${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Revisionist narratives: locating six Black artist-teachers onto the map of twentieth-century modern art in Zimbabwe Wed 18 Sep 2024 14:45:12 SAST ]]> Computational studies in human African trypanosomiasis Tue 17 Sep 2024 16:02:10 SAST ]]> Technological pedagogical content knowledge development: investigating secondary school teachers' integration and use of technology during emergency remote teaching in Endola education circuit Tue 17 Sep 2024 15:20:38 SAST ]]> Factors influencing the number of non-timber forest product species used at the individual, household and village levels in Vhembe, Limpopo Province, South Africa Tue 17 Sep 2024 14:52:15 SAST ]]> Exploring rural youth livelihood opportunities: a case study of a youth centre in Bizana Tue 17 Sep 2024 14:24:07 SAST ]]> Evaluating the potential effects of microplastics at environmentally realistic concentrations in South African freshwater systems Tue 17 Sep 2024 12:04:43 SAST ]]> Trophic ecology of adult male O donata. II. D ietary contributions of aquatic food sources 80% of total diet in some cases) indicat-ed that cross‐boundary trophic linkages via odonates are strong in the Kowie River.]]> Tue 17 Sep 2024 11:18:14 SAST ]]> Trophic ecology of adult male Odonata. I. Dietary niche metrics by foraging guild, species, body size, and location Tue 17 Sep 2024 11:09:18 SAST ]]> Trophic dynamics of the cape stumpnose (Rhabdosargus holubi, Sparidae) across three adjacent aquatic habitats Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:56:32 SAST ]]> Tide-induced variations in the fatty acid composition of estuarine particulate organic matter Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:47:48 SAST ]]> The effect of different dietary microalgae on the fatty acid profile, fecundity and population development of the calanoid copepod Pseudodiaptomus hessei (Copepoda: Calanoida) Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:43:55 SAST ]]> Seasonal population dynamics and energy consumption by waterbirds in a small temperate estuary Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:40:13 SAST ]]> Macroinvertebrate functional organisation along the longitudinal gradient of an austral temperate river Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:20:13 SAST ]]> Impact of an introduced predator (Micropterus salmoides, Centrarchidae) on native estuarine fish elucidated through fatty acid analyses Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:16:32 SAST ]]> Distribution and conservation status assessment of the freshwater fishes in the Krom River system in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Tue 17 Sep 2024 10:05:23 SAST ]]> Effects of temperature and food quality on isotopic turnover and discrimination in a cladoceran Tue 17 Sep 2024 09:56:36 SAST ]]> Dietary tracers and stomach contents reveal pronounced alimentary flexibility in the freshwater mullet (Myxus capensis, Mugilidae) concomitant with ontogenetic shifts in habitat use and seasonal food availability Tue 17 Sep 2024 09:52:16 SAST ]]> Characterisation of the dietary relationships of two sympatric hake species, Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, in the northern Benguela region using fatty acid profiles Tue 17 Sep 2024 08:34:06 SAST ]]> Depth and habitat determine assemblage structure of South Africa’s warm-temperate reef fish Tue 17 Sep 2024 08:34:05 SAST ]]> A wideband spectropolarimetry study of the spatially resolved radio galaxies: Cygnus A & Hydra A 1000 rad m−2. Instead, the data required a dominant Faraday rotating screen in the foreground of the radio sources. The wideband modelling also showed preference towards models with at least two or more unresolved Faraday rotating patches. Single depolarising models fail to describe the data. This implies the presence of more than one depolarising screen in the vicinity of these sources. The observations were consistent with the lower-frequency depolarisation due to unresolved fluctuations on scales ≳ 300−700 pc in the magnetic field or the electron density superposed on a partially ordered field component. Both the large-scale magnetic fields and unresolved magnetic field fluctuations are external to the radio emission. The magnetic fields around Cygnus A are located in the ambient cluster gas, the shocked gas in the boundary of the lobes or both, while the magnetic fields around Hydra A are most likely located in the ambient cluster gas.]]> Thu 12 Sep 2024 14:17:24 SAST ]]> Social media for journalists unpacked Social Media for Journalists: Principles and Practice, Megan Knight and Clare Cook notes from the cutting edge: book review Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:34:36 SAST ]]> A symptom that defies analysis: is this simply xenophobia?. Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:32:41 SAST ]]> The stories in the details: Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:32:39 SAST ]]> Pipes, poles and people: Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:32:37 SAST ]]> Weblogging is ‘We Media’: Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:32:36 SAST ]]> The World Internet Project: Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:31:58 SAST ]]> The OSS promise: Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:31:56 SAST ]]> Rhodes University Calender 2021 Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:25:48 SAST ]]> The very thorough lens Photojournalism: the professionals' approach, Kenneth Kobré: latest books Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:25:14 SAST ]]> Making familiar the unfamiliar: doing better journalism Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:17:54 SAST ]]> The trouble with 'race'-how it constricts our view of the world: racism and the media Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:14:26 SAST ]]> Press vs. public enemy no 1: challenges areas needing work Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:11:12 SAST ]]> Journalism takes flight developments Thu 12 Sep 2024 12:04:13 SAST ]]> What's rotten in the state of South African journalism? media freedom and regulation Thu 12 Sep 2024 11:57:26 SAST ]]> Young people should be seen and heard Thu 12 Sep 2024 11:57:25 SAST ]]> West meets East in Grahamstown: participatory journalism Thu 12 Sep 2024 11:50:59 SAST ]]> Upstart-the paper for youth by the youth Thu 12 Sep 2024 11:50:52 SAST ]]> The writing is on the wall: ways that work: useful solutions Thu 12 Sep 2024 11:42:19 SAST ]]> A Magical 'Dream': The Port Elizabeth Shakespearean Festival 2005 Sun 15 Sep 2024 09:02:01 SAST ]]> A checklist of South African theses and dissertations on Shakespeare Sun 15 Sep 2024 08:55:03 SAST ]]> The Women of SunLand: Narratives of Non-Compliant Women in the Daily Sun Tabloid Newspaper, South Africa Sun 15 Sep 2024 08:44:00 SAST ]]> New mythologies: violence and colonialism in Hollywood blockbusters Sun 15 Sep 2024 08:39:04 SAST ]]> Liberatory violence or the gift: paths to decoloniality in Black Panther Sun 15 Sep 2024 08:34:09 SAST ]]> Age is Nothing but a Number: Ben 10s, Sugar Mummies, and the South African Gender Order in the Daily Sun’s Facebook Page Sun 15 Sep 2024 08:25:31 SAST ]]> The Economic Freedom Fighters and Politics of Populism: Enhancing Political Participation, or a Threat to Democracy? Sun 15 Sep 2024 07:37:25 SAST ]]> Public Health Communication and Language Policy at Rhodes University During the COVID-19 Pandemic Sun 15 Sep 2024 07:27:30 SAST ]]> Language Revitalisation and Community Broadcasting in South Africa: A Case of Vaaltar FM Sun 15 Sep 2024 07:15:48 SAST ]]> Decolonizing Journalism Education in South Africa Sun 15 Sep 2024 07:07:46 SAST ]]> Challenges and Opportunities of Preserving African Indigenous Knowledge Using Digital Technologies: The Case of Bogwera Sun 15 Sep 2024 07:00:01 SAST ]]> Analysis of South African Media Coverage of the 2022 KZN Floods Sun 15 Sep 2024 06:52:58 SAST ]]> Zulu Ethnolinguistic Nationalism Sun 15 Sep 2024 06:46:25 SAST ]]> The Sociolinguistics of South African Television: Language Ideologies in Selected Case Studies Sun 15 Sep 2024 06:46:08 SAST ]]> Influence of seasonal dynamics on water quality, microbiome, and plant nutritional markers of an aquaponics system Sat 14 Sep 2024 09:23:53 SAST ]]> Representations of adult women who have experienced ‘absent’ fathers: a thematic analysis of True Love magazine Sat 14 Sep 2024 09:11:54 SAST ]]> Studying the brightest radio sources in the southern sky Sat 14 Sep 2024 08:55:50 SAST ]]> The effects of elevated CO2 on feeding guild responses of biological control agents of Pontederia crassipes Mart. 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Mon 16 Sep 2024 11:40:13 SAST ]]> Theatre Reviews: Confronting the African nightmate Mon 16 Sep 2024 11:34:46 SAST ]]> The Winter's Tale shaping our own Renaissance. A play for the 21st Century Mon 16 Sep 2024 11:29:51 SAST ]]> The Marowitz Hamlet: Directed by Floyed de Vaal for the University of Stellenbosch Drama Department, July 2004: theatre review Mon 16 Sep 2024 11:16:45 SAST ]]> Something rotten in this age of hope, The HamletMachine: directed by Wesley Deintje. Rhodes University Theatre. 28 September 2007: theatre reviews Mon 16 Sep 2024 11:10:04 SAST ]]> Shakespeare's Stories of the English Middle Ages: From Richard the Second, Henry the Fourth and Henry the Fifth Mon 16 Sep 2024 10:15:07 SAST ]]> Shakespeare in the Media: Newspaper Response to Shakespeare in Post-Independence West Bengal, 1948-97, Lipika Sidkar: book review Mon 16 Sep 2024 10:10:17 SAST ]]> Shakespeare and the bomber pilot: A reply to Colin Gardner Mon 16 Sep 2024 10:05:15 SAST ]]> Much Ado: Directed by Linda-Louise Swain, 2006. 21 February-4 March: theatre review Mon 16 Sep 2024 09:30:20 SAST ]]> Epic into Romance: The Tempest 4.1 and Virgil's Aeneid Mon 16 Sep 2024 09:23:44 SAST ]]> Bollywood Twelfth Night: Steven Beresford's Production. Albery Theatre, London, September 2004: theatre review Mon 16 Sep 2024 09:15:09 SAST ]]> Aspects of Shakespeare in post-colonial Africa Mon 16 Sep 2024 09:10:07 SAST ]]> Ariel in Africa: Leslie French and the Port Elizabeth Shakespearean Festival Mon 16 Sep 2024 08:59:15 SAST ]]> Apartheid Shakespeare On Trial: Rohan Quince. Shakespeare in South Africa: Stage Productions during the Apartheid Era: article review Mon 16 Sep 2024 08:54:22 SAST ]]> Rhodes University Calender 2023 Fri 13 Sep 2024 17:40:18 SAST ]]> Rhodes University Calender 2024 Fri 13 Sep 2024 17:35:24 SAST ]]> Rhodes University Calender 2022 Fri 13 Sep 2024 17:26:28 SAST ]]> Rhodes University Calender 2019 Fri 13 Sep 2024 17:19:24 SAST ]]> The career development processes of senior black female academics in a historically disadvantaged institution in South Africa Fri 13 Sep 2024 10:43:23 SAST ]]>