"It was a brilliant time" : an investigation into the experiences of the founder group of the Directorate of Special Operations
- Authors: Geyer-van Rensburg, Karen Helen
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: National Prosecuting Authority of South Africa. Directorate of Special Operations Crime -- South Africa Crime -- Prevention -- South Africa Criminal Justice, Administration of -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MBA
- Identifier: vital:815 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007919
- Description: The President, Thabo Mbeki, established the Directorate of Special Operations (DSO) in 1999 shortly after the general elections. The DSO was intended to supplement the efforts of the South African Police Services in combating crime. The unit would concentrate on national priority crimes and police corruption and would report to the National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP). The founder members of the DSO were identified in my research and open-ended interviews were conducted with them. The goal of my research was to understand the founder group's experience of the creation of the organisational culture of the DSO and what that experience meant to them . In particular, I wanted to establish what role the founder members of the DSO believed their values and beliefs played in creating the organisation's culture, and their perception of how those values influenced the leadership, management and organisation processes of the DSO. The public sector environment seldom offers opportunities to create something new and this was a unique experience. The founder members received no personal gain except the satisfaction of creating something that would be there for their descendants, something that would change the face of law enforcement forever and in fact, pioneer the troika methodology for the first time in the world within a permanent structure. The values of the founder members influenced their decision to join and they believed that the DSO would make a difference in the lives of ordinary South Africans. They were dedicated, committed, loyal and passionate. Their leadership inspired the members of the organisation and ensured the success of the DSO, despite the lack of resources, staff and legislation. This was an exciting time in the history of the organisation and many personal sacrifices were made. The founder members are proud of the achievements of the DSO and of having been a part thereof. It certainly was "a brilliant time".
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- Date Issued: 2004
"My novel, Hill of Fools"
- Authors: Peteni, R L , Wright, Laurence
- Date: 2004
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: vital:7038 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007376 , http://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC47869
- Description: preprint , R.L. Peteni - 'There is a tendency in human beings to pay no heed to events in small remote areas. They would rather concern themselves only with those events which make headlines, with political upheavals and industrial conflicts centred in large metropolitan regions. Yet there is always drama and human conflict in the humblest rural village. In selecting a pastoral theme and small fictitious villages in an obscure corner of Keiskammahoek as the setting of the novel, I had an ironic intention. Themes illustrated in these obscure villages would, I believed, have more universal application than they would if I had selected a larger centre, identifiable personages and known political trends. I did not want anybody to sit back, complacent, feeling that the spotlight was on Lennox Sebe’s Ciskei alone, or Kaiser Matanzima’s Transkei, or John Vorster’s apartheid South Africa. The spotlight is on the Ciskei, yes, on Transkei, on South Africa, on any other country where public life and personal relationships are bedevilled by tribalism or racialism or any form of sectionalism.
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- Date Issued: 2004
"Speak American"! or language, power and education in Dearborn, Michigan: a case study of Arabic heritage learners and their community
- Authors: Ayouby, Kenneth Kahtan
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Arabic language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Michigan -- Dearborn , Education and language -- Michigan -- Dearborn
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , DEd
- Identifier: vital:11015 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/369 , Arabic language -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Michigan -- Dearborn , Education and language -- Michigan -- Dearborn
- Description: This study examines the history and development of the “Arabic as a foreign language” (AFL) programme in Dearborn Public Schools (in Michigan, the United States) in its socio-cultural and political context. More specifically, this study examines the significance of Arabic to the Arab immigrant and ethnic community in Dearborn in particular, but with reference to meanings generated and associated to Arabic by non- Arabs in the same locale. Although this study addresses questions similar to research conducted on Arab Americans in light of anthropological and sociological theoretical constructs, it is, however, unique in examining education and Arabic pedagogy in Dearborn from an Arab American studies and an educational multi-cultural perspective, predicated on/and drawing from Edward Said’s critique of Orientalism, Paulo Freire’s ideas about education, and Henry Giroux’s concern with critical pedagogy. In the American mindscape, the "East" has been the theatre of the exotic, the setting of the Other from colonial times to the present. The Arab and Muslim East have been constructed to represent an opposite of American culture, values and life. Through the agency of conflation, Arab (and Muslim) Americans are accordingly lumped together with people from abroad, making for their status as permanent outsiders. Thus, if the American Self represents an ideal, the inhabitants of this oppositional world of Arabs and Islam (an Anti-world) represent an Anti-self. A source of fear and object of hate and prejudice, this Anti-self is the object of derision and anything connected with it (e.g. language, customs, religion, etc.) becomes suspect and is devalued by association. This document has two objectives: First, to present an historical account of this context, and, secondly, to shed light on how and why things that are associated with Arab Americans in Dearborn are devalued. This is achieved by addressing the developments of meanings (of actions and symbols) in their American context, and how they have shaped (and still shape) the local culture's depiction of and understanding of Arab (and Muslim) Americans. Therefore, Arab American issues of language, culture and societal interactions should be understood as constituting a stream of American life, which represent a dimension of the total American experience, past and present, that is best understood through the paradigm of American studies. Viewing this experience as a cultural whole rather than as a series of unrelated fragments (e.g. immigration waves and settlement patterns, religious and state affiliations, assimilation and preservation debates), Arab American culture and issues begin to shine through as an organic and holistic experience whose characteristics are shared with other groups, suggesting research on this community is equally generalisable to others. ii As an academic work, this document promotes an understanding of the Arab American experience from an interdisciplinary point of view through focusing on the phenomenon of language in the community with emphasis placed on the AFL experience at school. Therefore, it is a broadly-framed outlook that permits, in an introductory way, a view of the richness of the Arab American experience, particularly in Dearborn, Michigan, as part of the American experience. Data were collected using two surveys, one for AFL students at a high school, and another was administered to adults in the community—in Dearborn. In addition, an action-research-based effort, individual personal interviews and focus groups were conducted with stakeholders in the community: parents/community members, teachers/school personnel and students, utilising personal involvement in understanding and analysing the data. Also, the study referred to archival and documentary evidence available in the school system. Four hypotheses regarding importance/significance and utility of Arabic were offered and tested by means of qualitative, interpretive analysis. Findings included: (1) Arab Americans valued Arabic as an emblem of their community in Dearborn, suggesting its employment as an indicator of political empowerment. (2) Conversely, in the non-Arab community Arabic was observed as a mark of the Other, and an artefact of ethnic retrenchment and rejection of assimilation. (3) Interestingly, however, development of English language competence emerged as a major concern in the community, outweighing Arabic language preservation. (4) While, language maintenance efforts in the community were observed as minimal, especially at the organisational level, and support for such programmes was marginal to nil. (5) Additionally, Arabic, while not the object of a desire to master as a medium of communication, was observed to signify a special symbol of heritage for Arab American youth in the Dearborn community, who may have rejected their parents’ ideas about learning Arabic, but had developed their own. (6) What is more, Arab American youth were observed developing a viable hybridised identity, whose mainstay is being “Arabic”, despite the dominance of English and Euro-Anglo cultural norms. (7) At the institutional level, Arabic was observed devalued in the school setting due to its association with Arabs, Islam, Arab Americans, and immigration. (8) Moreover, relations between Arab Americans and non-Arab Americans in the school system seems to have been equally impacted by this process of devaluation, furthering the cause of stigmatisation, prejudice and racism.
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- Date Issued: 2004
'Counterfeiting' Shakespeare; Evidence, Authorship, and John Ford's Funerall Elegye, Brian Vickers book review
- Authors: Birkinshaw, Catherine
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: To be catalogued
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/457498 , vital:75643 , https://hdl.handle.net/10520/EJC48033
- Description: 'Counterfeiting'Shakespeare; Evidence, Authorship, and John Ford's Funerall Elegye. Cambridge University Press, 2002. 568 pp. Reviewed by CATHARINE BIRKINSHAW' Counterfeiting' Shakespeare is Brian Vickers's magisterial summing up of the debates over two dubious Shakespearean attributions. The first is the notorious" Shall I die?", Gary Taylor's discovery, that he and Stanley Wells included in the Oxford Complete Works (1986).
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- Date Issued: 2004
'Environmental policy to community action': methodology and approaches in community-based environmental education programmes in Uganda
- Authors: Babikwa, Daniel J
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Environmental education -- Uganda -- Case studies Education and state -- Uganda Community development -- Uganda -- Case studies Sustainable development -- Uganda -- Case studies Environmental policy -- Uganda -- Case studies
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:1518 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003400
- Description: This research was conducted in Luwero, a rural district in central Uganda, over a period of three years, half of which entailed fulltime engagement in a participatory action research process with VEDCO, an indigenous NGO. The study focuses on the educational processes involved in the translation of Uganda's environmental policy into action at community level. It looks at community-based education and development activities run by VEDCO among smallholder farmers. The study addressed four objectives. For the first objective I developed a conceptual framework through a review of theories informing education in general and environmental education, adult education, community education, and community development in particular. The second objective was to conduct a situational analysis to identify contextual issues related to policy implementation at community level. The third objective was to engage in a participatory action research process with the NGO in the farming community in response to the identified contextual issues, and the fourth was to explore and comment on environmental education methods used within a community context. PRA techniques, interviews, and other participatory data collection methods were used to generate the data. The study reveals contradictions that limit NGO capacity to make appropriate use of participatory education processes in implementing policy-related training at community level. Elements in the National Plan for the Modernisation of Agriculture, for example, conflicted with the principle of sustainable development underlying the policy. VEDCO itself was changing from a social-welfare-oriented organisation into a commercial enterprise pursuing economic goals, which conflicted with its social goals. The capitalist development ideology of the donor was being adopted by VEDCO, which contradicted the goals of people-centred development. This was exacerbated by VEDCO's dependency on donor funds for its activities. Contextual issues like people's history; poverty, gender and inconsistent land policies further complicated the policy implementation processes. There were also inconsistencies in the epistemological assumptions and didactic approaches evident in the implementation. The study shows that the intended emancipatory education processes are more often supplanted by technicist methodologies. Thus, it exposes the underlying historical, ideological and epistemological tensions and contradictions within the field of education, particularly in relation to the `paradigmatic' orientations (neo-classical, liberal and socially critical/emancipatory) outlined in the literature. Conclusions are made at two levels: in relation to the study goals, of examining policy implementation at community level and in terms of the study's contribution to the understanding of current education theory in the context of sustainable development among communities.
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- Date Issued: 2004
100 years of chemistry at Rhodes University
- Authors: Brown, Michael E , Eve, Desmond John , Kaye, Perry T , Rivett, Douglas E A , Watkins, Gareth M
- Date: 2004
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6564 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004123
- Description: The history of Grahamstown is well documented and two books deal with the history of Rhodes University.1,2 Although the Chemistry Department was one of the founding departments, coverage in the official histories is minimal and sometimes inaccurate or misleading. The Rhodes University Centenary is an appropriate time to look back on some of the achievements of the department and some of its graduates over the past 100 years.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method for the determination of cyclizine hydrochloride in tablets and suppositories
- Authors: Mohammadi, I , Kanfer, Isadore , Walker, Roderick B
- Date: 2004
- Language: English
- Type: Article
- Identifier: vital:6406 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006479
- Description: Current compendial methods of assay for the analysis of cyclizine tablets involve the use of UV spectrophotometry. Since this is a non-selective technique its application to more complex dosage forms, such as suppositories, is unlikely to be appropriate. There is therefore a need for the development of a highly specific quantitative analytical method, such as high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) or capillary electrophoresis (CE). The latter technique was chosen in view of some specific advantages over HPLC, such as the use of relatively non-toxic aqueous buffers, as opposed to organic solvents, which obviates the use of expensive HPLC grade solvents making CE more cost effective. Cyclizine was analyzed in 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 2.3) and run at an applied voltage 25 kV. Detection sensitivity was enhanced by using a wavelength of 200 nm and samples were loaded hydrodynamically onto an uncoated fused-silica capillary (60 cm×50 mm i.d.). Chlorcyclizine was used as the internal standard and resolution of both compounds was achieved in less than 7 min. Stress testing was undertaken in order to investigate the appearance of breakdown products. The method has the requisite accuracy, selectivity, sensitivity and precision to assay cyclizine in tablets and suppositories. Degradation products resulting from the stress studies did not interfere with the detection of cyclizine and the assay is thus stability-indicating.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A case study of the strategic nature of DaimlerChrysler South Africa's corporate social investment programmes in the local communities of the Border-Kei region in the Eastern Cape Province
- Authors: Mak'ochieng, Alice Atieno
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: DaimlerChrysler , Automobile industry and trade -- South Africa , Economic development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economic development projects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Industries -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Social responsibility of business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:1165 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1002781 , DaimlerChrysler , Automobile industry and trade -- South Africa , Economic development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Community development -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Economic development projects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Industries -- Social aspects -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Social responsibility of business -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: Corporate social responsibility has become the business issue of the 21st century. Heightened expectations of the business sector, globalisation and increased media attention on the role of business in society are casting an intense spotlight on this issue. As a result, pressure has built on business to play a larger role in bringing about socio-economic development to many local communities where they operate. While for a long time companies have been involved in the community on a philanthropy basis, many companies today are reassessing the manner in which they conduct their corporate social responsibility programmes. Many companies are including corporate social responsibility issues into their strategic planning process and overall corporate strategy. Emphasis is given to certain strategic indicators that must be present in order for a company to be said to have taken a strategic approach to corporate social responsibility. This study adopted a critical-realist approach using a case study method to evaluate DaimlerChrysler South Africa’s corporate social investment programmes in the local community of the Border-Kei region against these strategic indicators. This new form of engagement is even challenging for a multinational corporation, which may feel that it is only obliged to assist the local community where its corporate headquarters is located. But as companies derive an everlarger share of revenue and profits from international operations, multinational companies are being called upon to redefine “community”, by looking beyond local, domestic and geographical communities to include those in regions where they have factories or factories operated by key suppliers. This study found that DCSA was strategically involved and had a good relationship with its local community. However, the company needs to be more connected with the rural communities to make local projects more successful especially after handover.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A comparative case study of the strategies used by grade one teachers who teach through the medium of English
- Authors: Jackson, Gail
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Native language and education -- South Africa Language policy -- South Africa Language and education -- South Africa English language -- Study and teaching (Elementary) -- South Africa Multilingualism -- South Africa Education, Bilingual -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MEd
- Identifier: vital:1941 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007855
- Description: This research project begins by exploring the problems surrounding the implementation of the 1997 Language in Education Policy (LiEP), and offers insight into why some schools, despite the promotion of additive bilingualism, choose English as the primary medium of instruction. It is a comparative case study of two Grade 1 classes in different situational contexts, which highlights the teaching strategies and language practices of teachers who teach predominantly non-English speakers through the medium of English. Research carried out through this case study illustrates the use of a wide range of teaching strategies, which assist young learners when learning through an additional language. In School A, thematic linking between different learning areas to maximise vocabulary development in both the mother tongue and the additional language, as well as repetition, recycling, scaffolding and contextualisation of content were found to be important. In addition, the use of questioning to elicit understanding, as well as classroom organisation and code-switching were strategies which assisted both the teacher and learners in this multilingual environment. In School B, class size, group work and the inclusion into the timetable of a wide range of diverse activities over and above the main learning areas, which provided opportunities for language development, were important considerations. In addition, routine, predictability and an attention to detail, in keeping with a form-focussed approach, aided the children in understanding the mechanics of literacy and guiding them towards becoming phonologically aware.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A comparative study of egg development in two species of Siphonariid limpets with contrasting developmental modes
- Authors: Pal, Purba
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Siphonariidae -- Eggs Siphonariidae -- Spawning Limpets
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:5826 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007663
- Description: The family Siphonariidae is considered primitive amongst the basommatophorans although the ancestry and evolutionary relationships of these marine pulmonates are far from settled. This thesis investigates and compares different aspects of egg development and the female reproductive system in two sympatric species of Siphonaria with different developmental mode (S. capensis, a planktonic developer and S. serrata, a direct developer). The study on the seasonality of gametogenesis and spawning shows that they are both spring/summer spawners with continuous sperm production. The egg production is highest in spring and summer with a brief interruption in winter months. The gametogenic cycle when examinated, reveals that both species are simultaneous hermaphrodites once sexually mature. Amongst various factors that are investigated, density of animals has a positive effect on the number of spawn only during peak spawning. Larger individuals of S. capensis and S. serrata contains more mature oocytes in the gonad indicating that the shell length and fecundity of these two limpets are positively correlated. By contrast, parasitism by trematodes has a drastic effect on the reproductive output of these limpets leaving them completely castrated. Egg development in S. capensis and S. serrata shows that both produce yolk auto synthetically (with the help of organelles like RER, Golgi bodies) but S. serrata also incorporates some high molecular weight precursors via endocytotis. The structure as well as the biochemical composition of the egg ribbons is also different between these two species with higher carbohydrate and protein content of collar shaped spawn of S. serrata. S. capensis produces egg ribbons of less fibrous nature containing thinner egg capsules compared to the direct developer. A comparison of both the glandular complex and spermatheca between these two limpets shows no inter specific difference in the structure although the glandular complex of the siphonariids shows fine structural and histochemical similarities with the albumen gland and membrane gland of the opisthobranchs. The structure of the spermatheca suggests that in both species the organ most possibly receives sperm (for degradation only?) and may transport them via the spermathecal duct (for fertilization?). Finally, it is suggested that S. capensis and S. serrata exhibit primitive features (e.g., an autosynthetic mode of vitellogenesis in S. capensis and a single glandular complex composed of an albumen and a mucous gland) compared to other basommatophorans, which should be considered in future phylogenetic investigations.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A comparative study of employment discrimination in South Africa and Canada
- Authors: Dlamini, David Vusi
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Discrimination in employment -- Law and Legislation -- South Africa , Discrimination in employment -- Law and legislation -- Canada
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , LLM
- Identifier: vital:11039 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/330 , Discrimination in employment -- Law and Legislation -- South Africa , Discrimination in employment -- Law and legislation -- Canada
- Description: South Africa and Canada have emerged from a history fraught of inequalities, which were characterised by segregationist practices. Such inequalities have served as an epitome of discrimination taking place in the society and the workplace in both countries. Both South Africa and Canada had their discrimination affecting black peoples (Africans, Indians and Coloureds) and Aboriginal peoples (Indians, Inuits or Métis) respectively, women and people with disabilities. In both countries discrimination has polarised society. It is against this backdrop that both countries have attempted to eliminate unfair discrimination through the promulgation of relevant legislation that seeks to, inter alia, provide the regulatory framework in respect of employment discrimination. With the foregoing in mind, the purpose of this work is the provision of a selection of comparable aspects of employment discrimination in Canada and South Africa. This selection comprises discrimination on the basis of race, gender, sex, pregnancy, age and HIV/AIDS. The study uses, as its departure point, both countries’ constitutional framework to elicit the extent to which protection against unfair discrimination is extended to the workforce. Apart from looking at the constitutional provisions towards the elimination of unfair discrimination, reference is made to specific employment statutory provisions in order to provide a comprehensive and explicit picture of how workplace discrimination in both countries is regulated. The study focuses on substantive law from both countries about the above -mentioned aspects of discrimination. This is informed by the very nature and scope of the study because any concentration on procedural and evidentiary aspects of discrimination could lead to failure to achieve the objectives of the study. It also looks at specific Canadian and South African case law, judgments of the courts and jurisprudence in the field of employment discrimination in order that the reader is presented with a clearer picture of recent developments in addressing workplace inequalities.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A comparative study of the Linux and windows device driver architecture with a focus on IEEE1394 (high speed serial bus) drivers
- Authors: Tsegaye, Melekam Asrat
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Microsoft Windows (Computer file) , Linux , Operating systems (Computers) , DOS device drivers (Computer programs) , Linux device drivers (Computer programs)
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4591 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004829 , Microsoft Windows (Computer file) , Linux , Operating systems (Computers) , DOS device drivers (Computer programs) , Linux device drivers (Computer programs)
- Description: New hardware devices are continually being released to the public by hardware manufactures around the world. For these new devices to be usable under a PC operating system, device drivers that extend the functionality of the target operating system have to be constructed. This work examines and compares the device driver architectures currently in use by two of the most widely used operating systems, Microsoft’s Windows and Linux. The IEEE1394 (high speed serial bus) device driver stacks on each operating system are examined and compared as an example of a major device driver stack implementation, including driver requirements for the upcoming IEEE1394.1 bridging standard.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A comparison of programming notations for a tertiary level introductory programming course
- Authors: Cilliers, Charmain Barbara
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Computer programming -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- South Africa , Computer programmers -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Doctoral , PhD
- Identifier: vital:11093 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1019679
- Description: Increasing pressure from national government to improve throughput at South African tertiary education institutions presents challenges to educators of introductory programming courses. In response, educators must adopt effective methods and strategies that encourage novice programmers to be successful in such courses. An approach that seeks to increase and maintain satisfactory throughput is the modification of the teaching model in these courses by adjusting presentation techniques. This thesis investigates the effect of integrating an experimental iconic programming notation and associated development environment with existing conventional textual technological support in the teaching model of a tertiary level introductory programming course. The investigation compares the performance achievement of novice programmers using only conventional textual technological support with that of novice programmers using the integrated iconic and conventional textual technological support. In preparation for the investigation, interpretation of existing knowledge on the behaviour of novice programmers while learning to program results in a novel framework of eight novice programmer requirements for technological support in an introductory programming course. This framework is applied in the examination of existing categories of technological support as well as in the design of new technological support for novice programmers learning to program. It thus provides information for the selection of existing and the design of new introductory programming technological support. The findings of the investigation suggest strong evidence that performance achievement of novice programmers in a tertiary level introductory programming course improves significantly with the inclusion of iconic technological support in the teaching model. The benefits are particularly evident in the portion of the novice programmer population who have been identified as being at risk of being successful in the course. Novice programmers identified as being at risk perform substantially better when using iconic technological support concurrently with conventional textual technological support than their equals who use only the latter form. Considerably more at risk novice programmers using the integrated form of technological support are in fact successful in the introductory programming course when compared with their counterparts who use conventional textual technological support only. The contributions of this thesis address deficiencies existing in current documented research. These contributions are primarily apparent in a number of distinct areas, namely: • formalisation of a novel framework of novice programmer requirements for technological support in an introductory programming course; • application of the framework as a formal evaluation technique; • application of the framework in the design of a visual iconic programming notation and development environment; • enhancement of existing empirical evidence and experimental research methodology typically applied to studies in programming; as well as • a proposal for a modified introductory programming course teaching model. The thesis has effectively applied substantial existing research on the cognitive model of the novice programmer as well as that on experimental technological support. The increase of throughput to a recommended rate of 75 percent in the tertiary level introductory programming course at the University of Port Elizabeth is attributed solely to the incorporation of iconic technological support in the teaching model of the course.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A comparison of the effectiveness of the judicial doctrine of "substance over form" with legislated measures in combatting tax avoidance
- Authors: Weston, Tracey Lee
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Income tax -- South Africa Income tax -- Law and legislation -- South Africa Income tax -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain Tax evasion -- Great Britain Tax evasion -- South Africa Tax administration and procedure -- South Africa Tax administration and procedure -- Great Britain Tax planning -- South Africa Tax planning -- Great Britain Taxation -- Law and legislation -- South Africa Taxation -- Law and legislation -- Great Britain
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MCom
- Identifier: vital:892 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/100
- Description: Taxation statutes often provide opportunities for tax avoidance by taxpayers who exploit the provisions of the taxing statute to reduce the tax that they are legally required to pay. It is, however, important to distinguish between the concepts of tax avoidance and tax evasion. The central issue, especially where the contract has no business purpose, is whether it is possible for the substance and legal form of the transaction to differ to such an extent that a court of law will favour the substance rather than the legal format. The debate is whether the courts should be encouraged to continue with their "judge-made" law or whether the tax jurisdictions should be supporting a legislative route as opposed to a judicial one, in their efforts not only to combat tax avoidance but also to preserve taxpayer certainty. The question is whether the Doctrine of "Substance over Form" as applied by the judiciary is effective in combating tax avoidance, or whether a legislated general anti-avoidance provision is required. An intensive literature survey examines the changes which have occurred in the application of judicial tests from the 1930's to date and investigates the different approaches tax jurisdictions follow in order to combat tax avoidance. The effect of the introduction of anti-avoidance provisions in combating tax avoidance is evaluated by making a comparison between the United Kingdom and South Africa. [n the United Kingdom, the courts are relied on to create anti-tax avoidance rules, one of which is the Doctrine of "Substance over Form". The doctrine is very broad and identifies various applications of the doctrine, which have been developed by the courts. In South Africa, the Doctrine of "Substance over Form" has been applied in certain tax cases; however the South African Income Tax Act does include anti-tax avoidance sections aimed at specific tax avoidance schemes, as well as a general anti-tax avoidance measure enacted as section 103. The judicial tests have progressed and changed over time and the introduction of anti-avoidance legislation in the Income Tax Act has had an effect on tax planning opportunities. A distinction needs to be made between fraudulent and bona fide transactions while recognising the taxpayer's right to arrange his or her affairs in a manner which is beneficial to him or her from a tax perspective. Judicial activism and judicial legislation in the United Kingdom has created much uncertainty amongst taxpayers and as a result strongly supports the retention of a general anti-avoidance section within an Income Tax Act. A general anti-avoidance provision, following a legislative route, appears to be more consistent and effective in combating tax avoidance.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A comparison of the Linux and Windows device driver architectures
- Authors: Tsegaye, Melekam , Foss, Richard
- Date: 2004
- Language: English
- Type: text , article
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/427198 , vital:72421 , https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/991130.991132
- Description: In this paper the device driver architectures currently used by two of the most popular operating systems, Linux and Microsoft's Windows, are examined. Driver components required when implementing device drivers for each operating system are presented and compared. The process of implementing a driver, for each operating system, that performs I/O to a kernel buffer is also presented. The paper concludes by examining the device driver development environments and facilities provided to developers by each operating system.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A comparison of web-based technologies to serve images from an Oracle9i database
- Authors: Swales, Dylan
- Date: 2004 , 2013-06-18
- Subjects: Active server pages , Microsoft .NET , JavaServer pages , Oracle (Computer file) , Internet searching , Web site development--Computer programs , World Wide Web , Online information services
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:4583 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1004380 , Active server pages , Microsoft .NET , JavaServer pages , Oracle (Computer file) , Internet searching , Web site development--Computer programs , World Wide Web , Online information services
- Description: The nature of Internet and Intranet Web applications has changed from a static content-distribution medium into an interactive, dynamic medium, often used to serve multimedia from back-end object-relational databases to Web-enabled clients. Consequently, developers need to make an informed technological choice for developing software that supports a Web-based application for distributing multimedia over networks. This decision is based on several factors. Among the factors are ease of programming, richness of features, scalability, and performance. The research focuses on these key factors when distributing images from an Oracle9i database using Java Servlets, JSP, ASP, and ASP.NET as the server-side development technologies. Prototype applications are developed and tested within each technology: one for single image serving and the other for multiple image serving. A matrix of recommendations is provided to distinguish which technology, or combination of technologies, provides the best performance and development platform for image serving within the studied envirorunent. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
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- Date Issued: 2004
A conceptual framework for the e-enabling of automotive supply chanins
- Authors: Cameron, Hilton John
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Electronic commerce , Business logistics
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MTech (Information Technology)
- Identifier: vital:10791 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/209 , Electronic commerce , Business logistics
- Description: Supply chains encompass all of the diverse activities that are associated with the flow and transformation of goods, right from the beginning stage of the raw materials, all the way through to the consumer. Supply chains are broken into three distinct parts, namely upstream activities involving the material and service inputs from suppliers, internal activities involving the manufacture and packaging of the goods, and downstream activities, which involve the distribution and sale of the goods. Since the inception of the automotive industry, buyers and suppliers have been linked in rigid, inflexible relationships. With the advent of the Internet, however, supply chains are becoming less rigid and more efficient. E-enabling an automotive supply chain involves two distinct spheres of interest, namely, the sphere of automotive supply chains and that of e-business. Both spheres are evolving fast and becoming increasingly complex. Due to the increasing complexity, there is a lack of understanding with regard to incorporating e-business principles effectively into automotive supply chains. In order to address this lack of understanding, the dissertation proposes a conceptual framework that can be used to assist in the process of e-enabling an automotive supply chain. Before the dissertation ventures to propose this conceptual framework, a number of challenges that may be encountered when attempting to enable an automotive supply chain are highlighted. The proposed framework, therefore, specifically aims to position activities conceptually in such a way that it can be argued that the identified challenges are considered at the appropriate time in the e-enabling process. The framework therefore, focuses on the entire process, starting at the planning phase and going right through to the implementation phase. As such, the framework consists of various phases, with each phase containing a myriad of activities. The different phases of the framework include developing a strategic business plan, designing an information technology architecture, identifying system and resource requirements, creating a project plan and finally implementing the project. These phases aim to address the entire e-enabling process. The contribution that this dissertation makes is in the form of a conceptual framework which may be followed during the e-enabling process. The framework aims to provide direction and to ensure that the many activities that are involved in the e-enabling process are considered. The dissertation also highlights the many challenges that may be encountered when enabling a supply chain. Lastly a prototype application has been developed using a new Internet technology. The prototype has been developed in order to ascertain the new technologies suitability to the e-enabled supply chain environment.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A contribution to cabbage pest management by subsistence and small-scale farmers in the Eastern Cape, South Africa
- Authors: Mkize, Nolwazi
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Cabbage -- Diseases and pests , Insect pests -- Integrated control -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Farms, Small -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agriculture -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:5659 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1005342 , Cabbage -- Diseases and pests , Insect pests -- Integrated control -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Farms, Small -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape , Agriculture -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape
- Description: The interaction between farmers, agricultural scientists and extension workers is sometimes overlooked in agricultural entomology. In an attempt to respond to this reality this study examines some foundation of this interaction in relation to the pest management practices of subsistence and small-scale farmers and also highlights the problems that might arise in the implementation of IPM. Problems involving pests occurrence; language barriers; beliefs, knowledge and perception about insects, and visual literacy are examined. The thesis has a two-fold focus, firstly the study of pests on cabbages of subsistence farmers in Grahamstown and secondly a broader focus on other aspects such as cultural entomology, perception of insects and visual literacy specifically in relation to Xhosa speaking people in the Eastern Cape. The most important crop for emergent farmers in the Eastern Cape are cabbages, which have a variety of pests of which diamondback moths and are the most important. Traditional pest management practices tend to influence the development of IPM programmes adopted by these farmers. Eastern Cape farmers apply periodic cropping systems, which had an effect on the population densities of diamondback moth (DBM), other lepidopteran pests and their parasitoids. Considering the maximum population densities of DBM, which were 0.2 - 2.9 larvae/plant, there were no major pest problems. The availability of parasitoids, even in highly disturbed and patchy environments, showed good potential for biological control. Since some extension officers cannot speak the local farmers’ language, a dictionary of insect names was formulated in their language (isiXhosa) to assist communication. Response-frequency distribution analysis showed that the dictionary is essentially complete. The literal translations of some names show that isiXhosa speakers often relate insects to people, or to their habitat or classify them according to their behaviour. Farmers from eight sites in the Eastern Cape were interviewed regarding their knowledge and perception of insect pests and their control thereof. To some extent, farmers still rely on cultural control and have beliefs about insects that reflected both reality and superstition. There is no difference between the Ciskei and Transkei regions regarding insect-related beliefs. Farmers generally lack an understanding of insect ecology. There is a need for farmers to be taught about insects to assist with the implementation of IPM. Leftover pesticides from commercial farms or detergents are sometimes used to manage the pests. When training illiterate or semi-literate farmers, it is important to understand their media literacy so as to design useful graphic and object training media. Generally farmers showed that they either understand graphic or object media depending on the features of the insects being looked at. These findings are discussed with regard to the potential development of IPM training material for subsistence and small-scale farmers in a community.
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- Date Issued: 2004
A corpus-based investigation of Xhosa English in the classroom setting
- Authors: Platt, Candice Lee
- Date: 2004 , 2013-06-03
- Subjects: English language -- Study and teaching (Foreign speakers) -- South Africa , Computational linguistics , Black English -- South Africa , Black people -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Education
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:2379 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1007613 , English language -- Study and teaching (Foreign speakers) -- South Africa , Computational linguistics , Black English -- South Africa , Black people -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Education
- Description: This study is an investigation of Xhosa English as used by teachers in the Grahamstown area of the Eastern Cape. The aims of the study were firstly, to compile a 20 000 word mini-corpus of the spoken English of Xhosa mother-tongue teachers in Grahamstown, and to use this data to describe the characteristics of Xhosa English used in the classroom context; and secondly, to assess the usefulness of a corpus-based approach to a study of this nature. The English of five Xhosa mother-tongue teachers was investigated. These teachers were recorded while teaching in English and the data was then transcribed for analysis. The data was analysed using Wordsmith Tools to investigate patterns in the teachers' language. Grammatical, lexical and discourse patterns were explored based on the findings of other researchers' investigations of Black South African English and Xhosa English. In general, many of the patterns reported in the literature were found in the data, but to a lesser extent than reported in literature which gave quantitative information. Some features not described elsewhere were also found. The corpus-based approach was found to be useful within the limits of pattern-matching. , KMBT_363 , Adobe Acrobat 9.54 Paper Capture Plug-in
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- Date Issued: 2004
A critical analysis of the influence of the "Prevention of the illegal eviction from and unlawful occupation of Land Act 19 of 1998" on investment in residential income-producing property
- Authors: Botha, Brink
- Date: 2004
- Subjects: Rental housing -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Eviction -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Occupancy (Law) -- South Africa , Real estate investment -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Language: English
- Type: Thesis , Masters , MSc
- Identifier: vital:11005 , http://hdl.handle.net/10948/321 , Rental housing -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Eviction -- Law and legislation -- South Africa , Occupancy (Law) -- South Africa , Real estate investment -- Law and legislation -- South Africa
- Description: This research will focus on the influence of legislation (as indicated in this research) on the investment decision in residential income-producing property. Assumptions, as recorded in the hypothesis of this study, indicate that the legislation had a changing influence on the investment decision in residential income-producing property in comparison to the time period prior to the promulgation of the legislation. The research methodology will be based on a comparative analysis of the current legislation and the proposed Draft Amendment Bill. This analysis will be tested by means of a case study analysis incorporating a phenomenological study based on written data. The problems, sub-problems and hypothesis will be addressed and tested in this research in conjunction with the prescribed research methodology. This research is concluded by means of a synopsis and recommendations.
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- Date Issued: 2004