en-us 5 A critical discourse analysis of the construction of adolescent-friendly services within training documents used by the National Adolescent-friendly Clinic Initiative in South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 23:46:02 SAST ]]> Analysis of the role of unions in health services delivery at Uitenhage district hospital Wed 12 May 2021 22:57:47 SAST ]]> A review of five international forensic reports : fingerprint evidence lessons for South African lawyers Wed 12 May 2021 22:56:24 SAST ]]> Archie Mafeje and the question of philosophy as a liberatory discourse Wed 12 May 2021 22:53:42 SAST ]]> A critique of local government’s implementation of Free Basic Energy policy for Local Economic Development: The case of Duncan Village, Eastern Cape, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 22:48:47 SAST ]]> Assessing the perceptions of academic staff towards an academic staff development programme in a selected university in the Eastern Cape province Wed 12 May 2021 22:21:26 SAST ]]> An examination of the pass-through from exchange rate to inflation in South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 20:54:21 SAST ]]> Assessing grade 9 learners' attitude towards their academic performance in mathematics in Pinetown education district, KwaZulu-Natal Wed 12 May 2021 20:30:19 SAST ]]> Household's perceptions and determinants of participation in harvesting rangeland products :|bthe case of Dyamala community, Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 19:45:50 SAST ]]> Knowledge, attitudes and practice of professional nurses regarding organ donation in critical care units of public and private hospitals in Eastern Cape Province Wed 12 May 2021 19:13:31 SAST ]]> Factors influencing the hygienic quality of milk yield from smallholder dairy herds in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 19:09:29 SAST ]]> An exploration of the effects of government financial subsidies on the performance of schools and learners in the OR Tambo District Municipality Wed 12 May 2021 18:53:25 SAST ]]> Multi-temporal analysis of changes in vegetation distribution in the Great Fish River Game Reserve, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa :1982-2012 Wed 12 May 2021 18:40:19 SAST ]]> Evaluating farmers' perceptions on climate variability and the impact of management practices on rangeland condition at Tukulu Farm, South Africa 0.05) in biomass yield in all three HVUs. However, scattered bushland 761.5 kg/ha and dense bushland 735.8 kg/ha had higher biomass yield when compared to open grassland 688.5 kg/ha. Bush encroachment was observed in dense bushland as the woody plant density 4487.5 trees/ha and tree equivalents 3451.3 trees/ha were significantly (P<0.05) higher than the recommended threshold standards of 2400 trees/ha and 2500 TE/ha. Scattered bushland had tree density of 1900 trees/ha and tree-equivalents of 1534.3 TE/ha. Soil macro and micro nutrients differed significantly between the different HVUs. The levels of Na, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn differed significantly (p<0.05) between HVUs, increasing from open grassland to dense bushland. Organic carbon concentrations were higher under tree canopies in dense bushland. However, the levels of phosphorus and potassium were higher in open grassland than in the wooded areas. Soil pH in scattered bushland (5.3) and dense bushland (5.18) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than in open grassland (4.89). This study shows complications in management policies governing the Tukulu communal area. There is a need to merge both scientific and indigenous ecological knowledge to ensure the desired outcomes, as this could indeed offer some great insights for communal areas. Therefore, a rangeland rehabilitation programme should be implemented at Tukulu communal rangeland, which will address the issue of bush encroachment and implement a rotational grazing system by fencing camps that will be based on acceptable stocking rates.]]> Wed 12 May 2021 18:38:46 SAST ]]> An investigation into births before arrival in healthcare facilities in uThungulu Health District during a period of 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 Wed 12 May 2021 18:22:46 SAST ]]> A critical assessment of the oversight role of committees of parliament : a case of the Portfolio Committee of Public Works National Parliament in South Africa 2010 - 2015 Wed 12 May 2021 18:22:36 SAST ]]> Evaluation of Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality communication strategies in reducing the risk of water-borne diseases outbreak Wed 12 May 2021 18:15:45 SAST ]]> Extraction and characterization of antimicrobial compounds from selected marine invertebrates collected from Phillip's Reef, Port Elizabeth in the Eastern Cape province of South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 17:57:08 SAST ]]> Assessing factors influencing professional nurses' attrition in South Africa : a case study of private hospitals in Johannesburg Wed 12 May 2021 17:56:59 SAST ]]> Correlations between the occurence of virulent helicobacter pylori strains and chronic disease conditions in dyspeptic patients hospitalized in Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital, Gauteng Province, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 17:46:13 SAST ]]> An intervention for high-risk type 2 diabetic clients during preconception and internatal in re-engineering of primary health care Wed 12 May 2021 17:37:16 SAST ]]> A review of five international forensic reports : fingerprint evidence lessons for South African lawyers Wed 12 May 2021 17:31:59 SAST ]]> Factors contributing to tuberculosis mortality among new tuberculosis patients in Zululand Health District Wed 12 May 2021 17:26:56 SAST ]]> Exploring experiences of student nurses regarding the implementation of community-based education at the nursing college in the Eastern Cape Wed 12 May 2021 16:43:08 SAST ]]> Exploring the standardization of musical and dancing styles in relation to worship styles in the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian, Blantyre Synod, Malawi Wed 12 May 2021 16:36:32 SAST ]]> A sociological investigation of the challenges facing married students : case study of the University of Fort Hare, Alice Campus Wed 12 May 2021 16:18:08 SAST ]]> Economic change in town and countryside in the former Transkei : land use, livelihoods and market linkages in Ngcobo, Eastern Cape, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 16:11:25 SAST ]]> Investigation of strategies employed in rural households to improve food security in Raymond Mhlaba Local Municipality : a case of Zihlahleni Location in Middledrift, Eastern Cape Province Wed 12 May 2021 16:03:13 SAST ]]> A trust based model for enhanced adoption of diabetes self-management mobile applications Wed 12 May 2021 15:59:50 SAST ]]> A critical analysis of the role of effective communication in enhancing employee performance and service delivery at Ingwe Technical Vocational Educational Training Wed 12 May 2021 15:51:06 SAST ]]> An Investigation of victims' perspectives of "Ukuthwala" practice :a case study of Mbizana Local Municipality Wed 12 May 2021 15:49:30 SAST ]]> Cooperatives in Mhlontlo Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province : an examination of the ablers and disablers of grassroots development Wed 12 May 2021 15:12:22 SAST ]]> Exploring women's experience of fundal pressure during the second stage of labour Wed 12 May 2021 15:11:14 SAST ]]> In silico analysis, isolation and kinetic characterisation of red algae (Rhodophyta) catalases Wed 12 May 2021 15:09:01 SAST ]]> Comparison of contraceptive discontinuation in users of a copper intrauterine device against depot medroxyprogesterone acetate injectable Wed 12 May 2021 15:08:22 SAST ]]> Death, suffering and silencing as explored in the book Thief and the devil's arithmetic Wed 12 May 2021 15:00:05 SAST ]]> Artisanal mining and its contribution to sustainable rural livelihoods : a case of Esigodini area, Umzingwane rural district, Matabeleland South Province of Zimbabwe Wed 12 May 2021 14:58:00 SAST ]]> Investigation of the subsurface geology using time domain, magnetic and electrical resistivity geophysical techniques in the Karoo basin at Beaufort west, Western Cape Province, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 14:55:19 SAST ]]> Distribution of virulence determinants in Plesiomonas shigelloides and Vibrio species isolated from selected hospital wastewater effluents in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 14:44:59 SAST ]]> Classification of Distinct Fuzzy Subgroups of the Dihedral Group Dp nq for p and q distinct primes and n ∈ N Wed 12 May 2021 14:39:56 SAST ]]> An evaluation of industrial action in selected agro-based infant industries in the Msasa Industrial Area of Harare (Zimbabwe) Wed 12 May 2021 14:38:11 SAST ]]> An evaluation of the impact of the biogas digesters project at Melani village, Eastern Cape, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 14:37:56 SAST ]]> An investigation study on the effectiveness of Community Policing Forums in Sephokong Local Council Leribe in Lesotho Wed 12 May 2021 14:36:12 SAST ]]> Motherhood narratives by women who access support services from an Non-Governmental Organisation in East London Wed 12 May 2021 14:35:42 SAST ]]> A critical examination of the regulation of fixed term employment services under South African Labour Laws Wed 12 May 2021 14:34:28 SAST ]]> Gender equity in land tenure : an assessment of the challenges faced by women in the communal land tenure system in Keiskammahoek, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 14:33:25 SAST ]]> An assessment of challenges of reporting by TVET collages to the department of Higher Education and Training using a web-based monitoring and evaluation instrument : the case of two selected TVET colleges in the Eastern Cape Wed 12 May 2021 14:27:44 SAST ]]> Incidence and antibiogram fingerprints of members of the Enterobacteriaceae family recovered from river water, hospital effluents and vegetables in Chris Hani and Amathole District Municipalities in the Eastern Cape Province Wed 12 May 2021 14:26:40 SAST ]]> Analysis of the security and reliability of packet transmission in Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) : a case study of Malicious Packet drop attack Wed 12 May 2021 14:23:05 SAST ]]> Factors affecting patient perceptions od service delivery in Postmasburg Hospital in the Z.F. McGawu District, Northern Cape Province, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 14:19:03 SAST ]]> Livelihood strategies determinants and ranking across times : evidence from Eastern Cape Wed 12 May 2021 14:18:27 SAST ]]> A derivation of the the black-scholes equation using martingales Wed 12 May 2021 14:09:56 SAST ]]> A Cost-Efficient Energy Management Model for ICT4D Platforms in Low Resource Communities Wed 12 May 2021 14:09:06 SAST ]]> Exploring the role of social work intervention in empowering victims of crime : a case study of Alice community in Alice Wed 12 May 2021 14:09:00 SAST ]]> Design and development of a context sensitive rural development software application for eService provisioning Wed 12 May 2021 14:08:04 SAST ]]> Factors influencing employee participation in employee health and wellness programmes : the case of Mdantsane Police Station Wed 12 May 2021 14:07:54 SAST ]]> Assessing teaching strategies of grade four English second language teachers in Amathole District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Wed 12 May 2021 14:06:40 SAST ]]> Ex-offenders' perceptions towards their sexual victimisation during incarceration : a case study of Sinthumule area under Makhado Local Municipality: Limpopo Province Wed 12 May 2021 14:02:26 SAST ]]> Access to information on higher education as a barrier for rural learners of Tyolomnqa Village, Eastern Cape Wed 12 May 2021 13:46:31 SAST ]]> Exploring the effectiveness of the Ucoceko laundry project through the assessment of the positive development contributions in Molteno, Eastern Cape Wed 12 May 2021 13:45:28 SAST ]]> Challenges facing guardians of children with autism spectrum disorder: a case study of Buffalo City and Chris Hani, Eastern Cape Tue 07 May 2024 11:36:38 SAST ]]> Factors contributing to non-adherence in HIV positive patients on antiretroviral treatment in primary health care facilities, East London, Eastern Cape Tue 07 May 2024 11:08:35 SAST ]]> Exploring the experience of family members living with individuals who abuse alcohol and/or substances: Study conducted in Khayelitsha, Western Cape Tue 07 May 2024 10:40:18 SAST ]]> Assessment of the integrated HIV/AIDS curriculum at a university in the Eastern Cape: views of students and educators Tue 07 May 2024 10:33:06 SAST ]]> An analysis on the use of web-based ontology to support ubiquitous learning in South African secondary schools Thu 13 May 2021 15:40:17 SAST ]]> Dynamic Mathematical Modeling in Chemical Reaction Networks Thu 13 May 2021 08:55:22 SAST ]]> Assessment of the effect of the down-referral chronic medication distribution system on patients' adherence to chronic medication in the Buffalo City sub-district Thu 13 May 2021 08:52:05 SAST ]]> An assessment of IDP implementation and sustainable development : the case of the housing sector in Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality Thu 13 May 2021 08:17:21 SAST ]]> A qualitative study of the psychosocial well-being of adolescent females orphaned by HIV/AIDS in Nkonkobe Municipality Thu 13 May 2021 07:29:10 SAST ]]> Monetary policy credibility, exchange rate pass through and inflation in South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 07:28:20 SAST ]]> Isolation and characterization of E. coli and Campylobacter spp. from diarrhoeal samples collected from selected hospitals in Amathole District Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 06:56:13 SAST ]]> Financial liberalization and financial instability in the selected SADC member countries Thu 13 May 2021 06:47:22 SAST ]]> Calibration and validation of satellite data (images) over inland water bodies and the effect caused by the adjacency towards them Thu 13 May 2021 06:41:37 SAST ]]> Association between teacher confidence and student mathematics outcomes Thu 13 May 2021 06:30:50 SAST ]]> A trend analysis of perinatal mortalities in Barberton Hospital between 2002 and 2016 Thu 13 May 2021 06:28:17 SAST ]]> Exploring the identity construction of Johannesburg bodybuilders with Photovoice Thu 13 May 2021 06:27:24 SAST ]]> Assessing the implementation and effects of the Fetsa Tlala Food Initiative Programme in achieving its vision of eradicating household level food insecurity in Lukhanji Local Municipality, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 06:26:25 SAST ]]> Image processing and data analysis tools of a remote sensing-based euthrophication monitoring system Thu 13 May 2021 05:52:42 SAST ]]> Newspaper coverage of the 2016 #feesmustfall students' protests in Eastern Cape universities : a content analysis of daily dispatch Thu 13 May 2021 05:32:11 SAST ]]> Assessing the income derived from agricultural hawking in Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 05:22:05 SAST ]]> An exploration of first-time mothers' experiences of exclusive breastfeeding and support in the Buffalo City Metropolitan, South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 04:39:46 SAST ]]> Metabolic Systems Biology: Uncovering operations of cell and metabolism Thu 13 May 2021 04:38:15 SAST ]]> Evaluation of pharmacological properties and anti-neoplastic potentials of pelargonium iquinans and opuntia stricta extracts using acute leukemia cell lines Thu 13 May 2021 04:11:49 SAST ]]> Assessment of the Tyhume river health status using macroinvertebrates as indicators 0.05) across sites. No significant difference was observed in the ASPT scores across the 10 sites (F = 0.75; df = 9.60; P > 0.05). Site 4 had the highest mean ASPT Scores with mean of 7.6), whereas the lowest. Three biotopes types, namely: stone, vegetation, gravel-sand-mud, stone and vegetation being the dominant biotopes at the 10 sites. The cluster analyses showed that macroinvertebrates were dependent on biotope preference while stone biotope showing greater macroinvertebrate densities. Euclidean distance of site classification with respect to physico-chemical parameters showed very low stress value (0.01) implying that physico-chemical parameters influenced species distribution within each sampling site. The results also showed that good health conditions existed at the most upstream sites than the lower reaches of the river, thus, indicating impacts of pollution within the river.]]> Thu 13 May 2021 04:06:02 SAST ]]> Effects of community based organization programmes on poverty eradication : a case study of Dutywa in Mbhashe municipality, Eastern Cape Province Thu 13 May 2021 04:02:48 SAST ]]> An assessment of quality health care in the operating theatres of Frere Hospital in the Eastern Cape Thu 13 May 2021 03:53:30 SAST ]]> Evaluation of the development and use of the institutional repository by staff and students at the University of Fort Hare in Eastern Cape, South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 03:33:24 SAST ]]> Factors affecting teachers' attitude towards the implementation of inclusive education Thu 13 May 2021 03:32:59 SAST ]]> An assessment of the effects of leadership on performance : the case of selected schools in Mthatha district in the Eastern Cape Thu 13 May 2021 03:11:29 SAST ]]> Assessment of the Eastern Cape Provincial Public Service Commission in promoting public service ethics Thu 13 May 2021 02:29:46 SAST ]]> Effects of production systems and canola meal supplementation on carcass and meat quality characteristics of spent laying hens Thu 13 May 2021 02:00:02 SAST ]]> An evaluation of the effectiveness of campus safety and security measures in crime prevention at the University of Fort Hare (Alice) campus Thu 13 May 2021 01:40:48 SAST ]]> Land reform and livelihood among subsistence farmers in Great Kei local municipality, South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 01:30:20 SAST ]]> An exploratory study of control and oversight measures for ethical conduct in supply chain management : the case of Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality Thu 13 May 2021 01:01:18 SAST ]]> Farmers' perceptions of insect pests in the Eastern Cape maize-based cropping systems and the effects of crop residue management on insect pest populations Thu 13 May 2021 00:22:19 SAST ]]> A budget and expenditure review of public hospital facilities in the Eastern Cape in transition towards National Health Insurance Thu 13 May 2021 00:18:53 SAST ]]> Factors influencing adherence to treatment among clients living with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Insika Yethu sub-district, Eastern Cape Province Thu 13 May 2021 00:14:39 SAST ]]> Influence of family structure on food security status of farming households in Alice, South Africa Thu 13 May 2021 00:01:51 SAST ]]> Effects of absorptive capacity and knowledge management on innovation capabilities in small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) Mon 06 May 2024 15:41:48 SAST ]]> Experience of abuse: why wives do not leave Mon 06 May 2024 15:41:38 SAST ]]>