en-us 5 Epitaxial growth and characterisation of CuGaS2 Wed 12 May 2021 19:48:44 SAST ]]> On the characterisation of photovoltaic device parameters using light beam induced current measurements Wed 12 May 2021 16:01:06 SAST ]]> Development of InSb/GaSb quantum dots by MOVPE B ± 0.1ᵒ and (111) ± 0.1ᵒ] using similar growth conditions yielded a higher dot density on the (100) substrate compared to the (111) substrate. This was attributed to the presence of terraces/atomic steps induced by the misorientation on the (100) substrate, which invariably gives rise to increased adsorption and an enhanced sticking coefficient of adatoms. Studies on the influence of a buffer layer on the morphology of uncapped dots showed that the shape and size of the dots are sensitive to the thickness of the buffer layer. In some case a corrugated buffer surface resulted, which introduced order in the arrangement of the dots, which formed preferentially inside the troughs. An increase in the V/III ratio from 1.0 to 3.0 was found to reduce the areal density of the QDs, while an analysis of the diameter histograms showed a narrowing of the size distribution with an increase in V/III ratio. The larger size distribution at low V/III was ascribed to the increase in indium species and the increased indium adatom migration length. This leads to increased dot density and nucleation sites, and thus triggers an increase in the conversion of tiny QDs into thermodynamically more suitable larger dots via coalescence. However, as the V/III ratio increased, the number of indium adatoms available for growth on the surface reduced, which automatically led to a decrease in the migration length of indium species which is unfavourable for the production of nucleation sites and to a decrease in dot density. Low growth rates were found to be beneficial for the growth of a high density (~5×1010cm-2) of QDs. Photoluminescence (PL) analysis of the capped samples at low temperature (~10 K), using an excitation power of 2 mW, showed a PL peak at ∼732 meV. Upon an increase in laser power to 120 mW, a blue shift of ∼ 8 meV was noticed. This emission typically persisted up to 60–70 K. An increase in the number of InSb QD-layers, was observed to cause an increase in the luminescence spectral line width and a long-wavelength shift of the PL lines, together with an enhancement in the strength of the PL emission. However, high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) of the capped dots revealed the formation of an InGaSb quantum well-like structure, ∼10 nm thick, which was responsible for the PL signal mentioned above. The absence of QDs in the capped sample was attributed to inter-diffusion of Ga and In during the deposition of the cap layer, giving rise to a quantum well (QW) instead of the intended QDs. The presence of threading dislocations and stacking faults were also observed in the TEM micrographs of the samples containing multilayers, which can account for the fast quenching of the PL emission with increasing temperature from these samples. Theoretical simulations of the band alignment, wave functions and energy levels were in good agreement with the data collected from the PL spectra of the samples.]]> Thu 13 May 2021 04:56:31 SAST ]]>