A comparative analysis of mobile application development frameworks: A case study of mobile application development for water usage management in Alice and Fort Beaufort communities
- Authors: Manu, Kwabena
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Mobile communication systems Cell phones Cloud computing
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc. (Computer Science)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/14130 , vital:39853
- Description: Mobile phones have become an integral part of standard of living. Users and customers expect sensible and very useful applications in less time. In this competitive market, it is an enormous challenge to develop high performance mobile applications that might meet the expectations of end users. Despite the fact that development of new applications for each mobile operating system in short time is fairly an issue, mobile operating systems vendors are giving their best available resources for creating applications in additional convenient ways. These days, there is a common tendency to look for less complex and quicker solutions that could be used in the process of software development. Developers of a new mobile application have to undertake variety of selections and decisions, including the target platform as well as the development technology to utilize. Mobile application development frameworks contribute in solving this problem. Several frameworks have emerged, which we classify and evaluate their appropriateness. In order to compare existing development frameworks solutions in this research, we compiled a set of criteria to assess mobile application development approaches. In view on these criteria, we evaluated five frameworks that is, PhoneGap, Xamarin, App Inventor, Sencha Touch and DragonRad. For proof of concepts, the chosen framework from the five evaluated mobile development frameworks was used to develop application for water usage management. The research will equip mobile application developers to gain more insight into mobile development frameworks available, therefore helping them to choose the most appropriate framework for their project.
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A critical analysis of the influence of media reporting on xenophobic behaviours among students in selected South African universities
- Authors: Mgogo, Quatro
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Reporters and reporting Xenophobia -- South Africa Universities and colleges -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17495 , vital:41081
- Description: A number of theoretical and empirically proven studies have shown that the media exert varying degree of influence on audience members. The South African media framing and coverage of foreign nationals is a good example of this. Media critics and scholars hold that the way and manner foreign nationals are represented in South African media landscape contributes to the endemic xenophobic outbreaks in the country. (Endong, 2018; George & Aidoo, 2017). This study aims to critically analyse the influence of media reporting on xenophobic behaviours among students in selected South African universities. Part of its aim is to assert if there exist xenophobic behaviours among students learning in South African universities, which are influenced by the manner in which media reports have stigmatised foreign nationals. Therefore, this study looked at three South African universities, namely the University of Fort Hare, Alice campus, the University of KwaZulu Natal, Howard college campus and the University of Johannesburg, Soweto campus. Data for the study were collected using the qualitative methods, particularly the focus groups discussions and in-depth interviews. The findings of this study have revealed that xenophobic behaviours were evident among students, in lecture-rooms, as well as student residences. The participants also confirmed that the media’s focus and reliance on negative stereotypes and generalized information when representing foreign nationals were the main contributing factors to xenophobic behaviours, including its previous adopting of the words like Amakwerekwere, Aliens and Amagrigamba. In an attempt to discourage xenophobic behaviours, this study has therefore recommended peace journalism and Ubuntu journalism as alternative models for reporting xenophobic violence and conflict.
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A critical assessment of the implementation of community development projects in mitigating youth unemployment: A case of Mashonaland West province Zimbabwe
- Authors: Mafa, Dennyford
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Economic development projects -- Evaluation Poverty -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17473 , vital:41079
- Description: The aim of the study was to critically assess the implementation of community development projects in mitigating youth unemployment in Mashonaland province of Zimbabwe. The study used the mixed method which dwells beneath a social phenomenon in order to draw substantiated findings. Data was collected using three method and these include, individual face-to- face interviews, focus group discussion and questionnaire administered to youth, government officials and the local authorities. The study was underpinned by the asset based community development theory and sustainable livelihood approach. Findings highlighted that the participants and the respondents meet the characteristics and criterion for selected community development projects aimed at mitigating youth unemployment. The study revealed that there has been lack on youth involvement in the planning and initiation of the youth community development projects which aim to mitigate youth unemployment and poverty eradication. It has been found out that the implementation process of the youth community development projects was surrounded by lack of knowledge and lack of the involvement of the youths, which resulted in the failure of mitigating youth unemployment and eradication of poverty. Although accessibility (to youth) of these community development projects was for all the community youth who were unemployed, it emerged that the access was not as indicated due to factors like, lack of funding, partisan distribution of resources. The study also realized that due to lack of involvement and proper implementation, the youth community development projects were not sustainable, which was evidenced by the high rate of youth unemployment and poverty levels. Furthermore, the study revealed that effectiveness of youth community development projects in v alleviating youth unemployment in the province has also been marred with pitfalls. Thus, there has been an increase of youth unemployment and poverty. Last but not least, the findings of the study revealed that there were a couple of challenges, which are rooted in partnerships, lack of youth inclusion and involvement, as well lack of involvement of other stakeholders with expertise on implementation of youth community development projects to eradicate poverty and alleviate youth unemployment. Regardless of the brilliant ideas and strategic interventions, the government lacks the practicality of the implementation of these intervention strategies. The study found that interventions were there. However, intervention entails a process which has different facets and obligates the government to function systematically to avoid default in the process of service delivery. It is recommended amongst others that the government and various stakeholders should take cognizance and develop mechanisms and strategies for poverty alleviation, growth, development and employment creation for the youth.
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A Financial Sustainability Model for the South African Local Government
- Authors: Mhlanga, Shepherd
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Local government -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Finance Municipal finance -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , D.Admin
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/13715 , vital:39699
- Description: Local government financial sustainability leverages a local municipality’s capabilities to conceptualize and implement an array of its developmental programmes. This thesis evaluates the state of the initiatives for bolstering financial sustainability in the increasingly complex contemporary South African local government sphere. The motive of the study was to identify major paradoxes and a local government financial sustainability model that could be extracted and suggested for mitigating such constraints. Using a meta-synthesis as a principal technique in content analysis, findings revealed that major determinants of local government financial sustainability are often linked to the application of the four-step’s processes in strategic cyclical financial sustainability framework and three foundational constructs for financial sustainability management. The four-step’s processes in strategic cyclical financial sustainability framework were found to aid environmental analysis, identification of the sources of revenues and revenue generation, managing the utilization of the generated revenues and monitoring and evaluation. As it emerged from the findings, these positive effects of strategic cyclical financial sustainability framework are often illuminated by three foundational constructs for financial sustainability that leverage financial risk management, governance and leadership. However, in lieu of the application of relevant mitigating strategies, it also emerged from the analysis of the findings that initiatives that bolster financial sustainability may still be constrained by poor analysis and identification of the level of financial sustainability maturity. Other paradoxes were found to be linked to lack of suitable government financing models, poor strategic financial planning and budgeting as well as lack of effective models for managing equity. However, even in the midst of such paradoxes, findings still indicated that the concept of financial sustainability is a notion which is increasingly being emphasized by the South African local government sphere. To leverage municipal financial sustainability, most municipalities were found to use financial sustainability models and methods such as central financial grant system, SALGA’s model for financial sustainability, investment in revenue-generating activities and managing municipal operational efficiency as a driver of cost 4 | P a g e minimisation. However, despite such significant strides, findings still revealed that even with various socio-economic initiatives undertaken to leverage financial sustainability of the South African local government, the state of financial sustainability in the South African local government sphere seems to be at risk as viewed from such issues as compliance, systematic and strategic levels. As it emerged from the findings, this is attributable to the fact that most initiatives for improving financial sustainability in the South African local government are often still constrained by inadequate municipal capacity, limited income-generating activities, deficient local government procurement system and poor leadership and governance. Such findings seem consonant with theoretical findings that signified the major paradoxes of financial sustainability in the contemporary public sector organisations are often associated with poor analysis and identification of the level of financial sustainability maturity, lack of suitable government financing models, poor strategic financial planning and budgeting and lack of effective models for managing equity. Drawing from these findings, it is argued it is critical that the Department of Local Government adopts and applies the local government financial sustainability model akin to the conceptual model suggested in Figure 1. The application of such a model would require integration and use of the four main pillars (strategic financial planning, income diversification, sound financial administration and management, and own income generation) for local government financial sustainability, three foundational constructs (financial risk management, financial governance and financial ethical leadership) for local government financial sustainability, and three foundational nonfinancial constructs (political stability, fiscal and economic stability, forecasting and sensing to mitigate the devastating negative effects of natural calamities and disaster) for local government financial sustainability. It was further argued that all these must be accompanied by measurement of the overall maturity of the financial sustainability of the local municipality using four perspectives (liquidity, resilience, service and fiscal responsibility and public confidence) of local government financial sustainability in conjunction with the five spectrums (at risk, compliance-based, incremental, strategic and systematic) of local government financial sustainability.
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A Model for Intrusion Detection in IoT using Machine Learning
- Authors: Nkala, Junior Ruddy
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Internet of things
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Computer Science )
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17180 , vital:40863
- Description: The Internet of Things is an open and comprehensive global network of intelligent objects that have the capacity to auto-organize, share information, data and resources. There are currently over a billion devices connected to the Internet, and this number increases by the day. While these devices make our life easier, safer and healthier, they are expanding the number of attack targets vulnerable to cyber-attacks from potential hackers and malicious software. Therefore, protecting these devices from adversaries and unauthorized access and modification is very important. The purpose of this study is to develop a secure lightweight intrusion and anomaly detection model for IoT to help detect threats in the environment. We propose the use of data mining and machine learning algorithms as a classification technique for detecting abnormal or malicious traffic transmitted between devices due to potential attacks such as DoS, Man-In-Middle and Flooding attacks at the application level. This study makes use of two robust machine learning algorithms, namely the C4.5 Decision Trees and K-means clustering to develop an anomaly detection model. MATLAB Math Simulator was used for implementation. The study conducts a series of experiments in detecting abnormal data and normal data in a dataset that contains gas concentration readings from a number of sensors deployed in an Italian city over a year. Thereafter we examined the classification performance in terms of accuracy of our proposed anomaly detection model. Results drawn from the experiments conducted indicate that the size of the training sample improves classification ability of the proposed model. Our findings noted that the choice of discretization algorithm does matter in the quest for optimal classification performance. The proposed model proved accurate in detecting anomalies in IoT, and classifying between normal and abnormal data. The proposed model has a classification accuracy of 96.51% which proved to be higher compared to other algorithms such as the Naïve Bayes. The model proved to be lightweight and efficient in-terms of being faster at training and testing as compared to Artificial Neural Networks. The conclusions drawn from this research are a perspective from a novice machine learning researcher with valuable recommendations that ensure optimal classification of normal and abnormal IoT data.
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A model for secure and usable passphrases for multilingual users
- Authors: Maoneke, Pardon Blessings
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Computers -- Access control -- Passwords Computer security
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Information Systems)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/12571 , vital:39289
- Description: Research on more than 100 million passwords that have been leaked to the public domain has uncovered various security limitations associated with user-generated short passwords. Long passwords (passphrases) are considered an alternative solution that could provide a balance between security and usability. However, the literature shows a lack of consistency in the security and usability contributions of passphrases. For example, studies that investigated passphrase security focusing on structural dependencies at character level found passphrases to be secure. Inversely, other research findings suggest that passphrase security could be compromised by the use of predictable grammatical rules, popular words in a natural language and keyboard patterns. This is further exacerbated by research on passphrases that is focused on the Global North. This is a huge concern given that results from inter-cultural studies suggest that local languages do influence password structure and to some extent, password usability and security. To address these gaps in the literature, this study used socio-technical theory which emphasised both the social and technical aspects of the phenomenon under study. Psychological studies show that the memory has limited capacity, something that threatens password usability; hence, the need to utilise information that is already known during password generation. Socio-cultural theory suggests that the information that is already known by users is contextually informed, hence sociocultural theory was applied to understand the contextual factors that could be used to enhance passphrase security and usability. With reference to the Southern African context, this study argues that system designers should take advantage of a multilingual user group and encourage the generation of passphrases that are based on substrings from different languages. This study went on to promote the use of multilingual passphrases instead of emphasising multi-character class passwords. This study was guided by design science research. Participants were invited to take part in a short password and multilingual passphrase generation and recall experiment that was made available using a web-based application. These passwords were generated by participants under pre-specified conditions. Quantitative and qualitative data was gathered. The study findings showed the use of both African and Indo-European languages in multilingual passphrases and short passwords. English oriented passwords and substrings dominated the multilingual passphrase and short password corpora. In addition, some of the short passwords and substrings in the multilingual passphrase corpora were found among the most common passwords of 2016, 2017 and 2018. Usability tests showed that multilingual passphrases are usable, even though they were not easy to create and recall when compared to short passwords. A high rate of password reuse during short password generation by participants might have worked in favour of short passwords. Nonetheless, participants appear to reflect better usability with multilingual passphrases over time due to repeated use. Females struggled to recall short passwords and multilingual passphrases when compared to their male counterparts. Security tests using the Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar suggest that short passwords are weaker, with just more than 50% of the short passwords being guessed, while none 4 Final Submission of Thesis, Dissertation or Research Report/Project, Conference or Exam Paper of the multilingual passphrases were guessed. Further analysis showed that short passwords that were oriented towards an IndoEuropean language were more easily guessed than African language-oriented short passwords. As such, this study encourages orienting passwords towards African languages while the use of multilingual passphrases is expected to offer more security. The use of African languages and multilingual passphrases by a user group that is biased towards English-oriented passwords could enhance security by increasing the search space.
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A phenomenological study on the experiences of adults, in Nongoma KwaZulu Natal who headed households in their childhood
- Authors: Buthelezi, Nondumiso
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Orphanages Households
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSoc. Sci (Psychology)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17652 , vital:41132
- Description: The aim of this study was to explore the lived experiences of adults who headed households in their childhood. The phenomenon of child-headed households is intricate and multidimensional. Not only does it have implications on the family system, it also impacts on the community and has insightful consequences for the welfare of children, as well as the realisation of their rights. The rationale for the study was to explore the phenomena of child-headed households from a reflective perspective, from previous child headers of households. In order to carry out this aim, the researcher utilised the systems theory, kinship theory, as well as the African philosophy of Ubuntu to anchor the study. Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used as a qualitative research methodology in this study. Data was generated through in-depth semi-structured interviews with the four purposively selected participants. The interviews with the participants were recorded and further transcribed verbatim. The IPA data analysis, as set out by Jonathan Smith, was applied manually to the transcribed extracts. The findings of the study indicated that headers of child households face challenges related to psychological well-being, emotional well-being as well as educational difficulties. It is recommended that government strengthen policies that will support and protect children who are heading families
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A Sociological Investigation on the Influence of Gender Inequality in Agricultural Development: A Study of Koloni village, Raymond Mhlaba Municipality.
- Authors: Mxoli, Aviwe
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Agricultural productivity
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSoc (Sociology)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/16373 , vital:40713
- Description: This study investigates the influence of gender inequality in agricultural development in Koloni village, Raymond Mhlaba Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa. The study explored the views of the agricultural active individual on the influence of gender inequality in agricultural development. Likewise, the study investigated the causes of gender inequality in agricultural productivity in the study area. Moreover, this study examined how gender inequality affect sale of agricultural production in Koloni Village. The study used theory triangulation and was guided by three theories namely: Women’s Empowerment Theory, Feminist Agrifood Systems Theory and the Agrarian Feminist Theory. The study used both quantitative and qualitative research methods embedded in pragmatic ontological and epistemological inquiry. Data collection process included the use of survey questionnaires, semi structured in-depth interviews and focus groups. The targeted participants of the study were obtained using non-probability sampling procedure. The quantitative data gathered were analysed using descriptive statistics, while the qualitative data were processed with the use of content analysis and the research findings are presented using sided by side comparison. The key findings of the study indicate that women do not reach their full potential in agriculture, owing to women’s lack of skill crucial in agriculture. Furthermore, gender inequality jeopardizes women’s chances of benefiting from workshops and trainings and that consequently affects women’s skills essential for agricultural production. The study concluded that gender inequality hinders agricultural development in Koloni village, Raymond Mhlaba municipality, South Africa. The findings of this study indicated that more women engage in agricultural activities than men nonetheless ii patriarchal systems within the agricultural sector that marginalises women is still dominant in Koloni village.
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A systematic review on contributing factors leading to prison (Correctional Service) escapes.
- Authors: Nunze, Ncediswa
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Prisoners -- South Africa Escapes -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSoc. Sci (Criminology)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/16506 , vital:40726
- Description: The study presents a systematic literature on contributing factors leading to prison escape. The purpose of this study is to systematically review the contributing factors that are associated with escape from correctional centre. Objectives of the study: To investigate the impact of social and cultural dynamics and triggers that motivates inmates to escape from correctional centre e.g. the internal factors and the external factors and to establish prevention strategies to deal with escapes. Method: Secondary data was employed in the study. The researcher collected the data using qualitative approach from different sources, including newspaper, prison journals, articles and the data that was originally collected for other research purposes on prison escape, both internationally and nationally. Specific data within the studies and articles is used to determine the contributing factors leading to prison escape. Data was analysed using thematic analysis. Findings: External factors such as: (family problems, missing family, the external environment and contact with the external environment, residency, loss loved ones, loss of liberty and lack of stimulation and loss of control), and internal factors such as: structural factors (e.g., crowding and size of prison, transfers, loss of security); management practices (e.g., management style, staff culture, inadequate institutional management); and environmental influences (e.g., alcohol and drug abuse, institutional crisis situations, parole problems, institutional misconduct and punishment, institutional programs, violence in prison (vulnerability to violence and gang related), limitation of goods and services, limitation of autonomy, sexual deprivation, inadequate facilities, unnatural environmental conditions are contributing factors leading to prison escapes. Conclusion: The more closely the conditions of imprisonment approximate those normally seen outside, the better the inmates can learn to survive without resorting to criminal. This allows them to also learn the ways that will help them survive outside the correctional centre and function as normal citizens. More opportunities must be created for inmates to pursue a meaningful life in prison and the existing programmes should be continuously checked if they are being practised properly. Encourage inmates to keep contact with relatives and mends so that they do not lose contact with the outside world. Correctional staff and administrators pay close attention to the policies and practices for circumstances in which violence is likely to occur, such as during inmate transport.
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Acculturation and Coming of age in female African writing; a Freudian psychoanalysis of Tsitsi Dangarembga’s Nervous Conditions and Chimamada Adichie’s Purple Hibiscus
- Authors: Abiodun, Adedoyin Catherine
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: African literature (English)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/16274 , vital:40704
- Description: This study explores Acculturation and Coming of age not only as a social process but also a psychological one. The constructs are examined in line with Freudian psychoanalytic theory. The study focuses on migrant inclination of two female African writers, Tsitsi Dangarembga and Chimamanda Adichie in Nervous Conditions and Purple Hibiscus respectively. Through the study, it is discovered that acculturation involves both cultural and psychological change or adaptation and failure in either can result in trauma or produce socially imbalanced individuals. In other to have a healthy coming of age, family and the home status play a very significant role in the totality of an individual and also serves as a microcosm of social and political milieu. Also, the study in the course of the study, we discover there is no ‘authentic African culture’, culture is non-static and so, the study also discusses culture as being transnational and translational. The writers’ consciousness of space and place in their writing through reminiscent times of childhood play significant roles. Childhood figures are constructed in a matrix of concrete memories, spaces, places and times that play a significant role in the production of meanings of their migrant identities. The study identifies ways in which female socialisation further enhances her marginalisation in the society and how the family in the African setting as an ideological state apparatus contributes in ensuring the marginalised position of women. The authors being studied interrogate methods of raising children among African families in contemporary society
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Adoption and risk of mobile financial services: a case of some selected municipalities in Eastern Cape Province
- Authors: Aderibigbe, Ifeoluwa A.I
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Mobile commerce Finance
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom (Economics)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/13281 , vital:39630
- Description: The study investigated risk and adoption of mobile financial services among some users in selected municipalities within the Eastern Cape Province, using the theory of reason action, technology acceptance model and the theory of expected utility and risk aversion to explain the variables. Moreover, the explanatory research design and quantitative data collection approach formed the methodology adopted in the study. In addition, a validated semistructured interview questionnaire was used as a research instrument in the study. The multistage, stratify, purposive and convenience sampling techniques were applied to select 6 research sites and 386 research participants for the study. Three research objectives were stated and tested using descriptive, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to profile the risk and logit regression statistics. The results of statistical analysis show different level of cross tabulation between MFS and education level, all the 6 different locations, individual age range, job type, and average income of individual. Analysis revealed that age and income level of individuals have the highest relationship with the use of MFS. The statistical analysis used was the logistic regression. Pool of effort of all the stake holders in financial services sector should focus on including the low income earners and the technology should be simple enough for the use of the older generation.
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Adult circumcision practices of traditional surgeons and nurses in relation to the initiates’ health outcomes/morbidity in the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Dalasa, Siyamthemba
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Circumcision -- Social aspects
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCur
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17029 , vital:40834
- Description: BACKGROUND Despite the adverse outcomes associated with traditional male circumcision, the practice remains prevalent, especially in the Eastern Cape, South, Africa. This study seeks to assess the practices of traditional surgeons and nurses in relation to the prevention and control of infections and their understanding of human physiological mechanisms during circumcision processes. METHOD This study has adopted a qualitative design, which involved conducting 115 semistructured interviews among traditional surgeons, traditional nurses and traditionally circumcised men, and one focus group discussion among traditional nurses. The data generated were transcribed and subjected to thematic content analysis. RESULTS The analysis revealed that both traditional surgeons and nurses demonstrated both poor aseptic techniques and a lack of knowledge of how the human body functions. Their lack of knowledge of basic human physiology meant that they trivialised sepsis in the penile wound. In addition, the seclusion lodges for circumcision and initiates living were unclean and uninhabitable. CONCLUSION The poor aseptic techniques of traditional surgeons and nurses, as well as the uncleanliness of their environment during traditional male circumcision procedures, could expose initiates to infections and morbidity. Environmental health officers should regularly supervise traditional surgeons and nurses in order to prevent the adverse health outcomes associated with the traditional male circumcision practice.
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Aeolian processes and landforms at Mesrug on sub-Antarctic Marion Island
- Authors: Nguna, Abuyiselwe Athandile
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Eolian processes Sediments (Geology)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17095 , vital:40848
- Description: Recent observations have recognised the increasing role of aeolian processes as a geomorphic agent on sub-Antarctic Marion Island. This study presents the first long-term data on aeolian processes and dynamics at Mesrug (46° 56’ 41”S; 37° 49’ 59”E) on subAntarctic Marion Island. An intensive and high-resolution (five-minute interval) environmental monitoring campaign was initiated using Pace Scientific XR5 data loggers while aeolian transported sediments were collected using Big Spring Number Eight (BSNE) sediment traps at four different heights above the ground. The aeolian features at Mesrug is identified as mega-ripples and is essentially an erosional feature, while annual sediment flux at 0.05 m height were calculated as 2.29 kg cm-2 y -1 . Spatial data based on a two-year survey showed that the entire surface of the study area have lowered by deflation while the ripples shifted slightly eastward (down-wind). Furthermore, the site lost 3.4 m3 of sediment between these two surveys with an average of 0.75 cm per 1 m2 across the site which has an area of 454 m2 . The study suggest that the relatively large particle size of surface sediments on Marion Island is a major contributor to the low annual aeolian sediment flux. From the AWS data it is clear that high wind speeds are frequent at Mesrug and the high wind speeds facilitating sediment movement. Sediment supply is the limiting factor of aeolian sediment transport, but even though the perennial wetness experienced on the island is not a major limiting factor to sediment flux, it may influence rate of movement. The predominant wind direction at the study site is from the south-west but maximum wind velocities are from the north-west. The data from the wind-aspirated BSNE sediment traps, indicate that sediment movement occurs closest to the surface and weight of sediment moved as well as size of particles decreases vertically in the air column. It seems that the upper limit of aeolian sediment transport at Mesrug is 0.8 m above the ground and saltation of particles is the dominant aeolian transport mechanism. Sediment movement occur in near gale to gale force winds and horizontal precipitation. This is mainly associated with strong north-westerly winds which are linked to a frontal system from a mid-latitudinal cyclone that has a strong meridional component or is a cut of low pressure. The data suggest that the climate change implication of a reduction in the westerly component of wind could reduce wind speeds and this could influence the magnitude and frequency of aeolian sediment transport on Marion Island in the future
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Afro-communitarianism, social architecture, and the moral education of children as strategies for social integration in South Africa
- Authors: Ofana , Diana E
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Social integration
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M.A
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17674 , vital:41135
- Description: South African society has long been bedeviled by racial segregation and oppression. Apartheid policies structured South Africa in a segregated and hierarchical manner to prevent inter-group contact and relations. Despite twenty-five years of a democratic dispensation and the many positive institutional and policy changes it has provided, South Africans are still struggling to build an integrated society of equals. This thesis uses Afro-communitarianism as a framework to analyse this challenge of continued racial segregation in post-Apartheid South Africa, and to provide tools to encourage integration. Afro-communitarianism holds that the essence of the human person is incomplete without the recognition of one’s nature as one amongst others. Afro-communitarianism emphasizes deep communal relationships between individuals and their community, it conceptualizes a person as only truly a person in relation to others. Drawing from this core idea, this thesis develops a conception of personhood as complementary. Complementary personhood argues that no human person is self-sufficient, and as such a mutual complementarity between and amongst them serves to positively enhance the quality of one’s social, moral, political, and existential realities. An Afro-communitarian understanding of integration is built upon this mutual complementarity, and as such focuses on the need for interaction, relationship, and communal space. The thesis develops this Afro-communitarian concept of social integration and uses it as a framework to identify the core relational problem underlying racial tensions in contemporary South Africa. I argue that my Afro-communitarian account of complementary personhood provides us with two mutually reinforcing strategies to respond to this core relational problem. First, I present 4 an account of Afro-communitarian social architecture which prioritizes communal engagement through the creation of communal spaces that promote humane relationships. Second, I argue for an Afro-communitarian understanding of moral education that is centred on instilling communal values and a complementary understanding of personhood. Together, these two strategies provide resources toward developing a new and innovative path toward an integrated South Africa.
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Agriculture vocational education programme and the promotion of job creation skills in the Free State technical vocational education and training college
- Authors: Thwala, William Mandla
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Vocational education Technical education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Education)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/16698 , vital:40762
- Description: The aim of the study was to investigate agriculture educational programme and the promotion of job creation skills in the OFS FET College. The interpretivism paradigm and design approach were adopted in this qualitative research. The sample consisted of three final year students, three facilitators and one coordinator. The non-probability and purposive sampling techniques was used for the qualitative research. The qualitative data was descriptive, and thematically analysed. The study found that there is a big demand for agricultural professional in South Africa but very few are choosing this career. The quality of education in agricultural sector is not where it should be. The demand for skilled people in the sector is growing, while the number of students enrolling in agriculture-related training continues to decrease. Africa’s agricultural education is failing to produce a new wave of farmers. The study found that FET colleges did not train and provide enough skills to students to enhance development in agriculture sectors and therefore make students non-productive at labour market. The study also found that the FET colleges had left a trail of low skills, partially educated and jobless youth behind. The study also found that the curriculum tended to be outmoded, irrelevant to adequately address the challenges facing modern agriculture .The curriculum still focused on farm production rather than encompassing all segments of agricultural value chains, entrepreneurship, and agriculture business processing market. Agriculture forms the basic food security of every country .It contributes a large proportion of gross domestic product in many developing countries and is the source of income and subsistence for many of the poorest and most vulnerable individuals and households.
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Amaranth (Amaranthus cruentus) growth and nutritional contents as affected by nitrogen and potassium fertiliser and plant density
- Authors: Mamvura, Luckmore
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Weeds -- Control -- Management
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17249 , vital:40869
- Description: The research was conducted to determine the response of amaranth growth and development to different rates of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer, the effect of plant density on herbage yield and weed management, effect of leaf age and stems on nutritional value of amaranths. The research was conducted at the University of Fort Hare Research Farm and University of Fort Hare glasshouse. For the fertilizer trial, a 4 x 3 factorial experiment: nitrogen at four levels (50kg/ha; 100kg/ha; 150kg/ha; 200kg/ha) and potassium at three levels (50kg/ha; 75kg/ha; 100kg/ha) was applied. Phosphorus was applied at 50kg/ha. The experiment was laid as randomised complete block design (RCBD) with 4 blocks (replication). The results showed that application of nitrogen and potassium treatments significantly (P < 0.05) increased plant height, stem girth and number of leaves per plant which in turn increased the crop economic leaf vegetative yield. The results also showed that at high rates of nitrogen and potassium, high vegetative yields were achieved in most cases. There was no interaction (P < 0.05) between nitrogen and potassium. Second experiment, the twelve treatments used in fertilizer trial were imposed under four different amaranth plant densities (1 200 000, 1400 000, 1600 000 and 1800 000 pph) at field level to find out growth and development performance of amaranth. In addition, at the same time investigating the effectiveness of plant density on weeds management using split plot design. The different planting densities were allocated to the main plots laid-out in RCBD. The results showed that there was no significant difference (P < 0.05) on the number of weeds under four plant densities. The results showed that different plant densities did not prevent weeds germination but the amaranths tolerate the negative effects of weeds. The nutritional analysis results showed that amaranth synthesised close to above recommended nutritional level despite different treatments applied. The third experiment: stems, lower and upper leaves were harvested separately and their nutritional composition was analysed. The results showed that the nutritional composition of stems, lower leaves and upper leaves were significantly different (P < 0.05) in most cases. Lower leaves dominated nutritional content for: crude protein crude fibre, carbohydrates, and calcium. The stems recorded least nutritional content on crude protein, crude fat, carbohydrates, calcium, potassium and sodium
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An Analysis of Career Discourses in Life Orientation Textbooks of Eastern Cape Schools
- Authors: Du Toit , Julie
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Life skills Vocational guidance
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSoc. Sci (Psychology)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/17580 , vital:41101
- Description: Life Orientation (LO) was introduced in schools by the new ANC government post 1994. Its introduction provided a platform to re-introduce career guidance to learners in schools with the aim of assisting them in making well-versed choices regarding their prospective careers and the subject selections pertaining to them (Department of Basic Education, 2011). Although no previous studies in the LO arena have focused on career discourses, previous literature on career discourses, in general, suggests that the models and theories still employed today have been heavily influenced by Western individualistic values. This has been found to create a disconnect between the South African subjects and the context they exist in, rendering these discourses unable to provide substantive assistance in the career decision making process. This study seeks to determine whether the career discourses located in the selected texts speak to the subjectivity and agency of the learner to make informed decisions. The current study examined the career discourses present in the LO textbooks utilised in Eastern Cape schools. The study sampled LO textbooks from Grades 10-12, as this group of learners are preparing to make critical further studying and career decisions and require guidance in their decision making process. A social constructionist lens was applied to the study by means of a Foucauldian Discourse Analysis, making use of Willig’s (2013) six step process as a reference. Dominant discourses of the objective self, neoliberal self and the transitioning adolescent were uncovered in the texts, which suggests that, rather than challenge the dominant discourses that have prevailed in career theory and practice, the LO careers curriculum further reinforces them.
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An Appraisal of South Africa’s Counter Terrorism Architecture Since 2001
- Authors: Mato, Myalezo
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Terrorism
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSoc. Sci (Political Studies)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/16485 , vital:40724
- Description: The main aim of this study is to appraise South Africa’s counter-terrorism architecture since 2001. The period from 2001 is chosen because it marked the beginning of the global war on terror following the 9/11 attacks in the United States. The study employs both primary and secondary sources of data to achieve its objectives. Samuel Huntington’s Clash of Civilizations theory is used as a model in studying the possibility of the occurrence of terrorism in South Africa. The study found out that porous borders, lack of public trust in law enforcement agencies, corruption and other factors create fertile grounds for the outbreak of terrorism in South Africa. It also reveals some challenges that are faced by the South African counter-terrorism structures in their quest to combat and prevent terrorist activities in the country. The study recommends amongst others for the creation of a department of Border Management to properly manage the state of porous borders in South Africa as this is one of the main factors that may give rise to terrorism in the country.
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An Assessment of Control Systems in Asset Management at the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services, Eastern Cape Province
- Authors: Dobela,Yola Colleen
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Asset management accounts
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MPA
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/13337 , vital:39635
- Description: The aim of this study is to assess control systems in asset management at the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services. It seeks to establish how control systems are used as asset management tools for financial reporting and for compliance with financial management prescripts as prescribed by the Auditor-General. The specific objectives of the study are to assess the nature of control systems used in asset management at the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services; to establish the extent to which financial reporting control systems comply with financial management regulations prescribed by the Auditor-General; and to establish the mechanisms, processes, and procedures that are in place at the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services for compliance with financial management regulations in asset management This study is motivated by the repetition of qualified audit reports on asset management the Middledrift Department of Correctional services keeps on receiving over the years. The study is therefore, significant in that it seeks to address how the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services can best address issues of complying fully with financial management regulations in asset management, so as to ensure that issues highlighted in the Auditor-General’s report do not recur. This study adopted a qualitative research methodology. Data was collected by means of interviews, focus-group discussions, observations and official documents. In-depth interviews were conducted with the head of the correctional centre, head of supply chain management and four employees within the supply chain management section. Focus group interviews were conducted in three groups. The first and second group consisted of 5 asset controllers each and the third group consisted of 5 sub-asset controllers. The researcher observed how assets are verified in the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services, and observed the process of asset reconciliation between Basic Accounting System and Logistical Information System. The sample for this study consisted of 21 respondents (n=21)comprising of the following respondents: the head of correctional centre, head of supply chain management, four employees within the supply chain management section, 10 asset controllers and five sub-asset controllers. The respondents were selected using purposive/judgemental sampling. Data obtained through transcribed in-depth interviews, focus group discussions was transcribed verbatim. The transcribed data as well as data from observations were analysed using opencoding. Emerging codes and patterns were clustered into themes the data was compared within the categories to establish connections in the meanings as well as variations. The results of the ii study suggests that control systems used in asset management at the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services are far from satisfactory. Results reveal lack of adequate training on asset management for officials. The results further indicate that there is a communication barrier between asset controllers and supply chain management officials, which is a challenge for the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services. The researcher recommends that inhouse trainings and workshops on asset management should be provided to ensure that officials in all sections of the department are capacitated on what asset management is all about and that they acquire more knowledge, skills and capacity on how to effectively manage assets of the department. The study also recommends, the need for a directorate for asset management, so that there is a unit dedicated to managing the assets of the department. The study further recommends that communication between officials in the supply chain management unit and asset controllers in the department has to be consistent and strengthened since many processes surrounding asset management rely on the cooperation of multiple officials. This study contributes public administration practise in that it adds to knowledge that can assist public officials to adopt effective and appropriate control systems and procedures in managing public sector assets, to ensure that assets are managed and utilised in the most effective and economical way. The study also identifies gaps in control systems in asset management, thereby providing a basis for further research by other researchers. The study is therefore a significant contribution to theory and practice, it provides guidelines to the public sector and specifically public officials at the Middledrift Department of Correctional Services on ways to improve control systems in asset management.
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An assessment of records management practices in support of service delivery (in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa): the case of Engcobo local municipality
- Authors: Mfula, Vuyelwa
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Records -- Management Filing systems
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M LIS
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/16331 , vital:40710
- Description: The aim of this study was to assess records management practices in support of service delivery in Engcobo Local Municipality. This study sought to determine the type of records received, created and maintained by Engcobo Local Municipality, how records are processed for use in Engcobo Local Municipality, to what extend does the Records Management Practices in Engcobo Local Municipality comply with the legal and Regulatory requirements, and lastly what are the challenges faced by Engcobo Local Municipality and lastly to find out the impact of records management on service delivery The population of the study was 168 municipality workers and the sample of the study was 50 selected municipality workers who was representative of the whole population. This study employed a triangulated approach whereby the qualitative and the quantitative approaches were used. 35 survey questionnaires were distributed to the respondents and only 30 (thirty) were retained back for data analysis process and 15 indepth interviews were administered with the participants. The study employed purposive sampling in selecting the sample for the study based on the knowledge of the population. The study employed thematic analysis in analyzing the qualitative data. Thematic analysis allowed the researcher to discuss the common themes from the thick descriptions obtained from the municipality workers. Quantitative data from the semi structured questionnaires administered were analyzed using statistical methods 6 | P a g e (SPSS). The presentation of the findings was in the form of tables, graphs and piechats. The results revealed the Municipality does not have enough space for their records, due to continuous increase in technology, there is need for the municipality to upgrade its infrastructure to suit the standards of 21st century, shortages of skills within the municipality staff pose a big challenge to the development in the municipality and the system is bureaucratic in nature, long channels of communication. The study recommends that research should be extended to other Municipalities in the Eastern Cape to ensure that the management of records is harmonized to enhance service delivery, accountability and transparency in the Municipalities.
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