A comparative evolutionary approach to gum-feeding in Galago Moholi and Microcebus Griseorufus
- Authors: Andrews, Curswan Allan
- Date: 2014
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Zoology)
- Identifier: vital:11795 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1019831
- Description: Gums are soluble plant exudates rich in complex carbohydrates. In primates, the consumption of gum (gummivory) has been described as a primitive, fall-back diet exhibited when other food sources become scarce, particularly during dry periods. In apparent support for this interpretation, gummivory is often observed in nocturnal strepsirhines (tooth-combed primates) believed to have retained many primitive features. The complex carbohydrates in gums, however, are also known to be difficult to digest, and require particular alimentary adaptations. The hypothesis of a primitive diet predicts that gummivorous strepsirhines should use homologous digestive strategies, while the presence of different digestive adaptations in different lineages would suggest convergent evolution. I compared the digestive adaptations to gummivory in two small strepsirhine taxa, African lesser bushbabies (Galago moholi) and Malagasy reddish-grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus griseorufus). Both taxa digest gum primarily by fermentation, and have enlarged caeca for this process, but only G. moholi has an ansa coli in which digestion can be continued. In captive feeding experiments, the faeces of wild-caught G. moholi and M. griseorufus showed no significant difference in their digestive efficiency of gum compared with a control food (banana), and the banana and gum samples showed no significant difference in nutrient concentration and overall composition. To gain a broader understanding of the origins of gummivory in strepsirhines, I used a phylogenetic method to reconstruct their dietary evolution. My results indicate that gummivory evolved convergently in several primate lineages, apparently in response to environmental hypervariability. I conducted biochemical analyses of the secondary compounds found in gums that are regularly consumed, and preliminary results show that Commiphora spp. have a number of compounds, while Acacia spp. show no such traces. The absence of secondary compounds from M. griseorufus faeces suggests that the animals have physiological means for either converting them into digestible products or detoxifying and excreting them in their urine. Finally, I compared the distribution patterns of G. moholi and M. griseorufus with climatic parameters; both study taxa inhabit regions in which the dry season is characterised by little to no rainfall, a drought that may persist for months. Similar climatic regions are occupied by other gum-feeders, including the marsupial gliders (Petauridae) of Australia.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A comparative study of the in vitro antidiabetic properties, cytotoxicity and mechanism of action of Albuca bracteata and Albuca setosa bulb extracts
- Authors: Odeyemi, Samuel Wale
- Date: 2015
- Subjects: Medicinal plants Herbs -- Therapeutic use Diabetics -- Alternative treatment
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/3154 , vital:28327
- Description: The search for cheap, non toxic and readily available antidiabetic drugs has been a challenge for researchers and the pharmaceutical industries. Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease characterized by defects in the synthesis of insulin and/or insensitivity to the action of insulin at the target cells. The disease has been on the increase mostly in developing countries where large proportions of the population have little access to good medical care due to either accessibility or non availability of synthetic drugs. This has led to the use of medicinal plants to treat diabetes because it is safe, cheap and with few side effects. There is little scientific evidence on the dosages, active compounds, mechanisms of action and toxicity of these traditionally used plants. Two of the most frequently used plants; Albuca setosa and Albuca bracteata were investigated in this study. The qualitative analysis of different extractions of these plants revealed the presence of phenolics, alkaloids, tannins and saponins. The antioxidant properties of aqueous, acetone and methanollic extracts of Albuca setosa and Albuca bracteata were investigated using models such as Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2, 2’-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS), Ferric ion reducing antioxidant potential (FRAP), Nitric Oxide and Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2). Both plants revealed inhibitions against DPPH in a concentration - dependent manner with Albuca setosa (0.330 mg/ml) showing higher activity than Albuca bracteata (0.647 mg/ml) determined from the IC50. The aqueous extract of Albuca setosa showed a higher inhibition against DPPH radical compared to the Albuca bracteata aqueous extract at all concentrations investigated. The isolated saponins from Albuca bracteata had a higher DPPH scavenging activity than the crude methanolic extract of the plant in a concentration - dependent manner but are significantly different from each other at 0.4, 0.6 and 1.0 mg/ml only. The IC50 of the saponins was also observed to be higher than the crude extracts and standards.The Albuca setosa aqueous extract showed a higher percentage inhibition of ABTS radicals than Albuca bracteata at all the concentrations investigated. Overall, the Albuca setosa aqueous extract (0.0809 mg/ml) showed maximum activity against ABTS radicals. The iron reducing power was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the methanolic extract of both plants compared to the aqueous counterpart. Overall, the Albuca bracteata aqueous extract (0.344 mg/ml) showed maximum activity as indicated by the IC50. The aqueous extracts of both plants also revealed percentage inhibitions in a concentration - dependent manner against NO2. The aqueous extract of Albuca bracteata bulb was more active against nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide inhibition. In this study, the cytotoxicity of the extracts was evaluated at a high dose of 100 μg/ml on Chang liver cells and determined using MTT, crystal violet, glucose consumption, lactate production and lactate dehydrogenase release and FRAP. The aqueous extracts of both Albuca setosa and Albuca bracteata were non-toxic on Chang liver cells at the concentrations investigated. The MTT revealed that the aqueous extract of Albuca setosa bulb had the optimum cell viability of 108.09 percent while the acetonic extract of Albuca bracteata showed the least cell viability (37.72 percent) compared with the control. The crystal violet test also revealed the acetone extract of Albuca bracteata to have the least percentage of cell viability at 31.47 percent, while the aqueous extract of Albuca setosa showed the maximum cell viability at 112.5 percent. The aqueous extracts of both plants showed higher percentage cell density on the second day of incubation from the proliferation assay. All the tested samples were observed to consume more glucose than the blank except for the methanollic and acetone extracts of Albuca bracteata bulb. The aqueous and methanolic extracts of Albuca setosa bulbs produced the highest lactate with 120.2 μg/ml and 113.7 μg/ml respectively. The acetone extracts of both Albuca setosa and Albuca bracteata revealed toxicity with a higher lactate dehydrogenase release compared to the control.
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- Date Issued: 2015
A comparison of open source object-oriented database products
- Authors: Khayundi, Peter
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Object-oriented databases , Relational databases , Database management , Database selection , Database searching
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Computer Science)
- Identifier: vital:11384 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/254 , Object-oriented databases , Relational databases , Database management , Database selection , Database searching
- Description: Object oriented databases have been gaining popularity over the years. Their ease of use and the advantages that they offer over relational databases have made them a popular choice amongst database administrators. Their use in previous years was restricted to business and administrative applications, but improvements in technology and the emergence of new, data-intensive applications has led to the increase in the use of object databases. This study investigates four Open Source object-oriented databases on their ability to carry out the standard database operations of storing, querying, updating and deleting database objects. Each of these databases will be timed in order to measure which is capable of performing a particular function faster than the other.
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- Date Issued: 2009
A cox proportional hazard model for mid-point imputed interval censored data
- Authors: Gwaze, Arnold Rumosa
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Statistics -- Econometric models , Survival analysis (Biometry) , Mathematical statistics -- Data processing , Nonparametric statistics , Sampling (Statistics) , Multiple imputation (Statistics)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Biostatistics and Epidemiology)
- Identifier: vital:11780 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/385 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1001135 , Statistics -- Econometric models , Survival analysis (Biometry) , Mathematical statistics -- Data processing , Nonparametric statistics , Sampling (Statistics) , Multiple imputation (Statistics)
- Description: There has been an increasing interest in survival analysis with interval-censored data, where the event of interest (such as infection with a disease) is not observed exactly but only known to happen between two examination times. However, because so much research has been focused on right-censored data, so many statistical tests and techniques are available for right-censoring methods, hence interval-censoring methods are not as abundant as those for right-censored data. In this study, right-censoring methods are used to fit a proportional hazards model to some interval-censored data. Transformation of the interval-censored observations was done using a method called mid-point imputation, a method which assumes that an event occurs at some midpoint of its recorded interval. Results obtained gave conservative regression estimates but a comparison with the conventional methods showed that the estimates were not significantly different. However, the censoring mechanism and interval lengths should be given serious consideration before deciding on using mid-point imputation on interval-censored data.
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- Date Issued: 2011
A cross-sectional study to ascertain the prognostic factors and symptoms associated with cryptococcal meningitis cases treated at the East London Hospital complex
- Authors: Okorie, Ikechukwu Obinna
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Meningitis -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Tuberculosis -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public health -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Hospitals -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Biostatistics and Epidemiology)
- Identifier: vital:11782 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1016194 , Meningitis -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Tuberculosis -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Public health -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Hospitals -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The focus of this study is to identify the potential prognostic factors and symptoms that are associated with Cryptococcal Meningitis and to establish a statistical model for the prediction of outcomes (survival and mortality) among in-hospital patients. Materials and Method: The hospital admission books in the medical wards and pharmacy of the East London Hospital Complex were searched to identify the folder numbers of all the patients that were admitted, diagnosed and or treated for Cryptococcal Meningitis at the hospital between the 1st of January 2009 and the 31st of August 2012. 237 folders out of 519 folders reviewed had confirmed cases of Cryptococcal Meningitis. Data on patients’ demographics, In-hospital care, and Concurrent infection/health condition were collected and analysed in a cross-sectional study, using the univariable and multiple logistic regression. Analysis of data was done with SAS version 9.1.3 and NCSS version 2007 software. Results: In a multivariable logistic analysis of variables found to be significantly associated with Cryptococcal Meningitis in a univariable logistic regression, Being Conscious (i.e. a Glasgow Coma score of 15) (OR= 5.34,CI=2.85-9.99 p =<0.000); Having no history of TB infection (OR=28.91, CI= 3.68-226.89, p = <0.001); No Fits (OR = 2.59, CI= 1.18-5.68 p = 0.017); Being a non-smoker (OR =2.22,CI=1.13-4.34 p = 0.020); and Adhering to treatment instruction and guidelines (OR = 2.38, 1.15-4.89, p = 0.019) were the variables found to be significantly associated with the survival of a Cryptococcal Meningitis patient. The uninterrupted use of Amphotericin B (OR=3.04, CI=1.06-8.72, P=0.038) as a first line regimen was also found to be significantly associated with survival.On the other hand, being unconscious (i.e. Glasgow Coma score <15) (OR =5.34, CI=2.85-9.99, p = < 0.000), Currently having a TB infection (OR = 9.20, CI=2.77-30.57, p = < 0.000), Not adhering to treatment guidelines (OR=2.38, CI=1.15-4.89, p=0.019 ); Being a smoker (OR = 2.22, CI=1.13-4.34, p = 0.020) and having Fits (OR=2.59 CI=1.18-5.68 p=0.017 ) were found to be significantly associated with mortality. Headache (p= 0.505) was found not to be a significant predictor of survival contrary to the findings in many publications on Cryptococcal Meningitis. Owing to time constraint, testing data was not collected to validate the prognostic models. However, model diagnostics was done and the relevant statistics confirmed the goodness of fit and the predictive ability of the model Conclusion: It has been established in this study that certain baseline variables can be helpful in the prognosis of Cryptococcal Meningitis infection. It is therefore believed that these variables will help in improving the prognosis of the infection especially at the East London Hospital Complex. Though the statistical models will work well in predicting the outcome of Cryptococcal Meningitis infection for patients admitted at the East London Hospital Complex, adequate precaution must be exercised while attempting to apply it in other geographical areas.
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- Date Issued: 2012
A decentralized multi-agent based network management system for ICT4D networks
- Authors: Matebese, Sithembiso
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Microsoft� Word 2010
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Computer Science)
- Identifier: vital:11398 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1019853
- Description: Network management is fundamental for assuring high quality services required by each user for the effective utilization of network resources. In this research, we propose the use of a decentralized, flexible and scalable Multi-Agent based system to monitor and manage rural broadband networks adaptively and efficiently. This mechanism is not novel as it has been used for high-speed, large-scale and distributed networks. This research investigates how software agents could collaborate in the process of managing rural broadband networks and developing an autonomous decentralized network management mechanism. In rural networks, network management is a challenging task because of lack of a reliable power supply, greater geographical distances, topographical barriers, and lack of technical support as well as computer repair facilities. This renders the network monitoring function complex and difficult. Since software agents are goal-driven, this research aims at developing a distributed management system that efficiently diagnoses errors on a given network and autonomously invokes effective changes to the network based on the goals defined on system agents. To make this possible, the Siyakhula Living Lab network was used as the research case study and existing network management system was reviewed and used as the basis for the proposed network management system. The proposed network management system uses JADE framework, Hyperic-Sigar API, Java networking programming and JESS scripting language to implement reasoning software agents. JADE and Java were used to develop the system agents with FIPA specifications. Hyperic-Sigar was used to collect the device information, Jpcap was used for collecting device network information and JESS for developing a rule engine for agents to reason about the device and network state. Even though the system is developed with Siyakhula Living Lab considerations, technically it can be used in any small-medium network because it is adaptable and scalable to various network infrastructure requirements. The proposed system consists of two types of agents, the MasterAgent and the NodeAgent. The MasterAgent resides on the device that has the agent platform and NodeAgent resides on devices connected to the network. The MasterAgent provides the network administrator with graphical and web user interfaces so that they can view network analysis and statistics. The agent platform provides agents with the executing environment and every agent, when started, is added to this platform. This system is platform independent as it has been tested on Linux, Mac and Windows platforms. The implemented system has been found to provide a suitable network management function to rural broadband networks that is: scalable in that more node agents can be added to the system to accommodate more devices in the network; autonomous in the ability to reason and execute actions based on the defined rules; fault-tolerant through being designed as a decentralized platform thereby reducing the Single Point of Failure (SPOF) in the system.
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- Date Issued: 2014
A farm to fork approach to meat science
- Authors: Muchenje, Voster
- Date: 2013-06-10
- Subjects: Animal welfare , Biomarkers , Slaughtering and slaughter-houses , Nguni cattle , Meat consumption , Sensory evaluation , Meat industry and trade -- Quality control , Meat quality
- Language: English
- Type: Inaugural lecture
- Identifier: vital:11979 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1007272 , Animal welfare , Biomarkers , Slaughtering and slaughter-houses , Nguni cattle , Meat consumption , Sensory evaluation , Meat industry and trade -- Quality control , Meat quality
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- Date Issued: 2013-06-10
A feasibility study of wireless network technologies for rural broadband connectivity
- Authors: Twele, Nombulelo
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Wireless communication systems -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local area networks (Computer networks) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Broadband communication systems -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Computer Science)
- Identifier: vital:11396 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1016167 , Wireless communication systems -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Local area networks (Computer networks) -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Broadband communication systems -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The adoption of wireless broadband technologies to provide network and Internet connectivity in rural communities has conveyed the possibility to overcome the challenges caused by marginalization and many other characteristics possessed by these rural communities. With their different capabilities, these technologies enable communication for rural communities internally within the community and externally on a global scale. Deployment of these technologies in rural areas requires consideration of different factors - these are in contrast, to those considered when deploying these technologies in non-rural, urban areas. Numerous research show consideration of facts for deployment of broadband technologies in urban/ non-rural environments and a little has been done in considering facts for deployment in rural environments. Hence this research aims to define guidelines for selection of broadband technologies and make recommendations on which technologies are suitable for deployment in rural communities, thereby considering facts that are true only within these rural communities. To achieve this, the research determines the metrics that are relevant and important to consider when deploying wireless broadband technology in rural communities of South Africa. It further undertakes a survey of wireless broadband technologies that are suitable for deployment in such areas. The study first profiles a list of wireless communication technologies, determines and documents characteristics of rural communities in Africa, determines metrics used to declare technologies feasible in rural areas. The metrics and rural characteristics are then used to identify technologies that are better suited than others. Informed by this initial profiling, one technology: mobile WiMAX is then selected for deployment and further evaluation. A technical review of mobile WiMAX is then carried out by deploying it at our research site in the rural, marginalized community of Dwesa (Eastern Cape, South Africa). The final section of this research provides recommendations that mobile WiMAX, LTE and Wi-Fi are the best suitable technologies for deployment in rural marginalized environments. This has been supported by extensive research and real life deployment of both Wi-Fi and mobile WiMAX. This research also recommends consideration of the following facts when seeking deployment of these technologies in rural communities: the geographical setting of the target terrain, the distances between sources and target customers and distances between target communities, weather conditions of the area, applications to be deployed over the network, social well-being of the community and their financial freedom as well.
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- Date Issued: 2013
A methodological framework for ICT roadmap development for rural areas
- Authors: Jere, Nobert Rangarirai
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Online social networks , User interfaces (Computer systems) , Communication in rural development
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD (Computer Science)
- Identifier: vital:11395 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1016147 , Online social networks , User interfaces (Computer systems) , Communication in rural development
- Description: The use of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) can support sustainable development within societies. ICTs have been supported by governments, private companies, non-governmental organisations, academic institutions and individuals. However, technological changes have made most ICT initiatives haphazard due to poor planning. There is no systematic plan on how to deploy services, infrastructure and devices especially in rural areas. For instance, in some cases, computers have been donated to communities in rural areas yet they are not being used, and ICT services have been deployed without the supporting ICT infrastructure. One of the solutions to addressing these ICT challenges is through the use of roadmaps to guide ICT solution implementation. This thesis proposes an ICT roadmap methodological framework to improve ICT roadmap development for rural ICT solutions. A composite methodological approach was employed in this research. This involves the use of qualitative research techniques such as participant observation, design exercises, workshops, focus groups and individual interviews supported by ethnographic studies. The Siyakhula Living Lab in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa was used as the case study. Studies were conducted to identify the current state of ICTs in rural areas, the future of ICTs and overview of roadmap developments. Rural users in South Africa, ICT experts in Europe and Africa, government officials and academic institutions were engaged to understand the current ICT planning, developments and needs. The author found that there are variations in individual ICT services required by rural users but, most ICT services in need fall mainly in the areas of health, education, entrepreneurship, agriculture and employment creation for rural people. These services require ICT devices and infrastructure which include computer peripherals, mobile phones, radios, televisions and wireless infrastructure, mobile infrastructure, satellites and broadcasting infrastructure respectively. It was found that the common future ICT projections expected in rural areas include: growth of mobile usage, social networking, increase internet services and localization of services. The roadmap framework is built based on the current state of ICTs, trends in ICTs, future technological projections and the plans currently been initiated in African continent. The ICT roadmap methodological focuses on how roadmaps could accommodate infrastructure, services and ICT devices to reach rural people. This should help rural users to be able to access public services within their respective communities using available ICT devices. ICT stakeholders could use the designed framework to improve the ICT roadmap development process for rural ICT users in Africa.
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- Date Issued: 2012
A P2P middleware design for digital access nodes in marginalised rural areas
- Authors: Wertlen, Ronald
- Date: 2010
- Subjects: Software design , Rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Rural development projects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sustainable development -- Simulation methods , Computer networks , Data transmission systems , Electronic data processing -- Distributed processing , Middleware -- Development , Computer software
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Computer Science)
- Identifier: vital:11391 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/254 , Software design , Rural development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Rural development projects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Sustainable development -- Simulation methods , Computer networks , Data transmission systems , Electronic data processing -- Distributed processing , Middleware -- Development , Computer software
- Description: This thesis addresses software design within the field of Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICTD). Specifically, it makes a case for the design and development of software which is custom-made for the context of marginalised rural areas (MRAs). One of the main aims of any ICTD project is sustainability and such sustainability is particularly difficult in MRAs because of the high costs of projects located there. Most literature on ICTD projects focuses on other factors, such as management, regulations, social and community issues when discussing this issue. Technical matters are often down-played or ignored entirely. This thesis argues that MRAs exhibit unique technical characteristics and that by understanding these characteristics, one can possibly design more cost-effective software. One specific characteristic is described and addressed in this thesis – a characteristic we describe here for the first time and call a network island. Further analysis of the literature generates a picture of a distributed network of access nodes (DANs) within such network islands, which are connected by high speed networks and are able to share resources and stimulate usage of technology by offering a wide range of services. This thesis attempts to design a fitting middleware platform for such a context, which would achieve the following aims: i) allow software developers to create solutions for the context more efficiently (correctly, rapidly); ii) stimulate product managers and business owners to create innovative software products more easily (cost-effectively). A given in the context of this thesis is that the software should use free/libre open source software (FLOSS) – good arguments do also exist for the use of FLOSS. A review of useful FLOSS frameworks is undertaken and several of these are examined in an applied part of the thesis, to see how useful they may be. They form the basis for a walking skeleton implementation of the proposed middleware. The Spring framework is the basis for experiments, along with Spring-Webservices, JMX and PHP 5’s web service capabilities. This thesis builds on three years of work at the Siyakhula Living Lab (SLL), an experimental testbed in a MRA in the Mbashe district of the Eastern Cape of South Africa. Several existing products are deployed at the SLL in the fields of eCommerce, eGovernment and eLearning. Requirements specifications are engineered from a variety of sources, including interviews, mailing lists, the author’s experience as a supervisor at the SLL, and a review of the existing SLL products. Future products are also investigated, as the thesis considers current trends in ICTD. Use cases are also derived and listed. Most of the use cases are concerned with management functions of DANs that can be automated, so that operators of DANs can focus on their core business and not on technology. Using the UML Components methodology, the thesis then proceeds to design a middleware component architecture that is derived from the requirements specification. The process proceeds step-by-step, so that the reader can follow how business rules, operations and interfaces are derived from the use cases. Ultimately, the business rules, interfaces and operations are related to business logic, system interfaces and operations that are situated in specific components. The components in turn are derived from the business information model, that is derived from the business concepts that were initially used to describe the context for the requirements engineering. In this way, a logical method for software design is applied to the problem domain to methodically derive a software design for a middleware solution. The thesis tests the design by considering possible weaknesses in the design. The network aspect is tested by interpolating from formal assumptions about the nature of the context. The data access layer is also identified as a possible bottleneck. We suggest the use of fast indexing methods instead of relational databases to maintain flexibility and efficiency of the data layer. Lessons learned from the exercise are discussed, within the context of the author’s experience in software development teams, as well as in ICTD projects. This synthesis of information leads to warnings about the psychology of middleware development. We note that the ICTD domain is a particularly difficult one with regards to software development as business requirements are not usually clearly formulated and developers do not have the requisite domain knowledge. In conclusion, the core arguments of the thesis are recounted in a bullet form, to lay bare the reasoning behind this work. Novel aspects of the work are also highlighted. They include the description of a network island, and aspects of the DAN middleware requirements engineering and design. Future steps for work based on this thesis are mapped out and open problems relating to this research are touched upon.
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- Date Issued: 2010
A Practical Approach to Differential Calculus: MAT 112
- Authors: Ndiweni, O
- Date: 2011-06
- Language: English
- Type: Examination paper
- Identifier: vital:17601 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1009975
- Description: A Practical Approach to Differential Calculus: MAT 112, degree examination June 2011.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2011-06
A Practical Approach to Differential Calculus: MAT 112
- Authors: Ndiweni, O , Mahlasela, Z
- Date: 2011-06
- Subjects: Mathematics
- Language: English
- Type: Examination paper
- Identifier: vital:17600 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1009974
- Description: A Practical Approach to Differential Calculus: MAT 112, degree examinations June 2011.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2011-06
A Practical Approach to Differential Calculus: MAT 122
- Authors: Mahlasela, Z
- Date: 2010-11
- Language: English
- Type: Examination paper
- Identifier: vital:17617 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1009994
- Description: A Practical Approach to Differential Calculus: MAT 122, degree examination November 2010.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2010-11
A Practical Approach to Integral Calculus :MAT 123
- Authors: Ndiweni, O , Mahlasela, Z
- Date: 2010-11
- Language: English
- Type: Examination paper
- Identifier: vital:17619 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1009996
- Description: A Practical Approach to Integral Calculus :MAT 123, degree examination November 2010.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2010-11
A Practical Approach to Integral Calculus: MAT 113
- Authors: Dukuza, K N , Mahlasela, Z
- Date: 2011-06
- Language: English
- Type: Examination paper
- Identifier: vital:17603 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1009978
- Description: A Practical Approach to Integral Calculus: MAT 113 June 2011.
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 2011-06
A preliminary study on the effects of elevated CO2 on aphid resistance of Tugela Dn and the population dynamics of the Russian wheat aphid (Homoptera: Aphididae), Diuraphis noxia
- Authors: Mundondo, Daphine
- Date: 2015
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Biochemistry)
- Identifier: vital:11402 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1020244
- Description: Food security is of major importance due to the increasing world population with 8.9 billion people expected by 2050 (Cohen, 2003). Diuraphis noxia (RWA), have caused aggravating, massive losses to wheat farmers in many areas of the world. If unchecked, RWA are able to destroy plants resulting in major economic impacts (Botha, 2013). Due to ineffective use of other control methods, the Small Grains Institute in Bethlehem, South Africa, have therefore developed resistant cultivars to the known RWA subtypes over the past decades through intensive breeding programmes (Tolmay et al., 2006). Climate change has however become a major factor threatening food security especially with the observed increase in CO2 from less than 300 ppm in pre-industrial period to the current 385 ppm and is predicted to reach 550 ppm by 2050 (IPCC, 2007; Meehl et al., 2007). Elevated CO2 concentration may affect individual species of a community hence the need to understand the wheat-aphid interactions. In this study, population growth rates and virulence of RWA SA1 at ambient (385 ppm) and elevated (450 ppm) CO2 concentration were evaluated on two wheat cultivars: Tugela Dn (resistant) and Scheepers (susceptible). Fluorescence microscopy techniques using aniline blue were used to investigate feeding related damage caused by RWA SA1 through an examination of callose deposition at the two CO2 concentration. A two-dimensional gel electrophoresis method was developed in order to determine the effect of RWA SA1 on the wheat cultivars proteome at the two CO2 concentration. Differentially expressed proteins that were up or down regulated more than two fold were identified using PDQuestTM Basic 2D Gel analysis software. Populations of RWA SA1 increased significantly on the two wheat cultivars at both CO2 concentration. Although the population growth rate for RWA SA1 on both cultivars was generally exponential at all treatments, growth at elevated CO2 concentration was noticeably faster with populations increasing 3 fold in 14 days as compared to the 2 times at ambient CO2 concentration. Hence, both cultivars provided a better quality host for RWA SA1 at 450 ppm than 385 ppm. There was no significant difference between RWA SA1 population on Tugela Dn and on Scheepers at elevated CO2 concentration on day 14 after infestation which means there was a change in the resistance mechanism in Tugela Dn at this condition. Approximately 70% of the total leaf showed chlorosis by 21 days of aphid infestation for both cultivars although the susceptible cultivar was more vulnerable. There was low callose deposition in the controls (uninfested plants) but heavy callose in infested plants due to aphid feeding. A proteomics approach was used as a pilot study to investigate whether it would be possible to identify the changes in the resistance mechanism during aphid infestation under elevated CO2 levels. The major changes in the proteome of the control group (uninfested Tugela Dn at ambient versus elevated CO2 concentration) occurred in the early events (day 1-7) in the molecular weight range of approximately 25 kDa to 55 kDa are mainly within the basic to neutral pH range. This was suggested to be a result of mechanisms to adjust to the CO2 concentration. Elevated CO2 results in instant higher photosynthetic rates and C:N ratios as well as changes in expression levels of SA-dependant defense genes (Lindroth 1995; Hughes and Bazzaz, 2001; Sun et al., 2013). Because most of these changes are directly regulated by proteins, it is expected that the most differential protein expression will occur immediately after the atmospheric changes (early events) as was shown in the study. Infested plants under elevated and ambient conditions showed that the stress conditions gave rise to differentially regulated proteins within the wheat proteome. Most changes occurred elevated CO2 levels. It can be suggested that the changes were a result of differentially regulated plant defence proteins which fall in this range (25 kDa - 80 kDa) such as peroxidases, chitinases and β-1.3-glucanases as well as protein kinases, heat-shock proteins and photosynthetic proteins. These results indicate that there has been changes in the resistance due to elevated CO2 because of the evident changes in the proteome. If so, then the results will be similar to those documented by Louw (2007) where up-regulation was due to putative storage proteins, proteins involved in photosynthesis, heat shock proteins and defense proteins. Of course, the pI value and molecular mass of the proteins and the identification of the proteins in these spots, must be determined in future work to specifically identify whether these suggestions are authentic. However, Louw (2007) also reports that the susceptible Betta wheat cultivar, displayed a defence response similar to the HR although it was unable to up-regulate specific defensive proteins against RWA infestation but proteins for broad resistance. Although the changes in the proteins in infested Tugela Dn under elevated CO2 concentration were not accurately identified, the defense mechanism is similar to that portrayed by the susceptible Betta wheat cultivar which shows that the resistance mechanism had been overcome. Because this was a pilot study and preliminary results were obtained due to limited funding and time constraints, suggestions were made on how to further develop the method to obtain statistically significant results.
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- Date Issued: 2015
A simulation study of the behaviour of the logrank test under different levels of stratification and sample sizes
- Authors: Jubane, Ido
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Statistics , Survival analysis (Biometry)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Biostatistics and Epidemiology)
- Identifier: vital:11784 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1018558 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/d1018559 , Statistics , Survival analysis (Biometry)
- Description: In clinical trials, patients are enrolled into two treatment arms. A researcher may be interested in studying the effectiveness of a new drug or the comparison of two drugs for the treatment of a disease. This survival data is later analysed using the logrank test or the Cox regression model to detect differences in survivor functions. However, the power function of the logrank test depends solely on the number of patients enrolled into the study. Because statisticians will always minimise type I and type II errors, a researcher carrying out a clinical trial must define beforehand, the number of patients to be enrolled into the clinical study. Without proper sample size and power estimation a clinical trial may fail to detect a false hypothesis of the equality of survivor functions. This study presents through simulation, a way of power and sample size estimation for clinical trials that use the logrank test for their data analysis and suggests an easy method to estimate power and sample size in such clinical studies. Findings on power analysis and sample size estimation on logrank test are applied to two real examples: one is the Veterans' Administration Lung Cancer study; and the other is the data from a placebo controlled trial of gamma interferon in chronic granulotomous disease.
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- Date Issued: 2013
A situational survey of Siyazondla homestead food production programme and food security, poverty alleviation in selected communities of Nkonkobe local municipality of the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Bulelani, Phezisa
- Date: 2016
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/723 , vital:26491
- Description: People living in rural areas are continually losing their value, dignity, ubuntu and rural nature of livelihood. Agriculture in these areas characterises the nature of rural livelihood. Traditionally, people living in rural areas were highly dependent on their production from gardens for food, income (barter exchange), and other social activities. Nowadays, that motive and interest is no longer operating at its full potential, so to revive that history and nature, household (homestead) production, certain programmes were introduced to greatly improved the standard of living of the poor, and it has proved to have an impact as it has generated income, and created food stability and employment through the project. Home gardens are there and can be used as the method and the strategy toward improvement and development of the people around the world, more especial to developing countries. Certain programmes that are initiated for acting against the challenges faced by rural people have failed to materialise and operate on their fully potential. The Siyazondla homestead food production programme is the one of the programmes practiced by the government of South Africa to act against such challenges, affecting especially poor people. This study was aimed at assessing the role of Siyazondla homestead food production programme in food security and poverty alleviation in selected communities of Nkonkobe local municipality of the Eastern Cape. It took the form of a case study in Msobomvu, Ngcothoyi and Binfield locations. The Nkonkobe local municipality is demarcated into five major areas: Middledrift, Alice, Seymour, Fort Beaufort and Balfour. The study sample was collected from beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the Siyazondla programme. The sample size was 90 respondents, from which in one area, a 15 beneficiaries and anticipated non-beneficiaries were targeted. The target sample from each village was collected from 15 beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. Many farmers from the study area benefited from the programme, though a limited number was targeted. Therefore, a probability sampling was applied and employed, where there were more than required number of beneficiaries of the programme and anticipated beneficiaries of the programme. The study was effectively and efficiently carried out and achieved with the use of personal interviewing of the recipients by use of questionnaires. The study was analysed by a computerised programme of analyses called SPSS v.2.1 and excel. The objectives of the study based on food security, poverty alleviation and reduction, and also improving nutritious status. The finding of the research clearly indicates the outcome of the programme on livelihood basis of the beneficiaries. Some of the objectives of the programme were achieved, such as food security and nutritious levels, whilst other objectives had shortcomings. The finding of the study also shows that programme, though had original benefits but also there are the anticipated and probable benefits of the programme Siyazondla, such as income, skill of farming, improving social status, and there are some possibilities when the programme is properly implemented. Though the majority of people are concentrated in rural areas, the programme on its own had shortcoming to meet needs of the whole population, as food insecurity, unemployment and poverty are taking its course. The programme on its own had shortcoming such as lack of adequate resource and as results, very few people benefited from the programme. Another shortcoming of the programme is the effectiveness of agricultural extension personnel to certain aspect such as marketing of farmers produce and proper monitoring and evaluation of the programme. Therefore, in the long run programmes of this nature are promising, there will be some development and improvement toward growth and better standards of livelihood. It is through this study that had to assess the structure, procedure, strategies implemented of the programme and impact of the programme to both beneficiaries and anticipated beneficiaries of the programme. Keywords: rural area, social challenges, home garden, home based food production and Siyazondla.
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- Date Issued: 2016
A situational survey of Siyazondla homestead food production proogramme and food security, poverty alleviation in selected communities of Nkonkobe Local Municipality of the Eastern Cape
- Authors: Phezisa, Bulelani
- Date: 2016
- Subjects: Food security -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Food supply -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape Poverty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10353/2392 , vital:27795
- Description: People living in rural areas are continually losing their value, dignity, ubuntu and rural nature of livelihood. Agriculture in these areas characterises the nature of rural livelihood. Traditionally, people living in rural areas were highly dependent on their production from gardens for food, income (barter exchange), and other social activities. Nowadays, that motive and interest is no longer operating at its full potential, so to revive that history and nature, household (homestead) production, certain programmes were introduced to greatly improved the standard of living of the poor, and it has proved to have an impact as it has generated income, and created food stability and employment through the project. Home gardens are there and can be used as the method and the strategy toward improvement and development of the people around the world, more especial to developing countries. Certain programmes that are initiated for acting against the challenges faced by rural people have failed to materialise and operate on their fully potential. The Siyazondla homestead food production programme is the one of the programmes practiced by the government of South Africa to act against such challenges, affecting especially poor people. This study was aimed at assessing the role of Siyazondla homestead food production programme in food security and poverty alleviation in selected communities of Nkonkobe local municipality of the Eastern Cape. It took the form of a case study in Msobomvu, Ngcothoyi and Binfield locations. The Nkonkobe local municipality is demarcated into five major areas: Middledrift, Alice, Seymour, Fort Beaufort and Balfour. The study sample was collected from beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the Siyazondla programme. The sample size was 90 respondents, from which in one area, a 15 beneficiaries and anticipated non- beneficiaries were targeted. The target sample from each village was collected from 15 beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries. Many farmers from the study area benefited from the programme, though a limited number was targeted. Therefore, a probability sampling was applied and employed, where there were more than required number of beneficiaries of the programme and anticipated beneficiaries of the programme. The study was effectively and efficiently carried out and achieved with the use of personal interviewing of the recipients by use of questionnaires. The study was analysed by a computerised programme of analyses called SPSS v.2.1 and excel. The objectives of the study based on food security, poverty alleviation and reduction, and also improving nutritious status. The finding of the research clearly indicates the outcome of the programme on livelihood basis of the beneficiaries. Some of the objectives of the programme were achieved, such as food security and nutritious levels, whilst other objectives had shortcomings. The finding of the study also shows that programme, though had original benefits but also there are the anticipated and probable benefits of the programme Siyazondla, such as income, skill of farming, improving social status, and there are some possibilities when the programme is properly implemented. Though the majority of people are concentrated in rural areas, the programme on its own had shortcoming to meet needs of the whole population, as food insecurity, unemployment and poverty are taking its course. The programme on its own had shortcoming such as lack of adequate resource and as results, very few people benefited from the programme. Another shortcoming of the programme is the effectiveness of agricultural extension personnel to certain aspect such as marketing of farmers produce and proper monitoring and evaluation of the programme. Therefore, in the long run programmes of this nature are promising, there will be some development and improvement toward growth and better standards of livelihood. It is through this study that had to assess the structure, procedure, strategies implemented of the programme and impact of the programme to both beneficiaries and anticipated beneficiaries of the programme.
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- Date Issued: 2016
A socio-economic impact assessment (SEIA) of the best management practices (BMP) project of the Zanyokwe irrigation scheme at farm level
- Authors: Tshuma, Mengezi Chancellor
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Irrigation farming -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape--Zanyokwe , Irrigation projects -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Zanyokwe , Irrigation -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Zanyokwe , Poverty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Zanyokwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: vital:11190 , http://hdl.handle.net/10353/139 , Irrigation farming -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape--Zanyokwe , Irrigation projects -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Zanyokwe , Irrigation -- Economic aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Zanyokwe , Poverty -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Zanyokwe
- Description: The main aim of this study was to assess the impact of the Best Management Practices (BMP) project on social and economic wellbeing at Zanyokwe Irrigation Scheme (ZIS) in central Eastern Cape Province. The BMP project is a knowledge-based initiative aimed at introducing management practices (mainly soft skills) in order to improve production and livelihoods in the study area. The study employed a survey to collect socio-economic data amongst farming households. The 2005 situation analysis, which was conducted amongst the same respondents before the introduction of the new practices allowed for comparisons in order to track changes or impacts after the implementation of the project. Also, the social and economic impact assessment (SEIA) framework was used to assess the impacts. The results of the impact assessment showed the BMP project to have an impact on social and economic well being of households. The skills introduced were in the areas of water management, agronomic practices, marketing and institutional arrangements. More than 90% indicated that there was improvement in agronomic practices and water management and 68% in marketing. More than half of farmers worked in their farms on a daily basis, which is a big change as none of the farmers worked during weekends in 2005. The average time spent on the farms also increased from four (in 2005) to seven hours (this investigation) on average per day. The BMP project also had a positive impact on social relationships and networks between farmers and the BMP project team as well as well as farmers and non-farmers. Land use intensity improved due to increases in acreage of main crops as well as cultivating at both seasons. More than 40% of farmers cropped their land at both seasons (winter and summer). In 2005, most of the land was fallow in winter. While some of the new practices introduced had a negative impact on input expenditures, the returns were positive. These extra efforts and expenditures resulted in improvement in incomes. Agricultural contribution to household income increased from 71% in 2005 to 81% in 2007. The increase in household incomes had a positive effect on poverty and food security status of households. The proportion of households earning incomes that are below poverty line dropped from 61% in 2005 to 38% in 2007. Changes in the diet of the households were noticed. In addition to the consumption of staples such as samp, maize meal and rice, people added a variety of vegetables. Own production was the main source of these vegetables as was indicated by 66% of respondents compared to only 25% in 2005. Food remained the main expenditure category though, as was the case in 2005. Improvements in marketing such as performing extra marketing functions and adopting a marketing strategy (collective action) also led to improvements in economic wellbeing.
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- Date Issued: 2009