'N polisistemiese ondersoek na die poësie van instagram-digters
- Authors: De Wat Jane
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) , Poetry
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63265 , vital:73242
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die opkoms van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie en die literêre en sosiale status daarvan te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende Afrikaanse aanlyn digters en hul selfpublikasies: Skakerings van geel (@skildermetdigkuns) en Alles wat ek wou sê (@ontmasker), sowel as die sogenaamde Rupi Kaur van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie, (@kaalwoorde), se digbundel Kosmos en komete wat onlangs deur LAPA Uitgewers gepubliseer is. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die manier waarop die metamodernistiese konteks waarbinne digitale of e-letterkunde ontwikkel het, in dié skryfstyl manifesteer. In my ondersoek fokus ek op metamodernisme eerder as postmodernisme, omdat metamodernisme groter klem op die waarheid en die objektiewe realiteit plaas, wat ʼn opvallende tema in die werk van die gekose digters is. Die impak van aanlyn poësie op die identiteit en voorstelling van die Zoomer-generasie (individue wat ná 1996 gebore is, andersins bekend as generasie Z) word nagespeur ten einde die impak van hierdie poësie op die gemiddelde Afrikaanse Zoomer-leser te bepaal. Verskeie vrae rakende die posisie van Instagrampoësie binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon word ook onder die loep geneem. Die analise en interpretasie van die gedigte is daarop gemik om die literêre status van hierdie gedigte te ondersoek op grond van skryfpatrone, die evolusie daarvan en die gewildheid wat gemeet word in terme van followers (voortaan volgelinge), likes (voortaan bekend as voorkeure) en comments (voortaan kommentaar).1 Daar is bewys dat die metamodernistiese konteks (wat breedvoerig in die studie gekonseptualiseer en in terme van Suid-Afrika gekontekstualiseer word) waarin hierdie gedigte geformuleer en versprei is, ʼn beduidende invloed het op die toon en temas daarvan. Daar word getoon dat die tematiese stryd met kwessies soos identiteit, geloof en liefde in dié woordkuns verband hou met die sosiopolitieke konteks van die Zoomer-generasie. Hierdie metamodernistiese toestand word gekenmerk deur progressiewe denke, diversiteit en ʼn samelewing wat voortdurend verander. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie ʼn literêre diskoers skep met die doel om nuwe idees met betrekking tot die waarhede van ʼn generasie wat dikwels misverstaan en misgekyk word, voor te stel. Die vryheid van Instagrampoësie bied met ander woorde ʼn geleentheid vir Zoomer-denkers om hulle stempel binne ʼn metamoderne samelewing af te druk. Deur Even-Zohar se 1 Instagram-terme wat verwys na die hoeveelheid mense wat die digter volg, sy/haar/sig gedigte lees en dan ook daarop reageer op ʼn “hou van/hou nie van nie” glyskaal. 4 polisisteemteorie en die leser-reaksie-teorie by die ondersoek na die skep en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie te betrek, word aangetoon dat e-letterkunde wel ʼn plek binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers vind. Hoewel die skeppingsproses, publikasie en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie verskil van dié van ander literêre vorme, stel die studie hierdie vorm van poësie aan die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon bekend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-12
- Authors: De Wat Jane
- Date: 2023-12
- Subjects: Prosodic analysis (Linguistics) , Poetry
- Language: Afrikaans
- Type: Master's theses , text
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10948/63265 , vital:73242
- Description: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die opkoms van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie en die literêre en sosiale status daarvan te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na die volgende Afrikaanse aanlyn digters en hul selfpublikasies: Skakerings van geel (@skildermetdigkuns) en Alles wat ek wou sê (@ontmasker), sowel as die sogenaamde Rupi Kaur van Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie, (@kaalwoorde), se digbundel Kosmos en komete wat onlangs deur LAPA Uitgewers gepubliseer is. Daar word ondersoek ingestel na die manier waarop die metamodernistiese konteks waarbinne digitale of e-letterkunde ontwikkel het, in dié skryfstyl manifesteer. In my ondersoek fokus ek op metamodernisme eerder as postmodernisme, omdat metamodernisme groter klem op die waarheid en die objektiewe realiteit plaas, wat ʼn opvallende tema in die werk van die gekose digters is. Die impak van aanlyn poësie op die identiteit en voorstelling van die Zoomer-generasie (individue wat ná 1996 gebore is, andersins bekend as generasie Z) word nagespeur ten einde die impak van hierdie poësie op die gemiddelde Afrikaanse Zoomer-leser te bepaal. Verskeie vrae rakende die posisie van Instagrampoësie binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon word ook onder die loep geneem. Die analise en interpretasie van die gedigte is daarop gemik om die literêre status van hierdie gedigte te ondersoek op grond van skryfpatrone, die evolusie daarvan en die gewildheid wat gemeet word in terme van followers (voortaan volgelinge), likes (voortaan bekend as voorkeure) en comments (voortaan kommentaar).1 Daar is bewys dat die metamodernistiese konteks (wat breedvoerig in die studie gekonseptualiseer en in terme van Suid-Afrika gekontekstualiseer word) waarin hierdie gedigte geformuleer en versprei is, ʼn beduidende invloed het op die toon en temas daarvan. Daar word getoon dat die tematiese stryd met kwessies soos identiteit, geloof en liefde in dié woordkuns verband hou met die sosiopolitieke konteks van die Zoomer-generasie. Hierdie metamodernistiese toestand word gekenmerk deur progressiewe denke, diversiteit en ʼn samelewing wat voortdurend verander. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat Afrikaanse Instagrampoësie ʼn literêre diskoers skep met die doel om nuwe idees met betrekking tot die waarhede van ʼn generasie wat dikwels misverstaan en misgekyk word, voor te stel. Die vryheid van Instagrampoësie bied met ander woorde ʼn geleentheid vir Zoomer-denkers om hulle stempel binne ʼn metamoderne samelewing af te druk. Deur Even-Zohar se 1 Instagram-terme wat verwys na die hoeveelheid mense wat die digter volg, sy/haar/sig gedigte lees en dan ook daarop reageer op ʼn “hou van/hou nie van nie” glyskaal. 4 polisisteemteorie en die leser-reaksie-teorie by die ondersoek na die skep en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie te betrek, word aangetoon dat e-letterkunde wel ʼn plek binne die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers vind. Hoewel die skeppingsproses, publikasie en ontvangs van aanlyn poësie verskil van dié van ander literêre vorme, stel die studie hierdie vorm van poësie aan die Afrikaanse literêre diskoers en kanon bekend. , Thesis (MA) -- Faculty of Humanities, 2023
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2023-12
Hugh Tracey memorial service
- Radio program of words and music (Calendar: presentor), Kathleen David (Producer and Compiler), The Glorius Never Pike (Selector of music), Tracey, Andrew T N
- Authors: Radio program of words and music (Calendar: presentor) , Kathleen David (Producer and Compiler) , The Glorius Never Pike (Selector of music) , Tracey, Andrew T N
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Tracey, Hugh , Memorial service , Poetry , Sub-Saharan African music , Africa South Africa Johannesburg f-sa
- Language: English
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/113152 , vital:33720 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , ATC131a-01
- Description: Reading of poem from by Berth entitled 'Do not go gentle into that good night' with some music background
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Radio program of words and music (Calendar: presentor) , Kathleen David (Producer and Compiler) , The Glorius Never Pike (Selector of music) , Tracey, Andrew T N
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Tracey, Hugh , Memorial service , Poetry , Sub-Saharan African music , Africa South Africa Johannesburg f-sa
- Language: English
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/113152 , vital:33720 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , ATC131a-01
- Description: Reading of poem from by Berth entitled 'Do not go gentle into that good night' with some music background
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
Hugh Tracey memorial service
- Radio program of words and music (Calendar: presentor), Kathleen David (Producer and Compiler), The Glorius Never Pike (Selector of music), Tracey, Andrew T N
- Authors: Radio program of words and music (Calendar: presentor) , Kathleen David (Producer and Compiler) , The Glorius Never Pike (Selector of music) , Tracey, Andrew T N
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Tracey, Hugh , Memorial service , Poetry , Sub-Saharan African music , Africa South Africa Johannesburg f-sa
- Language: English
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/113165 , vital:33725 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , ATC131a-02
- Description: Reading of poems from Mrs Shaw entitled 'Work without hope' by Samuel Taylor Carridge and 'Not to sleep' by Dante Gabriel Rezete Mrs Stewart reading lines taken from Cecil Roberts' autobiography 'Some China shadow' published by Hudson Stuton , Reading from Mrs Stewart lines taken from Cecil Roberts' autobiography 'Some China shadow' published by Hudson Stuton , Reading of poem from Miss June Ridgeway entitled 'Forget not yet' , Reading of poem from Mrs Bush entitled 'High hills' by George Winter Pro Young
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Authors: Radio program of words and music (Calendar: presentor) , Kathleen David (Producer and Compiler) , The Glorius Never Pike (Selector of music) , Tracey, Andrew T N
- Date: 1977
- Subjects: Tracey, Hugh , Memorial service , Poetry , Sub-Saharan African music , Africa South Africa Johannesburg f-sa
- Language: English
- Type: sound recordings , field recordings , sound recording-musical
- Identifier: http://hdl.handle.net/10962/113165 , vital:33725 , International Library of African Music, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, South Africa , ATC131a-02
- Description: Reading of poems from Mrs Shaw entitled 'Work without hope' by Samuel Taylor Carridge and 'Not to sleep' by Dante Gabriel Rezete Mrs Stewart reading lines taken from Cecil Roberts' autobiography 'Some China shadow' published by Hudson Stuton , Reading from Mrs Stewart lines taken from Cecil Roberts' autobiography 'Some China shadow' published by Hudson Stuton , Reading of poem from Miss June Ridgeway entitled 'Forget not yet' , Reading of poem from Mrs Bush entitled 'High hills' by George Winter Pro Young
- Full Text: false
- Date Issued: 1977
- Hogge, Quentin Edward Somerville
- Authors: Hogge, Quentin Edward Somerville
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Poetry , Post-apartheid , Environment , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , Creative writing (Higher education) , English language -- Writing
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:5963 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1001813
- Description: My initial intention is to try to show how, as a poet in South Africa, I suffer from a creative identity crisis. I am a white English-speaking male. I live surrounded by isiXhosa-speaking people. Is my poetry, or will my poetry be, relevant in the ‘New’ South Africa? Is English, the language of the colonial oppressors, the appropriate medium in the post-apartheid milieu? Will my subject matter be relevant? These questions and my attempts at answering them, form the basis of the poetry and the portfolio that accompanies the poems. My absorption with finding a creative ‘voice’, my concerns with the environment and a questioning of what post-apartheid poetry should write about all seem a bit Quixotic, especially to me! But at another level, they are deeply serious. (p. 5.)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Hogge, Quentin Edward Somerville
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Poetry , Post-apartheid , Environment , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , Creative writing (Higher education) , English language -- Writing
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:5963 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1001813
- Description: My initial intention is to try to show how, as a poet in South Africa, I suffer from a creative identity crisis. I am a white English-speaking male. I live surrounded by isiXhosa-speaking people. Is my poetry, or will my poetry be, relevant in the ‘New’ South Africa? Is English, the language of the colonial oppressors, the appropriate medium in the post-apartheid milieu? Will my subject matter be relevant? These questions and my attempts at answering them, form the basis of the poetry and the portfolio that accompanies the poems. My absorption with finding a creative ‘voice’, my concerns with the environment and a questioning of what post-apartheid poetry should write about all seem a bit Quixotic, especially to me! But at another level, they are deeply serious. (p. 5.)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
Rhythm and Story-telling
- Tracey, Hugh (Talk show guest), Terkel, Studs 1912- (Talk show host)
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh (Talk show guest) , Terkel, Studs 1912- (Talk show host)
- Subjects: Complex , Rhythms , Districts , Uniqueness , Instruments , Strings , Guitar , Westernisation , Scales , Tune , Mode , Topical song , Luba , Southern Congo , Harps , Indigenous , Language , Linguist , Tone , Intonation , Melody , Emphasis , Syllable , Drums , Slit drums , Trees , Forest , Round , Rondo , Canon , Bolero , Bells , Rattles , Gourds , Lift , Upbeat , Lightness , Story tellers , Stories , Widow , Music of Africa Series , Cars , Communicate , Musicology , Collective on conscience , Chopi , Zitherphone , Rhodesia , Mozambique , Limpopo , Xylophone , Marimba , Pitches , Tremble , Double bass , Dynamic , Leader , Dancers , Call-and-response , Lining hymn , Pygmy , Congo , Pygmies , Little Sisters of Jesus , French missionaries , Lullaby , Crude song , Poetry , Mbira , Thumb piano , Musical box , Buzzing sound , Kalimba , Northwestern University , Portuguese , 16th century , Dorset song , Humourous song , Malawi , The Drum is Broken , Onomatopaeia , Humour , Encylopaedia , Codification , Chant , Swazi men , Regimental song , Goodbye , Karanga , Goodbye stay well , Interview , Western England , Portugese , Workshop , Wait a minim!
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio Broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15111 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008539 , Reel number: BC180
- Description: Introduction to African music by Hugh Tracey in the Studs Terkel Radio Program aired on WFMT , Home dub of Dr. Tracey , For further details refer to the ILAM document collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcast Collection
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh (Talk show guest) , Terkel, Studs 1912- (Talk show host)
- Subjects: Complex , Rhythms , Districts , Uniqueness , Instruments , Strings , Guitar , Westernisation , Scales , Tune , Mode , Topical song , Luba , Southern Congo , Harps , Indigenous , Language , Linguist , Tone , Intonation , Melody , Emphasis , Syllable , Drums , Slit drums , Trees , Forest , Round , Rondo , Canon , Bolero , Bells , Rattles , Gourds , Lift , Upbeat , Lightness , Story tellers , Stories , Widow , Music of Africa Series , Cars , Communicate , Musicology , Collective on conscience , Chopi , Zitherphone , Rhodesia , Mozambique , Limpopo , Xylophone , Marimba , Pitches , Tremble , Double bass , Dynamic , Leader , Dancers , Call-and-response , Lining hymn , Pygmy , Congo , Pygmies , Little Sisters of Jesus , French missionaries , Lullaby , Crude song , Poetry , Mbira , Thumb piano , Musical box , Buzzing sound , Kalimba , Northwestern University , Portuguese , 16th century , Dorset song , Humourous song , Malawi , The Drum is Broken , Onomatopaeia , Humour , Encylopaedia , Codification , Chant , Swazi men , Regimental song , Goodbye , Karanga , Goodbye stay well , Interview , Western England , Portugese , Workshop , Wait a minim!
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio Broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15111 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008539 , Reel number: BC180
- Description: Introduction to African music by Hugh Tracey in the Studs Terkel Radio Program aired on WFMT , Home dub of Dr. Tracey , For further details refer to the ILAM document collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcast Collection
- Full Text: false
The African Heritage in music and art
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Churches , Nyasaland , Sikoshe , Datshi , The Church of Sinners , Sinners , Archive , Library , Identity , Group identity , Funds , Heritage , Tradition , Western material , Basutholand , Lesotho , Pentatonic , Hexatonic , Heptatonic , Sotho , Zulu , Carol , Distortion , Stress , Tone , Poetry , Trochaic , Iambic , Ciskei , Country , Wedding song , Preacher , Ntsikana , Ntsikana‘s Bell , Ntsikana‘s Prayer , Ntsikana‘s Song , Arab grunt , Dar es Salaam , Dr Bokwe , Zwelitsha , Southern Congo , Kamina , Country dance , Latin mass , Missa Luba , Gloria , Rattles , Drums , Xylophone , Bell , Drum , Hand piano , Clicking , Mouth smacking , The Talkative Woman , Folk music , Self-reflectation , Morality songs , Lilongwe , Snatching season , Tobacco , Courts , Mouth of the Limpopo , Subjects , Complex tune , Mbira , Likembe , Sansi , Kalimba , Nyongonyongo , Zimbabwe , Karinungu , Attitude (Psychology) , Kwela music , Tsostis , Penny whistle , Four-note harmonies , Thumbs , Congo River , Wagenya , Alexander Corder , Canoe song , Hollywood , Negro music , Sound of the South , Roots of the Blues , Negro Church Music , What do you think about Jesus? He‘s alright
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15108 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008536 , Reel number: BC171
- Description: Second half of the lecture "The African heritage in music and art" , A lecture presented by Hugh Tracey at the General Education Conference Technical College Pretoria South Africa , For further details refer to the ILAM document collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcast Collection
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Churches , Nyasaland , Sikoshe , Datshi , The Church of Sinners , Sinners , Archive , Library , Identity , Group identity , Funds , Heritage , Tradition , Western material , Basutholand , Lesotho , Pentatonic , Hexatonic , Heptatonic , Sotho , Zulu , Carol , Distortion , Stress , Tone , Poetry , Trochaic , Iambic , Ciskei , Country , Wedding song , Preacher , Ntsikana , Ntsikana‘s Bell , Ntsikana‘s Prayer , Ntsikana‘s Song , Arab grunt , Dar es Salaam , Dr Bokwe , Zwelitsha , Southern Congo , Kamina , Country dance , Latin mass , Missa Luba , Gloria , Rattles , Drums , Xylophone , Bell , Drum , Hand piano , Clicking , Mouth smacking , The Talkative Woman , Folk music , Self-reflectation , Morality songs , Lilongwe , Snatching season , Tobacco , Courts , Mouth of the Limpopo , Subjects , Complex tune , Mbira , Likembe , Sansi , Kalimba , Nyongonyongo , Zimbabwe , Karinungu , Attitude (Psychology) , Kwela music , Tsostis , Penny whistle , Four-note harmonies , Thumbs , Congo River , Wagenya , Alexander Corder , Canoe song , Hollywood , Negro music , Sound of the South , Roots of the Blues , Negro Church Music , What do you think about Jesus? He‘s alright
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Music
- Identifier: vital:15108 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008536 , Reel number: BC171
- Description: Second half of the lecture "The African heritage in music and art" , A lecture presented by Hugh Tracey at the General Education Conference Technical College Pretoria South Africa , For further details refer to the ILAM document collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcast Collection
- Full Text: false
The Many Sides of African Music No. 11
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh , Tracey, Peggy
- Subjects: Soga , Budonga mbira , Mbira , Lake Victoria , Goa , Women , Love , Flirting , Revenge , Devotion , Affection , Frustration , Shangaan , Menindiana , My Little Indian Girl , Digging song , Swahili , Zanzibar , My Little Onion , Ndebe dance , Pastoral life , Farming , Six stringed lyre , Hello My Darling , Wedding song , Tanganyika , The Lovelorn Man , The Buffalo , Clappimg , Ululating , Tikuyu , Kipsigis , Lament , Bows , Zululand , Mahlabatini , Rwanda Urundi , Rowing song , Lama , Unrequited love , Northern Congo , Zande , Poetry , Mugoyi Asole , Rattle , Chief Buthelezi , Ugubu bow , Umuhle ndiyamthanda , Southern Rhodesia , Zimbabwe , Karanga , Jinja , Portugese east , Feliciano , Indodi dance , Sherazi , Kitumgule changum , Nilo-Himatic , Chepkong , Pastoral , Hehe , Nyakusa , Makhweyane , Watutsi , Abbe Eustace , Constance Magogo
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15077 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008505 , Reel number: BC059
- Description: The Many Sides of African Music No.11 of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey and Peggy Tracey on their travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh , Tracey, Peggy
- Subjects: Soga , Budonga mbira , Mbira , Lake Victoria , Goa , Women , Love , Flirting , Revenge , Devotion , Affection , Frustration , Shangaan , Menindiana , My Little Indian Girl , Digging song , Swahili , Zanzibar , My Little Onion , Ndebe dance , Pastoral life , Farming , Six stringed lyre , Hello My Darling , Wedding song , Tanganyika , The Lovelorn Man , The Buffalo , Clappimg , Ululating , Tikuyu , Kipsigis , Lament , Bows , Zululand , Mahlabatini , Rwanda Urundi , Rowing song , Lama , Unrequited love , Northern Congo , Zande , Poetry , Mugoyi Asole , Rattle , Chief Buthelezi , Ugubu bow , Umuhle ndiyamthanda , Southern Rhodesia , Zimbabwe , Karanga , Jinja , Portugese east , Feliciano , Indodi dance , Sherazi , Kitumgule changum , Nilo-Himatic , Chepkong , Pastoral , Hehe , Nyakusa , Makhweyane , Watutsi , Abbe Eustace , Constance Magogo
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15077 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008505 , Reel number: BC059
- Description: The Many Sides of African Music No.11 of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey and Peggy Tracey on their travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The pursuit of poetry : a defence
- Authors: Gouws, John S
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Poetry
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:632 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1020701
- Description: Inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University , Rhodes University Libraries (Digitisation)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1990
- Authors: Gouws, John S
- Date: 1990
- Subjects: Poetry
- Language: English
- Type: Text
- Identifier: vital:632 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1020701
- Description: Inaugural lecture delivered at Rhodes University , Rhodes University Libraries (Digitisation)
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 1990
The resilience of African music
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Marimba , Malimba , Public opinion , History , Origin of music , Nguni , Swazi , Zulu , Xhosa , Pentatonic modes , Strutting-singing , Johannesburg , Domestic workers , Hymn , Negro spiritual , Praise chants , Poetry , Karanga song , Southern Rhodesia , Sotho , Colonialism , Church of Shembe , Church of Nazareth , Amakholwa , Country dance , Zulu hymns , Ihubo , Regimental song , Praise recitation , Christian dance , Zulu dance , Pilgrimage , Drums , Wailing , Singing , Saxophone , Jazz band , Skokiaan , Happy happy Africa , Nairobi , Modality , Choral music , Arabian music , Egyptian music , Mombasa , Hand piano , Congo , Likembe , Ensemble , Town dance , Leopoldville , Chopi , Xylophone , Portuguese , Shembe , Bulawayo Jazz , Heptatonic , Amen , Swahili , Salve Regina , East Africa , Sixteenth century
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15085 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008513 , Reel number: BC076, BC077
- Description: Broadcast entitled ‘The resilience of African music‘ broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Marimba , Malimba , Public opinion , History , Origin of music , Nguni , Swazi , Zulu , Xhosa , Pentatonic modes , Strutting-singing , Johannesburg , Domestic workers , Hymn , Negro spiritual , Praise chants , Poetry , Karanga song , Southern Rhodesia , Sotho , Colonialism , Church of Shembe , Church of Nazareth , Amakholwa , Country dance , Zulu hymns , Ihubo , Regimental song , Praise recitation , Christian dance , Zulu dance , Pilgrimage , Drums , Wailing , Singing , Saxophone , Jazz band , Skokiaan , Happy happy Africa , Nairobi , Modality , Choral music , Arabian music , Egyptian music , Mombasa , Hand piano , Congo , Likembe , Ensemble , Town dance , Leopoldville , Chopi , Xylophone , Portuguese , Shembe , Bulawayo Jazz , Heptatonic , Amen , Swahili , Salve Regina , East Africa , Sixteenth century
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15085 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008513 , Reel number: BC076, BC077
- Description: Broadcast entitled ‘The resilience of African music‘ broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: Kenya
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Tropical coral , Lake Victoria Nyanza , Mount Kenya , Great Rift Valley , Masai , Kikuyu , Kamba , Dancing , Cries , Drums , Whistles , Kyaa , Stamping tube , Carving , Curio , Patriotism , Nandi , Kipsigis , Lyre , Himatic tribes , Nilo-Himatic , Nilotic , Luo , Dho Luo , Drinking , ‘Fooding‘ , Love songs , Poetry , Chemlelilit Dance , Humming , Kip ukandet , Cattle , Tea , Chepkong lyre , Kipsigis askari , Soldier , Mau Mau , Bantu , Loving songs , Edward Opwako , Six stringed wishbone-shaped lyre , Mau Mau-ism
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15063 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008491 , Reel numbers: BC025, BC026, BC027, BC028
- Description: 8th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series A of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Tropical coral , Lake Victoria Nyanza , Mount Kenya , Great Rift Valley , Masai , Kikuyu , Kamba , Dancing , Cries , Drums , Whistles , Kyaa , Stamping tube , Carving , Curio , Patriotism , Nandi , Kipsigis , Lyre , Himatic tribes , Nilo-Himatic , Nilotic , Luo , Dho Luo , Drinking , ‘Fooding‘ , Love songs , Poetry , Chemlelilit Dance , Humming , Kip ukandet , Cattle , Tea , Chepkong lyre , Kipsigis askari , Soldier , Mau Mau , Bantu , Loving songs , Edward Opwako , Six stringed wishbone-shaped lyre , Mau Mau-ism
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15063 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008491 , Reel numbers: BC025, BC026, BC027, BC028
- Description: 8th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series A of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: Southern Rhodesia - The Federation of Rhodesia Nyasaland No.3
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Marimba , Gold miners , Traders , Persia , Baboons , Sprites , Rocks , History , Shona , Identity , Culture , Indigenous music , Modern music , Musicians , Personality , Poetry , Call and response , Singing , Choir , Language , Naming , Names , Mbira , Hand piano , Dances , Jazz , Rock ‘n roll , African nationalism , Village , Food , Subsistence economy , Drums , Yodelling , Utopia , Politicians , European , Politics , Zulu , Ndebele , Colonisation , Conquer , Class system , Law and order , Organised society , Stability , Discipline , Zidukwana , Donda chawane mauyo , Processional , Chipunza , Story , Acetate , Shamuyarira , Musarurwa , Savanhu , Peter Nahlanzu
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15095 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008523 , Reel number: BC125
- Description: 3rd programme of The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland of ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Marimba , Gold miners , Traders , Persia , Baboons , Sprites , Rocks , History , Shona , Identity , Culture , Indigenous music , Modern music , Musicians , Personality , Poetry , Call and response , Singing , Choir , Language , Naming , Names , Mbira , Hand piano , Dances , Jazz , Rock ‘n roll , African nationalism , Village , Food , Subsistence economy , Drums , Yodelling , Utopia , Politicians , European , Politics , Zulu , Ndebele , Colonisation , Conquer , Class system , Law and order , Organised society , Stability , Discipline , Zidukwana , Donda chawane mauyo , Processional , Chipunza , Story , Acetate , Shamuyarira , Musarurwa , Savanhu , Peter Nahlanzu
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15095 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008523 , Reel number: BC125
- Description: 3rd programme of The Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland of ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the British Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
The Sound of Africa: Zanzibar and the Swahili Coast
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Flute , Violin , Arab , Swahili , Music , Religion , Humour , Persians , Shirazi , Dhows , Sailing ships , Trade , Sword dances , Portuguese , Zanzibar , Germans , Indians , Up , Tanga lenu funya Kae , Suratin Noor , Wanya uKutina , Drums , Rattles , Clarinet , Ukulele , Banjo , Guitar , Sticks , Motor car horns , Nemipata mpenzi , Nubian , Islam , Moslem , Allah Allah , Egyptian Club , Oudh , Mandoline , Arab guitar , Udi , Nahawand , Mahaba Jamani , Love song , Chanting , Mashhiri , Poetry , Nashaini , Giriyama , Malindi , Upaya , Namba dance , Zanzibar National Anthem
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15064 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008492 , Reel numbers: BC029, BC030, BC031, BC032
- Description: 9th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series A of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Flute , Violin , Arab , Swahili , Music , Religion , Humour , Persians , Shirazi , Dhows , Sailing ships , Trade , Sword dances , Portuguese , Zanzibar , Germans , Indians , Up , Tanga lenu funya Kae , Suratin Noor , Wanya uKutina , Drums , Rattles , Clarinet , Ukulele , Banjo , Guitar , Sticks , Motor car horns , Nemipata mpenzi , Nubian , Islam , Moslem , Allah Allah , Egyptian Club , Oudh , Mandoline , Arab guitar , Udi , Nahawand , Mahaba Jamani , Love song , Chanting , Mashhiri , Poetry , Nashaini , Giriyama , Malindi , Upaya , Namba dance , Zanzibar National Anthem
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15064 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1008492 , Reel numbers: BC029, BC030, BC031, BC032
- Description: 9th programme in ‘The Sound of Africa‘ Series A of illustrated talks by Hugh Tracey on his travels in search of African music, broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
Tina's lullaby: The man who turned into a hyena
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Karanga , Ngano , Rungano rgwe muno waikama maperi , Ndera , Concertina song , Singing , Dancing , Stamping , Poetry , Men , Women , Clapping performance , String instrument , Musical instrument , Khoikhoi music , South West Africa , African music , Story song
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15144 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012632 , Reel number: BC181
- Description: Selection of items possible for broadcast such as ‘Tina lullaby’, ‘The man who turned into a hyena’ and various songs from Africa to be broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
- Authors: Tracey, Hugh
- Subjects: Karanga , Ngano , Rungano rgwe muno waikama maperi , Ndera , Concertina song , Singing , Dancing , Stamping , Poetry , Men , Women , Clapping performance , String instrument , Musical instrument , Khoikhoi music , South West Africa , African music , Story song
- Language: English
- Type: Sound , Radio broadcast , Music
- Identifier: vital:15144 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1012632 , Reel number: BC181
- Description: Selection of items possible for broadcast such as ‘Tina lullaby’, ‘The man who turned into a hyena’ and various songs from Africa to be broadcast by the South African Broadcasting Corporation , For further details refer to the ILAM Document Collection: Hugh Tracey Broadcasts
- Full Text: false
Who knew
- Authors: Gaunt, Hailey Kathryn
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Poetry , Memory , Nature , Marriage , Faith , Death , Meaning , English language -- Writing , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , Creative writing (Higher education)
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:5962 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1001812
- Description: This book of poems ranges in style from narrative to condensed lyric moment, and shifts in perspective from observation to introspection. Thematically, these poems explore everyday life through its many manifestations – memory, nature, marriage, faith and death – with an emphasis on finding meaning in absolutely ordinary things. Though their tone is often vulnerable and tender, even when it is more distant the poems are always searching.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
- Authors: Gaunt, Hailey Kathryn
- Date: 2013
- Subjects: Poetry , Memory , Nature , Marriage , Faith , Death , Meaning , English language -- Writing , South African poetry (English) -- 21st century , Creative writing (Higher education)
- Language: English
- Type: text , Thesis , Masters , MA
- Identifier: vital:5962 , http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1001812
- Description: This book of poems ranges in style from narrative to condensed lyric moment, and shifts in perspective from observation to introspection. Thematically, these poems explore everyday life through its many manifestations – memory, nature, marriage, faith and death – with an emphasis on finding meaning in absolutely ordinary things. Though their tone is often vulnerable and tender, even when it is more distant the poems are always searching.
- Full Text:
- Date Issued: 2013
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