Informal cross-border trade: a review of its impact on household poverty reduction (Zimbabwe)
- Authors: Chani, Chivimbiso
- Date: 2008
- Subjects: Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Households -- Economic aspects -- Zimbabwe , Foreign trade regulations , International trade
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11407 , , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Households -- Economic aspects -- Zimbabwe , Foreign trade regulations , International trade
- Description: This study endeavors to explore the value of informal cross-border trade to household poverty reduction. Informal cross-border trade has become a panacea to most Zimbabweans both employed and unemployed in the middle of the socio-economic crisis which has eroded the standards of living in Zimbabwe. This study is an eye opener to those who view informal cross-border trade as merely a survival strategy. It explores the efficacy of informal cross-border trade as a poverty reduction strategy looking at its viability and sustainability despite criticism by many people who associate informal cross-border trade with all kinds of negativity. It thrusts forward the agenda of participatory poverty reduction agenda within a nexus of partnerships and relationships between the government, non-governmental organization, institutions and families. Informal cross-border traders have maneuvered their way out of the chains and shackles of poverty even though it has been tough due to many obstacles from different angles. They have helped to distribute the scarce goods and products in Zimbabwe as a consequent of the socio-economic crisis. If they are given a better platform they can 5 perform much better than they are getting at present. Thus this study advocates the forging of networks between various stakeholders in both the formal and informal sector in order to fight against poverty.
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- Date Issued: 2008
Potential of sorghum and finger millet to enhance household food security in Zimbabwe's semi-arid regions: a case study of communal areas in Masvingo Province
- Authors: Mukarumbwa, Peter
- Date: 2009
- Subjects: Food security -- Zimbabwe Case studies , Food supply -- Zimbabwe Case studies , Crops -- Zimbabwe Case studies , Sorghum -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Millets -- Economic aspects -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: vital:11186 , , Food security -- Zimbabwe Case studies , Food supply -- Zimbabwe Case studies , Crops -- Zimbabwe Case studies , Sorghum -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Millets -- Economic aspects -- Zimbabwe
- Description: Successive droughts, in Zimbabwe compounded by other economic shocks in recent years have resulted in decreased maize productivity amongst the communal farmers most of whom reside in regions IV and V which are considered semi-arid. This has given rise to the need to find alternative food crops, which may be suitable for these areas. Generally, research in the world indicates that sorghum and millet have the potential to end chronic food insecurity in semi-arid areas because of their drought tolerance. Whilst this might be the case, research, government policy and assistance from non-governmental organizations on food crop production in Zimbabwe have shown a continual inclination to maize production in semi-arid areas. However, maize is regarded as a high risk crop in these regions. The main objective of the study was to investigate major factors affecting smallholder farmers in semi-arid areas, from increased production of small grains, specifically sorghum and finger millet. The study was conducted in two rural districts of Masvingo and Gutu, which lie in natural region IV in Masvingo Province. The questionnaire was used as the main tool of inquiry to gather data from households in selected villages within these districts. Questionnaires were administered through face-to-face interviews. The total sample size was 120. The logistic regression model was used to analyze data. The results revealed that, at the 5% level, labour, cattle ownership, farm size, age, extension, yields and access to credit significantly influence sorghum and finger millet production. These findings suggest that an adjustment in each one of the significant variables can significantly influence the probability of participation in small grain production. In view of these research findings, a policy shift that encourages increased production of finger millet and sorghum in Zimbabwe‟s semi-arid regions is proposed. It is suggested that this may increase household food security in these regions.
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- Date Issued: 2009
Prospects and challenges of the rural non-farm economy in Zimbabwe: a case of Seke rural district
- Authors: Mukozho, Delight
- Date: 2011
- Subjects: Sustainable development -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Rural development -- Zimbabwe , Farmers -- Zimbabwe , Community development -- Zimbabwe , Food security -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11429 , , Sustainable development -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Rural development -- Zimbabwe , Farmers -- Zimbabwe , Community development -- Zimbabwe , Food security -- Zimbabwe
- Description: The Rural Non-Farm Economy (RNFE) is a concept that has gained significance quite recently. Its significance has been prompted by the realisation that agriculture alone cannot sustain the poor subsistence farmers in Zimbabwe. This realisation comes amid the growing concern over increased hunger and poverty in the country‟s rural areas due to a decline in agricultural production. Drawing on the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach (SLA) this study postulates that RNFE is a livelihood strategy that can address rural poverty and social transformation in Zimbabwe. Such an approach to rural development can take up the slack and provide the much needed income for the rural communities to survive. However, RNFE has not yet been used as a social mechanism for poverty alleviation in Zimbabwe. Therefore, this study was undertaken with the objective of investigating the prospects and challenges of the RNFE in Seke District. Although the study is focusing on Zimbabwe, the study may also address the problem of rural development in other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The study revealed that only a few household heads in Sekewere engaged in both traditional and non-traditional activities. However, the study noted that the household heads encountered many challenges which include; poor market, low income obtained, shortage of inputs, no access to credit and no support from government or other development agencies.Overall, it was recognised that the household heads engaged in RNFE were not realizing the full benefits of RNFE. Therefore, in order to promote the growth of RNFE and make it more productive, the study posits the following key points to be take into consideration by the various stakeholders in rural development; agricultural development, infrastructural development, rural town development, improving access to financial services, facilitating rural-urban linkages and the implementation of development projects aimed at promoting self-employment in the non-farm sector.
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- Date Issued: 2011
Agricultural expenditure for economic growth and poverty reduction in Zimbabwe
- Authors: Mapfumo, Alexander
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Agriculture -- Research -- Zimbabwe , Agricultural extension work -- Zimbabwe , Agricultural development projects -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Economic development -- Zimbabwe , Agricultural services -- Zimbabwe , Agricultural credit -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc Agric (Agricultural Economics)
- Identifier: vital:11155 , , Agriculture -- Research -- Zimbabwe , Agricultural extension work -- Zimbabwe , Agricultural development projects -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Economic development -- Zimbabwe , Agricultural services -- Zimbabwe , Agricultural credit -- Zimbabwe
- Description: A vibrant and an efficient agricultural sector would enable a country to feed its growing population, generate employment, earn foreign exchange and provide raw materials for industries. The agricultural sector has a multiplier effect on any nation's socio-economic and industrial fabric because of the multifunctional nature of agriculture. The main objective of this study was to investigate how government expenditure on agriculture has affected economic growth in Zimbabwe from 1980-2009. The Log linear growth regression model was employed where gross domestic gross was the dependant variable and the explanatory variables are the factors which affect it which include government agricultural expenditure. The expenditures of government on agriculture were divided into three functions namely extension, credit assistance and R & D. The regression analyses were performed using Econometric-views 7 (E-views 7) statistical package. Regression was carried out on time series data for the period 1980 to 2009. The data was tested for stationarity and for autocorrelation. Problems of non stationarity of data were corrected by integrating the trending series. Results from the empirical analysis provide strong evidence indicating that agriculture is an engine of economic growth. The results from this study suggest that spending more on agricultural research and development can improve economic growth and ultimately reduce poverty. However, it can also be concluded that insufficient government agricultural expenditure on extension and credit assistance adversely affected economic growth in Zimbabwe, based on the results of the study. Global experience with pro-poor growth and empirical work spanning India, Benin and Malawi demonstrates the importance of agricultural expenditure for poverty reduction in poor rural areas, while also pointing to the need for complementary non farm sector growth. This study also proposes a simple methodology to estimate the agricultural spending that will be required to achieve the Millennium Development Goal of halving poverty by 2015 (MDG1) in Zimbabwe. This method uses growth poverty and growth expenditure elasticities to estimate the financial resources required to meet the MDG1. The study attempts to address a key knowledge gap by improving estimation of first MDG agricultural expenditure at country level.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Evaluation of poverty alleviation strategies implemented by non-governmental organisations (NGOs) in Zimbabwe: a case of Binga rural district
- Authors: Nyathi, Daina
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Rural poor -- Zimbabwe Case studies , Non-governmental organizations -- Zimbabwe -- Evaluation , Sustainable development -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11426 , , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Rural poor -- Zimbabwe Case studies , Non-governmental organizations -- Zimbabwe -- Evaluation , Sustainable development -- Zimbabwe
- Description: The problem this research seeks to address is about the ineffectiveness of NGOs’ strategies implemented in the rural areas of Binga District in Zimbabwe. The research has been basically influenced by personal concerns which I believe have influenced the selection of the research problem. My main concern is the deepening of poverty in Binga District. Lack of infrastructure like roads, shortage of schools leading to high illiteracy levels, shortage of clinics and hospitals, lack of clean water, high unemployment levels are the indicators of poverty in Binga. Country wide, the district is regarded as one of the poorest districts. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the poverty alleviation strategies implemented by NGOs in the rural areas of Zimbabwe specifically in Binga. Today there are more than fifteen NGOs that operate in Binga and they specialise in different areas ranging from food distribution, education, agriculture, conservation and advocacy. What matters most is that despite the number of NGOs operating in Binga, poverty is still intensifying and widening. Through the research, it was found that most NGOs’ strategies in Binga focus on relief than developmental aid. Also when addressing poverty, NGOs use the trickle down approach than the bottom up approach. Moreover, the strategies implemented in Binga do not address the needs of the poor. The political instability in Zimbabwe is also believed to be a serious stumbling block to the operation of NGOs in Binga and the rest of the country. Finally, the research recommends NGOs to use the participatory approach as well as the sustainable livelihoods approach in dealing with poverty. Again, NGOs need to monitor and evaluate their projects because most of their projects are not monitored and evaluated properly. Above all the NGOs’ strategies for alleviating poverty need to be reviewed.
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- Date Issued: 2012
The impact of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on rural livelihoods: the case of smallholder farming in Zimbabwe
- Authors: Mago, Shamiso
- Date: 2012
- Subjects: Farms, Small -- Zimbabwe , Family farms -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Rural poor -- Zimbabwe , Rural development -- Zimbabwe , Sustainable development -- Zimbabwe , Food security -- Zimbabwe , Information technology -- Management , Technological innovations -- Management , Management information systems
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Dev)
- Identifier: vital:11433 , , Farms, Small -- Zimbabwe , Family farms -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Rural poor -- Zimbabwe , Rural development -- Zimbabwe , Sustainable development -- Zimbabwe , Food security -- Zimbabwe , Information technology -- Management , Technological innovations -- Management , Management information systems
- Description: This study seeks to determine the impact of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) on livelihoods of smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The study was motivated by the fact that benefits of ICT development still need to be known among rural smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. ICTs have been upheld as catalysts for the promotion of rural livelihoods the world over. The question that remains is whether ICTs in Zimbabwe promote livelihoods of smallholder farmers. Although the Government formulated the ICT policy in 2005, the benefits still need to be known among rural smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe. The challenges faced by smallholder farmers include limited access to ICTs, high costs in ICT services and lack of ICT infrastructural development in the country. The challenges hindered ICT benefits that are expected to accrue to smallholder farmers. This study is significant in the view that most studies on ICT have focused on the general roles of ICT on rural development without giving particular attention to smallholder farming that has a potential of reducing poverty and promoting food security. For a theoretical lens, the Sustainable Livelihood Approach was used with special attention to Chapman et al (2001)’s information wheel. Regarding methodological issues, the study followed a qualitative research methodology guided by a secondary analysis research design. Data were collected from published reports of government, reports from the Ministry of ICT, internet, journals, newspapers and periodicals. The study established that ICTs promote livelihoods of smallholder farmers through the dissemination of vital information for improvement of agricultural productivity. From the research findings, the study proposes four main recommendations. Firstly, strengthening of ICT policy for effective smallholder farmers. Secondly, the government to organise ICT awareness campaigns directed towards rural people especially smallholder farmers. Thirdly, up scaling ICT Infrastructural development .Finally, a large-scale ICTs and livelihoods research must be commissioned in the country.
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- Date Issued: 2012
Communication practices of NGOs in poverty alleviation programmes in rural communities of Zimbabwe: the case of Deutsche Welthungerhilfe German Agro Action (GAA) in Gowke South Rural District
- Authors: Tasaranago, Collet
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Deutsche Welthungerhilfe , Poverty -- Prevention , Non-governmental organizations , Communication in economic development , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Midlands Province (Zimbabwe)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M Soc Sc (Com)
- Identifier: vital:11366 , , Deutsche Welthungerhilfe , Poverty -- Prevention , Non-governmental organizations , Communication in economic development , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Midlands Province (Zimbabwe)
- Description: The aim of this study was to analyse the communication practices of Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in their poverty alleviation programmes, using Deutsche Weltihungerhilfe German Agro Action (GAA) in Gokwe South Rural District, Midlands Province, Zimbabwe as a case study. The study was based on the premise that effective communication is essential for successful poverty alleviation programmes. Communication facilitates the diffusion of innovations and encourages active participation by local people in programmes. It is also clear that despite several attempts to end the social malaise, poverty still persists. While several factors such as corruption, misappropriation of funds and misdirection of programs are not innocuous considering the failures of poverty alleviation programmes, communication is an indispensible tool to their success. It therefore becomes imperative that the communication practices be evaluated to identify the missing links. It is evident that by so doing, going forward, NGOs can effectively communicate with the local people and advances towards poverty alleviation can be realised. To this end, third world countries amongst them Zimbabwe and particularly rural communities, Gokwe included continue to suffer from poverty despite a number of programmes to address the pandemic by NGOs. The study was guided by the tenets of the Diffusion of innovations and Participatory development communication theories. These theories were considered the most applicable in terms of the research subject. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative research methods and it was carried out in four of the wards in the district. The research methods were applied to solicit information from the rural people on how communication took place between the organisation and the community. The study found out that GAA used mainly the Indigenous Communication Systems (ICSs) in form of meetings and interpersonal face-toface communication modes. Names of projects were also fairly used for communication. The Modern Communication Systems (MCSs) used were cell phones and letters. GAA used local Page v languages mainly Shona and Ndebele and was flexible with the use of the indigenous languages. English language was also used for communication. The communication modes as well as the languages used were effective. The research also analysed and evaluated the communication practices by GAA. The study found out that the organisation effectively used the communication modes which were available for use but there were limitations in terms of access to other communication modes, especially the modern mediums due to poor infrastructure, state monopolisation of the mass media industry using regulations and fear of political persecution. The modern communication modes which GAA did not have access to could facilitate the diffusion of innovations and provide adequate information for active participation by the rural people in poverty alleviation programmes. The study also found out that only one person had heard about GAA through radio and no-one heard about GAA through the television, magazine or newspaper. The orgnanisation did not use these forms of mass media. In addition, the integration of ICSs and MCSs would provide an effective feedback system in Gokwe South Rural District. The researcher suggested the Tilled Communication Field approach whereby every stakeholder is required to make sure that the ICSs and MCSs are available for use by anyone at anytime for development purposes. There is need to give everyone adequate opportunity to use all the communication systems and users are advised to use communication for positive purposes, poverty alleviation included.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Livelihood strategies of female headed households in Zimbabwe: the case of Magaso Village, Mutoko District in Zimbabwe
- Authors: Musekiwa, Pamela
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Women heads of households -- Zimbabwe , Women in agriculture -- Zimbabwe , Sustainable development -- Zimbabwe , Household surveys -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M SW
- Identifier: vital:11763 , , Women heads of households -- Zimbabwe , Women in agriculture -- Zimbabwe , Sustainable development -- Zimbabwe , Household surveys -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe
- Description: This research study explored livelihood strategies that female headed households adopt in Magaso village of Mutoko district in Zimbabwe. The study intended to achieve the following objectives: (i) examine the existing livelihood strategies of female headed households (ii) explore the various challenges faced by female headed households and (iii) establish the support mechanisms in place for female headed households to cope with life challenges .The literature reviewed in the study was drawn from several researchers, and the study was shaped by the strengths perspectives and the liberal feminism perspective. The study was qualitative in nature and used interviews to collect data from fifteen (15) female headed households. The data collection process used an interview guide. The research employed a qualitative research design in the form of a case study cum a phenomenological study design. Data was analysed qualitatively using the content thematic data analysis which used interpretive approaches and presentation is textual rather than statistical. The study findings were the following: engaging in subsistence farming was found to be the main livelihood activity of the female heads; engaging in home gardens; exchanging labour for food; involvement in business; reliance on temporary employment from different agencies; reliance on handouts from government and other bodies; and household heads sanctioning child labour that compromises school attendance. Moreover, these female heads faced numerous difficulties ranging from emotional, social to financial problems that resulted in worsening the condition of women, and hence validating feminization of poverty among them. Several support mechanisms were discovered to be available for the female heads but they fail to produce to fruitful results to the lives of the female heads. The study made the following recommendations: mainstreaming gender education from childhood stage; efforts aimed at job creation; financial empowerment through setting up of micro schemes for rural women amongst; seeking the services of agricultural extension services to the female head farmers; improving the social services delivery in Zimbabwe equitably across genders and strengthening informal strategies to improve women‘s social capital. Lastly, the study concluded that little is being done in terms of policy formulation to make the support structures responsive to the female headed households especially in rural areas, hence the need for sustainable development through empowerment.
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- Date Issued: 2013
The impact of donor-funded community empowerment projects on poverty alleviation: a case of selected projects in Chiredzi district of Zimbabwe
- Authors: Mundau, Mulwayini
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Non-governmental organizations -- Zimbabwe , Economic assistance -- Zimbabwe , Community development -- Zimbabwe , Donor-advised funds -- Zimbabwe -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , M SW
- Identifier: vital:11762 , , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Non-governmental organizations -- Zimbabwe , Economic assistance -- Zimbabwe , Community development -- Zimbabwe , Donor-advised funds -- Zimbabwe -- Case studies
- Description: The aim of the study was to carry out an investigation into the impact of donor-funded community empowerment projects on poverty alleviation. The data for this study were from the use of triangulation method of data collection which enhanced the assessment of the impact of donor funded community empowerment projects on poverty alleviation with specific focus on selected projects in the Chiredzi district of Zimbabwe. The findings of the study show the need for adoption of empowerment inclined practices by the local NGOs. There is need for community involvement in decision making, project ownership, and clear lines of communication with the NGOs, among others. However the findings also show the strength in linking project members with relevant institutions, and training, in order to ensure sustainability of community projects in ensuring community empowerment towards poverty eradication.
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- Date Issued: 2013
Expenditure analysis and planning in a changed economy: a case study approach of Gweru City Council, Zimbabwe
- Authors: Kuhudzai, Anesu G
- Date: 2014
- Subjects: Economic development -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Regression analysis
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc (Mathematical Statistics)
- Identifier: vital:11786 , , Economic development -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Regression analysis
- Description: The purpose of this study is to analyse Gweru City Council`s spending pattern and behaviour and to determine if this spending pattern is directed towards poverty reduction and economic development or not. Furthermore, to fit a log-differenced regression model to a historical financial dataset obtained from Gweru City Council Finance Department for the time period July 2009 to September 2012. Regression techniques were used to determine how Gweru City Council`s total income (dependent variable) is affected by its expenditure (independent variables). Econometric modeling techniques were employed for the evaluation of estimate tests, conducted to determine the reliability of the estimated model. The study concludes by providing some recommendations for possible financial plans which could be adopted by Gweru City Council and other local authorities in Zimbabwe for the well-being of Zimbabweans and economic development.
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- Date Issued: 2014
Social intrepreneurship and millennium development goals in developing countries: case study of Zimbabwe
- Authors: Ngorora, Grace P K
- Date: 2014-11
- Subjects: Social entrepreneurship -- Zimbabwe , Economic development -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: Doctoral theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:65847
- Description: The study set out to examine the contribution of social entrepreneurship to the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), particularly MDG 1, the eradication of extreme poverty and hunger. Poverty reduction occurred when social entrepreneurial activities resulted in the improvement of the socio-economic well-being of social entrepreneurs and their beneficiaries. The problem this study sought to research on was that, despite the impact of social entrepreneurship, there has been inadequate attention to and discussion of its contribution to attaining the MDGs in Zimbabwe. The population were social entrepreneurs in Harare, Zimbabwe. The random sampling method was used to determine the sample size. Semi-structured questionnaires were used to collect primary data in Harare, Zimbabwe from 132 social entrepreneurs and 200 beneficiaries of social entrepreneurial activities. Secondary information was obtained from textbooks and various internet sources. The data collected was analyzed through SPSS Version 22 because of its appropriateness and wide use. The null hypothesis that social entrepreneurship does not contribute to the achievement of MDGs was rejected in favor of the alternative hypothesis that social entrepreneurship provides an alternative to the achievement of MDGs. Findings from the study suggest that social entrepreneurs contribute immensely to poverty reduction. They also contribute towards research and development, promoting gender equality and empowerment, education for all as well as access to health facilities. The segments of the population benefiting from social entrepreneurship include the poor, socially excluded, discriminated, the unemployed and disabled. The impact on poverty and hunger was achieved through microfinance initiatives, income generation activities, empowerment and capacity building. Results showed that social entrepreneurship activities solve social problems through providing food, shelter, water, education and collateral to access finance. The study concluded that social entrepreneurship is a plausible approach to promote implementation of policies to reduce extreme poverty and hunger by using readily available resources to bring sustainable solutions to problems. The strategies to make social entrepreneurship more effective included creating a conducive legal and policy environment, financial provision, political support, and government support, publicity of the contribution of social entrepreneurship, mentorship and collaboration among stakeholders. , Thesis (PhD) -- Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2014
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- Date Issued: 2014-11
An assessment of the role played by social protection in addressing poverty and vulnerability in Zimbabwe: the case of Zimbabwe
- Authors: Daitai, Joseph
- Date: 2014-12
- Subjects: Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Zimbabwe -- Economic conditions , Zimbabwe -- Social conditions
- Language: English
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: , vital:64639
- Description: The focus of this study was based on the role played by social protection programs to alleviate poverty. This was achieved through analyzing generally the various social assistance programs delivered by both the government and the non-governmental organizations in trying to alleviate the scourge of wide spread poverty in Zimbabwe. The study also clearly outlined the endless list of various factors that contributed to some economic depressions and recessions that affected the country ever since the dawn of new Zimbabwe at independence in April of 1980. This study places social protection within the wider context of social assistance and relates to both concepts to poverty alleviation and wellbeing of the Zimbabwean citizens. The research made use of one of the major approaches in social science which is the qualitative method. The use of qualitative technique reflects an attempt to ensure an in-depth understanding of the phenomena under study, that is, to understand the successes and challenges faced by the government and non-governmental organizations in alleviating poverty.The study adopted a qualitative research methodology and mainly desktop approach was used meaning that data used was obtained from secondary sources whereby already exciting data within the area of social protection is analyzed and a conclusion is reached. This paper analyses the field of social protection, viewed within the broader concept of social assistance programs. The analysis relates both social protection and social assistance programs focusing on the (WFP) programs of Vulnerable group Feeding (VGF) and the government of Zimbabwe’s Basic Education Assistance Module (BEAM), their contribution to poverty alleviation. This study widens the focus from conventional narrowly defined elements of social protection to a broader interpretation which emphasizes the interface between social protection and its contribution to poverty alleviation. The linkage to poverty alleviation is also thoroughly discussed; various government and nongovernmental interventions have been also discussed where appropriate. The study also argues that many forms of socio-economic vulnerability need to be addressed from the central level to the grassroots level and also that local institutional structures are very crucial in the successful design, implementation and monitoring of these interventions. The study also suggested a possible government social protection framework that can be implemented by the government in order to achieve remarkable change and achievement in the social protection field. Recommendations were also given as the way forward for the proper and positive existence of social protection in Zimbabwe. In the theoretical framework, the study used two theories as the back bone of the study; the Capability approach and the State Welfare theory. The findings of the study revealed that in Zimbabwe, there are quite a number of social assistance programs underway but the problems discovered are that the coverage of the programs is very much inadequate and unequal hence larger percentages of citizens in the country remain unattended to, the government does not have strong financial muscles to implement successful assistance programs, political interferences also hinder success of the programs implemented by non-state organizations and also a poor grass root involvement in these programs makes them fail to achieve their purpose. , Thesis (MSoc Dev) -- Faculty of Management and Commerce, 2014
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- Date Issued: 2014-12
Rural food security in Mutare District, Zimbabwe, 1947-2010
- Authors: Kusena, Bernard
- Date: 2019
- Subjects: Mutare (Zimbabwe) -- History , Zimbabwe -- History , Food security -- Zimbabwe , Poverty -- Zimbabwe , Rural pooer -- Zimbabwe , Crop losses -- Zimbabwe , Food relief -- Zimbabwe
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: , vital:30757
- Description: By taking Mutare District as its lens to explore the dynamics of rural food security in Zimbabwe, this thesis assesses the role of the state in tackling hunger among its rural populations. It examines the impact of colonial and post-colonial food policy on efforts to combat food insecurity. The thesis explores the uneasy options pursued by rural communities in response to droughts and other threats of hunger. It identifies and ranks crop failure as the chief culprit to the district’s efforts towards food security. The thesis illustrates the contestations between the state and its rural people over which sustainable approaches to adopt in order to end hunger and how such debates continually shaped policy. It grapples with questions about the various understandings of food security advanced by scholars within the rural African context. It demonstrates, for instance, that the post-colonial state inherited an erstwhile crop production structure which shunned food crops in favour of cash crops. There was obvious bias against local preferences for a robust, home-grown food regime which did not put rural livelihoods at risk of starvation. The thesis also argues that food can be used as an instrument of war as evidenced during the liberation struggle when the vast majority of people residing in rural areas, particularly women and children, were pushed to the edges of survival. In addition, the thesis demonstrates that the infamous Marange diamonds turned out to be a curse rather than a blessing due to the state’s lack of transparency in the beneficiation chain. It concludes by a detailed examination of the political economy of food aid, demonstrating why donors have not succeeded for long to combat hunger in the district. In light of this background, the thesis provides a more nuanced analysis of the whole question of rural food security using archival material, newspapers, government and civil society reports, interviews and field observation. The thesis benefits from the use of a multi-pronged theoretical framework to capture the disparate themes that form the bedrock of this study.
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- Date Issued: 2019