An exploration of learners’ autonomous learning of mathematics by using selected Visual Technology for the Autonomous Learning of Mathematics (VITALmaths) video clips: A case study
- Authors: Haywood, Thomas
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:2071 ,
- Description: One of the major problems in the achievements of learners in mathematics is the difficulty they experience in performing tasks involving higher level thinking skills which are developed through autonomous learning behaviours (Karp, 1991). Thus, to engage meaningfully in high level mathematical tasks, one should be able to work independently (Karp, 1991). Teachers therefore should support learners in developing the skills that will afford them the opportunity to manage their own learning outside the sheltered surroundings of the classroom, when the teacher is no longer there for support (St. Louis, 2003). A study was undertaken with 11 Grade-10 learners to ascertain how their engagement with the VITALmaths video clips support and improve the learners’ understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem and the addition and subtraction of fractions autonomously. The VITALmaths database of video clips, which consists of short video clips (1 - 3 minutes long) was developed collaboratively by students and researchers at the School of Teacher Education at the University of Applied Sciences North-Western Switzerland and Rhodes University in South Africa (Linneweber-Lammerskitten, Schäfer & Samson, 2010). The video clips, which are freely available, can be downloaded on mobile phones. The study was structured into four different phases during which data was collected and analysed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. I specifically looked at the learners’ use of manipulatives during their learning of the Pythagorean Theorem and the addition and subtraction of fractions, whether there was a growth of a discourse-for-oneself and whether or not their engagement with the video clips enhanced the learners’ understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem and the addition and subtraction of fractions. While the theoretical framework provided a sound basis for researching autonomous learning, it required a considerable effort to determine whether the participants showed growth in terms of moving from a discourse-for-others to a discourse-for-oneself. The study revealed that the learners’ engagement with the VITALmaths video clip encouraged the use of manipulatives in their learning of the Pythagorean Theorem and the addition and subtraction of fractions. The majority of the learners involved in the study showed a growth of a discourse-for-oneself. A number of the learners showed an enhancement in their understanding of the Pythagorean Theorem and the knowledge involved in the addition and subtraction of fractions. The overall findings showed that mobile technology can easily be incorporated in the learners’ learning of mathematics. The VITALmaths video clips can play a significant role in the learners’ autonomous learning and understanding of certain mathematical concepts.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An exploration of offenders' experiences and social workers' perceptions of standardised anger management programme:|ba case study at St Albans Correctional Centre
- Authors: Van Rooyen, Yolande
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Social work with criminals Criminals -- Rehabilitation
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSoc
- Identifier: , vital:29602
- Description: The purpose of this research is to explore offenders’ experiences and social workers’ perceptions of the Standardised Anger Management Programme as facilitated by social workers at the Department of Correctional Services. The offender population in South Africa is diverse in terms of culture, language, religion, education and socio economic status. The Department of Correctional Services is committed to providing needs-based programmes for offenders to address their offending behaviour in ways that are appropriate for each. The research design was based on a case study. Thirteen offenders from St Albans Correctional Centre who had completed the Standardised Anger Management Programme, together with three social workers at the centre, participated in the evaluation of the effectiveness of the programme. Evaluations were conducted by means of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews with the thirteen offenders, and a focus group discussion with the three social workers facilitating the programme. Together, these three methods yielded useful and insightful ideas on the areas where the programme’s challenges lie, and led to the formulation of several general and specific recommendations, which are presented in chapter five of this thesis. The thesis bases its critique of the programme on insights gained from the literature; expanding on all aspects of the ecological approach to the individual. A detailed presentation of the ecological approach is given in chapter three. The various individual, micro-, exo- and macrosystems that make up the totality of influences on a person’s life are reviewed, and are referred to again in chapter four, which presents the finding of the study. The findings and discussion thereof are, of course, presented in the context of the Department of Correctional Service’s legislative and legal framework, which takes its direction from the 2005 White Paper on Corrections. This White Paper firmly set the Department of Correctional Services on a path towards rehabilitative, rather than purely punitive, treatment of offenders. Its publication was followed soon after by the introduction of the Standardised Anger Management Programme which, as the name suggests, was an attempt to standardise all the hitherto piecemeal rehabilitative efforts of various centres around the country. The study found that facilitators and the participants of the Standardised Anger Management Programme had areas of commonality regarding their views on the programme. The findings suggest that while participants in the programme gained anger management skills, much needs to be done to revise and improve the programme, so that it better addresses the needs of the unique offender population of South Africa. Among many recommendations made in chapter five, the researcher recommends that social workers are adequately trained and equipped to present the programme. In addition, the issues of course content and cultural assumptions, offender motivation and centre officials’ attitudes also need to be addressed.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An exploration of the use of the transformational leadership style in enhancing public service delivery : the case of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
- Authors: Dlamkile, Phumlani
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Leadership Organizational change Organizational effectiveness
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MAdmin
- Identifier: , vital:32095
- Description: A clear vision and understanding of the leadership roles by the leaders of the municipality under study are questionable, the low rate of the public service delivery and the lack of accountability by municipality officials also rises some concerns. The aim of this research is therefore to establish a level of understanding of the transformational leadership style in enhancing public service delivery. The study used a qualitative research design that involves a desktop research. Data was collected through the review of available published or existing documents. Data analysis included using documents analysis which consist of the existing information reviewed from literature or document containing information about various municipalities issues, journals and books as well as reviewed of various data analysis done in relation to an exploration of the use of transformational leadership style in enhancing public service delivery with the aim of analysing the organisation structure of the municipality. The findings from previous literature revealed that there are constraints faced in delivering services. The study confirmed some of the municipal leaders’ lack skills, competencies and a lack of clear understand of transformational leadership style as well as training. The findings also identified the search for solutions to the hurdles or challenges faced by the municipal leadership both political and administrative in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality by providing an insight for further research regarding the institutional weakness and policy issues in this part of the world. The implications of the findings are that unless the challenges are resolved, municipalities will continue to experience poor service delivery, poor economic growth and development. Recommendations to overcome these are suggested.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An exploration of what Grade 7 Natural Science teachers know, believe and say about biodiversity and the teaching of biodiversity
- Authors: Isaacs, Dorelle
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:20045
- Description: In the context of the newly implemented Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) for Natural Science, this study explores what Grade 7 Natural Science teachers know, believe and say about biodiversity and the teaching of biodiversity. Despite its significance to environmental sustainability, biodiversity loss is accelerating in South Africa and internationally, driven by unsustainable economic development models, population growth and associated problems of habitat loss and widespread pollution. Against the backdrop of these challenges, this study shares insights into how teachers’ biodiversity knowledge relates to the CAPS and to international agreements and policies on biodiversity. The study seeks to inform teacher education and support programmes and future curriculum implementation decisions, especially those associated with the Fundisa for Change programme. The study is designed as a qualitative case study inquiry that has used classroom observation, semistructured interviews and document (textbook) analysis to generate data. Theories of teacher cognition (after Shulman, 1987) were used to gain an understanding of teachers’ biodiversity knowledge. Different environmental and biodiversity metaphors and narratives were reviewed to gain an understanding of how teachers represented biodiversity and Kronlid & Öhman’s work on environmental ethics (2012) provided a framework for considering teachers’ values and ethical responses to biodiversity. The study found that the biodiversity knowledge of the teachers in these three case studies was mostly limited to what they access in the curriculum and textbooks. Secondly, there appears to be the assumption that if teachers teach from certain textbooks, they will meet the Specific Aims for Natural Science, as well as implement the process skills which are the ‘new’ knowledge according to the Senior Education Specialist. It was found that teachers’ close adherence to activities prescribed in the textbook seems to limit the depth, scope and criticality of their biodiversity teaching. The study also revealed that all three teachers expressed a pragmatic view of the value of biodiversity. The study recommends that the Natural Science CAPS as well as textbook authors should reflect a more systemic approach to biodiversity knowledge, recognising the interrelations and interdependence of the ecological systems that make up biodiversity – including relationships with humans – and convey a sense of the changeability of biodiversity. Natural Science teachers should be supported in broadening their understanding of biodiversity and biodiversity loss. They should be encouraged and supported to develop or adapt textbook material where necessary and develop learner activities that will encourage their learners to question, deliberate, look for cause and effect, and seek solutions. This may help to realise the final recommendation, that learners and teachers become citizen scientists who will access and contribute to the various biodiversity databases and so join scientists in generating biodiversity knowledge.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An exploratory investigation on the subsequent experiences of emotional, verbal and physical abuse by learners on the well- being of high school teachers in Port Elizabeth
- Authors: Ferreira, Xanthe Rune
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: High school teachers -- Abuse of -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth Bullying in schools -- South Africa -- Port Elizabeth
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEdu
- Identifier: , vital:27064
- Description: The main aim of this study was to investigate and explore how the emotional, verbal and or physical abuse of teachers by learners could impact on the general well-being of high school teachers in the Port Elizabeth region.This study asked how does the emotional, verbal and or physical abuse of teachers by learners impact on the general well-being of teachers? It also set out to find out what types of abuse teachers experience the most, how frequently teachers are exposed to abuse by learners and if there are any solutions to teacher abuse that can be offered. A teacher should be seen as someone who imparts knowledge, a person that creates an atmosphere for learning, a facilitator. Teachers are there to teach, although this is sadly not the case in schools anymore. Teachers are being abused by their learners in the classrooms and very few incidents are ever reported as teachers fear the repercussions of perhaps being told that because a class is misbehaving that they lack the necessary skills to be proficient teachers. There is limited literature available on the topic especially with regards to teacher abuse by learners in South Africa as the main focus used to be how teachers could be abusive to the learners and not the learners being abusive towards their teachers. This situation as is in South Africa at the moment can be seen as a silent epidemic. This study made use of a pragmatic paradigm that included both quantitative and qualitative research and data collection methods and an explanatory design was used to display the findings.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An exploratory study on lifestyle and its contribution to personal victimization among students at University of Fort Hare in Alice Campus
- Authors: Vaphi, Yanga Yandisa
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Bullying Criminal behaviour
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sci
- Identifier: , vital:27840
- Description: This study is based on student lifestyle and its contribution to personal victimization at University of Fort Hare in Alice campus. Social Science researchers such as Fisher, Sloan, Cullen, and Lu (1998) claim that there are many incidents of criminal victimization occurring on and off university campuses. The main purpose of this study is to find out whether there is any correlation between student lifestyle and personal victimization. There are many theories, concepts and available information regarding the issue of personal victimization among students, however, this notion is thriving, especially in higher institutions. The study examined the research objectives through lenses of theories such as lifestyle exposure theory, routine activities theory, rational choice theory which serve to elaborate more about the research topic. In this study data was collected using interviews and self-administered questionnaires for triangulation purposes. Some of the findings in this study were that there is vast majority of students who suffer from personal victimization on and off-campus due to students’ different lifestyles and lack of legal responsibility by the institution. First year females were found to be the majority of students who suffer from personal victimization due to their vulnerability in their residences. Based on these findings, recommendations such as tightening security measures around campus, educating students regarding victimization, and collaboration of the university with police officials were made.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An insight into the profile characteristics and technical batting skill of adolescent cricket players
- Authors: Clark, Matthew Edward
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20331
- Description: Background: Current traditional cricket practices incorporate the use of a netted-off pitch to provide cricket players the opportunity to hone their skills with bat and ball. The lack of ecological validity of these training environments results in the absence of important task and environmental constraints which influences the manner in which the sport is played. Objectives: The purpose of the current research was two-fold: firstly, it aimed to establish a profile database of adolescent cricket players in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa; and secondly, it aimed to investigate the efficacy of a constraints-led training intervention on skill development in adolescent cricket batsmen. Methods: Study I required 90 participants (u13: n = 40; u15: n = 50) to perform measures pertaining to anthropometric, morphological, flexibility and physical performance characteristics. This included stature, mass, body composition, limb length, flexibility, agility, and power measures. Study II was a case-control study (u15: n = 24), whereby the experimental group (n = 12) was exposed to a constraints-led batting protocol during the course of the cricket season. The objective of the protocol was to encourage the manipulation of the ball around the playing field. Pre- and post-intervention measures were performed using a batting skills test, which assessed batsmen’s capability to manipulate the ball to various areas of the playing field. Results: Study I revealed significant differences (p <0.0001) in stature, mass, limb length and power variables when comparing the u15 age group with the u13 age group. No differences were recorded for agility. The u13 age group had greater linear correlations for the variables of interest compared to the u15 age group. Study II revealed no differences in technical skill between the experimental group and the control (p <0.315).. The tests also revealed that adolescent batsmen favoured hitting deliveries through the extra-cover scoring zone. The third-man and fine-leg scoring zones were least preferred to hit deliveries through. A number of limitations to the study design resulted in the inability to determine the efficacy of a constraints-led batting protocol on skill development in an adolescent batting cohort. Conclusion: The results of study I indicated that the onset of puberty played an important role in the measures and performances between the u13 and u15 age groups. The results of study II indicated that adolescent batsmen are not adept at manipulating the ball around the field. Recommendations are provided for both studies.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An integrated farm management information system for the South African hydroponic industry
- Authors: Cork, Justin Trevor James
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Farm management Hydroponics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:20871
- Description: The world’s population is growing at an average of 1.2 percent per annum and forecasts see the global population reaching 9.6 billion by 2050. This places great demands on the sustained production capacity of agricultural organisations to meet the desperate need for nutrition. This problem will continue to persist if production methods do not evolve to improve production and quality. Hydroponics and Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA) was first seen in Rome during the 1st Century. Then sixteen Centuries later Greenhouses were developed in France and England as experimental hydroponics for basic laboratory research. Rapid expansion took place from about the 1950’s in areas where traditional openenvironment agriculture was difficult or impossible such as the deserts of Iran, Abu Dhabi and California. Sixty-five years later in 2015 hydroponics and CEA are well established around the world with thousands of hectares under propagation. Hydroponics is a method of agricultural production that has been refined over the years to become an exact science. Through the application of technology and know-how the physiological processes within plants can be manipulated and controlled to produce superior results. These results require less land area and less water to accomplish. It can be seen, based on this development, that hydroponics is such an evolution that has the capacity to meet the needs of a growing global population and its nutritional needs. The challenge lies, though, in the scientific understanding and application of knowledge in growing and managing a hydroponics farm. This study seeks to determine the internal data and external information needs of farmers in the hydroponics industry. This data and information will be integrated into a Farm Management Information System (FMIS) model that will be used for decision making, report generation and documentation. The problem leading to this study is the dissemination of data and information sources that are currently underutilised and difficult to access. In determining the internal data and external information needs, an empirical study was conducted using structured interview. Thirty farm managers were interviewed to assess what their current information system consisted of, whether they had a need for an FMIS and what internal data and external information was needed which related to four functional components of hydroponic farming. The results of this study indicate that there is a need for an FMIS for the hydroponic industry in South Africa. The results also indicate that managers are not fully satisfied with the performance of their current information system and would be interested in considering alternative information systems. Data points relating to the four functional components were assessed and integrated into an FMIS model for the hydroponic industry. This model sets out to integrate internal data and external information for purposes of decision making, report generation and documentation.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An integrated marketing communication framework for communicating city events in Nelson Mandela Bay
- Authors: Kanyutu, Teresia Watiri
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Communication in marketing -- South Africa -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality , Mass media -- South Africa -- Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:26368
- Description: In the recent past, cities all over the world have made attempts to brand themselves differently from their counterparts. These efforts have been made with the aim of improving the economic locus of the city in question and to some extent the welfare of its inhabitants. With this regard, various activities have been organised to ensure that the cities attract tourists, investors and other pertinent stakeholders. The hosting of city events is one major strategy that cities have used to trademark themselves more attractively to external stakeholders. City event planners have similarly made efforts to brand and communicate these city events in order to achieve recognition and attendance. In spite of these attempts however, studies reveal that the major stakeholders of the events: the residents, seem to be overlooked by the city decision makers during these endeavours. Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) involves the combination of all the available communication channels and resources to convey a message to a target audience. Hence, with regard to communicating city events, the key motivation for using IMC is to generate awareness whilst communicating an effective, clear and consistent message to the target audience (residents). However, communication strategies should not be developed in isolation. It is of extreme importance that city event planners consider involving the city residents when crafting these IMC strategies. In fact, the city events planners and decision makers should bear in mind that; the major success of any city event depends entirely on the support of the city residents, who act as brand ambassadors to their social circles within and outside the city. In order for a city to successfully implement a communication strategy, it is imperative that the city understands the media consumption patterns of the residents. Various factors such as age, gender and ethnicity determine the media consumption habits of residents; and should be investigated in order to determine the most effective channels of communication to use for a particular target audience. During the early months of the year 2014, key stakeholders within Nelson Mandela Bay (NMB) resolved to improve the brand image of the NMB. These stakeholders entered into a partnership with NMMU Business School, who offered to conduct research on various themes: Brand Identity, Business Events, City Events Communication, City Events Marketing, Cultural Events and Sports Events. This study is hence based on the City Events Communication theme and its purpose is to establish the factors that determine media consumption amongst the residents and their perception towards communication with and amongst the residents of NMB. Additionally, this study sought to identify the various communication channels that are available in NMB whilst establishing which of these channels are most highly ranked by the residents. In order to achieve these objectives, both primary and secondary research were conducted. Literature was reviewed in order to create a basis for this study based on previous academic research. The background of IMC was established and the various pillars of IMC discussed. Factors that influence the choice of communication media were also identified and discussed. Thereafter, an empirical study was conducted in order to determine the factors that influence media usage amongst the residents of NMB, in addition to their perception towards communication. A total of 3,659 residents were interviewed and findings indicated that there is a strong relationship between the media usage and age, gender, ethnicity, income per household and the suburb lived. However, the strength of relationships that were observed differed amongst the various dependent variables that were created for purposes of analysing the media usage. A strong inclination towards the use of traditional media; radio and newspaper amongst the residents of NMB was identified. Equally, Public Relations (PR) emerged as an essential way for residents to create and maintain stakeholder relationships between themselves and the NMB. The residents felt that NMB should make efforts and engage with them more frequently especially with regard to communicating city events. Word of mouth amongst peers and billboards were also identified as communication media that are largely used to source for city events information, impacting greatly on the events attendance by the residents. Unfortunately, the use of New Media (Facebook, Twitter and YouTube) to source for city events information was not predominant amongst the respondents. However, with close to three quarters of the respondents having access to the Internet, there is a likelihood that residents can adopt to the use of social media as a source of city events information. Furthermore, the majority of respondents indicated that they access the Internet daily. These findings are a clear indication that the adoption and use of new media is possible if developed and implemented in a strategic manner by the major decision makers. Once the factors that influence media consumption by the residents of NMB were established, an integrated marketing communication framework was developed based on these factors and the highly ranked channels of communication. This study concluded in the development and proposal of an IMC framework for use in communication of city events to the residents of NMB. Managerial recommendations were also given which are expected to enhance the effective implementation of the proposed framework.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An internal audit's perspective on the role of social and ethics committees
- Authors: Jalavu, Zisanda Beatrice
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Corporate governance -- South Africa Disclosure of information -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:27020
- Description: This thesis reveals the results of a study during which the 2014 integrated reports, sustainability reports and websites of the twelve JSE listed companies, were selected and evaluated. The aim of the thesis was to explore the responsibilities and duties of the S&E Committee; in the South African governance context as well as to assess the usefulness of disclosures made in the integrated reports regarding the social and ethics as part of corporate governance. Content analysis was used to identify the information and an interview was held with the expert in the field of social and ethics governance. Content analysis was used to identify the information and form themes and trends. A checklist was developed and used as an the evaluation tool based on the King III and Companies Act requirements on reporting of social and ethics governance. This checklist may be used as an effective tool by internal audit in carrying out an audit of the social and ethics governance. The results of the analysis were then presented to the expert in the field of social and ethics governance for comments. The results obtained indicate that most JSE listed companies conform to good corporate governance practices. However, there are areas where limited disclosure of information was found to be the case. These include the disclosure of information on sustainability, the information was not consistent and would be less helpful to stakeholders who want to analyse changes in the company‟s performance over time, especially relative to other companies. The information also did not meet the sustainability reporting criteria of sustainability context; the sustainability performance was not presented in the wider context, which limits the significant interpretative value. Future research, with the focus on sectorial disclosures, smaller companies as well as consideration of other sources of social and ethics governance information should be conducted.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An international marketing framework for Ford South Africa in Nigeria
- Authors: Adams, Pedro Duan
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Export marketing -- Cross-cultural studies , Marketing -- Cross-cultural studies , Marketing -- Management -- Cross-cultural studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: , vital:20471
- Description: Africa is seen as the last investment frontier and according to literature will have a GDP of $1.5 trillion by the year 2016 and a population that is double the size of Europe. The rapid expansion of infrastructure and construction in African countries, such as Mozambique and Zambia has increased the demand for commercial vehicles. This has sparked unparalleled marketing opportunities for automotive manufacturers and the continent is fast attracting major players in this sector. The international marketing literature still lacks detailed studies and research into the marketing deliberations and trades in Africa. Therefore, according literature a greater representation of African culture within the international marketing literature would provide relevance and richness in the global market place and offer greater insight to organisations who are seeking to invest and expand their businesses in Africa. The management issue here is to comprehend the diversity and vastness of this region and putting together all spheres to ensure growth and creating brand loyalty. The key challenge here is for management to be able to grasp and understand not only the various cultures but also the way of doing business in such a vastly different region. It is therefore imperative for Ford Motor Company to fully understand these factors so as to take full advantage associated with entering a market early which is commonly referred as first-mover-advantage. A case in point is when General Motors entered the Chinese automotive industry in 1997 when the Chinese market was relatively small. General Motors’ enthusiasm and commitment back in 1997 was driven by a belief that China would ultimately become an economic powerhouse and emerge as one of the world’s largest automotive markets. By the year 2010 China was one of the world’s biggest automotive markets and General Motors was a dominant force in this market. Africa has all the key elements for the growth and development of a robust automotive market. By studying past experiences and outcomes from empirical studies on international marketing with emphasis on the automotive industry, it will be possible to draw lessons and experience about the potential growth of the automotive sector on the African continent. This study will also be of great significance to other automotive manufacturers and suppliers looking to expand their business and market share across Africa due to the increase of the middle class. Therefore creative strategies and thinking of how to circumvent challenges in the African cultural environment, creativity in managing bureaucracy and due diligence about business and investment opportunities will uncover unprecedented volumes of profitable business that lies untapped on the African continent. Data from the quantitative study suggest that culture, political environment, country-of-origin, competition and country infrastructure in Nigeria, are essential factors to the development of a successful international marketing strategy for Ford South Africa. This study therefore concludes that Ford Motor Company of South Africa can utilize this framework in order to gain greater market share and ultimately success in Nigeria. Recommendations were also made for future research studies that can contribute to the international marketing literature with emphasis on the African market.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation into how Grade 10 Physical Sciences learners make sense of resultant vectors
- Authors: Motsilili, Tshepo Elliot
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:20054
- Description: The focus of this study was on how Grade 10 Physical Sciences learners make sense of resultant vectors. During my experience over more than 10 years as a Science teacher in Matatiele in the Eastern Cape Province I found that Grade 10 Physical Sciences learners consistently struggled to work with resultant vectors. Many studies have shown that learners in similar contexts are generally not doing well in Science. An interpretive paradigm was used in this study, focusing on the individual or a specific group in a qualitative case study approach and a social constructivist perspective. The unit of analysis was on how Grade 10 Physical Sciences learners make sense of resultant vectors. A diagnostic test, observation and videotaped lessons, learners’ workbooks, summative test and stimulated recall interviews were used to gather data. The data were analysed inductively using a thematic approach and in relation to the main research question: How do Grade 10 Physical Sciences learners make sense of resultant vectors? The data were validated through watching the videotaped lessons with the teacher who had been observed teaching vectors. Also, transcripts of the interviews and a summary of discussions were given back to the teacher whose learners had been observed to verify the learners’ responses and check for any misconceptions. It was found that linking scientific concepts to learners’ prior knowledge enabled them to learn in a relaxed and non-threatening environment. In doing so, sense making of resultant vectors was possible. The study thus recommends that teachers should be supported in their endeavours to help learners make sense of scientific concepts during teaching and learning situations. Some language related challenges that were also encountered warrant further research.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation into how Grade 8 Natural Sciences learners make sense of chemical reactions during lessons involving familiar resources: a case study
- Authors: Mashozhera, Farasten
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:20051
- Description: My experience of working with science learners for the past 25 years and witnessing their difficulty in comprehending chemical reactions motivated me to investigate how learners make sense of chemical reactions in lessons involving the use of familiar resources. Essentially, this study sought to gain insights into whether engaging learners during practical activities using familiar resources facilitated meaning-making of chemical reactions. There is not much literature on early high school learning of concepts linked to chemical reactions which opened the way for this research. This study was conducted at a public high school comprised of Grades 8-12 (FET band) in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. It is located within the interpretive paradigm. Within this paradigm, both quantitative and qualitative methods were conducted with a Grade 8 Natural Sciences class. Data sets were analysed in relation to the research questions. A variety of data gathering techniques were used, namely diagnostic and summative tests, worksheets and a semistructured interview with a focus group. Both inductive and deductive processes were applied during the data analysis process. The validation process was done through data analysis using mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative), checking transcriptions with the focus group and the use of a research participant. Learners in the focus group verified their responses, checking for any misrepresentations. The main finding of this study is that the use of practical activities, using familiar resources, facilitated learner engagement and meaningful learning. However, this study further revealed that some concepts associated with chemical reactions were challenging to learners. Similarly, that some prior everyday knowledge and experiences that learners bring to the science classroom impede sense-making in Natural Sciences. In addition, the language of learning and teaching (LoLT) and the language of science are other factors impeding sense-making of scientific concepts. It is thus recommended that teachers plan well in order to incorporate the use of practical activities using familiar resources during mediation of learning.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation into how participation in science expo projects influences grade 9 learners’ dispositions towards science learning: a case study
- Authors: Musekiwa, Beatrice K
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:20056
- Description: There has been increasing participation of learners from disadvantaged backgrounds in competitive events like the Eskom Science Expo over the past few years. It is against this backdrop that this study sought to find out how some grade 9 learners’ participation in science expo projects influences their disposition towards science. In the context of this study, disposition refers to how learners view themselves in relation to science learning as a result of participating in science expos. The study is underpinned by an interpretative paradigm and I made use of a qualitative case study. My research participants were five grade 9 learners from two secondary schools in Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. I used observations, semistructured interviews and learners’ journals for my data collection. To analyse the data I used the inductive approach where I made use of themes emerging from the data. The social learning theory described by Vygotsky (1978) is the guiding theory in the research with a focus on mediation of learning and the zone of proximal development (ZPD). The main findings from my study were that indeed participation in science expos does influence the disposition of learners towards science among the grade 9 learners. I also found an improved understanding of scientific concepts as the learners interacted with science in everyday and familiar contexts. Lastly, doing projects that are close to learners’ interests resulted in them enjoying doing science more. The learners’ science expo projects contribution to the Grahamstown community is of no small value, as has already been seen by the achievement of previous participants. The current group is already showing their impact and influence of the science–expo project involvement in terms of their performance in their classrooms and in their awareness of their role as young ‘scientists’. I therefore recommend that more learners be encouraged to take part in such projects as the science-expo projects not only improve learners’ understanding of the subject matter but also encourages a positive shift in their attitude towards science learning. It also enhances their understanding by allowing the young learners to interact with their environment to find solutions to problems that the community might be faced with, for example, water shortages and sustainable development initiations like gardening and the proper use of naturally acquired water resources.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation into instability in post- Gaddafi Libya, Mali and Nigeria: a comparative theoretical approach
- Authors: Chindoga, Melody
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Terrorism Insurgency Terrorism -- Government policy
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sci
- Identifier: , vital:27982
- Description: Since the ousting of Gaddafi from power in 2011, Libya, Mali and Nigeria have experienced high levels of instability. An investigation into the causes of instability is employed in the study to gain insights into the major cause of conflict in post-Gaddafi Libya, Mali and Nigeria. The study considered instability as a consequence of a combination of existing exogenous and endogenous factors which were examined according to various theoretical lenses. A comparative theoretical analysis was used so as to interpret and analyse data. The analysis was subjected to theoretical scrutiny according to four mainstream International Relations theories namely; realism, critical theory, constructivism and the “clash of civilizations” hypothesis, in order to determine whether they could effectively explain post-Gaddafi violence and instability. The research findings revealed that the distinction between internal and external variables is artificial and the various causes cannot be exclusively differentiated from one other. The research also identified constructivism as the best possible explanation of instability in the particular context under investigation, through its recognition of the significance of normative as well as material elements, and the emphasis placed on the role of identity and ideas in shaping political actions.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation into the discursive contructions of childhood masculinity and femininity in BEN 10
- Authors: Gharbaharan, Leah
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: , vital:20477
- Description: This thesis investigates the representation of gendered childhood in popular children’s television series Ben 10. The series focuses on ten year old Ben who is granted alien powers, deciding to use them to protect innocent people from danger. Alongside Ben is his ten year old female cousin, Gwen, presented as his foil and guide throughout the series. As the characters develop the series presents particular gendered ways of performing childhood and adolescence and responses to the challenges of growing up. Before charting the trajectories of masculinity and femininity of the series I provide a theoretical framework drawing on the work of Foucault for his conceptualisation of discourse, discursive regimes and discursive subjects. The discursive approach is further explored by outlining particular concepts posited by Connell and Butler who argue for the discursive construction and performativity of gender. Similarly, I employ a social constructionist approach to childhood, arguing for children as active meaning makers – albeit constrained by broader discourses. They are constantly learning behaviours which shape their social practice, indicating the significance of studies on children’s media. Consistent with a constructivist approach, this study employs a qualitative methodology to undertake a Critical Discourse Analysis of select episodes, also informed by narrative theories. These ideas underpin the textual analysis of each purposively sampled episode of the three series to present the progression of masculinity and femininity from childhood through early and later adolescence through the characters Ben and Gwen. The analysis serves to demonstrate that Rousseau’s gendered notions of childhood still have considerable purchase in the twenty-first century, particularly in relation to the female character. This study’s findings propose a shift in children’s televisual representations to espousing more liberal views of masculinity, wherein boys are permitted space to feel fear and anxiety. Unsurprisingly, the series continues to uphold traditional ideals of heteronormativity and a hegemonic masculinity which uses physicality to demonstrate dominance. Furthermore, despite the modern conception of self-actualising females the series expects its female characters to work doubly hard without fundamentally challenging patriarchal ideals. That conventional, patriarchal gender roles are rehearsed and privileged in this popular series has implications in terms of persistent gender inequalities.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation into the IGR practices in local government planning in the Eastern Cape: A case study of Amathole District Municipality
- Authors: Omoruyi, Uchenna Diamond
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Intergovernmental cooperation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Political participation -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape City planning -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: , vital:30712
- Description: The governance system in post-apartheid South Africa brought about the working together of the three spheres of government, namely, the National, Provincial and Local spheres in a principle of intergovernmental relations underpinned by a system of cooperative government. Cooperative governance is about intergovernmental integration and coordination which sees the three spheres of government working together and functioning in harmony to provide public services and meet the needs of communities effectively and comes together in the integrated development plan (IDP), the key strategic planning instrument at local government level. In developing the IDP’s, the Municipal systems Act requires cooperation between the different spheres of government with the IDP providing the basis for the alignment of policy, planning and budgeting processes across all spheres. The IDP is, therefore, very important to IGR as it is meant to coordinate the programs, plans and projects of national and provincial departments that are to be implemented at local government level. This research, therefore, investigates the IGR practices in local government planning in the Eastern Cape, focusing on the Amathole District Municipality. A qualitative research method was utilized in this study and data was acquired through secondary sources to achieve the aims and objectives of this study. Data that was gathered was analyzed using an analytical framework. The study revealed that although the Amathole District Municipality has IGR structures to coordinate the IDP development process and the involvement of these structures have brought some positive changes to the IDP process; however, there are challenges that are still crippling the process, thereby, leaving much to be desired. Consequently, recommendations based on the findings were offered.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation into the interaction effects of simultaneous physical and cognitive task execution on performance, perceptual and physical responses
- Authors: Ross, Natalie
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20525
- Description: Many modern day work environments require some degree of dual tasking, particularly the simultaneous performance of cognitive jobs alongside physical activity. The nature of such tasks is often job dependent and may require cognitive functions such as perception, decision making, memory, or response selection/execution in conjunction to task specific physical requirements. Previous research has indicated a possible relationship between concurrent physical and cognitive demands and task performance, safety and efficiency. However, this research is limited and inconsistent. The current study aimed to identify the interaction, if any, between concurrent physical and mental demands, and determine the impact of sensory modality and stage of information processing on this interaction, with specific focus on the performance, perceptual and physical responses during different types of cognitive tasks performed concurrently with a lifting task. 20 (10 male, 10 female) Rhodes University students participated in this study. Each participant performed 9 test conditions - a physical lifting task, a visual and an auditory memory task, and a visual and an auditory decision making task in isolation, as well as the lifting task concurrently with each of these cognitive tasks. Performance was recorded via accuracy and work output of cognitive tasks and the number of lifts for each condition. Perceptual measures were obtained via the Borg RPE and Subjective Workload Assessment Technique. Spinal kinematics were measured using the Lumbar Motion Monitor, while muscle activity of the Erector Spinae, Rectus Abdominis, Rectus Femoris and Biceps Femoris muscles were recorded using the Biometrix Data Logger surface EMG equipment. Mean results were analysed using a dependent T-test to observe any general interaction, and a Two-way ANOVA for the impact of sensory modality and stage of processing. Individual responses were also considered to gain better understanding of both intra and inter-human variability under the various test conditions. Results showed a significant decrease in cognitive performance, increased perception of physical effort, time pressure, mental effort and psychological stress under simultaneous physical and mental demands, while no significant differences in physical responses were observed. Further observations included increased dual-task interference during visual and decision-making tasks when combined with physical demands compared to that of auditory and memory tasks respectively. Individual responses showed large variability between individuals indicating the presence of positive, negative and non-responders to concurrent physical and mental demands. Results therefore imply an individual specific interaction between concurrent physical and mental demands that may or may not be detrimental to worker productivity, job error, injury rates and worker well-being, and that the type of cognitive task performed may impact this interaction.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation into the prevalence and growth of phishing attacks against South African financial targets
- Authors: Lala, Darshan Magan
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: , vital:20379
- Description: Phishing in the electronic communications medium is the act of sending unsolicited email messages with the intention of masquerading as a reputed business. The objective is to deceive the recipient into divulging personal and sensitive information such as bank account details, credit card numbers and passwords. Attacks against financial services are the most common types of targets for scammers. Phishing attacks in South Africa have cost businesses and consumers substantial amounts of financial loss. This research investigated existing literature to understand the basic concepts of email, phishing, spam and how these fit together. The research also looks into the increasing growth of phishing worldwide and in particular against South African targets. A quantitative study is performed and reported on; this involves the study and analysis of phishing statistics in a data set provided by the South African Anti-Phishing Working Group. The data set contains phishing URL information, country code where the site has been hosted, targeted company name, IP address information and timestamp of the phishing site. The data set contains 161 different phishing targets. The research primarily focuses on the trend in phishing attacks against six South African based financial institutions, but also correlates this with the overall global trend using statistical analysis. The results from the study of the data set are compared to existing statistics and literature regarding the prevalence and growth of phishing in South Africa. The question that this research answers is whether or not the prevalence and growth of phishing in South Africa correlates with the global trend in phishing attacks. The findings indicate that certain correlations exist between some of the South African phishing targets and global phishing trends.
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- Date Issued: 2016
An investigation into the promotion and development of awareness intergenerational transmission of prejudice in adolescents
- Authors: Vermaas, Shanna Maureen
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Adolescence , Bibliotherapy for teenagers , Prejudices
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: , vital:21302
- Description: South Africa is a country where those who were oppressed in the past are trying to live in a society with their former oppressors. The youth of today appear to be carrying the anger, fears and uncertainties of the past. This could be the result of intergenerational transmission of prejudice, whereby memories of experiences, fears, anger and levels of anxiety may be absorbed by the next generation. The purpose of this study was to develop and implement an intervention programme that could assist adolescent learners in making their own informed decisions, despite the influences of the intergenerational transmission of prejudice. This was achieved by combining three theories, namely the transgenerational theory, historical trauma and social learning theory, with the principles of bibliotherapy. The research conducted was based in the interpretive paradigm, with the study methodology being qualitative in nature. The research design implemented was a case study. Data generation was achieved by utilising a variety of methods, namely open-ended questions, small focus groups and reflection journals. Analysis of the data was accomplished by applying a thematic analysis approach. The sample for this study was selected from a local, government high school and the participants consisted of a group of Grade 10 learners, who all held leadership positions in the school. The purpose of this study was achieved by utilising the principles of bibliotherapy to inform a programme to develop awareness of intergenerational transmission of prejudice. This was then combined with the principles of bibliotherapy, with scenarios taken from the animated film, The Land Before Time, to further assist in creating awareness and a better understanding of the intergenerational transmission of knowledge. Finally, the programme was used to equip the participants with the tools needed, to transfer what they had learnt from the programme to decisions they would need to make in their daily lives. This study has shown that the principles of bibliotherapy can be used to promote and develop awareness of intergenerational transmission of prejudice in adolescent learners.
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- Date Issued: 2016