A comparison of three techniques for fluorochrome marking of juvenile Clarias gariepinus otoliths
- Authors: Wartenberg, Reece , Booth, Anthony J , Weyl, Olaf L F
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/123520 , vital:35450 , https://doi.10.3377/004.046.0119
- Description: African sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822), is widely distributed with a natural range that extends from southern Turkey to the Orange River, South Africa (Skelton 2001). In addition to translocations within its southerly range (Cambray 2003), Cambray (2005) noted that as a result of poor aquaculture practices and introductions from a number of unknown sources, C. gariepinus has now invaded South America, Europe, Asia, and Australia. Its life history characteristics include a fast growth rate to a maximum length of 1300mmtotal length (TL) (Bruton 1976), a high fecundity, an omnivorous diet and the ability to breathe air (de Moor & Bruton 1988; Cambray 2003). Understanding the biology and population dynamics of this invader would assist in its management and possibly eradication.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Age validation, growth, mortality, and demographic modeling of spotted gully shark (Triakis megalopterus) from the southeast coast of South Africa
- Authors: Booth, Anthony J , Foulis, Alan J , Smale, Malcolm J
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/123630 , vital:35466 , https://spo.nmfs.noaa.gov/sites/default/files/pdf-content/2011/1091/booth.pdf
- Description: This study documents validation of vertebral band-pair formation in spotted gully shark (Triakis megalopterus) with the use of f luorochrome injection and tagging of captive and wild sharks over a 21-year period. Growth and mortality rates of T. megalopterus were also estimated and a demographic analysis of the species was conducted. Of the 23 OTC (oxytetracycline) -marked vertebrae examined (12 from captive and 11 from wild sharks), seven vertebrae (three from captive and four from wild sharks) exhibited chelation of the OTC and f luoresced under ultraviolet light. It was concluded that a single opaque and translucent band pair was deposited annually up to at least 25 years of age, the maximum age recorded. Reader precision was assessed by using an index of average percent error calculated at 5%. No significant differences were found between male and female growth patterns (P>0.05), and von Bertalanffy growth model parameters for combined sexes were estimated to be L∞=1711.07 mm TL, k=0.11/yr and t0= –2.43 yr (n=86). Natural mortality was estimated at 0.17/yr. Age at maturity was estimated at 11 years for males and 15 years for females. Results of the demographic analysis showed that the population, in the absence of fishing mortality, was stable and not significantly different from zero and particularly sensitive to overfishing. At the current age at first capture and natural mortality rate, the fishing mortality rate required to result in negative population growth was low at F>0.004/ yr. Elasticity analysis revealed that juvenile survival was the principal factor in explaining variability in population growth rate.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Effect of turbidity on the foraging success of Glossogobius callidus (Teleostei: Gobiidae)
- Authors: Parkinson, Matthew C , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/124375 , vital:35600 , https://doi.org/10.2989/16085914.2011.589120
- Description: Particles suspended in water attenuate the light that passes through it via absorption or scattering (Utne-Palm 2002). For example, whereas algae absorb specific wavelengths of light necessary for photosynthesis, inorganic suspensoids tend to scatter light (Radke and Gaupisch 2005). This results in lowered ambient light levels and reduces the visual acuity of aquatic organisms. From a fish’s perspective, an increase in water turbidity has the potential to alter visually-mediated reproductive behaviours (Järvenpää and Lindström 2004), predator avoidance (Meager et al. 2006) and foraging success negatively (Utne-Palm 2002, Rowe et al. 2003, Sweka and Hartman 2003, Stuart-Smith et al. 2004). The foraging success of various fish species was affected by increased turbidity through decreasing predator–prey encounter rates (Sweka and Hartman 2003) and through decreasing visual acuity whereby the distance at which prey are visually detected is reduced (Utne-Palm 2002).
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- Date Issued: 2011
Life history and population dynamics of invasive common carp, Cyprinus carpio, within a large turbid African impoundment
- Authors: Winker, A Henning , Weyl, Olaf L F , Booth, Anthony J , Ellender, Bruce R
- Date: 2011
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/124898 , vital:35708 , https://doi.10.1071/MF11054
- Description: Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is one of the world’s most widely introduced and established freshwater fishes (Casal 2006). The species is considered to be one of the eight most invasive freshwater fishes (Lowe et al. 2000) and worldwide, it accounts for most of the records of successful establishments and adverse ecological effects (Casal 2006; Kulhanek et al. 2011). This invasive success suggests that feral C. carpio is equipped with a set of adaptable life history attributes that allow it to successfully colonise a wide range of habitats (Koehn 2004; Zambrano et al. 2006; Britton et al. 2007). Where feral C. carpio occurs in high densities, it is often perceived as an invasive pest species (Sivakumaran et al. 2003; Brown and Walker 2004; Koehn 2004) because it can have severe impacts on habitat heterogeneity and biodiversity by increasing water turbidity through its bottom feeding behaviour, increasing nutrient availability, decreasing benthic and macrophyte density and diversity, altering zooplankton assemblages and decreasing endemic fish abundance (Zambrano et al. 2001; Khan 2003; Kulhanek et al. 2011). Within south-east Australia, for example, C. carpio comprises the largest proportion of the ichthyobiomass in the continent’s largest river system – the Murray–Darling Basin (Gehrke et al. 1995). As a consequence, serious concerns about its threat to endemic freshwater species (Koehn 2004) have prompted several of the most recent investigations into its life history (e.g. Sivakumaran et al. 2003; Smith and Walker 2004; Brown et al. 2005). Other potential threats posed also include competition with indigenous species and the spread of diseases and parasites (Dudgeon et al. 2006). In South Africa, for example, Asian tapeworm Bothriocephalus acheilognathi is now widely distributed in seven river systems and has infected eight novel cyprinid hosts due to the translocation of infected by C. carpio from a centralized aquaculture facility (Stadtlander et al. 2011).
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- Date Issued: 2011
Detecting impacts of invasive non-native sharptooth catfish, Clarias gariepinus, within invaded and non-invaded rivers.
- Authors: Kadye, Wilbert T , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/124100 , vital:35539 , https://doi.10.1007/s10531-012-0291-5
- Description: In aquatic ecosystems, impacts by invasive introduced fish can be likened to press disturbances that persistently influence communities. This study examined invasion disturbances by determining the relationship between non-native sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus and aquatic macroinvertebrates in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. A Multiple Before–After Control–Impact (MBACI) experimental design was used to examine macroinvertebrate communities within two rivers: one with catfish and another one without catfish. Within the invaded river, macroinvertebrates showed little response to catfish presence, whereas predator exclusion appeared to benefit community structure. This suggests that the macroinvertebrate community within the invaded river was adapted to predation impact because of the dominance of resilient taxa, such as Hirudinea, Oligochaeta and Chironomidae that were abundant in the Impact treatment relative to the Control treatment. High macroinvertebrate diversity and richness that was observed in the Control treatment, which excluded the predator, relative to the Impact treatment suggests predator avoidance behaviour within the invaded river. By comparison, within the uninvaded river, catfish introduction into the Impact treatment plots indicated negative effects on macroinvertebrate community that was reflected by decrease in diversity, richness and biomass. A community level impact was also reflected in the multivariate analysis that indicated more variation in macroinvertebrate composition within the Impact treatment relative to the Control in the uninvaded river. Catfish impact within the uninvaded river suggests the dominance of vulnerable taxa, such as odonates that were less abundant in the Impact treatment plots after catfish introduction. From a disturbance perspective, this study revealed different macroinvertebrate responses to catfish impact, and suggests that within invaded habitats, macroinvertebrates were less responsive to catfish presence, whereas catfish introduction within uninvaded habitats demonstrated invasion impact that was shown by a decrease in the abundance of vulnerable taxa. The occurrence of non-native sharptooth catfish within many Eastern Cape rivers is a concern because of its predation impact and potential to influence trophic interrelationships, and efforts should be taken to protect uninvaded rivers, and, where possible, eradicate the invader.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Inter-seasonal persistence and size-structuring of two minnow species within headwater streams in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Kadye, Wilbert T , Booth, Anthony J
- Date: 2012
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/124866 , vital:35705 , https://doi.10.1111/j.1439-0426.2012.02027.x
- Description: This study examined temporal variation in population dynamics and size structuring of two cyprinid minnows, Pseudobarbus afer and Barbus anoplus, in relation to their proximate physical habitats. Population estimates were determined using three-pass depletion sampling during both summer and winter. The habitats were characterised by seasonal variation in all physico-chemical conditions and spatial variation in substrata compositions. Whereas significant differences in population size were noted between seasons for B. anoplus, no differences were found between seasons for density and capture probability for either species. An increase in boulders was associated with increase in population size and density for P. afer; for B. anoplus, increased percentages of bedrock and bank vegetation were associated with an increase in population size and probability of capture, respectively. According to Canonical Correspondence Analysis, size structuring in P. afer was explained predominantly by seasonality, with smaller length classes associated with the seasonal variable of summer, while larger length classes were associated with pH that was higher in winter. By comparison, for B. anoplus, the habitat variables – bank vegetation and bedrock – accounted for much of the explained variance for size structuring. Recruitment appeared to be the major driver of size structuring for the two species; refugia, especially boulders and bank vegetation, also appeared to be important. Overall, the two species were adapted to the headwater streams that were generally variable in environmental conditions. Potential invasions by non-native invasive fishes that occur within the mainstream habitats threaten these two species. Efforts should continue to protect these minnows from such invasions by constructing barriers to upstream migration of non-native fishes into these headwater habitats.
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- Date Issued: 2012