${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 0 Representation of South African "tribal" culture in soap operas : a content and audience analysis of the series Generations : The Legacy 0.05). More than half of the respondents (52percent) strongly believe such negative portrayals may erode the cultural identity of black South Africans, 68.6% were of the opinion that Generations: The Legacy gives preference to western culture as against South African tribal culture. The findings further showed that the African values and traditions represented in Generations: The Legacy do not significantly reflect the South African tribal tradition and values (p-value > 0.05). In the few occasions that African traditional values are represented Generations: The Legacy, they tend to be portrayed as old fashioned (p-value > 0.05), and inferior and backward (p-value > 0.05). In addition, the findings indicate that Generations: The Legacy is a vehicle for promoting dominant culture. Nearly, 59percent of the respondents stated that watching Generations: The Legacy affect the way they view South African tribal culture, while 59.1percent indicated that watching Generations: The Legacy has somehow affected their perception of their own cultural identity. In all, participants rated the representation of South African tribal culture as poor. The study concludes that while South African tribal culture is increasingly finding expression on mainstream soap opera, tribal South African values and beliefs are often depicted as old-fashioned, and inimical to modernisation, and individual’s freedom.]]> Wed 12 May 2021 14:24:25 SAST ]]> Film as an agent of cultural transmission : a study of Nollywood films Thu 13 May 2021 01:17:36 SAST ]]>