of the conjugate as a potential bi-functional anti-cancer agent (hyperthermia and photodynamic therapy applications). A three-in-one multifunctional nanocomposite comprising of the quantum dots, magnetic nanoparticles and indium octacarboxy phthalocyanine was developed with the aim of developing a multifunctional composite that is able detect, monitor and treat cancer. All conjugates showed improved and enhanced photophysical behaviour. Finally, GSH-CdSe@ZnS conjugated to aluminium octacarboxy phthalocyanine was applied in human pancreatic carcinoid BON cells. The conjugates induced cell death dose-dependently.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Tshangana, Charmaine Sesethu
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Quantum dots , Nanoparticles , Photochemotherapy , Phthalocyanines
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4548 ,
- Description: The potential toxicity of seven different types of quantum dots without shell (L-cysteine-CdTe, TGA-CdTe, MPA-CdTe, TGA-CdSe) and with the shell (GSH-CdSe@ZnS, GSH-CdTe@ZnS,) with different capping agents were evaluated. The growth inhibitory effects of the various quantum dots on human pancreatic BON cancerous cells were determined. The least cytotoxic of the various quantum dots synthesized and the one displaying the lowest growth inhibitory potential and no embryotoxicity was determined to be the GSH-CdSe@ZnS quantum dots. The GSH-CdSe@ZnS quantum dots were then conjugated to gallium, aluminium and indium octacarboxy phthalocyanine and the photophysical behaviour of the conjugates studied for potential use in photodynamic therapy and imaging applications. The sizes, morphology, thermal stability and confirmation of successful conjugation was determined using X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), respectively. The study was extended by conjugating amino functionalized magnetic nanoparticles (Fe₃O₄) to indium octacarboxy phthalocyanine to study the photophysical behaviour of the conjugate as a potential bi-functional anti-cancer agent (hyperthermia and photodynamic therapy applications). A three-in-one multifunctional nanocomposite comprising of the quantum dots, magnetic nanoparticles and indium octacarboxy phthalocyanine was developed with the aim of developing a multifunctional composite that is able detect, monitor and treat cancer. All conjugates showed improved and enhanced photophysical behaviour. Finally, GSH-CdSe@ZnS conjugated to aluminium octacarboxy phthalocyanine was applied in human pancreatic carcinoid BON cells. The conjugates induced cell death dose-dependently.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Photocatalytic behaviour of zinc tetraamino phthalocyanine-silver nanoparticles immobilized on chitosan beads
- Khoza, Phindile, Nyokong, Tebello
- Authors: Khoza, Phindile , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44849 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine 6G using unconjugated zinc tetraamino phthalocyanine (ZnTAPc) or when conjugated to Ag nanoparticles (ZnTAPc–AgNPs) is reported. Upon conjugating ZnTAPc to silver nanoparticles, the singlet oxygen production of the phthalocyanine was slightly increased. ZnTAPc and ZnTAPc–AgNPs were immobilized onto chitosan beads for ease of recovery after photocatalysis. Chitosan beads were characterized by FTIR, XRD and TGA. The photodegradation of Rhodamine 6G was used to evaluate the efficiency of the immobilized photocatalysts. In the presence of AgNPs, the photodegradation of Rhodamine 6G was enhanced. The apparent rates (k) were found to be 8.51 × 10−8 and 1.61 × 10−7 mol L−1 min−1 for chitosan supported ZnTAPc or ZnTAPc–AgNPs, respectively. The observation of good photocatalytic activity of the ZnTAPc when immobilized on chitosan proves the uncompromised efficiency of the photocatalysts even when confined in beads, showing great potential for the functionalized beads as heterogeneous catalysts.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Khoza, Phindile , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44849 , xlink:href=""
- Description: Photocatalytic degradation of Rhodamine 6G using unconjugated zinc tetraamino phthalocyanine (ZnTAPc) or when conjugated to Ag nanoparticles (ZnTAPc–AgNPs) is reported. Upon conjugating ZnTAPc to silver nanoparticles, the singlet oxygen production of the phthalocyanine was slightly increased. ZnTAPc and ZnTAPc–AgNPs were immobilized onto chitosan beads for ease of recovery after photocatalysis. Chitosan beads were characterized by FTIR, XRD and TGA. The photodegradation of Rhodamine 6G was used to evaluate the efficiency of the immobilized photocatalysts. In the presence of AgNPs, the photodegradation of Rhodamine 6G was enhanced. The apparent rates (k) were found to be 8.51 × 10−8 and 1.61 × 10−7 mol L−1 min−1 for chitosan supported ZnTAPc or ZnTAPc–AgNPs, respectively. The observation of good photocatalytic activity of the ZnTAPc when immobilized on chitosan proves the uncompromised efficiency of the photocatalysts even when confined in beads, showing great potential for the functionalized beads as heterogeneous catalysts.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy activities of porphyrin- and phthalocyanine-platinum nanoparticle conjugates
- Authors: Managa, Muthumuni Elizabeth
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Photochemotherapy , Anti-infective agents , Porphyrins , Phthalocyanines , Platinum , Nanoparticles , Bioconjugates , Electrospinning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4539 ,
- Description: This work reports on the conjugation of differently shaped Pt nanoparticles (PtNPs) with ClGa(III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin (1) as well as chloro - (5,10,15,20-tetrakis (4- (4- carboxy phenycarbonoimidoyl) phenyl) porphyrinato) gallium(III) (2) The work also reports on platination of dihydroxosilicon octacarboxyphthalocyanine (OH)₂SiOCPc (3) to give dihydroxosilicontris(diaquaplatinum)octacarboxyphthalocyanine (OH)₂SiOCPc(Pt)₃ (4). The resulting conjugates were used for photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy against S. aureus, E. coli and C. albicans. The degree of photo-inactivation is dependent on concentration of the conjugates, light dose (fluence) and illumination time. The log reduction obtained for 1 when conjugated to cubic PtNPs was 4.64 log (which indicate 99.99 percent of the bacteria have been killed), which is much higher than 3.94 log unit for 1-hexagonal PtNPs and 3.31 log units for 1-unshaped PtNPs. Complex 2 conjugated to hexagonal PtNPs showed 18 nm red shift in the Soret band when compared to 2 alone. Complex 2 and 2-hexagonal PtNPs as well showed promising photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) activity against S. aureus, E. coli and C. albicans in solution where the log reduction obtained was 4.92, 3.76, and 3.95 respectively for 2-hexagonal PtNPs. The singlet oxygen quantum yields obtained were higher at 0.56 for 2-hexagonl PtNPs in DMF while that of 2 was 0.52 in the same solvent. This resulted in improved PACT activity for 2-hexagonal PtNPs compared to 2. Complex 4 showed slight blue shifting of the absorption spectrum when compared to complex 3 The antimicrobial activity of 4 were promising as the highest log reduction value was observed when compared to the porphyrin conjugates.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Managa, Muthumuni Elizabeth
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Photochemotherapy , Anti-infective agents , Porphyrins , Phthalocyanines , Platinum , Nanoparticles , Bioconjugates , Electrospinning
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4539 ,
- Description: This work reports on the conjugation of differently shaped Pt nanoparticles (PtNPs) with ClGa(III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin (1) as well as chloro - (5,10,15,20-tetrakis (4- (4- carboxy phenycarbonoimidoyl) phenyl) porphyrinato) gallium(III) (2) The work also reports on platination of dihydroxosilicon octacarboxyphthalocyanine (OH)₂SiOCPc (3) to give dihydroxosilicontris(diaquaplatinum)octacarboxyphthalocyanine (OH)₂SiOCPc(Pt)₃ (4). The resulting conjugates were used for photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy against S. aureus, E. coli and C. albicans. The degree of photo-inactivation is dependent on concentration of the conjugates, light dose (fluence) and illumination time. The log reduction obtained for 1 when conjugated to cubic PtNPs was 4.64 log (which indicate 99.99 percent of the bacteria have been killed), which is much higher than 3.94 log unit for 1-hexagonal PtNPs and 3.31 log units for 1-unshaped PtNPs. Complex 2 conjugated to hexagonal PtNPs showed 18 nm red shift in the Soret band when compared to 2 alone. Complex 2 and 2-hexagonal PtNPs as well showed promising photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) activity against S. aureus, E. coli and C. albicans in solution where the log reduction obtained was 4.92, 3.76, and 3.95 respectively for 2-hexagonal PtNPs. The singlet oxygen quantum yields obtained were higher at 0.56 for 2-hexagonl PtNPs in DMF while that of 2 was 0.52 in the same solvent. This resulted in improved PACT activity for 2-hexagonal PtNPs compared to 2. Complex 4 showed slight blue shifting of the absorption spectrum when compared to complex 3 The antimicrobial activity of 4 were promising as the highest log reduction value was observed when compared to the porphyrin conjugates.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy activity of (5, 10, 15, 20-tetrakis (4-(4-carboxyphenycarbonoimidoyl) phenyl) porphyrinato) chloro gallium (III)
- Managa, Muthumuni, Amuhaya, Edith K, Nyokong, Tebello
- Authors: Managa, Muthumuni , Amuhaya, Edith K , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44811 , xlink:href=""
- Description: (5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4-(4-carboxyphenycarbonoimidoyl)phenyl)porphyrinato) chloro gallium(III) (complex 1) was conjugated to platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) (represented as 1-PtNPs). The resulting conjugate showed 18 nm red shift in the Soret band when compared to 1 alone. Complex 1 and 1-PtNPs showed promising photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans in solution where the log reductions obtained were 4.92, 3.76, and 3.95, respectively for 1-PtNPs. The singlet oxygen quantum yields obtained were higher at 0.56 for 1-PtNPs in DMF while that of 1 was 0.52 in the same solvent. This resulted in improved PACT activity for 1-PtNPs compared to 1 alone.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Managa, Muthumuni , Amuhaya, Edith K , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44811 , xlink:href=""
- Description: (5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4-(4-carboxyphenycarbonoimidoyl)phenyl)porphyrinato) chloro gallium(III) (complex 1) was conjugated to platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) (represented as 1-PtNPs). The resulting conjugate showed 18 nm red shift in the Soret band when compared to 1 alone. Complex 1 and 1-PtNPs showed promising photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans in solution where the log reductions obtained were 4.92, 3.76, and 3.95, respectively for 1-PtNPs. The singlet oxygen quantum yields obtained were higher at 0.56 for 1-PtNPs in DMF while that of 1 was 0.52 in the same solvent. This resulted in improved PACT activity for 1-PtNPs compared to 1 alone.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy activity of (5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-(4-carboxyphenycarbonoimidoyl)phenyl)porphyrinato) chloro gallium(III)
- Managa, Muthumuni, Amuhaya, Edith K, Nyokong, Tebello
- Authors: Managa, Muthumuni , Amuhaya, Edith K , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:7296 ,
- Description: (5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4-(4-carboxyphenycarbonoimidoyl)phenyl)porphyrinato) chloro gallium(III) (complex 1) was conjugated to platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) (represented as 1-PtNPs). The resulting conjugate showed 18 nm red shift in the Soret band when compared to 1 alone. Complex 1 and 1-PtNPs showed promising photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans in solution where the log reductions obtained were 4.92, 3.76, and 3.95, respectively for 1-PtNPs. The singlet oxygen quantum yields obtained were higher at 0.56 for 1-PtNPs in DMF while that of 1 was 0.52 in the same solvent. This resulted in improved PACT activity for 1-PtNPs compared to 1 alone. , Original publication is available at
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Managa, Muthumuni , Amuhaya, Edith K , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:7296 ,
- Description: (5,10,15,20-Tetrakis(4-(4-carboxyphenycarbonoimidoyl)phenyl)porphyrinato) chloro gallium(III) (complex 1) was conjugated to platinum nanoparticles (PtNPs) (represented as 1-PtNPs). The resulting conjugate showed 18 nm red shift in the Soret band when compared to 1 alone. Complex 1 and 1-PtNPs showed promising photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT) activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli and Candida albicans in solution where the log reductions obtained were 4.92, 3.76, and 3.95, respectively for 1-PtNPs. The singlet oxygen quantum yields obtained were higher at 0.56 for 1-PtNPs in DMF while that of 1 was 0.52 in the same solvent. This resulted in improved PACT activity for 1-PtNPs compared to 1 alone. , Original publication is available at
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2015
Photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy activity of gallium tetra-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin when conjugated to differently shaped platinum nanoparticles
- Managa, Muthumuni, Nyokong, Tebello
- Authors: Managa, Muthumuni , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44815 , xlink:href=""
- Description: This work reports on the conjugation of differently shaped Pt nanoparticles (PtNPs) with ClGa(III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin (ClGaTCPP). The resulting conjugates were used for photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy against Staphylococcus aureus. The degree of photoinactivation is dependent on concentration of the conjugates, light dose (fluence) and illumination time. The log reduction obtained for ClGaTCPP when conjugated to cubic PtNPs was 4.64 log (which indicate 99.99% of the bacteria have been killed), which is much higher than 3.94 log unit for ClGaTCPPHexagonal PtNPs and 3.31 log units for ClGaTCPP-Unshaped PtNPs. ClGaTCPP alone gave a log unit reduction of less than 3, showing the importance of conjugation to PtNPs.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Managa, Muthumuni , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44815 , xlink:href=""
- Description: This work reports on the conjugation of differently shaped Pt nanoparticles (PtNPs) with ClGa(III) 5,10,15,20-tetrakis-(4-carboxyphenyl) porphyrin (ClGaTCPP). The resulting conjugates were used for photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy against Staphylococcus aureus. The degree of photoinactivation is dependent on concentration of the conjugates, light dose (fluence) and illumination time. The log reduction obtained for ClGaTCPP when conjugated to cubic PtNPs was 4.64 log (which indicate 99.99% of the bacteria have been killed), which is much higher than 3.94 log unit for ClGaTCPPHexagonal PtNPs and 3.31 log units for ClGaTCPP-Unshaped PtNPs. ClGaTCPP alone gave a log unit reduction of less than 3, showing the importance of conjugation to PtNPs.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Photodynamic therapy effect of zinc monoamino phthalocyanine–folic acid conjugate adsorbed on single walled carbon nanotubes on melanoma cells
- Ogbodu, Racheal O, Ndhundhuma, Ivy, Karstten, Aletta, Nyokong, Tebello
- Authors: Ogbodu, Racheal O , Ndhundhuma, Ivy , Karstten, Aletta , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:50936 , xlink:href=""
- Description: This work reports on the photodynamic therapy effect of zinc monoamino phthalocyanine linked to folic acid represented as ZnMAPc-FA, which was further immobilized onto single walled carbon nanotube represented as ZnMAPc-FA-SWCNT on melanoma A375 cell line, the effect of SWCNT-FA (without ZnMAPc) was also examined. All the compounds were non-toxic to the melanoma A375 cell line in the absence of light. Upon irradiation of the melanoma A375 cell line with a 676 nm diode laser at a power density of 98 mW/cm2 at 5 J/cm2 about 60% and 63% cell death was observed in the presence of ZnMAPc-FA and ZnMAPc-FA-SWCNT respectively. SWCNT-FA had no significant photodynamic therapy or photothermal effect to the cell, only 23% of cell death was observed after irradiation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Ogbodu, Racheal O , Ndhundhuma, Ivy , Karstten, Aletta , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:50936 , xlink:href=""
- Description: This work reports on the photodynamic therapy effect of zinc monoamino phthalocyanine linked to folic acid represented as ZnMAPc-FA, which was further immobilized onto single walled carbon nanotube represented as ZnMAPc-FA-SWCNT on melanoma A375 cell line, the effect of SWCNT-FA (without ZnMAPc) was also examined. All the compounds were non-toxic to the melanoma A375 cell line in the absence of light. Upon irradiation of the melanoma A375 cell line with a 676 nm diode laser at a power density of 98 mW/cm2 at 5 J/cm2 about 60% and 63% cell death was observed in the presence of ZnMAPc-FA and ZnMAPc-FA-SWCNT respectively. SWCNT-FA had no significant photodynamic therapy or photothermal effect to the cell, only 23% of cell death was observed after irradiation.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Photoinactivation of Candida albicans and Escherichia coli using aluminium phthalocyanine on gold nanoparticles
- Mthethwa, Thandekile, Nyokong, Tebello
- Authors: Mthethwa, Thandekile , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44940 , xlink:href=""
- Description: The conjugates of aluminium phthalocyanine (complex 1) with gold nanorods (complex 1–AuNRs) and bipyramids (complex 1–AuBPs) showed improved singlet oxygen quantum yields of 0.23 and 0.24, respectively, compared to that of complex 1 alone at 0.12. Complex 1 and its conjugates were used for the photoinactivation of fungi (C. albicans) and bacteria cells (E. coli). The Q band absorbances were the same for the Pc alone and when conjugated to AuNPs. The efficiency of these conjugates was evaluated by measuring the log reduction of the microorganisms (C. albicans and E. coli) after irradiation with visible light in the presence of photosensitizers. Aluminium phthalocyanine alone showed log 1.78 and log 2.51 reductions for C. albicans and E. coli respectively. However, the conjugates showed higher photosensitization with log 2.08 and log 3.34 for C. albicans and E. coli, respectively using 1–AuBPs. For complex 1–AuNRs log 2.53 and log 3.71 were achieved for C. albicans and E. coli respectively. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the enhanced photoinactivation observed in both microorganisms was irrespective of the shape of the nanoparticles conjugated. Photoinactivation of C. albicans was less than that of E. coli even though a higher concentration of complex 1 or its conjugates was used in C. albicans.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Mthethwa, Thandekile , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44940 , xlink:href=""
- Description: The conjugates of aluminium phthalocyanine (complex 1) with gold nanorods (complex 1–AuNRs) and bipyramids (complex 1–AuBPs) showed improved singlet oxygen quantum yields of 0.23 and 0.24, respectively, compared to that of complex 1 alone at 0.12. Complex 1 and its conjugates were used for the photoinactivation of fungi (C. albicans) and bacteria cells (E. coli). The Q band absorbances were the same for the Pc alone and when conjugated to AuNPs. The efficiency of these conjugates was evaluated by measuring the log reduction of the microorganisms (C. albicans and E. coli) after irradiation with visible light in the presence of photosensitizers. Aluminium phthalocyanine alone showed log 1.78 and log 2.51 reductions for C. albicans and E. coli respectively. However, the conjugates showed higher photosensitization with log 2.08 and log 3.34 for C. albicans and E. coli, respectively using 1–AuBPs. For complex 1–AuNRs log 2.53 and log 3.71 were achieved for C. albicans and E. coli respectively. The statistical analysis of the results showed that the enhanced photoinactivation observed in both microorganisms was irrespective of the shape of the nanoparticles conjugated. Photoinactivation of C. albicans was less than that of E. coli even though a higher concentration of complex 1 or its conjugates was used in C. albicans.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
Photophysical and nonlinear optical studies of tetraakynyl zincphthalocyanine and its “clicked” analogue
- Bankole, Owolabi M, Nyokong, Tebello
- Authors: Bankole, Owolabi M , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44837 , xlink:href=""
- Description: We report here for the first time on the photophysical and nonlinear optical behavior of tetra-substituted alkynyl zinc phthalocyanine and its “clicked” analogue (4 and 5). The compounds exhibited high triplet quantum yields in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO). Nonlinear optical (NLO) properties were also evaluated for the two compounds at 532 nm and 10 ns in DMSO. We observed two-photon absorption (2PA) and strong reverse saturable absorption (RSA) as the dominant mechanisms at nanosecond laser excitation. The presence of electron acceptor groups fused with triazole linkers in the peripheral positions of 4 provide excellent coexistent features, such as enhanced triplet quantum yields and lifetimes compared to 5. Large third-order susceptibility (2.09 × 10−11 and 3.53 × 10−9 esu) and hyperpolarizability (1.09 × 10−30 and 9.13 × 10−29 esu) were estimated for complexs 4 and 5, respectively.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015
- Authors: Bankole, Owolabi M , Nyokong, Tebello
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: , vital:44837 , xlink:href=""
- Description: We report here for the first time on the photophysical and nonlinear optical behavior of tetra-substituted alkynyl zinc phthalocyanine and its “clicked” analogue (4 and 5). The compounds exhibited high triplet quantum yields in dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO). Nonlinear optical (NLO) properties were also evaluated for the two compounds at 532 nm and 10 ns in DMSO. We observed two-photon absorption (2PA) and strong reverse saturable absorption (RSA) as the dominant mechanisms at nanosecond laser excitation. The presence of electron acceptor groups fused with triazole linkers in the peripheral positions of 4 provide excellent coexistent features, such as enhanced triplet quantum yields and lifetimes compared to 5. Large third-order susceptibility (2.09 × 10−11 and 3.53 × 10−9 esu) and hyperpolarizability (1.09 × 10−30 and 9.13 × 10−29 esu) were estimated for complexs 4 and 5, respectively.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2015