${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Euryops floribundus encroachment in Eastern Cape communal rangelands: indigenous and scientific understanding of effects on range 15-35) and heavy invasions (>35% shrub cover) of E. floribundus. The average household size in the study area was 6.8± 0.7. All people in the three communal areas unanimously ranked sheep as the most important species for their livelihood, but the ranking of cattle and goat varied among the communal areas. All elder groups agreed that Europs floribundus decreases both the quantity and quality of herbaceous forage as well as livestock production. Moreover, invaded patches create more bare areas which are responsible for the loss of top fertile soils and the formation of rills and gullies. The result showed that the total density of E. floribundus significantly increased from the topland (2301 plants ha-1) moving to the bottomland (4888 plants ha-1). Canopy cover was significantly lowest in the topland (17.9%), but the remaining gradients had similar cover. Grass dry matter yield was higher in the bottomlands and sloppy gradients than the toplands. Soil organic carbon was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the flat than the sloppy terrain. Soils from higher elevations (toplands and upper sloppy) had significantly higher N than the lower elevations (bottomlands and Middle sloppy). The lowest dry matter was observed at low invasion and non-invaded sites. Soil chemical properties were generally different from all density levels. In conclusion, E. floribundus encroachment was found to be major cause of decline in the peoples’ livelihood because as this reduces the vegetation diversity and livestock production, both of which are the major of their livelihoods.]]> Thu 13 May 2021 07:26:36 SAST ]]> Vegetation and soil characteristics around water points under three land management systems in semi-arid rangelands of the Eastern Cape, South Africa 0.05) abundance along distance gradient from water points. Grass dry matter (GDM) showed significant differences (p < 0.05) between and within land management systems. However, GDM was not significantly affected by season, location of water point within each farm or reserve and distance along water points. Acacia karoo, Coddia rudis and Ehretia rigida were the most dominant woody species. Tree equivalent (TE) density of all encroaching woody plants combined was significantly (p < 0.05) higher on the communal area (1732 TE ha-1) than the commercial ranches (1136 TE ha-1) and game reserves (857 TE ha-1), but with no marked variations along distance from water points under all the land management systems. The electric conductivity (EC) was significantly (P < 0.01) higher in game reserves than in communal grazing areas and ranches. Soil organic matter percentage showed greatest and lowest values in the game reserves and commercial respectively. Soil pH and bulk density did not vary but soil organic matter (SOM), EC, bulk density and soil compaction were significant different with no increasing or decreasing trends. Soil properties were affected by herbivore pressure and trampling around water points with inconsistence magnitude and direction. In conclusion, grass species composition and GDM did not respond to distance from water points because either grazing gradient was absent or the length of transects was not enough to explain the absence or presence of gradients. High proportion of A. karoo and high densities of seedlings and saplings would seem as very good indicators of the woody vegetation changes in the different land management systems and distance from water points. The soil quality indicators around the water-points showed that livestock and game affected soil parameters.]]> Thu 13 May 2021 02:41:10 SAST ]]>