${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Development of a strategy to promote prenatal physical activity participation among women in Buffalo City Municipality, South Africa Wed 20 Jul 2022 12:45:21 SAST ]]> Accountability of the police to provincial governments in South Africa: a comparative analysis of law and practice in the eastern and Western Cape Provinces Tue 21 Jun 2022 15:17:48 SAST ]]> An analysis of the internship programme in the Sarah Baartman Health District of the Eastern Cape: a model for effective implementation Tue 18 Oct 2022 10:44:28 SAST ]]> Code of conduct for learners: A strategy for enhancing positive discipline in selected township schools in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal Thu 08 Sep 2022 10:07:49 SAST ]]> Code of conduct for learners: A strategy for enhancing positive discipline in selected township schools in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal Thu 02 Jun 2022 18:13:01 SAST ]]> Examining the realisation of the Multisectoral Early Childhood Development Policy short-term goals in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Thu 02 Jun 2022 11:42:32 SAST ]]> Threatened plant species in Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, Limpopo province, South Africa: Problems and prospects of conservation and utilization 0.024, relative frequency citation (RFC) > 0.059 and fidelity level percentage (FLpercent) > 5.911percent, included Asparagus sekukuniensis, Bowiea volubilis, Brackenridgea zanguebarica, Ocotea bullata, Rhynchosia vendae, Siphonochilus aethiopicus and Warburgia salutaris. About 47.0percent of the recorded useful threatened plants were distributed in remote areas of the Thathe Vonḓo and its surroundings. Threatened plants with population size < 100 adult individuals constituted the majority (61.54percent). Birdlime-making plant species were also documented in the current study. A total of 12 birdlime-making plants belonging to six families were recorded, including threatened Huernia nouhuysii, which is categorized as Vulnerable in South Africa. Amongst the recorded families, Loranthaceae and Euphorbiaceae were categorized as the most frequently utilized families. Among the recorded species, six of them were reported to being used in the birdlime-making for the first time and these species include Euphorbia pulvinata (17.2percent), followed by Tapinanthus forbesii (8percent), Tapinanthus rubromarginatus (7.2percent), Erianthemum ngamicum (7.2percent), Englerophytum magalismon-tanum (3.6percent), Huernia nouhuysii (2.0percent), and Euphorbia tirucalli (0.8percent). Only three plant parts were utilized for birdlime-making. The milky latex was preferred plant part (58.3percent), followed by fruit (33.3percent) and root bark (8.4percent). Birdlime-making techniques involved crushing, which accounted for 55.7percent, followed by air blown (29.6percent) and boiling (14.7percent). Furthermore, the complementary contribution of birdlime toward human development included, being used for bird hunting or trapping small birds (45.8percent), adhesion (23.2percent), teeth cleaning (17.2percent) and roof-waterproofing (13.8percent). The indigenous conservation strategies employed by participants included harvesting of single lateral root per individual medicinal plant (15.3percent), medicinal and timber materials are only harvested during winter season (16.7percent), the use of moist soil to cover injured plant part after bark harvest (18.2percent), prohibit harvesting of and/ or from an injured plant (11.8percent), collection of dried or fallen plants for firewood (8.4percent), issuing of permits by traditional council through the chief or headman to allow collection of medicinal materials and timber (9.9percent), prohibit chopping down of medicinal plant species (13.8percent) and collection of some Critically Endangered plant species such as Brackenridgea zanguebarica and Siphonochilus aethiopicus during the night by authorized people only (5.9percent). The hypothesis which stated that traditional knowledge about utilization, distribution and conservation statuses of threatened plant species provide suggestions for appropriate conservation practices can therefore, not be rejected as there is room for further and more detailed ethnobotanical investigations that is focused on human interactions with threatened plant species. The data presented in this thesis could be used as baseline information for formulating new conservation strategies, monitoring and management plans of threatened plant species not only in the Vhembe Biosphere Reserve, but in other regions of South African. This study provided insights associated with ethnomedicinal uses of Asparagus sekukuniensis, Protea laetans and Encephalartos hirsutus. Results of this study could also stimulate interest in other scientific disciplines such as the phytochemistry, pharmacology, bioprocessing, conservation and anthropology involving documentation threatened plant species.]]> Mon 04 Jul 2022 16:02:32 SAST ]]> Financing tools, firm life cycle and growth of small, medium and micro enterprises in selected sub-Sahara African economies Fri 03 Jun 2022 13:13:51 SAST ]]>