en-us 5 Experiences by orphaned children as learners at a Secondary School in the Maluti District of Education in the Eastern Cape Wed 12 May 2021 23:28:54 SAST ]]> Strategies employed by two (2) East London schools to adapt in times of teacher loss implications for leadership and management Wed 12 May 2021 23:26:07 SAST ]]> School stakeholders’ perceptions on the mainstreaming of pregnant learners in two East London secondary schools Wed 12 May 2021 23:11:20 SAST ]]> Teenage fathers as learners in a Butterworth Secondary School: implications for sex education Wed 12 May 2021 20:27:46 SAST ]]> Teachers’ perceptions of the mentoring of novice teachers in the King William’s Town District Wed 12 May 2021 20:07:24 SAST ]]> Academic experiences of faculty of education postgraduate students who have dropped out of a higher education institution in Eastern Cape Province Wed 12 May 2021 19:46:09 SAST ]]> Pedagogical practices of teachers in under resourced school: a case study of two rural schools in Mqanduli District of the Eastern Cape Province Wed 12 May 2021 19:22:38 SAST ]]> Investigating the learners perceptions on the factors that influence learners to use and abuse drugs: a case study of one secondary school in the Eastern Cape Province Wed 12 May 2021 19:02:27 SAST ]]> The delivery of the clothing and textiles curriculum in Zimbabwean universities: towards an integrated approach to vertical and horizontal discourses Wed 12 May 2021 18:57:05 SAST ]]> Child participation in the evaluation of the school nutrition programme: a case study of eight grade 4 learners in Mqanduli village in the Eastern Cape Wed 12 May 2021 16:16:40 SAST ]]> The influence of Educational Levels of the Parent School Governing Body Component on their participation in school governance Wed 12 May 2021 14:57:58 SAST ]]> Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions about the Value of Teaching Practice Assessment as a Catalyst to the Improvement of Quality Model Wed 12 May 2021 14:38:33 SAST ]]> The teachers’ perceptions of female principal leadership: a case study of two primary schools in the East London district Thu 13 May 2021 15:03:15 SAST ]]> Training of teachers in multigrade teaching: integration of vertical and horizontal knowledge in post -training Thu 13 May 2021 08:20:59 SAST ]]> Educators'perceptions on the contribution of South African Democratic Teachers' Union to teacher professional development Thu 13 May 2021 07:21:54 SAST ]]> Academic experiences of faculty of education postgraduate students who have dropped out of a higher education institution in the Eastern Cape Province Thu 13 May 2021 04:46:27 SAST ]]> An investigation of teachers' perceptions of their professionalism: a case study of three schools in the Butterworth district, Eastern Cape Thu 13 May 2021 04:26:58 SAST ]]> Stakeholder participation in strategic planning processes at three colleges of education in Zimbabwe: towards the development of a participatory process in strategic planning Thu 13 May 2021 02:57:25 SAST ]]> Research supervision experiences of masters in education students at a South African University Thu 13 May 2021 02:20:46 SAST ]]> The analysis of industrial attachment assessment procedures for industrial clothing design and construction: implications for a vertically and horizontally integrated curriculum in the polytechnic colleges in zimbabwe Thu 13 May 2021 01:49:20 SAST ]]> Amakrwala experiences as learners in a Buffalo City secondary school: implications for school leadership and management Thu 13 May 2021 01:12:57 SAST ]]> An investigation into factors that influence parental involvement in the development of their children's literacy in the secondary school level: a case study of a combined school in the Eastern Cape Thu 13 May 2021 00:04:30 SAST ]]>