en-us 5 Optimization of the vermidegradation of cow dung – waste paper mixtures 1.9, and a humification index of >13 for the cow dung waste paper mixtures. A germination test carried out also revealed that the resultant vermicompost had no inhibitory effect on the germination of tomato, carrot, and radish. Extractable P increased with stocking density up to 22.5 g-worm kg-1 feedstock, suggesting that for maximum P release from RP enriched wastes, a high stocking density should be considered. Informed by an earlier study which demonstrated that RP improved vermidegration, a follow up study was done to determine the optimum amount of rock phosphate necessary for efficient vermidegradation of cow dung waste paper mixtures while ensuring a phosphorus rich vermicompost. The results showed that addition of RP at rates ≤ 1% P as RP efficiently enhanced the bioconversion of cow dung waste paper mixtures as reflected by low C: N ratio, high polymerization index (PI), HI and HR used as maturity indicators for matured compost. Final vermicompost products obtained at minimum amounts of RP application rates resulted highly humified vermicompost with finer morphological structure, with no inhibitory effect on the germination of tomato, carrot, and radish similar to the ones obtained at higher RP rates. The findings suggest that 1%P as RP application rate is optimum for efficient vermidegradation of cow dung waste paper mixtures. Since P or Ca happen to be the most prevalent elements in most rock phosphate used for compost enrichment, a study was carried out to determine if P or Ca in RP is predominantly responsible for the improved biodegradation of cow-dung waste paper mixture observed during vermicomposting. Phosphorus sources in form of triple superphosphate (TSP), phosphoric acid (PHA) and Ca in form of calcium chloride (CaCl2) salt were compared with rock phosphate. The results from the study indicated that TSP, a water soluble P source, resulted in greater and faster degradation of the waste mixtures than RP while the Ca source had the least effect. With TSP incorporation the compost maturity C: N ratio of 12 was reached within 28 days while RP, PHA and CaCl2 needed 42, 56 and more than 56 days, respectively. The results indicated that P was largely responsible for the enhanced bioconversion of the waste mixtures. This appeared linked to the effect of P to stimulate microbial growth as reflected by higher microbial biomass carbon levels where water soluble P sources were applied. The C: N ratios of the final vermicomposts at day 56 were 10, 11.5, 13, 14, and 23 for TSP, RP,PHA, Control (No P added) and CaCl2 treatments, respectively. Although TSP gave superior superior performance, RP may still be the preferred additive in the vermicomposting of cow dung waste paper mixtures as it is cheaper and produces mature compost in a shorter period of 8 weeks. Generally, the results of this study have shown that the vemidegradation of cow dung waste paper mixtures can be optimized through adoption of an E. fetida stocking density of 12.5g- worm kg-1 and an RP incorporation rate of 1% P as RP. However, higher rates of RPincorporation may be adopted where final vermicomposts with higher P fertilizer value are desired. Phosphorus appears to be the RP constituent responsible for its ability to enhance the vermidegradation of cow dung waste paper mixtures. Future studies should explore the effectiveness of other P-bearing minerals for their effectiveness in enhancing vemidegradation.]]> Wed 12 May 2021 23:05:12 SAST ]]> Improving sanitization and fertiliser value of dairy manure and waste paper mixtures enriched with rock phosphate through combined thermophilic composting and vermicomposting Thu 13 May 2021 03:57:29 SAST ]]>